Hartmann Jenta was born 28 May 1778. He married 18 March 1799 and died 14 May 1819.
Verena Anliker from Birr, Canton Aargau divorced Hartmann in 1801. they were married for 2 and 1/2 years. In 1811 she married Sep Jakob Gratz. One of the latter documents on this page mention that Hartmann was a Bűrger, meaning that he held citizenship in the town of Ettnhausen.
Zürich Court hearing on Hartmann's divorce
Actum (made out, prepared, written) Saturday, July 8; 1801 by order of the District Court of Zurich The municipality of Zurich. As the citizen Hartmann Jenta von Ettnhausen leaves (Wezikon, District Uster), his wife Verena Anlier, loveless Weis (in a loveless way) , and now thought of his marriage. After the death of his wife, Jenta is requested to be shorn, the aforementioned citizen is perermptorisch (perermptorisch = in final form, finally, definitively, peremptory) requested to appear before the District Court in Uster on the right hand side next August 4, to answer for the request for separation brought forward by his fine wife in the form of rights, in the absence of which he will recognize this matter in Contumatiam (in Contumatiam = in abesence of the the defendant (Hartmann Jenta) = even he does not show up before court than he still will be prosecuted) and no further hearing will be given to Jenta afterwards. (Zürcherisches Wochenblatt, Number 60, 27 July 1801)
Documents related to Hartmann Jenta:
Translation by Wolf:
Yes - father is Schulmeister Kaspar Jonta zu Etenhausen - I wouldn't be bothered by the different spelling.Sponsors:
Lieutnant Hartmann Wolfensberger von Etenhausen
Kathrina Weber g. [nee] Ernst zu Wezikon
Lieutnant Hartmann Wolfensberger von Etenhausen
Kathrina Weber g. [nee] Ernst zu Wezikon
Translation by Wolf:
18 Mart 1799 copuliert bei St.Peter in Zürich (nr. 17)
Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen, natus 28 Maj 1778
Verena Anliker [Angliker] von Bir [Birr] Kanton Aargau, nata 01 Oct 1775
According to Billeter, Hartmann was divorced August 1801. He was married about 2.5 years. Are those noted in the records we have been using?
Marriage Courts
Since the Reformation reduced the sacraments from seven to two (baptism) and (Last Supper), marriage lost its previously sacramental character in Protestant territories and thus also ceased to be indissoluble. The new Protestant marriage law granted the judges of marriage and morals courts the power to dissolve marriages under certain conditions, for example, in cases of impotence or if a marriage was so damaged that there was no longer any hope of a sufficient reconciliation between the spouses. However, there were characteristic differences among the Reformers in this regard:
Luther limited the grounds for divorce with a right or remarriage for the "innocent party" to impotence, adultery,,... and refusal to perform the "conjugal work." Irreconcilable differences" between spouses, however, permitted only a separation of table and bed. Zwingli expanded the grounds for divorce by adding "malicious abandonment" and infectious diseases, reasons that had led to separation already under canon law.
As another reason for divorce, the authorities in Basel added the case where one spouse was found guilty of a capital crime. However, the new, Reformed morals courts by no means dealt primarily with divorces. In Basel, "only l224 of 1355 cases heard between 1550 and 1592 were suits for divorce. In the sizable Huguenot community in southern French city of Nimes, the activities of the communal morals court are documented by voluminous registers...In addition to cases of prostitution and adultery, the morals court also dealth with blasphemy, magical practices, lax attendance at sermons or catechism lessons, and with verbal confrontation, brawls, gambling, drinking, dancing, indecent dress and participation in a charivari put on by a neighborhood or young boys.
18 Mart 1799 copuliert bei St.Peter in Zürich (nr. 17)
Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen, natus 28 Maj 1778
Verena Anliker [Angliker] von Bir [Birr] Kanton Aargau, nata 01 Oct 1775
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1799 Sep 4 Hieronymus Jenta baptism. Wetzikon |
Translation by Wolf:
Hieronÿmus den 4. Sept, getauft zu Lenzburg
Parents: Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen / Verena Anliker [spelling today = Angliker] von Bir
Godparents: Hieronÿmus Halder, Kupferschmied [coppersmith] zu Lenzburg / Ver. Heß von Riesbach bei Zürich zu Lenzburg.
What is the difference between "von* and "zu" in connection with a community? It may not have been used strictly by all people keeping such records, but usually "von" indicates the place of citizenship - whilst "zu" indicates where someone lived without being a citizen there. Here we likely have an example where it didn't work (possibly because the pastor in Wetzikon didn't know better): Halden have been citizens of Lenzburg since 1568.
