Mattheus Rößler had a wife named Elisabeth Stober 1641 - 1708. FS has his father as Hanß Martin Rößler and his mother as Anna Marien In 1681 Mattheus was the baptismal sponsor for a child born to Hans Andreas Endris Scholl 1639-1691. Being a baptismal sponsor meant that if something happened to Andreas and his wife Mattheus and his wife would raise the child.
The name Rößleris spelled with the following single letter from the German alphabet: "ß" (called an Eszett) making the name: Roessleris. The Eszett represents a double s.
Hans Matthaeus Scholl Baptismal sponsors are (1) Hanß Andreas Zimmermann,
citizen here, [and] Anna Margreth, his wife. (2) Mattheus Rößler,
citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the white (little) horse, [and] Elisabeth, his wife.
Mattheus lived to be 80 years old. His death record says: Mattheus Rößler, former owner of the local Hirsch Inn, (Hirsch means stag or deer) a widower. His wife Elisabetha Stober was age 67 at death. She was b 1641 died 4 Dec 1708. Mattheus FH ID: GDZ4-F4Q
Documents related to Mattheus Rößler:
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Anna Barbara Röbler bap 14 May 1646 f Martin Robler father, m Anna Maria film 102078248 page 142 |
Left margin: Hanß Martin Röß[ler] and Anna Maria his wife.
On the 14th of May [1646], a little daughter, Anna [Bar]bara, was baptized.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Häger and Rosina his wife, from Neuendorff. Hanß Öst____, the miller, and Barb[ara] his wife. Martin Ben__, from Leidelsheim, and Anna Barbara his wife.
Comments:"Neuendorff" might be the place called Neudorf: which is just north of Graben."Leidelsheim" might be the place called Liedolsheim: which is approximately 3 miles west of Graben.
Note: This is the father of Mattheus Rößler, making Anna Barbara sister to Mattheus.
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Anna Maria Robler bap 21 Nov 1647 Graben film 102078348 page 143 |
Left margin: [H]anß Martin Rösler, "Bäder", [and] Anna Maria his wife.
On the 21st of November [1647], a little daughter, so named Anna Mar___, was baptized.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Hanß Jörg Meÿer, district administrator, and Anna Maria his wife. Heinrich Munck and his wife from "Leidelsheim". Hanß Öst___er, the miller, and Ba[rba]ra his wife, Catholic religion.
Comments: "Bäder" after the father's name is puzzling to me. The German word for bathouse operator/barber is "Bader" without an umlaut over the "a". "Bäder" with an umlaut on the "a" translates as: baths. So I am not quite sure what to do with this word. Given that the mother's name and the first female sponsor's name are Anna Maria, it's likely that the child's second name is "Maria" BUT it could also be "Margaretha". You'll need to decide how you want to handle this.
Note: This is the father of Mattheus Rößler, making Anna Maria a sister to Mattheus.
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Hans+Matthaeus+Scholl+born+16+Feb+1681+film+102978348+page+164 |
On the 16th of February [1681] early in the morning, Anna Margretha, legitimate wife of Hans Endris Scholl, citizen here, gave birth to their little son who thereafter on the 18th of the same month was baptized and named Hanß Mattheus.
Baptismal sponsors: (1) Hanß Andreas Zimmermann, citizen here, [and] Anna Margreth, his wife. (2) Mattheus Rößler, citizen and ___ ___ ___ ___ Rößl., [and] Elisabeth, his wife.
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Elisabetha Stobre 4 Dec 1708 father film 102078298 page 404 |
On the 4th of December, Elisabetha Stoberin, Matthei Rößler's beloved wife, blissfully fell asleep in the Lord, her age 67 years, and on the 6th [of December] thereafter was buried in a Christian manner.
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Mattheus Rößler death 12 Nov 1716 102078348 page 321 |
This is a remarkable record indeed. As I understand it, the text itself is not from the scripture, but are the words of Pastor Niklas. He then selects the text from Syracid/Sirach/Ecclesiasticus as a warning:
"Let nothing hinder you from paying a vow promptly, and do not wait until death to be released from it." (in modern translation)
welch[er] wie gelebt so auch gestorben, naeml: da er in gesunden Tagen allen Zuspruch zum Christlichen Leben verachtet, auch nachmals bey etlichen Tagen, wo seinem Tod gänzlich Verfallenem Gehör und Verlohrenem Sinne, ohne Mündlichen Zuspruch müssen dahin sterben; und weil er mit wollust zur Trunkenheit gesündigt, alslang er gekonnt und bis ihn die Sünde verlassen, zum Leichtext bekommen: Verba Syracid C. XIIX, v. 22
Translation of this unusual death entry:
who, as he lived, so he died; for since in healthy days he despised all encouragement to the Christian life, even afterwards, when at his death his hearing and senses were completely lost, he had to die without oral encouragement; and because he had sinned with lust to drunkenness as long as he could, and until sin had left him, he had been given as funeral text: the words of Syracid ch. XIIX, verse 22
Translation by Marion Wolfert
On the 12 Nov 1716 died and was buried on the 13 Nov 1716
Mattheus Rößler, former owner of the local Hirsch Inn, a widower
(a scripture)
“welch wir gelebts und auch gestorben, naemlich da rein gesund Taten allen Zuspruch zum Christlichen Leben verachtet, auch nachmals bei etlichen Tag vor seinem Tod gaenzlich Verfallenes Gehoer und Verlohrenne Sinne, ohne Muendliche Zuspruch muessen dahin sterben, und weil er mit wollust Trunkenheit gesuendigt, als lang er gekonnt und bis ihn die Suende verlassen, zum Leichtext bekommen”, Verba Syracid: C XIIX. N.22
It is written kind of different, but in essence, it says: (have it checked and translated by one of the other people if needed, like Robert Seal or anyone who understands this old “description” better)
I says that he did not pay attention to advice given to him to live a better life, that he did not want to repent for previous misdeeds, he would not listen prior to his death and he died without council or comfort and he lost his senses, he loved to drink and get drunk and had sinned as long he was able to until it was too late to repent
Kent: Mattheus lived to be 80 years old .Wife Elisabetha Stober age 67 at death b 1641 died 4 Dec 1708
Robert Seal notes:
The scripture comes from the Book of Syracid, chapter 18, verse 22.
Here is a link from Wikipedia about the Book of Syracid, aka Ecclesiasticus, aka Sirach:
Here is another link which will also provide background information on the Book of Syracid:
Here specifically is the link to chapter 18, verse 22:
Ecclesiasticus 18:22......Before iudgement examine thy selfe, and in the day of visitation thou shalt find mercy. 21Humble thy selfe before thou be sicke, and in the time of sinnes shew repentance. Let nothing hinder thee to pay thy vowe in due time, and deferre not vntill death to be justified. 23Before thou prayest, prepare thy selfe, and be not as one that tempteth the Lord. 24Thinke vpon the wrath that shall be at the end; and the time of vengeance when he shall turne away his face.
Robert Seal: Good evening Kent,
Yes, this is a highly unusual burial record. I have not seen a record like this in 20 years of research. I think you summed it up perfectly when you said: "This is more of an indictment than a[n] obituary."
Pastor Niklas's selection from the Book of Syracid 18:22 is certainly apt given the circumstances of Herr Rößler's life.
One can also assume that Pastor Niklas did not adhere to the adages of "better left unsaid" and "if you don't have something nice to say . . ."