A Gasthaus (also called Gasthof, Landhaus, or Pension) is a German-style inn or tavern with a bar, a restaurant, banquet facilities and hotel rooms for rent.
Gasthäuser are typically found in smaller towns and are often family-owned. It is not uncommon to have three generations of a family working together in such an establishment and many have been owned by the same family for generations.[2]
Gasthäuser are common in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other European countries around Germany. Some are decorated with mural paintings (called Lüftlmalerei) depicting fairy tale stories or local legendary figures.
Etymology: Specifically translated a Gasthaus means "guest house" in German. Gasthof is a variation of the word, Landhaus means "country house" (though is essentially the same concept, just in a rural setting) and Pension means "boarding house" or small hotel. Lunch and dinner (Mittagessen und Abendessen) are usually served to the public, but breakfast (Frühstück) is typically reserved for overnight guests. It also will often have an outdoor area for a beer garden (Biergarten) during the spring and summer seasons. WikipediaKent: Today we call them motels or hotels but in the 16th through the 20th century Germany they were called a Gasthaus or guesthouse. They often had a restaurant as well as rooms for people to stay in. Here is some history on the Gasthäuser in Graben, Germany.
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Besitzer means owner: Jacob Maag |
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Zum Löwen, Karlsruher Straße 19, 76676 Graben-Neudorf, Germany 2019 |
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Lunch at Zum Löen, LtR Deborah Gardiner, Kent's brother-in-law and sister, Ron and Sandy, Gerd Hartmann, former Principal and historia, photo by Kent Gardiner |
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Swan Gasthaus, Graben, Germany |
The German language has a number of specific words for various types of innkeepers. Here are just a few:
Cronenwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the crown or proprieter of the Crown tavern/inn.
Löwenwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the lion or proprietor of the Lion tavern/inn.
Bärenwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the bear or proprietor of the Bear tavern/inn.
One of my favorites is: Dreikönigenwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the Three Kings or proprietor of the Three Kings inn/tavern. I would think "Three Kings" is a reference to the Magi. Most likely the Germans had special words for the innkeepers because from village to village, the same signs to identify the inns, taverns, and guesthouses were used over and over.
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Hans Christopf birth 28 Feb 1675 film 102078348 page 160 |
Hans Christopf birth 28 Feb 1675, Hans Christoph born on the 28 at 11:00 pm, Parents: Hans Endris and Margaretha, baptized on the 2 March and godparents: Christopf Schumacher, occupation inkeeper of Gronen (crown)and his wife Anthoni Weick and his wife and Hans Adam Kemm and his wife
Anna Catharina Scholl born 23 Nov 1683 between 8 and 9 at night and baptized the 24. witnesses Peter Kohler local baker and his wife Anna Margaretha and Hans Georg Eytel, local inkeeper of Gasthaus "Zum Schwanen" house " translated the Swan guest and his wife
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Hans Peter Scholl born 16 Jun 1687 . film 102078348 page 172 |
Hans Peter Scholl born 16 Jun 1687 he was born the 16 between 5 and 6 in the morning and baptized the 17th godparents Peter Koehler local baker and Anna Margareth and Hans Jörg Eytel the inkeeper of the Swan and his wife. Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: born on the 15th [of September 1715] and baptized on the 16th of September [1715].
Child: Johann Georg. [below name: + = died]
Parents: Hanß Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor here, Anna Eva.
Witnesses: Hanß Jörg Waibel, local innkeeper at the sign of the swan, with his wife Margaretha. Christoph Keller, citizen and baker [at] this place, with his wife Maria Catharina.
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Christoph Schumacher age 49 death 21 Nov 1691 Graben Gerichtsverwandter film 102078348 page 203 |
On the 21st of November [1691], in the night Mr. Christoph Schumacher blissfully fell asleep, juryman and host at the Crown [Inn], who on the 23rd of November [1691], according to Christian custom was honestly buried to the earth, he lived approximately 49 years.
