Johann Matthias Scholl has one of the largest group of descendents in all the Scholl history.
What happened to their children?
1. Matthias Scholl Jr. 1744-1794 married Maria Elisabeth Gamer 18 April 1769, eleven children. died 17 Feb 1794 at age 49 see doc below where this couple has twins (see post below) According to the marriage of his daughter Magdalena Scholl, Matthias was a master tailor, and wine tavern innkeeper. (see doc below 1779) (See birth of their son Philipp 1779 below) They had a son named Johann Jacob Scholl b 1773 who married Catharina Kemm b 1775. (see doc below 1798) they had a son named Friderich Scholl b 1775 died 1823 (see docs below)
Who were Matthias Scholl b 1744's children?
1. Margarethe Scholl 1768 dec
2. Elisabeth Scholl 1770 dec
3. Margaretha Scholl 1770 dec
4. Johann Jacob Scholl 1773-1836 married Catharina Kemm Feb 1796 and had 12 children
5. Friderich Scholl 1779-1780 married Johanna Seuss 15 May 1798 and had 10 children
6. Philipp Sholl 1770-1780
7. Christina Scholl 1781-1845 married in 1808 to Jacob Friedrich Süß, new prospective/budding citizen and shoemaker, legitimately-conceived unmarried son of Jacob Süßee (doc below)
8. Elisabetha Scholl 1781-1781
9. Philipp Scholl 1783-1846 married Salome Fisher (see doc below.) also see Familybook below)
10. Mattheus Scholl 1790-1885 married Margaretha Magdalena Wenz 14 Nov 1815 and had 8 children (see doc below)
11. Magdalena Scholl 1793-1850, married Christoph Scholl seven children (see doc below) cousins marry again
1. Margarethe Scholl 1768 dec
2. Elisabeth Scholl 1770 dec
3. Margaretha Scholl 1770 dec
4. Johann Jacob Scholl 1773-1836 married Catharina Kemm Feb 1796 and had 12 children
5. Friderich Scholl 1779-1780 married Johanna Seuss 15 May 1798 and had 10 children
6. Philipp Sholl 1770-1780
7. Christina Scholl 1781-1845 married in 1808 to Jacob Friedrich Süß, new prospective/budding citizen and shoemaker, legitimately-conceived unmarried son of Jacob Süßee (doc below)
8. Elisabetha Scholl 1781-1781
9. Philipp Scholl 1783-1846 married Salome Fisher (see doc below.) also see Familybook below)
10. Mattheus Scholl 1790-1885 married Margaretha Magdalena Wenz 14 Nov 1815 and had 8 children (see doc below)
11. Magdalena Scholl 1793-1850, married Christoph Scholl seven children (see doc below) cousins marry again
2. Jacobina Margaretha Scholl 1746 Dec
3. Jacobina Scholl 1748-23 May1750 at age 1
4. Friedrich Scholl 1749-1823
5. Margaretha Scholl 26 July 1752-19 Jan 1823 married Jacob Lind 21 November 1774 and had two children. Jacob died 2 April 1780 at the age of 35. Jacob and Jacobina had two children. child A: 1Margaretha Lind b 1776 married Carl Ludwig Raicher b 1775, married 25 April 1797 and had 10 children. (see doc below1797)
4. Friedrich Scholl 1749-1823
5. Margaretha Scholl 26 July 1752-19 Jan 1823 married Jacob Lind 21 November 1774 and had two children. Jacob died 2 April 1780 at the age of 35. Jacob and Jacobina had two children. child A: 1Margaretha Lind b 1776 married Carl Ludwig Raicher b 1775, married 25 April 1797 and had 10 children. (see doc below1797)
child B: Maria Catharina Lind lived from 1777-1781. Jacobina Margaretha married six years after the death of her first husband in 1786 to Georg Jacob Bott. She was 33 years old at the time of her second marriage. Margaretha died 19 Jan 1823 at age 70. (see doc 1792) Georg Jacob Bott, princely grenadier. He is also listed as a master mason in later documents. About a year after Jacob Bott died she married a widower named Christoph Lind as seen in the document above. This is the third marriage for Margaretha Scholl! Margaretha died 19 Jan 1823. Margaretha's second daughter. Margaretha Lind married Carl Ludwig Raicher and had 10 children. Carl Ludwig Raicher was a surgeon in Graben and somewhat famous.
6. Maria Salome Scholl 1754-1813 married Christoph Weick 24 Nov 1774, had 8 children and died 23 Dec 1813 Christoph Weick was born 29 July 1751 to Johann Christoph Weick b 1702. His FH Id: 9JZP-M2K.
He was their 7th child. Christoph married Maria Salome Scholl 24 Nov
1774. They had 8 children. Christoph died 27 Feb 1795. Maria died 23 Dec 1813. Her father is Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718. (see docs below - 1778)
7. Maria Catharina Scholl 1756 Dec see doc below
8. Philipp Scholl 1759-1817 married Juliana Braun 17 March 1795 and they had six children. Juliana died in 1836. (see familybook below) Then he married Maria Margaretha Kemm (1761-1794) and they had 4 children. Philipp died 26 Jan 1817 According to the marriage of his son Philipp Jr. Philipp Sr was a citizen and master tailor (see doc below 1796)
8. Philipp Scholl 1759-1817 married Juliana Braun 17 March 1795 and they had six children. Juliana died in 1836. (see familybook below) Then he married Maria Margaretha Kemm (1761-1794) and they had 4 children. Philipp died 26 Jan 1817 According to the marriage of his son Philipp Jr. Philipp Sr was a citizen and master tailor (see doc below 1796)
Notes: Philipp, b 1759 (the youngest son of Matthias Scholl b 1718), had a son named Christoph Scholl b 1792. Matthias Scholl b 1744 (the oldest son of Matthias Scholl b 1718) had a daughter named Magdalena Scholl b 1793. On the 13th of May 1819 the two married. They had 7 children. None of their children lived to adulthood. Magdalena Scholl died at 56 years on 22 Feb 1850. Christoph died eleven days later at 57 years on 5 March 1850. First cousin marriages were not unheard of. Had this been a Catholic
marriage between first cousins, I suspect the couple would have been
required to get a dispensation from the Catholic Church to marry. (Robert Seal on marrying cousins)
Note: Philipp Scholl had a son named Jacob Frederick in 1789. He married Elisabeth Zimmermann. In 1818 they married and their marriage record is below.
What happened to Philipp and Juliana Braun children?
1. Jacob Scholl 1796-1859 married Maria Katharina Wertele and had at least one child named Christina Scholl 1824-1839
2. Wilhelm 1799-1799
3. Wilhelm 1803-1885 married 30 Dec 1828 to Loouise Maag and had 16 children.
4. Catharina 1807-1820 died at 13
5. Katharina 1807-1870
6. Katharine 1809-dec
What happened to Philipp and Maria Margaretha Kemm's children?
1. Philipp Jacob 1784-dec
2. Scholl 1787-1787
3. Jakob Friedrich Scholl 1789-1877 married 12 Feb 1818 to Elisabeth Zimmermann and had four children.
4. Christoph Scholl 1792-1850 married 13 May 1819 to Magdalena Scholl (1793-1850) 9JZP-9WY (cousins marrying)
I'd like to learn how to type Fraktur into DeepL and get good results. What considerations are there in typing Fraktur into DeepL Translate? I know the f translates as an s. What else will help me?
Here is the last paragraph on this page:
My typing: Christoph Weydmann der Anwaldt / gibt Fahrs uff Martins usser Anderthalbem Rueben und Einem Diertel etc Nehmlsch Sieben Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
DeepL: Christoph Weydmann the lawyer / gives driving on Martins usser One and a half Rueben and One quarter etc Nehmlsch Seven Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
I'd like to learn how to type Fraktur into DeepL and get good results. What considerations are there in typing Fraktur into DeepL Translate? I know the f translates as an s. What else will help me?
Here is the last paragraph on this page:
My typing: Christoph Weydmann der Anwaldt / gibt Fahrs uff Martins usser Anderthalbem Rueben und Einem Diertel etc Nehmlsch Sieben Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
DeepL: Christoph Weydmann the lawyer / gives driving on Martins usser One and a half Rueben and One quarter etc Nehmlsch Seven Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
This is a noble pursuit.
The most important thing is to be able to distinguish between similar looking letters. I will demonstrate with the letters "s" and "f" in the passage you transcribed.
Here is your transcription:
Christoph Weydmann der Anwaldt / gibt Fahrs uff Martins usser Anderthalbem Rueben und Einem Diertel etc Nehmlsch Sieben Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
Look at the first word "Christoph" and the next-to-last word which is actually "Pfenning". The ""s" and the "f" are very similar and you have to study them very closely to identify which is which. This is just one of many examples of letters which look the same. See for example capital "B" vs. capital "V".
You must enlarge the image enough so you can see the differences.
Also, depending on how clear/crisp the image is, you will get letters which are "fuzzy" and look like a different letter. Example: See the fifth-to last word which you translated as "Nehmlsch." This word is actually "Nehmlich" What you thought was an "s" is actually the letter "i" but the dot above the "i" has blurred into the downstroke making it look like an "s".
Be aware that DeepL and Google Translate are based on modern German vocabulary and grammar. They will not understand archaic words or obsolete words. Also understand that the spelling in older documents varies from modern German orthography and these translation programs may not be able to translate a variant spelling.
Once you have a clean transcription you should put it into Deepl and Google Translate to see how both programs handle the translation. But you may still end up with a translation that is not completely understandable.
Good luck! Robert Seal
The most important thing is to be able to distinguish between similar looking letters. I will demonstrate with the letters "s" and "f" in the passage you transcribed.
Here is your transcription:
Christoph Weydmann der Anwaldt / gibt Fahrs uff Martins usser Anderthalbem Rueben und Einem Diertel etc Nehmlsch Sieben Schilling Psenning Marggruver.
Look at the first word "Christoph" and the next-to-last word which is actually "Pfenning". The ""s" and the "f" are very similar and you have to study them very closely to identify which is which. This is just one of many examples of letters which look the same. See for example capital "B" vs. capital "V".
You must enlarge the image enough so you can see the differences.
Also, depending on how clear/crisp the image is, you will get letters which are "fuzzy" and look like a different letter. Example: See the fifth-to last word which you translated as "Nehmlsch." This word is actually "Nehmlich" What you thought was an "s" is actually the letter "i" but the dot above the "i" has blurred into the downstroke making it look like an "s".
Be aware that DeepL and Google Translate are based on modern German vocabulary and grammar. They will not understand archaic words or obsolete words. Also understand that the spelling in older documents varies from modern German orthography and these translation programs may not be able to translate a variant spelling.
Once you have a clean transcription you should put it into Deepl and Google Translate to see how both programs handle the translation. But you may still end up with a translation that is not completely understandable.
Good luck! Robert Seal
The following is from the book: Burg und Dorf Graben einst und jetzt : ein Beitrag zur Heimatsgeschichte ... by Kemm
Translation by Robert Seal
Background: The two paragraphs are discussing the prices paid by different individuals for various pieces of land.
Note that the words "Morgen", "Viertel", and "Ruten" are land area measurements, A "Morgen" in the abstract is equivalent to the amount of land one man and one ox could plow in one morning; the actual size of a "Morgen" varied from place to place. "Viertel" = quarter. Ruten = rods.
It got the outermost place next to the mill, house building on the street, entrance from the Mühlgasse, 3 quarters, 39 rods Matthaeus Scholl for 484 florins; the second [piece] 3 quarters, 39 rods Bernhard Kemm for 490 florins; the third [piece] 1 Morgen, 2 rods Johann Philipp Kemm, the mayor, for 520 florins; the fourth [piece] 3 quarters, 16 rods pharmacist Steudel for 475 florins, with the condition that a two-story house be built on it.
The garden behind the "Meyereischeuer" [Mayers barn] was divided into two parts of 1 quarter, 8 and 1/2 rods. Jakob Scholl bid/raised the first half behind the tithing barn for 220 florins, and the other half on the "Weiherwiese" [pond meadow] Johann Zimmermann for 272 florins.
Background: The two paragraphs are discussing the prices paid by different individuals for various pieces of land.
Note that the words "Morgen", "Viertel", and "Ruten" are land area measurements, A "Morgen" in the abstract is equivalent to the amount of land one man and one ox could plow in one morning; the actual size of a "Morgen" varied from place to place. "Viertel" = quarter. Ruten = rods.
It got the outermost place next to the mill, house building on the street, entrance from the Mühlgasse, 3 quarters, 39 rods Matthaeus Scholl for 484 florins; the second [piece] 3 quarters, 39 rods Bernhard Kemm for 490 florins; the third [piece] 1 Morgen, 2 rods Johann Philipp Kemm, the mayor, for 520 florins; the fourth [piece] 3 quarters, 16 rods pharmacist Steudel for 475 florins, with the condition that a two-story house be built on it.
The garden behind the "Meyereischeuer" [Mayers barn] was divided into two parts of 1 quarter, 8 and 1/2 rods. Jakob Scholl bid/raised the first half behind the tithing barn for 220 florins, and the other half on the "Weiherwiese" [pond meadow] Johann Zimmermann for 272 florins.
Page 126. Kemm book,1743, Graben, Germany from |
Page 126. Kemm book,1743, Graben, Germany from |
But the new year, new worries.
In the 1740s the miller from Friedrichstal complained about water backing up.
The then mayor Christoph Kemm and lawyer Scholl gave the following statements in 1743:
(1) When the mill was being built, the oak tree was felled by the manorial foreman and has remained unchanged up to this point, and the surrounding goods have [or property has] not suffered the slightest damage.
(2) The ordered weir to irrigate the lake/pond garden and to fill the castle moat has been built.
(3) The permitted water wheel does not drive any special work, but was made because the inner structure was too heavy for a water wheel.
(4) We only built the mill out of necessity because we feared that a grinding mill could be built on the site.
(5) The mill has now cost over 1,000 florin; one should not demand any further levy for the second water wheel since the community has more harm than good from the mill.
The complaint was dismissed and the requests approved.
Later the son and successor of the mayor Christoph Kemm, Johann Philipp, who worked beneficially for Graben for over 34 years, adapted the interior of the mill to the changed circumstances with great skill and prudence. Since millet cultivation gradually ceased because its cultivation eroded and covered the soil, an operation for barley rolling was set up instead of the millet mill.
Page: 243 Kemm Book:
The following excerpts give an insight into the economic conditions of
the time: 27. Dez. 1765 Matthieß Scholl, the first piece at the farmyard D?alterweg, has to pay for it for two years. He, Scholl, the 2nd piece next to his field to the bubenacker D?age on 4 years
Robert Seal: " Your translated first sentence is correct: The following excerpts give an insight into the economic conditions of the time:
Here is a transcription of the parts which relate to Matthias Scholl, which you can compare with your transcription:
Graben, ten [den] 27. Dez. 1765 sintt verschiedene Allmendt-stücker am specker weg zu butzen versteigert worten, alß
Matthieß Scholl, das erste stuck am Höftlich-acker D?alterweg, muß solches butzen um den zweijährigen genuß.
