Research: March 2, 2011 Kent: Hi...Good to hear from you. What have you been doing lately besides teaching? Have you kept up with Wisconsin politics and teacher nonsense....Sad in my way of thinking, and I am a teacher also. But I won't get into that now. We are for our new Governor Walker who is trying to live within our means. Your dimensions for the barn picture are as follows, but you must remember that the picture was sized to fit the antique frame at Kinko's, so is a bit weird sizewise. Wide-21 !/2 inches..This is important to be sure to get Grandma Louise on the left. High- 15 inches...This is not so important, except for artistic perportion. Spelling???? We are fine. Busy as usual. Returned two weeks ago from a wonderful cruise , our second to Tahiti and numerous nearby islands. In May plan a week cruise from Jacksonville, Fl. to Charleston, driving down and visiting friends and relatives on the way. Sincerely, Marji
More research notes:
Notes on phone call to Paul Weinert and Wife Mary Jane: home phone: 402 245 2372
He says he welcomes you and will show you around. Take him up on it!
His first wife 1st wife Donna used to say our total social life is Dr calls, hospital calls and going to church. Sandy, you can break the cycle.
Paul is 88. He loves to talk. He is a reverend and performs marriages and funerals.
His second wife Mary Jane has 2 daughters who live in SLC area. One in Draper and the other in Riverton.
The one in Riverton is LDS:
The church next to Scholl graves used to be called the Zion Evanganical Luthern Church.
A Reverend Kottich might have known them. It is also call the Bauman church. I will call and ask: Who are the officials of the cemetery. Is there information on Phillip Scholl and Elizabeth Scholl. Who put in the nice headstone? Are there cemetery records?
Lewis and Clark stopped at Rulo, 6 miles south of Arago. There is an Indian State Park there today. Thousands of acres. There are 2 reservations in Iowa: the Iowa Tribe and the Sack and Fox Tribe.
Nearest LDS church is in Haiwatha, Nebraska.
Many of Paul’s kids live in the Kansas City area.
Paul had heart surgery a couple of months ago and in receiving therapy. He had a heart attack many many years ago.
A stone has been placed in the Arago Cemetery placed by Paul. Paul’s father is Harold Weinert.
His grandfather Charles Weinert had a leg amputated. He lived with Harold’s family family including Paul the last 2 years of his life.
He was on the way to showing Paul where the graves were and ran into some trouble and never made it there.
There used to be wood markers over the 4 little graves in the Arago Cemetery.
Paul guessed the location of the 4 children Fredericka lost and placed a marker
in the Arago Cemetery. Arago was the name of a German scientist. That is how it got its name.
Arago Cemetery is number 4 on the attached map. Maybe you can get a photo of the grave marker.
There was a furniture factory in Buffalo where August Weinert worked. 1857 they sent a committee out and ended up in Mississippi. The report was not favorable. It was slave territory and there were mosquito. they collected more money and checked out Nebraska, they took an option on a section of land where Arago was established. August bought 6 plots. One was a house plot, there was a pasture plot, garden lot. The Register of Deeds in the county has information on. August bought them in 1859 but bought them before that time. The German Colonization Society owned the section.
Some people lived in a dugout before August came and left it vacant so August and another family moved it. They spent the first winter in a dugout. Then he built a house over it. The picture has John, August’s son in the photo. The photo is after it was abandoned. 1877 he moved into the house (house and barn) . 2 sons helped
him in the carpenter business. He also built a bridge across the Winabago Creek. It is a deep channel. The subsequent owners bulldozed the sides down and
concreted the creek.
The August property changed hands recently. Ernst used to own it.
Harold had a diary and when they had nothing to do it said, "dinked around” At other times it said "worked on the bridge.” The wood bridge over the Winabago was an ongoing difficult project.