Martin married Anna Moßin who was born in 1617. She died 19th of February [1681], at 74 years old. He died at 68 in 1688.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Martin Moß, princely Margravian custom official. Mr. Christoph Schuhmacher, the Cronenwirth and his wife Margaretha. Antoni Cammerer and his wife Anna.
Note: Moßis spelled with the following single
letter from the German alphabet: "ß" (called an Eszett) making the name: Moss. The Eszett represents a double s.
Martin Moß grew up during the 30 Years War, serving as tax officer from 1640 to 1688. Martin's wife was born in 1607 and saw the entire 30 Years War.These were hard times. I wonder what area his tax collecting duties entailed? what was their life like? All the best and thanks for taking us back to a bygone era, Martin and his wife were born 13 years apart, the same as my wife and I.
What happened to their children?1. Maria Magdalena Moss lived from 1646 to 1991. She married Wendel Cammerer about 1664 and they had nine children. The first child Susanna Barbara was born out of wedlock. Only one of her children lived past five years old. She died 22 March 1691 living 45 years 4 months.
2. Hans Wendel Moss born 2 May 1679 married Anna Margreth ? 9KNS-HQV However there is a Wendel Moss as a sponsor in 1665, 1687 and in 1718 as seen below.
Documents related to Martin Moss:
Wilhelm Scholl 31 Aug 1665 film 004137289 page 213 |
Translation by Robert Seal
Date: 31 October [1665].
Child: Susanna Barbara, a born-out-of-wedlock child.
Parents: Wendel Kammerer with Maria Mossin, the tax/customs official's daughter.
Baptismal sponsors: Wilhelm Scholl together with wife. Hanß Mats Heil together with wife.
Comment: Written under the child's name: "Ein Huren Kind" = a child born out of wedlock; bastard; prostitute's child (these definitions come from Thode). The word is also spelled as a single word: Hurenkind. Who is Wilhelm Scholl? Maria Magdalena Moos (about 1646-1691), ID KDQ9-H94 She married Wendel Cammerer and they had 9 children.
Link: to Maria Magdalena Mos in Ancestry's Public Member Trees:
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Hans Martin Scholl birth 8 March 1668 film 4137289 page 214 The Graben Pastor is Sebastian Aepinus Aping from 1663-1671 |
Child: Hanß Martin. + [= died (at some point in the future but not necessarily as an infant or child)].
Parents: Hanß Mat[thei]s Scholl [and] Eva, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moß [or Moss] together with wife; Hans Conrad Heil, together with the wife.
Hans Martin born 29 Aug 1668 film 102078348 page 153 |
Date: 8 March [1668].
Child: Hanß Martin. + [= died (at some point in the future but not necessarily as an infant or child)].
Parents: Hanß Mat[thei]s Scholl [and] Eva, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moß [or Moss] together with wife; Hans Conrad Heil, together with the wife.
Martin Keller 16 Aug 1668 spon film 004137289 page 214 |
Date: 16 August [1668].
Child: Susann Maria.
Parents: Hans Kammerer, Anna, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moss together with wife. Martin Keller together with wife. Elisabeth Dorothea, the late Martin Weber's widow.
Hans Andreas birth 2 Sep 1670 film 4137289 page 215 |
Date: [blank] September [1670].
Child: Hanß Andreaß.
Parents: Hanß Matthaeus "Schol", Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moss together with wife; Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
Anna Barbara Hoss b 9 Jun 1672 film 102078348 page 155 |
Record number: 19.
Child: Anna Barbara.
Date: 9 June [1672].
Parents: H. Michel "Hooß", the younger, A. Katharina, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin "Mooß", tax/customs official, Anna, wife. H. Caspar Beker, Jacobe, wife. H. "Mtaeus" [Mattheus] Kammerer, Margaretha, wife.
Martin Moss 1675 sponsor film 004137289 page 222 |
On the 12th of January [1675], to this world was born Johann Martin Hoß at night at 2:00 am, whose parents are Hans Michael Hoß and his wife Anna Maria etc.?, and was baptized on the 14th of January [1675] two days later after the morning sermon.
