Adam b 1692 was born to Jo Georg Bühler. George was a citizen of Wößingen which is 13 miles southeast of Graben. Adam married Maria Margaretha Cammerer 13 May 1755. She was married previously to Georg Philipp Zwecker (1716-1789) 22 Jan 1743. He died 16 Oct 1754. She married about 6 months later to Johann George. At the time of their marriage she had had 7 children, 2 of whom were alive at the time of her marriage. Maria died at 67 11 Oct 1789 and was buried two days later. Adam Bühler was a local citizen and master cartwright or wagonbuilder. (see marriage record at end of this post)
What happened to Georg Zwecker's children?
Baby girl 1745-1745
Maria Elisabeth 1746-1784 married Bernhard Nagel 5 Jan 1773 and had five children
Margaretha Barbara 1747-1812 married Johannes Hoffmann 8 Jun 1771 and had five children
Baby girl 1750-1750
Christoph 1751 married Maria Sidonia Meier b 1750 and had eight children
Georg Philipp 1752-1753 lived one year
Georg Philipp 1754 married Maria Sidonia Gamer 20 Nov 1781 and had three children
Documents related to the Zwecker family:
Georg Philipp Zwecker marr 22 Jan 1743 to Maria Graben film. 102078348 page 372 |
1743, on the 22nd of January, after the sermon was held, were married Georg Philipp Zwecker, legitimate unmarried son in the wagonbuilder [cartwright] trade, of the late Christoph Zwecker, formal local citizen, and Maria Margaretha Cammer[er]in, Michael Cammerer's unmarried daughter.
Zwecker 1747 film 102078348 page 347 |
1747, on the 7th of September, a little daughter of Jerg Philipp Zwecker, local citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margaretha, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Margaretha Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors are Hans Jerg Waibel, citizen and innkeeper at the Swan Tavern, and Simon Jerg Merckle, also a local citizen, and their wives.
Left margin: died 3 July 1812.
Georg Scholl spon 1748 film 102078348 page 377 |
1748, on the 4th of December a little daughter of Georg Simon Merckle, citizen and weaver, from his wife Anna Christina, née Uzlerin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Anna Ba[r]bara.
Baptismal sponsors are Jerg P[h]ilipp Zwecker, the cartwright?, with his wife, and Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, with his wife.
Note: Simon Merckle is one of George Scholl's baptismal sponsors. as is Philipp Zwecker.Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 1st of September 1752, a little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen, cartwright, and temporary mayor, from his wife Margareth, née Cammererin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Georg Philipp.
Baptismal sponsors are Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, and Peter Gamer, citizen and farmer, with their wives.
Right margin: + [died].
Johann Adam Bühler marr to Margaretha Cammererin 13 May 1755 film 102078348 page 478 |
On the 13th of May 1755, after prayer hour was held, were married, Johann Adam Bühler, legitimate unmarried son, in the wagonbuilder? craft, of Johann Georg Bühler, citizen in Wößingen, with Margaretha, née Cammererin, the surviving widow of the late "Jo:" [i.e., Georg] Philipp Zwecker, citizen and wagonbuilder?
Comments: I am interpreting the German word for "wagonbuilder" in the record as: Wagner. This word occurs in two places in the record (at the end of the second and third lines), though I'm not completely certain that the word is "Wagner" (hence the ?) because in both instances the scribe makes a very unusual capital "W". He also makes an unusual initial "W" in the second word "Wittwe" in the last line of the record. Oddly enough, however, for the place name "Wößingen" the capital "W" looks normal.
Here is the link: for Wössingen from Meyers Gazetteer:
Wössingen is approximately 12 miles southeast of Graben.
Georg Philipp Zwecker death 12 Jun 1753 Graben, film 102078298 page 602 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of June 1753, the conceived little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margretha, née Cammererin, named Georg Philipp, died from diarrhea and ensuing cramps, at the age of 10 months, 11 days.
