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Knonau Kirche |
Arbogast Urmi, ≈ Knonau 01.01.1657, Sohn des Alexander, + 23.11.1736
oo Knonau 14.11.1683
Regula Ehrensperger, Jakob Ehrenspergers sel. Tochter von Maschwanden
Kinder: alle getauft in Knonau
10.12.1684 Rudolf, oo 22.11.1713 Barbara Weilenmann, Heinis Tochter
24.05.1686 Jacob, + 23.03.1751
26.12.1687 Hans Jacob, + 23.01.1753
17.04.1690 Elßbeth
24.01.1694 Elßbeth, + 03.02.1694
23.06.1695 Elßbeth, oo Maschwanden 16.03.1720 Heinrich Buchmann
12.06.1698 Verena, oo Kappel am Albis 06.12.1724 Christoph Grob von Hauptikon
11.06.1702 Anna
Taufen nach 1707 wurden nicht systematisch kontrolliert.
C-4-10-1) Rudi Urmi oo 1713 Barbara Weilenmann (in Maschwanden)
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Maschwanden-FamReg-1721-1722-E III 73.6-Urmi-Rudi-f008126953-p364 |
Hans Rudolf Urmi, ≈ Knonau 06.01.1661, son of Alexander [§]
oo Mettmenstetten 06.08.1684 “Married in Mettmenstetten; meal in the Obermettmenstetten inn”
Veronika Funk, Hansen des Lismer's daughter from Obermettmenstetten.
[According to the marriage entry “Xanders sel. son. He has bought into Uerzlikon, but has not yet moved there.”
Vronegg Urmi had their last child named Anna in 1644. Anna Sidler's Godmother was Anna Lüssi who is the wife of Alexander. Alexander is also Vronegg's half brother.
256) Alexander Urmi oo 1643 Anna Lüssi
Alexander Urmi, ≈ Knonau 09.12.1618, in der Baregg, Sohn des Ulrich, 1670 Ehegaumer, + vor 1678.
oo Knonau 30.08.1643
Anna Lüssi von Zwillikon, "Ueli Lüßis" Tochter
1. 13.11.1644 Barbara (wird im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1678 nicht genannt) Wolf: obiit Peste in Alsatia temp. messis anno 1667. So Barbara died in Alsace from the plague during the harvest season 1667.
2. 27.03.1646 Verena, oo Maschwanden 05.03.1679 Hans Stehli
3. 09.05.1647 Margreth (wird im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1678 nicht genannt, lebt aber 1683 bei ihrem Bruder Arbogast)
4. 27.08.1648 Ulrich, + 20.01.1649
5. 16.12.1649 Ulrich, oo 03.03.1678 Vollenweider Regula
7. 18.01.1652 Jakob (Jaggli), oo 20.04.1681 Adelheid Funk
02.04.1654 Felix, son of Alexander Urmi and Anna Leüssin in der Baregg, obiit in der Frömde.
So Felix died abroad.)
C-4-10) Arbogast Urmi oo 1683 Regula Ehrensperger
Arbogast Urmi, ≈ Knonau 01.01.1657, Sohn des Alexander, + 23.11.1736
oo Knonau 14.11.1683
Regula Ehrensperger, Jakob Ehrenspergers sel. Tochter von Maschwanden
Kinder: alle getauft in Knonau
10.12.1684 Rudolf, oo 22.11.1713 Barbara Weilenmann, Heinis Tochter
24.05.1686 Jacob, + 23.03.1751
26.12.1687 Hans Jacob, + 23.01.1753
17.04.1690 Elßbeth
24.01.1694 Elßbeth, + 03.02.1694
23.06.1695 Elßbeth, oo Maschwanden 16.03.1720 Heinrich Buchmann
12.06.1698 Verena, oo Kappel am Albis 06.12.1724 Christoph Grob von Hauptikon
11.06.1702 Anna
Taufen nach 1707 wurden nicht systematisch kontrolliert.
