Friday, September 2, 2022

Gottlieb Frederick Voegelein 1825-1880

Gottlieb Frederick Voegelein was born 8 June 1825 in Knielingen, Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland. Knielingen which is a few miles north and west of Karlsruhe. Gottlieb's birth record  has an interesting additional note on the left side which states: "Gottlieb at age 25, In the month of July 1850 secretly left for America leaving behind wife and child and taking with him several 1000 Gulden?" See translation of birth record, left column.

Gottlieb married Katherine 9Kate) Wambach 19 April 1849 in Knielingen. The marriage record says "Gottlieb Friedrich Voegele, new budding local citizen and master butcher, son of the deceased local citizen and farmer Johann Konrad Vögele and Margaretha Barbara, née Jüllig from here, born on the 8th of June 1825,"  

In  1850 at 1:00 pm was baptized at home: Friedrich Wilhelm Vögele, legitimate little son of the local citizen and proprietor of the Swan Inn Gottlieb Friedrich Vögele and Katharina, née Wambach, from Wilferdingen.The family immigrated 18 June 1852 to New York, USA. Their second child was born 22 December 1852 in Syracuse Onondaga New York. Their third child was born 22 November 1856 in Otisco, NY. They named him John Albert Voegelein. Their fifth child Edward Julius Voegelein was born 4th July 1859. The first time Falls City is mentioned is with the birth of Sarah Voegelein 6 Oct 1871. Nine years after the birth of Sarah Gottlieb died at 54 years old in Falls City, Nebraska on 2 March 1880. 

The children below in bold had strong a strong connection to the Scholl's and Weinert families in Falls City, NE.  Mary and Edward Julius both married two of August Weinert's children.  When the Scholl's and Weinerts moved to Portland Sarah moved there too.

What happened to Gottlieb's children?
1. Fredrick William Voegelein 1849-1920 married Kate from Iowa and died in Los Angeles
2. Alexander Gottlieb Voegelein b 22 Dec in
Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, 1852 married Anna from Iowa in Kansas and had seven children and died in 1892, see photo below.
3. Rev. John Albert Voegelein 1856 in Otisco NY, married Lydia Kaiser and died in Illinois buried in Naperville in 1919
4. Edward Julius Voegelein b 1859 in Onondaga NY, married Minnie Voegelein 8 Jan 1885 in Falls City NE, died 4 Dec 1892 at 32 years old, Had three children Frederick Voegelein 18886, Edward 1888 snf Katherine 1889. Edward Julius died when she was 3 years old.
5. Louisa Philipina 1861-1866, died at 5
6. Mary Lydia Voegelein b 1863 in NY, married Charles Weinert 7 Jan 1886 and had five children. Mary lived to 1938 and Charles to 1941.
7. Daniel Matthews Voegelein 1866-1867 died at 1
8. Wilhelm Stephan Voegelein 1868-1870 died at 2
9. William Frederick Voegelein b1869 in NY-1918
10. Sarah Voegelein 1871 b in Falls City, NE-1923 died at 51 in Portland, OR. Her daughter Katherine Doyle b 1907 didn't want to get scolded for not doing her homework and went into hiding. After a few days of searching with the police she was found hiding under the local church. According to the 1910 Census Katherine was adopted and born in Oregon.

"Mrs. Doyle was born in Falls City October 6, 1871. Her parents were among the founders of Evangelical Church of America. Two brothers gave distinguished service to this denomination –Albert Voeglin, for many years pastor in Chicago, and Fred W. Voeglin, who spent 22 years founding Christian work in China and Japan. The latter was superintendent of the California Evangelical conference when he died in 1920, after 50 years of service as a minister. Mrs. Doyle was married December 29, 1904, and leaves a daughter, Katherine, 16 years of age, and a son, Miles C. Doyle III, 6 years old, besides her husband.

"Dr. Walter B. Hinson of the East Side Baptist church and Rev F. B. Culver of Lents Evangelical church will conduct the services. Honorary pall bearers will be W. C. T. U. members, among whom Mrs. Doyle had been a prominent worker for several Years. Mrs. Doyle took charge of important work in the prisons and jails as superintendent for the W. C. T. U. prison work." [The Oregonian, 26 Jun 1923, p18]

Note: When Sarah was 9 years old Gottlieb died.