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Anna Margaretha Eytel age 14 death 14 Nov 1692 father Hanns Jorg film 102078298 |
On the 14th of October [1692], Anna Margretha blissfully fell asleep [died], daughter of Hanß Jörg "Eitel", innkeeper at the sign of the swan, who on the 15th of the same month was buried in a Christian manner, she lived 14 years, 6 months, and 3 weeks.
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Johann+George 15 Sep+1715 birth Graben film 4137289+page 319 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: born on the 15th [of September 1715] and baptized on the 16th of September [1715].
Child: Johann Georg. [below name: + = died]
Parents: Hanß Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor here, Anna Eva.
Witnesses: Hanß Jörg Waibel, local innkeeper at the sign of the swan, with his wife Margaretha. Christoph Keller, citizen and baker [at] this place, with his wife Maria Catharina.
Translation by Marion Wolfert
On the 12 Nov 1715 died and was buried on the 13 Nov 1715
Mattheus Rößler, former owner of the local Hirsch Inn, a widower
(a cripture)
“welch wir gelebts und auch gestorben, naemlich da rein gesund Taten allen Zuspruch zum Christlichen Leben verachtet, auch nachmals bei etlichen Tag vor seinem Tod gaenzlich Verfallenes Gehoer und Verlohrenne Sinne, ohne Muendliche Zuspruch muessen dahin sterben, und weil er mit wollust Trunkenheit gesuendigt, als lang er gekonnt und bis ihn die Suende verlassen, zum Leichtext bekommen”, Verba Syracid: C XIIX. N.22
It is written kind of different, but in essence, it says: (have it checked and translated by one of the other people if needed, like Robert Sealy or anyone who understands this old “description” better)
I says that he did not pay attention to advice given to him to live a better life, that he did not want to repent for previous misdeeds, he would not listen prior to his death and he died without council or comfort and he lost his senses, he loved to drink and get drunk and had sinned as long he was able to until it was too late to repent
Robert Seal:
The scripture comes from the Book of Syracid, chapter 18, verse 22.
Here is a link from Wikipedia about the Book of Syracid, aka Ecclesiasticus, aka Sirach: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirach
Here is another link which will also provide background information on the Book of Syracid: https://notesread.com/ecclesiastical-book-bible/
Here specifically is the link to chapter 18, verse 22: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611_Ecclesiasticus-18-22/
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Catharina Barbara birth 22 Mar 1717 Graben film 4137289 page 324 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: born on the 22nd [of March 1717] and baptized on the 23rd of March [1717].
Child: Catharina Barbara. + [died].
Parents: Matthaeus Scholl, citizen and tailor at this place, Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Christoph Keller, citizen and baker, with his wife Maria Catharina. Hanß Jörg Waibel, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, at the present time a widower. Barbara Schuhmacherin, butcher's wife.
Andreas Scholl b 1670 left mid witness film 102078348 page 228 |
Translation by Baerbelj:
[Parents] Johann Henrich Hofer, of the Reformed religion, citizen and farmer in this place. Elisabetha, in the 6th hour after her child's birth, where she had soon lost her external senses amid convulsions and had remained in that state until the end, died without having been reconciled with her sister. See the local burial record volume to learn how deformed her corpse was.
[godparents]: Hannss Joerg Waibel, Schwanenwirth [tavern-/innkeeper to the Swan], and wife Margaretha, Andreas Scholl, citizen and farmer here, with wife Anna Margretha.
Andreas Scholl fath Matt sponsor left 4 July 1717 film 102078348 page 234. |
Born on the 4th and baptized on the 6th of July
Anna Margretha
[parents] Hanss Henrich Hofer, citizen and farmer, and Barbara
[godparents] Andreas Scholl p.t. [pro tempore - for the time] Allmosenpfleger [= overseer of the poor] with his wife Margretha, Hand JHoerg Waibel, Schwanenwirth [tavern/innkeeper of "The Swan"] with wife Anna Maria.
