Johannes Sidler b 25 Oct 1773 died 17 May 1774. He lived 6 months
22 days.
Both children were buried in the Ottenbach Kirche yard. Pastor Rudolf Hamberger entered both deaths in the Parish record and conducted the funerals. Rudolf died 2 years later.
What a time in that household!
Translation of death record:
Title Fäble (weakness - death cause):
(sie starben) an den Wilden Blattern (Swiss term for Pocken –or small
pox - very contagious, especially among kids)
A second translation:
An den Kinder Blattern: meaning of the Children's death from measles.
A second translation:
An den Kinder Blattern: meaning of the Children's death from measles.
Before smallpox was eradicated, it was a serious infectious
disease caused by the variola virus. One of the reasons smallpox was so
dangerous and deadly is because it's an airborne disease. Airborne diseases
tend to spread fast. Coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with any bodily
fluids could spread the smallpox virus. In addition, sharing contaminated
clothing or bedding could lead to infection
People who had smallpox had a fever and a distinctive,
progressive skin rash. Most people with smallpox recovered, but about 3 out of
every 10 people with the disease died.
life expectancy at birth for English people in the late 16th and early 17th
centuries was just under 40 – 39.7 years. However, this low figure was mostly
due to the high rate of infant and child mortality; over 12% of all children
born would die in their first year. With the hazards of infancy behind them, the
death rate for children slowed but continued to occur. A cumulative total of
36% of children died before the age of six, and another 24% between the ages of
seven and sixteen. In all, of 100 live births, 60 would die before the age of
16. A man or woman who reached the age of 30 could expect to live to 59. [Thomson
Gale, 'Infant Mortality' (1998)]
shortages and insecurity were leading concerns in the 18th century, especially
in Europe, and these were exacerbated by reduced harvests yields. Disease was
another leading cause of death, with rats and fleas being the common carriers
of disease, specifically plagues, during this era. (Wikipedia)
diseases were dysentery, malaria, diphtheria, flu, typhoid, smallpox and
Documents related to Johannes Sidler:
Documents related to Johannes Sidler:
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1773 Johannes Sidler baptism Oct 24 1773 film 8014328 page 539 |
[1773 - Oktober] den 21. dito N(atus), den 24. Bapt(izatus)
Parents: Wachtm(eister) Rudolph Sÿdler im Feld zu Ottenbach / Elisabeth Sÿdler.
Witnesses: Johanneß Hegetschweÿler H(errn) Feldscherer Hs. Jacob Hegetschweÿler zu Ottenbach ehel(icher) Sohn / Magdalena Leüthardt gebohrne Berlin von Ottenbach.
Note: Feldscherer is a medical rank in the army (mid-level medical practitioner). The witness (Johannes) was Hans Jacob's son.
Note: born 21.10.1773 - Billeter (25.10.) is wrong.
Note: Column heading is "Fähle" (not Fäble) - an unusual word indicating just comments (see Lesehilfe Spaltenüberschrift Todesursachen) - I believe I had mentioned this before. See your blog on Johannes.
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1774 Johannes Sidler burial 17 May, 3 days after sister film 8014328 page 690 |
Translation of death record:
Title Fäble (weakness - death cause):
(sie starben) an den Wilden Blattern (Swiss term for Pocken –or small pox - very contagious, especially among kids)
A second translation:
An den Kinder Blattern: meaning of the Children's death from measles.
A second translation:
An den Kinder Blattern: meaning of the Children's death from measles.
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Sidler and Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter, page 49 - 50 |