Sunday, June 30, 2024

Regula Jenta 1814-1814

When Regula Jenta was born on 31 May 1814, in Wetzikon, Zürich, Switzerland, her father, Rudolf Jenta, was 43 and her mother, Elisabeth Freÿ, was 39. She died on 3 June 1814, at the age of 5 days.

Regula wird am 31.Mai 1814 als Tochter von Rudolf Jenta und Lisabeth Frey in Ettenhausen geboren und am 5. Juni (und dazu die Frage) (and the question) in Wetzikon getauft.

Wolf Transcription: Laut Totenbuch verstirbt sie aber schon am 3. Juni, was bei einer Geburt am 31. Mai zur Altersangabe 4 Tage passt.

Auf der anderen Seite stammt der vorangegangene Sterbeeintrag von 4. Juni - was eher dafür sprechen würde, dass Regula am 5. Juni verstorben ist und gerade noch vorher getauft worden war. Nur stimmt das Sterbealter dann halt nicht mehr.

Was ist die wahrscheinlichere Erklärung?

Zweite Frage: Todesursache Debitato (zumindest lese ich das so). Wäre das eine alternative Schreibweise (oder Abkürzung) für entweder Debilitas (Schwäche) oder Debilitatio (Lähmung) ... oder etwas ganz Anderes?

DeepL Translation: According to the register of the dead, however, she died on June 3, which, given that she was born on May 31, fits with the age indication of 4 days.

On the other hand, the previous death entry is dated 4 June - which would rather suggest that Regula died on 5 June and had just been baptized. But then the age at death is no longer correct.

What is the more likely explanation?

Second question: cause of death Debitato (at least that's how I read it). Would that be an alternative spelling (or abbreviation) for either debilitas (weakness) or debilitatio (paralysis) ... or something completely different?

Question: According to the baptismal and death registers she was baptised 2 days after her death - which is clearly wrong.

Documents related to Regula Jenta:

1814 Regula Jenta baptism 31 May Wetzikon
film 008480741  page 130
1814 / g(eboren) d(den) 31 Maj / get(auft) d(en) 5 Jun / Regula
Parents: Rudolf Jenta, Bek (Bäcker) (Baker) v(on) Etenhausen, g(eboren) d(en) 19 Maj 1771 / Lisabeth Freÿ v(on) Bir(r) K(anton) Aargäu
Witnesses: H(ans) Rudolf Bueler (Büeler) v(on) Walfershausen / Regula Wismer v(on) Robenhaus(en)
Note: Regula Wismer FS: 94ZB-R3F
1814 Regula Jenta burial 3 Jun Wetzikon
film 008480741 page 326
First two columns are running numbers for males and females.
1814 Jun 3 / Regula - Rudolf Jenta des Bekers v(on) Etenhausen T(ochter) (daughter)
aged 4 days / Debitato
Note: I cannot find Debitato as cause of death, but will likely connected to either Debilitas (weakness) or Debilitatio(paralysis) - both would be plausible.