Comment: Not sure if that abbreviation is "etc.", and if it is, what it means in this record where it appears twice; hence the question marks.
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Martin Mos sponsor to the birth of Hans Reinhard Becker bap 2 Jun 1677 film 102078348 page 162 |
On the 2nd of June [1677] a young little son of Hanß Caspar Becker, citizen and baker, and of the council here, from his wife Jacoba was born here, who hereafter on the 3rd of the same month, the feast of Pentecost, was baptized and was named Hanß Reinhard.
Comment: I consulted a church calendar and Pentecost did fall on 3 June in the year 1677.
On the 22nd of March [1678], a young daughter of Hanß Jörg Eytel, citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the swan here, from his wife Anna Catharina was born, who afterwards on the 23rd of the same month was baptized and named Anna Margreth. Baptismal sponsors were (1) Hanß Matthis Zeißlof, citizen and linen weaver here, and Anna his wife. (2) Martin Mos, the tax/customs official, [and] Anna his wife.
Hans Christopher Moss born 2 May 1679 film 1020783298 page 225 |
On the 2nd of May [1679] a young little son of Hanß Wendel Moß, citizen here, from his wife Anna "Margerth" was born and on the 3rd of the same month baptized and was named Hanß Christoph. Baptismal sponsors: (1) Hanß Matth. Cammerer, citizen here, and his wife Anna "Margerth". (2) Christoph Waidman, citizen, Anna Magdalena, his wife.
Maria Margaretha Cammerer burial age 5 father Wendel 19 Mar 1680 film 12078298 page 261 |
On the 19th of March [1680] in the morning between 10:00 am and 11:00 am died here the young little daughter of Wendel Cammerer and Maria Magdalena, his wife, named Maria Margretha, and was on the 21st of the same month, Laetare Sunday, buried; her age 5 years, 9 weeks.
Comment: Laetare Sunday is the third Sunday before Easter.
On the 19th of February [1681], at night between 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm Anna Moßin blissfully fell asleep, the legitimate wife of Mr. Martin Moß, the customs official here, and on the 21st of the same month in the evening between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm was honestly buried to the earth. Her age 74 years, "etl."? month.
Johann Christoph Kemm b 9Dec 1682 film 102078348 page 166 |
Date: on the 9th of December [1682] in the morning between 9:00 am and 10:00 am born, and baptized on the 10th [of December 1682] at the hour of 12 noon.
Child: Johann Christoph.
Parents: Hanß Adam Kemm, wife Susanna Barbara, née Heylin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Martin Moß, princely Mar_____? custom official. Mr. Christoph Schuhmacher, the _____wirth? and his wife Margaretha. Antoni Cammerer and his wife Anna.
Wendel Moss spon 1687 film 004137289 page 236 |
Date: on the 15th of September [1687] in the forenoon between 10:00 and and 11:00 am born and baptized on the 16th of the same month at 12:00 noon.
Child: Anna Margretha. + [died]
Parents: Hanß Martin Zwecker, wife: Anna Barbara, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Wendel Moß and wife. Hanß Jörg Kern/Kren, the tailor here, and wife.
Martin Moss death 12 Jan 1688 Zoller age 68 film 102078348 page 200 copy |
den 12t: January 1688 starb nach 6 tag überstandener Schwachheit ___ ___ undt seelig, ohne ___ Ach oder Weh bey guter ___ biß auff den letzten Odem, der Ehrenhaft u: bescheidene? H. Martin Moß, fürstl. Marggr. 28 jähriger Zoller allhier. welcher d: 14t: ejd. Mittags Christl. Zu Erde bestattet worden da er gelebt 68 Jahr u: 13 Tag. D.O.M. __ ___ ___ ____.
On 12 January 1688, after 6 days of overcoming his weakness, the honourable and modest? Mr. Martin Moss, lordly margravian tax officer here for 28 years, died ___ ___ and blissfully, without alas or woe with good ___ until the last breath. In Christian manner he was buried to the ground on the 14th at midday, when he had lived 68 years and 13 days.
