Anna Catharina Scholl was born 1 Feb 1678 to Hans Matthias Scholl and Eva Meinzer. She married Hans Matthias Weidmann (1675-1743) on 9 November 1697. The interesting point here is that Anna Catharina and her brother Johann Andreas married their respective spouses on the very same day, namely 9 Nov 1697. Anna Catharina and Matthias Weidmann had 8 children. Anna Catharina died 26 July 1723.
married the same day.)
Johann Andreas Scholl (1671) of Graben was married the same date as his sister Anna Catharina Scholl (1678) of Graben the 9 of November 1697. Andreas married Anna Margaretha Weidmann who was born in 1681 from Graben a daughter of Hanß Peter Weidmann while his sister Catharina married Johann Matthias Weidmann the older brother of Anna Margaretha Weidmann. Matthias was born in Graben 1675 a son to Hanß Peter Weidmann. Thus we see a double Scholl / Weidmann Allied Family marriage all were born and married in Graben and all have records in the Graben Kirchenbuch.
There were three different ways our Weidtmann were spelled over the years. They are called Waidmann, Weidmann, Weydmann by the different Graben Reverends. In the 1709 Graben Census they are spelled Weidtmann. On Johannes Matthias Weidtmann’s immigration signature it is spelled Weidtmann. Later on in America they were anglicized into Weidman. Do not let the different spellings found in the Graben Kirchenbuch confuse you they are one family in those records, with three or four different ministers spelling them in their own way
What happened to their children?
Johann Martin Weidmann 1698-1768, married Anna Margaretha Still, 9 children immigrated and died in Lancaster PA, USA
Johann Peter Weidmann 1701-1734, married Elisabetha Holtz, six children
Johann Mathias Weidmann 1703-1703 lived from 8 May to 5 October
Maria Eva Weidmann 1706-1708 lived 2 years
Eva Margaretha Weidmann 1710-1710, born 12 Jan died 22 Jan
Jacob Heinrich Weidmann 1711-1740, married Eva Friederica Volk, 3 children died in Lancaster PA, USA before March 1740
Elisabeths Catharina 1715-1715 born 14 Nov, died 25 Nov
Johannes Weidmann 1718-1790, married Maria Margaretha Haushalter, 5 children
During their lifetime:
The first emigrants from Graben 1700s
Although the wars of the 17th century were essentially a thing of the past in the 18th century, the peacetime of the 18th century brought a new challenge to the Margraves of Baden in general and to Graben in particular: The population exploded. In Graben it grew from 176 (1702) to 420 (1756) - an increase of 240 percent in just five years. Of course, this was in part only a supplemental increase.
But the question was: what would happen if the living conditions could not be expanded accordingly? Due to the prevailing division of wealth, the inheritances became smaller and smaller - the land became scarce. In this situation there seemed to be only one solution for many people: to expand into countries wandering, where everything was much better. Apart from the vast expanses of east and southeast Asa, North America seemed to be the best suited for this. However, it is no longer possible to make a clear decision as to why the emigrants left. (Graben by Konrad Dussel)
Graben Pastors during their lifetime:
1677-1682 Immanuel Rösch
1682-1692 Konrad Stadmann
1692-1698 Philipp Lindemann on loan von Spöck
1698-1700 Johann Philipp Bauderer 1700-1703 Johann Christoph Blum
1703-1706 Joh. Alb. Obermüller
1706-1714 Ernst Friedrich Weber (or Wider),
1677-1682 Immanuel Rösch
1692-1698 Philipp Lindemann
1698-1700 Johann Philipp Bauderer
1700-1703 Johann Christoph Blum
1703-1706 Joh. Alb. Obermüller
1706-1714 Ernst Friedrich Weber
1714-1719 Daniel Niklas
1719-1738 Andreas Weber, Alsatua (an Alsatian)
Document related to Anna Catharina Scholl:
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Anna Catharina Scholl birth 1 Feb 1678 film 4137289 page 225 Pfarrer Immanuel Rösch served in Graben from 1677-1682. It was he who wrote out this birth record. |
Translation by Matthias Schultz:
Dear Kent Gardiner, I have made a copy of the text with question marks for words I can't surely spell correct. Although the meaning of these two words only describe the godfathers. So you can take the translated text in English as complete.
Here now the text and the translation: Den 1. Februar ist Hans Matth. Schoeler, des Anwaldus allhiers von seiner ehel. Hausfrau Ana in Spöck, ein Döchterl. gebohren, und den 2. ejusd. festo purificat. Mar. getauft, und Anna Catharina genannt worden. Demalders? sind ? (1.) Nicolaus Zimmermann Anwaldus in Spöck und seine Hausfrau Anna Cathar. (2) Hans Rost, Bürger und Schmid allhier, Anna Cathar. uxor.
The 1st of February Hans Matthias Schoeler, the lawyer from here got a baby daughter born by his housewife Eva (Meinzer) in Spöck and the 2nd of the same month (in catholic church festo purificatio Mariae) christened, and has been called Anna Catharina. Godparents are (1st) Nicolaus Zimmermann , lawyer in Spöck and his housewife Anna Catharina (2nd) Hans Rost citizen and blacksmith here, Anna Cathaina his wife.
The "question mark passage" in the transcription is apparently: Gevattern sind gewesen = Sponsors have been, as correctly inferred by @Matthias Schulz
Robert Seal: FYI: I read the wife's/mother's first name as "Eva" rather than "Ana". Compare "Eva" with the three examples of "Anna" in this record and you can see the difference in the two names. Yes, the child was baptized on 2 February, which is known in the Catholic church calendar as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, otherwise known as Candelmas.
Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary At dusk on February 1st each year we commence, with the singing of FIrst Vespers, the great great Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is with this Feast that we close the Liturgical Season of Christmas. It is through this Feast we enter, as through a gateway, into the mysteries of the Passion, Death, and Ressurection of our Lord as we enter into the Pre-Lenton season of Septuagesima.
Hans Matthias Scholl local attorney in Spöck mentioned in baptism of his daughter Anna, Catharina Scholl, born 1 Feb, baptized 2 Feb 1678 on the purification day, (feast calendar) and was named Anna Catharina, Godparents Nicholas Zimmerman, attorney Spadt, and his wife Anna Catharina and the second witness Hans Rostin citizen and blacksmith, local and his wife Anna Catharina. Graben.
Robert Seal:
Are you asking about the 8th word in the second line of the record? If so I read that word as: Spöck. This is the same place that the first sponsor, Nicolaus Zimmermann, is from. Here is the link for Spöck from Meyers Gazetteer: Spöck is approximately 3 miles south of Graben. Spöck, a village in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, now part of the town of Stutensee in 2021 There was 1 protestant church in the town.
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Anna Catharina Scholl marriage to Hans Matthias Weidmann 9 Nov 1697 film. 102078348 page 185 |
on the same day [9 Nov 1697] are married Johann Matthias, legitimately conceived surviving son of Peter Weidtmann, and Anna Catharina, surviving daughter of the late Johann Matthias Scholl. former attorney here.
Pastor: Graben didn't have a Pastor in 1697. From 1692-1698 von Spöck vicariando versehen worden
Translation: Pfarrer Philipp Lindemann came from Spöck to serve in Graben). He performed the marriage of Anna Catharina to Hans Matthias Weidmann.
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Anna Catharina Scholl death 26 July 1723 film 102078348 page 326 |
On the 26th of July [1723] Anna Catharina, wife of Johann Matthias "Weÿdmann" [Weidmann], local citizen and lawyer, died, who thereafter with a funeral sermon, chiming bells, and singing, gewöhnlicher Massen (in the normal way), was buried. Age: 45 years, 5 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.
Comment: No cause of death recorded.Ulrich Neitzel
It is certainly true that there were different levels of funeral ceremonies. Only on this page of the church book there are named "Läutung der kleinen Glocke" (ringing of the little bell), "Läutung aller Glocken" (ringing of all bells), "Glockenklang" (sound of bells). The little bell is often also called the "Totenglocke" (death bell).The scope of ceremonies had certainly to do with the rank of the person, which in turn determined how much was paid (or better donated) to the church for the funeral service. I don't think there was a "manual" for this purpose, but people did know it and made their arrangement with the pastor.
Ulrich Neitzel:
I believe the meaning of gewöhnl. Maße here is indeed "to the usual extent". Maß = measure, degree, extent. Mass (english) would be Messe (german), and the second letter is clearly an "a" not an "e". Also, the term Messe is not used for Lutheran/Protestant worship.
Peter Bertschinger:
Hi Kent Sorry, I do not read Messe that you interpret as mass.
I understand that this reads as follows:
hernach mit einer predigt (sermon), Glockenklang (church bell ringings) und Gesang (singing) gewöhnlicher Massen (in the normal way) begraben (buried) This is the usual proceeding, this text seems to be out of a protestant (Lutheran) church books for buryings of its members.
The Graben Pastor in 1723 was Andreas Weber, Alsatua (an Alsatian). He recorded Anna's death, made funeral arrangements and decided where her body rested. Families paid extra for a funeral service, flowers, scriptures, hymns and special scriptures to be read.
On the 26th of July [1723] Anna Catharina, wife of Johann Matthias "Weÿdmann" [Weidmann], local citizen and lawyer, died, who thereafter with a funeral sermon, chiming bells, and singing, gewöhnlicher Massen (in the normal way), was buried. Age: 45 years, 5 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.
Comment: No cause of death recorded.Ulrich Neitzel
It is certainly true that there were different levels of funeral ceremonies. Only on this page of the church book there are named "Läutung der kleinen Glocke" (ringing of the little bell), "Läutung aller Glocken" (ringing of all bells), "Glockenklang" (sound of bells). The little bell is often also called the "Totenglocke" (death bell).The scope of ceremonies had certainly to do with the rank of the person, which in turn determined how much was paid (or better donated) to the church for the funeral service. I don't think there was a "manual" for this purpose, but people did know it and made their arrangement with the pastor.
Ulrich Neitzel:
I believe the meaning of gewöhnl. Maße here is indeed "to the usual extent". Maß = measure, degree, extent. Mass (english) would be Messe (german), and the second letter is clearly an "a" not an "e". Also, the term Messe is not used for Lutheran/Protestant worship.
Peter Bertschinger:
Hi Kent Sorry, I do not read Messe that you interpret as mass.
I understand that this reads as follows:
hernach mit einer predigt (sermon), Glockenklang (church bell ringings) und Gesang (singing) gewöhnlicher Massen (in the normal way) begraben (buried) This is the usual proceeding, this text seems to be out of a protestant (Lutheran) church books for buryings of its members.
The Graben Pastor in 1723 was Andreas Weber, Alsatua (an Alsatian). He recorded Anna's death, made funeral arrangements and decided where her body rested. Families paid extra for a funeral service, flowers, scriptures, hymns and special scriptures to be read.