Both Matthias and Eva's names are clearly written in their children's birth records:
Hans Matthias Scholl 5 March 1664-10 Feb 1669 verified, mother Eva
Johann Martin Scholl 8 Mar 1668- 18 Aug 1723 lived to be 55 birth verified mother Eva, married Anna Margaretha Weidmann 10 Nov 1696 and had three children. Only one living Johann Jacob Scholl b 1701
Johann Andreas Scholl 2 Sept 1670-12 May 1752 verified mother Eva, married Anna Margaretha Weidmann 9 Nov 1697 and had 8 children
Margaretha Barbara Scholl 9 Sept 1673 verified parents names in birth doc, married Hans Mattheus Pfilen 12 April 1692,10 children
Anna Catharina Scholl 1 Feb 1678-26 July 1723 verified father Hans Matt Scholl on birth cert, married Hans Matthias Weidmann Sr. 9 Nov 1697 and had 10 children.
The following children are not verified children of Hans Matthias and Eva:
Hans Mathias Scholl 12 Oct 1666 verified? could be ours, difficult to read
Anna Barbara Scholl 24 April 1666 not ours the mother is Margaret
Maria Barbara Scholl 9 July 1673, not verified, no such person, impossible birth because Margaretha Barbara was born this year and she is verified
Hans Mathias Scholl 8 Aug 1669-1692 not verified Anna Margaret is his mother, no documents in Graben records
Margaretha Scholl 1669- 25 Dec1745 no doc, no documents, not verified
Is there proof Hans Matthias School is the son of Barbara and Joss Scholl?
In 1658 a child: Hanß Adam was born to his parents: Hanß Conrad Heil and wife Jacobe. The baptismal sponsors were: Adam Rausch and his wife; Barbara Schollin and her son Hanß Matthauß Scholl. This is proof Barbara Scholl gave birth to Hanß Matthauß Scholl. (see document below)Type D. - Graben is a village.
Lvl I Baden - Level I indicates the kingdom or state the location is in. Graben is located in Baden.
Kr Karlsruhe - The county for Graben is Karlsruhe. A Kreis is a government district (similar to a U.S. County).
A Karlsruhe - The administrative district for Graben is Karlsruhe. The Amtsbezirk is the district court.
AG Karlsruhe - The district court for Graben is located in Karlsruhe. The district court is the seat of the district court.
BKdo Karlsruhe - The district command for Graben is located in Karlsruhe. The district command is the district military command. You can search for military records in BKdo.
StdA Graben 1) [self] - The registry office for Graben is in itself. The registry office is where the residents' registration office is located.
Lvl I Baden - Level I indicates the kingdom or state the location is in. Graben is located in Baden.
Kr Karlsruhe - The county for Graben is Karlsruhe. A Kreis is a government district (similar to a U.S. County).
A Karlsruhe - The administrative district for Graben is Karlsruhe. The Amtsbezirk is the district court.
AG Karlsruhe - The district court for Graben is located in Karlsruhe. The district court is the seat of the district court.
BKdo Karlsruhe - The district command for Graben is located in Karlsruhe. The district command is the district military command. You can search for military records in BKdo.
StdA Graben 1) [self] - The registry office for Graben is in itself. The registry office is where the residents' registration office is located.
Research notes:
!DEATH-BIRTH: Graben Parish Register; 1645-1800; item 2; death entry; FHL film 1238310; notes -- gives age 45 yr 9 mo 2 wk at death, allowing calculation of birthdate.
!DEATH-BIRTH: Graben Parish Register; 1645-1800; item 2; death entry; FHL film 1238310; notes -- gives age 45 yr 9 mo 2 wk at death, allowing calculation of birthdate.
OCCUPATION: attorney (anwald, meaning advocate, attorney, lawyer) for 13
years in the Graben area before his death; many other references to his
occupation, principally his serving as witness to baptisms.
DEATH: at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the death record.
!MARRIAGE: Graben Parish Register; 1645-1800; item 2; 9 Jan 1659
christening, 12 Aug 1662 christening, 6 Mar 1664 christening; FHL film
1238310; notes -- marriage inferred from witnesses Hans Mathis Scholl
and Eva Meinzer at 1659 and 1662 christenings, and christening of son of
Hans Mattheis Scholl and wife Eva in 1664, and additional records
associating these two people in the intervening period, no other
marriage record.
