Johann Georg Scholl was born 19 February 1720 to Hans Georg Scholl and Maria Elisabetha Weidmann. He was the fourth of five children. Johann married Anna Maria Kammerer 4 Jan 1744 when he was 24 years old. They had twelve children. Johann was a Bürger (citizen in Graben) and a farmer Johann George died 16 December 1764. He lived 44 years according to the Graben Parish Pastor. His wife Anna Maria lived 57 years 9 months 21 days.
What happened to their children?
Maria Margaretha Scholl 1744-1749 lived 4 years 5 months 28 days.
Georg Simon Scholl 1746-1747 lived 4 months 14 days
Johann Wendel Scholl 1748-1817 married twice 16 children
Johann Christoph Scholl 1749* no proof this person existed
Johann Peter Scholl 1750-1750 lived one month
Christoph Scholl 1751-1814 married Margaretha Blau 8 Nov 1774 in Graben. They had 10 children.
Maria Margaretha Scholl 1753-1753 lived 3 weeks or 21 days
Scholl infant 1754-1754 died infant
Elisabetha Scholl 1755-1788
Scholl infant 1758-1758 died infant
Margaretha Scholl 1759-1825 married Georg Jacob Becker 2 November 1780 when she was 21. They had 7 children
Anna Maria Scholl 1762-1764 lived 2 years 10 months 12 days
Maria Catharina Scholl 1765-1825 married Philipp Jacob Roesch a Bürger (citizen) 1760-1832 on 23 May 1784 when she was 19. They had 11 children according to FS
Where did the children get their names?
Maria Margaretha Scholl her maternal aunt
Georg Simon Scholl from sponsor Simon Merckle
Johann Wendel Scholl maternal uncle
Johann Peter Scholl paternal uncle
Christoph Scholl paternal uncle
Maria Margaretha Scholl maternal aunt
Margaretha Scholl maternal aunt or deceased sister
Anna Maria Scholl maternal aunt
Maria Catharina Scholl maternal aunt
Who were the baptismal sponsors of the Georg Scholl children?
Maria Margaretha Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Christian Bikel with wife
Simon Merckle with wife.
Georg Simon Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Christian Bickel
Hans Simon Cammerer with his wife.
Johann Wendel Scholl Baptismal sponsors
Simon Merckle, citizen and _____?, with wife
Christian Bickel, citizen and smith, with wife.
Johann Peter Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Johann Bickel
George Philip Zecker citizen and his wife.
Christoph Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Georg Philip Zwecker
Christian Bickel and his wife
Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and cartwright
Christian Bickel, citizen and blacksmith, with their wives
Elisabetha Scholl Baptismal sponsors
Christian Bickel, citizen and smith and wife
Jo[hann] Adam Buhler, citizen and cartwright nd wife.
Margaretha Scholl Baptismal
Johann Adam Bühler, citizen and cartwright here, his wife
Margaretha, née Kammerin;
Christian Bickel, the citizen and blacksmith
here, his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Anna Maria Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Christian Bickel, local
citizen and farrier and his wife Margaretha, née Becker
Adam Bühler,
local citizen and wainwright (a maker and repairer of wagons) and his wife Margaretha, née Kammerer
Maria Catharina Scholl Baptismal sponsors:
Christian Bickel, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and his wife
Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Adam Bühler, the local citizen and master
cartwright, and his wife Margaretha, née Cammer[er]in.
Who is Peter Gamer?
Peter Gamer was born 31 Dec 1730 which means he is 10 years younger
than his friend Georg Scholl. They probably farmed together or at least
helped eachother. He married 1 Feb 1751 in Graben to Anna Maria Pfeil.
They had 6 children. Peter died 10 August 1785 at 54 years old and Anna
Maria Pfeil died 13 January 1794. Peter Gamer was a farmer in Graben. Most likely he farmed with or shared agricultural skills with eachother.
Who is Georg Simon Merckle?
Simon's father was Peter Merckle. Peter Merckle, linen weaver, was the baptismal sponsor for Johann George Scholl and three of his siblings!!! In other words Peter was the baptismal sponsor of four out of five of Johann Georg Scholl's father Johann Georg Scholl b 1678. The Scholl's and the Merckle's were very tight. Simon was born 28 Oct 1720. On the 8th of January 1743, after the sermon, were married Georg Simon
Merckle, legitimate unmarried son, in the weaving craft, of the late
Peter Merckle, local former citizen and linen weaver, and Anna Christina
Uzlerin, legitmate unmarried daughter of the late Christoph Uzler,
local former citizen. (see marriage record at end of this post)
Who is Christian Bickel?
