Peter Keller was born 1657 9KNS-XSC Peter's father, who was also named Peter was born 1625 and died at 36 years, widowed on 11 July 1661. 7 years before his death he had a son named Hans Michael Keller 8 Sep 1654. A year and a half before he died he baptized Anna Barbara Keller on 17 Jan 1659. After his death Anna Barbara Keller died at age 4 on 30 January 1663 in Graben. Peter the son was a local baker and later mayor in Graben who married Anna Margareth König. The mother's maiden name is identified in their daughter's birth record dated 10 Dec 1682. The König family is well known in Graben. Peter was born 23 April 1657 in Graben to Hans Peter and Margaretha. He probably married around 1677. Anna Margretha Keller was born 12 Dec 1682 with Margretha Königin as her mother. In 1685 Johann Peter Keller was born 5 Sep 1685 to Margretha Konig in Graben. Johann Christoph Keller was born 3 Nov 1686 with Margareth König mother. A different Peter Keller lost a child 29 July1686 at 47 weeks less 2 days on 30 July 1686 with no mother mentioned.
How many Peter Keller's are there?Peter Keller I born 1625-1661
Peter Keller II baker and later mayor was born 1657, was sponsor to Scholl baptisms and has a mayor son named Christoph Keller.
In 1682 Peter is referred to as a baker in Graben. In 1700
Peter's son Christoph Keller was the mayor and from 1706 to 1728.
Peter Keller II (Bruder d.Ch. which means brother) was the mayor of Graben.
In 1710 Peter Keller II's daughter was a baptismal sponsor at 14 for the birth of
Schumacher where she is identified as the mayor's daughter. Peter
Keller II and Anna Margaretha König were sponsors for two of Hans Andreas
Endris Scholl's children.They were good friends.
1. Anna Margretha was born 10 Dec1682 KJJJ-2KL Anna Margaretha married Peter Hornus in 1703.
2. Johann Peter Keller was born 5 Sep 1685 97Z4-SVK
3. Johann Christoph Keller was born 3 Nov 1686 9KNS-X9D
4 Anna Christina b 3 Dec 1696 KJJV-174
1687 Hans Peter Scholl Baptismal sponsors: Peter Keller (II) local baker and Anna Margareth and Hans Jörg Eytel the inkeeper of the Swan and his wife. (About 1675 he married Margretha König.)
Documents related to Peter Keller:
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Peter Keller's son Michael 9 Nov 1655 film 102078348 page 146 |
8 November [1655]: Hans Michael, Hans Peter Keller's little son. Baptismal sponsors: Hans Michel Hoss, the cooper and his wife, and Hans Michel Heistloff with wife
Note: The small sqaures mark the name of the Pastor Jakob Roller, whereas the big square marks Hans Peter Keller. Note that the inital hook is in different direction for the "R" and the "K".The typical part of the sentence is ... habe ich M: H: Jacob Roller Pfarrer von Ruß[heim?] Ein Kind getaufft... = ... have I Magister Herr Jacob Roller, pastor of Russheim baptized a child ..
Note: This is Peter Keller I's son named Michael born about two years before Peter II. Or this is Peter Keller's brother.
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Hans Peter Keller bap 23 Apr 1657 Graben film 102078348 page 147 |
Date: on the 23rd of April [1657].
Child: Hanß Peter. (Peter Keller II)
Parents: Hanß Peter Keller and his wife Margaretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Michel Zeißloff and his wife. Michael Hoß and his wife.
Note: This is Peter I's son who we will call Peter Keller II, baker and later mayor and baker in Graben, or the brother of Peter Keller mayor.
Date: on the 29th of October [1658].
Child: Anna Margretha.
Parents: Adam König and wife Margretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Ruprecht? K_____? and his wife. Wendel Beker. Christoff Zwegger and his wife.
Note: This is Peter Keller II's future wife born in 1658.
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Peter Keller w wife Margaretha child Anna Barbara 17 Jan birth 1659 film 004137289 page 210 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: on the 17th of January [1659].
Child: Anna Barbara.
Parents: Peter Keller and wife Margretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Michel Zeisloff and wife. Michel Hoß [Hoß?] and wife.
Note: This is Peter Keller I's daughter
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Peter Scholl I b 1625 died at age 36 11 July 1661 film 102078348 page 189 |
On 11 July 1661 died Hanß Peter Keller, a local citizen, 36 years old. He was buried the next day according to Christian rites.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 11th of July [1661], Hanß Peter Keller died, citizen here, ________ 36 years, who the following day was buried to the earth in a Christian manner.
Note: This is the death of Peter Keller I. He died 4 years after the birth of his son Peter Keller II.
