Audrey Scholl was born 15 October 1916 to Emma Bachman and George Scholl. (All quotes on this page are from Emma Scholl’s journal.)
"On 15 October, 1916, Sunday morning, Audrey May was born in the good Samaritan Hospital, Dr. Edna F. Jerrue, physician. I disliked the hospital very much, got poor care, and had sad experience with caked breasts and cracked nipples. As my organs had been prolapsed before, the uterus came out after I began to work. I nursed Audrey for nine months. She cried a lot and didn't grow very fast. I was very nervous. Mother (Anna Hegetschweiler) stayed with us.
I remember being in West Adams chapel one afternoon when Audrey was a baby. George was holding her. President Joseph Robinson was conducting the meeting. A girl, Vera Clayton, was singing a solo when we had an earthquake, quite a hard shake. I think the center of it was at Hemet. The girl kept right on singing. A lot of the people, including George, got up and were going to leave the Chapel, but didn't." Audrey's grandmother was alive four years after Audrey was born. She took Audrey for long walks. When Emma's mother died she took Audrey to the funeral.
I remember being in West Adams chapel one afternoon when Audrey was a baby. George was holding her. President Joseph Robinson was conducting the meeting. A girl, Vera Clayton, was singing a solo when we had an earthquake, quite a hard shake. I think the center of it was at Hemet. The girl kept right on singing. A lot of the people, including George, got up and were going to leave the Chapel, but didn't." Audrey's grandmother was alive four years after Audrey was born. She took Audrey for long walks. When Emma's mother died she took Audrey to the funeral.
While George was building their home at 1636 Golden Gate Ave: "Audrey and I stayed at William and Bess Morkins while he was building the house. Their house was at 1633 Michelorena. They were the best neighbors I ever had in California. Audrey went to Kindergarten and got whooping cough and was sick, vomiting and coughing all winter."
“Angus Elmer Peterson and wife Ethel were good friends. He came and took us to get Audrey baptized April 5th, 1925. Audrey had lots of sick spells, vomiting and colds. She was out of school a great deal. She attended the Michelorena school.”
“Audrey gave a talk on "Salvation for the Dead" in Sacrament Meeting when she was 15 years old. She wore a woolen dress she made in school. I still have the dress and I often wear it, as I do several of her discarded coats, black ones, tan one and blue one, also a reddish colored one, I don't like the color as well as the others."
“August 1933, Audrey went to stay and work for George and Orthello Hughes. She had to change to Hoover High School. We stayed at Luella Hess's. Had her north rooms this time. Audrey was not with us she was still at Hughes. She had graduated from Hoover High School and had made her own graduation dress. She was a very good student and a fine dressmaker."
“While we were in St. George, George and Audrey moved from 521 Milford March 27, 1937, to 1137 1/2 Orange Grove Avenues. Elaine went to Thomas Starr King School. Audrey was still in the bank where she went to work in 1936. She was surely a steady, good worker to hold a job for six years and Mr. Jones appreciated her fine work very much, as he told me when I talked to him on the phone when she was home sick. But when I first came back, I noticed she wasn't attending Sacrament Meeting, which worried me. One Sunday morning, after Sunday School, a young man stepped up to her and asked her if she would come to Fireside class after meeting that Sunday night. So she went to Sacrament meeting and stayed to fireside and he brought her home. His name was Glen Kroksh and his pal was Albert Herring. They came quite often to take Audrey out after that. One night Abel John Peterson asked her to go to a musical, I believe, with his cousin. Petersons lived near Marshall high School and I often visited them. Ethel was in bed most of the time. She told me Abel John said Audrey was the best looking girl in the Ward. She was older then Abel John. Glen Kroksh came to see her the night she was gone with Brother Philips (Abel John's cousin). He seemed to feel hurt over it. She went with Glen most of the time. I wanted her to go on a mission.