Christian Bickel was born 16 April 1722 in Graben. FS has him from a family of 14 children born between 1708 and 1727. Christian married Maria Siddonia Scholl (1725-1754) 2 June 1744. They had 5 children and she died at 29 years on 29 Feb 1754. Maria is related to our family. Then Christian married Maria Margaretha Becker (1736-1799) 8 April 1755. When Anna Maria Scholl was born in 1762 Christian was married to Maria Margaretha. The couple had 9 children between 1756 and 1766. Christian was a blacksmith in Graben. (See records at the end of this post.)
Who is Johann Adam Bühler?
Adam b 1692 was born to Jo Georg Bühler. George was a citizen of Wößingen which is 13 miles southeast of Graben. Adam married Maria Margaretha Cammerer 13 May 1755. Margaretha delivered their illigitimate child on 10 December 1755 and because the child was conceived before they married his fact was soon after reported to the lordly superior office (Oberamt) and the Specialat (which are higher offices in the church). The child was named Magdalena, an extremely common name in Graben. (see doc below in 1755.) Margaretha was married previously to Georg Philipp Zwecker (1716-1789) on the 22nd of Jan 1743. He died 16 Oct 1754. She married about 6 months later to Johann George Bühler. At the time of their marriage she had had 7 children, 2 of whom were alive at the time of her marriage. Maria died at 67 11 Oct 1789 and was buried two days later. Adam Bühler was a local citizen and master
cartwright or wagonbuilder. (see marriage record at end of this post)
Who is Georg Philipp Zwecker?
Georg Philipp Wecker was born 1716. He married Maria Margaretha Cammerer 22 Jan 1743 and they had 7 children in 9 years. On the12th of June 1753, the conceived little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker,
citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margretha, née Cammererin, named
Georg Philipp, died from diarrhea and ensuing cramps, at the age of 10
months, 11 days. Georg Philipp Zweckerk died 16 October 1754 at 38 years old. Georg Philipp Zwecker was a citizen and cartwright or Wagner and may well have been in business with Adam Bühler. (see Georg's son's death record at end of this post)
During their lives:
1740 - Frederick the Great becomes king. He expands the German Empire
1743 Graben in 1743, there were again differences between the sheriff and the priest; the latter complained that the sheriff had accepted a Catholic widow into the community against the princely decree, that on a monthly day of penance and prayer he had let his son carry hay, and that on the feast of the Holy Trinity he had read out the community accounts in the town hall, whereby quarrels arose. Mayor Christoph Kemp, on the other hand, put the following on record: "On the last day of Easter the brother of the pastor, the Chancellor's list, was with the pastor, as was a Catholic soldier from Philippsburg. Since everyone thinks that the service will be held by the pastor in the afternoon, the only person from the parsonage who was present was the schoolmaster - his name is Konr. Keplinger - and to everyone's amazement, he was seen going to church with heavily powdered hair, and then read a chapter in it before the altar, but in such a way that everyone could see how he had been given too much wine. The deer landlord Jakob Holtz in Graben has a wine buying process with the Kanzlisten, the brother of the priest. (Source: Wikisource: Local history reports from the Karlsruhe area from the first half of the 18th century. By Benedikt Schwarz) and supports the sciences, arts, and industry.
1743 Graben in 1743, there were again differences between the sheriff and the priest; the latter complained that the sheriff had accepted a Catholic widow into the community against the princely decree, that on a monthly day of penance and prayer he had let his son carry hay, and that on the feast of the Holy Trinity he had read out the community accounts in the town hall, whereby quarrels arose. Mayor Christoph Kemp, on the other hand, put the following on record: "On the last day of Easter the brother of the pastor, the Chancellor's list, was with the pastor, as was a Catholic soldier from Philippsburg. Since everyone thinks that the service will be held by the pastor in the afternoon, the only person from the parsonage who was present was the schoolmaster - his name is Konr. Keplinger - and to everyone's amazement, he was seen going to church with heavily powdered hair, and then read a chapter in it before the altar, but in such a way that everyone could see how he had been given too much wine. The deer landlord Jakob Holtz in Graben has a wine buying process with the Kanzlisten, the brother of the priest. (Source: Wikisource: Local history reports from the Karlsruhe area from the first half of the 18th century. By Benedikt Schwarz) and supports the sciences, arts, and industry.
