Georg Adam Kammerer was born 5 Nov 1713. He married Eva Margaretha Schmidt 27 January 1739 in Graben. They had 6 children. Georg died 18 Feb 1752. He lived 38 years 3 months 13 days.
Graben counted 78 households in 1742, Protestant, except for about 42 souls Roman Catholic. Number of school children: 80. In Rüppurr in
1737 Pastor Huber complained that the churchyard was not fenced, which
is why the cattle, especially the pigs, were rummaging around the
graves; those of Graben and Rußheim (spelled Russheim)
Johann Christoph Kammerer 1739-1758
Johann Georg Kammerer 1741-1814, married Catharina Barbara Suess 22 Nov 1763, 7 children (See document at end of post)
Eva Elisabeth Kammerer 1744-1803, married Johann Andreas Suess 18 Jun 1764, 7 children (see document below)
Valentin Kammerer 1746-1747,
Georg Adam Kammerer 1748-1783, married Anna Maria Zimmerman 13 Mar 1773, one child
Friedrich Kammerer 1751-1754
Graben Pastors during their lives:
Documents related to Georg Adam Kammerer:
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George Adam Kammerer birth 5 Nov 1713 film 4137289 page 316 |
Birth of George Adam Kammerer, Parents Johann Wendel Cammerer and Magdalena maiden name Weidmann, Sponsors or godparents: Johann Georg Cammerer from here and Conlaw Pffifer ? from here
Translation by Gina Palmer:
Georg Adam born 5 November, baptized 7 [Nov]
Parents: Wendel Camerer and Magdalena nèe Weidmann
Godparents: Johann Georg Werner with wife, and Conrad Pfister with wife
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George Adam Kammerer marriage 27 Jan 1739 film 4137289 page 560 |
In the year 1739 on 27 January were joined together in holy matrimony Georg Adam Cammerer, surviving, legitimate, unmarried son of Johann Wendel Cammerer, former citizen and farrier, and Eva Margaretha Schmidt, legitimate, unmarried daughter of Valentin Schmidt, citizen and court juryman as well as [linen? weaver?]. They had a marriage sermon.
Notes:So the son of Johann Wendel Cammerer and Magdalena Weidmann, namely George Adam Cammerer marryies the daughter of his stepfather. In other words Johann Wendel Cammer dies in 1735 and his wife marries Valentin Schmidt sometime between 1735 and 1739. Valentine has a daughter named Margaretha Schmidt who falls in love with her stepbrother, George, and they marry 4 years after the death of Adam's father.
Note: A farrier (also sometimes spelled ferrier) is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of horses' hooves and the placing of shoes on their hooves, if necessary. A farrier combines some blacksmith's skills (fabricating, adapting, and adjusting metal shoes) with some veterinarian's skills (knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the lower limb) to care for horses' feet. WikipediaSecond translation Ulrich Neitzel
Transcription by Ulrich Neitzel:
Anno 1739 d. 27. Januarii wurden in den Stand heiliger Ehe miteinander eingesegnet Georg Adam Cammerer, Johann Wendel Cammerers deß gewesenen Bürgers u. Hufschmidts hinterlaßner ehelig? ledig Sohn, u. Eva Margaretha Schmidtin, Valentin Schmidts Bürgers u. Gerichtsverwandter auch? Leinweber ehelich ledige Tochter. Sie hatten eine Hochzeit Predigt.
In the year 1739, on 27 February were blessed into holy matrimony Georg Adam Cammerer, surviving legitimate unmarried son of Johann Wendel Cammerer, deceased citizen and farrier, and Eva Margaretha, legitimate unmarried daughter of Valentin Schmidt, citizen and juryman, as well as linen weaver. They had a marriage sermon.
Comments:Some words are written rather unclearly and can be inferred only from the context, e.g. "ehelich" = legitimate, once written as "ehelig", a wrong spelling but with the same sound. Also "Leinweber" = linen weaver is difficult to make out. But the general facts, dates and names are unambiguous. There is no mentioning of a possible relation for the bridal couple or their parents. I assume you know that from another document.
BTW: Do you know the "name distribution map" (german: Namenverbreitungskarte)? There you can check how the various family names were distributed in Germany in 1890 and 1996. See here for "Scholl" and "Kammerer": https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Scholl,1890:Kammerer Graben can be recognized as a place where both names superpose. The distribution was probably similar in the centuries before. In 1996, after two wars and with greater mobility the distribution became more balanced. You can test with other (not too common!) family names in the field "Nachname". You'll see that my family originates from a rather different part of (former) Germany ;-)
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George Adam Kammerer death 18 Feb 1852 film 4137289 page 599 |
I am unable to decipher the first five words of the second line of the record but hopefully another community member will be able to help you out with that part of the record.
Here is what I am able to decipher and translate for you:
On the 18th of February 1752, Georg Adam Cammerer, citizen, blacksmith, and juryman, died [those five words]; he was thereupon buried the following day with sound [of bells], singing, and a funeral sermon. Age 38 years, 3 months, 3? days.
Notes: Regarding "those five words": This may be the cause of death. The last two words in the phrase might be "Seitten stechen" = Seitenstecher = pain/stich in side.
Ulrich Neitzel:I read "those five words" as nach ___ erlittenem Seitten stechen = after __ suffering stich in the side. One word is still missing. As the cause of death in historical context this can be the description of pleurisy.
Marth Scholl bap sponsor 1766 film 102078348 page 452 |
born on the 8 Nov 1766 and christened on the 10 Nov 1766 was Johann Christoph RABER.
Parents are: Jeremias RABER, local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina nee WEICK(in)
Witnesses are: Mattheis Scholl, local citizen and master tailor
his wife Margaretha nee Zimmermann(in), Catharina Barbara née Seyss(in), wife of local citizen and smith Johann Georg Cammer
Note: This is Georg Adam Kammerer's second son
Scholl spon 1767 film 102078348 page 457 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert
Born on the 20 Oct 1767 and christened on the 22 Oct 1767 was
Margaretha SÜß(in)
Parents: Andreas SÜß, local citizen and his wife Eva Elisabetha nee CAMMER(in)
Witnesses are: Balthasar Scholl, local citizen and his wife Elisabetha nee LIND(in), Peter Nagel, local citizen and his wife Margaretha Barbara nee Zimmermann(in)
On the 6th of September [1779], midday at 10:00 am born and on the 8th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Süss].
Father: Andreas Süss, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née "Cammerin".
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Balthasar Scholl, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Lindin. (3) Peter Nagel, the local citizen.
Note: Eva Elisabetha Cammerer is the granddaughter of Hans Wendel Cammerer b 1682, one of our direct line ancestors!