"December 18th, 1941, Audrey married Glen Arthur Kroksh in Mesa Temple. Glen took his mother, Audrey and me to Mesa in his car. We left L.A. December 17th about 6:00 a.m. We stayed in Mesa that night. The temple found us rooms. Glen stayed at Sister Brown's. Audrey, Vera Kroksh and I stayed at Petersons's lovely home. They were away and told us to make ourselves at home, even told us to help ourselves to food we could find. Vera did up the housework, washed dishes etc. She slept down-stairs. Audrey and I slept in a sleeping porch upstairs. Audrey and I went to the temple fasting. She was the only bride, but the matron gave the talk and treated her same as if there were others. I shed tears most of the time she was giving the talk. Glen's mother couldn't go to the temple with us. On the way home we filled the car with delicious Arizona oranges, grapefruits and dates, much better than California fruit and cheaper. We got to our house late. Audrey and Glen had rented a small house, in the southwest and they took Glen's mother home and then went to their own house. I had an awful lonely feeling as I knelt by Audrey's bed in the front bed - room and realized she wouldn't be there in the morning. I wept many times later by her empty bed. Glen worked on Sundays, so she came over every Sunday and went to Church with Elaine and me and went back home after Church. She kept her job in the bank for 6 or 8 months. Then they moved. She moved to a nicer house 10810 Grand Avenue (near 102nd St) in Manchester Ward. I went there and went with her to Relief Society in that Ward after she quit work and she was called to be a visiting teacher.
“June decided to buy a place in Providence. I asked him to sell this place to me. Audrey had given me $300 to buy a lot several years before which I still had, also money I received for cherries past two summers. Audrey gave me $400 more and I paid June (aka James) the same as he paid for the place. They bought the Fuhriman home in Providence, a two - story stucco house. “
“Audrey and Glen had been living with George since June 1946. “
Early 1950s " Glen was sick when he went but continued to work until he got pneumonia and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Burbank in January. They had adopted a baby, 18 months old. They named him Gerald. Glen came home from the hospital in February or March, but he was very ill. Glen's mother and Audrey tried to take care of him. Finally Dr. Crowley of West Glendale Ward offered to take his case. He had him taken to the St. Vincent's hospital in L.A. They pumped out his lungs and took abscesses off his kidneys. He was the sickest person I ever saw in my life when he was brought home from the hospital. I never saw Audrey look so terrible. His life was spared for some purpose. Audrey finally went back to her good job at Willardson Plumbing Co., near their home at 2749 Lakewood, L.A. Glen's feet were so painful, it was a long time before he could walk or even stand anything to touch them. Poor Glen has surely endured great suffering in his life and will have a high place in the Lord's Kingdom. He was Asst. Supt. in Sunday School in Elysian Park Ward when he became ill. He is also a Master M. Man and had been a Counselor in M.I.A. Audrey taught the beehive class in M.I. A. before they adopted Gerald and Ruby Land said she was a wonderful teacher."
Kent Gardiner:
"Audrey was known for her cooking abilities, her kindness and her generosity. Audrey and Glen were good friend with the Beitler's from church and each year they took vacations together to camping areas all around California including their favorite vacation spot - Shoshone in the Mojave dessert. After Elaine's death the Kroksh's took the Gardiner children on their vacations. Once a month on Fast Sunday Audrey prepared a fancy meal for Glen, Gerry and 9 members of Elaine's family. The week after Elaine died from cancer Glen and Audrey took Elaine's children to various amusement parks to help bring comfort the grieving children.
"Audrey was known for her cooking abilities, her kindness and her generosity. Audrey and Glen were good friend with the Beitler's from church and each year they took vacations together to camping areas all around California including their favorite vacation spot - Shoshone in the Mojave dessert. After Elaine's death the Kroksh's took the Gardiner children on their vacations. Once a month on Fast Sunday Audrey prepared a fancy meal for Glen, Gerry and 9 members of Elaine's family. The week after Elaine died from cancer Glen and Audrey took Elaine's children to various amusement parks to help bring comfort the grieving children.
"After Glen died in 1971 Audrey discovered she had breast cancer. In spite of this she survived the next 19 years finally dying on 17 October 1990 at the age of 74. Audrey died at St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank of respiratory failure, the immediate cause, and colon cancer the previous 6 months. She is buried next to her husband and Elaine in Valhalla Cemetery, North Hollywood, California, in the Latter Day-Saint area in front of the Seagull monument."
What happened to Audrey May Scholl?
1916 Audrey is born 15 Oct at GoodSamaritan Hospital
1925 Audrey baptized 5 Apr
1933 Worked for Orthello Hughes, went to Hoover High in Glendale
1936 Graduated from Glendale Jr College, 1st Job at 1st Security Bank
at 6th and Spring, LA until 1942
1937 George and Audrey moved from 521 Milford March 27, 1937, to
1137 1/2 Orange Grove Avenues
1941 Audrey married Glen Kroksh 18 December in Mesa Temple, AZ
1942 Glen and Audrey move to 10810 Grand Avenue (near 102nd St)
in Manchester Ward.
