Thursday, April 23, 2020

Full History of George Scholl by Audrey Scholl

George Scholl was born in 1886 in Falls City Nebraska.

Philip Scholl was a shoemaker. He came to New York from Germany.

Frederick Scholl was born in New York. He was employed in a piano house carving legs while he was a boy. He left New York at the age of 17. He reviewed the remains of President Lincoln when the White House was in New York. He attended Sunday School for nine years with­out missing a Sunday and received a Bible as a reward.

His other grandfather August Weinert was a furniture maker. He was a Catholic in Germany but joined the protestant faith when he came to America. August Weinert's wife Freda Vander Schaef came from a wealthy family in Holland. When she was 17 her father lost all of his wealth. He then came to America, Buffalo New York. While there he had a stroke and the doctors bled him. He then contracted TB and soon thereafter he died from its effects.

Little is known about George and his family when he was young in Falls City, however in his teens we find that the family moved to the Portland Oregon area.

Emma, his wife to be worked at Meir and Franks in Portland and there met Laura Scholl. When Emma went back to Los Angeles Laura Scholl asked Emma to write. Laura gave Emma's address to George. Then when George and Gus Oberst came on a visit to Los Angeles, they got a room not far from where Emma and her mother lived. They went together for over a year and married in the West Adams Chapel of the L.D.S. Church on May 26, 1915.

They lived their first married year in San Diego near 30th and Ivy. George worked for a contractor, building a chapel in San Diego and then he worked on a radio station in the hills above San Diego. They lived in a tent for 3 months. Emma's mother followed the newlyweds down to San Diego.

Early in George's marriage Emma began taking trips to Utah. She later said that because of poor health she felt better in the Utah climate. In 1916 Emma came back to Los Angeles and gave birth to Audrey. In 1919 they lived on West 34th Street and George paid 11 dollars a month for rent. Shortly thereafter he bought a lot and build a three bedroom house at 624 North Hobart.

Sometime near 1921 George began building the Golden Gate house. He had some friends by the name of Morkin who he lived with during the initial contruction of the home. Emma and George lived in 2 rooms and had a small stove in one of them. It took him seven years to complete this beautiful home.

After the house was completed George bought a Model T for $110 from Fred Walker and took a extended trip to visit his parents in Portland Oregon. While he was gone the Ginsburgs rented the Golden Gate home for 75 dollars a month. They stayed for ten years. The Ginsburgs were the owners of the famous Bell Brand Potatoe chip company. During the depression George was able to rent homes for around 20 dollars a month so the difference between his rent and the money he got from the Golden Gate house kept him going during those hard times

In June of 1928 George and the family went on thier visit to Oregon. They camped along the way or stayed with people they knew. They came back in September of the same year.

When they returned they rented homes on Burchett St, then Fisher Street. He went to the L.D.S. Church a few times and occassionally attended the church dinners.

In 1933 there was a large flood in Southern California. George took people from church in his Model T because it sat up so high above the water while the people left their expensive cars parked in the church parking lot.

They moved a lot during the depression - to Lincoln Street - to Milford Street and then on to Orange Grove in Glendale. George lived with Audrey for a time there in a four unit apartment while Emma and Elaine were back in Utah. At this time Audrey recalls that George worked on the federal Building in downtown Los Angeles They drove to work together as she also worked downtown.

In 1937-39 Elaine and Emma came back and they all moved back into the Golden Gate home. In the late 30's and early 40's George went to work for the studios as a studio's carpenter. He belonged to the union of which he was very proud. In the evenings he would listen to Aimee Simple McPherson, the founder of the foursquare church, although Audrey recalls that George "was a real channel changer."

In 1941 Audrey met Glenn at an L.D.S. fireside and in December of that year they were married and everyone lived in the Golden Gate home. In 1943 Jim and Elaine also met at a fireside and also stayed at the Golden Gate home until Jim joined the Navy.

It was during this time that George began attending the Presbyterian Church - he was always proud of his church affiliation and Audrey recalls making refreshments for church social groups that occasionally met in the home.

Jim and Elaine went to Utah State, Emma went to live in Farmington and Audrey and Glen left the homestead, leaving George to himself. He worked on a housing track in Culver City for a time, then worked at the nearby Presbyterian church. There he did major work while they paid him for materials. He also did small carpentry jobs for many years thereafter.

He was known as a hard worker who enjoyed building things well. He build bureaus that are still in use today. He put a fence around the 1366 Cleveland Road home, made stools for all of the grandchildren Each item was of sturdy and -sound construction.

In 1946 Glen and Audrey moved hack in with George and stayed 4 years. After the war he had a bump on his head. He thought he had cancer and went back to Nebraska for a medical check up. The doctors said it was not cancer. While he was back in Nebraska he bought a yellow Packard convertable and drove it out to California and sold it to Audrey.

In the 50's George worked as a carpenter on his own. He didn't do whole houses although he made a good living at small jobs. The room off of the dining room was his room. In 1951 Audrey and Glenn moved out and Jim and Elaine stayed. It was in August that Audrey remembers picking up Elaine and bringing her and Mark home from the hospital . She carried him all the way home.

During the 50's and 60's George was known as a kind, thoughtful, generous Grandfather. He enjoyed surprising the grandchildren with watermellon, ice cream, or carrot juice. He would go to the factory and bring Hanson's carrot juice to the grand kids. Kent recalls how granddad enjoyed maccroons, potatoes and Ralph's apple pie. He was always kind and even tempered and thoughtful with each grandchild.

George had some close friends. Gus Oberst was one of them from his home town. He died before George as did his friend Harry Holland. He also kept up with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, Laura and Archer Wassel and others.

Toward the end of his life he sold the Golden Gate home and moved to Glendale into the Patterson home. When that was hard to keep up he moved in with Audrey, then a lady from his church, then a trailer in Audrey's backyard. He then tried a rest home and the same day walked out, went to a Safeway and called Audrey to come and take him home. A couple of times he wandered around the city and finally he had to be taken to J.C Perkins locked up rest home He stayed there from Sept to June. Audrey would pick him up and take him to dinner at her house and on the way back as they would pass by Sunset he would point up the streed and say "let's go that way." However when they would arrive at the rest home a nurse would come out and say it was time for dinner and he would go without an argument. He died in 1967 of a stroke and is remembered with fondness by his children and grandchildren and friends.