June 5, 1988
Trevor James Brown was
blessed by his father Charles, a nice blessing, both grandfathers and 1 great
grandfather plus uncles assisted.
June 12, 1988 Stake
President Smith invited me to
speak in the Saturday night meeting and told me to invite Elaine to come over
from Arizona. It took some persuasion, but she did come and I met her at the
airport and we went to the temple and she was with me while I performed 2
marriages. Saw Jim and Carol at the temple and by coincidence all the children
and grandchildren came to the house, and all 23 grandchildren and were able to
meet Elaine, and she them. I had not planned it, but it just worked out that
We had a nice time, then went
to the Saturday night meeting. I was asked to speak on learning to love as the
Savior loves. I had been prompted in my thoughts while in the Mesa Temple with
Elaine stayed with President
John Allen and Hazel that night, then Sunday attended Conference with me and
the rest of the day with our family and then took her to the airport. She and
the family seemed to enjoy each other including Marjorie’s mother.
The whole weekend seemed to
be under someone else’s direction and I was just a bystander, everything seemed
to be perfect. All the Children were there for my talk and I got to publicly
express love for them. I wonder if Marjorie had a hand in what was happening.
June 15-22, 1988
Spent this week with my uncle
David Brown and his wife, Fern K. Brown. We went up to Solvang, a Danish
shopping village, then Heart’s Castle, Carmel, Monterey, then we came home,
attended our Sunday meetings, then Monday took in some local points of
interest, including Huntington Library Museum and gardens.
June 19, 1988
Jim called to tell us he had
been called to be the 1st counselor in
the bishopric. I’m proud of him.
June 26, 1988
2 blessings today, one
Elaine and I are enjoying
each other very much. We talk on the phone usually twice a day and I try to go
over every Wednesday and spend the day. It seems to be another gift from the
June 29, 1988
Elaine and I visited in the
Celestial room of the Arizona Temple after a session and decided to get
married. I am very happy about it.
July 3, 1988
I have told all the children
and most of my friends about our marriage plans, they are all happy about it.
Elaine’s daughter, Kathy called me from Salt Lake, seems pleased and happy. She
sounds so nice.
Did my home teaching, 2
patriarchal blessings, 2 priesthood blessings, and am counseling a couple by
assignment from our Stake President. A nice day.
July 22, 1988
Marjorie has been gone 1
year. I feel she approves of what is happening.
August 7, 1988
Home teaching today, had 2
patriarchal blessings.
Yesterday I went to Phoenix,
Arizona. Elaine picked me up, and we went up to Prescott. Attended Merle
Allen’s 90th birthday
party, then went out to Elaine’s cabin in Groom Creek nearby, where Elaine’s
daughter Kathy and her family were, and had a nice visit with them.
Our plans for marriage are
progressing, the 17th of August is
the date we have set.
I bought a ring, quite
different than over 40 years ago - then our license was 2 dollars, now $35.00.
Elaine and I enjoy each other very much.
September 18, 1988
Much has happened. On August
17 Elaine and I were married for time in the Los Angeles Temple by President
Jack B. McEwan. All our children were here except Johanna who was too close to
delivering her 7th living child
(Andrea, born August 31, 1988). The wedding was special, and toughing. I hope
and feel Rex and Marjorie approved.
We had a beautiful luncheon
at the Arcadia house provided by Stephan and Cheryl Worsley. My Suzanne and
Elaine’s Kathy told about each of our families. Merwin Waite gave a humorous
talk and it was great. That evening we held open house here at our home. Many
attended despite so many being away on vacation.
We then Spent a week at Big
Bear Lake in the Smith’s (our Stake President’s) lovely home right on the Lake
shore, we also went up to Hearst’s Castle and Solvang as a side trip. We had a
marvelous time getting re-acquainted and enjoy each other very much. I have
come to love and care for her very deeply. The Lord has been good to me,
allowing me to share love with 2 lovely women, incomparable Marjorie and now
We have had an interesting
time putting 2 households together. We both have too many things, a lot of
It is so good to have someone
to come home to, to share, to pillow talk, to love without reservation. I am
not aware of any problem adjusting, course it is easier for me being in my own
home. I’m grateful to Elaine for being willing to come over here.
Our children seem to accept
each other and us, which pleases both of us very much. I feel so blessed.
November 20, 1988
Elaine and I are adjusting
well, in fact, it has been remarkably easy and seems perfectly natural. She works
in the temple as an ordinance worker. We enjoy being together, and we enjoy
each other more than we did when we went together during the war.
November 27, 1988
We spent Thanksgiving with
Kathy Adams, Elaine’s daughter, and her lovely family. Also, had privilege of
giving patriarchal blessings to Elaine’s grandson Rand and her son-in-law Randy
and granddaughter Christy. They treated me so well. We flew to Las Vegas,
rented a car, and drove up through Utah. Elaine’s family lived in Toquerville,
and we drove by the old home, stopped in Provo and saw her father’s last living
brother Erwin Spilsbury, nearly 90, still very alert and active, serving in the
Provo Temple, then went up to Salt Lake to be with Kathy and Randy’s family.