Anna Barbara Keller death age 4, 30 Jan 1663 film 102078348 page 189 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 30th of January [1663], Anna Barbara died, surviving little daughter of Peter Keller, in the 4th year of her age, the following day was buried to the earth.
Martin Keller 19 Jul 1668 spon film 004137289 page 214 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 16 August [1668].
Child: Susann Maria.
Parents: Hans Kammerer, Anna, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moss together with wife. Martin Keller together with wife. Elisabeth Dorothea, the late Martin Weber's widow. (Who is Martin Keller?)
Martin Moss 1675 sponsor film 004137289 page 222 by |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of January [1675], to this world was born Johann Martin Hoß at night at 2:00 am, whose parents are Hans Michael Hoß and his wife Anna Maria etc.?, and was baptized on the 14th of January [1675] two days later after the morning sermon. Baptismal sponsors were: (1) Martin Moß, tax/custons official, and his wife. (2) Hanß Caspar Beckher and his wife. (3) Hans Matthaus Cammerer and his wife etc.?
Comment: Not sure if that abbreviation is "etc.", and if it is, what it means in this record where it appears twice; hence the question marks. NB: The surname in this record appears to be spelled Hosß = Hosss. I will spell it as "Hoß" in the translation.
Martin Moss spon 1678 film 004137289 page 225 |
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Anna Margretha Keller b 1682 father Peter Keller film 102078348 page 166 |
Date: on the 16th of December [1682] in the morning between 9:00 am and 10:00 am born and baptized on the 17th of the same month at the hour of 12 noon.
Child: Anna Margretha.
Parents: Peter Keller, baker here, wife Margretha, born Königin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Hanß Matthias Zeißloff and wife. Wendel Weickh and wife.
Note: This is the birth of Anna Margaretha to Peter Keller II, baker, mayor
Johann Peter Keller birth 5 Sept 1685 film. 102078398 page 231 |
Date: on the 5th of September [1685] in the morning between 5:00 am and 6:00 am born and baptized on the 6th [of September 1685] at 12 noon after the sermon.
Child: Johann Peter.
Parents: Peter Keller, the baker here, wife: Margretha, née Königin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Hanß Matthias Zeißloff, the lawyer, and wife. Wendel Weick and wife.
Note: The 1696 entry has Peter Keller II as a baker and mayor which tells us generally when he became mayor in Graben.
Johann Christoph Keller b 3 Nov 1686 film 102078348 page 171 |
First record:
Date: on the 24th of October [1686] at night between 11:00 pm and 12:00 midnight born and baptized on the 26th [of October 1686] at 12 noon.
Child: Maria Margretha.
Parents: Hanß Wendel Weick, wife: Catharina Barbara, née Wahrerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Keller, the baker here, and wife. Joh. Reinhard Süß and wife.
Second record:
Date: on the 3rd of November [1686] in the morning between 9:00 and 10:00 am born and baptized on the 4th [of November 1686] at 12:00 noon.
Child: Johann Christoff. + [died]
Parents: Peter Keller, the baker here, wife: Margretha, née Königin.
Baptismal sponsors: Christoff Weidmann and wife; Wendel Weick; and maiden Jacobea, En____ Scholl's legitimate daughter.
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Hans Peter Scholl born 16 Jun 1687 . film 102078348 page 172 |
Date: on the 16th of June [1687], in the morning between 5:00 am and 6:00 am born, and baptized on the 17th . . .Child: Hanß Peter. [Note + (died) above names.]
Parents: Hanß Endris Scholl, wife Anna Margetha, née "Hos(s)in" [Hoss].
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Keller, the baker here and wife Anna Margretha? Hanß Jörg Eytel, proprietor of the Swan Inn . . .
Christoph Wahrer age 87 death 11 Feb 1692 Graben film 102078348 page 204 |
On the 11th of February in the year 1692, Christoph Wahrer blissfully fell asleep, citizen and of the court in Graben, who the next day was honestly buried; he lived approximately 87 years.
Anna Margaretha Kemm b 5 Apr 1696 film 004137289 page 240 |
Date: born on the 3rd of April [1696], baptized on the 5th of April [1696] in the afternoon.
Child: Anna Margaretha.
Parents: Hanß Adam Kämm, wife Anna Jacobea.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Peter Keller, mayor, and fiancée Anna Margaretha. Hanß Jost Wentz and fiancée Sabina.
Note: This is Peter Keller II as a baptismal sponsor to the Kemm family in Graben
Note: I have no idea why Peter Keller, baker and mayor, has a fiancée named. Anna Margaretha. They have been married for some time.
Who is Jost Wentz? Jost Wentz ID: KGCM-HRY, was born in 1655 in Graben to Hans Jaakob Wenz and Mara Pfeil. He is their third child. Jost married Anna Sabina Rausch in the early 1680s. They had eight children. Sabina died in 1708 and twenty-one years later Jost died 3 Sept 1729.