Date: born on the 16th [of May 1718] and baptized on the 17th of May [1718].
Child: Sophia Margretha.
Parents: Joseph Greiner, out of "Würten____?" from Sachsenheim? near Vaihingen on the Enz [River], currently a servant at/with the "Ochßsenwirth" here; Catharina [mother].
Witnesses: Andreas Moß, "Ochßenwirth" here, with his wife: [blank]. Andreas Heilmann, citizen and farmer at this place, with his wife: Elisabetha.
"Würten____?" = some form of "Württemberg"?
"Ochßenwirth" = Ochsenwirt(h) = innkeeper at the sign of the ox, or small farmer with oxen only, no horses.
Gross Sachsenheim and Klein Sachsenheim are about 16-17 miles northeast of Vaihingen on the Enz.
Anna Margaretha Kemm marr Joh. Michael Schütz 15 Nov 1718 film 102078298 page 382 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 15 November [1718].
Johann Georg Schütz, single fellow, his craft a linen weaver,
legitimate "erzihlt"? surviving son of the late Joh. Michäel Schütz,
former vineyard grower at Aurich, Vaihing[en] district, ducal
Württemberg? territory.
Bride: Anna Margretha, legitimately-conceived surviving daughter of the late Adam Kemm, citizen and civil council member here.
Witnesses: Johann
Georg Waibel, citizen, butcher, and Swan Tavern innkeeper here. Caspar
Kreglinger, citizen, butcher, and Stag Tavern innkeeper at this place.
Comment: Here is the link to Aurich from Meyers Gazetteer; I think this is where the groom's father is from: https://www.meyersgaz.org/place/10089043
Maria Margaretha Heinle b 1 Dec 1722 film 102078348 page 245 |
Translation by Charlotte Noelle Champenois
1 December 1722, a daughter of Georg Heinle and Christina, his wife,
was born, after which she was baptized and named Maria Margareta.
Hanß Adam, unmarried son of Christoph Grünemejer; Leopold Holtz,
unmarried son of the deceased Joachim Holtz, former hunter here;
Catharina, unmarried daughter of Martin Süß (or Suß), deceased
journeyman; Maria Barbara Pister, stepdaughter of the local proprietor
of the Swan Inn Hanß Georg Waibel, of the Reformed religion.
Christoph Keller death 31 Jan 1728 film 102078348 page 335 |
151. On the 31st of January [1728], Christoff Keller died, baker and innkeeper at the Little White Horse tavern here, who thereafter with the ringing of all bells?, singing, and a funeral sermon was buried. Age: 41 years, 3 months less 3 days.
Comment: I am still uncertain about the word "Zeichen" hence the question mark.
Note: Christoph birth 3 Nov1686; death 31 January 1728. This is the son of Peter Keller II.
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Maria Eva birth 26 June 1732 film 4137289 page 363 |
347. On the 26th of June [1732], a little daughter of Matthaus Scholl, the tailor, from Eva his wife was born, thus baptized and was named Maria Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Georg Waibel, butcher and innkeeper at the sign of the swan, with Anna Maria his wife. Georg Hörner, baker and innkeeper at the sign of the small horse, with Maria Catharina.
Robert Seal to Kent: Which do you like better: innkeeper at the sign of the small horse --or-- innkeeper at the sign of the little horse?
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Andreas Scholl 10 July 1736 film 4137289 page 373 |
443. On the 10th of July [1736], a little son of Mattheus Scholl, the tailor, from Eva his wife was born, thus was baptized and was named Andreas. Baptismal sponsors: Hanß Georg Waibel, the butcher, and Elisabetha his wife. Hanß Georg Hörner, baker, "Rößlinswirth", and juryman, with Maria Catharina his wife.
Comments: Note: + [died] in left margin under name."Rößlinswirth" is new to me. I found about ten examples of this word online but none with a good definition other than "innkeeper". Perhaps an innkeeper at the sign of a horse or horseman?