1756 - The Seven Years' War begins. Germany allies with Britain against France, Austria, and Russia. Germany and Britain win.
1756 - Famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born.
Graben a Simple Village
Already in 1715 an important course for the future of the country had been set: After the Peace of Rastatt, Margrave Karl Wilhelm, Karl Friedrich's Great father, had a hunting lodge built in the Hardtwald - the basis for the late residence Karlsruhe. Soon afterwards the office of Graben was abolished and assigned to the new office of Karlsruhe. Graben lost its official seat and became a simple village. It was not until 1746 that the magnificent land rights of the Electorate Palatinate were replaced by the former Graben and Stein offices, which had had to be seceded in 1424, with 150,000 gulden. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The long reign of Margrave Karl Friedrich: when he came to the throne at the age of ten in 1738, he was able to take over the government in 1746 and hold it in his hands until his death in 1811 - and since 1771 also over the Baden-Baden lands. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
1755 Streets
In 1755, the streets began to be paved. The material for this came largely from the ruins of the (Graben) castle. The mayor's name was written above it. Some of them need to be paved: "It (the road) has come to pass that the most gracious lordship of the parish." (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The village and its inhabitants 1700s
For centuries the village and its inhabitants had not had a pillar (record) of their own; when it appears in documents and records, it is actually only as an object of superior rule. All other aspects left almost no traces. It was not until the 18th century that this began to change gradually, and more and more records and documents give an impression of life in Graben and its rules. Very often, however, they are only fragments, because at that time, no self-evident facts were written down, and so many questions remain open or cannot be answered with the certainty that is the rule for later years. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
Sheriff's during Johann's lifetime:
1706 Peter Keller (brother the Ch.)
1728 Hans Michel Cammerer
1732 Christoph Kemm
1752 Johann Philipp Kemm (son) (from Graben by Konrad Dussel)
The main street of Graben around the middle of the 18th century with the old church, which was demolished in 1873 and in its place the new church was built.
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Johann Georg Scholl birth 19 Feb 1720 film 4137289 page 329 |
The 19th of Feb a son was born to Georg and Elisabeth his wife and was baptized and called Georg, godfather Christoph Schumacher Note: The Graben Pastor from 1719 to 1738 was Andreas Weber. He recorded Hans Georg Scholl’s birth record.
Robert Seal translation:
(10) Georg. On the 19th of February [1720], a little son of Georg Scholl
and Elisabeth, his wife, was born, who was baptized and named Georg.
Baptismal sponsors:
1. Christoph Schuhmacher, the butcher Elisabetha,
his wife.
2. Peter Merkle, the weaver here, and his wife.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 16th of April [1722], a little son of Henrich "Pickel",
blacksmith, and Anna Margareta his wife was born, who thereafter was
baptized and named Johann Christian.
Baptismal sponsors: Mattheus
Weÿdmann and Annna Catharina his wife. Andreas Heÿlmann and Elisabetha
his wife.
Translation by Robert Seal
1757, on the 6th of April a little son of Johann Adam Bühler,
citizen and "rhetario"?, from his wife Margretha, née Cammererin, was
born to the world at night at 10:00 pm, so thereafter was baptized and
was named Johann Georg. Baptismal sponsors are Peter Gamer, citizen and
farmer, and Georg Scholl, also a citizen, with their wives.
Note: George Scholl as a baptismal sponsor.
Note: Georg Peter Gamer was born 31 Dec 1730 which means he is 10 years younger than his friend Georg Scholl. They probably farmed together or at least helped eachother. He married 1 Feb 1751 in Graben to Anna Maria Pfeil. They had 6 children. Peter died 10 August 1785 at 54 years old and Anna Maria Pfeil died 13 January 1794. Peter Gamer was a farmer in Graben.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 8th of January 1743, after the sermon, were married Georg Simon Merckle, legitimate unmarried son, in the weaving craft, of the late Peter Merckle, local former citizen and linen weaver, and Anna Christina Uzlerin, legitmate unmarried daughter of the late Christoph Uzler, local former citizen.