!RELATIONSHIP: Graben Parish Register; 1645-1800; item 2; 22 Sep 1658
christening, 12 Jan 1684 death record of mother; FHL film 1238310; notes
-- witnesses at cited christening were Barbara Scholl and her son Hans
Mathaus Scholl, her death record 1684 gives her maiden name and deceased
husband's name. (better translation below)
During their lifetime:
The In the War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697), the French destroyed Graben, so that only the church, city hall and some buildings remained. The inhabitants of the village were forced into the forests and in the surrounding area. Peace, order and prosperity did not return until the middle of the 18th century. (Wikipedia)
The French Destroy the Graben Mill 1676
On 20 January 1676 the mill was destroyed by the French. In 1681 the owner Veltin König started the reconstruction and received considerable relief: In the first year he was to pay only 10 times, in the second 20 and in the third year 30 times grain. With 30 malters it should then remain for 18 years. After that, he was to pay five times more every year until the old level of 60 times was reached again. This was to be continued for 26 years, then this newly built mill in the village of Graben would have to be paid for 60 times rye and 5 pigs or 5 fl.
However, this contract, calculated for more than 50 years, could only be concluded until 1688....will be held. On 11 November the French moved into Winterquartier in Graben, and the following year they destroyed the village and the mill. Müller Veltin König was thereupon issued the Gült for 1690 and 1691; for 1689 he still had to pay 14 times more and from 1692 on 20 times again. The only problem was that König did not have any more mills. When, after a short time, he started to set up at least one grinding course again provisionally, it became clear that the actual situation had changed dramatically: A French governor resided in Philapsburg, who was very angry that the Graben mill had been put back into operation without his permission. Therefore, he completely burned what was still in the stain, which then happened and of the least, including the wood for the millet(s), was spared, as the Schultheiss (Mayor or Sheriff) later reported. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
Graben Pastors during their lifetime:
1630-1642 Mathias Miller von Augsburg (Grabstein auf den Friedhof.) (Translation: Mathias's Gravestone in the Cemetery) Mathias Miller was born 1594 in Augsburg and died in Graben in 1642.
1642-1645 Johann Kratzer
1645-1650 Johann Jakob Zaysser von Hornberg
1650-1652 M Jonas Anwander
1652-1654 Augustin Langer von Bamberg
1654-1656 Ludwig Bach von Durlaw (Durlach)
1656-1663 Martin Luzius von Augsburg, (Grabstein auf den Friedhof.) (Translation: Mathias's Gravestone in the Cemetery) served with Augusta Vindel
1663-1671 Sebastian Aepinus Aping
1671-1674 Johann Georg Pantzhaff von Urach in Württemberg
1674-1677 Johann Oswald Crusius (Crusig) von Ravensburg
1677-1682 Immanuel Rösch von Geislingen
1682-1692 Konrad Stadmann von Durlach
Documents regarding Hans Matthias Scholl:
Date: 22 September [1658].Child: Hanß Adam.
Parents: Hanß Conrad Heil and wife Jacobe.
Baptismal sponsors: Adam Rausch and his wife. Barbara Schollin and her son Hanß Matthauß Scholl.
Note: This is the proof that Barbara Dietrich and Joss Scholl had a son called Hans Matthauss. Sponsors are not indexed and I had to walk through many years of Graben records by hand to find this document. It is totally amazing and wonderful to find this doc!!!!
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Eva Catharina Zimmermann b in the 1659 marriages as a witness film 4137289 page 210 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: on the 9th of January [1659].
Child: Eva Catharina.
Parents: Hanß Zimmermann and wife Anna Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Jonaß Kammerer and his wife, Hanß Mathiß Scholl, and maiden Eva Meinzerin.
Note: Hans Mathiass Scholl, sponsor, is about 23 years old.
Child: Eva Catharina.
Parents: Hanß Zimmermann and wife Anna Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Jonaß Kammerer and his wife, Hanß Mathiß Scholl, and maiden Eva Meinzerin.
Note: Hans Mathiass Scholl, sponsor, is about 23 years old.
Translation by Robert Seal
Date: 6 March [1664].
Child: Hanß Jost.
Parents: Hanß Mattheiß Scholl, Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann together with wife; Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
My comments: "Stophel" is a shortened version/nickname of "Christoph"; it is also spelled "Stoffel".
Notes: See the first record at the top of the page for the child Hanß Michael, son of Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann. In this record, Hanß Mattheis Scholl, serves as the second baptismal sponsor for the child. Then two months later Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann returns the favor and serves as baptismal sponsor for Hanß Jost.
Date: 6 March [1664].
Child: Hanß Jost.
Parents: Hanß Mattheiß Scholl, Eva.