1946 Audrey gives her mother Emma Scholl $400 to help buy Emma's
Farmington orchard and adobe home.
1950s Glen gets very sick, Audrey works for Willardson Plumbing Co.,
near their home at 2749 Lakewood
1954 The Kroksh's adopt Gerry who is 18 months old
1971 Glen dies 11 June, James Gardiner retrieves the body from the
attic where Glen was reloading ammo
1980s Audrey works for Brock homes, near their home, and
Audrey helps her nephew Kent buy a home from Brock in
Santa Clarita, CA.
1971 Audrey's son Gerry goes on a mission.
1972 Audrey discovers breast cancer
1990 Audrey dies 17 October iAudrey died at St. Joseph Medical
in Burbank of respiratory failure, the immediate cause, and colon
cancer the previous 6 months. She is buried next to Glen and
her sister Elaine in the Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood.
What happened to Audrey May Scholl?
1916 Audrey is born 15 Oct at GoodSamaritan Hospital
1925 Audrey baptized 5 Apr
1933 Worked for Orthello Hughes, went to Hoover High in Glendale
1936 Graduated from Glendale Jr College, 1st Job at 1st Security Bank
at 6th and Spring, LA until 1942
1937 George and Audrey moved from 521 Milford March 27, 1937, to
1137 1/2 Orange Grove Avenues
1941 Audrey married Glen Kroksh 18 December in Mesa Temple, AZ
1942 Glen and Audrey move to 10810 Grand Avenue (near 102nd St)
in Manchester Ward.
1946 Audrey gives her mother Emma Scholl $400 to help buy Emma's
Farmington orchard and adobe home.
1950s Glen gets very sick, Audrey works for Willardson Plumbing Co.,
near their home at 2749 Lakewood
1954 The Kroksh's adopt Gerry who is 18 months old
1971 Glen dies 11 June, James Gardiner retrieves the body from the
attic where Glen was reloading ammo
1980s Audrey works for Brock homes, near their home, and
Audrey helps her nephew Kent buy a home from Brock in
Santa Clarita, CA.
1971 Audrey's son Gerry goes on a mission.
1972 Audrey discovers breast cancer
1990 Audrey dies 17 October iAudrey died at St. Joseph Medical
in Burbank of respiratory failure, the immediate cause, and colon
cancer the previous 6 months. She is buried next to Glen and
her sister Elaine in the Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood.
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1917, Anna Hegetschweiler and Audrey Scholl |
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1919 Audrey Scholl |
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1920 US Census, Los Angeles, CA |
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1925 Audrey and her father on left at the beach. |
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1928 Audrey on left with her sister Elaine |
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1928 Audrey as a Beehive |
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1930 Audrey's tithing receipt signed by Legrand Richards |
1938 Audrey Scholl |
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1930s Audrey Scholl |
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1930's Audrey |
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1930's Audrey on the left |
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1930's Audrey |
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1930's Audrey |
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1930's Audrey |
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1938 Audrey Scholl |
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1939 Audrey |
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1939 Palm Springs |
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1939 TJ Mexico, Audrey on right |
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1940s, Downtown Los Angeles, CA |
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1940s Audrey |
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1940s, Audrey, Many young ladies had glamour shots taken of themselves in Hollywood photographic studios. |
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1940, Audrey in front of her childhood home at 1636 Golden Gate Avenue, LA, CA |
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1948 LtR Elaine Kent Gardiner, Glen Kroksh, Audrey Scholl Kroksh, James Gardiner |
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1940s, Audrey on the side of her childhood home at 1636 Golden Gate Avenua, LA, CA |
1955 LtR Kent, Audrey, Elaine, Janice, Mark, Santa Monica Beach, CA |
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1952 LtR Agnes Beitler, Elaine Scholl Audrey Scholl, Silverlake, LA County, CA |
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1954 Laguna Beach with the Beitler family and Audrey on the left. |
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1954 Laguna, Glen, Gerry, Audrey Kroksh |
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1955 Audrey worked for Willardson and this is an employee sit down dinner |
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Elysian Park Ward building, where Glen and Audrey went to church. |
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Inside Elysian Park Ward |
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1957: LtoR James Gardiner, Elaine, Scholl,
Gerry and Audrey, 2749 Lakewood Ave, LA, CA
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1969, LtoR back row Kent, Sherry, Sandy, Carol, Gerry, and Audrey, front row Julie Jeff, Gayle and JT facing Audrey's Shadowlawn home
1960 LtR, Glen, Gerry, Audrey Kroksh |
1990 Audrey |
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Audrey discovered breast cancer in 1971 after her husband Glen died