Johann Adam Bühler marr to Margaretha Cammererin Zweckerin film 102078348 page 478 |
On the 13th of May 1755, after prayer hour was held, were married, Johann Adam Bühler, legitimate unmarried son, in the wagonbuilder? craft, of Johann Georg Bühler, citizen in Wößingen, with Margaretha, née Cammererin, the surviving widow of the late "Jo:" [i.e., Georg] Philipp Zwecker, citizen and wagonbuilder?
Comments: I am interpreting the German word for "wagonbuilder" in the record as: Wagner. This word occurs in two places in the record (at the end of the second and third lines), though I'm not completely certain that the word is "Wagner" (hence the ?) because in both instances the scribe makes a very unusual capital "W". He also makes an unusual initial "W" in the second word "Wittwe" in the last line of the record. Oddly enough, however, for the place name "Wößingen" the capital "W" looks normal.
Here is the link: for Wössingen from Meyers Gazetteer:
Wössingen is approximately 12 miles southeast of Graben.
Mathias Scholl 24 Oct 1773 spon Nagel birth rt middle film 102078348 page 56 |
On the 24th of October [1773], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Maria Elisabetha [Nagel].
Father: young Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen. LHWJ-JQ5
Mother: Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. MHJN-1D9
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Weibel, the local citizen, master butcher, proprietor of the Swan Tavern, and council member, and (2) his wife Maria Magdalena, née Eberhardin. (3) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor. (4) Catharina Elisabetha, née Schüzin, wife of Martin Wenz, the local citizen.
Right column: died 27 February 1827.
Comment: Have you noticed that a large number of the men identified as master butchers in these Graben parish records are also identified as innkeepers?
Note: young Mattheis Scholl must be Johann Matthias Scholl's oldest son also named Matthias.
Margaretha Nagel b 22 Sep 1775 top rt film 102078348 page 571 |
On the 22nd of September [1775], in the evening at 7:00 pm born and on the 23rd of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Nagel].
Father: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Weibel, the local citizen, master butcher, innkeeper of the Swan Tavern, and council member, and (2) his wife Maria Magdalena, née Eberhardin.
Right column: + [died].
Christoph Zwecker b 14 July 1776 film 102078348 page 576 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 14th of July [1776], in the
morning at 7:00 am born and on the 15th of the same month baptized:
Johann Christoph [Zwecker].
Father: Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Meierin.
witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Christoph Wenz, the local citizen and
master weaver, and (2) his wife Maria Catharina, née Schollin. (3)
Augusta, née Raicherin, wife of Joh[ann] Wendel Scholl, the local
Right column: "in Ungarn?" = in Hungary?
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Scholl sponsor Nagel 23 May 1777 film 102078348 page 580 |
Born on the 23 May 1777 (not the 13th) and christened on the 25th May 1777 was Bernhard NAGEL. His father was Bernhard NAGEL a local citizen and his mother was Maria Elisabetha ZWECKER(in)
Witnesses are: 1. Jacob Friedrich WEIBEL a local citizen and master butcher and keeper of the Schwanen Inn, 2. And his wife Maria Magdalena nee EBERHARD(in), 3. Young Matteis SCHOLL, local citizen and master tailor and 4. His wife Elisabetha nee GAMER(IN)
Remark: He immigrated 11 August 1819 to Odessa (Russia)
The Reformation of 1521 ignited religious wars.
1. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) resulted in a 30% loss of population.
2. Treat of Westphalia (1648) gave the Holy Empire partial control of Germany.
3. Invasion (1674) of Louis XIV of France brought destruction of many cities.
4. War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714) again brought French armies.
5. Seven Years War (1756-1763) involved all Europe with Germany the battlefield. There was utter poverty after the Seven Years War. Germany was weak; it did not have a central government. It was patchwork of 75 pricipalities, 51 imperial cities and 1,475 areas ruled by knights. Subjects were serfs.