Er, Scholl, daß 2te stuck neben seinem acker biß anß bubenacker D?alter auff 4 Jar.
Comments: Because the spellings are variant/archaic, you can't take the transcription and simply plug it into Google Translate or Deepl and get a coherent translation. I also think there are some local place names here which are challenging to decipher.
Here are a few words which may help:
Allmendt-stücker = common land pieces
stuck = Stück = piece
-acker [as a suffix] = farm
The words 'butzen" and "bubenacker" are unfamiliar to me.
Here is a broad sense of what I can understand here:
Here is a transcription of the parts which relate to Matthias Scholl, which you can compare with your transcription:
Graben, ten [den] 27. Dez. 1765 sintt verschiedene Allmendt-stücker am specker weg zu butzen versteigert worten, alß
Matthieß Scholl, das erste stuck am Höftlich-acker D?alterweg, muß solches butzen um den zweijährigen genuß.
Er, Scholl, daß 2te stuck neben seinem acker biß anß bubenacker D?alter auff 4 Jar.
Comments: Because the spellings are variant/archaic, you can't take the transcription and simply plug it into Google Translate or Deepl and get a coherent translation. I also think there are some local place names here which are challenging to decipher.
Here are a few words which may help:
Allmendt-stücker = common land pieces
stuck = Stück = piece
-acker [as a suffix] = farm
The words 'butzen" and "bubenacker" are unfamiliar to me.
Here is a broad sense of what I can understand here:
Translation by Robert Seal
The following excerpts give an insight into the economic conditions of the time: Graben, on the 27th of December 1765, various common land pieces were auctioned of on the Specker Way at Butzen?, such asMattheiß Scholl, the first piece on the Höftlich-farm Dalterweg must such . . . two-year . . .
He, Scholl, the second piece next to his farm/land up to the "bubenacker Dalter auff 4 Jar."
The following excerpts give an insight into the economic conditions of the time: Graben, on the 27th of December 1765, various common land pieces were auctioned of on the Specker Way at Butzen?, such asMattheiß Scholl, the first piece on the Höftlich-farm Dalterweg must such . . . two-year . . .
He, Scholl, the second piece next to his farm/land up to the "bubenacker Dalter auff 4 Jar."
During their lives:
Graben a Simple Village
Already in 1715 an important course for the future of the country had been set: After the Peace of Rastatt, Margrave Karl Wilhelm, Karl Friedrich's Great father, had a hunting lodge built in the Hardtwald - the basis for the late residence Karlsruhe. Soon afterwards the office of Graben was abolished and assigned to the new office of Karlsruhe. Graben lost its official seat and became a simple village. It was not until 1746 that the magnificent land rights of the Electorate Palatinate were replaced by the former Graben and Stein offices, which had had to be seceded in 1424, with 150,000 gulden. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The long reign of Margrave Karl Friedrich: when he came to the throne at the age of ten in 1738, he was able to take over the government in 1746 and hold it in his hands until his death in 1811 - and since 1771 also over the Baden-Baden lands. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
1755 Streets
In 1755, the streets began to be paved. The material for this came largely from the ruins of the (Graben) castle. The mayor's name was written above it. Some of them need to be paved: "It has come to pass that the most gracious lordship of the parish." (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The first emigrants from Graben 1700s
Although the wars of the 17th century were essentially a thing of the past in the 18th century, the peacetime of the 18th century brought a new challenge to the Margraves of Baden in general and to Graben in particular: The population exploded. In Graben it grew from 176 (1702) to 420 (1756) - an increase of 240 percent in just five years. Of course, this was in part only a supplemental increase.
But the question was: what would happen if the living conditions could not be expanded accordingly? Due to the prevailing division of wealth, the inheritances became smaller and smaller - the land became scarce. In this situation there seemed to be only one solution for many people: to expand into countries
wandering, where everything was much better. Apart from the vast expanses of east and southeast Asa, North America seemed to be the best suited for this.
However, it is no longer possible to make a clear decision as to why the emigrants left.
The question is whether it was only the poor living conditions at home that drove them away, or whether the promise of a better life was the main reason for their hunting. It was always a mixture of both, with the proportion of the population varying from case to case. The attraction of the emigration destinations cannot be ignored because it would be difficult to explain why the emigrants did not simply scatter everywhere, but rather had clear signs of the time when they were in the country.
Leaving a German country was not possible without further ado. One did not like to lose subjects who were considered to be an important productive force, and certainly not if they were serfs from whom one profited especially much. As a deduction tradesmen must be deprived of a part of the property. The limits of the reign were quickly reached. The boundaries of the dominion were quickly defined in the Graben Law Book, the Stock Book of 1566, which will be discussed in more detail in a moment. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The village and its inhabitants 1700s
For centuries the village and its inhabitants had not had a pillar (record) of their own; when it appears in documents and records, it is actually only as an object of superior rule. All other aspects left almost no traces. It was not until the 18th century that this began to change gradually, and more and more records and documents give an impression of life in Graben and its rules. Very often, however, they are only fragments, because at that time, no self-evident facts were written down, and so many questions remain open or cannot be answered with the certainty that is the rule for later years.
Even the question of municipal offices is a problem in itself, and is initially quite easy to answer. Most important was the mayor appointed by the authorities for life. He had not only administrative but also judicial functions, where he was supported by a group of jurors, the so-called court relatives. In addition, there was also the council. However, the council and the court almost always acted together, so that it is difficult to make out exact differences. And how exactly did one become a sheriff, a court relative or a councilor? For Graben, clear answers can only be given for the 19th century. For earlier times, one has to be content with misleading names and little additional information. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
Documents related to Johann Matthias Scholl:
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Johann Matthias Scholl born 19 April 1718 film. 4137289 page 325 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
First column: born on the 19th [of April 1718] and baptized on the 20th of April [1718].
Child: Johann Matthias.
Parents: Johann Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor here, Eva.
Witnesses: Christoph Keller?. citizen and __elker?, with wife Maria Catharina. Christoph Schuhmach, citizen [and] butcher [at] this place. Anna Maria Waibbin/Waiblin, "Schwannewirthin" here.
My comments: "Wirthin" is the feminine form of "Wirth" and could translate as: female innkeeper, landlady, or wife of the innkeeper.
"Schwanenwirthin" = female innkeeper at the sign of the swan or wife of the innkeeper at the sign of the swan.
Robert Seal Note: @Ulrich Neitzel has identified the word that I was reading as "Schonnenwirth" as "Schwanenwirt" = innkeeper at the sign of the swan.
First column: born on the 19th [of April 1718] and baptized on the 20th of April [1718].
Child: Johann Matthias.
Parents: Johann Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor here, Eva.
Witnesses: Christoph Keller?. citizen and __elker?, with wife Maria Catharina. Christoph Schuhmach, citizen [and] butcher [at] this place. Anna Maria Waibbin/Waiblin, "Schwannewirthin" here.
My comments: "Wirthin" is the feminine form of "Wirth" and could translate as: female innkeeper, landlady, or wife of the innkeeper.
"Schwanenwirthin" = female innkeeper at the sign of the swan or wife of the innkeeper at the sign of the swan.
Robert Seal Note: @Ulrich Neitzel has identified the word that I was reading as "Schonnenwirth" as "Schwanenwirt" = innkeeper at the sign of the swan.
Ulrich:"The entry in the last row I could also read as "Schwanenwirth", which is a not too uncommon designation in church books (innkeeper for the "Gasthaus Zum Schwanen").
The occupation for Anna Maria in row 4 is difficult to read, but as her surname seems to be Waiblin which is the female form of Waibel, Anna Maria may be the wife of Johann Georg Waibel in row 6, and together they are possibly the innkeepers of "Zum Schwanen"."
Robert Seal: This makes perfect sense, therefore I have edited my original response to reflect this in order for you to have a correct translation of the record. Thank you, Ulrich! signed Robert Seal
Kent Notes: Pastor Niclas did a great job writing about the witnesses because he included so much information. 1714-1719 Daniel Niklas or Niclas. Pastor Niklas was born in Nördlingen and died 1719 in Graben. In 1695 he was a deacon, 1701 pastor in Aalen. Both Niklas and Niclas have lots of hits in Geogen which means they were both common names.
The occupation for Anna Maria in row 4 is difficult to read, but as her surname seems to be Waiblin which is the female form of Waibel, Anna Maria may be the wife of Johann Georg Waibel in row 6, and together they are possibly the innkeepers of "Zum Schwanen"."
Robert Seal: This makes perfect sense, therefore I have edited my original response to reflect this in order for you to have a correct translation of the record. Thank you, Ulrich! signed Robert Seal
Kent Notes: Pastor Niclas did a great job writing about the witnesses because he included so much information. 1714-1719 Daniel Niklas or Niclas. Pastor Niklas was born in Nördlingen and died 1719 in Graben. In 1695 he was a deacon, 1701 pastor in Aalen. Both Niklas and Niclas have lots of hits in Geogen which means they were both common names.
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Matthias Scholl marriage 30 dec 1743 film 004137289 page 563 |
1743. On the 30th of December, after a sermon, were married Jo[hann] Matthæus Scholl, of the tailoring trade, conceived unmarried son of the late Jo[hann] Matt[æus] Scholl, former citizen and tailor, and Maria Margar[etha], unmarried daughter of Jonas Zimmermann, local citizen.
[In the left margin]: Joh. Mattæus Scholl; Maria Marg. Zimmermannin.
My comments: This record has several interesting scribal features. In the first line the groom's middle name appears to end with the letter "g". Actually this is not the letter "g" but a Latin scribal symbol which represents the letters "us". In many German parish records this scribal convention was carried over. You'll note that I transcribed this name as "Matthæus" and further note than when the groom's name is written in the left margin, the parish register scribe actually writes "us" rather than use this symbol.
The name "Matthæus" also includes the digraph or ligature: æ. This is frequently mistaken for a lower case "o". In the left margin, you can see it more clearly as "æ". I typically transcribe this as: "ae".
Note in the record itself, the bride's maiden surname is not specifically recorded: she is identified as the daughter of Jonas Zimmermann. But in the left margin, the "in" suffix is used: Zimmermannin.
Ulrich Neitzel:Just to add on Robert's excellent explanation: note that the female form of "Zimmermann" is "Zimmermännin" with an Umlaut, as the German language requires an Umlaut in most cases when a suffix -in is added; e.g. Bauer - Bäuerin, Graf - Gräfin, Arzt - Ärztin
Jacob Lind birth 12 Oct 1744 film 102078348 page 368 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of October 1744, a little son of Peter Lind from Cathar[ina] his wife was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and named Jacob.
On the 12th of October 1744, a little son of Peter Lind from Cathar[ina] his wife was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and named Jacob.
Baptismal sponsors are Heinr[ich] Roesch and Jacob Merckle with their wives.
Matth Scholl spon 1747 film 102078348 page 347 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
1747, on the 13th of September, a little son of Ulrich Weeber, local citizen and farmer, from Maria Salome, his wife, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Conrad Gottlieb. Baptismal sponsors: are Mr. Conrad Gottlieb Keppling[er], the school master here, with Dorothea, his wife, and Matth. Scholl, citizen and tailor, with his wife.
1747, on the 13th of September, a little son of Ulrich Weeber, local citizen and farmer, from Maria Salome, his wife, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Conrad Gottlieb. Baptismal sponsors: are Mr. Conrad Gottlieb Keppling[er], the school master here, with Dorothea, his wife, and Matth. Scholl, citizen and tailor, with his wife.
Note: Konrad Gottlieb Käpplinger began as Schoolmaster in 1734 and served until 1754 when Johann Jakob Stober took over.
Matth Scholl sponsor 1748 rt side film 102078348 page 377 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
1748, on the 2nd of December a little son of Ulrich Weeber, citizen and farmer, from his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are Mr. Conrad Olib Kepplinger, schoolmaster here, with his wife, and Matth. Scholl, citizen and tailor, with his wife.
1748, on the 2nd of December a little son of Ulrich Weeber, citizen and farmer, from his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are Mr. Conrad Olib Kepplinger, schoolmaster here, with his wife, and Matth. Scholl, citizen and tailor, with his wife.
Note: Conrad Gottlieb Käpplinger began as Schoolmaster in 1734 and served until 1754 when Johann Jakob Stober took over.
Matthias Scholl 1754 film 102078348 page 393 |
On the 25th of June 1754, a little daughter of Israel Stuz, citizen and farmer, from Maria Salome, née Stockin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Margaretha Barbara. Baptismal sponsors are Mr. Conrad Gottlieb Kepplinger, schoolmaster, with his wife; Jo[hann] Martin Mezger, juryman, with his wife; and Matthias Scholl, citizen and tailor, with his wife.
Left margin: died 14 March 1834.
Note: Conrad Gottlieb Käpplinger began as Schoolmaster in 1734 and served until 1754 when Johann Jakob Stober took over. Conrad and Dorothea Heinz married 28 Nov 1726 in Büchenbronn, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland. Conrad's wife Dorothea Heinz died at age 55 12 April 1757 in Graben as seen in the next record..........
Conrad Gottlieb Kepplingerin's wife deat at age 55 death 12 April 1757 film 102078348 page 608 2 |
On the 12th of April 1757, the wife of Mr. Conrad Gottlieb Kepplinger, school master, Mrs. Dorothea [Kepplingerin], née Heinzin, died after a 10 _____? pneumonia and subsequent catarrh/breathing problems. She was thereafter buried on the third day following with sound, singing, and a funeral sermon. Age: 55 years.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 26th of August 1756, a little daughter of Matthias Scholl, the citizen, tailor, and temporary "procurator", from his wife Margaretha, in the morning early at 4:00 am was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Maria Catharina.
Baptismal sponsors are Israel Stuz, citizen and farmer, with his wife; Jeremias Raber, an unmarried cooper, surviving son, and betrothed man, of the late Michael Raber, citizen and cooper; and Maria Cathar[ina], unmarried daughter, [and betrothed woman with [Jeremias] Raber, of Jo[hann] Simon Cammerer, citizen and farmer.
Comments: This record is from August 1756. Sure enough, the betrothed Jeremias Raber and the betrothed Maria Catharina Cammerer married five months later in late January 1757:
Regarding the word "procurator": Thode translates this as: lawyer.
C. Russell Jensen, Parish Register Latin, translates this as: proxy governor; proxy lawyer. See also this link for the word "procurator" from Wikipedia: See in particular section 2.3 for meanings of this word. Finally if you translate the Latin word "procurator" in Google Translate, you will find a variety of meanings for this word.
