Life Story of Elisabetha Zeißloff
Elisabetha Zeißloff was born to Hanß Matthias Zeißloff on 9 April 1682 in Graben, Germany. Her bapism took place one day later and was performed by pastor Konrad Stadmann von Durlach. Konrad served as Graben pastor from 1682-1691. Pastor Konrad was the pastor until Elisabetha turned 9. Her baptismal sponors were:
1) Peter Weidman and his wife Elisabetha. Hanß Peter Weidmann b 1648 married Anná Elisabethá Cammerer about 1674 and had five children. The couple are Georg Scholl b 1720's grandparents on the mother's side through Maria Elisabetha Weidmann b 1685.
2) Peter Keller and his wife Anna Margretha. Peter Keller, a baker by trade, later became the mayor in Graben in the early 1700s. He married Anna Margretha König around 1677. Peter and Margretha had four children.
3) Sponsor and maiden Christina Becker, legitimate daughter of Hanß Caspar Becker, the alms supervisor in Graben, was born 9 Feb 1661. According to Caspar's wife's death record he was a baker in Graben. Christina's mother was Jacobe Friedman.
Elisabetha's father, Hanß Matthias Zeißloff was a lawyer in Graben. The year before he died at the end of 1691 he was made mayor. Elisabetha's mother Eva Margretha, née Cammerer came from a long line of Cammerer's. From at least the early 1600s until today the Cammerer's have thrived in Graben.
Elisabetha's paternal grandfather is Hanß Michael Zeißloff, who was a linen weaver in Graben, and her paternal grandmother is Anna Margaretha Cammerer b 1612, who lived to be 72 years old. Elisabetha didn't meet her grandfather however her grandmother Anna Margaretha Cammerer died 4 Dec 1684 so Elisabetha's grandmother saw Elisabetha as a toddler.
Elisabetha saw a lot of death in her life. When she was 8 years old her two year old sister Maria Christina died. At nine years old Elisabetha's father died while mayor of Graben. When she was 10 she lost her 10 year old brother Johann Christoff and when she was fourteen she witnessed the death of her 11 year old brother Martin.
At 31 years old Elisabetha met and married Heinrich Höfer a farmer in Graben. Heinrich was out of Switzerland and of the reformed religion. A little more than a year later while pregnant Elisabeth's mother age 62 died at 4am of a large ulcer and dropsy. Dropsy or edema means swelling caused by fluid in your body's tissues. It usually occurs in the feet, ankles and legs, but it can involve your entire body. At her mother's funeral pastor Niklas quoted Philippines 1:23 23 which says: For I am ain a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better". Pastor Niklas died four years later in Graben while the Graben pastor. Elisabetha's mother was alone for 23 years after the death of her husband.
A month after the death of her mother, Elisabtha delivered a baby boy named Johann Andreas. Her death record says: "Elisabetha, in the 6th hour after her child's birth, where she had soon lost her external senses amid convulsions and had remained in that state until the end, died without having been reconciled with her sister." "On 1 May early at 1 o'clock died, in the sixth hour after the happy birth of a son, Elisabetha Hofer, née Zeißlofer, age 33 years, when the "Gichter" (cramps, fever) broke out with said birth and she immediately after lost consciousness; she passed away in this condition. Because she however in the previous Holy Week [April 14-20], against all priestly persuasion and careful warning ___ __ has rejected all reconciliation with her only sister with whom she quarreled over a small paternal inheritance, and so passed away unreconciled."
Her funeral was carried out on May 2nd, 3 p.m. according to the advisory opinion of His Reverend Mr Church Councillor Eisenlohr as follows: before the house was sung "Mitten wir im Leben", when leaving the usual funeral song "Herr Jesu Christus ich weiß gar wohl", before the grave the first and last verse of "Nun laßt uns den Leib begraben", in the church before the sermon "Ach Herz mich armen Sünder", after the sermon the first four verses of "Wer weiß wie nahe mir mein Ende", and when the body was lowered into the ground, the words were read from the church's agenda mutatis mutandis, along with the prayer; the funeral sermon was held about the text ____ referring(?) to the in unforgiveness suddenly deceased: Ecclesiastes ch. 11, v. 3: "If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be." and the community was admonished about the the grave, most harmful sin of unforgiveness. Otherwise the usual ceremonies and customs have been retained.
