Sunday, June 30, 2024

Heinrich Salzmann 1802-after 1875


When Heinrich Salzmann was born in 1802, in Maschwanden, Zürich, Switzerland, his father, Heinrich Salzmann, was 29 and his mother, Anna Katharina Baumann, was 29. He married
Anna Barbara Jenta on 13 December 1828, in Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. Heinrich was a justice of the peace in Maschwanden. They were the parents of one daughter. She was born in 1839 and named Anna Salzmann, Her birth was 10 November, and baptism 24 November.  As noted in Anna's death record
Heinrich died after 1875 and there are no records after this date. More information on Heinrich: Geneal-Forum.

Amazing fact: The Jenta family and the Salzmann family have strong connections. Two of Rudolf Jenta's (b 1771) children married two of Heinrich Salzman's (b 1773) children.

Here are Heinrich Salzmann Sr's. two children who married Jentas. 
Heinrich Salzmann Jr. was Heinrich Sr's third child. He was born 8 January 1802, baptized 10 January, Communion - 1819. He married Anna Barbara Jenta (b 1806) 15 December 1828 in St. Peter in Zürich.
Margaretha Salzmann was Heinrich Sr's fourth child. She was  born 27 Sep 1804, baptized 30th, Communion - September 1820. She married Heinrich Jenta (b 1
808) on 2nd February 1829 at St.Peters in Zürich. 
Note: It appears the families went to church together, had communion within a year of each other and married within a year of each other.

Wolf  Transcription: Heinrich Salzmann, * Maschwanden 08.01.1802 (gleichentags getauft) als Sohn des Heinrich und der Anna Catharina Baumann, 1855 Friedensrichter, † nach 1875 (überlebt seine Frau). oo Zürich-St-Peter 13.12.1828
Anna Barbara Jenta, ≈ Wetzikon 15.06.1806 als Tochter des Rudolf und der Elisabetha Frey, † Maschwanden 16.11.1875.
Wolf Translation
Husband: Heinrich Salzmann, * Maschwanden 08.01.1802 (baptized the same day) as son of Heinrich and Anna 
Wife: Catharina Baumann, 1855 justice of the peace, † after 1875 (survived by his wife).
Marriage:oo Zurich-St-Peter 13.12.1828
Anna Barbara Jenta, ≈ Wetzikon 15.06.1806 as daughter of Rudolf and Elisabetha Frey, † Maschwanden 16.11.1875.

Documents related to Heinrich Salzmann:

1745 Caspar Salzmann Familienregister film 008126953 page 106Heinrich
Salzmann's (b 1802) grandfather 
Caspar Salzmann (1745-1817) oo Leutert

Husband: Caspar Salzmann, ≈ Maschwanden 05.12.1745 als Sohn des Heinrich und der Anna Frick (deren Ehe 13.01.1740), Bäcker, 1797-98 Ehegaumer, † 1817.
oo Zürich-St.Peter 27.06.1768 (Familienregister)
Wife: Veronika Leutert, ≈ 30.03.1749 als Tochter des Heinrich Leutert und der Elisabetha Buchmann (deren Ehe 23.11.1735), † 04.08.1811
Kinder (nebst 2 verstorbenen und 1 verheirateten Tochter):
≈ 17.10.1773 Heinrich der Ältere
≈ 08.06.1778 Heinrich der Jüngere, Schuster, ging in die Fremde 1798, 1802 Taufpate des Neffen.
≈ 26.12.1779 Verena, oo 1804 Schulmeister Jakob Studer
≈ 25.03.1781 Hans Jakob, Schuster
≈ 21.07.1782 Susanna, oo 1812 Hans Jakob Frick
Parents: Caspar Salzmann, ≈ Maschwanden 05.12.1745 as son of Heinrich and Anna Frick (their marriage 13.01.1740), baker, 1797-98 Ehegaumer, † death 1817.
oo Zurich-St.Peter 27.06.1768 (family register)
Veronika Leutert, ≈ 30.03.1749 as daughter of Heinrich Leutert and Elisabetha Buchmann (whose marriage 23.11.1735), † death: 04.08.1811
Children (in addition to 2 deceased and 1 married daughter):
≈ 17.10.1773 Heinrich Salzmann the Elder
≈ 08.06.1778 Heinrich Salzmann the younger, shoemaker, went abroad 1798, 1802 godfather of nephew.
≈ 26.12.1779 Verena Salzmann, married schoolmaster Jakob Studer in 1804
≈ 25.03.1781 Hans Jakob Salzmann, cobbler
≈ 21.07.1782 Susanna Salzmann, oo 1812 Hans Jakob Frick
More: … des vorigen Bernhard(?) Söhne / 1 Bruder
If I interpret this correctly Caspar and a brother are sons of a Bernhard(?) - possibly listed on a previous page: you may want to check this.
Caspars mother was Anna Fri(c)k aus der Mülle [Mühle]: she will have been a miller's daughter.
Veronica Lüthard (and other spellings in other documents): todays spelling = Leutert.
Heinrich (born 1779): cannot decipher part of the text - but there is reference to a subsequent page with his family.
Hans Jakob (born 1781): same.
Bottom line: lives Im 47b Hause / wohnt beÿ s(eine)m Sohn 31,2: likely Caspar moved after his wife's death (1811) to his son.
1773 Heinrich Salzmann family in Maschwanden  Familienregister
film 008126953 page 106, Heinrich Salzmann's parents and siblings.
Document info: This seems to be from what is listed in the catalogue as "Familienregister (1796) 1715-1821" - which agrees with started in 1796 and updated until 1821.
Correct - fourth column is the year of first communion - usually on Easter with youths aged about 18.
Just below the surname it is written Inselben 1 Sohn [1 surviving son living with the family].
Husband: Heinrich Salzmann, Schuster, der ältere. Elltern, die Obigen [Heinrich sen - as he has a son Heinrich; his parents will most likely be listed on the previous page] (
Heinrich, cobbler, the elder. Elltern, the above)
Marriage: marries 24. Apr. 1797
Wife: A(nna) Catharina Baumann, von Affholteren. Par(entes) H(an)s Jakob Baumann, der Schmid, u(nd) Margaretha Hurter, von dort [see parents' marriage]
House: Zogen 1803 ins Haus N. 26 [moved into house nr. 26 in 1803]