On the 26th of August 1756, a little daughter of Matthias Scholl, the citizen, tailor, and temporary "procurator", from his wife Margaretha, in the morning early at 4:00 am was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Maria Catharina.
Baptismal sponsors are Israel Stuz, citizen and farmer, with his wife; Jeremias Raber, an unmarried cooper, surviving son, and betrothed man, of the late Michael Raber, citizen and cooper; and Maria Cathar[ina], unmarried daughter, [and betrothed woman with [Jeremias] Raber, of Jo[hann] Simon Cammerer, citizen and farmer.
Comments: This record is from August 1756. Sure enough, the betrothed Jeremias Raber and the betrothed Maria Catharina Cammerer married five months later in late January 1757:
Regarding the word "procurator": Thode translates this as: lawyer.
C. Russell Jensen, Parish Register Latin, translates this as: proxy governor; proxy lawyer. See also this link for the word "procurator" from Wikipedia: See in particular section 2.3 for meanings of this word. Finally if you translate the Latin word "procurator" in Google Translate, you will find a variety of meanings for this word.
Matthias Scholl Nov 1757 left film 1020078348 page 403 |
On the 11th of November 1757, a little daughter of Jeremias Raber, the citizen and cooper, from his wife Maria Catherina, née Cammererin, was born to the world at 9:00 pm in the night, so thereafter was baptized and was named Maria Catharina.
Baptismal sponsors are: Matthias Scholl, citizen, tailor, and temporary administrator, and Wilhelm Müller, local timber/(tree)bark? miller, with their wives.
Matthias Scholl 1758 spon bot left film 102078348 page 405 |
On the 11th of July [1758], in the evening at 9:00 pm born and on the 13th [of July 1758] baptized: Maria Salome "Stützin".
Parents: Israel "Stüz", the local citizen, and his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin.
Baptismal sponsors: Joh[ann] Martin Metzger, juryman here, [and] his wife Barbara, née Obermaÿerin. Matthias Scholl, the citizen and at the present time innkeeper at the Crown Tavern here, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin.
Right column: died 25 July 1827.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Matthias Scholl t spon 1760 film 102078348 page 417 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 17th of October [1760], in the morning early after 1:00 am born and on the 18th [of October 1760] baptized: Johann Ludwig Stuz.
Parents: Israel Stuz, the local citizen, and his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin.
Baptismal sponsors: Joh[ann] Martin Metzger, the local citizen and juryman, [and] his wife Barbara, née Obermaierin. Matthias Scholl, the local citizen, tailor, and temporary administrator, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
On the 17th of October [1760], in the morning early after 1:00 am born and on the 18th [of October 1760] baptized: Johann Ludwig Stuz.
Parents: Israel Stuz, the local citizen, and his wife Maria Salome, née Stockin.
Baptismal sponsors: Joh[ann] Martin Metzger, the local citizen and juryman, [and] his wife Barbara, née Obermaierin. Matthias Scholl, the local citizen, tailor, and temporary administrator, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Matthias Scholl spon 1761 film 102078348 page 425 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 6th of December [1761], in the morning early after 10:00 am born and on the 8th [of December 1761] baptized: Philipp Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Young Wendel Munck, the local citizen and widower, [and] his betrothed Barbara, née Lindin, widow.
Right column: + [died].
On the 6th of December [1761], in the morning early after 10:00 am born and on the 8th [of December 1761] baptized: Philipp Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Young Wendel Munck, the local citizen and widower, [and] his betrothed Barbara, née Lindin, widow.
Right column: + [died].
Matth Scholl 1764 left spon film 102078348 page 440 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 13th of October [1764], at night after ? o'clock born and on the 15th [of October 1764] baptized: Jacob Friderich Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Christina Margaretha Munckin, surviving legitimate unmarried daughter of the late Wendel Munck, former citizen here.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
My comment: It's difficult to determine if the final baptismal sponsor's forenames are: Christina Margaretha; Margaretha Christina; or simply Margaretha with Christina struck-through.
On the 13th of October [1764], at night after ? o'clock born and on the 15th [of October 1764] baptized: Jacob Friderich Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Christina Margaretha Munckin, surviving legitimate unmarried daughter of the late Wendel Munck, former citizen here.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
My comment: It's difficult to determine if the final baptismal sponsor's forenames are: Christina Margaretha; Margaretha Christina; or simply Margaretha with Christina struck-through.
Mattias Scholl bap sponsor 1766 bot rt film 102078348 page 452 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert
born on the 8 Nov 1766 and christened on the 10 Nov 1766 was Johann Christoph RABER.
Parents are: Jeremias RABER, local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina nee WEICK(in)
Witnesses are: Mattheis SCHOLL, local citizen and master tailor
his wife Margaretha nee ZIMMERMANN(in), Catharina Barbara nee SEYSS(in), wife of local citizen and smith Johann Georg CAMMERER
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 8th of November [1766], in the evening at 4:00 pm born and on the 10th [of November 1766] baptized [was] Johann Christoph Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Catharina Barbara, née Süssin, wife of Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right margin: + [died].
born on the 8 Nov 1766 and christened on the 10 Nov 1766 was Johann Christoph RABER.
Parents are: Jeremias RABER, local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina nee WEICK(in)
Witnesses are: Mattheis SCHOLL, local citizen and master tailor
his wife Margaretha nee ZIMMERMANN(in), Catharina Barbara nee SEYSS(in), wife of local citizen and smith Johann Georg CAMMERER
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 8th of November [1766], in the evening at 4:00 pm born and on the 10th [of November 1766] baptized [was] Johann Christoph Raber.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Catharina Weickin.
Baptismal sponsors: Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Catharina Barbara, née Süssin, wife of Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right margin: + [died].
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
Born on the 13 Oct 1764 and Christened on the 18 Oct 1764 was
Jacob Friderich RABER. His parents are Jeremias RABE, the local citizen and wife Maria Katharina nee WEID.
Witnesses are Matthei SCHOLL, the local citizen and master tailor and his wife Margaretha nee ZIMMERMANN(in) , Margaretha Gertruda MUNCK, single daughter of the deceased Wendel MUCK, a former citizen.
Note: There is a "cross" below the name, it could mean that the child died young, but does not have to be!
Born on the 13 Oct 1764 and Christened on the 18 Oct 1764 was
Jacob Friderich RABER. His parents are Jeremias RABE, the local citizen and wife Maria Katharina nee WEID.
Witnesses are Matthei SCHOLL, the local citizen and master tailor and his wife Margaretha nee ZIMMERMANN(in) , Margaretha Gertruda MUNCK, single daughter of the deceased Wendel MUCK, a former citizen.
Note: There is a "cross" below the name, it could mean that the child died young, but does not have to be!
Margaretha b 5 Jan 1769 Matthias Scholl spon mid left film 004137289 page 554 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 5th of January [1769], in the afternoon after 4:00 pm born and on the 7th [of January 1769] baptized: Margaretha Raberin.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Katharina, née Weickin.
Baptimsal sponsors: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Georg Kammerer, the local citzen and master blacksmith, [and] his wife Kath[arina] Barbara, née Süßin.
Born on the 14 Feb 1769 at 3 pm and christened on the 15 Feb 1769 was: Maria Magdalena NAGLIN. Her parents are the young Bernhard NAGEL a local citizen and his wife Maria Barbara nee WERNER(in)On the 5th of January [1769], in the afternoon after 4:00 pm born and on the 7th [of January 1769] baptized: Margaretha Raberin.
Parents: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper, and his wife Maria Katharina, née Weickin.
Baptimsal sponsors: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. Georg Kammerer, the local citzen and master blacksmith, [and] his wife Kath[arina] Barbara, née Süßin.
Witnesses are: Jacob Friedrich WAIBEL a local citizen and innkeeper and his wife Maria Magdalena nee EBERHARD(in), Matthias SCHOLL single, son of the local citizen and his bride Elisabetha GAMER(in), single daughter of a local citizen
(there is a + make below her surname, usually that means that the person died younger, but it one can't be sure, that has to be checked out)
Matthias Scholl has twins 1770 film 004137289 page 635 |
Translation for the twins by Robert Seal:
On the 15th of July [1770], in the morning after 3:00 am were born and on the 16th [of July 1770] were baptized: Elisabetha Schollin [and] Margaretha Schollin.
Parents: young Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (young Matthias b 1744)
Baptismal sponsors [for Elisabetha]: young Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, [and] his wife Barbara, née Wernerin. Georg Weber, the local citizen and master carpenter, [and] his wife Margaretha Schüzin.
Baptismal sponsors [for Margaretha]: young Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and master cooper, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née Brauchin.
On the 15th of July [1770], in the morning after 3:00 am were born and on the 16th [of July 1770] were baptized: Elisabetha Schollin [and] Margaretha Schollin.
Parents: young Matthias Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (young Matthias b 1744)
Baptismal sponsors [for Elisabetha]: young Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, [and] his wife Barbara, née Wernerin. Georg Weber, the local citizen and master carpenter, [and] his wife Margaretha Schüzin.
Baptismal sponsors [for Margaretha]: young Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and master cooper, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née Brauchin.
Right column next to Elisabetha's name: + [died]
Note: Jacob Scholl b 1726, master cooper and Anna Maria Brauch.
Matthias Scholl spon Dec 1771 film 004137289 page 641 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
Born on the 17 Dec 1771 at 1 pm and christened on the 18 Dec 1771 was Jeremias RABER (side remark: he died on the 11 Oct 1817 with pneumonia)
Parents are Jeremias RABER the local citizen and councilman and wife Maria Catharina nee WEICK(in)
Witnesses are: Matthias SCHOLL a local citizen and master tailor and his wife Margaretha nee ZINN
Born on the 17 Dec 1771 at 1 pm and christened on the 18 Dec 1771 was Jeremias RABER (side remark: he died on the 11 Oct 1817 with pneumonia)
Parents are Jeremias RABER the local citizen and councilman and wife Maria Catharina nee WEICK(in)
Witnesses are: Matthias SCHOLL a local citizen and master tailor and his wife Margaretha nee ZINN
Margaretha Scholl sponsor and Matthias Scholl rt middle 26 Oct 1772 film 102078348 page 558 |
On the 26th of October [1772], in the morning at 2:00 am born and on the 27th of the same month baptized: Georg Adam [Grünenmeier].
Father: Georg Adam Grünenmeier, the local citizen.
Mother: Anna Magdalena, née Lindin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Balthasar Mezger, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Christina, née Süßin. (3) Jacob Lind, legitimate unmarried son of Peter Lind, the local citizen. (4) Margaretha Scholl, legitimate unmarried daughter of old Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Note: Jacobina Margaretha Scholl 1752-1823 married Jacob Lind 21 November 1744 (so yes she was single at this time) and had two children. Margaretha died 19 Jan 1823 at age 70. Margaretha had a younger sister with the same name who died young. The parents, named Jacobina the same name in the first girl's memory.
Matthias Scholl spon 8 Dec 1772 upper leftfilm 102078348 page 559 |
On the 8th of December [1772], at night at 6? o'clock born and on the 10th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Weber].
Father: Johann Georg Weber, the local citizen and master carpenter.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, [and] (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Philipp Christoph Seber, the local citizen and master lathe turner, [and] (4) his wife Anna Barbara, née Heilmännin.
Right column: + [died].
Note: This is the son of Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718 Young Matthias was born in 1744.
Mathias Scholl 24 Oct 1773 spon Nagel birth rt middle film 102078348 page 562 |
On the 24th of October [1773], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Maria Elisabetha [Nagel].
Father: young Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen. LHWJJQ5
Mother: Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. MHJN-1D9
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Weibel, the local citizen, master butcher, proprietor of the Swan Tavern, and council member, and (2) his wife Maria Magdalena, née Eberhardin. (3) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor. (4) Catharina Elisabetha, née Schüzin, wife of Martin Wenz, the local citizen.
Right column: died 27 February 1827.
Comment: Have you noticed that a large number of the men identified as master butchers in these Graben parish records are also identified as innkeepers?
Right column: died 27 February 1827.
Comment: Have you noticed that a large number of the men identified as master butchers in these Graben parish records are also identified as innkeepers?
Note: young Mattheis Scholl must be Johann Matthias Scholl's oldest son also named Matthias born 1744.
Matthias Scholl 30 March 1774 spon Raber cross film 102078348 page 564 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 30th of March [1774], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Elisabetha [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl,, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Johann Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and (4) his wife Catharina Barbara, née Süßin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 30th of March [1774], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Elisabetha [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl,, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Johann Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and (4) his wife Catharina Barbara, née Süßin.
Right column: + [died].
Note: This is Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718. The pastor refers to him as old but he is only 56 years old.
Robert Seal comment: The word "old" here is being used in the sense of "elder" or "senior"
and is employed to distinguish two people in the same community who have
the same name. "Jung" is used the same way and means "younger" or
Matthias Scholl spon 25 Jan 1775 Weber rt film 102078348 pge 568 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 25th of January [1775], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Jacob Friderich [Weber].
Father: Johann Georg Weber, the local citizen and master carpenter.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Philipp Christoph Seber, the local citizen and master lathe turner, and (4) his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Bicklin.
Right column: died 9 April 1844.
On the 25th of January [1775], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Jacob Friderich [Weber].
Father: Johann Georg Weber, the local citizen and master carpenter.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Philipp Christoph Seber, the local citizen and master lathe turner, and (4) his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Bicklin.
Right column: died 9 April 1844.
Note: young Matthias Scholl was born in 1744.
Note that the surname "Bicklin" is the feminine form of Bickel.
Margaretha Lind b 22 Jan 1776 left film 102078348 page 573 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 22nd of January [1776], in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 24th of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Lind].
Father: Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Grünenmeier, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Lindin. (3) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Right column: died 21 November 1836.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
On the 22nd of January [1776], in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 24th of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Lind].
Father: Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Grünenmeier, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Lindin. (3) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Right column: died 21 November 1836.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 17th of January [1777], in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 19th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right column: + [died].
On the 17th of January [1777], in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 19th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right column: + [died].
Margaretha Scholl mother 20 Feb 1777 film 102078348 page 579 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 20th of February [1777], in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 21st of the same month baptized: Maria Catharina [Lind].
Father: Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Grünenmeier, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Lindin. (3) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 20th of February [1777], in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 21st of the same month baptized: Maria Catharina [Lind].
Father: Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Grünenmeier, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Lindin. (3) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Right column: + [died].
Translation by Marion Wolfert
Born on the 23 May 1777 (not the 13th) and christened on the 25th May 1777 was Bernhard NAGEL. His father was Bernhard NAGEL a local citizen and his mother was Maria Elisabetha ZWECKER(in)
Witnesses are: 1. Jacob Friedrich WEIBEL a local citizen and master butcher and keeper of the Schwanen Inn, 2. And his wife Maria Magdalena nee EBERHARD(in), 3. Young Matteis SCHOLL, local citizen and master tailor and 4. His wife Elisabetha nee GAMER(IN)
Remark: He immigrated 11 August 1819 to Odessa (Russia)
Born on the 23 May 1777 (not the 13th) and christened on the 25th May 1777 was Bernhard NAGEL. His father was Bernhard NAGEL a local citizen and his mother was Maria Elisabetha ZWECKER(in)
Witnesses are: 1. Jacob Friedrich WEIBEL a local citizen and master butcher and keeper of the Schwanen Inn, 2. And his wife Maria Magdalena nee EBERHARD(in), 3. Young Matteis SCHOLL, local citizen and master tailor and 4. His wife Elisabetha nee GAMER(IN)
Remark: He immigrated 11 August 1819 to Odessa (Russia)
Margaretha Scholl spon bot left 16 July 1777 film 102078348 page 581 |
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 16th of July [1777], at night at 12:00 midnight born and on the 17th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Roesch, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Christina, née Zimmermännin. (3) Jacob Flohr, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Georg Flohr, the local citizen. (4) Margaretha, née Schollin, wife of Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Right column: died 22 February 1814.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
On the 16th of July [1777], at night at 12:00 midnight born and on the 17th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Roesch, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Christina, née Zimmermännin. (3) Jacob Flohr, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Georg Flohr, the local citizen. (4) Margaretha, née Schollin, wife of Jacob Lind, the local citizen.
Right column: died 22 February 1814.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Maria Salome Scholl mother 15 Feb 1778 film 102078348 page 585 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 15th of February [1778], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 16th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Weick].
Father: young Christoph Weick, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Salome, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker, and (2) his wife Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin. (3) Joh[ann] Philipp Hüttner, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Philipp Hüttner, the local citizen and tenant miller. (4) Maria Salome Roeschin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Emanuel Roesch, the local citizen and widower.
On the 15th of February [1778], in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 16th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Weick].
Father: young Christoph Weick, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Salome, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker, and (2) his wife Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin. (3) Joh[ann] Philipp Hüttner, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Philipp Hüttner, the local citizen and tenant miller. (4) Maria Salome Roeschin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Emanuel Roesch, the local citizen and widower.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 4th of February [1779], in the morning at 6:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Margaretha, née Schüzin, surviving widow of the late Joh[ann] Georg Weber, former citizen and master carpenter here.
Right column: died 28 February 1780.
On the 4th of February [1779], in the morning at 6:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Margaretha, née Schüzin, surviving widow of the late Joh[ann] Georg Weber, former citizen and master carpenter here.
Right column: died 28 February 1780.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 14th of May [1778], at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 16th of the same month baptized: Maria Salome [Bleier].
Father: Georg Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker.
Mother: Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Christoph Weick, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Salome , née Schollin. (3) Elisabetha, née Hallin, wife of Wilhelm Seber, the local citizen and master lathe turner.
Left column: died 2 July 1862.
On the 14th of May [1778], at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 16th of the same month baptized: Maria Salome [Bleier].
Father: Georg Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker.
Mother: Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Christoph Weick, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Salome , née Schollin. (3) Elisabetha, née Hallin, wife of Wilhelm Seber, the local citizen and master lathe turner.
Left column: died 2 July 1862.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 29th of December [1779], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Nagel].
Father: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Jacob Friderich Waibel, the local [city/town] council member, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, and master butcher.
Right column: immigrated to Odessa on 11 August 1819.
Note: In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port—a porto-Franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.Wikipedia On the 29th of December [1779], in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Nagel].
Father: Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Gamerin. (3) Jacob Friderich Waibel, the local [city/town] council member, innkeeper at the sign of the swan, and master butcher.
Right column: immigrated to Odessa on 11 August 1819.
Malthias Scholl 2 Mar 1780 Kaber film 102078348 page 595 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 2nd of March [1780] midday at 3:00 pm born and on the 4th of the same month baptized: Maria Catharina [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Catharina Barbara, née Süssin, wife of Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right column: died 27 October 1854.
On the 2nd of March [1780] midday at 3:00 pm born and on the 4th of the same month baptized: Maria Catharina [Raber].
Father: Jeremias Raber, the local citizen and master cooper.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Weickin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) old Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Catharina Barbara, née Süssin, wife of Joh[ann] Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith.
Right column: died 27 October 1854.
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Margaretha Scholl sponsor 18 Ma 1780 bot right film 102078348 page 595r |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 18th of March [1780] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 20th of the same month baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Lind, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Flohr, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Elisabetha, née Münnichin.
Right column: died 12 April 1826.
On the 18th of March [1780] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 20th of the same month baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Lind, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Flohr, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Elisabetha, née Münnichin.
Right column: died 12 April 1826.
Jacob Lind death 2 April 1780 birth 1745 film 102078348 page 777 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 30th of March [1780] at night at 9:00 pm [died] and on the 2nd of April [1780] buried: Jacob Lind, the local citizen, age 35 years, 5 months, 18 days.
On the 30th of March [1780] at night at 9:00 pm [died] and on the 2nd of April [1780] buried: Jacob Lind, the local citizen, age 35 years, 5 months, 18 days.
Matthias Scholl father Elisabetha Scholl 11 Aug 1781 top left film 102078348 page 606 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 11th of August [1781] at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen, [city/town] council member, and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver, and (4) his wife Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 11th of August [1781] at night at 9:00 pm born and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen, [city/town] council member, and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Maria Elisabetha, née Zweckerin. (3) Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver, and (4) his wife Margaretha, née Schüzin.
Right column: + [died].
Margaretha Barbara Roesch father Christoph bot rt 25 Nov 1781 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 25th of November [1781] in the morning at 5:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Margaretha Barbara [Roesch].
Father: Christoph Roesch, the local citizen.
Mother: Christina, née Zimmermännin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Martin Süss, the local citizen and master carpenter, and (2) his wife Anna Barbara, née Mezgerin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 25th of November [1781] in the morning at 5:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Margaretha Barbara [Roesch].
Father: Christoph Roesch, the local citizen.
Mother: Christina, née Zimmermännin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Martin Süss, the local citizen and master carpenter, and (2) his wife Anna Barbara, née Mezgerin.
Right column: + [died].
Margaretha Scholl 25 Jan 1782 left film 102078348 page 609 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 25th of January [1782] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Jacob [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Jacob Flohr, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Münnichin. (3) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here.
Right column: died 5 February 1848.
On the 25th of January [1782] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Jacob [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Jacob Flohr, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Münnichin. (3) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here.
Right column: died 5 February 1848.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 2nd of February [1782] at night at 8:00 pm born and on the 4th of the same month baptized: Christina [Scholl].
Father: Balthasar Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Lindin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Andreas Süss, the local citizen, and (2) his wife, Eva Elisabetha, née "Cammerin". (3) Wendel Becker, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Margaretha Barbara, née Weickin.
Right column: + [died].
On the 2nd of February [1782] at night at 8:00 pm born and on the 4th of the same month baptized: Christina [Scholl].
Father: Balthasar Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Lindin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Andreas Süss, the local citizen, and (2) his wife, Eva Elisabetha, née "Cammerin". (3) Wendel Becker, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Margaretha Barbara, née Weickin.
Right column: + [died].
Notes: Johann Matthias Scholl and Maria Magdalena Zimmerman had 8 children. Their sixth was Maria Salome Scholl who married Christoph Weick 24 Nov 1774. They had 8 children. Maria died 23 Dec 1813.
Johann Philipp Weick father Christoph Weick mother Scholl 15 Mar 1783 film 102078348 page 615 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
Born on the 15 March 1783 and christened the 17 March 1783 was
Johann Philipp WEICK, son of young Christoph WEICK, a local citizen and wife Maria Salome nee SCHOLL(in)
Born on the 15 March 1783 and christened the 17 March 1783 was
Johann Philipp WEICK, son of young Christoph WEICK, a local citizen and wife Maria Salome nee SCHOLL(in)
Witnesses are 1. Young Johann Philipp HÜTTNER a local citizen and “Bestand Müller” (inventory miller?) in the new mill, and 2. His wife Salome nee KORSCH, 3. Margaretha Barbara nee STUZ(in) wife of the local citizen and master baker Christoph BLEIER(s)
Note: Johann Phiulipp Wilhelm Hüttner b 23 Dec 1753, married Salome roesch 18 April 1780 and had six children. FH ID: LY5Q-G27
Philipp Scholl birth father Matthias Scholl rt side 30 July 1783 film 102078348 page 617 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 30th of July [1783] midday at 11:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local [city/town] council member and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Right column: died 15 or 16 January 1846.
On the 30th of July [1783] midday at 11:00 am born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local [city/town] council member and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen, and (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Zweckerin.
Right column: died 15 or 16 January 1846.
Philipp Jacob Scholl born 29 Aug 1784 father Philipp mother Margaretha fil 102078348 page 623 |
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 29th of August [1784] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and princely grenadier.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local unmarried master shoemaker. (2) Georg Jacob Bott, princely grenadier. (3) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here. (3 [i.e., 4]) Maria Catharina Schüzin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Joh[ann] Georg Schüz, the local citizen and master weaver.
Left column: Note: [child conceived] from premarital cohabitation.
On the 29th of August [1784] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Philipp Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and princely grenadier.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local unmarried master shoemaker. (2) Georg Jacob Bott, princely grenadier. (3) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here. (3 [i.e., 4]) Maria Catharina Schüzin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Joh[ann] Georg Schüz, the local citizen and master weaver.
Left column: Note: [child conceived] from premarital cohabitation.
Christina Scholl bireth 23 Jun 1786 father Matthias film 102078348 page 632 |
Translation by Kent Robinson:
On the 25th of June at 4 (?—cut off of page) AM born and on the 26th of June of the same month baptized: Christina Scholl.
Father: young Mattheis, local member of the town council and master tailor
Mother: Elisabetha, born Gamer
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Slagel, local citizen and master weaver, and (2) his wife Margaretha, born Schüz, (3) Bernhard Slagel, local citizen and widower
On the 25th of June at 4 (?—cut off of page) AM born and on the 26th of June of the same month baptized: Christina Scholl.
Father: young Mattheis, local member of the town council and master tailor
Mother: Elisabetha, born Gamer
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Slagel, local citizen and master weaver, and (2) his wife Margaretha, born Schüz, (3) Bernhard Slagel, local citizen and widower
Christina Weick father Weick Maria Salome Scholl birth 16 May 1789 film 102078348 page 647 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 16th of May [1789] midday at 4:00 pm born and on the 17th of the same month baptized: Christina [Weick].
Father: young Christoph Weick, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Salome, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Stuzin. (3) Johann Philipp Hüttner, the local citizen and tenant miller in the "Neuen Mühl", [and] (4) his wife Salome, née Roeschin.
On the 16th of May [1789] midday at 4:00 pm born and on the 17th of the same month baptized: Christina [Weick].
Father: young Christoph Weick, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Salome, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Stuzin. (3) Johann Philipp Hüttner, the local citizen and tenant miller in the "Neuen Mühl", [and] (4) his wife Salome, née Roeschin.
Note: the fourth baptismal witness, Salome Roesch was born 29 Nov 1756 to Imanuel Roesch b 1719 and Maria Magdalena Suess b 1720. She married Johann Philipp Wilhelm Hüttner 18 April 1780 in Graben. They had six children from 1781 to 1790. Only their second child Johan Philipp Hüttner lived to adulthood and married. Salome died 29 August 1814 at the age of 57.
Notes on the Graben Mill: The mill Graben behind the castle at the Pfintz was, with all its
buildings and accessories, the property of the gracious Prince and Lord
Margrave Karl, etc., free of all possessions. The subjects of the
official ditch not only had to have their grain ground there, they also
had to do corvée work there at any time if necessary, and had to do it
for years and years, and in the same way when they became modest. Such
support was, of course, not free of charge for the mill owner at that
time, Friedrich Müller, the "Beständer" (because the plant was loaned
out on a permanent basis). He had given Järichs out of it at Giilt (= as
interest) Sectumpteen Malter Korn. And in addition, he fattened five
pigs each year for a quarter of a year or gave each of them five
guilders. It is a characteristic of pre-modern times that such rules
remained completely unchanged for centuries. The stands of the Graben
mill could be changed as often as they wanted, they always had 60 years
of grain to be delivered to Karlsruhe. Such rigid regulations became
problematic when the the heat is rapidly deteriorating. Then long
petitions and expert opinions were the result. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
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Hans Matthias Scholl 1789 death 004137289 page 875 |
[Died] on the 30th of September [1789] in the morning at 3:00 am and was buried on the 2nd of October [1789]: old Johann Matthias Scholl, the local married citizen and master tailor, age 71 years, 5 months, 12 days
Note: old Matthias or Matthias Sr. born 1718.
Jacob Friderick Scholl birth 17 Nov 1789 Father Philipp film 102078348 page 650 |
On the 17th of November [1789] midday at 4:00 pm born and on the 18th of the same month baptized: Jacob Friderich [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Jacob Bott, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local citizen and master shoemaker, and (4) his wife Maria Catharina, née Schüzin.
Right column: died 1877.
Note: Jacob Friderich Zimmermann's father and Christoph Zimmermann's father's were brothers. Jacob Friderich's father was Johann Zimmermann b 1729 and Christoph's father was Jonas Zimmermann b 1725. Their common grandfather was Johann Jonas Zimmermann b 1686. Johann Jonas was married to Maria Barbara Leopold b 1686
Note: The subject of this birth record, Jacob Friedrich Scholl married Elisabetha Zimmermann 12 Feb 1818. Their first child was born 7 months 6 days after marriage. In all they had four children. Elisabetha died 21 Aug 1831 at 48 years old. Jacob then married Christina Mayer 26 Jan 1832and they had four children. Jacob Friedrich Scholl died 8 Aug 1877 and was buried on the 10th. Jacob was 87 years old at his death. He was married to Christina Mayer.
Matthias Scholl father Matthias mother Elisabetha Gamerin 12 July 1790 film 102078348 page 653 |
On the 12th of July [1790] in the evening at 6:00 pm born and on the 13th of the same month baptized: Mattheis [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local [city/town] council member and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Bernhard Nagel, the local citizen and widower. (2) Margaretha, née Schüzin, wife of Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver.
Right column: died 6 June 1855.
Note: This is Matthias Scholl Jr see next entry for his familybook:
Margaretha Weick born 7 Dec 1791 mother Salome Scholl right film 102078348 page 660 |
On the 20th of December [1791] at night at 8:00 pm born and on the 22nd of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Weick].
Father: young Christoph Weick, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Salome, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Stuzin. (3) Johann Philipp Hüttner, the local citizen and tenant miller at the "Neuen Mühl". (4) His wife Salome, née Roeschin.
Right column: + [died].
Note: Christoph Weick was born 29 July 1751 to Johann Christoph Weick b 1702. His FH Id: 9JZP-M2K.
He was their 7th child. Christoph married Maria Salome Scholl 24 Nov
1774. They had 8 children. Christoph died 27 Feb 1795 or four years
after this document. Maria died 23 Dec 1813 or 22 years after this
document. Her father is Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718.
Father: Christoph Braun, the local citzen and master tailor.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Grünenmeierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Martin Zimmermann, the local citizen , and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Süssin. (3) Magdalena, née Roeschin, surviving widow of the late Martin Scholl, former citizen and master cooper here.
Right column: died 11 December 1844.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 8th of November [1792] midday at 12:00 noon born and on the 10th of the same month baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Zimmermann].
Father: Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local citizen and master shoemaker.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Schüzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Kemmin. (3) Georg Michael Hoerner, the local citizen and master baker, and (4) his wife Magdalena, née Stockin.
Right column: died 8 December 1853.
Christoph Scholl borh31 July 1792 father Philipp mother Margaretha film 102078348 page 663 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 31st of July [1792] midday at 4:00 pm born and on the 2nd of August [1792] baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Jacob Bott, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local citizen and master shoemaker, [and] (4) his wife Maria Catharina, née Schüzin.
Right column: died 5 March 1850.
On the 31st of July [1792] midday at 4:00 pm born and on the 2nd of August [1792] baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Jacob Bott, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local citizen and master shoemaker, [and] (4) his wife Maria Catharina, née Schüzin.
Right column: died 5 March 1850.
Translation by Robert Seal
On the 5th of November [1792] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 6th of the same month baptized: Johann Martin [Braun].Father: Christoph Braun, the local citzen and master tailor.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Grünenmeierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Martin Zimmermann, the local citizen , and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Süssin. (3) Magdalena, née Roeschin, surviving widow of the late Martin Scholl, former citizen and master cooper here.
Right column: died 11 December 1844.
Margaretha Magd Zimmermann birth 8 Nov 1792 sponsor Philipp Scholl film 102078348 page 665 |
On the 8th of November [1792] midday at 12:00 noon born and on the 10th of the same month baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Zimmermann].
Father: Jacob Friderich Zimmermann, the local citizen and master shoemaker.
Mother: Maria Catharina, née Schüzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Philipp Scholl, the local citizen and master tailor, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Kemmin. (3) Georg Michael Hoerner, the local citizen and master baker, and (4) his wife Magdalena, née Stockin.
Right column: died 8 December 1853.
Johann Martin Werner birth 25 Dec 1792 sponsor 2 Margaretha Scholl film 102078348 page 666 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 25th of December [1792] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Johann Martin [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Jacob Bott, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Christoph Roesch, the local citizen and widower. (4) Elisabetha, née Münnichin, wife of Jacob Flohr, the local citizen.
Right column: died 1 April 1796 from measles/pox.
On the 25th of December [1792] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Johann Martin [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Jacob Bott, the local citizen and master mason, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Christoph Roesch, the local citizen and widower. (4) Elisabetha, née Münnichin, wife of Jacob Flohr, the local citizen.
Right column: died 1 April 1796 from measles/pox.
Note: The 3rd sponsor could well be Christoph Roesch b 1746-1814. He married Christina Zimmermann 8 August 1775. Christina lived from 1752 to 1789. So she passed before this document and Christoph was still alive. Christoph died 1 Oct 1814 at 68 years old. His sweet wife Christina only lived to be 36, dying 29 Sep 1789. Christoph died the same day that his wife was buried: Oct 1.
Magdalena Scholl birh 9 March 1793 father Matthias top rt film 102078348 page 667 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 29th of March [1793] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen, [city/town] council member, and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schüzin. (3) Bernard Nagel, the local citizen and widower.
Right column: died 22 February 1850.
On the 29th of March [1793] in the morning at 1:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Scholl].
Father: Mattheis Scholl, the local citizen, [city/town] council member, and master tailor.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Adam Nagel, the local citizen and master weaver, and (2) his wife Margaretha, née Schüzin. (3) Bernard Nagel, the local citizen and widower.
Right column: died 22 February 1850.
Matthias Scholl death 11 Feb 1794 film 102078348 page 804 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 17th of February [1794] midday at 2:00 pm [died] and on the 19th of the same month buried: Matthias Scholl, the local married civic council member and master tailor. Age: 49 years, 4 months, 24 days.
On the 17th of February [1794] midday at 2:00 pm [died] and on the 19th of the same month buried: Matthias Scholl, the local married civic council member and master tailor. Age: 49 years, 4 months, 24 days.
Johann Philipp Weick mother Maria Salome Scholl 5 Mar 1794 film 102078348 page 671 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
On the 5 Mar 1794 born and christened on the same day was
Johann Philipp WEICK, son of young Johann Christoph WEICK and Maria Salome nee SCHOLL.
Witnesses are 1. Johann Philipp HÜTTNER a local citizen and miller in the Neuen (new) mill, 2. His wife Salome nee ROESCH(in), 3. Margaretha Barbara nee STUZ(in) wife of the local citizen and master baker Christoph BLEIER(s) ?
On the 5 Mar 1794 born and christened on the same day was
Johann Philipp WEICK, son of young Johann Christoph WEICK and Maria Salome nee SCHOLL.
Witnesses are 1. Johann Philipp HÜTTNER a local citizen and miller in the Neuen (new) mill, 2. His wife Salome nee ROESCH(in), 3. Margaretha Barbara nee STUZ(in) wife of the local citizen and master baker Christoph BLEIER(s) ?
The pastor made a mess of this record.
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 6th of October [1794] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 7th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg Christoph [Bleier].
Father: Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker and Löwenwirth.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Raicherin Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Christoph Weick, the local citizen, [and] (2) his wife Salome, née Schollin. (3) young Johann Jacob Gamer, the local citizen, master baker, and innkeeper at the sign of the lion, [and] (4) his wife Elisabetha, née Raicherin.
Right column: died 27 September 1854.
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 6th of October [1794] in the morning at 4:00 am born and on the 7th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg Christoph [Bleier].
Father: Christoph Bleier, the local citizen and master baker and Löwenwirth.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Raicherin Margaretha Barbara, née Stuzin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) young Christoph Weick, the local citizen, [and] (2) his wife Salome, née Schollin. (3) young Johann Jacob Gamer, the local citizen, master baker, and innkeeper at the sign of the lion, [and] (4) his wife Elisabetha, née Raicherin.
Right column: died 27 September 1854.
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Christoph Lind marr Margaretha Scholl 9 Dec 1794 film 004137289 page 832 |
On the 9th of December [1794] [were married]: Christoph Lind, the local citizen, master mason, and widower, and Margaretha Schollin, surviving widow of the late Georg Jacob Bott, former citizen and master mason here.
Note: Margaretha Scholl was born 1752 to Johann Matthias Scholl. She was their 5th child. She first married Jacob Lind 21 Nov 1774. He was born in 1744. They had two children: Margaretha Lind 1776-1836 and Maria Catharina Lind 1777-1781. Jacob Lind died 1 April 1780 and his daughter Maria Catharina Lind died 29 Jun 1781. Margaretha then married Georg Jacob Bott 1757-1794 June 1786. No children found for this marriage. The marriage lasted about 8 years at which time Jacob Bott died 23 Jan 1794 leaving Margaretha as a widow again. About a year after Jacob Bott died she married a widower named Christoph Lind as seen in the document above. This is the third marriage for Margaretha Scholl! Margaretha died 19 Jan 1823. Margaretha's second daughter. Margaretha Lind married Carl Ludwig Raicher and had 10 children. Carl Ludwig Raicher was a surgeon in Graben and somewhat famous.
Translation by Robert Seal
Born on 21 July 1795 and christened on 22 July 1795 was
Jacob WEICK, son of Johann Georg WEICK, the local citizen and Maria Catharina nee SCHÜZ(in)
Witnesses are 1. Georg Michael HOERNER? (you probably know that surname), the local citizen and master baker, and 2. His wife Magdalena nee STOCK(in), 3. Philipp SCHOLL, a local citizen and master tailor, and 4. His wife Juliana nee BRAUN(in)
Born on 21 July 1795 and christened on 22 July 1795 was
Jacob WEICK, son of Johann Georg WEICK, the local citizen and Maria Catharina nee SCHÜZ(in)
Witnesses are 1. Georg Michael HOERNER? (you probably know that surname), the local citizen and master baker, and 2. His wife Magdalena nee STOCK(in), 3. Philipp SCHOLL, a local citizen and master tailor, and 4. His wife Juliana nee BRAUN(in)
Note: Philipp Scholl 1759 - 1817 is the last child of Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718. He married Maria Margaretha Kemm, had 4 children She died 11 Feb 1794 - then Philipp married Juliana Braun. Philipp: 9JK7-V6L. Juliana Braun delivered 4 children from 1796 to 1807. Juliana ID: GH2H-VL3
Philipp Scholl born 1759 familybook I page 224 film 102118620 page 1013 |
2. Is Katharina Huthe? the daughter born i4 Aug 1807?
3. What is Katharina's last name?
4. Does NB stand for illegitimate?
5. Does Katharina's second child, Elisabetha have an illegitimate child born 20 May 1857.
6. Please translate the final entry after NB NB.Your questions answered by Robert Seal:
(1) Is Philipp's profession mentioned after his name? Is he a tailor? Yes, he is a "B. u[nd] Schneider" = citizen and tailor, and he is also identified as a widower.
(2) Is Katharina Huthe? the daughter born i4 Aug 1807? Yes, Katharina is born 4 August 1807. She dies 1 March 1870 [not 1820].
(3) What is Katharina's last name? Her last name is Scholl. What you interpreted as "Huthe" is actually the word "hatte" = had.
(4) Does NB stand for illegitimate? NB = Nota Bene = note well. It is used to draw the reader's attention to something important. Here it is telling you the following: "NB. Katharina hatte ledig" = Note well: Katharina had unmarried: [the following three children, Katharina, Elisabetha, and Wilhelmine].
(5) Does Katharina's second child, Elisabetha have an illegitimate child born 20 May 1857. Yes, that is correct. [Did the "NB NB" draw your attention to this?]
(6) Please translate the final entry after NB NB.: "Elisabetha hatte unehelich: Emma Katharine, geboren 20 May 1857" = Elisabetha had illegitimately: Emma Katharine, born 20 May 1857.
My comment: Here is the link to Katharina Scholl's death record on Ancestry which confirms her death date is 1 March 1870:
Jacob Scholl birth 7 Jun 1796 father Phillipp left film 102078348 page 683 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
Jacob SCHOLL, he was the son of the local citizen and master tailor Philipp SCHOLL and Juliana nee Kemm(in)
Witnesses are: 1. Christoph LIND a local citizen and master mason and 2. His wife Margaretha nee SCHOLL(in), 3. Johann Georg WEICK a local citizen and 3. His wife Maria Catharina nee SCHUEZ(in)
Side remark: the child died in 1859
Ludwig Carl Raicher marr Margaretha Lind 25 Apr 1797 film 102078348 page 752 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
[Married] on the 25th of April [1797]: Carl Ludwig Raicher, surgeon here, legitimately-conceived unmarried son of Mr. Friderich Wilhelm Raicher, the local surgeon, bath house operator, and citizen, with Magdalena, née Mezgerin, and Margaretha Lindin, surviving legitimately-conceived unmarried daughter of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here, with Margaretha, née Schollin.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
[Married] on the 25th of April [1797]: Carl Ludwig Raicher, surgeon here, legitimately-conceived unmarried son of Mr. Friderich Wilhelm Raicher, the local surgeon, bath house operator, and citizen, with Magdalena, née Mezgerin, and Margaretha Lindin, surviving legitimately-conceived unmarried daughter of the late Jacob Lind, former citizen here, with Margaretha, née Schollin.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Note: Carl Ludwig Raicher b 1775 married
Margaretha Lind 25 April 1797. They had 10 children. Margaretha's
parents are Jadob Lind b 1744 and Jakobina Margaretha Scholl b 1752 FH
ID: KZZL-374 Margaretha's father is Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718 and Maria Magdalena Zimmermann b 1720.
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Margaretha Scholl spon 2 4 Jun 1797 rt Werner film 102078348 page 688 |
On the 4th of June [1797] midday at 11:00 am born and on the 6th of the same month baptized: Philipp Martin [Werner].
Father: Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen.
Mother: Eva Elisabetha, née Meierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Lind, the local citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Jacob Flohr, the local citizen, and (4) his wife Elisabetha, née Münnichin.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left column: Quarterly report.
Margaretha Scholl birth 25 Nov 1798 father Jacob lower left film 102078348 page 694 |
On the 25th of November [1798] in the evening at 9:00 pm [born and] on the 26th [of November 1798] baptized: Margaretha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, a citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Mr. Carl Ludwig Reichert, a citizen and surgeon. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, a citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
Right column: + [died].
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 6th of December [1798] in the evening at 8:00 pm [born and] on the 8th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Friederich Scholl, a citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süssin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Weick, a citizen, [and] (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Kemmin. (3) Michel Mezger, a citizen, [and] (4) his wife Jacobina, née Süssin.
Right column: died 16 June 1872
Friderich Scholl was born to Matthias Scholl b 1744 and Maria Elisabeth
Gamer b 1750 on 12 July 1775. They had 10 children. Friderich died 30
Nov 1823 at age 48. On the 6th of December [1798] in the evening at 8:00 pm [born and] on the 8th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Friederich Scholl, a citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süssin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Weick, a citizen, [and] (2) his wife Elisabetha, née Kemmin. (3) Michel Mezger, a citizen, [and] (4) his wife Jacobina, née Süssin.
Right column: died 16 June 1872
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 20th of May [1799] midday at 12:00 noon [born] and on the 22nd [of May 1799] baptized: Christine [Mezger].
Father: young Michel Mezger, citizen.
Mother: Jacobina, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Friederich Scholl, the citizen. (2) His wife Johanna, née Süßin. (3) Friederich Weeber, citizen and master weaver. (4) Christine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 6 September 1861.
Georg Michael Metzger was bor 3 Oct 1767 to Balthasar Jr. Metzger b
2730 and Christina Suess b 1738. He is the ggrandson of Reinhard Metzger
and Anna Dorothea. On the 20th of May [1799] midday at 12:00 noon [born] and on the 22nd [of May 1799] baptized: Christine [Mezger].
Father: young Michel Mezger, citizen.
Mother: Jacobina, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Friederich Scholl, the citizen. (2) His wife Johanna, née Süßin. (3) Friederich Weeber, citizen and master weaver. (4) Christine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 6 September 1861.
Note: Friederich Scholl b 12 July 1775 is the fifth child of Matthias Scholl b 1744 and Maria Elisabeth Gamer b 1750.
Wilhelm Scholl birth 22 July 1799 father Philipp rt film 102078348 page 697 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 22nd of July [1799] at night at 10:00 pm [born] and on the 24th [of July 1799] baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Lind, citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Johann Georg Weick, citizen. (4) His wife Maria Catharina, née Schützin.