The pastor who directed the funeral was probably theologician
Johann Jacob Eisenlohr (b. 1655, d. 1736) . He was a "Kirchenrath" or Church Council in Durlach. Durlach is 16 miles south of Graben or east of Karlshrue.
Schultheiß Hanß Matthias Zeißloff was born 1638 in Graben. His father Hanß Michael Zeißloff was a linen weaver. He married Eva Margaretha Cammerer in about 1662. Hans died Christmas Day 1691. He was a lawyer most of his life and the mayor in Graben during the last year of his life. Lawyer and Mayor Matthias was almost 54 at the time of his death. Matthias and Margaretha's two children who lived to adulthood are in bold below.
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Elisabetha's birth sponsor Anna Christina Becker birth 9 Feb 1661 film 102078348 page 149 |
Date: 9 February [1661].
Child: Anna Christina.
Parents: Hanß Caspar Becker and wife Jacobe.
Baptismal sponsors: Jacob Süß and wife Christina, and Michel Rausch and wife Barbara. [Jakob Süß was later mayor of Graben]
On the 6th of July [1661] Hanß __ebuß died, a little boy, 4 years old, whose father is Hanß Jacob Süß, citizen and member of the court here, who thereafter the next day was buried to the earth in a Christian manner. [Jacob Becker is later a Graben Mayor]
A challenging record. Here's my attempt at translation with the hope that another [FS] community member will be able to fill in the blanks:
Date: on the 19th of November [1662].
Child: Lorenz. [Named after one of his sponsors]
Parents: Hans Matheiß Zeislof and wife Margretha?
Baptismal sponsors: Christoff ______? and wife A[nna]? Catharina. Lorenz ______? and Anna Margretha ______?, both unmarried.
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Elisabetha's sister Anna Margret Zeißloff bap 15 Jan 1664 film 102078348 page 151 |
Date: 15 January [1664].
Child: Anna Margret. + [died].
Parents: Hans Mathias Zeißloff, Margreta.
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Death of Elisabetha's paternal gf Hans Michael Zeißloff age 59 Dec 1667 film 102078298 page 256 |
__ December [1667]: Hans Michael Zeißloff, 59 years his age.
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Eliz sponsor Christina Becker bro. Hans Jacob Becker birth 7 Mar 1671 film 102078298 page 216 |
Date: 7 March [1671].
Child: Hans Jacob.
Parents: Hans Caspar Becker, Jacobe, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Jacob Süß, mayor, together with wife. Antoni Weick together with wife.
1671 Jakob Süss [Jacob died in 1706 so he could easily serve as Mayor during this 20 year period. And since Hanß Matthias Zeisloff is a lawyer they probably knew each other well. Jakob Süß is the birth sponsor to Christina Becker who was bap sponsor to Elisabetha Zeißloff]
1691 Johann Mathis Zaisloff
1700 Christoph Keller
1706 Peter Keller (Bruder d.Ch.)
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Eliz birth spon:Christina Becker bro. Joh. Antonius Becker birth 27 Dec 1673 film 102078298 page 220 |
No. 52.
Date: 27 December [1673].
Child: Joh[ann] Antonius.
Parents: Joh[ann] Caspar "Beker", Jacobe, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Jacob Süß, __tor? at this place, Christina, wife. Antoni "Weik"[Weick], Margretha, wife.
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Eliz sponsor Christina Becker bro. Hans Reinhard Becker bap 2 Jun 1677 film 102078348 page 162 |
On the 2nd of June [1677] a young little son of Hanß Caspar Becker, citizen and baker, and of the council here, from his wife Jacoba was born here, who hereafter on the 3rd of the same month, the feast of Pentecost, was baptized and was named Hanß Reinhard.
Comment: I consulted a church calendar and Pentecost did fall on 3 June in the year 1677.
Elisabetha Zeißloft birth 9 Apr 1682 father Matthias moth Eva Margretha film 102078298 page 227 |
Date: on the 9th of April [1682] born and baptized on the 11th of the same month at 1:00 pm.
Child: Elisabetha.
Parents: Hanß Matthias Zeisloff [and] his wife Eva Margretha, née Camerin?
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Weidman and his wife Elisabetha; Peter Keller and his wife Anna Margretha; and maiden Christina, legitimate daughter of Hanß Caspar Becker, the alms supervisor here.
