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Friedrich Georg Speck birth 17 Dec 1779 film 102078348 page 594 |
On the 17th of December [1779] in the morning at 2:00 am born and on the 18th of the same month baptized: Johann Georg [Speck].
Father: Lorenz Speck, the local citizen and master shoemaker.
Mother: Anna Maria, née Wernerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Adam Wendel Herbster, the local citizen and tenant miller. (2) Margaretha, née Leidigin, wife of Johann Wendel Mezger, the local citizen.
Right column: died 12 February 1839.
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Elisabetha Scholl baptism 7 Feb 1792 Graben Germany film 102078348 page 661 |
On the 6th of February [1792] in the morning at 7:00 am born and on the 7th of the same month baptized Elisabetha.
Father: Wendel Scholl, the local citizen.
Mother: Maria Catharina Nüchterin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Joh. Georg Cammerer, the local citizen and master smith. (2) His wife Catharina, née Süssin.
In right column: died 7 May 1840.
Older Translation:
Elisabetha Scholl baptism 7 Feb 1792, parents Wendel Scholl and Margaretha Katharina Nütcherin, death 7 May 1840
Note: Pastor J. J. Ritter entered Elisabetha's birth record.
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Elisabetha Scholl b 1792 marriage Speck 24 ct 1822 in Graben she 30 he 43 film 102550955 page 517 |
No. 11.
On the 24th of October [1822] midday at 11:00 am were married and blessed the budding local citizen and master shoemaker Johann Georg Spöck, age 43 years, legitimate unmarried son of the deceased local citizen and master shoemaker Lorenz Spöck and his wife the late Anna Maria, née Werner, and with him Elisabetha Scholl, age 30 and 3/4 years, legitimate unmarried daughter of the deceased local citizen Wendel Scholl and his wife Maria Katharina, née Nüchter. Witnesses are Martin Scholl and Martin Brauch, local citizens.
Graben, on the 24th of October 1822. T. G. Beck, pastor.
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Christine Spock born 4 Mar 1823 film 1020783548 page 968 |
No. 13.
On the 4th of May [1823] in the morning at 10:00 am born and on the 8th of the same month in the morning at 11:00 am baptized: Christine. The father is Johann Georg Spöck, citizen and shoemaker, the mother Elisabetha, née Scholl.
Baptismal sponsors are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Heilmann, citizen and master joiner. (2) His wife Anna Maria, née Petri. (3) Philipp Krauß, citizen and master joiner. (4) His wife Magdalena, née Metzger.
Graben, on the 8th of May 1823. T. C. Käß, pastor at Hochstetten, as curate.
Translation by Robert Seal:Eva Elisabetha Scholl Spock death 7 May 1830 film 102118620 page 237 f 4.01.16 PM
No. 25.
In the year of Christ 1830, on the 5th of May in the morning at 6:00 am died, and on the seventh of the same month in the morning at 8:00 am was buried: Eva Elisabetha, wife of the citizen and master shoemaker Georg Friedrich Spöck, age: 60 years, 4 months, 5 days. Her parents were the late Balthasar Scholl, citizen, and his wife Anna Elisabetha, née Lind.
Witnesses were Johann Georg Spöck and Christoph Kammerer, citizens.
Graben, on the 7th of May 1830. Pastor Käß,
Right margin: Spöck, Ev. Elisab., née Scholl. Wife/married woman.
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Joh Georg Spock death 12 Feb 1839 film 102118620 film 269 2 |
No. 6. [out of sequence]
In the year of Christ 1839, on the 12th of February in the morning at 4:00 am died here, and on the 14th of the same month in the morning at 8:30 am was buried: Johann Georg Spöck, the local citizen and master shoemaker, husband of Christine, née Scholl, and was 59 years, one month, 26 days old. His parents were: the late Lorenz Spöck, citizen and master shoemaker here, and his wife Anna Maria, née Werner.
Witnesses were: Philipp Scholl and Jakob Mayer, citizens.
Graben, on the 14th of February 1839. Pastor Käß.
Left margin: Spöck, Joh. George. Husband/married man.
Note: It appears the pastor confused the daughter Christine b 1823 with the mother Elisabetha b 1792
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Elisabetha Scholl Speck age 48 death 7 May 1840 film 102550540 page 14 |
In the year of Christ 1840, on the 7th of May at 6 pm died and was buried on the 10th at 8:30 am Elisabetha Scholl, left-behind wife of the deceased Johann Georg Spoeck, a local citizen and shoemaker; age 28 years 3 months 2 days.