Baptismal sponsors: Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann together with wife; Hanß Conrad Heil together with wife.
My comments: "Stophel" is a shortened version/nickname of "Christoph"; it is also spelled "Stoffel".
Notes: See the first record at the top of the page for the child Hanß Michael, son of Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann. In this record, Hanß Mattheis Scholl, serves as the second baptismal sponsor for the child. Then two months later Mattheis Stophel Zimmermann returns the favor and serves as baptismal sponsor for Hanß Jost.
Note: Graben Pastor Sebastian Aepinus
Hans Matthias Scholl spon. 6 Jan 1664 004137289 page 213 |
Baptized on the 6 Jan 1664 was Hanss Michael son of Matthias Stophel Zimmermann and wife Anna Barbara
Baptismal sponsors: Hans Michael Zeisloff and Hans Matteis Scholl, local (from here)
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Hans Matthias Scholl births ,as a witness, first entry film 41372890 page 210 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 9 January [1659].
Child: Eva Catharina.
Parents: Hanß Zimmermann and wife Anna Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Jonaß Kammerer and his wife, Hans Mathiß Scholl, and maiden Eva Meinzerin.
Date: 9 January [1659].
Child: Eva Catharina.
Parents: Hanß Zimmermann and wife Anna Barbara.
Baptismal sponsors: Jonaß Kammerer and his wife, Hans Mathiß Scholl, and maiden Eva Meinzerin.
Note: Pastor Sebastian Aepinus.
Hans Mats Scholl spon 1670 film 4137289 page 215 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 3 February [1670].
Child: Hans Matthis.
Parents: Hans Mats Zeisloff, Margreta, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Hans Mats Scholl together with wife. Hans Jürg Kammer[er]. Sidonia, daughter of Hans Weidman
Date: 3 February [1670].
Child: Hans Matthis.
Parents: Hans Mats Zeisloff, Margreta, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Hans Mats Scholl together with wife. Hans Jürg Kammer[er]. Sidonia, daughter of Hans Weidman
Translation by Robert Seal:
Date: 30 October [1670].Child: Johan Simon. + [died].
Parents: Hans Conrat Heill, Jacoba, wife.
Baptismal sponsors: Hans Mats Scholl together with wife. Hans Andreas Scholl. Anna Catarina Hos, Caspar Hos's daughter.
Note: Hans Andreas and Hans Matthias Scholl are brothers. Their mother Barbara Dietrich is still alive and will be for the next 14 years, however Joss Scholl is deceased by this time.
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Anna Catharina Scholl, baptism, 2 Feb 1678 in Graben, film 102078348 page 163
Dear Kent Gardiner, I have made a copy of the text with question marks for words I can't surely spell correct. Although the meaning of these two words only describe the godfathers. So you can take the translated text in English as complete.
Den 1. Februar ist Hans Matth. Schoeler, des Anwaldus
allhiers von seiner ehel. Hausfrau Ana in Spöck, ein Döchterl.
gebohren, und den 2. ejusd. festo purificat. Mar. getauft, und Anna
Catharina genannt worden. Demalders? sind ? (1.) Nicolaus
Zimmermann Anwaldus in Spöck und seine Hausfrau Anna Cathar.
(2) Hans Rost, Bürger und Schmid allhier, Anna Cathar. uxor.
The 1st of February Hans Matthias Schoeler, the lawyer from here got a baby daughter born by his housewife Ana in Spöck and the 2nd of the same month (in catholic church festo purificatio Mariae) christened, and has been called Anna Catharina. Godparents are (1st) Nicolaus Zimmermann lawyer in Spöck and his housewife Anna Catharina (2nd) Hans Rost citizen and blacksmith here, Anna Catharina his wife.
Hans Matthias Scholl local attorney in Spöck mentioned in baptism of his daughter Anna, Catharina Scholl, born 1 Feb, baptized 2 Feb 1678 on the purification day, (feast calendar) and was named Anna Catharina, Godparents Nicholas Zimmerman, attorney Spadt, and his wife Anna Catharina and the second witness Hans Rostin citizen and blacksmith, local and his wife Anna Catharina. Graben.
Ulrich Neitzel: BTW: The "question mark passage" in the transcription is apparently: Gevattern sind gewesen = Sponsors have been, as correctly inferred by @Matthias Schulz
Robert Seal: Are you asking about the 8th word in the second line of the record? If so I read that word as: Spöck. This is the same place that the first sponsor, Nicolaus Zimmermann, is from.