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Elisabetha Zeißloff gm Anna Margaretha Cammerer age 72 bur 7 Dec 1684 film 102078348 page 198 |
On the 4th of December 1684, at night 1 [hour]? before 12:00 midnight Anna Margretha, surviving wife of the late Hanß Zeißloff, citizen and linen weaver here, died blessed in her Savior, who thereafter on the 7th of December [1684] midday at 1:00 pm was buried to the earth in a Christian manner, she lived 72 years less 7 weeks.
Left margin: [Anna] Margretha, née Cammererin.
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Christina Becker bap spon Hans Jacob Suss marr? 24 Feb 1685 Spock to Anna Zimmer film 102154987 |
No. 64.
On Tuesday, 24 November [1685], were married Johann Jacob Süß, surviving son of Hannß Cunrad Süß, deceased former citizen here, and Anna, legitimate daughter of Mr. Clauß Zimmermann, the mayor here.
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Elisabetha's brother Johann Christoph Zeisloft birth 17 Apr 1686 film 102078298 page 233 |
no. 61.
Date: on the 17th of April [1686] in the morning between 5:00 am and 6:00 am born and baptized on the 18th of the same month at the hour of 9:00 am after the sermon.
Child: Johann Christoff.
Parents: Mr. Hanß Matthias Zeisloff, lawyer, wife Eva Margretha, née Camererin.
Baptismal sponsors: Christoff Schuhmacher and wife. Nicolaus Fuchs, the joiner, and wife, née Beckerin.
Comment: The second baptismal sponsor Nicolaus Fuchs' wife's first name is not recorded in the record.
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Elisabetha's sister Maria Christina Zeissloft birth 23 May 1688 film 102078298 page 236 |
Date: On the 23rd of May [1688] in the ______? between 7 and 8 o'clock born and baptized on the 24th of the same month at the hour of 12:00 noon.
Child: Maria Christina.
Parents: Mr.? Hanß Matthies Zeißloff, lawyer, wife Margaretha, née Camererin.
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Keller and wife. Niclaus Fuchs and wife. Maiden Anna Maria, daughter of Mr.? Christoff Schuhmacher, innkeeper at the sign of the crown.
Eliz's father Johann Matthias Zeißloft death 25 Dec 1691 birth 1638 film 102078298 page 270 |
On the 25th of December [1691], died in the Lord Mr. Johann Matthias Zeißloff, at the present time mayor _______? at Graben, who on the 27th of December [1691] was honestly buried in a Christian manner. He lived 53 years, 10 month, and 10 days.
Mayors in Graben:
1671 Jakob Süss
1691 Johann Mathis Zaisloff
1700 Christoph Keller
On the 7th of May [1692] Johann Christoph blessedly passed away, legitimately-conceived little son of the late Mr. Hannß Mathias Zeißloff, former mayor here, who on the following day was honestly buried. He lived 6 years and 19 days.
Comment: The verb used here to say the child died is: entschlafen, which literally translates as: fell asleep. So little Johann Christoph blessedly or blissfully fell asleep, a kinder, gentler way to say that he died.
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Eisabetha's brother Hanß Martin Zeißloff death at age 11 17 May 1696 film 102078348 page 208 |
d 6. August. Hans Caspar Becker natus 1618. Von Ehel. Christl. Eltern ohne daß man weiß wie sie mit nahmen gehießen, __ ___ ___. in dem 30. Jahr hat er sich in d h. Ehestand begeben mit Jacobea, eines Bürgers Tochter allhier, mit welcher er in die 40 Jahr eine liebreiche Ehe besessen u. erzeugt? 8 Kinder, 4 Söhne 4 u. Töchter, davon noch 2 Söhne u.3 Töchter im Leben. 17 Jahr im Wittwerstand gelebet. Hat eine freie stille Wandel geführet. Vor 2 Jahr __ hat er altershalber nicht mehr wohl können fortkommen können bis er endlich d 6ten dieses abends das zeitliche gesegnet. Seines Alters ohngefehr 88 Jahr.
on August 6th: Hans Caspar Becker, born 1618. Of married Christian parents, without it being known what their name was, __ ___ ___. In the 30th year he entered into marriage with Jacobea, daughter of a citizen here, with whom he had a loving marriage for 40 years and produced 8 children, 4 sons, 4 daughters, of which 2 sons and 3 daughters are still alive. He lived 17 years as a widower. He has led a free quiet life. 2 years ago __ he did not go on well because of his age until he finally passed away on the 6th of this month in the evening. His age approximately 88 years.
