Leonard Scholl was born 1619 in Graben. His birth date was arrived at taking his death date and subtracting the 64 years he lived. He is not found on FS.
Below is his death record in 1683 at 64 years old. That makes him born in 1618/19. He could be the brother of Joss Scholl b 1610. He was a Bürger and Twisted Weaver. In fact both his death record and Magdalena Julia Schollin's death record say Leonard was a weaver or twisted weaver. In his record it says he was a Zwirnsweber. Zwirn is a strong double thread, zwi = zwei = two. Therefore his profession was to make robust textiles out of this thread. (Peter Bertschinger)
Below is his death record in 1683 at 64 years old. That makes him born in 1618/19. He could be the brother of Joss Scholl b 1610. He was a Bürger and Twisted Weaver. In fact both his death record and Magdalena Julia Schollin's death record say Leonard was a weaver or twisted weaver. In his record it says he was a Zwirnsweber. Zwirn is a strong double thread, zwi = zwei = two. Therefore his profession was to make robust textiles out of this thread. (Peter Bertschinger)
The year after Leonard's death a woman named Magdalena Julia Jiligin or Jilig died. She passed on the 18 of August 1682. In the death record she says she was married to a Leonard Scholl. Based on her death record she was born in 1622 in Graben. See document below:
To make matters even more confusing there was a Leonhard Scholl who died 13 August 1661 with Anna Christina Scholl as his mother.
Documents related to Leonard Scholl:
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Hans Leonard Scholl death 1 Aug 1683 film 4137289 page 263 The Graben Pastor at Leonard’s death was Konrad Stadmann von Durlach. |
Translation: (very difficult to read)
On August 1, 1683.
Conrad Scholl
The morning of August 1, 1683... 64 years old
died in which H. Lord Savior Leonhard Scholl
Citizens and twisted weavers all here in Graben,
the morrow
Last... a
... . He vows? ... the 65 years.
Am 1. August 1683
Conrad Scholl
Den 1en August 1683 Morgens früh ... 64 Jahren
starb in dem H. Herren Erlöser Leonhard Scholl
Bürger und Zwirnwäber allhier in Graben,
den folgenden Tag
Zu letzte ... eine
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Magdalena Julia Scholl burial 19 Aug 1682 age 60 death18 Aug film 102078298 page 264. The Graben Translation: Magdalena Julia Schollin maiden name Jilig (female last names often had "in" added to their name to show they are femmine.) 18 August at 12 noon, died in the Lord Redeemer, Magdalena Julia, the former housewife of the deceased Leonardt Scholl, the weaver , all here in this place which on the 19th 12:00 o'clock in her 60th year (Jahr) Notes: Philipp Lindmann. His entries begin Jan 1, 1682 Leonhard identified as the father of Anna Christina, film 4137289 p 255
Translation: Leonhard Scholl is the father of Anna Christina Scholl who died 13 August 1661. And was buried the following day. |