We drove home Saturday despite
a snow storm the day before. Had a good time.
December 23, 1988
Had all my children and
grandchildren were here for a Christmas dinner. Johanna had to get back
Christmas Eve, so we had it a day early, we had 38 of my family. We had a
lovely dinner and family program. Christmas Eve we had the children and
grandchildren again, all except Johanna’s family.
January 29, 1989
Elaine and I just returned
from a cruise to the Mexican Rivera, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlán, and Cabo San
Lucas. The hospital sponsored the trip. Had a good time, placed 2 Book of
February 4, 1989
Performed the sealing for
Hans and Joan Juttner, the 2 who joined the church because of Marjorie. I was
deeply moved and there was a sweet, sacred feeling and you could feel the Lord’s
February 12, 1989
Elaine and I spoke in Rowland
Heights 1 ward Sacrament meeting.
I had a nice experience
recently. 2 lovely sisters, daughters of David and Sharon Berry, were married
in the temple. President McEwan performed the first, then I performed the
second immediately afterwards, same people attending. President McEwan and I
had a different approach and they seemed to complement each other.
March 12, 1989
Yesterday I performed 2
weddings, then spoke last evening at the Upland Stake adult seminar and they
gave me a lovely framed picture of Joseph Smith’s First Vision that goes very
well in the study.
Elaine and I picked up
Marjorie’s mother and took her with us. We were so well treated, reserved
parking, dinner and a host couple to take care of us.
Then this morning I taught
the lesson in our High Priest’s meeting and tonight I spoke at a fireside in
the Rowland Heights Ward (a nice weekend).
March 19, 1989
2 weddings yesterday at the
temple. One groom I delivered.
I’ve read my journal quite
often and realize that the chief benefactor of my journal is myself. I relive
the experiences. I have a dep desire to live more worthy of Marjorie and
Elaine. I feel so blessed.
March 26, 1989
I am 68 today,
Eric’s birthday also.
April 1, 1989
Our children gathered to
honor Eric and I a week later because it was raining last week. We had a nice
time together.
Elaine is recovering from
surgery on her feet (bunions).
April 8, 1989
Performed 2 sealings today,
one couple was from Jim and Carol’s ward. Their bishop told me I must have done
something right to have a son like Jim.
April 9, 1989
Went to a Catholic Rosary for
my friend Dr. Robert Maldonado who died of a brain tumor. We were class mates
and interned together, years ago. He is a year younger than I am.
April 10, 1989
We hosted our 5 F [family
home evening] group for home evening, and after games we each discussed our
thoughts on the General Conference. We all felt that President Benson’s address
on the dangers of pride as pointed out in the Book of Mormon was a land mark
address. I know it gave me some insight on pride I had not considered.
Also, the Second Quorum of
Seventy was organized, in a perfectly logical and natural way. The church is
nearly 7 million now about 7 times what it was when I first began paying
April 22, 1989
Attended Elaine’s high School
50th reunion. It
was very nice, hosted by Gail Horne at his lovely home. I knew many of them,
having once been in the same class. We also had a nice visit with her family
and several friends.
April 30, 1989
3 blessings today. Last
Wednesday,26th, we
attended Trevor’s 1st birthday
party in Charlie and Barbara’s new house they were able to rent Glendora.
Suzanne is expecting their 6th child soon, should be in a
week or two.
May 28, 1989
Suzanne delivered her 6th child, first one without me,
about 2 weeks ago. Elaine and I took Marjorie’s mother to go see the baby,
Brett David Gardiner, a beautiful baby.
May 19th Elaine and I returned from a
wonderful trip to London with Mayo and Felice Smith. We rented a car, drove out
to the London Temple, attended a temple session, saw 4 plays in London, many
sights, palaces, cathedrals, etc.
One evening we went to a
musical, a last-minute decision, were able to get seats and discovered we were
seated next to President Thomas S. Monson and his family. He was in England on
church business. We had a lovely visit.
June 3, 1989
10 years ago, I was given the
sealing power to be exercised in the Los Angeles Temple in behalf of the living
and the dead by President Spencer W. Kimball. I have had the privilege of
performing many sealings since then and have had some choice sacred
June 11, 1989
Attended the blessing of Brett
David Gardiner today after our Stake Conference.
Yesterday I performed 2
marriages in the temple then Elaine and I spoke at our senior member conference
in connection with Stake Conference, then I spoke to the High Priests group
June 15, 1989
My youngest brother Floyd C.
Brown passed away. He had crawled under a truck to check on something, a very
hot day in Bullhead City Arizona and was found dead presumably a heart attack.
He was a cute little boy, was originally named Cleone Floyd Brown, and when he
was grown he changed his name to Floyd C. He did not care for the name Cleone.
June 17, 1989
Our dear friend and widow,
wife of Murry Cluff, died suddenly on his birthday and their wedding
Last week, I performed a
marriage at the temple and afterwards I realized one of my beautiful daughters
was there, so radiant and perfectly beautiful, it was a nice feeling.