Jost Wentz m 20 Aug 1709 film 102078348 page 287 |
On the 20th of August [1709], [were married] Jost Wenz of the council and court here, a widower, with him Anna Maria Zellerin, legitimate surviving daughter, unmarried status, of the citizen and former blacksmith in Dörtling? in the Duchy of Württemberg.
Note: The council refers to a city council. There is another specific German word for church council: Kirchenrat(h).
Jost Wentz age 74 death 3 Sep 1729 film 102078348 page 339 |
202. On the 3rd of September [1729], Hanß Jost Wentz died, local citizen, who thereafter with the sound of bells, singing, and a funeral sermon was buried in the usual manner.
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Anna Christina Keller b 3 Dec 1696 film 004137289 page 240 |
Date: 3 December [1696] born, 6? December [1696] baptized.
Child: Anna Christina.
Parents: Peter Keller, wife Anna Margaretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Adam Kemm with his wife Anna Jacobea. Peter Weÿdmann, the _____?, with his wife Elisabetha.
Note: This is Peter Keller II's daughter. Notice who the sponsors are.
Hans Wendel Weick m to Anna Barbara Becker 1697 film102078298 page 240 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 1697 [specific date illegible]. [Note: half-way down the image the year changes to 1697.]
Child: Johann Wendel.
Parents: Hanß Wendel Weick, Anna Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Peter Keller, the mayor, with his wife Anna Margaretha; Hanß Wendel Mos, the weaver?, with his wife Anna Margaretha.
Note: In the 1600s the Kellers, Scholl's and Weick family were very close. I'd say best friends.
Anna Barbara Keller death age 4 30 Jan 1663 film 102078348 page 189 |
On the 30th of January [1663], Anna Barbara died, surviving little daughter of Peter Keller, in the 4th year of her age, the following day was buried to the earth.
Ulrich Neitzel: Transcritpion:
24 Juli [1703] Joh. Georg Hornus, Hutmacher, H. Peter Hornus, Burgers u. Hutmachers, de_? afl__? Joll_? Sohn in Durlach mit Anna Margaretha, H. Peter Kellers Schultheißens Tochter allhier. seynd nachfolgend Ehe? copuliert worden a me Joh. Alberto Obermüller, p.t. pastore
On 24 July 1703 Johann Georg Hornus, hatmaker, ___? son of Mr. Peter Hornus, citizen and hatmaker in Durlach, and Anna Margaretha, daughter of Mr. Peter Keller, mayor here, have been married by me, Johann Albert Obermüller, temporary pastor.
Peter Keller 13 Aug 1707 film 004137289 page 308 |
Date and Child: 13 August [1707]: Hans Peter.
Parents: Hans Peter Haug, the miller, and his wife Margaretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Keller, Mr. Mayor, and his wife Anna Margaretha. Friedrich Jacob Kißling, Jörg's son from Eggenstein. Margaretha Cammererin, the lawyer's daughter.
Note: "Herr" is a sign of respect in German documents and is translated as Mr. It is rarely seen in German documents.
Christina Schemacher birth 29 Dec 1713. f Joh Christophg Schemacher film 102078348 page 225 |
Parents: Johann Christoff Schuhemacher, the butcher, Anna Maria Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Georg Friederich Herbster, the shoemaker, with his wife. Georg Scholl with his wife.
Comment: Here is a link about Thomastag from the German Wikipedia:
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Johann George 15 Sep 1715 birth Graben, film 4137289 page 320 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: born on the 15th [of September 1715] and baptized on the 16th of September [1715].
Child: Johann Georg. [below name: + = died]
Parents: Hanß Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor here, Anna Eva.
Witnesses: Hanß Jörg Waibel, local innkeeper at the sign of the swan, with his wife Margaretha. Christoph Keller, citizen and baker [at] this place, with his wife Maria Catharina.
Note: Mayor and baker Christoph Keller noted as a sponsor to Johann Georg Scholl. Who is this Christoph Keller? He is a mayor and baker in Graben, and the son of Peter Keller II.
Christoph Keller mayor witness rt 25 May 1718 film 102078348 page 235 |
Date: born on 24 [March 1718] and baptized on 25 March [1718].
Child: Georg Christoph.
Parents, Georg Bleÿer, "Fleckens"? miller here, Anna Elisabetha.
Witnesses: Christoph Keller, citizen and baker here, with his wife Maria Catharina. Johann Georg Wörner, innkeeper at the sign of the crown and civic council member at this place, with his wife Anna Maria.
Peter Keller death 63 yrs 1720 film 102078348 page 323 |
8. On the 21st of July [1720], Mr. Peter Keller, local mayor, died, who thereafter with a funeral sermon was honestly buried. Age: 63 years, 3 months less 2 days.