"Ver." could be Verena or Veronika - with Verena being more common in Switzerland She could be the wife of Hans Heinrich Kienast.
Riesbach was merged with the city of Zürich in 1893 - see https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/prd/de/index/stadtarchiv/bestaende/pfarrbuecher/PfarrbuecherRefKirchen-ErsteEingemeindung-1893.html.
Kent: Kinder
Hieronymus Jenta born 4 Sept 1799. Hieronymus is only considered illegitimate if her parents aren't married the day she is born. So she was legitimate. She was born 5 months 17 days after Hartman married Verena Anliker.
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Hartmann Jenta from Jenta Family of Wetzikon by Julius Billegter page 3 |
According to Billeter, Hartmann was divorced August 1801. He was married about 2.5 years. Are those noted in the records we have been using?
Hartmann and Verena Anliker divorce:
Da der B. Hartmann Jenta von Ettenhausen / municipality of
Wetzikön / district of Uster / lovelessly abandoned his wife Verena Anlier /
and we thought his wife would be demanded by him; so said B. Jenta is
peremptorily requested to leave his wife in the next 24th year of his life. B.
Jenta is asked perermptorisch (perermptorisch = in final form, finally,
definitively, peremptor) to appear before the district court in Uster on August
24th to answer for the separation request in the form of rights, which has not
been presented by any wife: in the absence of such a request, the matter will
be recognized in Contumatiam (in Contumatiam = in abesence of the the defendant
(Hartmann Jenta) = even he does not show up before court than he still will be
prosecuted) and lhme/ Jenta/ will not be heard any further, or in the event
that she is not heard any further. Act/ July 8, 1801 District Chancellery
Uster" (Zürcherische Freitagszeitung, Number 31, 31 July 1801)
Marriage Courts
Since the Reformation reduced the sacraments from seven to two (baptism) and (Last Supper), marriage lost its previously sacramental character in Protestant territories and thus also ceased to be indissoluble. The new Protestant marriage law granted the judges of marriage and morals courts the power to dissolve marriages under certain conditions, for example, in cases of impotence or if a marriage was so damaged that there was no longer any hope of a sufficient reconciliation between the spouses. However, there were characteristic differences among the Reformers in this regard:
Luther limited the grounds for divorce with a right or remarriage for the "innocent party" to impotence, adultery,,... and refusal to perform the "conjugal work." Irreconcilable differences" between spouses, however, permitted only a separation of table and bed. Zwingli expanded the grounds for divorce by adding "malicious abandonment" and infectious diseases, reasons that had led to separation already under canon law.
As another reason for divorce, the authorities in Basel added the case where one spouse was found guilty of a capital crime. However, the new, Reformed morals courts by no means dealt primarily with divorces. In Basel, "only l224 of 1355 cases heard between 1550 and 1592 were suits for divorce. In the sizable Huguenot community in southern French city of Nimes, the activities of the communal morals court are documented by voluminous registers...In addition to cases of prostitution and adultery, the morals court also dealth with blasphemy, magical practices, lax attendance at sermons or catechism lessons, and with verbal confrontation, brawls, gambling, drinking, dancing, indecent dress and participation in a charivari put on by a neighborhood or young boys.
(Religion and Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800 by Kasper von Greyerz)
Hieronymus Jenta 4 Sept 1799 Hieronymus is only considered if her parents aren't married the day she is born. So she was legitimate. She was born 5 months 17 days after Hartman married.
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1819 May 24 Hartman Jenta burial, Wetzikon |
Translation by Wolf:
Maj 24 (1819)
Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen starb in holländischen Diensten zu Naumur [age partially crossed out, cannot be read for sure] Thyphus.
So the date is definitively May 24. The entry above is July 12
Hartmann Jenta died in Naumur (Belgium), whilst in Dutch service, from typhoid fever. It will have taken some time for this message to reach Wetzikon - so it was noted a bit out of chronological sequence.
Maj 24 (1819)
Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen starb in holländischen Diensten zu Naumur [age partially crossed out, cannot be read for sure] Thyphus.
So the date is definitively May 24. The entry above is July 12
Hartmann Jenta died in Naumur (Belgium), whilst in Dutch service, from typhoid fever. It will have taken some time for this message to reach Wetzikon - so it was noted a bit out of chronological sequence.
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Hartman family from Zurich archives |
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FamilySearch microfilm 008191940 page 355 |