Hans Jacob Urmi, ≈ Knonau 26.12.1687, Sohn von Arbogast, 1750 Ehegaumer, wohnhaft in der Unter-Baregg, + 23.01.1753.
oo Knonau 02.05.1722 "propter perpetratam lasciviam coronis indigni"
Katharina Kleiner von Maschwanden, ≈ 18.05.1689
Kinder (laut Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1750):
23.04.1724 Barbara
06.10.1726 Verena, oo Ottenbach 25.01.1752 Hans Schneebeli, Heinrichs sel. Sohn
12.02.1730 Hans Jacob
Evtl. weitere, aber vor 1750 verheiratete oder verstorbene Kinder sind im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis nicht aufgelistet.
12. 06.01.1661 Hans Rudolf (wird im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1678 genannt)
13. 13.02.1662 Verena, + 12.05.1683
14. 13.03.1664 Alexander, + 1671
Wolf: And one more on Knonau-Tauf-1663-1664-film008014288-page121.jpg:
13.03.1664 Alexander, obiit 14. vor (Weihnacht?) 1671
Unfortunately there is a blot over the entry: it would be helpful if you could provide a copy of this page in full resolution.
Alexander died in 1671 on a 14th prior to some holidy (Xmas??): possibly you could find a death record in 1671 clarifying the issue.
16. 09.03.1670 Barbara, lebt 1683 bei ihrem Bruder Jaggeli
Wolf: I just came across an interesting entry on Knonau-Tauf-1644-1645-film 008014288-page104.jpg:
No further children are mentioned in the population register of 1634.
[The only definite reference to the marriage is the description of Ulrich Urmi as a widower when he married in 1608.
On 10.11.1605 Vronegg Urmi, daughter of Ulrich(?) Urmi and Margreth Zürcher, “uß der Baregk” is baptized in Knonau: Margreth Zürcher could be this first wife and Vronegg a child from the first marriage.
Based solely on the church records of Knonau, no common progenitor of all known Urmi of Knonau can be determined. Rather, there are 4 bearers of the name in the early church records to whom no parents can be assigned. Their descendants are summarized below as lines A ... D. In addition to the markings shown below, there are numbers {nnn} in curved brackets: these Kekule numbers refer to Johann Robert Urmi (20.10.1891-27.08.1982) as the proband.
Wife 1 Margreth Zürcher
child: 23.12.1632 Rudolf
2. 10.11.1605 Froneck (MZ) oo 03.02.1629 Jakob Sidler
3. 02.11.1617 Anna (MW)
2. 09.12.1618 Alexander (MW) oo 30.08.1643 Anna Lüssi, + 14.10.1676 {256}
1. 13.11.1644 Barbara
2. 27.03.1646 Verena oo 05.03.1679
3. 09.05.1647 Margreth
4. 27.08.1648 Ulrich, + 20.01.1649
5. 16.12.1649 Ulrich oo 03.03.1678 Regula Vollenweider
C-4-5-1) 13.12.1679 Hanßli
C-4-5-2) 18.09.1682 Anneli
6. 31.03.1651 Anna
7. 18.07.1652 Jakob oo 20.04.1681 Adelheid Funk {128}
8. 02.04.1654 Felix, obiit in der Frömde
9. 02.09.1655 Hans Jakob, +30.08.1676
10. 01.01.1657 Arbogast oo 14.11.1683, + 23.11.1736
11. 29.05.1659 Heinrich, + 16.08.1676
12. 06.01.1661 Hans Rudolf
13. 13.02.1662 Verena, + 12.05.1683
14. 13.03.1664 Alexander, + 1671
15. 19.11.1665 Elisabeth, + 01.09.1676
16. 09.03.1670 Barbara
3. 03.09.1620 Margreth (MW)
512) Ulrich Urmi ooI Margreth Zürcher, ooII Anna Kueni, ooIII Margaretha Walder
Post by Wolf » Sun 15. Sep 2024, 12:08
Ulrich Urmi "uß der Baregg", Wachtmeister, + Knonau 28.03.1643
Margreth Zürcher, [§]
27.01.1602 Hans oo 11.02.1629 Baur Barbara (vidua)
10.11.1605 Froneck (Veronika) oo 03.02.1629 Jakob Sidler
Ulrich Urmi
ooII Knonau 20.03.1608
Anna Kueni von Knonau
Kinder: 1608-1617 keine gefunden
Ulrich Urmi
ooIII Knonau 12.01.1617
Margaretha Walder, ≈ Knonau 22.08.1594 als Tochter des Felix und der Anna Baur (kein Heiratseintrag gefunden), + Knonau 20.10.1644
02.11.1617 Anna (wird im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1634 nicht genannt - ist also vmtl. vorher verstorben)
