Documents related to Regula Jenta:
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3 July 1781 Regula Jenta baptism, Wetzikon |
3. Juli (1781) Regula
Parents: Schulmeister Kaspar Jenta, Anna Wolfensperger, [both] von Etenhausen.
Godparents: Kirchenpfleger [church warden] Johann Weber von Hinwil, The godmother was Regula Vontobel from Pfäffikon, born 06.09.1749. On 22.02.1773 she had married the miller Hans Gujer from Kempten. More detail see https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=33922#p127032.
Note: In this Baptism entry (marked in red) in Wetzikon I'm not interested in the person being baptized (Regula The girl), but the god: Regula Gujer "von Tobel". This ravine is not a civic place - I suspect it is the courtyard Tobel near Kempten, just a few steps from the mill in Kempten.
Note: According to the family name book, Gujer is a very common name in the canton of Zurich - which makes me all the more surprised that it appears when I query it in theZurich marriage database doesn't show up. All Gujer entries were obviously normalized to Guyer .
Note: There's a squiggle in front of the "von" that I ignored - when I look at other entries, it's a "g." for “born” von Tobel (today Vontobel). In fact, on 22.02.1773 im Grossmünstera Regula Vontobel from Ingenhausen (Pfäffikon) married a Hans Guyer from Kempten: https://suche.staatsarchiv.djiktzh.ch/d ... ID=4513602. He was *07.02.1751 and a miller by profession - she was *06.09.1749.
Note: A comment on the spelling Wolfensberger/Wolfensperger: in the handwritten register the spelling (b or p?) is not always obvious - in most transcriptions I have therefore used Wolfensberger, the official spelling today for the citizens of Wetzikon. There are also families Wolfensperger, however, but not as citizens of Wetzikon.
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1808 Jakob Jenta Household film 008191940 pge 355 |

Top of document: Regula
Translation by Wolf:
bapt: 03.07.1781 / died: no specified date (after an entry 09.08.1811 - so we assumed same day) - but that doesn't fit the age at death (29y 10 m 0 d). After some "photoshopping" I read in the Haushaltungsrodel "starb in der Stadt Bern 3. Maj 1811" - she died in the city of Bern on 03.05.1811 - which fits with her date of birth 03.07.1781 exactly.
Translation by Wolf:
bapt: 03.07.1781 / died: no specified date (after an entry 09.08.1811 - so we assumed same day) - but that doesn't fit the age at death (29y 10 m 0 d). After some "photoshopping" I read in the Haushaltungsrodel "starb in der Stadt Bern 3. Maj 1811" - she died in the city of Bern on 03.05.1811 - which fits with her date of birth 03.07.1781 exactly.
1811 Aug 9, Regula Jenta burial, Bern
Translation by Wolf:August 9 (1811)
Regula Jenta, Altschulmeister Kaspar Jentas Töchterlein (little daughter) in Bern
29 years 10 months, Hektik (cause of death)
As no day is given, I assume the day (9.) of the previous entry applies here as well.
"Alt" in front of a title means "retired" (in the case of a profession) or "no longer in office" (for someone in a political position). "Altschulmeister" definitely refers to Kaspar, her father.
Regula died (likely in Bern) aged 29a 10m from "Hektik" = Schwindsucht = consumption.
Consumption, today more commonly called 'tuberculosis', is a bacterial infection which typically affects the lungs of a sufferer, causing a persistent wet cough, difficulty breathing, fever, fatigue and sweating. It also causes significant weight loss, which is the source of its historical name, consumption
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Kaspar Jenta Family from Jenta Family of Wetzikon by Julius Billeter page 1 |
Regula Jenta timeline: