Johann Andreas Scholl was born 2 Sept 1670 to Hans Matthias Scholl and Eva Meinzer. Johann Andreas married Anna Margaretha Weidmann 9 Nov 1697. Anna Margaretha lived from 1681 to 1768. They had 8 children. Johann Andreas died 12 May 1752. Johann Andreas was a citizen and farmer in Graben. In 1717 Andreas Scholl was a temporary welfare supervisor.
Graben counted 78 households in 1742, Protestant, except for about 42 souls Roman Catholic. Number of school children: 80.
What happened to their children?
Scholl 1699 Dec
Son Scholl 1699-1699
Johann Michael Scholl 1701-1702
Georg Friedrich Scholl 1703 Dec
Maria Elisabetha Scholl 1705-1753, married Johannes Roesch and had 9 children
Zacharias Scholl 1709-1710
Magdalene Scholl 1713-1746 married Johann Simon Kammerer 3 Mar 1733, 4 children
Andreas Scholl Dec
Pastoral reports regarding Graben:
1739 The 1739 visitation offers nothing remarkable.
1740 During the 1740 visitation, there were complaints in Knielingen that the pastor "often travelled to the towns and elsewhere" and that the school was very poorly attended.
In Linkenheim they wish that Vespers would be timed because of the too great lack of light in the church.
The community of Graben "does not wish for a better pastor, because he has changed so much in all respects that there is no longer any need to complain about him".
1742 In 1742 Graben counted 78 households, Protestant, except for about 42 souls Roman Catholic. Number of school children: 80.
Pastor Vetterlin in Eggenstein does not want to like the fact that the congregation, if anything can be detected, runs to the inn after the service has been held; he also does not want to allow the teacher to preach the funeral sermon, because he thought that he was pretending absurd things in it. The younger of the two midwives was found garrula et in vestitu sordida (loquacious and unclean in her clothes) and was therefore punished.
The secular superiors of Graben are not satisfied with their priest, saying that he is too "sleepy for them and maintains good friendship with the teacher, the nightly frequentation of the school building seems very suspicious to the congregation".
In Söllingen, pastor Waag complains about the nightly playing in the inns. (Source: Wikisource: Local history reports from the Karlsruhe area from the first half of the 18th century. By Benedikt Schwarz)
1743 Graben in 1743, there were again differences between the sheriff and the priest; the latter complained that the sheriff had accepted a Catholic widow into the community against the princely decree, that on a monthly day of penance and prayer he had let his son carry hay, and that on the feast of the Holy Trinity he had read out the community accounts in the town hall, whereby quarrels arose. Mayor Christoph Kemp, on the other hand, put the following on record: "On the last day of Easter the brother of the pastor, the Chancellor's list, was with the pastor, as was a Catholic soldier from Philippsburg. Since everyone thinks that the service will be held by the pastor in the afternoon, the only person from the parsonage who was present was the schoolmaster - his name is Konr. Keplinger - and to everyone's amazement, he was seen going to church with heavily powdered hair, and then read a chapter in it before the altar, but in such a way that everyone could see how he had been given too much wine. The deer landlord Jakob Holtz in Graben has a wine buying process with the Kanzlisten, the brother of the priest. (Source: Wikisource: Local history reports from the Karlsruhe area from the first half of the 18th century. By Benedikt Schwarz)
Graben Pastors during their lives:
1663-1671 Sebastian Aepinus Aping
1671-1674 Johann Georg Pantzhaff von Urach in Württemberg (Württemberg was devastated in the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) and fell prey to French invasions from 1688 until 1693 during the War of the Grand Alliance. Yet the country enjoyed progressive government. Compulsory education was introduced in 1649.) (Born in Urach Württemberg , studies in Strasbourg, 1652 pastor in Pfulgriesheim, 1656 in Remchingen with the branches Wilferdingen and Singen, 1666 in Eggenstein, 1667 in Langensteinbach, 1671 - 1674 in Graben , the Evangelical Church of Baden called Parzav or Parzhaff)
1674-1677 Johann Oswald Crusius (Crusig) von Ravensburg (Following the Reformation a "paritetic" government emerged in Ravensburg meaning an equal distribution of public offices between the Catholic and Protestant confession. This system was approved at the end of the Thirty Years' War in the Peace of Westphalia (1648).
1677-1682 Immanuel Rösch von Geislingen (The fortified Helfenstein castle existed since 1100.) (In 1644 Hochstetten had its own pastor, named Joh. Friedr. Buß; In 1677 there was Immanuel Rösch.)
1682-1692 Konrad Stadmann von Durlach (Durlach was chosen by the margrave Charles II in 1565 as residence of the rulers of Baden-Durlach, and retained this distinction though it was almost totally destroyed by the French in 1689.)