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1746 scholl-film-004137289-page-462 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
1746. On the 7th of October a little daughter of Matthias Scholl, local citizen and tailor, from Maria Marg(a)reth, his wife, was born into the world, so thereupon was baptized and was named Jacobina Marg(a)retha.
Baptismal sponsors are: Friedr[ich] Negelein, local innkeeper at the sign of the crown, with wife, and Ulrich Weeber with wife.
My comment: "Cronenwirth" = proprietor of the Crown Inn or innkeeper at the sign of the crown.
Zwecker 1747 film 102078348 page 347 |
1747, on the 7th of September, a little daughter of Jerg Philipp Zwecker, local citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margaretha, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Margaretha Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors are Hans Jerg Waibel, citizen and innkeeper at the Swan Tavern, and Simon Jerg Merckle, also a local citizen, and their wives.
Left margin: died 3 July 1812.
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maria-elisabeth-pfeil-2c-christening-2c-13-dec-1704 |
FYI: The record you want translated is the one immediately after the record you marked with the red square:
[Child and date]: Maria Elisabetha, born on the 12th of December and baptized on the 13th [of December].
[Parents]: Matthäus Pfeil, the "Hirschwirth", and his wife Margareth Barbara.
[Baptismal sponsors]: Christoph Grünenmeyer, the smith, and his wife Anna Catharina; also Jacob Cammerer and his wife Elisabeth.
My comment: "Hirschwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the stag. Way cool
Beck Pastor 2nd entry 1754 fim 102078348 page 393 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
[On the] 8th of
August 1754, a little son of Mr.? Friedr[ich] Wilhelm Raicher, juryman
and "Baader", from his wife Margretha Barbara, née Waidmännin, was born
to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Johann Christoph.
Baptismal sponsors are myself Franz Chr. Heinr[ich] Beck, pastor of this place, with my wife Margretha Barbara, and Jaccob [sic] Friedr[ich] Negelin, citizen, innkeeper of the Crown Tavern, and butcher, with his wife Maria Jacobina.
Right margin: + [died].
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Johann Christoph birth 4 Aug 1718 film 4137289 page 326 |
Child: Johann Christoph. + [died].
Parents: Wendel Cammerer, blacksmith/farrier, temporary mayor, Maria Magdalena.
Witnesses: Hanß Jörg Wörner, innkeeper at the sign of the crown here, with wife Anna Maria; Willhelm Metzger, legitimate unmarried son of Jacob Metzger, council member here; Anna Maria, legitimate unmarried daughter of Wendel Muncken, farmer here.
Comments: The Latin abbreviation "p. t." = pro tempore = temporary. Hanß Jörg Wörner's occupation: Cronenwirth = Kronenwirth = innkeeper at the sign of the crown.
11 February 1754: to Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor, from his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin, a little daughter was born to the world, so thereafter baptized and named Maria Salome. Baptismal sponsors are: Jacob Friedr[ich] Negelin, citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the crown, with his wife. Johann Israel Stutz, citizen and farmer, with his wife.
Right margin: died 23 December 1813.
Matthias Scholl 1758 spon bot left film 102078348 page 405 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 11th of July [1758], in the evening at 9:00 pm born and on the 13th [of July 1758] baptized: Maria Salome "Stützin".
Parents: Israel "Stüz", the local citizen, and his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin.
Baptismal sponsors: Joh[ann] Martin Metzger, juryman here, [and] his wife Barbara, née Obermaÿerin. Matthias
Scholl, the citizen and at the present time innkeeper at the Crown
Tavern here, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin.
Right column: died 25 July 1827.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Christoph Scholl 1759 spon left film 102078348 page 413 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of November [1759], at night after 10:00 pm born and on the 14th [of November 1759] baptized: Maria Elisabetha Dorothea Dörnerin.