09.12.1618 Alexander, dient 1640 im Hoff Buch
03.09.1620 Margreth, dient 1640 im Hoff Buch, oo 19.01.1642 Frick Hans "Heini Fricken" Sohn von Knonau.
Im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1634 werden keine weiteren Kinder genannt.
Laut Heiratseintrag von 1643 ist Alexander Urmi "Ueli Urmis sel. gewäsnen Wachtmeisters in der Baregg ehelich hinderlaßner Sohn".
[§] Ein Heiratseintrag Uli Urmi mit Margreth Zürcher findet sich nicht - vmtl. haben sie zwischen 1584 und 1601 (Lücke im Ehebuch Knonau) geheiratet. Der Name der Ehefrau ist nur aus den beiden Kindstaufen bekannt. Bei der Heirat 1608 war Uli Urmi Witwer.
Die Kekule-Nummer (512) bezieht sich auf Johann Robert Urmi (20.10.1891-27.08.1982) als Probanden.
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1594 Margreth Walder baptism parents: Felix Walder-Anna Bur 22 Aug Knonau film 008014288 page 65 |
Margreth ein ehliche Dochter Felix Walders vnd Anna Bur ward getauft den 22. tag Augsten Anno 1594.
Note: Bur could be Baur or Bauer today - no entry in Zürcher Ehedatenbank.
der zitt EmdtVogt der Herrschaft Knonouw: at the time "Amtmann" (bailiff) of the Knonau district.
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1617 Uli Urmi marriage to Margetha Walderin 12 Jan Knonau film 008014288 page 126 |
We have 3 Urmi marriages on this page:
11.02.1616 Felix Vrmi vß der Baregg & Elsbetha Grobin zu Knonouw
12.01.1617 Vli Vrmi vß der Baregg, viduus & Margaretha Walderin zu Knonouw
03.05.1626 Hans Künradt Vrmi & Agnes Heggetschwÿller, beide zu Kno(nouw)
Note: There is no proven relationship between these three - best seen on 4 Linien Urmi von Knonau ZH: Felix listed as D / Ulrich listed as C / Hans Konrad listed as A-1.
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1618 Alexander Urmi baptism 9 December Father Urmi mother Margreth Walder Knonau film page 82 |
Kinder: Alexander, ein ehl(iches) Kind
Parents: Vli Vrmi, Margreth Walder vß der Bareg
Godparents: Alexander Freÿ zu Knonouw, Elsbeth Grobin zu Knonouw
9 Dece(m)br(is) [1618]
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1620 Margreta Urmi bap Üli Urmi and Margreth Walder 3 Sep Knonau film 008014288 page 83 |
Margreth, ein ehl(iches) Kind
Vli Vrmi, Margreth Walder vß d(er) Baldeg
Heinrich Trümpler von Rüschlikon
Margreth Frÿgin (= Frei) vß der Baldegg
3. Herpstmonat [1620]
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1634 Knonau Census film 008126308 page 270 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis |
Uolrich Vrmj vnd Margretha Walderin
Alexander, 15½ järig, kan auch den kürtzren [...?]
Margretha, 13½ järig, kann bätten [beten], die H(eiligen) 10 gebott
Felix Vrminn vnd Adelhrita Grobin
Gourius, 11½ järig kann bätten [beten], die H(eiligen) 10 gebott
Verena, 4½ järig
Anna 3 jär(ig)
Köngeli [Küngeli = Küngold], Järig
This information had already been incorporated in the summary table.