On the 8th of January 1743, after the sermon, were married Georg Simon Merckle, legitimate unmarried son, in the weaving craft, of the late Peter Merckle, local former citizen and linen weaver, and Anna Christina Uzlerin, legitmate unmarried daughter of the late Christoph Uzler, local former citizen.
Translation by Robert Seal:
1743, on the 22nd of January, after the sermon was held, were married Georg Philipp Zwecker, legitimate unmarried son in the wagonbuilder [cartwright] trade, of the late Christoph Zwecker, formal local citizen, and Maria Margaretha Cammer[er]in, Michael Cammerer's unmarried daughter.
1743, on the 22nd of January, after the sermon was held, were married Georg Philipp Zwecker, legitimate unmarried son in the wagonbuilder [cartwright] trade, of the late Christoph Zwecker, formal local citizen, and Maria Margaretha Cammer[er]in, Michael Cammerer's unmarried daughter.
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Johann Georg Scholl marriage to Anna Maria Kammerer 7 Jan 1744 Graben film 4137289 page 563 |
Translation of marriage record:
1744, 7 January, George Scholl and Anna Maria Kammerer, after the sermon was married, all here in the same place and he was a single son, unmarried, to Anna Maria Kammerer, she is also a single daughter, (not married before) Witnesses: Wendel Kammerer, Bürger (citizen of Graben) (Note: Anna Maria had a father named Wendel who died in 1735 and a brother named Wendel who died in 1743. Who is this wedding witness named Wendel Kammerer? The Graben Pastor from 1738-1757 was F.C H. Beck whose handwriting can be seen above.)
Translation by Robert Seal:
1744, on the 2nd of June, were married Johann Christian Bickel, legitimate unmarried son, in the smith craft, of Heinrich Bickel, citizen and blacksmith, and Maria Sidonie Schollin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Jacob Scholl, local citizen.
1744, on the 2nd of June, were married Johann Christian Bickel, legitimate unmarried son, in the smith craft, of Heinrich Bickel, citizen and blacksmith, and Maria Sidonie Schollin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Jacob Scholl, local citizen.
Translation by Robert Seal:
1748, on the 4th of December a little daughter of Georg Simon Merckle, citizen and weaver, from his wife Anna Christina, née Uzlerin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Anna Ba[r]bara.
[note in the margin:] 1821 in Rastatt als Schatzgräber verhaftet.
On 11 December 1748 a little son was born to the world to Jo[hann] Christoph Becker, citizen and musician, by his wife Maria Catharina née Cammerer and thereupon baptized and named Georg Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are: Jo[hann] Georg Schütz, the fiancé with his betrothed Maria Catharina Lind and Martin Wertz, citizen and bricklayer with his wife.
[note in the margin:] 1821 arrested in Rastatt as a treasure digger.
1748, on the 4th of December a little daughter of Georg Simon Merckle, citizen and weaver, from his wife Anna Christina, née Uzlerin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Anna Ba[r]bara.
Baptismal sponsors are Jerg P[h]ilipp Zwecker, the cartwright?, with his wife, and Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, with his wife.
Note: Simon Merckle is one of George Scholl's baptismal sponsors. as is Philipp Zwecker.
1748 d. 11 Xbr wurde Jo. Xtoph Becker bürger und Spilmann, ex Maria Cathar. uxore nata Cammererin ein Söhnl. zur Welt gebohren, so darauf getauft und Georg Xtoph genandt wurden. Gevattern sind Jo. Georg Schütz dasponsatus cum Sponsa Maria Cathar. Lindin und Martin Wertz civis et muratorius Maurer cum uxore.[note in the margin:] 1821 in Rastatt als Schatzgräber verhaftet.
On 11 December 1748 a little son was born to the world to Jo[hann] Christoph Becker, citizen and musician, by his wife Maria Catharina née Cammerer and thereupon baptized and named Georg Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are: Jo[hann] Georg Schütz, the fiancé with his betrothed Maria Catharina Lind and Martin Wertz, citizen and bricklayer with his wife.
[note in the margin:] 1821 arrested in Rastatt as a treasure digger.
Notes: Georg Schütz ID L4SK-YQH. Georg and Catharina married a month later on 7 January 1749. They had 9 children. Georg died
1749, on the 12th of January, a little son of Christian Bickel, local citizen and blacksmith, from his wife Sidonia, née Schollin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Joh[ann] Gabriel.
Baptismal sponsors are Mr. Gabriel Geibel, _______? chief forester here, with his wife, George Scholl with his wife, and Adam Wendel Cammerer with his wife.
Left margin: + [died].
Left margin: + [died].
Note: Christian Bickel is one of George Scholl's baptismal sponsors.
1751, on the 14th of April, a little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and Cartwright, from his wife Margaretha, née Cammererin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, [and] Peter Gamer, citizen and farmer, with their wives.Note: Philipp Zwecker was a Georg Scholl sponsor.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 1st of September 1752, a little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen, cartwright, and temporary mayor, from his wife Margareth, née Cammererin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Georg Philipp.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 1st of September 1752, a little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen, cartwright, and temporary mayor, from his wife Margareth, née Cammererin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Georg Philipp.
Baptismal sponsors are Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, and Peter Gamer, citizen and farmer, with their wives.
Right margin: + [died].
Right margin: + [died].
Note: Philipp Zwecker was a Georg Scholl sponsor.
This is an interesting death record as there is no funeral or burial information included.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of June 1753, the conceived little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margretha, née Cammererin, named Georg Philipp, died from diarrhea and ensuing cramps, at the age of 10 months, 11 days.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of June 1753, the conceived little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margretha, née Cammererin, named Georg Philipp, died from diarrhea and ensuing cramps, at the age of 10 months, 11 days.
Note: Philipp Zwecker was a Georg Scholl sponsor.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 7th of February 1754, a little daughter of Christian Bickel, citizen and blacksmith, from his wife Maria Sidonia, née Schollin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Kunigunda Margaretha.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 7th of February 1754, a little daughter of Christian Bickel, citizen and blacksmith, from his wife Maria Sidonia, née Schollin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Kunigunda Margaretha.
Baptismal sponsors are Mr. Gabriel Geibel, lordly hunter and chief forester here, with his wife Kunigunda Margar[etha]. Johann Georg Scholl with his wife.On the same day [11 May 1754] a little son of Georg Philipp Zwecker, citizen and cartwright, from his wife Margaretha, to the world was born, so thereafter baptized and was named Georg Philipp. Baptismal sponsors are Georg Scholl and Peter Gamer, citizens and farmers, with their wives.
Hello Kent, this one is a bit more tricky (and interesting) because of the additional note, marked by "Nat." in the left margin.
d: 10. Xbr: 1755 wurde Johann Adam Bühler allhiesigem Wagner und Bürger ex Margaretha nata Cammererin ein Töchterlein zur Welt gebohren, et quidem hora natat quinta, so darauf getauft und Magdalena genandt worden. Gevattern sind Peter Gamer civis et rustic cum uxore. Et Georg Scholl civis et rustic: cum uxore. Es wurde dises Kind aus frühem Beyschlaf gebohren, dann die Eltern ehel: eingesegnet worden d: 13 Maji dises laufenden Jahres vid: index nuptialis und wurde solches gebalden darauf einem? hochfürstl: Oberamt u. Specialat angezeiget.
[note in the left margin:] + d 5 Januar 1826
On 10 December 1755 a little daughter was born to the world - namely at the fifth hour - to Adam Bühler, the local cartwright and citizen, from Margaretha née Cammerer and thereupon baptized and named Magdalena.
d: 10. Xbr: 1755 wurde Johann Adam Bühler allhiesigem Wagner und Bürger ex Margaretha nata Cammererin ein Töchterlein zur Welt gebohren, et quidem hora natat quinta, so darauf getauft und Magdalena genandt worden. Gevattern sind Peter Gamer civis et rustic cum uxore. Et Georg Scholl civis et rustic: cum uxore. Es wurde dises Kind aus frühem Beyschlaf gebohren, dann die Eltern ehel: eingesegnet worden d: 13 Maji dises laufenden Jahres vid: index nuptialis und wurde solches gebalden darauf einem? hochfürstl: Oberamt u. Specialat angezeiget.
