Friday, April 10, 2020

Scholl Documents Unaccounted For

The following are documents that have not been researched.  They need to be placed on our tree or discarded.



Joss Scholl death 16 Mar 1662 film 102078298 page 255

Ulrich Neitzel: Hello Kent,

this death record is not for Hans Scholl, but Joss Scholl. I understand that it is very important to you, because it is one of the earliest documents of the Scholl's in Graben. Unfortunately it is very difficult to decipher.

I'll start with an incomplete transcription; maybe other community members can fill in missing parts:

d: 16 Mart. starb Joß Scholl Bürger und Gerichts-

verwandter __ _  u. ____ 

___ _____ s. Alters ist den folgenden

Tag christl.?___ nach zur Erde bestattet worden

The basic facts are clear: Joss Scholl, citizen and juryman, died 16 March [1662] and was buried the day after following Christian customs. The unclear passages may include additional important information.

Also there is a note in the left margin under the date which I can't read.

M L Scholl 14 Feb death 1702 1703 film 1-2078298 page 401 

Robert Seal:What you are reading as the surname "Scholl" is actually the abbreviated word "Söhnl." = Söhnlein = little son.

This is the death record for a little son named Ernst Christoph, who died on 14 February 1703 and was buried on 18 February 1703. His age at death was 17 weeks.

I don't see a surname or the parents' names in this record.

Here is a possible birth record for this child which I found on Ancestry:

If this is the correct birth record, then this child's surname is: Blum
M L Scholl 14 Feb death 1702 1703 film 1-2078298 page 401 
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 16th of March [1703] Martin Scholl was born dead and was quietly buried.