Maria Elisabetha Kammerer was born 1 January 1711 to Hans Wendel Kammerer and Magdalena Weidmann. She married Johann Matthaeus Grünemeir on 6 February 1731. They had 5 children. Maria died 30 July 1739. Maria lived 28 years 6 months 29 days.
In Rüppurr in
1737 Pastor Huber complained that the churchyard was not fenced, which
is why the cattle, especially the pigs, were rummaging around the
graves; those of Graben and Rußheim
What happened to their children?
Maria Elisabeth Grünemeir 1731-1733
Christina Grünemeir 1733-1733
Adam Wendel Grünemeir 1734-1737
Christoph Grünemeir 1736-1737
Eva Margaretha Grünemeir 1738 Dec
Graben Pastors during their lives:
1706-1714 Ernst Friedrich Weber (or Wider, a franc meaning a Franconian
1714-1719 Daniel Niklas (born in Nördlingen and died 1719 in Graben,. In 1695 he was a deacon, and in 1701 a Pastor in Aalen)
1719-1738 Andreas Weber, Alsatua (an Alsatian)
1738-1757 F.C H. Beck
During their lifetime:
1706 In Graben , complaints are made that Kaspar Dieffenbacher is still in the old cellar of the burned-down castle with one of his children, but that his wife and the other children are with his father-in-law. Dieffenbacher, too, lived like a pagan by threatening his wife with murder, but the school hotter with fire, so that no one more dared to tell him anything.
The church at Graben was rebuilt in 1706 after it was cremated by the French in 1689; in 1742 there are some tombstones that were placed on the Evangelical Lutheran officers who died in neighboring Philippsburg. There are three bells, one by 11 hundredweights, one by 5 hundredweights and one by 80 pounds. The middle one contains the names of the bailiff Kemling and the pastor Obermüller and others. The smallest is only rung in times of war when the others have fled.
1710 Among the vasa sacra (sacred vessels in the church) are mentioned: a silver-gilt paten with the year 1710 and the names of the pastor, the schultheißen (Mayor) and the charity. A tin edge of 1 measure with the number 1712 and the name Georg Michel Raichert.
1736 In front of us are the church and school visitation records and reports for the "Diocese" Karlsruhe from 1736. In addition to their rich content, they contain an abundance of local history materials of such importance that we consider their communication at this point to be appropriate. The Diocese of Karlsruhe at that time comprised the offices of Mühlburg, Graben, some of the Oberamt Durlach and the newly founded Baden residence, which was temporarily considered an office.
1737 In Rüppurr in 1737, Pastor Huber complained that the field of God was not fenced in, which is why the cattle, especially the pigs, were digging around the graves; von Graben and Russheim , Weber and Hoyer complain that too much dancing permission is given on the holidays, "whereby there are often great nightly luxuries and people rave about the whole night".
1738 The secular superiors of Graben are not satisfied with their pastor that he is too "sleepy and maintain good friendship with the teacher, the congregation's night-time traffic is very suspicious to the congregation".
1740 The parish of Graben "does not wish for a better pastor because he has changed in all parts so that no more complaints can be made about him".
Documents related to Maria Elisabetha Kammerer:
Maria Elisabetha Kammerer birth 1 Jan 1711
film 4137289 page 312 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
[Child]: on the 1st of January [1711] Maria Elisabetha was born and on the 2nd [of January] was baptized.
[Parents]: Hanß Wendel "Camerer", "____? Handwerker? ein Sch___?" [and] Maria Magdalena, née "Weidmännin" [Weidmänn].
[Baptismal sponsors/Godparents]: Hanß Georg Werner with daughter Maria Magdalena, unmarried status. Conrad Pfister with wife.
Comments: If the word is "Handwerker" this would translate as: craftsman or manual laborer. At first I thought the word which begins with "Sch" might be "Schmid" = smith, but I'm not completely certain that the fourth letter is an "m". Hopefully another will be able to figure this out. The Latin word "filia" translates as: daughter.
Maria Elizabeth Kammerer marriage 6 Feb 1731 film 4137289 page 391 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Tuesday on the 6th of February [1731] were blessedly married Mattheus Grünemeÿer, blacksmith, the legitimate unmarried son of Christoph Grünemeÿer, blacksmith and juryman, with Maria Elisabetha Cammererin, the legitimate unmarried daughter of Wendel Cammerer, also a blacksmith and member of the town council here. They had a wedding ceremony/celebration with pageantry and string music.
Comments: The symbol at the very beginning of the record is the symbol for the day of the week Tuesday. I checked a calendar for February 1731, and 6 Feb did fall on a Tuesday.
Notes: Notice in the two examples of the surnames "Camererin" and "Camerer" in this record that there is a line over the letter "m". This means to double the "m" making the surnames "Cammerin" and "Cammerer". This scribal convention is usually only used for the letters "m" and "n". A literal translation of the very last sentence would be: They had a wedding sermon, honors, and playing of string music. But see the following link:
Specifically see the last sentence in the third paragraph on the first page: The Evangelical Lutheran churchbook of Graben records that "sie hatten hochzeit predigt, Ehrengeprang und Saitenspiehl" i.e., they had a marriage ceremony, with pageantry and string.This is the same phrase as in your marriage record and since this is also from Graben, I went with this phrasing "The Evangelical Lutheran church book of Graben records that "sie hatten hochzeit predigt, Ehrengeprang und Saitenspiehl" i.e., they had a marriage ceremony, with pageantry and string."
Maria Elisabetha Kammer death 30 July 1739 film 4137289 page 581 |
Translation by Ulrich Neitzel:
1739 d. 30 Julii starb Maria Elisabetha, deß Matthias Grunemayers Eheweib abends zwischen 5 und 6 Uhr, sie wurde den dritten Tag darauf zur Erde bestattet, und wurde eine Leichenpredigt gehalten. aet 28
English translation:
30 July 1739 died Maria Elisabetha, the wife of Matthias Grunemayer, in the evening between 5 and 6 o'clock. She was interred the third day after, and a funeral sermon was preached. Age 28 <years>