Note: This is the same man born 23 Apr 1657 or Peter Keller II. He served as mayor from at least 1696 to 1720 or about 24 years.
Anna Margaretha Keller death 30 Oct 1721 film 102078348 page 324 |
27. On the 30th of October [1721], Anna Margareta, surviving widow of the late Mr. Peter Keller, former baker and mayor here, died, and on the 1st of November [1721] according to the tradition was honestly buried; at the age of 63 years and 1 day.
Note by Robert Seal
Comments: It's "Herr" but remember you asked for a translation: "Herr" translates as "Mister" = Mr.
Yes, "Herr" is a term of respect. Note that very few people in the records have "Mr." in front of their names. You can safely assume when I add "Mr." to a name in my translations that I am translating the word "Herr" unless otherwise noted.
Note: This is the wife of Peter Keller II, baker, mayor and father of four children
Christoph Keller death 31 Jan 1728 film 102078348 page 335 |
151. On the 31st of January [1728], Christoff Keller died, baker and innkeeper at the Little White Horse tavern here, who thereafter with the ringing of all bells?, singing, and a funeral sermon was buried. Age: 41 years, 3 months less 3 days.
Comment: I am still uncertain about the word "Zeichen" hence the question mark.
Note: Christoph birth 3 Nov1686; death 31 January 1728. This is the son of Peter Keller II.
Robert Seal notes: Regarding: lauth... aller Zeichen
I originally interpreted the first word as a form of "läut" (with an umlaut over the "a"). The word "läuten" means: to ring. But the word in this record does not have an umlaut on the "a": lauth...
The word "laut" translates as "loud" but it can also translate as "according to".So the phrase might be: according to all signs/symbols, etc. This still doesn't make sense.
Ulrich: Can you make any sense of this phrase for us? Thanks.
Hello Kent and Robert Seal:
In the original record the word for what I translated as "innkeeper at the Little White Horse tavern" is: Weißrößlinswirth.
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from Kemm book |
It seems to be a description about the landownership and the resulting tax obligations in the Graben community (here called "The marketplace Graben"). The plots are called "Hueben" (singular Hube) which is an old word for a farmstead and also designates a certain land area (see, in German, please translate with DeepL). In this text it is said that Graben comprises 105 Hueben, each with a size of 32 Morgen (another old area measure
However, because the plots are not contiguous and the forest is used in common as it was usual in previous times the following desciption of the owners is a summaric one and not detailed. It starts with Peter Keller, the mayor, who pays annually on St. Martins day for two Hueben and a quarter(?).... (here it stops)
Here is the transcription of the text which you may try to translate with DeepL 😉 (not soo bad, I think):
Graben der Markht
Jährlich unablösige Gellt Zinß/ Alte Hüner/ auch Korn unndt Habern ußer Erblichen Huebgütthern zu Graben/ uff Martinj gefallendt.
Zu Wißen/ daß zu Graben uff der gemarkhung seyen Ein Hundert und fuenff Hueben/ darein gehören in Jede gantze Hueb Dreyßig unnd Zween Morgen Aggers/ Egerten unnd Holtz.
Es haben aber dießer Zeit solche Hueben Innen und geben darauß Zu Zins/ Wie nach Volget etc.
Peter Keller der Schultheiß/ gibt Jährlichs uff Martinj/ ußer Zwey Hueben unnd Einem Viert-
Annually unredeemable interest/old fields/also grain and heather from the hereditary farmsteads at Graben/ fell on St. Martin's Day.
It is to be known that at Graben on the estate there are one hundred and five hectares/there belong in each whole hectare thirty and two acres of fields and wood.
But at this time such plots have inside and give on it to interest/ As according to Volget etc..
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Translation request-Page 35 second half Kemm |
Translation by WSeelentag
Let me try to summarize the content:
Peter Keller, the village major, had to pay taxes based on 2 "Huben" and a quarter "Acker" annually on Martini (Nov 11):
9 "Schilling Pfennig" in the Markgräver (Markgräfler? … in which region did this occur?) currency
4½ "old" (i.e. grown up) henns
2 "Malter" and 2 "Simrin" rye
2 "Malter" and 2 "Simrin" and 1 "Vierling" oat in Etlinger measures.
I would assume the region is Ettlingen ( - which makes Markgräfler Land (äflerland) plausibel … I mean it's the same corner of Germany.
Hube is likely synonymous for Hufe ( which also tells us that 1 Hufe = 30 Acker (keep in mind that these ratios may differ regionally - so if you want it more exact, further research is required).
Malter (, Simmer ( and Vierling ( are measures for corn - again, further research would be required to determine how much that was in the relevant region.