Eliz marr. to Johann Heinrich Hofer marriage 23 Jan 1714 to Elisabetha film 102078348 page 288 |
[Married] on the 23rd of January [1714] Johann Heinrich Hofer, out of Switzerland, reformed religion, with Elisabetha, daughter of Mr. Mattß. Zeislof, former mayor, both [i.e., groom and bride] unmarried status.
Note: Elisabetha is 31 at the time of her marriage. Elisabetha's father is a former mayor.
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Elisabetha's mother: Eva Margretha Zeißlofin death 27 Feb 1715 film 102078348 page 318 |
d.24. [Febr.] früh gegen 4 Uhr ist an großer Geschwulst u. Wassersucht gestorben, u. den 26. Febr. begraben worden Eva Margaretha, Hanß Matthies Zeißlofen gewesenen Schultheißen dieses Orts hinderlassene 23 jährige Wittib, aetatis praeter. pp. 62 Jahr. Die Leichpredigt wurde gehalten in verba Pauli Phil. 1. v. 23
On 24 February [1715] at 4 a.m. died of a large ulcer and dropsy and was buried on 26 February Eva Margaretha, surviving widow of 23 years of the former mayor Hans Matthies Zeißloff, aged 62 years. The burial sermon was held on the Paulian epistle to the Philippians chap. 1, verse 23
Causes of edema include:
Eating too much salt
Heart failure
Kidney disease
Liver problems from cirrhosis
Problems with lymph nodes, especially after mastectomy
Some medicines
Standing or walking a lot when the weather is warmTranslation by Baerbelj:
[Parents] Johann Henrich Hofer, of the Reformed religion, citizen and farmer in this place. Elisabetha, in the 6th hour after her child's birth, where she had soon lost her external senses amid convulsions and had remained in that state until the end, died without having been reconciled with her sister. See the local burial record volume to learn how deformed her corpse was.
[godparents]: Hannss Joerg Waibel, Schwanenwirth [tavern-/innkeeper to the Swan], and wife Margaretha, Andreas Scholl, citizen and farmer here, with wife Anna Margretha.
Elisabetha Zeislofen's horrible and sad death at 33 1 May 1715 film 102078348 page 319 |
This is indeed a rather difficult record, both what regards the handwriting and the contents. Here is what I can contribute.
1 Maji früh geg 1 Uhr ißt verstorben, in der 6ten Stund nach glückl: Geburt eines Sohnes Elisabetha Hoferin, nata Zeißloferin, aet: 33. Jahr, als bey selbig über besagte Geburt die Gichter außgebrochen und sich gleichbald die äußerl: Sinnen verlohren, sie a. in _hem Zustand von hinnen geschied. Die weil sie aber in vorher gegangener Charwoch, wid alles priesterl. Zured u. Beichtätt __? sorgfaltige Verwarnung, auff __ vielleicht wegel__dung falle, alle Versühnung mitterl __ geg ihre Vätterl: Seite einig gehabte leibl: Schwester, mit welche sie über ein geringes vätterl: Erbe strittbar ward, außgeschlag, und also unversühnt dahin gegang ist, um der Le__end willen, ihre BeErdigung auff S: HochEhrwürd p. H: Kirchenrath Eisenlohrs requ__ U. ertheiltes Gutachten d. 2. Maji, abends mit 3 Uhr angestellt worden folgend maßen: Neml: vor dem HAuß hat man gesungen: Mitten wir im Leben, p. beym Fortgang d gewohnl: Leichgesang: Herr Jesu Christus ich weiß gar wol, p. vor dem Grab: Die z. Erst u. z. Letzte Vers, aus dem bekandt: Nun laßt uns den Leib begraben, p. In der Kirch vor d. Predigt: Ach Herz mir armen Sünder, p. nach d. Predigt die 4. erste Vers des Lieds: Wer weißt wie nahe mir mein Ende, p. bey des Cörpers Einsenkung wurde der gewohl: Sermon aus d. Kirchenagendis mutatis mutandis, sambt dem Gebeth abgelesen; die Leichpredigt aber über eine auff die _ so wider ihr __auth, in Unversühnlichkeit jählings verstorbene sich ___bende Text, se: in Verba Salom: Eccl: XI v. 3 wann d Baum fällt, p.p. gehalten und sonderl. die Gemeind __ d schweren höchstschädl. Sünd d Unversühnlichkeit alles Ernstes dehortiert: im übrigen ist man bey dem gewohnl: Ceremonien und Gebrauch geblieben.