Documents related to Gottlieb Frederick Voegelein:

Gottlieb's father's birth:

Johann Conrad Vögelein birth 28 Aug 1792 film 102078253 page 642 Knielingen Baden

Translation by Sylvia-
Month and day - born on the 28th of August at 8 in the evening, and baptized on the 30th of the same month
In the year of our Lord 1792 were here in Knielingen -
Johann Conrad
Father - Gottlieb Friedrich . . . citizen here
Mother - Eva Catharina n[ee] Kieferin
Baptism witnesses
1. Jakob Friedrich Burckhardt citizen and wagonmaker here 2. Conrad Jullig citizen here 3. Elisabetha n[ee] Grübelin, wife of Jakob Friedrich Grobsen citizen and [?] here
4. Margaretha Barbara Mainzerin, stepsister of the father of the child
Last Name 25 Vögelein + [died] 6th Octob. 1831
Note - 25 in the last column is just a sequential number for the children born - that year? that month? Can't tell from the one-page view.
Translation by Robert Seal
Re: Waidgesellen:
Waid = woad = a plant which is used to produce a blue dye.
See the following link:
In the section "Etymology", see the entry in the second line for German: "Waid".
The suffix "gesellen" indicates that the person is a journeyman in that industry.
So "Waidgesellen" is likely a journeyman in the dying trade.
Ernest Thode, German-English Genealogical Dictionary, page 272, defines the occupation "Waidner" as "dyer".
From an online list of old German professions:
German names for a "blue dyer (with the dye from the Waid): Blaudrucker, Blaufärber, Blauferber, Blaufeur, Bocker, Böcker, Waidfärber, Waidgießer, Waidner, Weidfärber, Weidgießer, Weidner."

Note: Gottlieb's father Johan Conrad Voegelein is on microfilm but not digitized on FS. 

Gottlieb's birth:

Gottlieb Voegelein bap 11 Jun 1825 Knielingen Baden, DE

Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 22. On the 8th of June [1825] at 2:00 am was born here and today the 11th of the same month at 1:00 pm was baptized in the church: Gotl(l)ieb Friderich. Father: Johan Konrad Voegelein, local citizen and farmer. Mother: Margaretha Barbara, née Illig.
Baptismal witnesses: Christian Kiefer, local citizen. Margaretha Barbara Mainzer, née Majer [Maier], wife of Georg Jakob Mainzer, local citizen. Christian Majer [Maier], local citizen. Juliana Jakobina Kiefer, née Ruf, wife of Georg Jakob Kiefer, local citizen.
Knielingen, on the 11th of June 1825. T. ___? Schmid, pastor.
My comment: The note in the left margin is difficult:
Vögelein. In the month of July 1850? _____ ______ to America ______ left behind? wife and child to join _____ 1000 Gulden? [signed] Bock, pastor.
A "Gulden" is a German coin. The question mark after the word "Gulden" in the note is that of the pastor himself.
Hpefully another community volunteer can decipher the note and fill in the blanks

Translation  by WSeelentag
I would read the pastor's second name as Ulf (Alf?).
The note in the left margin is difficult indeed - my attempt of a transcription:
nat Juli 1850 heimlich fort nach Amerika mit Hinterlass[ung] von Weib und Kind und Mitnahme mehrerer 1000 Gulden?
The question mark indicates that the writer is not sure (only) about the amount of money - he possibly just noted hear-say.
@Robert Seal_1 : would you, please, first check my transcription and then translate?
Translation by Robert Seal:
WSeelentag: Your transcription is accurate. Thank you for your assistance.
Kent: Here is how the note, based on Mr. Seelentag's transcription, translates:
In the month of July 1850 secretly left for America leaving behind wife and child and taking with him several 1000 Gulden? (This is referring to Gottlieb not his father.)
Translation by WSeelentag
Kent: "Margarita Barbara is illegitimate? That means she doesn't know who her mother or father is?"
No - she's not illegitimate - her maiden name is Illig 😉 ... according to this document. Jullig might have been given in another document (or misread).

