Friday, December 13, 2019

Jakob Sidler 1783 - 1862

Did Julius Billeter make a mistake? Apparently so. The document from the Zurich Archives seen below appears to be correct. It is a household record by the parish pastor and lists the family of Jakob Sidler. Jakob born 21 April 1783 in Ottenbach and his parents are listed and page 72 is a full listing of his parents, family and siblings. As seen in the Zürich Archives document I think Jakob married Elisabeth Gut and had no children. 

When Jakob Sidler was born on 21 April 1783, in Ottenbach, Zürich, Switzerland, his father, Hans Rudolf Sidler, was 41 and his mother, Elisabetha Sidler, was 35. He married Elisabetha Gut on 21 May 1833, in Maschwanden, Zürich, Switzerland. He was buried in Maschwanden 29 April 1862. Pastor a the time of Jakob's death was Rudolf Tappolet. He began service in 1834 and resigned in 1872. Subsequently died in Basel in 1875. Obfelden separated from Ottenbach under him. They separated in 1847 and had a church built a year later)

1.12) Jakob Sidler oo 1833 Elisabetha Gut
Sidler Jakob, ≈ Ottenbach 21.04.1783, Sohn von Rudolf Sidler und Elisabetha Sidler, +/■ Maschwanden 29.04./02.05.1862.
oo Maschwanden 21.05.1833
Gut Elisabetha, ≈ Ottenbach 25.12.1788, Tochter von Melchior Gut (25.03.1753) von Unterlunnern (oo Zürich-St.Peter 24.09.1781) Elisabeth Frei (06.05.1753), + 25.02.1879.

Keine Kinder

Quelle: Familienregister Ottenbach Seite 515 (pdf 262)

Elisabetha Gut died 17 years later and was buried 25 February 1879 according to the documents held in the Zürich Archives as seen below. The Ottenbach Pastor from 1873 was Julius Stahel, from Elgg. Julius was born 3 March 1848 in Elgg, ZH. He married Maria Margaritha Regula Keller 4 August 1874Came to Gossau in 1880. No known children. 

I have included all documents below so the reader can decide for himself who Jakob Sidler was married to. Billiter indexed more than 2 million names and rarely made mistakes even though the work load was enormous. We have nothing but great admiration for what Julius Billeter accomplished. 

Documents related to Jakob Sidler:

1783 Jacob Sidler birth 21 April 1783 film 8126955 page 1055
[1783] den 21.ten dito [April]
Parents: Rudolf Sÿdler von Otenbach & Lisabet Sÿdler von dort (= Ottenbach)
Witnesses: Jacob Gut von Wolsen & Barbara Rothen(?) von Affhollteren
Summary see 1.12) Jakob Sidler oo 1833 Elisabetha Gut.

1783 Jacob Sidler baptism 21 April 1783 film 8126955 page 1055 close up

1788 Elisabetha Gut baptism 25 December
film 8126955 page 1044
[1788] den 25.ten dito [xbris]
Melchior Gut von Unter Lunneren & Elsbet Freÿ von dort (=Unterlunnern)
Hans Ulrich Hegetschweiler von Otenbach & Elsbeth Steheli von Ober Lunneren
Summary see 1.12) Jakob Sidler oo 1833 Elisabetha Gut.
Note: Elsbeth is from Dort which means Unterlunnern. It is these details that bring FS to life! Unterlunnern is a hamlet in the municipality of Obfelden, in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. It was one of five hamlets that formed the early community of Obfelden. That is only 2.2 km south of Ottenbach. It is interesting how many people married spouses close to them.

1833 Jakob Sidler/Elisabetha Gut marriage Maschwanden 21 May
film 008125639 page 154    
[1833] announcement 12 May / marriage 21 May / in hier
Couple: Jakob Siedler von Ottenbach seßh(aft) in hier (Rudolfs s(elig) und der Elisabetha Siedler sel(ig)), bapt. 21. Apr. 1783
Elisabetha Gut von Unter Lunnern (Melchiors sel(ig) u(nd) der Elisabetha Freÿ s(e)l(ig)), bapt. 25. Dec. 1788
Announcement: Marriage was announced 12.05.1833 and celebrated 21.05.1833 in Maschwanden ("in hier").
Jakob Sidler was from Ottenbach but residing in Maschwanden, son of the late Rudolf and the late Elisabetha Sidler.
Elisabetha Gut was the daughter of the late Melchior and the late Elisabetha Frey.
Summary see 1.12) Jakob Sidler oo 1833 Elisabetha Gut.
1862 Jakob Sidler death 29 Apr bur 2 May Maschwanden
film 008125639 page 175 
[1862] April 29 / Mai 2
Jakob Sidler von Ottenbach
79 (years) 8 (months)
(buried) hier (Maschwanden)
Age is off by a few moths - see 1.12) Jakob Sidler oo 1833 Elisabetha Gut.
Jakob Sidler Household Parish Record, Zürich Archives, E lll 88.19 p 515

Jakob Sidler Household Parish Record, Zürich Archives, E lll 88.19 p 515

Rudolf Sidler E_III_88.19_S_72 

The following document appears to be a mistake:

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter  page 70