June 18, 1989
5 blessings [patriarchal]
today, one was my grandson Mathew James Goodman. I had quite a contrast in
those who received blessings: 1. A refugee from El Salvador, 2. A new convert
75 years old, 3. A Chinese elder serving a mission here, 4. A young man just
admitted to West Point Academy, then 5. My grandson.
July 9, 1989
4 blessings [patriarchal]
today, 1 marriage yesterday, also my home teaching today.
On July 1, Elaine and
Marjorie’s mother and I drove up to Jim and Carol’s to attend Christie’s
baptism on July 3 Monday. Afterwards, we drove up to Dinky Creek in the
mountains where Jim and Carol, Mike and Judy, Charlie and Barbara, with their
families plus some other family friends had reserved a family camp. We had a
great time and the cousins enjoyed each other. While there, a huge brush fire
destroyed 14 homes on our hills here on Turnbull canyon. We didn’t know about
it because we had no television or radio. It broke out July 3 (Monday) and I
didn’t know until the next day when Dr. Van Wagener came up to see us, said it
was in all the news and on national television. I initially was concerned but
knew after thinking about it that Pres. Jim Smith would have gotten word to me
if our house was burned.
August. 12, 1989
My father and mother had a
little money in their account that we had not yet divided. I suggested to my
brothers Bob and Floyd and our sister Louise, that we use it for a cruise and
take our spouses. Unfortunately, Floyd died suddenly. Bob and his wife Ann,
Louise and her husband Howard and Elaine and I went on a cruise to Alaska along
the Inland passage. We had a marvelous time, saw beautiful sights, glaciers,
icebergs, eagles, whales, seals, etc., mountains, fiords, and spent more time
together than we had in 50 years. We flew to Vancouver B.C. and got on the ship
August. 4, returned August 11, and flew home.
August. 20, 1989
3 weddings at temple last
week, 3 [patriarchal] blessings today, plus 1 priesthood blessing. Barbara is
in the hospital with a premature rupture of her membranes, hoping not to go
into premature labor.
August. 26, 1989
Attended a William Halls
family organization meeting in Orem Utah at the home of Alan Ashton. We share
William Halls as our great grandfather, his mother was Emma Rae McKay, Pres.
(David O.) McKay’s daughter. My grandfather Halls family lived in Huntsville
Utah and were friends of the McKay’s. My great uncle John Halls was Pres.
McKay’s bishop.
Alan Ashton developed the
Word Perfect program for computers and has become very wealthy. We stayed with
Kathy’s family.
September. 3, 1989
Yesterday Elaine, Marjorie’s
mother and I flew up to attend Daniel Goodman’s baptism. Johanna and her family
are well thought of in their ward.
September. 9, 1989
Performed the marriage of
Karen Peacock in the temple. I delivered her, knew her parents and great
grandparents. Her great grandfather was B.J. Peacock our Stake Patriarch and a
very good friend.
September. 17, 1989
Made our home teaching
visits, have 4 blessings scheduled, and stake priesthood meeting.
October. 1, 1989
Have been watching General
Conference on TV [television] yesterday and today, will do some home teaching
today, and have 2 patriarchal blessings, have now given over 900.
As I listened to the inspired
messages, I wondered how anyone could listen and not know that this is the
Lord’s work, that it matters not where you serve, but how and if you serve. We
have individual opportunity to become followers of the Savior, build family
ties, and become worthy of them.
November. 5, 1989
October 17-27, Elaine and I
went to Egypt, Israel, and Jordon on a tour with Don Black. We arrived in Cairo
at night and the next morning when we pulled the drapes, the timeless pyramids
were before our view. It was very spectacular. We spent a day and [a] half
seeing Cairo, the pyramids, sphinx, etc., then crossed the Suez Canal, drove
across the Sinai Desert and into Israel. Security on the boarders was very
strict, searches, etc. We had to ask Israel not to stamp our passport because
Jordan did not recognize Israel and would not let us in if we had Israel
stamped on our passport.
I enjoyed seeing Israel,
particularly the countryside and the spots I have read about in the Bible. In
Jerusalem itself, I was very aware that it was not the Jerusalem the Savior
knew. I suspect during the Savior’s time on earth, there were more trees, more
topsoil, etc. Jerusalem today appears to be built on a pile of rubble. The
actual streets where he walked must be 15 feet below the surface of the present
streets, but I was glad to get a feel for the country and the people and get an
idea of what the Savior had to deal with. There is so much bitterness and
deep-seated hostility between the peoples there, I don’t think it will ever
resolve until the Savior comes.
I was very impressed with the
BYU Center for Near Eastern Studies. The church is not allowed to proselyte in
any way.
I enjoyed the area around the
sea of Galilee most of all because it probably was most like when the Savior
was there and quite likely unchanged. We saw where the Sermon on the Mount was
quite likely given and where He fed the 5000, looked at the hills he knew, saw
the Mount of Transfiguration, (and) saw the Stark Wilderness where he went for
40 days after baptism. We sailed across the Sea of Galilee, stopped, and read
of him calming the sea, (and) walking on the water. We had Sacrament meeting in
Jerusalem, somewhat near where the Sacrament was instituted at the Last Supper.