Gottlieb's marriage:

Gottlieb Friedrich Voegele married 19 Apr 1849 to Katharina Wamback film 102550731 page 93 
Translation by Robert Seal: Good morning Kent,
Here is your Friday morning translation:
No. 7. In the year 1849 on the 19th of April in the morning at 9:00 am, according to the state official marriage certificate dated the 28th of March of the current year, no. 7310, and after the two legal marriage proclamations and submission of the discharge certificate dated the 18th of April of the current year, were legally consecrated in marriage here in the local church:
Gottlieb Friedrich Voegele, new budding local citizen and master butcher, son of the deceased local citizen and farmer Johann Konrad Vögele and Margaretha Barbara, née Jüllig from here, born on the 8th of June 1825, and Katharina Wambach, from Wilferdingen, daughter of the deceased citizen and farmer Matthäus Wambach, from Wilferdingen, and Katharina, née Müller, from the same place, born on the 22nd of November 1829.
Witnesses: Konrad Berold, here, married citizen and farmer and chairman of the church council [or church deacon], and Wilhelm Bechtold, married citizen and merchant here.
Knielingen, on the 19th of April 1849. Bock, pastor.

Gottlieb's mother's death:

Margaretha Barbara Voegelein film 102550731 page 399 death 23 Apr 1861
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 13. In the year 1861 on the 23rd of April at 6:00 pm died here and on the 25th of April at 5:00 pm by the undersigned pastor was buried: Margaretha Barbara Vögele, age 66 years, one month, and 12 days, legitimate daughter of the deceased Johann Konrad Jüllig, citizen and farmer here, and the deceased Eva Katharina, née Kiefer, widow of Johann Konrad Vögele, citizen and farmer here.
Witnesses: Jakob Mainzer, citizen and council member here, and Christian Mainzer, citizen and farmer here.
Knielingen, on the 26th of April 1861. L. Wendling, pastor.
Comment: The witnesses' surname could be: Mainzer or Meinzer.

Friedrich Wilhelm Voegel birth 24 Dec 1849 film  102550731 page 117
Translation by Robert Seal(I appreciate Pastor Bock's clear handwriting):
No. 1. In the year 1849, on the 24th of December at 7:00 am was born here, and on the 3rd of January of the year 1850 at 1:00 pm was baptized at home: Friedrich Wilhelm Vögele, legitimate little son of the local citizen and proprietor of the Swan Inn Gottlieb Friedrich Vögele and Katharina, née Wambach, from Wilferdingen.
Baptismal witnesses and baptismal sponsors: (1) Michael Waidmann, citizen and proprietor of the Stag Inn here; (2) Wilhelm Bechtold, local citizen and merchant; and (3) Christian Mainzer, of legal age, unmarried? citizen's son and farmer here.
Knielingen, on the 3rd of January 1850. Bock, pastor.
Comment: The one questionable word is lost in the gutter of the book but I think it is "lediger" = unmarried.
Kent Note: The River Pfinz runs through Graben and through Wilferdingen!!!! When we visited Graben in 2019 we saw the river and it isn't very big however it did run a mill toward the middle of town back in the day. 



Alte Evangelische Kirche Wilferdingen


Ship Beatrice 1882

1865 NY Census:

Gottlieb is a farmer in  Otisco, Onondaga, New York, United States. He and his family live in a frame house worth $400. 
Fredrick 14
Alexander 12
Albert 9
Edward 7
Louisa 5
and a ward named Emma Russell who was born in Germany.

1870 Census
Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States

1880 March 2 Gottlieb dies in Jefferson, Richardson, NE and is buried in Zion Bethel Cemetery. He lived to be 54 years old. "The Bethel Zion Cemetery is located at the site of the former Zion Church, 4 miles east and 1/2 mile north of Falls City in Jefferson Twsp., sect.4. The original Zion Church was begun when two …This is the same cemetery August and Fredericka Weinert are buried.