Parents: Christian Dörner, a day laborer here, and his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Wurzin.
Baptismal sponsors: Jacob Steger, unmarried citizen's son here. Maria Elisabetha "Kammerin", unmarried citizen's daughter here. Bernhard Bossert, servant with the innkeeper Hörner of the Little Horse Tavern here. Dorothea Schillingin, maid with Christoph Scholl here.
Note: was conceived from premarital cohabitation.
Right column: + [died].
My comment: The phrasing for the third baptismal sponsor was tricky. I am interpreting the innkeeper's surname as "Hörner".
Mathias Scholl 24 Oct 1773 spon Nagel birth rt middle film 102078348 page 56 |
On the 24th of October [1773], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Maria Elisabetha [Nagel].
Father: young Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen. LHWJ-JQ5
Mother: Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. MHJN-1D9
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Weibel, the local citizen, master butcher, proprietor of the Swan Tavern, and council member, and (2) his wife Maria Magdalena, née Eberhardin. (3) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor. (4) Catharina Elisabetha, née Schüzin, wife of Martin Wenz, the local citizen.
Right column: died 27 February 1827.
Comment: Have you noticed that a large number of the men identified as master butchers in these Graben parish records are also identified as innkeepers?
Note: young Mattheis Scholl must be Johann Matthias Scholl's oldest son also named Matthias.
Wendel Scholl spon Negelin 27 March 1778 film 102078348 page 585 |
Father: Friderich Negelin, the local citizen, master butcher, and innkeeper at the sign of the bear.
Mother: Jacobina, née Bitrolfin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Wendel Scholl, the local citizen. (2) Jacob Negelin, the citizen, master butcher, and innkeeper at the sign of the lion in Karlsruhe. (3) Elisabetha, née Thennin, wife of Georg Friderich Bitrolf, the citizen and miller at Rüppurr.
On the 29th of December [1779], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Nagel].
Father: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Jacob Friderich Waibel, the local [city/town] council member, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, and master butcher.
Right column: immigrated to Odessa on 11 August 1819.
Note: In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port—a porto-Franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.Wikipedia
Peter Zimmermann mar 17 Oct 1786 to Christina Kemmin film 102078348 page 826 2 |
[Married] on the 17th of October [1786]: Peter Zimmermann, surviving legitimate son of the late Johann Caspar Zimmermann, former citizen here, with Christina, née Kemmin, and Johanna Catharina, née Holzin, legitimate daughter of Mr. Joh[ann] Christoph Holz, the local citizen, master butcher, innkeeper at the sign of the stag, and local area postmaster, with the late Magdalena, née Kemm.
Left column: [married] because of premarital relations.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Jacob Wenz mother Margaretha scholl born 8 Dec 1791 film 102078348 page 660 |
Father: Leopold Wenz, the local citizen and master mason.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: old Johann Jacob Gamer, the local citizen, master baker, and innkeeper at the sign of the lion, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Brauchin. (3) Wilhelm Cammerer, the local citizen.
Right column: soldier.
Katharina Nagel birth 27 May 1793film 102078348 page 750 |
Transcription Ulrich Neitzel:
d 27ten Maii morg. um 8 Uhr gebohren und d 28ten ejusd. getaufft
Eva Elisabetha Katharina. Vatter. Peter Nagel der allhiesige Bürger Mutter: Anna Maria , geb. Biklin. Taufzeugen 1) H. Joh. Christoph Holz, der allhiesige Hirschwirth, Mezgermeister und Landposthalter, und 2) dessen Ehefrau Elisabetha, geb. Kemmin 3) Andreas Süß, der allhiesige Bürger, und 4) dessen Ehefrau Eva Elisabetha, geb. Kammerin.
born 27 May [1793] 8 a.m. and baptized 28 May
Eva Elisabetha Katharina.
Father: Peter Nagel, citizen here.
Mother: Anna Maria née Bikl[in].