I’m glad we went and felt if we waited until there was less unrest we would
never go.
After Jerusalem, we went to
Jordan and saw Petra, the ancient city carved from cliffs, then stayed
overnight in Arman, Jordan and flew home the next day. I am very happy we went
but do not feel an urge to go again.
October. 29, 1989 Hailey
Michele Brown born to Barbara and Charlie their first girl, we are delighted.
November 16, 1989
I went out to Newhall, to be
with Suzanne while she had her left breast removed, biopsy on the 13th was positive for duct cell
carcinoma, also the axillary lymph glands were positive. Kent and I gave her a
blessing before surgery. The surgeon did a superb resection of the breast and
lymph glands. We of course do not know how much if any spread has occurred.
Suzanne’s attitude is good, and I personally feel that the Lord is aware and
loves her as we all do. I am very vulnerable when it comes to any of our
November. 24, 1989
We learned today that Charlie
passed the California Bar exam! We are proud and grateful.
November 25, 1989
My Marjorie
would be 65 today.
January. 1, 1990
We had a nice Christmas at
Kathy and Randy’s home in Salt Lake City, then came home and went to the Rose
Parade, have had some nice family visits. Suzanne and Kent are moving to a
beautiful new home. We wish we had Suzanne’s condition firmly under control. I
guess I said that poorly, we know the Lord is mindful of her, we just pray his
plans for her include her raising her children.
January 7, 1990
Had Charlie and Barbara’s new
daughter blessed by her father, a lovely blessing. Both Charlie and Barbara
bore sweet testimonies.
January 28, 1990
Yesterday went out to Upland
to speak at one of my patient’s baptism, then to confirm him, also drove Mayo
and Felice Smith to Long Beach to catch a week’s cruise to Mexico with the
California Utah Women’s group tour.
Elaine’s son Reid is staying
with us a few days while he lays carpet for a new Marriott hotel nearby.
Time is rushing along, Elaine
and I enjoy each other. As I sat beside her recently in the temple, I wondered
how I could be so blessed, to have had Marjorie and love her so much and now be
able to love Elaine so very much. We enjoy one another, like each other, and
are very much in love, and appreciate so much what the Lord has given us.
February. 3, 1990
Picked Mayo and Felice Smith
up at the dock after a Mexican cruise.
This afternoon we attended
the funeral of J. Talmadge Jones, a longtime friend. He was a counselor to
Pres. Howard W. Hunter when he was our Stake President. I remember giving the
closing prayer in the conference when J. Talmadge Jones was put in the Stake
Presidency. Through the years we had contacts with the Jones. I would examine
them before they left on missions. We spent a weekend in London with Talmadge
and Vera Jean when they presided over the Missionary Training Center in
England. During his last days, he served as a sealer in the Los Angeles Temple
and was able to perform the marriage of his youngest son 2 weeks before he
died. The service looked like Stake Conference. It was unusual in that the
interment took place in the morning and the family held a testimony meeting and
arraigned the burial, then at 2 PM the general memorial service was held.
President Howard W. Hunter spoke, he is now the President of the Quorum of the
Twelve. Grandchildren sang, his son and brother spoke and afterwards, because
we didn’t need to go to the cemetery, we stood around and visited with many old
friends. It was a spiritual experience and I was struck by how rich Talmadge
really was when he left mortality in family and friends and heritage. He came
from a good family and left a good family.
Feb. 11, 1990
Attended a 5-stake regional
conference held at the Shrine Auditorium in L.A. (Los Angeles). President
Gordon B. Hinckley presided, Elder James E. Faust of the Twelve, and Elder Gene
R. Cook of the Seventy, all three spoke along with their wives. President
Hinckley discussed honesty and pointed out that all sins are a form of
Yesterday, there was a 31⁄2
hour priesthood leadership meeting with the same brethren participating. After
our leadership meeting, last night Elaine and I went with Mayo and Felice Smith
to a Thursday night temple workers party. The spirit of the evening was so
sweet. Elaine and I discussed it and felt the reason was we all loved each
other and the church.
We are still greatly
concerned about Suzanne. She is undergoing chemotherapy, has lost her hair and
wears a realistic wig. She is battling her insurance company to approve an advanced
treatment using autologous bone marrow transplant after very strong
chemotherapy at UCLA [University of California at Los Angeles] medical center.
February 25, 1990
Last week Jim invited me to
come up to their ward and speak at an adult fireside and dinner on love and
temple marriage. We left in plenty of time but were considerably delayed by a
freeway closure. Fearing we would be late, I drove very fast and just made
it. Because it was storming
we decided to come back home that night in as much as I had a marriage to
perform the next day in the temple and I didn’t want to chance being snowed in
at the mountain pass the next morning. We got home OK, drove out to the temple
the next morning in the rain, and just as I turned the corner a block from the
temple going real slow I had a blowout on a front tire. I was able to park,
perform the marriage, came out and found my spare was flat. I’m so grateful
that it did not blowout when I was driving so fast or in the night during a
storm in the mountains with no spare when it could have been very dangerous and
or inconvenient. As it was, I was close to a service station and was quickly
taken care of.