11 June 1971. Audrey was 74 years 2 days old at the time of her death.
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Valhalla Memorial Park, Burbank, CA |
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Valhalla Memorial Park, Burbank, CA |
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Valhalla Memorial Park, Burbank, CA |
Obit written by Kent Gardiner
Audrey was born in 1916 to George and Emma Scholl in Los Angeles, California Her father was a studio carpenter and mother worked in the home and later in life labored canning and drying fruit in a little orchard in Farmington, Utah.
Audrey grew up in Los Angeles in the Echo Park area and went to high school at Marshall High. After High School she got a well paying job and moved out of the home because she wanted to be independent. Audrey attended the Hollywood Ward where she met and married Glen Kroksh. Unfortunately Glenn was unable have children so they adopted a son they loved very much and named him Gerry. They went to the Elysian Park Ward and Glen worked as a projectionist at the Roxy Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Glen took the bus to his job but sometimes she would pick him up and bring him home saving him the bus ride. Even before she married Audrey worked as a bookkeeper and after marriage she and Glen were wise with their money. In the 1980 she worked for Brock Contrators and helped Kent and Suzanne Gardiner get the house of their choice in Saugus, California.
Audrey was always a very pretty woman with a nice figure, well fashioned clothes and a style of her own.
In the early 1970's Audrey was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled that disease for alnost twenty years finally dying in 1990. Audrey was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and loved serving others.
Audrey was good friend with the Beitlers from church and each year they took vacations together to camping areas all around California including their favorite vacation spot: Shoshone in the Mojave dessert.
She had one sibling named Elaine who had 7 children. Once a month on Fast Sunday she would prepare a fancy meal for Glen, Gerry and 9 members of Elaine's family. Audrey was known for her cooking abilities, her kindness and generosity. The week after Elaine died from cancer Glen and Audrey took Elaine's children to various amusement parks to comfort the grieving family. Before she died she voiced concern about her son Gerry's welfare after she was gone albeit she left him with income property and a house that was completely paid for.
Audrey died on October 17, 1990 in Burbank, California at the age of 74. She is buried next to her husband and sister in Valhalla Cemetery, Burbank, California, in the Latter Day-Saint area just in front of the Seagull monument.
Audrey grew up in Los Angeles in the Echo Park area and went to high school at Marshall High. After High School she got a well paying job and moved out of the home because she wanted to be independent. Audrey attended the Hollywood Ward where she met and married Glen Kroksh. Unfortunately Glenn was unable have children so they adopted a son they loved very much and named him Gerry. They went to the Elysian Park Ward and Glen worked as a projectionist at the Roxy Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Glen took the bus to his job but sometimes she would pick him up and bring him home saving him the bus ride. Even before she married Audrey worked as a bookkeeper and after marriage she and Glen were wise with their money. In the 1980 she worked for Brock Contrators and helped Kent and Suzanne Gardiner get the house of their choice in Saugus, California.
Audrey was always a very pretty woman with a nice figure, well fashioned clothes and a style of her own.
In the early 1970's Audrey was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled that disease for alnost twenty years finally dying in 1990. Audrey was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and loved serving others.
Audrey was good friend with the Beitlers from church and each year they took vacations together to camping areas all around California including their favorite vacation spot: Shoshone in the Mojave dessert.
She had one sibling named Elaine who had 7 children. Once a month on Fast Sunday she would prepare a fancy meal for Glen, Gerry and 9 members of Elaine's family. Audrey was known for her cooking abilities, her kindness and generosity. The week after Elaine died from cancer Glen and Audrey took Elaine's children to various amusement parks to comfort the grieving family. Before she died she voiced concern about her son Gerry's welfare after she was gone albeit she left him with income property and a house that was completely paid for.
Audrey died on October 17, 1990 in Burbank, California at the age of 74. She is buried next to her husband and sister in Valhalla Cemetery, Burbank, California, in the Latter Day-Saint area just in front of the Seagull monument.