Documents related to Johann Heinrich Jenta:
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1846 Sep 12 Johann Heinrich Jenta birth, Ettenhausen, Wetzikon, Zürich |
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Wetzikon-Tauf-1846-header |
Translation by Wolf:
(1846) 12. Sept. / 20. Sept. Bettag [Day of Prayer, usually third Sunday in September in reformed parishes]Parents: Heinrich Jenta, Schullehrer in Ettenhausen / Anna Barbara Spörri
Child: Johannes Heinrich
Godparents: Hans Jakob Jenta von Ettenhausen, Schullehrer in Auslikon / Frau Margaretha Gujer, geb [nee] Stucki vom Kämpten
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1849 Luise Ruegg baptism, Ettenhausen, Wetzikon, Zürich |
Translation by Wolf:
(1849) 26. Nov. / 9. Dec.
Parents: Rudolf Rüegg von Emmetschloo s(sesshaft?) in Ettenhausen / Anna Maria Bietenholz.
Child: Luise
Godparents: Heinrich Rüegg, sein(??) Sohn von Emmetschloo, Kupferschmid [copper smith] s(sesshaft?) in Rüti / Frau Anna Barbara Billiter (Billeter) geb. [nee] Isler(?) von Stäfa, wohnhaft in Wetzikon.
Note: I'm an a bit unsure about "Heinrich Rüegg, sein(??) Sohn": would the father's son be godfather of the child? In the entry above we have Heinrich Wolf as father and Elisabeth Wolf seine Tochter as godmother. I know from Bern that godparents aged only 13 years occasionally show up. In this case it could be older siblings, possibly from a first marriage of the father. In the case of Hans Rüegg, being a copper smith, he must be considerably older than 13. Have you got more information about Rudolf Rüegg - would he e.g. show up in the Haushaltungsrodel? If I interpret the Billeter record correctly, he didn't research Rüegg any further.
"Are there places to find Johann Heinrich Jenta's death record, 1878, besides hiring someone to search the Zürich Archives?" … possibilities:
1) Contact the Zürich State Archive and ask if they could check this for you: as you know the exact date and can assume Wetzikon as place of death, they might be willing to do this.
2) Ask by "answering" on Jenta von Wetzikon ZH, whether anyone could help.
3) Hire someone to pay the State Archive a visit and look it up for you.
Translation by Wolf:
(1875) April 25 / Mai 10 / Wetzikon
Johan Heinrich Jenta von Ettenhausen, g(e)b(oren) 1846
Luise Rüegg, Rudolfs [daugther] von Ettenhausen, g(e)b(oren) 1849
Note: I am not sure about the comment "Brg in Brg 1": might indicate that the entries in the Bürgerbuch (pages 533 and 613 resp.) will be found in vol. 1 of the Bürgerbuch. I am completely lost with the second part of the comment. The "III315" might refer to a later Familienregister (established after 1876).
Translation by Wolf:
Husband is Hans Rudolf Ruegg (instead of Rüegg), n(atus) 2. XI. 1811, son of Heinrich Ruegg von Emmetschloo, n(atus) 1. X. 1775, and Barbara Bueler (today Büeler), n(ata) 24. X. 1786. Hans Rudolf is Zimmermann [carpenter] s(esshaft) in Kämpten, since 1838 in Ettenhausen. Faillit laut Amtsblatt vom 30. XI. 1847 [Falliment ist he oldfashioned word for banruptcy].
Wife is Anna Maria Bietenholz von Ettenhausen, n(ata) 12. VI. 1817, daughter of Rudolf Bietenholz sel [deceased] von Ettenhausen, n(atus) 15. VIII. 1773, and Anna Walder, n(ata) 22. IX. 1772.
Parents cop. [married] 10. ???. 1838 (married and moved to Ettenhausen)
Luise, n(ata) 10. b(aptisata) 19. I. 1839, st(arb) 9. VI. 1842
Theodor, n(atus) 21.I. b(aptisatus) 4 II. 1844
Luise, n(ata) 26.XI. b(aptisata) 9. II. 1849
(1849) 26. Nov. / 9. Dec.
Parents: Rudolf Rüegg von Emmetschloo s(sesshaft?) in Ettenhausen / Anna Maria Bietenholz.
Child: Luise
Godparents: Heinrich Rüegg, sein(??) Sohn von Emmetschloo, Kupferschmid [copper smith] s(sesshaft?) in Rüti / Frau Anna Barbara Billiter (Billeter) geb. [nee] Isler(?) von Stäfa, wohnhaft in Wetzikon.
Note: I'm an a bit unsure about "Heinrich Rüegg, sein(??) Sohn": would the father's son be godfather of the child? In the entry above we have Heinrich Wolf as father and Elisabeth Wolf seine Tochter as godmother. I know from Bern that godparents aged only 13 years occasionally show up. In this case it could be older siblings, possibly from a first marriage of the father. In the case of Hans Rüegg, being a copper smith, he must be considerably older than 13. Have you got more information about Rudolf Rüegg - would he e.g. show up in the Haushaltungsrodel? If I interpret the Billeter record correctly, he didn't research Rüegg any further.
"Are there places to find Johann Heinrich Jenta's death record, 1878, besides hiring someone to search the Zürich Archives?" … possibilities:
1) Contact the Zürich State Archive and ask if they could check this for you: as you know the exact date and can assume Wetzikon as place of death, they might be willing to do this.
2) Ask by "answering" on Jenta von Wetzikon ZH, whether anyone could help.
3) Hire someone to pay the State Archive a visit and look it up for you.
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1875 May 10 Johann Heinrich Jenta marriage, Ettenhausen, Wetzikon, Zürich |
Translation by Wolf:
(1875) April 25 / Mai 10 / Wetzikon
Johan Heinrich Jenta von Ettenhausen, g(e)b(oren) 1846
Luise Rüegg, Rudolfs [daugther] von Ettenhausen, g(e)b(oren) 1849
Note: I am not sure about the comment "Brg in Brg 1": might indicate that the entries in the Bürgerbuch (pages 533 and 613 resp.) will be found in vol. 1 of the Bürgerbuch. I am completely lost with the second part of the comment. The "III315" might refer to a later Familienregister (established after 1876).
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1811 Nov 2 Rudolf Rüegg p 613 film 008191940 |
Husband is Hans Rudolf Ruegg (instead of Rüegg), n(atus) 2. XI. 1811, son of Heinrich Ruegg von Emmetschloo, n(atus) 1. X. 1775, and Barbara Bueler (today Büeler), n(ata) 24. X. 1786. Hans Rudolf is Zimmermann [carpenter] s(esshaft) in Kämpten, since 1838 in Ettenhausen. Faillit laut Amtsblatt vom 30. XI. 1847 [Falliment ist he oldfashioned word for banruptcy].
Wife is Anna Maria Bietenholz von Ettenhausen, n(ata) 12. VI. 1817, daughter of Rudolf Bietenholz sel [deceased] von Ettenhausen, n(atus) 15. VIII. 1773, and Anna Walder, n(ata) 22. IX. 1772.
Parents cop. [married] 10. ???. 1838 (married and moved to Ettenhausen)
Luise, n(ata) 10. b(aptisata) 19. I. 1839, st(arb) 9. VI. 1842
Theodor, n(atus) 21.I. b(aptisatus) 4 II. 1844
Luise, n(ata) 26.XI. b(aptisata) 9. II. 1849
Note: A Zimmermann is a carpenter. Apparently Hans Rudolf Ruegg
Note: Faillit laut Amtsblatt vom 30. XI. 1847 means: Faillite according to the official gazette of 30. XI. 1847.