March 3, 1990
Had a lovely temple marriage,
Jim and Carol rode out to the temple with (them), and I performed the marriage
and they attended a session.
In the evening, we attended
Jeremy Charles Brown’s baptism and confirmation by his father. As I sat there
with a granddaughter on my lap, many of my family there, I thought this is one
of those moments I’d like to freeze in time so that I could preserve it.
The night before, many of the
family came over to celebrate the March birthdays of Elaine and I, the whole
family chipped in and gave us an earthquake survival kit. Very appropriate
since we had a pretty good earthquake 3 days previous.
March 11, 1990
Senator Bill Campbell called
me March 9 to let me know that he had been able to intercede with the
University of California in behalf of Suzanne, and they have agreed to accept
her case as part of their Grant program saving her several hundred thousand
dollars since her insurance company has adamantly refused to pay for the
autologous bone marrow replacement and chemotherapy which is new and would
require at least 4 weeks in the hospital
Many years ago, I conducted a
project temple seminar in our stake. Bill (Senator Bill Campbell), a new member
and his wife Margene were in it and finished the series and went to the temple.
Now, years later he does this for my daughter. He and I discussed how
vulnerable we are as far as our children are concerned.
March 18, 1990
Yesterday was a full day, got
up early for my walk, Elaine and I went into the temple, performed 3 temple
marriages, each was a request, one was a grandson of Eldon Ord, who was my
Stake President when I was on the Covina Stake High Council in 1956.
We then drove out to Suzanne
and Kent’s, gave Suzanne a tonic injection of liver and iron plus calcium, had
a nice visit, came home and went to a ward Relief Society dinner early to
practice a special song that Felice Smith had to honor Bishop Fuhrman, stayed
for dinner and the program, came home and found David and Colleen waiting to
tell us they plan to get married and asked me to perform it in the Salt Lake
March 31, 1990
Last Saturday on the 24th Elaine and I plus Marjorie’s
mother flew up to San Francisco and met Jean and Don Pacquet. Jean used to be
Elaine’s roommate at BYU and later in Salt Lake where I knew her when I went
with Elaine. They showed us around and took us to their home in Concord, where
we saw their miniature horses.
We then drove up to Yuba City
to attend Ben Goodman’s Eagle Scout award. Glenn and Johanna have a nice family
and are well thought of. We had a good time, flew home Sunday evening.
Wednesday the 28th we flew to Arizona for Chad
Phelps Eagle Scout award, Elaine’s grandson, had a good visit and a nice time.
Today the 31st watched General Conference
and went to priesthood meeting with David.
David is busy finishing
premed, making marriage preparations and getting ready to move to Chicago for
medical school.
April 1, 1990
Just finished watching the
160th annual
General Conference of the church. All the messages seemed so timely and
pertinent to our day. I didn’t listen to a single talk I could not take to
heart. David and Colleen watched with Elaine and I. I think David made a very
good choice.
April 8, 1990
Fast day, Suzanne is in the
midst of her treatment program at UCLA medial center, has had her bone marrow
harvested and saved by freezing to be put back after her chemotherapy. She is
in the middle of that now.
This morning I was thinking
of those we have lost and may yet lose in death and began to understand that
rather than dwell on our loss, we should consider how blessed we were to have
had what we have. Each of our children represent more of a blessing than I can
possibly be worthy of.
May 16, 1990
Suzanne has had a very
difficult time, has been in intensive care at the hospital for nearly 2 weeks.
When her immune system was down from the chemotherapy she got several
infections and went into renal failure from the strong antibiotics. She also
went into cardiac and respiratory failure and gave us quite a scare. She still
is on dialysis, but we hope her kidneys will respond again. She had such a
close call, that the plan to repeat the chemotherapy has been called off. It is
hard to see one of your beloved children look so near death. So many have been
concerned and are praying for her. I want so much for her to be able to raise
her children. I’m not concerned about Suzie’s status, she is in my estimation
very worthy for whatever the Lord has in store for her.
Today I signed an agreement
with BYU to donate 5 acres of the land the Lord gave us. They in turn will sell
it and pay Elaine and I 8% on the proceeds for as long (as) either Elaine or I
live or for at least 10 years. I want to be sure that Elaine will be cared for
if I die first, also the home and other assets will be left to the children for
a little help in their lives.
I wish I knew what do with
the rest of my life, it’s hard to realize I’m in my 70th year. In 10 years I’ll be
going on 80 if I live. In 20 years I’ll be nearly 90. Common sense tells me I
don’t have a lot of effective time left. In many way’s I don’t feel different
than I did at 30, but my body isn’t as limber, and I don’t seem to get as much
done as I used to.
My practice is dwindling. I’m
almost retired and don’t’ know it. So many patients have moved, joined health
plans or died. I see about one third of what I used to. For such a long time I
did not take new patients and now people don’t want to start with a doctor who
obviously will not practice much longer.
Elaine and I are planning to
go to Russia with some of the Chinese friends that Marjorie and I went to China
with 4 years ago.
June 10, 1990
It looks like Suzanne will be
discharged from the Hospital today. She is beginning to recover from the
effects of the chemotherapy, pneumonia, renal failure, etc. She has been in the
Hospital over 10 weeks. There have been a lot of prayers for her, many
different faiths, we now pray that the cancer is eradicated.
June 10, 1990
Stake Conference. Elaine was
sustained as Stake Relief Society President. She says if I’d retired, and we
had already gone on our mission (I think she will do a good job) “she wouldn’t
have this to worry about.”
We had a nice conference.
Pres. Smith asked me to speak to the bishoprics and High Council in our early
leadership meeting.
June 17, 1990
2 marriages yesterday, then
drove out to see Suzanne who is home now still very weak and sick but getting
stronger. It was so good to see her home. Then drove out to Palmdale to see
Judy, she has about 3 more weeks to carry her baby. Her husband’s parents were
there. They are leaving on a mission to Australia soon.
Today we had Colleen and
David for lunch and Father’s Day. Charlie and Barbara are coming over this
evening, have had some nice cards from the children. We have exceptional
I spoke at our Spanish Ward
baptismal service this afternoon.
June 24, 1990
Chelsea Marie Wooten was born
today at 11 AM, apparently, things are OK. Elaine attended her first Ward
Conference as Relief Society President.
I spoke to the young adult ward
priesthood on how to treat women.
Also, attended an orientation meeting for our
Russian trip.
July 15, 1990
Just returned from our trip
into Russia and Central Asia, a very interesting and enlightening trip! The
country is in the throes of trying to change. The people are tired of communism
and still apprehensive about change. They are hungry for religion and something
to believe in. I left a Book of Mormon with our Russian guide, he reads English
and is at present reading the Bible. He was pleased to have the Book of Mormon.
Suzanne is slowly improving
from the effects of her chemotherapy, she now feels she can go up to Salt Lake
for David’s wedding. Colleens father called me last night from Salt Lake, he
sounds very nice.
July 22, 1990
3 years ago, Marjorie left
mortality. Today, I spoke in our ward primary, did some home teaching, Elaine
fixed a nice lunch for David and Colleen, had 3 patriarchal blessings. Talked
to Jim and Carol on the phone, he likes his new work and home. Saw Suzanne last
night, she and Kent are planning to be at David’s wedding.
July 28, 1990
We just returned from David
and Colleen’s wedding. Elaine, Marjorie’s mother and I met Suzanne and Kent,
Judy and Mike at the airport and flew to Salt Lake on the 26th. Elaine, I and Belva stayed with
Elaine’s daughter Kathy. We gathered at the Salt Lake Temple where my parents
were married 71 years ago, and we met Johanna and Glenn, Suzanne and Kent, Jim
and Carol, Judy and Mike, Charlie and Barbara, David and Colleen and her entire
family except a brother who is on a mission. You do not often have both
families with every member in the temple, parents, brothers, and sisters, etc.
I felt it was the crowning
achievement of our family, to all be in the temple at one time. I feel Marjorie
was there as well as one of Colleen’s sisters who died at age 22.
I was afraid I’d be so
emotional that I would have trouble performing the ceremony, but there was such
a sweet feeling. I asked Colleen’s father to say a few words and he expressed
himself very well and helped set the stage. I was so impressed with the sweet
feeling in the temple, everyone was so kind and considerate, all the workers,
etc. I don’t suppose there is any other place in the world where there is such a
sweet spirit. I told our children that having them all there with their spouses
meant more to me than any earthly honor, title or achievement.
After the wedding, we of
course took pictures then went to the Marriott Hotel and had a luncheon.
Colleen’s father conducted, David’s grandmother said a few words, as well as
the parents, and David and Colleen responded very well. The reception was held
at the Lion House, a nice crowd, and all was handled very well. I do not know
how things could have been better. We flew home and found all well at home. I
do not know if I could live long enough to repay the Lord for the blessings of
having all our children and their spouses in the temple. I wish I could
properly express my appreciation.
August 1, 1990
Open House for David and
Colleen at our home, many friends came, grandchildren parked cars and a nice
affair was held.
August 4, 1990
Performed the marriage of
Stephanie Campbell, Bill and Margene’s daughter. David and Colleen left in a
U-Haul truck for Salt Lake then will go from there to Chicago.
August 19, 1990
David and Colleen are settled
in an apartment at Lisle, Illinois near his school in Downers Grove, south of
Chicago. Have had some nice weddings at the temple this past 2 weeks. Suzanne
appears to be gaining strength and we are hopeful for her recovery.
The events in the Arab world
appear to be Ominous. I don’t know what to expect. There may well be a major
confrontation. I’m glad we visited Israel when we did.
August 26, 1990
Elain’s daughter Kathy, and
her family spent the week with us and took in the beach, Knot’s Berry, etc. We
spent one afternoon on a yacht belonging to Randy’s wealthy uncle Dan Evans, a
very likable generous man.