[note in the left margin:] + d 5 Januar 1826
On 10 December 1755 a little daughter was born to the world - namely at the fifth hour - to Adam Bühler, the local cartwright and citizen, from Margaretha née Cammerer and thereupon baptized and named Magdalena.
Baptismal sponsors are Peter Gamer, citizen and farmer, with his wife. And Georg Scholl, citizen and farmer, with his wife. This child was born from premature cohabitation, since the parents were matrimonially joined on 13 May of this year, cf. the marriage record, and this fact was soon after reported to the lordly superior office (Oberamt) and the Specialat.
[note in the left margin:] + (died) 5 January 1826
[note in the left margin:] + (died) 5 January 1826
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 13th of May 1755, after prayer hour was held, were married, Johann Adam Bühler, legitimate unmarried son, in the wagonbuilder? craft, of Johann Georg Bühler, citizen in Wößingen, with Margaretha, née Cammererin, the surviving widow of the late "Jo:" [i.e., Georg] Philipp Zwecker, citizen and wagonbuilder?
On the 13th of May 1755, after prayer hour was held, were married, Johann Adam Bühler, legitimate unmarried son, in the wagonbuilder? craft, of Johann Georg Bühler, citizen in Wößingen, with Margaretha, née Cammererin, the surviving widow of the late "Jo:" [i.e., Georg] Philipp Zwecker, citizen and wagonbuilder?
Comments: I am interpreting
the German word for "wagonbuilder" in the record as: Wagner. This word
occurs in two places in the record (at the end of the second and third
lines), though I'm not completely certain that the word is "Wagner"
(hence the ?) because in both instances the scribe makes a very unusual
capital "W". He also makes an unusual initial "W" in the second word
"Wittwe" in the last line of the record. Oddly enough, however, for the
place name "Wößingen" the capital "W" looks normal.
Here is the link: for Wössingen from Meyers Gazetteer:
Wössingen is approximately 12 miles southeast of Graben.
Here is the link: for Wössingen from Meyers Gazetteer:
Wössingen is approximately 12 miles southeast of Graben.
Translation Robert Seal:
On the 8th of April 1755, after early prayer hour was held, were married Johann Christian Bickel, citizen, widower, and blacksmith, with Maria Margaretha, legitimate unmarried daugther of Christoph Becker, lawyer here.
On the 8th of April 1755, after early prayer hour was held, were married Johann Christian Bickel, citizen, widower, and blacksmith, with Maria Margaretha, legitimate unmarried daugther of Christoph Becker, lawyer here.
Georg Scholl spon 1758 Anna Maria film 102078348 page 406 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 31st of October [1758], in the morning after 8:00 am was born and on the 1st of November [1758] was baptized: Anna Maria Bickelin.
Parents: Christian Bickel, local citizen and smith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, princely chief hunter here, [and] his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Gözin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née "Cammerin".
Right margin: died 13 September 1843.
On the 31st of October [1758], in the morning after 8:00 am was born and on the 1st of November [1758] was baptized: Anna Maria Bickelin.
Parents: Christian Bickel, local citizen and smith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, princely chief hunter here, [and] his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Gözin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née "Cammerin".
Right margin: died 13 September 1843.
Georg Scholl spon 1759 film 102078348 page 414 |
Translation by Robert Seal
On the 26th of January [1760], at night after 11:00 pm was born and on the 28th [of January 1760] was baptized: Christian Bickel.
Parents: Christian Bickel, the local citizen and blacksmith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, princely chief hunter here, [and] his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Götzin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria "Cammerin".
Right column: died 12 March 1840.
On the 26th of January [1760], at night after 11:00 pm was born and on the 28th [of January 1760] was baptized: Christian Bickel.
Parents: Christian Bickel, the local citizen and blacksmith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, princely chief hunter here, [and] his wife Kunigunda Margaretha, née Götzin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria "Cammerin".
Right column: died 12 March 1840.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 26th of January [1760], at night after 11:00 pm was born and on the 28th [of January 1760] was baptized: Christian Bickel.
On the 26th of January [1760], at night after 11:00 pm was born and on the 28th [of January 1760] was baptized: Christian Bickel.
Parents: Christian Bickel, the local citizen and blacksmith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors:
Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, princely chief hunter here, [and] his wife
Kunigunda Margaretha, née Götzin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and]
his wife Anna Maria "Cammerin".