Witnesses are Philipp Blau, citizen and master smith, and Philipp Herbster, citizen and master turner.
Graben, the 10th of May 1840 Pastor Henhöefer
Note: Elisabetha was "left behind"? This makes sense if Johann Georg Spoeck died 12 Feb 1839 as see in the familybook below. It doesn't make sense if, as seen in the next document, he dies in 1846. What doesn't make sense is that she died at 28 years as seen in the above document. If that is true she was born in 1812. Actually she was born in 1792. She is 48 years old in 1840.
Pastor Aloys Henhöfer served in Graben from 1823-1827. "In 1830 Julius von Gemmingen-Steinegg had a Protestant church built in Mühlhausen and a Protestant school with teachers' and pastors' quarters established. However, at the request of the Catholic church management, Henhöfer was denied a position as a Protestant pastor in Mühlhausen. Instead he was transferred to Graben near Karlsruhe." So pastor Henhöfer came back to Graben but is not listed after 1827 as a Graben pastor.
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Georg Friederich Speck death 25 April 1846 film 102118620 page 312 2 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
No. 28.
In the year of Christ 1846, on the 23rd of April, early at 4:00 am died here, and was on the 25th of the same month in the morning at 10:00 am buried here: Georg Friedrich Speck, widower, citizen, and shoemaker here, age: 74 years, 5 months, and 20 days.
His deceased wife was: Eva Elisabetha Scholl. His long-deceased parents were: Lorenz Speck, former citizen here, and Anna Maria Werner.
Witnesses: (1) Christoph Lind, citizen and mason here, (2) Christoph Braun, citizen and mason here.
Graben, on the 25th of April 1846. T. Crecelius, pastor.
Left margin: Speck. Widower.
Notes: Our Elisabetha Scholl is never referred to as Eva. This is the wrong person for Elisabetha b 1792. Also Georg's age should be 67 not 74 if the birth noted above is correct. Also based on this document Georg Friedrich Speck was born in 1772. That is not possible based on the familybook below and his birth document above.
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Elisabetha Scholl b 6 Feb 1792 familybook I page 236 film 102118620 page 1019 |
The information on this familybook appears to be correct based on the above documents. Elisabetha was born in 1792 and George in 1779. Christine's birth also matches with her birth record above.
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Christina Spock b 4 May 1823 familybook II page 183 film 102118620 page 1169 |
(1) Did Maria b 1842 have two illegitimate children and go to America?: Yes, Maria Christina had two illegitimate children: (1) Martin Ludwig (1865-1865) and (2) Lina Friederika (1867-1867). Maria Christina died in America. [I don't know what "/4" means.]
(2) What is the first name of the second child at the end of the list?: Lina.
(3) What is written below Martin Ludwig?: acknowledged [that Martin Ludwig is his child] by Martin Hassler.
(4) What is Wilhelm b 1872's middle name?: If you are referring to Wilhelm Scholl, the father, at the top of the page, he was born in 1812. His occupation, rather than his middle name, is written after "Wilhelm"; the occupation is "Straußwirth" = innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet (who sells wine).
(5) What about Luise Karoline? Did she get married in 1871?: Yes, she got married in 1871. I am unable to decipher what is written before "1871", possibly the place where the marriage took place. Below this a a note in parentheses which states the following: "(NB. geschieden)" = (Note well: divorced).
Notes: Wilhelm Scholl was born in 11 Nov 1812. Wilhelm's occupation is "Straußwirth" = innkeeper at the sign of the bouquet (who sells wine). Wilhelm is the great grandson of Matthias Scholl b 1718. He married Christina Speck 1 April 1841 and they had four children:
1. Maria Christina Scholl 13 Mar 1842. Maria Christina had two illegitimate children:
(1) Martin Ludwig (1865-1865) acknowledged [that Martin Ludwig is his child] by Martin Hassler.
(2) Lina Friederika (1867-1867) Fridericka 5 Feb 1867
2. Wilhelm 3 July 1845
3. Karl Ludwig Scholl 1847
4. Luise Karoline Scholl 1853 married in 1871 and then divorced.