Saturday, December 14, 2019

Anna Barbara Sidler 1736 - 1802

Anna Barbara was born 21 October 1736. She married Johannes Stehli (tailor from here) of Mashwanden on 3 July 1756. She died 24 June 1802 at 67. Children and where they lived are unknown. Barbara died 24 June 1802. 

Anna Barbara Sidler: KN3J-D7T

1 Child:
Anna Stehli was born in 1775, in Maschwanden, Zürich, Switzerland as the daughter of Johannes Stehli and Barbara Sidler. She married Johannes Weiss on 10 January 1802, in Maschwanden, Zürich, Switzerland. They were the parents of at least 1 son and 1 daughter.

Maschwanden is 3.7 miles South of Ottenbach. Maschwanden has an area of 1.8 sq mi. The municipality is located on the east banks of the Reuss River near the confluence of the Lorze River into the Reuss.

Johannes Stehli oo 1765 Anna Barbara Sidler
Stehli Johannes, ≈ Maschwanden 23.01.1737, Sohn von Ehegaumer Heinrich (* 07.03.1697, oo Maschwanden 07.08.1722) Verena Stapfer von Horgen, Schneider, +1821
ooI Maschwanden 03.07.1765
Sidler Anna Barbara, ≈ Ottenbach 21.10.1736, Tochter von Hans Caspar Sidler und Veronica Schneebeli, + Maschwanden 24.06.1802 / ■ 27.06.1802.
Kinder: (nebst 4 verstorbenen)
10.12.1775 Anna, oo Zürich-St.Peter 18.01.1802 Johannes Weiss, Schneider aus dem Eige (Eigi), Pfarr Mettmenstetten, der aber hier (= in Maschwanden) wohnt.
02.08.1778 Hans Ulrich, Schneider, ward als Elite von einer Kanonenkugel verwundet, starb 3 Stund hernach, aet. 21, und ward begraben zu Rain, C. Aargau, den 17.08.1799.
02.09.1781 Elsbeth, oo 1810 Hans Heinrich Weiss aus dem Eigi

Stehli Johannes
ooII 28.08.1804
Lüssi Verena, ≈ Affoltern am Albis 09.02.1775, Tochter des Heinrich und der Elisabeth Frey zu Zwilliken

Quellen: Kirchenbücher Maschwanden, Ottenbach, Zürich-St.Peter
Maschwanden Haushaltungsrodel 1786, Seite 71 (pdf 76)
Maschwanden Familienregister 1796, Seite 157 (pdf 151)

Johannes Stehli oo 1765 Anna Barbara Sidler
Post by Wolf “ Wed 5 Feb 2025, 23:32

Stehli Johannes, ≈ Maschwanden 23.01.1737, son of Ehegaumer Heinrich (* 07.03.1697, oo Maschwanden 07.08.1722) Verena Stapfer von Horgen, tailor, +1821
ooI Maschwanden 03.07.1765
Sidler Anna Barbara, ≈ Ottenbach 21.10.1736, daughter of Hans Caspar Sidler and Veronica Schneebeli, + Maschwanden 24.06.1802 / ■ 27.06.1802.

Children: (in addition to 4 deceased)
10.12.1775 Anna, oo Zurich-St.Peter 18.01.1802 Johannes Weiss, tailor from Eige (Eigi), parish of Mettmenstetten, but who lives here (= in Maschwanden).
02.08.1778 Hans Ulrich, tailor, was wounded as an elite by a cannonball, died 3 hours later, aet. 21, and was buried at Rain, C. Aargau, 17.08.1799.
02.09.1781 Elsbeth, oo 1810 Hans Heinrich Weiss from Eigi

Stehli Johannes
ooII 28.08.1804
Lüssi Verena, ≈ Affoltern am Albis 09.02.1775, daughter of Heinrich and Elisabeth Frey zu Zwilliken

Sources: Church records Maschwanden, Ottenbach, Zurich-St. Peter
Maschwanden household records 1786, page 71 (pdf 76)
Maschwanden family register 1796, page 157 (pdf 151)

Translated with (free version)
Documents related to Barbara Sidler:

1736 Anna Barbara Sidler born 21 October  film 8014328 page
340 w some mistakes by Pastor item 34
1736 Getaufte
Anna, den 21. dto (=21.10.1736)
E: Hs. Caspar Schnebli vnd Froneg Sÿdler zu Ottenbach
Z: Hs. Hegetswÿler vnd Anna Schnebli: ibid (= Ottenbach)
Notes: When getting married, also in the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1749, and her death entry, she's listed as Anna Barbara - not just Anna. On the other hand her godmother is Anna (not Anna Barbara) Schnebli. What is the story behind this? Did the pastor forget the Barbara (for both, the child and the godmother - which usually had identical given names) in the baptismal entry - or is the baptismal entry correct, and the parents realised too late that there was already an older Anna, and they decided to call her Anna Barbara to avoid misunderstandings? Anna Barbara would then be the alternative to Klein-Anna. Having siblings with identical names in the church records - living at the same time - is not very common, but can occasionally be observed..