In 1885 Edward Julius Voegelein who is 25 marries Minnie Weinert who is 18. The date is 8 Jan 1885 in Richardson, NE

A year later in 1886 Mary L Voegelein marries Minnie's brother Charles Weinert on 7 Jan 1886. They are both 24 years old.
1893: Gottlieb's son Alexander Gottlieb Voegelein, b 1852 d 1893 dies on 11 January in Salem, Richardson, NE
Alexander Gottlieb Voegelein

Alexander Gottlieb Voegelein's grave marker, Maple Cemetery, Salem, NE
1914 Katherine Voegelein marries William R. Daugherty

The Sunday Oregonian., November 29, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 45

One of the prettiest weddings of the month took place Wednesday night at the First Evangelical Church, when Katherine E. Voegelein became the bride of William R. Daugherty. 
    More than 200 friends and relatives were assembled to witness the service. Just previous to the ceremony Louis Beletskl played "Meditation" and "O Promise Me" on the violin, accompanied by Mrs. E. D. Hornschuch at the piano, followed by "Lohengrin's" wedding march. 
    The bridesmaids. Miss Laura Scholl and Miss Lura Daugherty, wore gowns of pink crepe dechine and carried arm bouquets of pink and white carnations tied with pink tulle. 
    Miss Jessie Weatherly, maid of honor, wore a gown of pink messaline draped with net. She carried an arm bouquet of pink carnations. 
    Little Robert Witherell was ring bearer. 
    The little flower girls, Mary Daugherty, sister of the groom, and Katherine Doyle, cousin of the bride, were pretty in their dainty white frocks. Their baskets were decorated with pink tulle and filled with rose petals. 
    The bride came in on the arm of her brother, Fred G. Voegelein. She was charming in her gown of white charmeuse with lace and pearl trimmings. Her veil hung from a becoming cap banded with orange blossoms.
    Rev. E. E. Hornschuch officiated. Edward J. Voegelein acted as best man. Tall palms formed a canopy. a large white bell was suspended from the center of the canopy, under which the bride stood. Ivy and greens mad a pleasing background. Throughout the church pink and white chrysanthemums were arranged attractively.
    Following the ceremony about 75 guests attended the reception at the home fo the bride's mother Mrs Minnie Voegelein.
    Mises Dorothy and Verena Johnson, Elma Daugherty and Silvia De Temple presided in the dining-room.
    The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Anna B Voegelein, aunts of the bride and Lilly Belle Voegelein of Lebanon, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty are now at home to their friends at the Metcliffe Court, 125 East Eleventh street.  (From the Sunday Oregonian Nov 29, 1914)
1916 Kidnap Escapade

Daily capital journal., November 02, 1916, Image 1


Morning Oregonian., November 03, 1916, Page 7, Image 7


Beaverton times., November 09, 1916, Image 2

1919 Rev. Albert J. Voegelein who is 63 and married to Lydia dies in Naperville, IL
He lived at 1224 So. 61st Ave. 

19 Aug 1920 retired minister, age 70, Fredrick W. Voegelein died in Los Aangeles

1923 June 23 Sarah Doyle's death
Mrs. Doyle was born in Falls City October 6, 1871. Her parents were among the founders of Evangelical Church of America. Two brothers gave distinguished service to this denomination –Albert Voeglin, for many years pastor in Chicago, and Fred W. Voeglin, who spent 22 years founding Christian work in China and Japan. The latter was superintendent of the California Evangelical conference when he died in 1920, after 50 years of service as a minister. Mrs. Doyle was married December 29, 1904, and leaves a daughter, Katherine, 16 years of age, and a son, Miles C. Doyle III, 6 years old, besides her husband. (Her husband Miles Doyle died in 1937)

Dr. Walter B. Hinson of the East Side Baptist church and Rev F. B. Culver of Lents Evangelical church will conduct the services. Honorary pall bearers will be W. C. T. U. members, among whom Mrs. Doyle had been a prominent worker for several Years. Mrs. Doyle took charge of important work in the prisons and jails as superintendent for the W. C. T. U. prison work. [The Oregonian, 26 Jun 1923, p18]
1924 Fred Voegelein gets married
1924 Fred Voegelein, farmer, age 38 marriage to Leota M. Grebe, nurse age 36