Right column: died 11 October 1799.
On the 22nd of July [1799] at night at 10:00 pm [born] and on the 24th [of July 1799] baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Lind, citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Schollin. (3) Johann Georg Weick, citizen. (4) His wife Maria Catharina, née Schützin.
Right column: died 11 October 1799.
Note: Christoph Lind married Margaretha Scholl 9 Dec 1794.
Philipp Scholl birth 31 Oct 1799 fathr Friederich rt film 102078348 page 699 |
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 31st of October [1799] at night at 10:00 pm [born] and on the 1st of November [1799] baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Friederich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michael Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobina, née Süßin. (3) Christoph Weick, citizen. (4) His wife Elisabetha, née Kemmin.
Right column: died 11 February 1800.
On the 31st of October [1799] at night at 10:00 pm [born] and on the 1st of November [1799] baptized: Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Friederich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michael Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobina, née Süßin. (3) Christoph Weick, citizen. (4) His wife Elisabetha, née Kemmin.
Right column: died 11 February 1800.
Note: This is Matthias Scholl Jr. 1744-1794 married Maria Elisabeth Gamer son.
Elisabetha Kathrina Scholl spon 4 11 Nov 1799 up left film 102078348 page 700 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 9th of October 1799 in the evening at 7:00 pm [born] and on the 11th [of October 1799] baptized: Jacob [Nagel].
Father: Adam Nagel, citizen and master weaver.
Mother: Catharina, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Philipp Seeber, citizen and master lathe turner, [and] (2) his wife Margaretha, née Bicklin. (3) Elisabetha Gamerin, Matheus Scholl's widow.
Right column: died on 15 January 1857.
On the 9th of October 1799 in the evening at 7:00 pm [born] and on the 11th [of October 1799] baptized: Jacob [Nagel].
Father: Adam Nagel, citizen and master weaver.
Mother: Catharina, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Philipp Seeber, citizen and master lathe turner, [and] (2) his wife Margaretha, née Bicklin. (3) Elisabetha Gamerin, Matheus Scholl's widow.
Right column: died on 15 January 1857.
Eva Elisabetha Sholl b 5 Feb 1800 film 102078348 page 701 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 5th of February [1800] in the evening at 6:00 pm [born] and on the 7th [of February 1800] baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen. (2) His wife Elisabeth, née Herbsterin. (3) Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin.
Right column: died 27 April 1837.
On the 5th of February [1800] in the evening at 6:00 pm [born] and on the 7th [of February 1800] baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen. (2) His wife Elisabeth, née Herbsterin. (3) Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin.
Right column: died 27 April 1837.
Note: This is Elisabeth Scholl's daugther and son in law.
Friederich Scholl birth Dec 1800 top rt film 102078348 pge 706 |
On the 24th of December [1800] in the evening at 4:00 pm [born] and on the 27th [of December 1800] baptized: Friederich [Scholl].
Father: Friederich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Weick, citizen. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Kemmin. (3) Michael Mezger, citizen. (4) His wife Jacobina, née Süßin.
Right column: died 14 December 1806.
Jacob Friederich Scholl 23 March 1801 left mid film 102078348 pge 709 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 23rd of March [1801] in the evening at 6:00 pm [born] and on the 25th [of March 1801] baptized: Jacob Friederich [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Elisabeth, née Herbsterin.
Right column: Scholl. 15--. Died 1866.
On the 23rd of March [1801] in the evening at 6:00 pm [born] and on the 25th [of March 1801] baptized: Jacob Friederich [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Elisabeth, née Herbsterin.
Right column: Scholl. 15--. Died 1866.
Jacob Scholl birth 17 Aug 1802 film 102078348 page 717 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 17th of August [1802] at night at 11:00 pm [born] and on the 20th [of August 1802] baptized: Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Friderich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michel Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 26 October 1804.
On the 17th of August [1802] at night at 11:00 pm [born] and on the 20th [of August 1802] baptized: Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Friderich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michel Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 26 October 1804.
Wilhelm Scholl birth 20 Oct 1803 film 102078348 page 727 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 20th of October [1803] early at 3:00 am [born] and on the 21st of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Weick, citizen, and his wife (2) Maria Catharina, née Stützin. (3) Michel Huber, the citizen and master carpenter. (4) Eva Catharina, née Schieglerin/Spieglerin. (5) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of Christoph Linden, the former citizen and master mason.
Right column: [died] 15 January 1885.
Comment: The following link to Wilhelm Scholl's January 1885 death record on Ancestry confirms that the date written in the right column is a death date:
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 10th of November [1803] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm [born] and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, citizen and tenant miller. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Herbsterin. (3) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and surgeon. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Schollin. [last name should be Lind]
On the 20th of October [1803] early at 3:00 am [born] and on the 21st of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Father: Philipp Scholl, citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Georg Weick, citizen, and his wife (2) Maria Catharina, née Stützin. (3) Michel Huber, the citizen and master carpenter. (4) Eva Catharina, née Schieglerin/Spieglerin. (5) Margaretha, née Schollin, surviving widow of Christoph Linden, the former citizen and master mason.
Right column: [died] 15 January 1885.
Comment: The following link to Wilhelm Scholl's January 1885 death record on Ancestry confirms that the date written in the right column is a death date:
Margaretha Scholl birth 10 Nov 1803 film 102078348 page 728 |
On the 10th of November [1803] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm [born] and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Margaretha [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, citizen and tenant miller. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Herbsterin. (3) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and surgeon. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Schollin. [last name should be Lind]
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Maria Margaretha Zimmermann death at 84 wife of Matthias b 1718 film 102078348 page 1144 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 4th of October [1804] early at 8:00 am [died] and was buried on the 7th? [of October 1804] midday at 10:00 am: Maria Margaretha Zimmermännin, whose husband was Matheus Scholl, citizen and master tailor.
Age: 84 years, 7 months, 14 days.
Illness: "dem Ver_______?" after a pain/stitch in the side.
Comment: Whatever that second word is in the illness statement also appears in the next record in the illness statement. Hopefully another community member will be able to decipher/translate this word.
On the 4th of October [1804] early at 8:00 am [died] and was buried on the 7th? [of October 1804] midday at 10:00 am: Maria Margaretha Zimmermännin, whose husband was Matheus Scholl, citizen and master tailor.
Age: 84 years, 7 months, 14 days.
Illness: "dem Ver_______?" after a pain/stitch in the side.
Comment: Whatever that second word is in the illness statement also appears in the next record in the illness statement. Hopefully another community member will be able to decipher/translate this word.
Ulrich Neitzel: the missing term is "dem Vernehmen nach" = according to reports/rumors
Matthias Scholl born 21 Nov 1804 rt bot film 102078348 page 836 |
On the 21st of November [1804] early at 9:00 am born and on the 22nd of the same month baptized: Matheus [Scholl].
Father: Friderich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michael Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 24 November 1836 at Eggenstein.
Jacob Scholl birth 29 Aug 1805 film 102078348 page 841 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 29th of August [1805] early at 3:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen and tenant miller. (2) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin. (3) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin.
On the 29th of August [1805] early at 3:00 am born and on the 30th of the same month baptized: Jacob [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Friederich Herbster, citizen and tenant miller. (2) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin. (3) Carl Ludwig Raichard, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin.
Johann Philipp Scholl b 22 Dec 1806 bot left film 102078348 page 852 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 22nd of December [1806] early at 1:00 am born and on the same day baptized: Johann Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Ludwig Raicher, bathhouse operator/barber. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friderich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
On the 22nd of December [1806] early at 1:00 am born and on the same day baptized: Johann Philipp [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Ludwig Raicher, bathhouse operator/barber. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friderich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
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Philipp Scholl death 1807 at 48 fath Matthias b 1718 film 102078348 page 1151 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 26th of January [1807] at night at 12:00 midnight [died] and was buried on the 29th [of January 1807] midday at 10:00 am: Philipp Scholl, the married citizen and master tailor.
Age: 48 years, 2 days.
Illness: hot/acute fever.
On the 26th of January [1807] at night at 12:00 midnight [died] and was buried on the 29th [of January 1807] midday at 10:00 am: Philipp Scholl, the married citizen and master tailor.
Age: 48 years, 2 days.
Illness: hot/acute fever.
Frederich Scholl birth 22 Feb 1807 bott rt film 102078348 page 855 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 22nd of June [1807] early at 6:00 am born and on the 24th of the same month baptized: Friderich [Scholl].
Father: Friderich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michael Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 1 December 1810.
On the 22nd of June [1807] early at 6:00 am born and on the 24th of the same month baptized: Friderich [Scholl].
Father: Friderich Scholl, citizen and master saddler.
Mother: Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Michael Mezger, citizen. (2) His wife Jacobine, née Süßin.
Right column: died 1 December 1810.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 4th of August [1807] early at 9:00 am born and on the 6th of the same month baptized: Catharina [Scholl].
Father: the late Philipp Scholl, former citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptimsal witnesses: (1) Johan(n) Georg Weick, citizen. (2) His wife Maria Catharina, née Schützin. (3) Michael Huber, non-citizen resident and master carpenter. (4) His wife Eva Catharina, née Spieglin [Spiegel]. (5) Margaretha, née Schollin, widow of Christoph Linden, citizen.
Right column: died 1 March 1820 or 1870.
Note: Philipp
Scholl 1759 - 1817 is the last child of Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718.
He married Maria Margaretha Kemm, had 4 children and then married
Juliana Braun 17 March 1795. Philipp: 9JK7-V6L Juliana Braun delivered some unknown number of children from 1796 to when Philipp died. FS has Philipp dying in 1817 which does not fit with this record and needs to be researched. The records on FS make no sense to me. Philipp is the last son of Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718.On the 4th of August [1807] early at 9:00 am born and on the 6th of the same month baptized: Catharina [Scholl].
Father: the late Philipp Scholl, former citizen and merchant.
Mother: Juliana, née Braunin.
Baptimsal witnesses: (1) Johan(n) Georg Weick, citizen. (2) His wife Maria Catharina, née Schützin. (3) Michael Huber, non-citizen resident and master carpenter. (4) His wife Eva Catharina, née Spieglin [Spiegel]. (5) Margaretha, née Schollin, widow of Christoph Linden, citizen.
Right column: died 1 March 1820 or 1870.
Christoph Scholl birth 25 Jan 1808 bot left film 102078348 page 860 |
Translation by Robet Seal:
On the 25th of January [1808] at night between 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm born and on the 28th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeepr (selling wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friderich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
On the 25th of January [1808] at night between 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm born and on the 28th of the same month baptized: Christoph [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, citizen and innkeepr (selling wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Catharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friderich Herbster, citizen. (4) His wife Eva Elisabetha, née Herbsterin.
Christoph Roesch b 28 Apr 1808 mother Catharina Scholl bot left film 102078348 page 863 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 28th of April [1808] in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 1st of May [1808] baptized: Christoph [Roesch].
Father: Johannes Roesch, citizen.
Mother: Catharina, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Werner, citizen. (2) His wife Christine, née Mezgerin. (3) Christoph Becker, master shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Lindin.
On the 28th of April [1808] in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 1st of May [1808] baptized: Christoph [Roesch].
Father: Johannes Roesch, citizen.
Mother: Catharina, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Werner, citizen. (2) His wife Christine, née Mezgerin. (3) Christoph Becker, master shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Lindin.
Suess and Scholl marriage 1808 102078348 page 1060 |
[Married] on the 8th of December [1808]: Jacob Friedrich Süß, new prospective/budding citizen and shoemaker, legitimately-conceived unmarried son of Jacob Süß, the local citizen and juryman, with the late Katharina, née Flohrin, 31 and 3/4 years old, and Christine Schollin, legitimately-conceived unmarried daughter of the late Mattheus Scholl, former local citizen, juryman, tailor, and innkeepr (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet, with Elisabetha, née Gamerin, 22 and 1/2 years old.
Jacob Scholl biirth 15 Jun 1809 bot left film 102078348 page 870 |
Born on the 15th June 1809 shortly after 11 am and christened on the 19th June 1809 was Jacob SCHOLL, son of Friedrich SCHOLL, a local citizen and saddle maker and wife Johanna nee SÜß
Witnesses are 1. Jacob SÜß, local citizen and court member, 2. Jacobina nee SÜß surviving widow of the deceased local citizen Michael MEZGER
remark he died 1st February 1867
Jacob Scholl birth 9 July 1811 film 102078348 page 885 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 27.
On the 9th of July [1811] in the evening between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm born and on the 13th of the same month baptized: Jacobine [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and innkeeper (offering wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Katharine, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, the local citizen and widower. (4) His fiancée Margaretha Naglin.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Left column: died 7 August 1811.
No. 27.
On the 9th of July [1811] in the evening between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm born and on the 13th of the same month baptized: Jacobine [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and innkeeper (offering wine) at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Katharine, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Lindin. (3) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, the local citizen and widower. (4) His fiancée Margaretha Naglin.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Left column: died 7 August 1811.
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Philipp Scholl wit up left and rt Dec 1812 film 102078348 page 1168 |
No. 35.
On the 13th of December [1812] in the morning after 9:00 am [died] and was buried on the 15th [of December 1812] in the morning: Philipp [Brauch].
Father: Philipp Brauch, citizen and master cooper here.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Speckin.
Age: 1 month and 5 days.
Burial witnesses: (1) Philipp Scholl, citizen and master mason here. (2) Philipp Martin Sewer, citizen and lathe turner here.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
![]() |
Jacobine Scholl death 29 days fath Jacob Scholl 1773 m Kemm film 102078348 page 1161 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 16.
On the 7th of August [1811] early in the morning after 2:00 am [died] and was buried on the 8th [of August 1811] midday around 12:00 noon: Jacobine [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Age: 29 days.
Burial witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, the local citizen.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
No. 16.
On the 7th of August [1811] early in the morning after 2:00 am [died] and was buried on the 8th [of August 1811] midday around 12:00 noon: Jacobine [Scholl].
Father: Jacob Scholl, the local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet.
Mother: Margaretha, née Kemmin.
Age: 29 days.
Burial witnesses: (1) Carl Raicher, citizen and bathhouse operator/barber here. (2) Jacob Friedrich Herbster, the local citizen.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Margaretha Scholl top left 27 Oct 1811 film 102078348 page 887 |
Born on the 27 October at 1 pm and christened on the 31 October 1811 was Margaretha SCHOLL, daughter of Friedrich SCHOLL the local citizen and master saddle maker and wife Johanna SÜß
Witnesses are 1. Martin SÜß a local citizen and shoemaker (Schumacher), 2. His wife Elisabetha nee ZIMMERMANN, 3. Friedrich SÜß a local citizen and master shoemaker (Schustermeister), 4. His wife Christine nee SCHOLL
Remark: the child died on 29 March 1820
Translation by Robert Seal
No. 41.
On the 29th of October [1811] in the evening between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Friedrich [Rösch].