Baptismal witnesses:
1) Mr. Johann Christoph Holz, innkeeper at the sign of the stag, master butcher and postmaster and
2) his wife Elisabetha née Kemm[in],
3) Andreas Süss, local citizen, and
4) his wife Elisabetha née Kammer[in]
Christoph Bleier birth 6 Oct 1794 sponsor Salome Scholl film 102078348 page 673 |
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 6th of October [1794] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 7th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg Christoph [Bleier].
Father: Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker and Löwenwirth. (proprietor of the Lion Inn, or sign of the lion)
Mother: Elisabetha, née Raicherin Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin.
Right column: died 27 September 1854.
On the 31st of July [1796] in the morning at 10:00 am born and because of deadly? weakness was baptized by the midwife: Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Johann Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and innkeeper [offering wine] at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Right column: + [died].
Catharina Scholl b 26 Aug 1797 upper left father Jacob film 102078348 page 689 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 26th of August [1797] midday at 11:00 am born and on the 27th of the same month baptized: Catharina [Scholl].
Father: Johann Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and wine tavern proprietor. (owner of a business or property)
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Herbster, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin. (3) Carl Ludiwg Raicher, the local citizen and surgeon.
Note: Carl Ludwig Raicher was born 16 May 1775. He married Margaretha Lind 25 April 1797 and they had 10 children. FS ID: K8Z3-P69 Thode defines "Chirurgus" (and its variants) as: "surgeon (for minor wounds, animal kicks, etc.).
Margaretha Scholl birth 25 Nov 1798 father Jacob lower left film 102078348 page 694 |
On the 25th of November [1798] in the evening at 9:00 pm [born and] on the 26th [of November 1798] baptized: Margaretha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, a citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Mr. Carl Ludwig Reichert, a citizen and surgeon. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, a citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
Right column: + [died].
Eva Elisabetha Sholl b 5 Feb 1800 film 102078348 page 701 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 5th of
February [1800] in the evening at 6:00 pm [born] and on the 7th [of
February 1800] baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses:
(1) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen. (2) His wife Elisabeth, née
Herbsterin. (3) Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber.
(4) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin.
Right column: died 27 April 1837.
Johann Philipp Scholl b 22 Dec 1806 bot left film 102078348 page 852 |
On the 22nd of December [1806] early at 1:00 am born and on the same day baptized: Johann Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Ludwig Raicher, bathhouse operator/barber. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friderich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
No. 38.
On the16th of December [1817] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm was born here and on the 19th of the same month midday at 1:00 was baptized: Katharina, second illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
Note well: Wilhelm Nagel, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen Georg Adam Nagel and his wife Maria Katharina, née Braun, voluntarily declared to be the father [of this child].
[Notes in left margin]:
Schollin. Died 8 January 1818.
[Wilhelm Nagel] voluntarily declared to be the father of this child at his marriage on 8 January 1824.
[Signatures]: Wilhelm Nagel; Friedrich Kemm; Philipp Nagel; Henhofer, pastor.
No. 13. Note well: illegitimate.
On the 19th of April [1819] at night at 11:30 pm born and on the 21st of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena, third illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin. Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Christoph Kemm, legitimate unmarried son of the local citizen and court clerk Wilhelm Kemm. (2) Christoph Scholl, tailor, legitimate unmarried son of the deceased local citizen Philipp Scholl. (3) Margaretha Herbsterin, legitimate unmarried daughter of the local citizen and master miller Jacob Herbster. (4) Magdalena Schollin, legitimate daughter of the late local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Matthias Scholl.
Graben, on the 21st of April 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Note in right margin: Wilhelm Nagel declared himself to be the father of this child at his subsequent marriage on 8 January 1823. Witnesses: Friedrich Kemm, Philipp Nagel. T. Henhöfer, pastor.
Comment: Here is the link from Ancestry to the January 1824 marriage of Wilhelm Nagel and Katharina Scholl: https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1818136:61060?tid=&pid=&queryId=30dd4f3af83d2108577f699af4a9a25b&_phsrc=VlI1591&_phstart=successSource
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 7.
