Monday, December 16, 2019

Joss Sidler 1680 - Dec

Joss was born 22 February 1680. We assume he was stillborn because Julius Billeter did not include a death date. He was the last child born to Margaretha Grob. 3 years and 21 days later his mother, Margaretha Grob died.

Death was seen as natural. Only medicine and hygienic measures lowered the infant and childhood mortality rate. However, there were very bad pestulenza waves in the 17th century in our regions. Many villages lost 30 to 40% of the population. (Peter Bertschinger)

Life expectancy
Average life expectancy at birth for English people in the late 16th and early 17th centuries was just under 40 – 39.7 years. However, this low figure was mostly due to the high rate of infant and child mortality; over 12% of all children born would die in their first year. With the hazards of infancy behind them, the death rate for children slowed but continued to occur. A cumulative total of 36% of children died before the age of six, and another 24% between the ages of seven and sixteen. In all, of 100 live births, 60 would die before the age of 16. A man or woman who reached the age of 30 could expect to live to 59. [Thomson Gale, 'Infant Mortality' (1998)]

Documents related to Joss Sidler:

Joss Sidler born 22 February 1680 film 8014328 page 233
den 22. Hornung (February) [1680]
E(ltern): Hanß Rudj Seidler / Margreth Grobin
Z(eugen): Joß Leuthart / Anna Frickin, Jogel Seidlers frauw.
I cannot find a fitting marriage in EDB for the godmother.
Jakob Sidler LH72-8M3

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by  Billeter page 018