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1643 Alexander Urmi marriage 30 Aug to Anna Lüßin Knonau page 127 |
1643. den 30. Augstmonat hand Hochzÿt ghalten: Uoli Urmis sel(ig) gewäsner Wachtmeister in der Baregg ehelicher hinderlaßner Sohn: mit nammen Alexander : und Uoli Lüßis von Zwillikon, eheliche Tochter mit nammen Anna: warend zuovor noch beide ledig.
On 30 August 1643 held wedding: Alexander, the late Uli Urmi's, former constable in Baregg, son, and Uli Lüssi's daughter Anna from Zwillikon. Both had previously been unmarried.
According to the marriage entry from 1643, Alexander Urmi is “Ueli Urmi's own westerly constable's son in the Baregg”.
Alexander Urmi, in der Baregg
oo Knonau 30.08.1643
Anna Lüssi von Zwillikon, "Ueli Lüßis" Tochter
"Ueli Urmis sel. gewäsnen Wachtmeisters in der Baregg ehelich hinderlaßner Sohn"
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1644 Oct 20 .Margaretha Walder, widow of Ulrich Urmi Baaragg burial film 008014288 page 131 |
den 20. Octobr(is) [1644] starb Margretha Walder; Vli Vrmiß Séligen, gewäsnen Wachtmeisters vß der Baregg, Eheliche hinder(laßne) Wittfrauw.
Note: The last line is partially obscured - but hinder(laßne) Wittfrauw would be the standard text for a widow
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1649 Alexander Urmi and Anna Lüßin Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Knonau film 008126304 page 161 |
Alexander Vrmi, der Ehegaumer vnd Anna Leüsßj
Ihre 3 Kinder:
Barbelj, 4 jahr, 25 woch(en) allt
Vrendlj, 3 jahr v(nd) 6 woch(en) allt
Gertlj, 2 jahr alt
I have summarized this plus the data from 1670 in a table on Geneal-Forum.
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1664 Alexander Urmi (son's) baptism 13 Mar Parents Alexander and Anna Leüssin Knonau film 008014288 page 121 |
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1670 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Baregger, Knonau Alexander Urmi film 007765846 page 334 |
256) Alexander Urmi oo 1643 Anna Lüssi
Alexander Urmi, ≈ Knonau 09.12.1618, in the Baregg, son of Ulrich, 1670 Ehegaumer.
oo Knonau 30.08.1643
Anna Lüssi of Zwillikon, “Ueli Lüßi's” daughter
Children (further children not yet consistently sought):
27.03.1646 Verena, oo Maschwanden 05.03.1679 Hans Stehli
18.01.1652 Jaggli
Children according to Knonau population registers 1649 and 1670 (supplemented with exact baptism data from familysearch and the Zurich marriage database):
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The Kekule number (256) refers to Johann Robert Urmi (20.10.1891-27.08.1982) as the subject |
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1676 Hans Jakob bur Aug 30 Knonau Film 008014288 page 355 and burial of Alexander Urmi b 1618 burial 14.10.1676 |
(15) 18.08.1676
Heÿni, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg Ehelicher Söhnen einer, 17 Jahr vnd 12 Wochen Allt, der starb den 18. dito [Augstmonat 1696].
Ehelicher Söhnen einer = one of his legitimate sons.
(18) 30.08.1676 see previous topic
Hanß Jacob, Alexander Vrmiß, in der Baregg, ehelicher 21-jähriger Sohn, starb den 30. dito [Augstmonat 1696].
(21) 01.09.1676
Elßeli, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg Eheliches Eeinlef-Jähriges Töchterlj [minder XI wochen] Starb den 1. tag Septembris [1676].
Eeinlef = elf (eleven) - a spelling I have never seen before - but fits the baptismal date.
(25) 14.10.1676
Wachtmeister Alexander Vrmi in der Baregg starb den 14. dito.
As the dates oft he previous entries cannot be identified clearly it could be 14 October (more likely) or November 1676. Anyway - this is Alexander, born 1618.