On the 22nd of February [1822] early at 4:30 am born and on the 25th of the same month baptized: Karl Philipp Adolph Konrad [Kussmaul].
Parents are: the local general practioner Mr. Philipp Jakob Kußmaul and his wife Mrs. Louise Katharine, née Böhringer.
Baptismal witnesses are:
(A) Present: (1) Mr. apothecary Karl Raÿle here. (2) His wife
Katharina, née Gaibel. (3) Konrad Waibel, local citizen and innkeeper at
the sign of the swan. (4) His wife Philippine, née Meier. (B) Absent:
(5) Franz Christoph Becker, "Laubwirth" in Berghausen. (6) His wife
Jakobine, née Frommel. (7) Mr. Wilhelm Hoyer, accountant
in the domain administration Durlach." (8) His wife Mrs. name unknown,
née Glaser. (9) Mr. Jakob Lorenz Katz, wood merchant in Mannheim. (10)
Miss Louise Daler, legitimate unmarried daughter of Mr. civic council
member Ludwig Daler in Durlach.
Graben, on the 25th of February 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Note: Ten witnesses appears to be a record in the 1k documents I have had translated.
Comments: I was unable to find a definition for "Laubwirth". The word "Laub" alone translates as leaves or foliage, so perhaps innkeeper at the sign of the leaves?
Here is the link to the article about Karl Philipp Adolph Konrad Kussmaul in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Kussmaul
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Christina Spock b 4 May 1823 familybook II page 183 film 102118620 page 1169 |
Translation by Robert Seal
(1) Did Maria b 1842 have two illegitimate children and go to America?:
Yes, Maria Christina had two illegitimate children: (1) Martin Ludwig
(1865-1865) and (2) Lina Friederika (1867-1867). Maria Christina died in
America. [I don't know what "/4" means.]
(2) What is the first name of the second child at the end of the list?: Lina.
(3) What is written below Martin Ludwig?: acknowledged [that Martin Ludwig is his child] by Martin Hassler.
(4) What is Wilhelm b 1872's middle name?:
If you are referring to Wilhelm Scholl, the father, at the top of the
page, he was born in 1812. His occupation, rather than his middle name,
is written after "Wilhelm"; the occupation is "Straußwirth" = innkeeper
at the sign of the bouquet (who sells wine).
(5) What about Luise Karoline?
Did she get married in 1871?: Yes, she got married in 1871. I am unable
to decipher what is written before "1871", possibly the place where the
marriage took place. Below this a a note in parentheses which states
the following: "(NB. geschieden)" = (Note well: divorced).
Wilhelm Scholl was born in 11 Nov 1812. Wilhelm's occupation is
"Straußwirth" = innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet (who sells wine).
Wilhelm is the great grandson of Matthias Scholl b 1718. He married Christina Speck 1 April 1841 and they had four children:
1. Maria Christina Scholl 13 Mar 1842. Maria Christina had two illegitimate children:
(1) Martin Ludwig (1865-1865) acknowledged [that Martin Ludwig is his child] by Martin Hassler.
(2) Lina Friederika (1867-1867) Fridericka 5 Feb 1867
2. Wilhelm 3 July 1845
3. Karl Ludwig Scholl 1847
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Frederick Scholl death 13 Aug 1823 film 102550955 page 531 |
[Record no.] 20.
On the 13th of August [1823] at 6:00 am died and on the 15th [of August 1823] at 8:00 am was buried Friedrich Scholl, age 73 years, 8 months, and 9 days, local citizen and widower.
Witnesses to the burial are: Friedrich Scholl, innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet of flowers, and Christoph Lind, mason, both citizens from here.
Graben, on the 15th of August 1823. Henhöfer, pastor.
My Comment: "Straußwirth" = innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet of flowers,