Here is the link for Spöck from Meyers Gazetteer: https://www.meyersgaz.org/place/20843135Spöck is approximately 3 miles south of Graben. Spöck, a village in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, now part of the town of Stutensee in 2021 There was 1 protestant church in the town.
Graben Pastor Immanuel Rösch officiating.
den 26 Juni nachts zwischen 2 und 3 Uhr ist Hans Bernhard Muncken, Bürger allhier, von seiner Hausfrau Maria ein junger Sohn gebohren, welcher d. 29 ejusd. in Graben getaufft und Hans Wendel genannt worden. Gevattern sind gewesen: (1) Hans Mattheus Scholl, Anwald allhier, Eva seine Hausfrau. (2) Catharina Barbara Wahrerin, Christoph Wahrers Bürgers und des Gerichts ehel. ledige Tochter (3) Hanß Wendel Weick, Hanß Weickens, seel. geweßten Bürgers, ehel. lediger Sohn.
On 26 June [1679] at night between 2 and 3 o'clock a young son was born to Hans Bernhard Munck, citizen here, by his wife Maria, who was baptized on 29 June in Graben and named Hans Wendel. Baptismal sponsors were: (1) Hans Mattheus Scholl, lawyer here, and his wife Eva, (2) Catharina Barbara Wahrer, legitimate unmarried daughter of Christoph Wahrer, citizen and juryman here, (3) Hanß Wendel Weick, legitimate unmarried son of the late Hans Weick, former citizen.
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Eva Scholl burial 11 Dec 1692 film 102078298 page 272 |
Eva Scholl died (entschlaffen) meaning in her sleep on the 8th at midnight, burial 11 Dec 1692 age 52 born 1640 Hans Matthias' wife Officiating was Graben Pastor Philipp Lindemann. Pastor Phillip Lindemanmn took over when Konrad
Stadmann was released from service.
Note: Eva Scholl Meinzer death
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Hans Matthias Scholl death, 1682 film 4137289 page 262 |
Translation Robert Seal:
Hans Matthias Scholl death in Graben 23 April 1682 in the afternoon at 3:30 died the husband in the name of the Lord the husband and the honorable Hans Matthias Scholl who had been the local attorney for 13 years and he buried April 25 according to the Christian traditions in the afternoon at 12 noon given to the earth and his age 45 years 9 mo 2 wks and 12 hours, the funeral text came from Job 19, verse 26 , "I know my savior lives. And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh I will see God"
Second translation Charlotte Noelle Champenois:
On 23 April 1682 at 4 p.m. died in the Lord the honorable and humble
Hanß Mathis Scholl [listed in the column as Hanß Matthies Scholl], who
was a lawyer here for 13 years, who on the 25th at 12 noon received a
Christian burial. His age was 45 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, and 12 hours.
His burial scripture was Job 19 [?] "I know that my redeemer liveth."
Robert Seal on the verse used at Mattjhias' funeral:
Sorry for the confusion. I don't read "verse 25" in the record
itself. Based on Charlotte's translation of "I know that my redeemer
liveth" I was simply providing you additional outside information on
where this text appears in Job 19. I, too, cannot decipher the
words immediately after "Job 19" in the record itself except for the
word: text. Then later I read: Ich weiß daß mein Erloeser lebt = I know
that my redeemer liveth.
Note: The "question mark passage" in the transcription is apparently: Gevattern sind gewesen = Sponsors have been, as correctly inferred by @Matthias Schulz
Who buried the Honorable Matthias Scholl?
Stadmann was the Graben Pfarrer from 1682-1692. At the beginning of the
year 1682, the year Hans Matthias Scholl died, Konrad Stadmann introduced
himself as the new Pastor in Graben:![]() |
Hans Matthias Scholl death, 1682 film 4137289 page 262 |
Ministerio Johannis Conradi Stadmann_____
sindt folgende Personen gestorben , und mit gebräuchl.
Ceremonien christl. zur Erde bestattet worden.
Translation into English:
Under the office of Johann Conrad Stadmann Durlac? the following people died and were buried to the ground with customary Christian ceremonies.
Note: I assume the missing word is Durlac from latin Baada-Durlac. = Baden-Durlach (Markgrafschaft); about 11km south of Graben
sindt folgende Personen gestorben , und mit gebräuchl.
Ceremonien christl. zur Erde bestattet worden.
Translation into English:
Under the office of Johann Conrad Stadmann Durlac? the following people died and were buried to the ground with customary Christian ceremonies.
Note: I assume the missing word is Durlac from latin Baada-Durlac. = Baden-Durlach (Markgrafschaft); about 11km south of Graben