Right column: died 12 March 1840 Georg Scholl spon 1661 film 102078348 page 419 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of January [1761], early in the morning after 3:00 am was born and on the 13th [of January 1761] was baptized: Jacob Friderich Bühler.
Parents: Johann Adam Bühler, the local citizen and journeyman cartwright, and his wife Margaretha, née "Cammerin".
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Gamer, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née Pfeilin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née "Cammerin".
Right margin: + [died].
On the 12th of January [1761], early in the morning after 3:00 am was born and on the 13th [of January 1761] was baptized: Jacob Friderich Bühler.
Parents: Johann Adam Bühler, the local citizen and journeyman cartwright, and his wife Margaretha, née "Cammerin".
Baptismal sponsors: Peter Gamer, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née Pfeilin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née "Cammerin".
Right margin: + [died].
Note: Adam Bühler was a sponsor for George. So they sponsored eachother.
Georg Scholl spon 1764 film 102078348 page 437 |
On the 15th of February [1764], in the evening after 5:00 pm was born and on the 17th [of February 1764] was baptized: Margaretha "Bicklin" [Bickelin].
Parents: Christian Bickel, the local citizen and blacksmith, and his wife Margaretha, née Beckerin.
Baptismal sponsors: Mr. Gabriel Gaibel, the local princely chief hunter, [and] his wife Kunigunda, née Gözin. Georg Scholl, the local citizen, [and] his wife Anna Maria, née Schmidtin.
Right column: died 8 July 1844.
Note: Christian Bickel was a sponsor for Georg Scholl.
Note that the surname "Bicklin" is the feminine form of Bickel.
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Georg Scholl death 16 Dec 1764 film 4137289 page 621 |
George Scholl 16 Dec 1764, Died, Burger (citizen) 44 years old and 1 month
Pastor:The Graben Pastor from 1757 to 1798 was J. J. Ritter. He was born 1726 in Durlach died † 1798 in Graben. Pastor Ritter made arrangements for the final respects of Johann Georg Scholl.
Notes: George's death record begins with: "Georg Scholl Geloeßter Bürger" or Beloved Citizen, Beloved means: adjective dear, loved, valued, prized, dearest, sweet, admired, treasured, precious, darling, worshipped, adored, cherished, revered. George lived 44 years 10 months less three days
Peter Bertschinger: Bürger clearly means a citizen of a village or city.gelös(s)ter Bürger is not a term used in Switzerland but rather in Germany, double ss (Beta) is not used here. It could mean two things:
firstly a citizen from another place that paid in money to become citizen of this village or city (lösen means to solve, resolve)
secondly a citizen chosen randomly to become member in a village council ? (aus losen means to select randomly)Beloved citizen is in my modest opinon not the correct solution and it would not show up in an official document even if it was the case.
Meaning of "Georg Scholl Geloeßter Bürger"
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Dear Mr Gardiner,
I am sorry, that we cannot give you an unambigious answer to your request. Nonetheless I found two entries in historical dictionaries. They both include references that someone is meant, who buyed his/her way out of a subservience or monetary bond: (see Point I 1 b)
I hope these information are helpful for your research.
Yours sincerely
Eric Wychlacz
Eric Wychlacz M.A.
Diplom-Archivar (FH)
Ulrich Neitzel: I am sorry, that we cannot give you an unambigious answer to your request. Nonetheless I found two entries in historical dictionaries. They both include references that someone is meant, who buyed his/her way out of a subservience or monetary bond: (see Point I 1 b)
I hope these information are helpful for your research.
Yours sincerely
Eric Wychlacz
Eric Wychlacz M.A.
Diplom-Archivar (FH)
Never trust DeepL for translation of single words! "My" DeepL says:"geloeßter" (German) = "soldered" (English), "geloeßter Bürger" = "closed citizen""gelöster" (German) = "solved" (English), "gelöster Bürger" = "solved citizen" None
of this makes really sense. The only association I have is "gelöst =
frei gemacht", in English "made free", so "gelöster Bürger" could mean
"free citizen". But I never heard this combination of words in German
and couldn't find any instance on the web either.