Father: Johannes Rösch, the local citizen.
Mother: Katharina, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen. (2) His wife Christine, née Metzgerin. (3) Christoph Becker, the local citizen and shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Lindin.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Right column: died 31 March 1816.
No. 41.
On the 29th of October [1811] in the evening between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm born and on the 31st of the same month baptized: Friedrich [Rösch].
Father: Johannes Rösch, the local citizen.
Mother: Katharina, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Georg Werner, the local citizen. (2) His wife Christine, née Metzgerin. (3) Christoph Becker, the local citizen and shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Lindin.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Right column: died 31 March 1816.
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Maria Elisabetha Gamer death 61 yrs Matthias Scholl 1718 film 102078348 page 1163 |
No. 1.
On the 1st of January [1812] in the evening about 4:00 pm [died] and was buried on the 3rd [of January 1812] in the evening at 3:00 pm: Maria Elisabetha Gamerin, whose husband was the late Mattheus Scholl, former local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet.
Age: 61 years, 9 months, 9 days.
Burial witnesses: (1) Philipp Krauß, the local citizen and joiner. (2) Johannes Rösch, the local citizen.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Wilhelm Scholl birth 11 Nov 1812 father Jacob rt film 102078348 page 895 |
Translation by Marion Wolfert:
Born on the 11 November 1812 at night between 9 and 10 pm and christened on the 14 November 1812 was Wilhelm SCHOLL, son of the local citizen and “Strausswirth” (innkeeper of the Strauss Inn) and wife Katharina nee KENN(in)
Witnesses are 1. Jacob Friedrich HERBSTER a local citizen, 2. Maria Margaretha nee HERBSTER(in) his wife, 3. Jacob Friedrich SÜß a citizen and master shoemaker, 4. His wife Christina nee SCHOLL(in)
Remark: child died in 1867
Born on the 11 November 1812 at night between 9 and 10 pm and christened on the 14 November 1812 was Wilhelm SCHOLL, son of the local citizen and “Strausswirth” (innkeeper of the Strauss Inn) and wife Katharina nee KENN(in)
Witnesses are 1. Jacob Friedrich HERBSTER a local citizen, 2. Maria Margaretha nee HERBSTER(in) his wife, 3. Jacob Friedrich SÜß a citizen and master shoemaker, 4. His wife Christina nee SCHOLL(in)
Remark: child died in 1867
Note: The parents of child Wilhelm Scholl were Johann Jacob Scholl K8TC-B1V (1773-1836 and Catharina Kemm (1775-1852) Wilhelm was one of twelve children born from 1796-1812.
: |
Christine Scholl bap 2 Sep 1813 father Friedrich Scholl moth Johanna Suss film 102078348 page 901 |
No. 28.
On the 29th of August 1813, at night at 11:00 pm born in the local parish of Graben and on the 2nd of September baptized: Christine Schollin.
Father is Friedrich Scholl, citizen and saddler here, the mother Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Martin Süß, the citizen and shoemaker here. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Friedrich Süß, the local citizen and master shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Schollin.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Right column: died 21 February 1814.
T. L. Sachs, pastor.
Right column: died 21 February 1814.
Note: Both Friedrich Suss and Friedrich School are relatives of Matthias Scholl 1718.
Friedrich Scholl birth 20 March 1817 film 102078348 page 923 top rt |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 8.
On the 20th of March [1817] in the evening at 4:00 pm was born here and on the 23rd of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Friedrich [Scholl].
No. 8.
On the 20th of March [1817] in the evening at 4:00 pm was born here and on the 23rd of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Friedrich [Scholl].
Parents are Friedrich Scholl, local citizen and master saddler, and his wife Johanna, née Süßin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Martin Süß, local citizen and master shoemaker. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Grünenmeÿerin. (3) Jakob Friedrich Süß, local citizen and master shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Schollin.
Graben, on the 23rd of March 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: immigrated to America on 2 May 1846.
Graben, on the 23rd of March 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: immigrated to America on 2 May 1846.
Note: Jokob Friedrich Suess was born 22 Mar 1777 to Philipp Jacob Suess 1740-1810 and Maria Catharina Flohr 1741-1797. Christine's parents are unknown. They had a son names Philipp. Jakob died 20 Sep 1852.
Margaretha Magdalena Scholl born 27 Sep 1817 film 1020878348 page 925 bot rt |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 38.
On the 27th of September [1817] in the evening at 8:30 pm was born here and on the 29th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Scholl].
No. 38.
On the 27th of September [1817] in the evening at 8:30 pm was born here and on the 29th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Scholl].
Parents are Matthias Scholl, local citizen and master mason, and his wife Margaretha Magdalena, née Wenzin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Münch, local citizen and master locksmith. (2) His wife Magdalena, née Braunin. (3) Martin Becker, local citizen and master weaver. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Seeberin.
Graben, on the 29th of September 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 10 October 1817.
Graben, on the 29th of September 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 10 October 1817.
![]() |
Katharina Scholl 16 Jan 1817 film 102078298 page 1007 2 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 38.
On the16th of December [1817] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm was born here and on the 19th of the same month midday at 1:00 was baptized: Katharina, second illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
No. 38.
On the16th of December [1817] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm was born here and on the 19th of the same month midday at 1:00 was baptized: Katharina, second illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Philipp Nagel, local citizen and master weaver, (2) his wife Margaretha, née Braunin; (3) Jakob Friedrich Süß, local citizen and master shoemaker, (4) his wife Christine, née Schollin.
Note well: Wilhelm Nagel, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen Georg Adam Nagel and his wife Maria Katharina, née Braun, voluntarily declared to be the father [of this child].
[Notes in left margin]:
Schollin. Died 8 January 1818.
[Wilhelm Nagel] voluntarily declared to be the father of this child at his marriage on 8 January 1824.
[Signatures]: Wilhelm Nagel; Friedrich Kemm; Philipp Nagel; Henhofer, pastor.
Note well: Wilhelm Nagel, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen Georg Adam Nagel and his wife Maria Katharina, née Braun, voluntarily declared to be the father [of this child].
[Notes in left margin]:
Schollin. Died 8 January 1818.
[Wilhelm Nagel] voluntarily declared to be the father of this child at his marriage on 8 January 1824.
[Signatures]: Wilhelm Nagel; Friedrich Kemm; Philipp Nagel; Henhofer, pastor.
Katharina Scholl 8 Jan 1818 film 102078348 page 927 left mid |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 38.
On the 16th of December [1817] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm was born here and on the 19th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Katharina, second illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
No. 38.
On the 16th of December [1817] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm was born here and on the 19th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Katharina, second illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Philipp Nagel, local citizen and master weaver. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Braunin. (3) Jakob Friedrich Süß, local citizen and master shoemaker. (4) His wife Christine, née Schollin.
Note well: Wilhelm Nagel, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen Johann Adam Nagel and his wife Maria Katharina, née Braun, has voluntarily declared that he is the father.
Graben, on the 19th of December 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin:"Schollin". [Note that the child took her mother's maiden surname.]
Died 8 January 1818.
[Wilhelm Nagel] has voluntarily declared that he is the father of this child at his marriage on 8 January 1824.
[signatures]: Wilhelm Nagel. Friedrich Kemm. Philipp Nagel. Henhöfer, pastor.
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 9. Scholl and Zimmermännin.
On the 12th of February [1818], midday at 1? o'clock were married and legally blessed: the budding local citizen and master mason Jakob Friedrich Scholl, age 28 and 1/2 years, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen and master tailor Philipp Scholl and his deceased wife Margaretha, née Kemmin; and with him Elisabetha Zimmermännin, age 35 years, legitimate daughter of the deceased local citizen Christoph Zimmermann and his wife, the late Anna Maria, née Schützin.
Witnesses are: court clerk Wilhelm Kemm and Johann Adam Müller, local citizens.
Graben, on the 12th of February 1818. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 25.
On the 6th of August [1819] in the evening at 4:00 pm born and on the 10th of the same month baptized: Eva Katharina [Scholl].
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 35.
On the 23rd of August [1822] in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
On the 9th of May [1823] in the morning at 5:00 am born and on the 11th [of May 1823] in the morning at 11:00 am baptized: Maria Magdalena [Scholl].
Note well: Wilhelm Nagel, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen Johann Adam Nagel and his wife Maria Katharina, née Braun, has voluntarily declared that he is the father.
Graben, on the 19th of December 1817. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin:"Schollin". [Note that the child took her mother's maiden surname.]
Died 8 January 1818.
[Wilhelm Nagel] has voluntarily declared that he is the father of this child at his marriage on 8 January 1824.
[signatures]: Wilhelm Nagel. Friedrich Kemm. Philipp Nagel. Henhöfer, pastor.
Scholl and Zimmermann marr 17 Feb 1818 in Graben film 102978348 page 1075 |
No. 9. Scholl and Zimmermännin.
On the 12th of February [1818], midday at 1? o'clock were married and legally blessed: the budding local citizen and master mason Jakob Friedrich Scholl, age 28 and 1/2 years, legitimate son of the deceased local citizen and master tailor Philipp Scholl and his deceased wife Margaretha, née Kemmin; and with him Elisabetha Zimmermännin, age 35 years, legitimate daughter of the deceased local citizen Christoph Zimmermann and his wife, the late Anna Maria, née Schützin.
Witnesses are: court clerk Wilhelm Kemm and Johann Adam Müller, local citizens.
Graben, on the 12th of February 1818. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Mother? Katharina Scholl 21 April 1819 top rt film 102078348 page 935 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 13. Note well: illegitimate.
On the 19th of April [1819] at night at 11:30 pm born and on the 21st of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena, third illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
No. 13. Note well: illegitimate.
On the 19th of April [1819] at night at 11:30 pm born and on the 21st of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena, third illegitimate child of Katharina Schollin, legitimate daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Kemmin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Christoph Kemm, legitimate unmarried son of the local citizen and court clerk Wilhelm Kemm. (2) Christoph Scholl, tailor, legitimate unmarried son of the deceased local citizen Philipp Scholl. (3) Margaretha Herbsterin, legitimate unmarried daughter of the local citizen and master miller Jacob Herbster. (4) Magdalena Schollin, legitimate daughter of the late local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Matthias Scholl.
Graben, on the 21st of April 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Note in right margin: Wilhelm Nagel declared himself to be the father of this child at his subsequent marriage on 8 January 1823. Witnesses: Friedrich Kemm, Philipp Nagel. T. Henhöfer, pastor.
Comment: Here is the link from Ancestry to the 8 January 1824 marriage of Wilhelm Nagel and Katharina Scholl:
Graben, on the 21st of April 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Note in right margin: Wilhelm Nagel declared himself to be the father of this child at his subsequent marriage on 8 January 1823. Witnesses: Friedrich Kemm, Philipp Nagel. T. Henhöfer, pastor.
Comment: Here is the link from Ancestry to the 8 January 1824 marriage of Wilhelm Nagel and Katharina Scholl:
Note: Philipp Scholl 1759-1817 must have had a son Christoph
Note: Which Matthias Scholl b 1744 died 1794, daughter Magdalena Scholl 1793-1850. Magdalena married 13 May 1819 to Christoph Scholl 1792-1850. Cousins marriage.
Out of order document:
Katharina Scholl marriage to Wilhelm Nagels 8 Jan 1824 film 102078348 page 1087 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 2
On the 8th of January [1824] midday at 11:00 am were married and maritally blessed the local new prospective citizen and master weaver Wilhelm Nagel, legitimately-conceived son of the late Georg Adam Nagel, citizen and master weaver, with Maria Katharina, née Braun, age 29 years, and with him Katharina Scholl, legitimately-conceived daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Johann Jakob Scholl with Katharina, née Kemmin, age 26 years.
No. 2
On the 8th of January [1824] midday at 11:00 am were married and maritally blessed the local new prospective citizen and master weaver Wilhelm Nagel, legitimately-conceived son of the late Georg Adam Nagel, citizen and master weaver, with Maria Katharina, née Braun, age 29 years, and with him Katharina Scholl, legitimately-conceived daughter of the local citizen and innkeeper (serving wine) at the sign of the bouquet Johann Jakob Scholl with Katharina, née Kemmin, age 26 years.
The witnesses are Friedrich Kemm, citizen, and Philipp Nagel, citizen and master weaver.
Graben, on the 8th of January 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Graben, on the 8th of January 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Scholl and Scholl 1819 film 102078348 page 1078 2 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 6. Scholl and Schollin.
On the 13th of May [1819], midday at 11:00 am here were married and legally blessed the budding local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl, legitimate unmarried son of the deceased citizen and master tailor Philipp Scholl and his deceased wife Margaretha, née Kemm, 26 and 3/4 years, and with him Magdalena Schollin, legitimately conceived daughter of the late local citizen, master tailor, and wine tavern innkeeper Matthias Scholl, with the late Elisabetha, née Gamerin, age 26 years.
No. 6. Scholl and Schollin.
On the 13th of May [1819], midday at 11:00 am here were married and legally blessed the budding local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl, legitimate unmarried son of the deceased citizen and master tailor Philipp Scholl and his deceased wife Margaretha, née Kemm, 26 and 3/4 years, and with him Magdalena Schollin, legitimately conceived daughter of the late local citizen, master tailor, and wine tavern innkeeper Matthias Scholl, with the late Elisabetha, née Gamerin, age 26 years.
Witnesses are master mason Matthias Scholl and court clerk Wilhelm Kemm, both citizens.
Graben, on the 13th of May 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Comment: This is probably a cousin marriage. Do you know how the groom and bride are related to one another?
Graben, on the 13th of May 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Comment: This is probably a cousin marriage. Do you know how the groom and bride are related to one another?
Eva Katharina Schollin 10 Aug 1819 film 102078348 page 938 |
No. 25.
On the 6th of August [1819] in the evening at 4:00 pm born and on the 10th of the same month baptized: Eva Katharina [Scholl].
Parents are the local citizen and master mason Mattheus Scholl and his wife Margaretha Magdalena, née Wenzin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Johann Martin Becker, local citizen and master weaver. (2) His wife Magdalena, née Seeberin. (3) Jakob Münch, local citizen and master locksmith. (4) His wife Friedricke, née Müllerin.
Graben, on the 10th of August 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin: died 11 August 1820.
Graben, on the 10th of August 1819. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin: died 11 August 1820.
Margaretha Magdalena Scholl 15 Feb 1920 top rt film 102078348 page 942 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 9.
On the 13th of February [1820] at night at 10:00 pm born and on the 15th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Scholl].
No. 9.
On the 13th of February [1820] at night at 10:00 pm born and on the 15th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm baptized: Margaretha Magdalena [Scholl].
Parents are the local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl and his wife Magdalena, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Philipp Martin Braun, local citizen and master shoemaker. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Nagelin. (3) Simon Cammerer, local citizen and master glazier. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Cammererin.