On 1 May early at 1 o'clock died, in the sixth hour after the happy birth of a son, Elisabetha Hofer, née Zeißlofer, age 33 years, when the "Gichter" (cramps, fever) broke out with said birth and she immediately after lost consciousness; she passed away in this condition. Because she however in the previous Holy Week [April 14-20], against all priestly suasion and careful warning ___ __ has rejected all reconciliation with her only sister with whom she quarreled over a small paternal inheritance, and so passed away unreconciled, ___ her funeral was carried out on May 2nd, 3 p.m. according to the advisory opinion of His Reverend Mr Church Councillor Eisenlohr as follows: before the house was sung "Mitten wir im Leben", when leaving the usual funeral song "Herr Jesu Christus ich weiß gar wohl", before the grave the first and last verse of "Nun laßt uns den Leib begraben", in the church before the sermon "Ach Herz mich armen Sünder", after the sermon the first four verses of "Wer weiß wie nahe mir mein Ende", and when the body was lowered into the ground, the words were read from the church's agenda mutatis mutandis, along with the prayer; the funeral sermon was held about the text ____ referring(?) to the in unforgiveness suddenly deceased: Ecclesiastes ch. 11, v. 3: "if the tree fall" etc and the community was admonished about the the grave, most harmful sin of unforgiveness. Otherwise the usual ceremonies and customs have been retained.
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Johann Jakob Eisenlohr (* 3. November 1655 in Reutlingen; † 14. Juni 1736) war ein bedeutender evangelischer Theologe in Durlach. |
1702 wurde er aus seiner schwäbischen Heimat nach Durlach gerufen. Er kam mit seiner Frau und seinen neuen Kindern in die badische Residenz, um das daniederliegende Kirchenwesen wieder aufzubauen. Er war dann im Amt eines Kirchenrats als Pfarrer an der Stadtkirche Durlach tätig sowie Professor am Durlacher Markgrafen-Gymnasium.
Er gilt, etwa auch durch seinen lange benutzten Katechismus, als der Kirchenorganisator Badens im 18. Jahrhundert.
Einer seiner Nachfolger war der Lausitzer Gottfried Posselt (1693–1768). Wikipedia de
embraced with death.
Who is the one who brings us help,[7]
that we may obtain mercy?
It is you, Lord, alone.
We repent of our iniquity,
that has angered you, Lord.
Holy Lord God,
Holy strong God,
holy merciful Savior,
Eternal God:
do not let us sink
in the bitter misery of death.
(2) In the midst of death the jaws of
the jaws of hell.
Who will free us from such misery
from such distress?
You, Lord, do it alone.
Your mercy wails
Our lamentation and great sorrow.
Holy Lord God,
holy strong God,
holy merciful Savior,
Eternal God:
let us not despair
before the deep fires of hell.
2. "Nun lasst uns den Leib begraben" ("now let us bury the body"; second word also spelled as "laßt" or "lasset") is a Lutheran hymn for funerals. Its text author is Michael Weiße.[1] It is for instance included in the Neu Leipziger Gesangbuch.[2]
Johann Sebastian Bach set its hymn tune, Zahn No. 352,[3] as a chorale prelude for organ: Nun lasset uns den Leib begraben, BWV 1111, one of the Neumeister Chorales.
3. Johann Sebastian Bach composed the church cantata Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder (Ah Lord, poor sinner that I am),[1] BWV 135 in Leipzig for the third Sunday after Trinity and first performed it on 25 June 1724. It is the fourth chorale cantata from his second annual cycle, and is based on the hymn by Cyriakus Schneegass.![]() |
Elisabetha's brother in law: Joh Andreas Rösch death at 68 3 Aug 1729 film 102078348 page 339 |
On the 3rd of August [1729] Joh[ann] Andreas Rösch died, the local citizen, who hereupon was buried with all signs, singing, and a funeral sermon. Age: 68 years, 6 months, and 14 days.