Now Czarina Catherine II, a former German princess, offered a glittering proposal of privileges and free land. By her Manifesto of July 22, 1763, settlers were invited to build colonies along the sparsely settled Volga. The terms were:
1. Unqualified religious freedom.
2. Freedom from taxation and licenses for 30 years to rural settlers.
3. Government support with interest-free loans and repayments after 10 years.
4. A guarantee of self-rule within the colonies.
5. Permission to bring personal possessions with them duty free.
6. No military service for all settlers and their descendents.
7. Free transport to areas of settlement.
The Manifesto elicited a wide response. From 1763 to 1767 more than 6,000 families (27,000 people), mostly from Hesse and the Rhineland, emigrated to the Volga. Later (1812-1842), others from South Germany settled along the Black Sea. Then (1816-1881) more Germans settled in Volhynia.
Maria Catharina Scholl spon 12 Aug 1777 film 102078348 page 581 |
On the 12th of August [1777], in the morning at 6:00 am born and on the 13th of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Zwecker].
Father: Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Wendel Scholl, the local citizen. (2) Maria Catharina, née Schollin, wife of Joh[ann] Georg Christoph Wenz, the local citizen and master weaver.
Right column: + [died].
Philipp Scholl 4 Feb birth left mid film 102078348 page 590 |
On the 4th of February [1779], in the morning at 6:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Margaretha, née Schüzin, surviving widow of the late Joh[ann] Georg Weber, former citizen and master carpenter here.
Right column: died 28 February 1780.
Wendel Scholl spon 10 July 1779 rt side film 102078348 page 591 |
Born on the 10 July and christened on the 11 July 1779 was Eva Catharina ZWECKER. The father was Christoph ZWECKER a local citizen and master carpenter and the mother was Maria Sidonia MEIER
Witnesses are
1. Wendel SCHOLL, local citizen and 2. His wife Augusta nee RAICHER(rin)
3. Johann Georg Christoph WENZ Citien and master weaver and 4. His wife Maria Catharina nee BRAUER(in)
Matthias Scholl spon lower rt 29 Dec 1779 film 102078348 page 594 |
On the 29th of December [1779], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Nagel].
Father: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Jacob Friderich Waibel, the local [city/town] council member, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, and master butcher.
Right column: immigrated to Odessa on 11 August 1819.
Matthias Scholl father Elisabetha Scholl 11 Aug 1781 top left film 102078348 page 606 |
On the 11th of August [1781] at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen, [city/town] council member, and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver, and (4) his wife Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Right column: + [died].
Christoph Scholl sponsor Zwecker 4 Sep 1782 film 102078348 page 612 |
On the 4th of September [1782] in the morning at 2:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Eva Margaretha [Zwecker].
Father: Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Scholl, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Blauin. (3) Wendel Mezger, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Wendel Mezger, the local citizen. (4) Eva Catharina Segerin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Valentin Seger, the local citizen.
On the 30th of January [1783] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp Adam [Scholl].
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright, and (2) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin. (3) Sidonia, née Beckerin, wife of Leopold Heinle, the local citizen.
Right column: + [died].
On the 30th of July [1783] midday at 11:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local [city/town] council member and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Right column: died 15 or 16 January 1846.
On the 2nd of February [1785] at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 4th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg [Scholl].
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Leopold Heinle, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright, and (4) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin.
Right column: + [died].
Jacobina Zwecker father Christoph rt side b 12 Feb 1785 film 102078348 page 625 |
On the 12th of February [1785] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 13th of the same month baptized: Jacobina [Zwecker].
Father: Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Joh[ann] Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Anna Maria, née Schollin. (3) Augusta, née Raicherin, wife of Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
Johanna Zwecker birth Georg Philipp father Sidonia Gamer m 9 Sep 1785 film 102078348 page 627 |
On the 9th of September [1785] in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 11th of the same month baptized: Johanna [Zwecker].
Father: Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Joh[ann] Christoph Zimmermann, the local citizen and fusilier. (2) Wendel Mezger, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Wendel Mezger, the local citizen. (3) Margaretha Schollin, née Blauin, wife of Christoph Scholl, the local citizen. (4) Maria Margaretha Kraussin, née Wenzin, wife of Wilhelm Krauß, the local citizen. (5) Johanna Kemmin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Mr. Joh[ann] Philipp Kemm. the local mayor.
