Eva Elisabetha Scholl was born 30 Jan 1770 to Balthasar Scholl and Anna Elisabetha Lind b 1746-1816. She was their fourth child. FH ID: 9JK7-WC1
In the year of Christ 1830, on the 5th of May in the morning at 6:00 am died, and on the seventh of the same month in the morning at 8:00 am was buried: Eva Elisabetha, wife of the citizen and master shoemaker Georg Friedrich Spöck, age: 60 years, 4 months, 5 days. Her parents were the late Balthasar Scholl, citizen, and his wife Anna Elisabetha, née Lind.
In the year of Christ 1846, on the 23rd of April, early at 4:00 am died here, and was on the 25th of the same month in the morning at 10:00 am buried here: Georg Friedrich Speck, widower, citizen, and shoemaker here, age: 74 years, 5 months, and 20 days. His deceased wife was: Eva Elisabetha Scholl. His long-deceased parents were: Lorenz Speck, former citizen here, and Anna Maria Werner.
What happened to Eva's children?1. Maria Elisabeth Speck 1797-1818
2. Christoph Speck 1800-dec
3. Jacob Friedrich Speck 1802-1819
4. Christine Speck 1804-1805
5. Christine Speck 1806-1881
6. Wilhelm Speck 1809-1809
7. Magdalena Speck 1811-dec
Elisabetha Scholl sponsor 4, 5 Oct 1797 film 102078348 page 689 |
On the 5th of October [1797] at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 7th of the same month baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Heilmann].
Father: Christoph Heilmann, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Elisabetha, née Roeschin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Seeger, the local citizen and [city/town] council member, and (2) his wife Eva, née Roeschin. (3) Georg Friderich Speck, the local citizen and master shoemaker, and (4) his wife Eva Elisabetha, née Schollin.
Right column: died 16 November 1818.
Elisabetha Scholl spon 2 25 Dec 1797 left film 102078348 page 680 |
On the 25th of December [1797] at night at 8:00 pm born and on the 27th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Cammerer].
Father: Christoph Cammerer, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Christina, née Beckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Friderich Speck, the local citizen and master shoemaker, and (2) his wife Eva Elisabetha, née Schollin. (3) Johann Wendel Roesch, surviving legitimate unmarried son of the late Johannes Roesch, former citizen here. (4) Catharina Herbsterin, surviving legitimate unmarried daughter of the late Adam Wendel Herbster, former citizen and master miller here.
Right column: died 16 November 1857.
Notes: Georg Friederich Speck was born in 1771. He married Eva Elisabeth Scholl 10 January 1797. They had 7 children. Eva lived to 5 March 1830 dying at age 60. Eva Elisabeth's father is Johann Balthasar b 1736 and Anna Elisabetha Lind b 1746. Eva's grandfather is Johann Jakob Scholl b 1701- died 1788. Georg died 23 April 1846 at 75 years.
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Eva Elisabetha Scholl Spock death 7 May 1830 film 102118620 page 237 |
No. 25.
In the year of Christ 1830, on the 5th of May in the morning at 6:00 am died, and on the seventh of the same month in the morning at 8:00 am was buried: Eva Elisabetha, wife of the citizen and master shoemaker Georg Friedrich Spöck, age: 60 years, 4 months, 5 days. Her parents were the late Balthasar Scholl, citizen, and his wife Anna Elisabetha, née Lind.
Witnesses were Johann Georg Spöck and Christoph Kammerer, citizens.
Graben, on the 7th of May 1830. Pastor Käß,
In the year of Christ 1846, on the 23rd of April, early at 4:00 am died here, and was on the 25th of the same month in the morning at 10:00 am buried here: Georg Friedrich Speck, widower, citizen, and shoemaker here, age: 74 years, 5 months, and 20 days.
His deceased wife was: Eva Elisabetha Scholl. His long-deceased parents were: Lorenz Speck, former citizen here, and Anna Maria Werner.
Witnesses: (1) Christoph Lind, citizen and mason here, (2) Christoph Braun, citizen and mason here.
Graben, on the 25th of April 1846. T. Crecelius, pastor.
Left margin: Speck. Widower.
Notes: Our Elisabetha Scholl is never referred to as Eva. This is the wrong person for Elisabetha b 1792. Also Georg's age should be 67 not 74 if the birth noted above is correct. Also based on this document Georg Friedrich Speck was born in 1772. That is not possible based on the familybook below and his birth document above