Heÿni, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg Married sons of one, 17 years and 12 weeks old, who died on the 18th ditto [August month 1696].
Ehelicher Söhnen einer = one of his legitimate sons.
(18) 30.08.1676 see previous topic
Hanß Jacob, Alexander Vrmiß, in the Baregg, legitimate 21-year-old son, died the 30th ditto [August month 1696].
(21) 01.09.1676
Elßeli, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg, married eleven-year-old daughter [less than XI weeks] died the 1st day of September [1676].
Eeinlef = elf (eleven) - a spelling I have never seen before - but fits the baptismal date.
(25) 14.10.1676
Constable Alexander Vrmi in the Baregg died the 14th ditto.
As the dates oft he previous entries cannot be identified clearly it could be 14 October (more likely) or November 1676. Anyway - this is Alexander, born 1618.
Hanß Jacob, Alexander Vrmiß, in der Baregg, ehelicher 21-jähriger Sohn, starb den 30. dito [Augstmonat 1696].
Note: So this is not Alexander's death entry, but his son's: Hans Jakob died at the age of 21 - i.e. born about 1655.
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1678 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Baregger Anna Lüssi, Film 008126303 page 540 |
III Baregg
Vnden für dem Hof Buch
A. Anna Leüssin; Vander (= Alexander) Vrmiß Sël(ig) Eheliche hinderlassene Wittfr(au)w, Deren Kinder.
1. Verena - 32 Jahr vnd 6 w(ochen), dienet zu Zwilliken
2. Anna - 27 Jahr vnd 3 woch(en), dienet im Buch
3. Jagli - 25½ Jahr vnd 15 w(ochen), dienet zu Mëttma(n)stetten
4. Arbogast - 21 Jahr vnd 18 woch(en). Ist wol-erfahren in Catecheticis; v(nd) communiciert.
5. Hanß Rudj - 17 Jahr vnd 17 woch(en). Recitat Testimonia [S(cit)?] vnd kann die vorgehenden Stuck [..]
6. Vrendlj - 16 Jahr vnd 3 woch(en). Scit fragmenta.
7. Barbelj - 8 Jährig vnd 8 wöchig, scit Triadem püopularem.
Ibidem Ehe-Leüth:
Vllj Vrmj; deren obverzeichneten Kinderen Bruder vnnd Rëgel Vollenweider
Missing on the list is Margreth (≈ 09.05.1647 > 31 years) who in 1683 lives with her brother Arbogast.
Missing on the list is Margreth (≈ 09.05.1647 > 31 years) who in 1683 lives with her brother Arbogast.
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1683 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Baregger film 008126301 page 871 |
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1683 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Baregger film 008126301 page 871 |
C-4-3) Margreth Urmi (≈ 09.05.1647) in the population register 1683 (reading aid)
I rather read:
Margreth Urmi his booster arbetselligen
arbetselligen = laborious
In 1683 Margreth lives with her brother Arbogast in Baregg: please help me read the rest of the line.
Säntis answer:
Hello Wolf,
Following are Hoff (farm) Buch and Baregg
1 Vli Vrmi / Regula Vollenweider (oo 03.03.1678)
Kinder: Hanßli (3), Anneli (1½)
11 Jaggeli Vrmi dermal (earlier) in Buch / Adelheit Funck
Diße habend by sich des Mans Schwöster Barbeli Vrmi (13)
They have with them the husband's sister Barbara Urmi (≈ 09.03.1670)
111 Arbogast Vrmi ledigen Stands (not married - gets married 14.11.1683)
Margreth Vrmi sein Schwöster .... ....... leibs.
Cannot decipher two words with confidence - but assume his sister Margreth was pregnant; check 1783/84 for an illegitimate child of a Margreth Urmi
15 Felix …. Wäber (weaver) / Margretha Meÿerin
I am not sure about this entry (cannot find a marriage record) - but definitely not an Urmi.