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Philipp Scholl baptism 2 Dec 1785 film 102078348 page 629 Graben |
Translation Robert Seal:
Born on the 30th of November [1785] at 10:00 am and baptized on the 2nd of December [1785].
Father: Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Augusta, née Raicherin.
Baptismal witnesses:
(1) Johann Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master farrier, and
(2) his wife Catharina, née Süßin; (3) Maria Sidonia, née Meierin, wife
of Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner/woodworker.
Right-hand column: + [died] 20 March 1858.
I believe the third baptismal witness, Maria Sidonia Meier, is married
to Christoph Zwecker (despite how it reads in the record). In
FamilySearch Family Tree see: Christoph Zwecker (KHHS-4XF) and Maria
Sidonia Meier (KC8V-6W9). The couple lives in Graben. Also note that
Christoph Zwecker's mother is Maria Margaretha Cammerer (1722-1789).
Pastor J. J. Ritter made this entry.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 4th of July [1786] in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Johann Gottlieb [Scholl].
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal witnesses:
(1) Leopold Heinle, the local citizen. (2) Georg Philipp Zwecker, the
local citizen and master cartwright. (3) Anna Maria, née Pfeilin,
surviving widow of the late Georg Peter Gamer, former citizen here.
Right column: died 14 September 1855.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Comment: Johann Gottlieb Scholl died at 69 on 14 Sep 1855 in Graben. Father: Christoph Scholl, Spouse: Margaretha Cammerer.
Anna Maria Zwecker a 13 Dec left side film 102078348 page 636 |
On the 13th of December [1786] at night at 8:00 pm born and on the 15th of the same month baptized: Anna Maria [Zwecker].
Father: Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Anna Maria, née Schollin. (3) Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
On the 29th of May [1787] in the morning at 3:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Johann Martin [Wenz].
Father: Johann Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason.
Mother: Anna Maria, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Zwecker, the local citzen and master joiner, and (2) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Meierin. (3) Christoph Hupf, the local non-citizen resident.
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Wilhelm Scholl born 1 April 1788 film 102078348 page 642 |
Wilhelm Scholl born 1 April 1788 7:00 pm and baptized on the 3rd. to father Wendel Scholl and Maria Katharina Nüchterin
Witnesses: 1. Johann Georg Cammerer local citizen and master person who takes care of the horses, or blacksmith and his wife Catharina Suss, 3. Christoph Zwecker local citizen and master cabinet maker or joiner and his wife Maria Sidonia born Meier.
Pastor J. J. Ritter entered this birth information.
Adam Wendel Z father Christoph Mother Maria Sidonia 31 July1788 born film 102078348 page 643 |
On the 31st of July [1788] in the morning at 5:00 am born and on the1st of August [1788] baptized: Adam Wendel [Zwecker]
Father: Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Anna Maria, née Schollin. (3) Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
Written faintly in the right column: to Hungary.
Magdalena Zwecker bir 1 July 1789 lower rt Christoph Scholl sponsor film 102078348 page 647 |
On the 1st of July [1789] at night at 10:00 pm born and on the 3rd of the same month baptized: Magdalena {Zwecker].
Father: Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Christoph Zimmermann, the local citizen and fusilier. (2) Wilhelm Krauß, the local citizen. (3) Johanna, née Kemmin, wife of Wendel Mezger, the local citizen. (4) Margaretha, née Blauin, wife of Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
On the 9th of October [1789] at night at 10:00 pm born and on the 11th of the same month baptized: Anna Maria [Wenz].
Father: Johann Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason.
Mother: Anna Maria, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner, and (2) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Meierin. (3) Christoph Hupf, the local non-citizen resident, and (4) his wife Margaretha Catharina, née Kohbaldin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 23rd of November [1789] in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 24th of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Father: Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Nüchterin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and (2) his wife Catharina, née Süssin. (3) Christoph Zwecker, the local citizen and master joiner.
Right column: died 6 June 1856.