1692-1698 von Spöck vicariando versehen worden (Translation: Pfarrer Lindemann came from Spöck to serve in Graben)
1698-1700 Johann Philipp Bauderer (Born 1645 in Leonberg, 1700 in Graben, 1665 Masters , 1671 pastor in Winnenden, 1682 in Freudenstein, 1691 in Backnang, 1698 up to his death in 1700 in Graben )
1700-1703 Johann Christoph Blum
1703-1706 Joh. Alb. Obermüller (born in 1666 in Langenburg † died in1729 Liedolsheim, 1703 in Graben , 1706 in Brötzingen, 1719 up to his death in 1729 pastor in Liedolsheim) (Johnn had a son who was the treasurer and later writer Christian Obermüller and his II. wife Dorothea Meerwein and this couple had a son: Obermüller, Friedrich Christian)
1706-1714 Ernst Friedrich Weber (or Wider, a franc meaning a Franconian
1714-1719 Daniel Niklas ( born in Nördlingen † died 1719 in Graben, 1695 deacon, 1701 pastor in Aalen)
1719-1738 Andreas Weber, Alsatua (an Alsatian)
1738-1757 F.C H. Beck
Documents related to Johann Andreas Scholl:
Johann Andreas birth 2 Sep 1670 film 4137289 page 215 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: [blank] September [1670].
Child: Hanß Andreaß.
Parents: Hanß Matthaeus "Schol", Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Martin Moss together with wife; Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
Pastor:The Graben Pastor at the time of Johann Andreas's birth was Sebastian Aepinus Aping who served between 1663-1671. He recorded the document above.
Andreas scholl spon film 004137289 page 240 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: born on the 27th of January [1696], and baptized on the 28th of the same month.
Child: Anna Maria.
Parents: Jacob Cammerer and Anna Maria, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Simon Heÿl with fiancée Anna Maria. Hanß Andreas Scholl, young man. Anna Eließabetha, Hanß Kammer's unmarried daughter.
Robert FYI: The Latin word "juvenis" as used in this record means: young man, and implies an unmarried young man.
Who is Simon Heÿl?
Simon Heil was born 30 October 1670. He married Anna Maria Muenck in 1696. They had four children and he died 31 Mar 1736 in Graben.
Johann Andreas marriage 9 Nov 1697 to Anna Margaretha film 102078348 page 185 |
Translation by Ulrich Neitzel:
9 November <1697> After delivered wedding sermon were married: Johann Andreas, legitimate son of the late Johann Matthias Scholl, former lawyer, and Anna Margaretha, Peter Weyland's legitimate surviving daughter
Note regarding the spelling of Weidmann or Weydmann by Ulrich Neitzel: Hello Kent, "correct" spelling was taken less seriously in those times... You can probably find various versions for the same person depending on who took the note. "-ei-" and "-ey-" are notations for the same sound in German, "-ei-" being the modern spelling.
Pfarrer: Graben didn't have a Pastor. From 1692-1698 Philipp Lindemann von Spöck vicariando versehen worden (Translation: Pfarrer Lindemann came from Spöck to serve in Graben)
Andreas Scholl b 1714 witness film 102078348 page 228 |
Translation by Baerbelj:
Born on 30 April and baptized on 2 May Johann Andreas +
[Parents] Johann Henrich Hofer, of the Reformed religion, citizen and farmer in this place. Elisabetha, in the 6th hour after her child's birth, where she had soon lost her external senses amid convulsions and had remained in that state until the end, died without having been reconciled with her sister. See the local burial record volume to learn how deformed her corpse was.
[godparents]: Hannss Joerg Waibel, Schwanenwirth [tavern-/innkeeper to the Swan], and wife Margaretha, Andreas Scholl, citizen and farmer here, with wife Anna Margretha. [Weidmann].
Andreas Scholl son of Matt, 8 Apr 1717 sponsor top rt film 102078348 page 323 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: Born on the 7th [of April 1717] and baptized on the 8th of April [1717].
Child: Christoph Andreas.
Parents: Hanß Jacob Küntzel, non-citizen resident and linen weaver; Anna Maria.
Witnesses: Andreas Scholl, temporary welfare supervisor, with his wife Margretha. Christoph Zwecker, the elder, with his wife, Anna Maria.
Andreas Scholl fath Matt sponsor left 4 July 1717 film 102078348 page 234.
Translation by Baerbelj:
Born on the 4th and baptized on the 6th of July
Anna Margretha
[parents] Hanss Henrich Hofer, citizen and farmer, and Barbara
[godparents] Andreas Scholl p.t. [pro tempore - for the time] Allmosenpfleger [= overseer of the poor] with his wife Margretha, Hand JHoerg Waibel, Schwanenwirth [tavern/innkeeper of "The Swan"] with wife Anna Maria.
Johann Andreas Scholl death 12 May 1752film 102078348 page 510 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
On the 12th of May 1752 Andreas Scholl, local citizen and farmer, died after an 8-day chest illness. He was then buried on the third day following on Sunday morning [14 May 1752] with sound of bells, singing, and sermon. Age: 81 years, 8 months, 10 days.
Comments: I checked a calendar for May 1752. May 12th fell on a Friday and since he was buried on Sunday morning that date would be 14 May 1752. Since this is described as the third day following, I assume the pastor is counting Friday (12 May) as Day 1, Saturday (13 May) as Day 2, and Sunday (14 May) as Day 3.
Cause of death: "Brust-Krankheit" = chest disease, and could possibly mean: pneumonia, pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, etc.
Pastor: Graben Pastor F.C H. Beck served from 1738-1757. It was he who filled out this death record and directed the activities surrounding the funeral and burial of Johann Andreas Scholl.