11 Jaggeli Vrmi dermal (earlier) in Buch / Adelheit Funck
They have with them the husband's sworn husband Barbeli Vrmi (13)
They have with them the husband's sister Barbara Urmi (≈ 09.03.1670)
111 Arbogast Vrmi single status (not married - gets married 14.11.1683)
Rudi Urmi, ≈ Knonau 10.12.1684, son of Arbogast, innkeeper and weaver. “Had as long as he worked in the trade a good ... ... .... ... the innkeeper's house dissolute: and devoted to drink.”
oo Maschwanden 22.11.1713 (married 1713)
Barbara Weilenmann, ≈ 09.06.1689, Heini's daughter
07.11.1714 Hans >>> Maschwanden
25.07.1717 Hans Jacob
13.__.1719 Rudi
08.10.1721 Anna
Source: Maschwanden family register 1721/22 (E III 73.6) with additions
Margreth Vrmi his sworn wife .... ....... leibs.
Cannot decipher two words with confidence - but assume his sister Margreth was pregnant; check 1783/84 for an illegitimate child of a Margreth Urmi
15 Felix .... Wäber (weaver) / Margretha Meÿerin
I am not sure about this entry (cannot find a marriage record) - but definitely not an Urmi. (new info, this is Alexander's son b 1654)
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1683 Arbogast ? 14.11.1683 and Verena Urmi 12.05.1683 marriage Knonau film 008014288 page 355 |
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1702 Anna Urmi bap 11 June. Father Arbogast mother Regula Ehrenstärgerin Knonau film 008014288 page 156jpg 2 |
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1721 Rudi Urmi Familybook Maschwanden family register 1721-22 (E III 73.6) with additions film 008826953 page 364 |
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1825 Map including Knonau and Baregg film 008191932 page 433 The page before this map says 1825. |
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Baareguth center, Knonau on the left. |
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Ottenbach to Knonau 5.5 miles.You could walk this distance. |
09 Dec 1618 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1620 1
Birth of sister Margaretha Urmi (1620–)
03 Sep 1620 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1643 24
Death of father Ulrich Urmi (–1643)
28 Mar 1643 • Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1643 24
1644 25
Birth of daughter Barbara Urmi (1644–)
13 Nov 1644 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1646 27
Birth of daughter Verena Urmi (1646–)
27 Mar 1646 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1647 28
Birth of daughter Margareth Urmi (1647–)
09 May 1647 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1648 29
Birth of son Ulrich Urmi (1648–1649)
27 Aug 1648 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1649 30
Death of son Ulrich Urmi (1648–1649)
20 Jan 1649 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1649 31
Birth of son Ulrich Urmi (1649–)
16 Dec 1649 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1651 32
Birth of daughter Anna Urmi (1651–)
31 Mar 1651 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1652 33
Birth of son Jakob Urmi (1652–)
18 Jul 1652 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1654 36
Birth of son Felix Urmi (1654–)
1654 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1655 36
Birth of son Hans Jakob Urmi (1655–)
02 Sep 1655 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1657 38
Birth of son Arbogast Urmi (1657–1736)
01 Jan 1657 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1659 40
Birth of son Heinrich Urmi (1659–1672)
29 May 1659 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1661 42
Birth of son Hans Rudolf Urmi (1661–)
06 Jan 1661 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1662 43
Birth of daughter Verena Urmi (1662–1683)
13 Apr 1662 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1664 45
Birth of son Alexander Urmi (1664–1671)
13 Mar 1664 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1665 46
Birth of daughter Elisabeth Urmi (1665–1676)
19 Nov 1665 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1670 51
Birth of daughter Barbara Urmi (1670–)
09 Mar 1670 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1671 53
Death of son Alexander Urmi (1664–1671)
1672 54
Death of son Heinrich Urmi (1659–1672)
1676 58
Death of daughter Elisabeth Urmi (1665–1676)
1683 64
Death of daughter Verena Urmi (1662–1683)
12 May 1683 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland
1736 117
Death of son Arbogast Urmi (1657–1736)
23 Nov 1736 • Baregg, Knonau, Zürich, Switzerland