Elisabeth Berli was born 12 May 1667 and died 26 September 1713. She married Hans Hug in 25 January 1701. Both names go back to Ottenbach's earliest times.
Post by Wolf » Fri 22. Nov 2024, 23:15
Hans Hug, "Schmids" (smiths) , ≈ Ottenbach 11.12.1670, Sohn von Schmied Hans Hug (oo Ottenbach 29.10.1667) und Anna Weiss (Wyss), + Ottenbach 12.11.1742.
oo Ottenbach 25.01.1701
Elisabetha Berli, ≈ Ottenbach 12.05.1667, Tochter von Hans Berli (oo Ottenbach 28.10.1662) und Elisabeth ("Elßi") Hegetschweiler, + Ottenbach 26.09.1713.
__.__.1701 Jacob
22.05.1705 Anna
31.03.1709 Anna, ooI Ottenbach 25.11.1732 Hans Ulrich Sidler, ooII Ottenbach 06.03.1747 Hans Jacob Sidler
11.06.1713 Regula
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1667 Elisabetha Berli baptism 12 May Oattenbach Father Hans, mother Elisseli Hegetschweiler page 201 |
Eodem (Den 12.ten Maÿ 1667)
Kind: Elßbeth.
Elteren: Hannß Berli allhir / Elßeli Hegenschwÿlerin.
Zeügen: Hanß Ulrich Wißendanger Studiosus filius meg / Anna Brütschertin allhir.
Studiosus = student / filius = son / meg = ???
Marriage Ottenbach 23.06.1674: Hans Ulrich Wiesendanger, filius meus [son of the pastor in Ottenbach] …. compare spelling with marriage following Ludj Sydler:
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1670 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Ottenbach Film 007765846 page 380 |
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1678 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Ottenbach Film 008126303 page 464 |
Hanß Berli anno 1637
Elßbeth Hegetschweilerin 17.12.1637
Annali 20.09.1663
Elßbethli 12.05.1667
Margrethli 07.11.1669
Annali 25.04.1672
Hanßeli 23.06.1674
Lisabethli 03.06.1677
Note: The fact that for Hanß (the father) no exact date is given, is likely an indication that he was not baptized in Ottenbach.
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1682 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Ottenbach film 008126301 page 732 |
Hanß Berli anno 1637
Elßbeth Hegetschweilerin 17.12.1637
Elßbethli 12.05.1667
Margrethli 07.11.1669
Annali 25.04.1672
Hanseli 23.06.1674
Lisabethli 03.06.1677
Joß 26.10.1679
The fact that for Hanß (the father) no exact date is given, is likely an indication that he was not baptised in Ottenbach.
Looking once more at this page from the marriage register, I feel the pastors were somewhat inconsistent with the spelling of surnames. On 25.01.1701 (#2) we have as bride Elsbetha Ber?lin - not sure what letter that should be between r and l … doesn't really look like a "German z" - but have no better suggestion. Two entries down (#4) we find that spelling again - for the groom. On 06.12.1698 we first have a Hans Jogel (=Jacob) Berlin (female form?) and then (same day) Jogel Huug/Haug(?) "Schmids" (likely a brother of Hans), married to another Lißabeth Berlin. We just have to keep in mind that spelling wasn't fixed then - the most common version (and also the spelling today) would be Berli. There are several marriages with Beerli in EDB - but they almost completely originated from a region today belonging to canton St.Gallen (parishes
then ruled by Zürich).
Kent: Hans Hug 1670–1742 and Elisabeth Berli 1667-1713 marriage Jan 25 1701 (first child born July 17, 1701 or illegitimate) and both listed on the same page.
Han’s brother Jakob Hug b 1672-? and Elisabeth Berli 1677-1732 marriage Dec 6 1698
Hans Hug, occupation is a smith, from Ottenbach, and Elsbetha Berzli from Ottenbach.
Just a word of caution: Hans Hug may have been a smith - but this was not necessarily the case. Note that it doesn't say "Schmid" but "Schmids" - this is the line's "nickname" (Übername) to help identify the groom. This nickname certainly indicates that at least one ancestor had been a smith - and professions often were handed on to sons - but this was not always the case.
Note also that with just one exception (Chir. for Chirurgus, something special) professions were not mentioned for the grooms - but more identifications like "Altlis", "im Tobel", "Clausen Kilchmeyers Sohn" or "Schulmeisters Sohn"
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1701 Hans Hug marriage to Elisabeth Berli January 25 Ottenbach |
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1713 Elizabetha Berli death 26 Sept 1713 film 8014328 page 379 item 21 |
[21] Elßbeth Berlj, Hanß Hugen Eheweib (wife) zu Ottenbach den 26. 7br.
I am not sure about the date - might also be (less likely) 28th.
Back to her parents: Hans Hug and Elisabeth ("Elßi") Hegetschweiler. Peter Bertschinger lists Hans Berli in Hausen (bapt. 15.07.1638) as Elßbeth's father - with a question mark.