September 23, 1990
Have had some nice marriages
in the temple. On September 21, I performed the marriage of Darren Wible, the
last of 5 sons I married for the Wible family. Sally Prior Wible, the groom’s
mother lived across the street from Marjorie and I in our first home in El
Monte, and we have had a close relationship ever since.
November 4, 1990
We attended October General
Conference. President Smith gave us seating tickets, even so, we had to wait in
line, very different than years ago when the Stake Presidents could just walk
in. Elaine attended orientation meetings held by the General Relief Society and
gained a great deal. We stayed with Kathy and Randy and attended every session
in the Tabernacle and had a great time.
Also, in October, we had a
birthday celebration for Marjorie’s mother. Susie, Judy, and Charlies families
Today being Fast Day, Judy
has called all the children and asked them to especially fast and pray that the
sale of our property will go through and the trust can be set up with BYU, so
Elaine and I can go on our mission. Our children continue to bless us.
Last night Suzanne and Kent
came over. It was so good to see Susie look and act like her old self.
November 25, 1990
Elaine and I went over to
Arizona and spent Thanksgiving with her 3 sons, we all met at Greg’s, and had a
good time. We also went to a funeral of an old family friend of Elaine’s, Jack
Cummard. Elaine lived next door to the Cummard family when she was growing up.
We saw many of her longtime friends as well as many that I knew but had not
seen for years. Many of the people I used to know, but lost track of having
left Arizona, Elaine has known all though the years, and it is interesting to
find out what has happened to them. Who you marry and the habits you develop
surely make a difference in our lives. If we only knew the long-term effect for
generations of seemingly trivial decisions, we would be so much more concerned
about following the counsel of the Lord.
November 29, 1990
My brother Bob’s wife, Ann,
passed away this evening, after years of poor health. They had been married 45
years. Elaine and I know very well what Bob is experiencing and that nobody
really knows until they go through it personally.
December. 3, 1990
Spoke at Ann’s funeral
service. Bob’s Bishop conducted, and the ward provided a luncheon for us. The
Relief Society President used to live in our Stake and I performed the marriage
of her daughter. We were well treated, and Bob’s family were favorably
impressed. Our Sister Louise flew over and I picked her up at the airport. We
had a nice family visit.
I remember so well when Bob
and Ann were married and what a cute girl Ann was. When Beverly was born, I
thought she was the prettiest baby I’d ever seen. Bob got married before I did
and so did Louise even though I’m the oldest.
December. 9, 1990
Attended a special Christmas
devotional at the Los Angeles Temple in the large assembly room on the 3rd floor which seats nearly
1500. President Gordon B. Hinckley and Elder Dallin H. Oaks attended and gave
us instructions and inspiration. The music, sentiments, and spirit brought
tears to my eyes. We went with Felice and Mayo Smith and sat on the stand with
the other sealers and could watch the audience. Right in front of us was the
section for the deaf, and we could watch them “sign” the songs and see the expression
on their faces.
Elder Oakes told us that even
the Prophet does not try to explain the endowment and we should likewise
refrain. He quoted Elder Widstoe who said, “The endowment is so richly symbolic
that only a fool would attempt to explain it.”
Elder Oakes also said the
questions we don’t have answers for are not as important as the questions we do
have answers to.
President Hinckley gave a
very warm and loving talk and urged us to increase our faith.
December 25, 1990
Christmas Eve, had all 27 of
our grandchildren here with all the family except David and Colleen. We had a
lovely dinner and program. I was very touched by my children’s testimonies and
enjoyed loving the grandchildren and watching them have fun with their cousins
and getting acquainted. Several of my grandsons are taller than I am.
Each time we are together I
wonder who will not be there next time. I watched my beautiful Suzanne and pray
she will be around to raise her children. We have some very special children. I
feel I have contributed to the enrichment of the world by being involved in
bringing them into the world. Marjorie’s mother, 86 (years old) was here, still
alert and active. I wonder how many more Christmases I’ll have in mortality.
December 29, 1990
Went down to the Holiday Bowl
football game in San Diego. Elaine and I were invited to the pre-game luncheon
with President Rex Lee, BYU President, and then saw the game in box seats with
Pres. Lee and Elders Marvin Ashton, Joseph Worthlin, and Russell Nelson of the
Quorum of the Twelve. It was nice to be out of the cold and enjoyed watching
and rubbing shoulders with these great men and their wives. The BYU team was
soundly beaten by Texas A&M even though their (BYU) quarterback was the
Heisman trophy winner this year. We also stopped by the San Diego Temple site,
the walls are up, and it is taking shape. The building superintendent is Stanly
G. Smith who used to be our Regional Representative when I was Stake President.
He called me and invited us down, however we missed seeing him.
January 6, 1991
Our Bishopric was changed
today. Bishop Robert H. Peart was released and Bishop Don Faubers was sustained
with Rodney Allen and Merrill Bodily as counselors. The priesthood effects
these changes under the direction of the Lord in such a smooth efficient
January 12-13, 1991
Stake Conference, Elder
Robert L. Backman our visitor, with James Jacobsen our Regional Representative.
Elaine with her board was asked to provide the luncheon Saturday afternoon
between leadership and adult meetings. We heard great messages and I personally
was touched by some things I felt applied to me personally.