Thoughts on death record: Peter, There are two entries at the bottom of this page written by Pastor J.J. Ritter. Georg Scholl, Anna Maria's father died Dec 16, 1764 and his youngest daughter died 9 days later on the December 25. At the time of Georg’s death his wife Anna Marie Kammerer is pregnant. About three months later on the 10 of April 1765 Georg's last child Maria Catharina Scholl is born without the sister next in age to her or her father. A difficult time for Anna Marie Kammerer. When Maria Catharina Scholl was 16 years old her mother died. Kent
Translation Robert Seal:
the 1st of December [1772], in the morning at 6:00? am [died], and on
the 2nd of the same month was buried: Johann Christian Bickel, citizen
and master blacksmith here, age 50 years, 7 months, 15 days.Note: Christian was a baptismal sponsor for George Scholl.
Translation by Robert Seal:
Note that both children are marked with a + indicating that both died.
In left column: "Zwillinge" = twins.
On the 15th of April [1776], in the evening at 5:00 pm born and immediately baptized by the midwife: Margaretha [and] Elisabetha.
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal sponsors for Margaretha: (1) Anna Maria, née "Cammerin", surviving widow of the late Joh[ann] Georg Scholl, former citizen here. (2) Margaretha, née Lindin, surviving widow of the late Christoph Blau, former citizen and master shoemaker here.
Baptismal sponsors for Elisabetha: (1) Georg Adam Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and (2) his wife Anna Maria, née Zimmermännin. (3) Leopold Heinle, the local non-citzen resident, and (4) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Beckerin.
In left column for Elisabetha:
Note that both children are marked with a + indicating that both died.
In left column: "Zwillinge" = twins.
On the 15th of April [1776], in the evening at 5:00 pm born and immediately baptized by the midwife: Margaretha [and] Elisabetha.
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal sponsors for Margaretha: (1) Anna Maria, née "Cammerin", surviving widow of the late Joh[ann] Georg Scholl, former citizen here. (2) Margaretha, née Lindin, surviving widow of the late Christoph Blau, former citizen and master shoemaker here.
Baptismal sponsors for Elisabetha: (1) Georg Adam Cammerer, the local citizen and master blacksmith, and (2) his wife Anna Maria, née Zimmermännin. (3) Leopold Heinle, the local non-citzen resident, and (4) his wife Maria Sidonia, née Beckerin.
In left column for Elisabetha:
Note: This child was baptized by the pastor at home because of deadly weakness.
In lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Comments: The first twin, Margaretha, died on 16 April 1776, one day after birth:
In lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Comments: The first twin, Margaretha, died on 16 April 1776, one day after birth:
The second twin, Elisabetha, died on 23 April 1776, eight days after birth:
Note: The pastor with deadly weakness was none other than Johann Jacob (J. J.) Ritter who served between 1757-1798.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 4th of July [1786] in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Johann Gottlieb [Scholl].
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Leopold Heinle, the local citizen. (2) Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright. (3) Anna Maria, née Pfeilin, surviving widow of the late Georg Peter Gamer, former citizen here.
Right column: died 14 September 1855.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Comment: Johann Gottlieb Scholl died at 69 on 14 Sep 1855 in Graben. Father: Christoph Scholl, Spouse: Margaretha Cammerer.
On the 4th of July [1786] in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 5th of the same month baptized: Johann Gottlieb [Scholl].
Father: Christoph Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Margaretha, née Blauin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Leopold Heinle, the local citizen. (2) Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright. (3) Anna Maria, née Pfeilin, surviving widow of the late Georg Peter Gamer, former citizen here.
Right column: died 14 September 1855.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Comment: Johann Gottlieb Scholl died at 69 on 14 Sep 1855 in Graben. Father: Christoph Scholl, Spouse: Margaretha Cammerer.
This is wonderfully legible handwriting, hanks to Graben pastor from 1798-1808 Gottlieb Bernhard Fecht.
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 23rd of October [1799], in the afternoon at 3:00 pm [died], and on the 25th [of October 1799] was buried: Maria Margaretha Beckerin, whose husband was the late Chrisitan Bickel; age 63 years, 4 months.
On the 23rd of October [1799], in the afternoon at 3:00 pm [died], and on the 25th [of October 1799] was buried: Maria Margaretha Beckerin, whose husband was the late Chrisitan Bickel; age 63 years, 4 months.
Note: George Scholl sponsor Maria Margaretha Becker.