Graben, on the 15th of February 1820. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 3 September 1820.
Graben, on the 15th of February 1820. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 3 September 1820.
Jakob Friedrich Scholl 9 Sep 1820 film 102078348 page 946 bot left |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 41.
On the 9th of September [1820] in the evening at 6:30 pm born and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Jakob Friedrich, parents whose mother is Katharina Wertele, legitimate daughter of the deceased local non-citizen resident and master locksmith Christoph Wertele and his wife, Katharina, née Bickelin.
No. 41.
On the 9th of September [1820] in the evening at 6:30 pm born and on the 12th of the same month baptized: Jakob Friedrich, parents whose mother is Katharina Wertele, legitimate daughter of the deceased local non-citizen resident and master locksmith Christoph Wertele and his wife, Katharina, née Bickelin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Scholl, local citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Elisabetha, née Zimmermännin. (3) Andreas Wenz, grenadier of the Grand Ducal Bodyguard, legitimate unmarried son of the local deceased citizen Martin Wenz. (4) Christine Meierin, legitimate unmarried daughter of the local citizen and carpenter Christoph Meier.
Unmarried father:Jakob Scholl, currently a soldier of the Grand Ducal Line Infantry Regiment No. [blank], legitimate son of the deceased local citizen and master tailor Philipp Scholl and his wife Juliana, née Braunin, has voluntarily acknowledged himself to be the father of the child, to which the father of the child has signed the document.
[signatures]: Jakob Scholl [father of the child]. J. Friedrich Scholl [witness]. Andreas Wentz [witness].
Left margin: Scholl. [The surname "Scholl" has been added to this record in a different hand and likely at the time the parents of this child married in November 1821. The couple's marriage legitimized this child, giving him the surname "Scholl".]
Comment: Here is the link to Jakob Scholl and Katharina Wertele's November 1821 marriage record on Ancestry:
[signatures]: Jakob Scholl [father of the child]. J. Friedrich Scholl [witness]. Andreas Wentz [witness].
Left margin: Scholl. [The surname "Scholl" has been added to this record in a different hand and likely at the time the parents of this child married in November 1821. The couple's marriage legitimized this child, giving him the surname "Scholl".]
Comment: Here is the link to Jakob Scholl and Katharina Wertele's November 1821 marriage record on Ancestry:
Notes: Philipp Scholl is the last child of Johann Matthias Scholl b 1718. His second marriage was to Juliana Née Braunin. Their son Jakob Scholl born 7 Jun 1796 is 24 at the time of this document. He is in the Grand Ducal Line Infantry.
Note: Jakob Friedrich Scholl (mason KH3N-ZSK) is a witness and signed this document. He married Elisabetha Zimmermann 12 Feb 1818. (1783-1831 KH21-DW1) They had four children. Jakob died in 1877.
Out of order document that fits with the above document:
Jacob Scholl and Katharina Wertele marriage 22 Nov 1821 film 102550955 page 498 2 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 9.
On the 22nd of November [1821] in the morning at 10:00 am were married and conjugally blessed the budding local citizen Jakob Scholl, legitimate son of the local citizen and master tailor the late Philipp Scholl and his wife Juliana, née Braun, age 25 and 1/2 years, and with him Katharina Wertele, legitimately-conceived daughter of the late Johann Christoph Wilhelm Wertele, the local non-citizen resident and master locksmith, with Maria Katharina, née Bickel, age 20 and 1/2 years.
No. 9.
On the 22nd of November [1821] in the morning at 10:00 am were married and conjugally blessed the budding local citizen Jakob Scholl, legitimate son of the local citizen and master tailor the late Philipp Scholl and his wife Juliana, née Braun, age 25 and 1/2 years, and with him Katharina Wertele, legitimately-conceived daughter of the late Johann Christoph Wilhelm Wertele, the local non-citizen resident and master locksmith, with Maria Katharina, née Bickel, age 20 and 1/2 years.
Witnesses are: master tailor Christoph Scholl and Martin Braun, local citizens.
Graben, on the 22nd of November 1821. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Graben, on the 22nd of November 1821. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Wilhelm Scholl 13 July 1821 film 102078348 page 953 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 28.
On the 11th of July [1821] early at 3:30 am born and on the 13th of the same month midday at 11:00 am baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl and his wife Magdalena, née Scholl.
No. 28.
On the 11th of July [1821] early at 3:30 am born and on the 13th of the same month midday at 11:00 am baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl and his wife Magdalena, née Scholl.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Simon Cammerer, local citizen and master glazier. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Cammerer. (3) Philipp Martin Braun, local citizen and master shoemaker. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Nagele.
Graben, on the 13th of July 1821. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 18 May 1823.
Graben, on the 13th of July 1821. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 18 May 1823.
Eva Elisabetha Scholl 15 Nov 1820 film 102078348 page 947 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 53.
On the 11th of November [1820] at night at 11:30 pm born and on the 15th of the same month baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and master mason Mattheus Scholl and his wife Margaretha Magdalena, née Wenzin.
No. 53.
On the 11th of November [1820] at night at 11:30 pm born and on the 15th of the same month baptized: Eva Elisabetha [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and master mason Mattheus Scholl and his wife Margaretha Magdalena, née Wenzin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Münch, local citizen and master locksmith. (2) His wife Magdalena Friedricke, née Müllerin. (3) Martin Becker, local citizen and master weaver. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Seeberin.
Graben, on the 15th of November 1820. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Graben, on the 15th of November 1820. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Eva Christina Scholl 26 Dec 1821 film 102078348 page 958 left |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 59.
On the 24th of December [1821] in the evening at 3:30 pm born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Eva Christina [Scholl].
No. 59.
On the 24th of December [1821] in the evening at 3:30 pm born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Eva Christina [Scholl].
Parents are the local citizen and master mason Mattheus Scholl and his wife Magdalena, née Wenz.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Münch, local citizen and master locksmith. (2) His wife Friedricke, née Müller. (3) Martin Becker, local citizen and master weaver. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Seeber.
Graben, on the 26th of December 1821.
Graben, on the 26th of December 1821.
T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin: died 13 June 1822.
Left margin: died 13 June 1822.
Wilhelm Scholl No 35 26 Aug 1822 film 102078348 page 963 left second down |
No. 35.
On the 23rd of August [1822] in the evening at 5:00 pm born and on the 26th of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl].
Parents are the local citizen Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Wertele.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Andreas Wenz, local citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Krauß. (3) Christoph Meier, local citizen and master carpenter. (4) His legitimate unmarried daughter Christine Meier.
Graben, on the 26th of August 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Graben, on the 26th of August 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Wilhelm Scholl 29 Aug 1822 film 102078348 page 963 left |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 36.
On the 25th of August [1822] midday at 1:00 pm born and on the 29th of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and saddler Philipp Scholl and his wife, Salome, née Fischer.
No. 36.
On the 25th of August [1822] midday at 1:00 pm born and on the 29th of the same month baptized: Wilhelm [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and saddler Philipp Scholl and his wife, Salome, née Fischer.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Metzger, local citizen and widower. (2) Christoph Scholl, local citizen and master tailor. (3) His wife Magdalena, née Scholl.
Graben, on the 29th of August 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin: died 7 September 1822.
No. 15.Graben, on the 29th of August 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Left margin: died 7 September 1822.
On the 9th of May [1823] in the morning at 5:00 am born and on the 11th [of May 1823] in the morning at 11:00 am baptized: Maria Magdalena [Scholl].
The father is: Matthaus Scholl, citizen and master mason, the mother Magdalena, née Wenz.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Munch, citizen and farmer. (2) His wife Friederike, née Müller. (3) Martin Becker, citizen and farmer. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Seber.
Graben, on the 11th of May 1823. T. C. Käß, pastor at Hochstetten, as curate in charge.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Munch, citizen and farmer. (2) His wife Friederike, née Müller. (3) Martin Becker, citizen and farmer. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Seber.
Graben, on the 11th of May 1823. T. C. Käß, pastor at Hochstetten, as curate in charge.
Note: Mattheus Scholl b 1790-1855 married 14 Nov 1815 to Margaretha Magdalena Wenz. His parents are Matthias Scholl 1744-1794 and Maria Elisabeth Gamer 1750-1812. Mattheus was the 10th of 11 children. Mattheus: 9JZ8-43C
Philipp Scholl 12 Oct 1823 top rt film 102078348 page 972 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 38.
On the 9th of October [1823] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm born and on the 12th [of October 1823] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm baptized: Philipp Scholl.
The parents are the local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl and Magdalena, née Scholl.
No. 38.
On the 9th of October [1823] in the afternoon at 4:00 pm born and on the 12th [of October 1823] in the afternoon at 3:00 pm baptized: Philipp Scholl.
The parents are the local citizen and master tailor Christoph Scholl and Magdalena, née Scholl.
The baptismal witnesses are: (1) The local citizen and glazier Simon Kammerer. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Kammerer. (3) The local citizen and shoemaker Martin Braun. (4) His wife Margaretha, née Nagel.
Graben, on the 12th of October 1823. Henhöfer, pastor.
Right margin: died 9 October 1829.
Comment: The death date in the right margin is incorrect. This child died on 22 October 1829. Here is the link to this child's death record from Ancestry:
Translation by Robert Seal
No. 38.
On the 5th of September [1824] in the morning between 10:00 am and 11:00 am born and on the 9th of the same month baptized in the afternoon at 1:00 pm: Johannes Scholl.
The parents are the local citizen and saddler Philipp Scholl and his wife Salome, née Fischer.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 3rd of November in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Jacob Friedrich Scholl.
1844, on the 21st of December in the evening at 8:00 pm was born and was baptized on the 31st [of December 1844]: Stephanie.
Graben, on the 12th of October 1823. Henhöfer, pastor.
Right margin: died 9 October 1829.
Comment: The death date in the right margin is incorrect. This child died on 22 October 1829. Here is the link to this child's death record from Ancestry:
Johannes Scholl 9 Sep 1824 rt film 102078348 page 978 |
No. 38.
On the 5th of September [1824] in the morning between 10:00 am and 11:00 am born and on the 9th of the same month baptized in the afternoon at 1:00 pm: Johannes Scholl.
The parents are the local citizen and saddler Philipp Scholl and his wife Salome, née Fischer.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Metzger, local citizen and widower. (2) Christoph Scholl, local citizen and master tailor. (3) His wife Magdalena, née Scholl.
Graben, on the 9th of September 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Graben, on the 9th of September 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Jakob Friedrich Scholl 5 Nov 1824 rt mid film 102078348 page 979 |
On the 3rd of November in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Jacob Friedrich Scholl.
The parents are the local citizen and master mason Mattheus Scholl and his wife Magdalena, née Wenzin.
Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Munch, citizen and locksmith?. (2) His wife Friederike, née Müller. (3) Wilhelm Nagel, citizen and weaver. (4) His wife Katharina, née Schollin.
Graben, on the 5th of November 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Graben, on the 5th of November 1824. Henhöfer, pastor.
Christina Scholl 31 Dec 1824 rt film 102078348 page 981 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 61. On the 31st of December [1824] in the afternoon between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm born and on the 3rd of January [1825] in the afternoon at 1:00 pm baptized: Christina Scholl. The parents are the local citizen Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Wertele. Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Andreas Wenz, local citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Krauß. (3) Christoph Mayer, local citizen and master carpenter. (4) His legitimate unmarried daughter Christina Mayerin.
Graben, on the 3rd of January 1825. Henhöfer, pastor.
Right margin: died 4 February 1839.
No. 61. On the 31st of December [1824] in the afternoon between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm born and on the 3rd of January [1825] in the afternoon at 1:00 pm baptized: Christina Scholl. The parents are the local citizen Jakob Scholl and his wife Katharina, née Wertele. Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Andreas Wenz, local citizen and master mason. (2) His wife Margaretha, née Krauß. (3) Christoph Mayer, local citizen and master carpenter. (4) His legitimate unmarried daughter Christina Mayerin.
Graben, on the 3rd of January 1825. Henhöfer, pastor.
Right margin: died 4 February 1839.
Wilhelm Krauss death 17 Jun 1838 in Graben film 102550955 page 791 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
In the year of Christ 1838, on the 17th of June at night at 11:00 pm died here, and on the 20th of the same month in the morning at 7:00 am was buried: the local citizen Wilhelm Krauß, a married man, 55 years, 9 months, 4 days old.
In the year of Christ 1838, on the 17th of June at night at 11:00 pm died here, and on the 20th of the same month in the morning at 7:00 am was buried: the local citizen Wilhelm Krauß, a married man, 55 years, 9 months, 4 days old.
His parents were: the late Georg Adam Krauß, local citizen, and his wife Katharina Elisabethe, née Gaiblin.
Witnesses were: Philipp Krauß and Christoph Würtele, local citizens.
Graben, on the 20th of June 1838. T.? Pastor Käß.
Right column: Krauß, Wilhelm. Married man.
No. 87. Scholl, Stephanie.Right column: Krauß, Wilhelm. Married man.
1844, on the 21st of December in the evening at 8:00 pm was born and was baptized on the 31st [of December 1844]: Stephanie.
The parents are Wilhelm Scholl, local citizen, and Louise Mag. Baptismal sponsors are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Süß, local citizen, and his wife Wilhelmine Gamer. (2) Friedrich Scholl, local citizen, and his wife Christine Meier.
Graben, on the 31st of December 1844. T. A. Köchlin, pastor.
Graben, on the 31st of December 1844. T. A. Köchlin, pastor.
Stephanie Scholl burial 1847 death film 102550540 page 212 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 5.
In the year of Christ 1847, on the 5th of February midday at 1:00 pm died here and on the 7th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm was buried here: Stephanie Scholl, age: 2 years, 1 month, and 14 days. Her parents are: Wilhelm Scholl, citizen and mason here, and Luise Maag.
Witnesses are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Süß, citizen and farmer here. (2) Christoph Werner, citizen and day laborer here.
Graben, on the 7th of February 1847.
Comment: 1844, on the 21st of December in the evening at 8:00 pm was born and was baptized on the 31st [of December 1844]: Stephanie. The parents are Wilhelm Scholl, local citizen, and Louise Mag [or Magg]
No. 5.
In the year of Christ 1847, on the 5th of February midday at 1:00 pm died here and on the 7th of the same month midday at 1:00 pm was buried here: Stephanie Scholl, age: 2 years, 1 month, and 14 days. Her parents are: Wilhelm Scholl, citizen and mason here, and Luise Maag.
Witnesses are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Süß, citizen and farmer here. (2) Christoph Werner, citizen and day laborer here.
Graben, on the 7th of February 1847.
Comment: 1844, on the 21st of December in the evening at 8:00 pm was born and was baptized on the 31st [of December 1844]: Stephanie. The parents are Wilhelm Scholl, local citizen, and Louise Mag [or Magg]