1705 Hans Kaspar Sidler b 1705 in the 1749 Church Census
film 8014124 page 91

1765 Anna Barbara Sidler marriage to Johannes Steheli 3rd 
July Maschwanden page 120  
Ehen [1765]
(Wednesday) die(s) 3. Julii
Johannes Steheli (Stehli) der Schneider von hier (tailor from here)
Anna Barbara Sÿdler von Ottenbach, b(apt) d(en) 21. 8bris 1736. Parentibus Hs. Caspar Sÿdler u(nd) Veronica Schnebeli p.m. (meaning?) zu Ottenbach (4 more children died young). Also Anna was married to Johannes Weiß on 18.01.1802 in Zürich-St.Peter: your record from Maschwanden is only the announcement on the 10.01.1802.
1775 daughter Anna Steheli baptism 10 December
Maschwanden page Film 008125639 page 19 

1802 10 January 1802 marriage Anna Staheli and 
Johannes Weiss Maschwanden

This is the announcement(!) of the marriage of Johannes Weiss with Anna Stäheli (Stehli), the daughter(!) of Anna Barbara Sidler. The marriage took actually place in Zürich-St.Peter - see Johannes Stehli oo 1765 Anna Barbara Sidler. As I don't see any indication for this being Anna's second marriage, I assume it will be her first(!) marriage.
Hiesige Bürgerinnen, so sich anderswohin verheÿrathen.
[Female citizens getting married somewhere else]
Anna Stäheli, B. Johannes Stähelis, des Schneiders, und A(nna) Barbara Sÿdlerin ehl(iche) Tochter.
Getauft [baptised] den 10. Xbr 1775
Namen ihrer Braütigame [names oft he grooms]
B. Johannes Weiß, Schneider, aus dem Eige, der Pfarre Mettmenstetten.
Verkündet [announced] Jenner den 10. [MDCCCII = 1802]
I am not sure how to interpret the "B." for both "B. Johannes": looks like an abbreviated "first" name - but I don’t see that in other records.
This is the announcement(!) of the marriage of Johannes Weiss to Anna Stäheli (Stehli), the daughter(!) of Anna Barbara Sidler. The wedding actually took place in Zurich-St.Peter - see Johannes Stehli oo 1765 Anna Barbara Sidler. As I can find no indication that this is Anna's second marriage, I assume that it is her first(!) marriage.
Local citizens who married elsewhere.
[Citizens who marry elsewhere]
Anna Stäheli, B. Johannes Stähelis, the tailor, and A(nna) Barbara Sÿdlerin ehl(iche) daughter.
Baptized [baptized] the 10th of Xbr 1775
Names of their grooms [names often he grooms]
B. Johannes Weiß, tailor, from Eige, the parish of Mettmenstetten.
Announced [announced] Jenner the 10th [MDCCCII = 1802]
I'm not sure how to interpret the “B.” for the two “B. Johannes”: Looks like an abbreviated “first name” - but I don't see that in other records.
Translated with (free version)

1802 Anna Barbara Sidler 24 June burial Maschwanden page 204

A(nna) Barbara Sÿdler, B(ürger) Johannes Stähelis, des Schneiders ehl(iche) Hausfrau
aged 65 years 8 months 5 days
Gallenfieber (typhoid fever)
Brachmonat (June) 24 (died) / 27 (buried)
Note: Remember the marriage Weiss & Stehli 1802? Then I wasn't sure about the "B." in "B. Johannes". Looking at the page here we see that there is this "B:" with most men - further down even spelled out "Bürger": 1802 was still under French occupation, revolutionary troops - with citizens being addressed as "Bürger", indicating their new rights.

Sidler Hegetschweiler Temple Record by Julius Billeter page 37

Maschwanden Kirche

Maschwanden population