Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hans Kaspar Sidler 1786 - 1841

Hans Kaspar Sidler was born 3 Nov 1786 in Ottenbach to Rudolf Sidler and Elisabetha Sidler. On 1 January 1818 he married Verena Häberling who was born 2 Dec 1792. Hans was seven years her senior. They had 2 children Jakob and Regula Jakob was born a month after Caspar and Verena were married. The other child was Regula. Both names are very common names in Switzerland. Both children married. Kaspar, with only 2 children, must have been very surprised when his son Jakob had 12 children.

1.14) Hans Caspar Sidler oo 1818 Anna Häberling
Sidler Hans Caspar, ≈ Ottenbach 05.11.1786 [≈], Sohn von Rudolf Sidler und Elisabetha Sidler, im Feld, +/■ Ottenbach 07./10.01.1841 [+].
oo Zürich-St.Peter 01.06.1818
Häberling Anna, ≈ Ottenbach 02.12.1792 [≈], Tochter von Jakob Häberling (oo Ottenbach 08.02.1784) Anna Leutert, +/■ Ottenbach 16./19.08.1874 [++].

04./05.07.1818 Jakob, oo Elisabeth Sidler
15./17.10.1824 Regula, oo Rudolf Hämiker von Wiedikon

Quelle: Familienregister (Seite 393, pdf 201)
[≈] Taufrodel (Sidler: Seite 20, pdf 18) (Häberling: Seite 52, pdf 30)
[+] Totenrodel (Sidler: Seite 606, pdf 281)
[++] Totenrodel (Häberling: Seite 38, pdf 24) 

Hans Kaspar Sidler lived 54 years 2 months 2 days. Ottenbach Pastor Rudolf Tappolet nailed it. He entered the exact length of Kaspar's life. I checked it with a computer and it came out the same. This made it possible to read a difficult death record because sometimes the only things you can read are the date and the age at death/burial.

Documents related to Hans Kaspar Sidler:

Hans Kaspar birth 3 Nov 1786 film 8126955 page 1048

1786 den 5ten 9bris
H(an)s Caspar
Parents: Rudolph Sÿdler von Otenbach & Lisabet Sÿdler von dort (= Ottenbach)
Witnesses: Caspar Schneebli von Affhollteren & Barbara Sÿdler von Otenbach

1818 Caspar Sidler marriage to Anna Haberling 1 June  
film 008126955 page 53
[1818] den 24 May
Couple: H(an)s Caspar Siedler und Anna Häberling beÿde zu Ottenbach
1 Jun ib(idem) [= same location = Zürich-St.Peter]
Note: So this is just the announcement in Ottenbach - the actual marriage took place in Zürich-St.Peter on 01 Jun 1818.
Note: See 1.14) Hans Caspar Sidler oo 1818 Anna Häberling for a summary.

Caspar and Anna Haberling marriage in Zürich-St.Peter on 01 Jun 1818.

1818 Jakob Sidler baptism 5 July Ottenbach ZH 
film 008126955 page 148
[1818] 4. Juli / 5. Juli
Parents: Caspar Siedler zu Ottenbach / Anna Häberling
Witnesses: Jacob Häberling zu Ottenbach / Barbara Siedler, geb. Schnebeli daselbst (= Ottenbach)
Kent: I assume this birth was legitimate because the couple married a month before.
Note: The couple was married - so it will be a legitimate child. There will be, however, a case with the Marital Court.
Wolf: It is not quite the same situation as described on 1.8.1) Hans Jakob Sidler (1812-1869): Ehegerichtsurteil vom 04.06.1812 … but likely there would be some sort of fine. Part of the judgment might(!) have been, that the couple had to marry.

Hans Kaspar death 7 January 1841 film 8126955 page 780
7. I. (18)41 / 10. I. (1841)
Caspar Siedler im Feld
54 / 2 / 2
Kent: In this case does "im Feld" mean "in the box" (casket) or actually in a field or in this "place" (Ottenbach)? Thode has all these meanings. Kent
Wolf:  In this case it specifies a location - and "im Feld" is mentioned for quite a few Sidlers, so they seem to have lived there possibly for generations. Unfortunately it is very common all over (German speaking) Switzerland … but I haven't fouind one in/near Ottenbach. Names of former hamlets are often used instead of street names in Switzerland - and (just an example!) there is an "Im Feld" in Affoltern.

Sidler  Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter, page 49 - 50

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter  page 7

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter  page 84

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter  page 102

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter  page 104-105