as it is in baptism, the role of the sponsor at confirmation takes upon
himself/herself the responsibility of helping the baptized person
mature in living a Christian life and offers his or her own life and
practice of the faith as an example of faith, prayer and service within
the Catholic Church. The sponsor for confirmation continues that work
for the person that is to be confirmed and creates a strong spiritual
bond between the two. The sponsor should be committed to being a part of
the confirmandi’s life in presence and prayer, always realizing that a
sponsor’s prayers for that person are especially efficacious before
Almighty God. One’s “yes” to be a sponsor for confirmation is not just a
“yes” to the candidate, but rather it is also a serious commitment to
God in taking on this obligation. (From St. Ambrose Parish 83 Throckmorton Lane, Old Bridge NJ 08857)
Joss Scholl 1619-1662 and Barbara Dieterih 1618-1661 Here are the sponsors for this couple's possible six children:
2. Wilhelm Scholl 1633 - 1669 no sponsors for Wilhelm but he was a sponsor for the tax/customs official's daughter
Date: 31 October [1665].
Child: Susanna Barbara, a born-out-of-wedlock child.
Parents: Wendel Kammerer with Maria Mossin, the tax/customs official's daughter.
Baptismal sponsors: Wilhelm Scholl together with wife. Hanß Mats Heil together with wife.
Dietrich and her son Hans Matthiass Scholl as co-baptismal sponsors
on Barbara's page. This was a huge find.
Hans Matthias Scholl 5 March 1664-10 Feb 1669
Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann together with wife;
Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
Johann Martin Scholl 8 Mar 1668- 18 Aug 1723 l
Martin Moß [or Moss] together with wife;
Hans Conrad Heil, together with the wife.
Johann Andreas Scholl 2 Sept 1670-12 May 1752
Martin Moss together with wife;
Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
Margaretha Barbara Scholl 9 Sept 1673
Bernhard Munk, Sidonia, wife; H[ans]
Matthaeus Zeislof, A[nna] Margretha, wife.
4. Anna Catharina Scholl 1 Feb 1678-26 July 1723
Nicolaus Zimmermann , lawyer in Spöck and his housewife Anna Catharina Hans Rost citizen and blacksmith here, Anna Cathaina his wife.
5. Hans Andreas Endris Scholl 1639-1691, had a wife and family, no document with Joss's name
6. Hans Leonard Scholl 1652-1732, lived to be 80
Hans Andreas Endris Scholl 1639-1691 and Anna Margretha Hossin 1644-1693 Here are the sponsors for this couple's children:
1. Adam Kemm member of the city council 1641-20 Jan 1704 m Susanna Barbara Heyl and later m 8 Jan 1695 Jacobina Scholl 1667-1729 and third child of Hans Andreas Endris Scholl. They had 5 children, Adam Id KZCC-ZJT
2. Adam König innkeeper (see his death record) b 1628-22 Aug 1671 m Anna Margretha Their second child married Mayor Peter Keller, we have his death record
3. Andreas Zimmermann 1638-1691 and Anna Margretha Zimmermann. He died 3 days before Andreas Endris Scholl
4. Antoni Weick, 24 Aug 1647-1733 Hans Weick's son. m Margaretha Antoni Id: GSRW-17M
5. Christoph Schumacher the innkeeper at the crown m Margaretha
6. Conrad Heil member council member b 1626-1673 m Anna Jacobea Cammmerer. She died in the forest damp in
7. Jörg Eÿtel the innkeeper at the sign of the swan
8. Margret Rausch or Roesch Id LZ57-3X3 b 10 Oct 1647-29 May 1701 both death and birth in Graben. Her father is Adam Rausch's 1610-death 16 Dec 1667 in Graben and Mother Magdalena Schmidt 1608-1668. They married 1646 in Graben. Margret married Lorenz Heilmeyer in 1663. They had five children in Graben. Lorenz died 6 Mar 1694 in Graben.
9. Martin Keller not found in FS or Ancestry
10. Mattheus Rößler the innkeeper at the sign of the white (little) horse m Margaretha.
11. Peter Keller, the baker and Mayor 1657-1720 m Margretha König
Georg Scholl farmer b 1678 and Maria Elisabetha Weidmann. Here are the sponsors for this couple's children:
1. Christoph Schuhemaher the Butcher 1675-1750 and Anna Maria Barbara Horchheimer
2. Elisabeth Rausch daughter of Jacob Rausch 1652-1705 married Anna Maria, daughter Elisabeth Rausch GDCQ-3H2. Maria Elisabetha Rausch married Johann Nicholas Fisher in 1723 in Graben
3. Nicholas Fisher the Shepherd father is Hans Martin Fisher
4. Peter Merklen the weaver 1687-1733 and Elisabetha Cammererin
Note: The last two sponsors ended up getting married:
Nicholas Fisher shepherd m Elisabeth Rausch film 102078348 page 293 |
Number 20. Tuesday, on the 9th of November [1723] were legitimately married together Johann Nicolaus Fischer, an unmarried shepherd, surviving legitimately-conceived son of the late Hanß Martin Fischer, former lordly shepherd in "Linckhenheimb" [Linkenheim], and with him Maria Elisabetha Rauschin, surviving legitimately-conceived daughter of the late Jacob Rausch, former citizen here. They had a wedding sermon, celebratory pomp, and string music.
Georg Scholl farmer b 1720 and Anna Maria Kammerer Here are the sponsors for this couple's children:
1. Adam Bühler the Master Cartwright 1722- 2nd husband of Margaretha née Kammerer (a maker and repairer of wagons)
2. Christian Bickel, the Farrier and Blacksmith1722-1772 Maria Siddonia Scholl, Margaretha née Becker
3. George Philip Zwecker the Master Cartwright 1716-1754 1st husband of Margaretha née Kammerer
4. Georg Simon Merckle the linen weaver 1720- and Christina Uzlerin,
Wendel Scholl 1748-1817and Augusta Raicher 1752-1786 Here are the sponsors for this couple's children:
Baptismal witnesses:
(1) Friedrich Nägelin, the local citizen, master butcher, and innkeeper at the sign of the bear
(2) his wife Jacobina, née Bitrolfin;
(3) Johann Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master smith,
(4) his wife Catharina Barbara, née Süssin.
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses:
George Frederick Scholl 1777-1839
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses:
Philipp Scholl 1785-1858
Baptismal witnesses:
Maria Catharina Nuchter 1757-1825 2nd Wife. Here are the sponsors for Wendel's second wife's children:
Wilhelm Scholl 1788 Dec
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses:
Baptismal witnesses: