Who are their children in the 1870 census?
Charles H Frederick 26, laborer
Laura 17 at home
Gustavus 20 student
Katie 9 at home
In the 1880 census Catherine Frederick is living in Visalia, CA with her son in law. She is divorced and has her youngest daughter Kate with her.
Joseph Samstag 45 a miner
Laura 27 keeping house
Alexander J 5 at home
Joseph Samstag married Laura Frederick and then invited his mother-in-law to live with them. Charles Frederick dies 4 Feb 1881. So since she is divorced in 1880 they divorced sometime between the census in 1870 and his death in 1881.
Apparently Laura married a cousin because he has the same last name as her mother.
Last Will and Testament of Catherine B. Fredericks
Being aged, and ill and considering the uncertainty of life I have made my last will as follows:
Having six children and heirs I do herein divide and devise my real estate, not having any personal estate worth mentioning and my heirs which consists of Lot three (3) in Block thirty-two in the Original Town now City of St. Joseph Buchanan County Missouri of Which one fourth of the same or the proceeds thereof is to be paid to Emma D. Hartwig, one fourth to Charles E. Fredericks, one fourth to Minnie Prey, one eight to Gustav Fredericks (36 years old) and one eights to Laura Samstag (age 29) as the latter mentioned two have already received part of their share and my daughter Kate Carrington (age 25) has already received her full share of her inheritance in cash hence she is not entitled to anything more.
I do hereby appoint Ernst F. Harding as the Executor of this my last will and do not wish to have him be compelled to give security for he acts as such and he shall have power to sell the property above mentioned when he things it best for the heirs and when all expenses are paid and deducted from the proceeds the balance it to be paid to my heirs according to the shares herein referenced.
I witness whereof a signed the foregoing as my last will and testament this 25th day of October 1886.
(signed) Catherine B Fredericks X here mark.
FamilySearch has her death date at 25 October 1886. This is highly unlikely as she signed her will on that date. I think her death date is unknown.
Documents related to Catherine Samstag:
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1843 Marriage of Catherine Samstag and Charles Ernest Frederick, St. Louis, MO |
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1870 US Census, St. Joseph, MO |
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1880 US Census, St Joseph MO |
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Catherine Frederick Probate Oct 1886 |