Date: [blank] September [1670].
Child: Hanß Andreaß.
Parents: Hanß Matthaeus "Schol", Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moss together with wife; Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
Pastor:The Graben Pastor at the time of Johann Andreas's birth was Sebastian Aepinus Aping who served between 1663-1671. He recorded the document above.
Hans Christopher Moss born 2 May 1679 film 1020783298 page 225 |
On the 2nd of May [1679] a young little son of Hanß Wendel Moß, citizen here, from his wife Anna "Margerth" was born and on the 3rd of the same month baptized and was named Hanß Christoph. Baptismal sponsors: (1) Hanß Matth. Cammerer, citizen here, and his wife Anna "Margerth". (2) Christoph Waidman, citizen, Anna Magdalena, his wife.
On the 22 March 1691 died Maria Magdalena, wife of Hannss Wendel Cammerers
She was buried the next day to her final resting place, she lived 45 years and 4 month
Christoph Wendel Moss marriage 15 Nov 1701 to Anna Catharina Buchen film 102078348 page 187 |
Comment: I interpreted the groom in this record as Christoph, the son of Wendel Mooß, not as "Christoph Wendel Mooß".
Anna Margaretha Mooss born 5 Dec 1702 film 102078298 page 245 2 |
On the 5th of December [1702] a little girl was born and on the [blank] of that month baptized:
Parents: Christoph Mooss, white baker here, and Anna Catharina, his wife.
Name [of the child]: Maria Margaretha.
Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Georg Werner?, the miller and his wife. Georg Michel? Reichardt?, the "Bad____" here?, and Margaretha, wife of Ga_____k? Wege___? from Durlach.
Comment: A "white baker" is a baker of fine breads such as white bread as opposed to rye or other dark breads.
Wendel Moss tax coll sponsor 1716 filmm 102078348 page 229 |
Date: twins born on the 18th of April [1716] and baptized on the 19th [of April 1716].
Children: Johann Christophorus, + [died], and Georg Martin, + [died].
Parents: Johann Christoph Weidmann, citizen and farmer here, Anna Elisabetha.
Witnesses for the first child: Wendel Moß, the tax/customs official, with his wife Margretha. Reinhardt Becker, citizen at this place, with his wife Margetha.
Witnesses for the other child: Johann Georg Waibel, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, with his wife Margretha. Martin Weidmann, unmarried status, Matthiae Weidmann's legitimate son. Miss Maria Margretha, legitimate daughter of Simon Heÿl, citizen and member of the court here.
1718 102078298 page 382 |
Andreas Moss 17 May 1718 witness rt film 102078348 page 235 |
Date: born on the 16th [of May 1718] and baptized on the 17th of May [1718].
Child: Sophia Margretha.
Parents: Joseph Greiner, out of "Würten____?" from Sachsenheim? near Vaihingen on the Enz [River], currently a servant at/with the "Ochßsenwirth" here; Catharina [mother].
Witnesses: Andreas Moß, "Ochßenwirth" here, with his wife: [blank]. Andreas Heilmann, citizen and farmer at this place, with his wife: Elisabetha.
"Würten____?" = some form of "Württemberg"?
"Ochßenwirth" = Ochsenwirt(h) = innkeeper at the sign of the ox, or small farmer with oxen only, no horses.
Gross Sachsenheim and Klein Sachsenheim are about 16-17 miles northeast of Vaihingen on the Enz.
Wendel Moss marriage 9 June 1722 to Anna Barbara Lampoertin film 102078348 page 293 |
No. 15.
Tuesay, on the 9th of June [1722] were legitimately married and blessed Wendel Mooß, lordly tax/customs official and widower here, and with him Anna Barbara Lampertin, surviving widow of the late Johann Keller, former Mercklenburg rider/cavalryman, otherwise a native of "Öhlbronn" [Ölbronn] from Württemberg. They had a wedding sermon, celebration, and string music at the meal.