1. Heinrich Salzmann Birth: 25 Jun 1797 Baptized 2 July
Info: starb an Poken aet(atis) bald 3 J(ahr) [Heinrich died from smallpox, aged close to 3 years … should be 4 years from 1797-1801]
2. Anna Salzmann Born: 8 July 1799 Baptized 10 July
Info: nups(it) [married] 1820 Bernhard(?) Buchmann.
3. Heinrich Salzmann Born 8 Jan 1802 Baptized 10 Jan Sacrament: comm. 1819 (married Anna Barbara Jenta b 1806)
4. Margaretha Salzmann Born 27 Sep 1804, Baptized 30th, Sacrament: Sep 1820 (married Heinrich Jenta b 1808)
5. Elisabetha Salzmann Born 15 Jun 1808 
Transcription: Ziehen in ihr eigen Stube im neuen Haus N.35.B, den __ Novbr. 1808.
Translation: In Nov. 1808 the family moved into the new house nr. 35B "into their own room": with all the kids they will not have lived in a single room - so "Stube" must not be interpreted here a room, instead it will be a separate part of the building, similar to a flat or semi-detached.

Kent Q. What is the difference between Bürgerbuch (I assume a list of citizens) and a Grabnmmer as listed in the heading? FS has Familienregisters (which tells about religious education). and Haushaltungsrodel which are like family group sheets listing the whole family.
Wolf A. Bürgerbuch is a collection of family sheets - you have several examples in your blog … follows up on Haushaltsrodel , Bevölkerungsverzeichnis and the like.
Grabnummer is the number of the grave in the cemetery - so if an old plan has survived you might find it there - the grave itself will be gone by today.

1802 Heinrich Salzmann baptism January 8 birth, 10th baptism 
film 008125639 page 43 

Born and baptised 8. Jenner 1802: Heinrich.
B(ürger) Heinrich Salzmann, der Schuhmacher / A(nna) Catharina Baumann.
B(ürger) Heinrich Salzmann, Schuster, jünger, des Vaters Bruder / Regula Schneebeli, B(ürger) Heinrich Baumanns, des Schmids Frau, von Affoltern.
So my assumption was correct: see the Familienregister for Caspar Salzmann, father of both brothers with the same name (Salzmann Heinrich) just differentiated by "the younger" and "the older".
The mention "Bürger" = citizen shows the French influence 

(Napoleon) during this time.
Deepl: Born and baptized 8. Jenner 1802: Heinrich.
B(uerger) Heinrich Salzmann, the shoemaker / A(nna) Catharina Baumann.
B(ürger) Heinrich Salzmann, shoemaker, younger, his father's brother / Regula Schneebeli, B(ürger) Heinrich Baumann, the shoemaker's wife, of Affoltern.
So my assumption was correct: see the family register for Caspar Salzmann, father of both brothers with the same name (Salzmann Heinrich) just differentiated by "the younger" and "the older".
The mention "Bürger" = citizen shows the French influence (Napoleon) during this time.

1828 Anna Barbara Jenta marriage announcement in Wetzikon 15 December Heinrich Salzmann film 008480741 page 518 
1828, 7 Dec
Heinrich Salzmann von Maschwanden and Anna Barbara Jenta von Ettenhausen
cop 15 Dec
(married in St. Peter's Zürich)

Laut Volkskalendar auf das Jahr 1855:

  • Birth

    8 JAN 1802 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Baptism

    10 JAN 1802 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age2—Birth of sister Margaretha Salzmann (1804–)

    27 SEP 1804 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age6—Birth of sister Elisabeth Salzmann (1808–)

    15 JUN 1808 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age12—Death of mother Anna Katharina Baumann (1769–1814)

    8 MAR 1814 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age26—Marriage

    1828 • CH, ZH, Zürich, St. Peter

  • Age27—Birth of daughter Elisabeth Salzmann (1829–)

    3 OCT 1829 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age37—Birth of daughter Anna Salzmann (1839–)

    10 NOV 1839 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age46—Death of father Heinrich Salzmann (1773–1848)

    16 SEP 1848 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden

  • Age73—Death of wife Anna Barbara Jenta von Ettenhausen (1802–1875)

    16 NOV 1875 • CH, ZH, Maschwanden