Spoke at El Monte 1st Ward youth fireside tonight.
January 16, 1991
Allied forces, principally
the US, began operation “Desert Storm” to get Iraq out of Kuwait. I pray it can
be quick and effective and not a major prolonged conflagration. Someday as
prophesied, nations will gather and surround Israel. I feel ill prepared for
the windup scene. I guess each of us would want to have done more and been more
righteous in our lives.
January 26, 1991
The war in the gulf still
goes on. Today, attended a women’s conference of the Arcadia stake. Suzanne was
asked to speak in one of the departments about her bout with cancer and the
adversity she went through nearly dying etc., and how her faith has been
strengthened. I was so proud of her and loved her so much! So beautiful and
Tomorrow I have 2
[patriarchal] blessing appointments and a fireside to speak to.
The ward were my brother Bob
lives is doing a marvelous job of fellowshipping him since Ann passed away and
he is determined to go to the temple and have her sealed to him.
February. 10, 1991
Friday the 8th I attended the funeral of a
long-time friend John P. Monahan. We had served in a bishopric together, and on
a High Council together. Also, when I first started my practice he presented me
with my first doctors bag at a fireside held in his home. We have gone on trips
together and have had a special relationship. He was also a patient and I took
care of him when he died. In fact, he died out in front of my office as he was
coming to see me.
The morning of the funeral I
was going to the office first, blocking out some time to attend the service and
I decided to wear my dark suit (funeral suit) instead of a sport jacket in
honor of “Jack.” When I arrived at the chapel, I found out that I was one of
the speakers on the printed program. I was surprised yet pleased. I knew that
Mark Smith, his former Stake President, and his brother in law Orson Lauritzen
a patriarch would be on the program and they were, but I was not notified, but
it was a sweet experience. It was
good to be with Mark and
Orson again. Brother Lauritzen had given some of my children patriarchal
blessings before he left our stake and moved to Utah. I was Marks counselor in
the Stake Presidency of West Covina Stake, then fellow Stake Presidents after
the stake was divided.
We had a very nice weekend.
We were asked by the Bishop of the Poway III Ward near San Diego to speak at
their Sacrament meeting. We went down Saturday afternoon, attended a Know Your
Religion lecture, stayed the night with Mike and Leslie McFarland who used to
be in our stake, spoke in Sacrament meeting, then to their girls in MIA, and
then in their High Priests group meeting. We drove home and had 3 patriarchal
February. 17, 1991
Yesterday my brother Bob and
I went to the temple, the first time in 46 years for Bob. He took out his
endowments in Feb. 1945 while he was in the service, and then marrying Ann, who
was not a member, never able to return until now. He went through for our
brother Floyd, and I also performed 2 marriages. It was nice going through a
session with Bob.
February. 23, 1991
Elaine and I flew up to San
Francisco, rented a car and drove to Tahoe City where I was asked to take care
of a funeral for a nonmember patient who moved up there, Tom Harden. I had
called the Bishop, Wayne George, and he helped me. He will visit the family
later and hopefully some good will come of it.
We then drove to Grass
Valley, stopped and saw Ben Denton and his wife Shirly (Ellsworth) who were
class mates of Elaine and I in Mesa. From there we drove up and saw Johanna and
Glenn, and Jim and Carol and their families. I am so pleased with Jim’s new
home, 2 story, 5 bedrooms, 2 acres, barn, shed, work rooms, storage, everything
you could want to raise a family. I feel the Lord gave it to Jim and Carol,
just as he gave Marjorie and I our home to raise our family.
As I visit the children’s
homes and see so many pictures Marjorie painted or bought, antiques, and
furniture she collected I’m pleased. I had thought in the past that she
collected too much, but now it gives our children something of her.
February. 27, 1991
After 100 hours of ground fighting
our troops liberated Kuwait. President Bush was very resolute, and I feel it is
a good thing, I hope a good peace can ensue.
Last night at my sealing
session I had Charlie and Barbara along with some of their friends from the
ward, they looked so nice in their temple clothing. I was so pleased and proud
of them.
March 31, 1991
We have had quite a month,
starting out with Chandra’s baptism. Elaine and Marjorie’s mother and I flew up
to San Francisco rented a car and drove to Gridley. Had another good visit with
Jim and Carol, Johanna and Glen, such sweet children. This was on March 2. We
also saw Lowell and Louise Smith in Chico and Le Grande and Mary Goodsell in
Paradise, about 20 miles east of Chico in the mountains. Birthday party for
Elaine at Jim and Carol’s.
March 9-11, we flew to Las
Vegas, rented a car and drove to Salt Lake City for Elaine’s grandson’s
missionary farewell (Rand Adams). He is hearing impaired and is going to the
Deaf Mission. It was a very nice program.
March 23, Suzanne, Judy,
Charlie and their families came to our home for Eric and my birthday, had a
nice dinner and visit.
Today, the 31st, Fast Day, because next week is
General Conference. We had a call from Delworth Brinton, someone from Mesa,
Arizona that Elaine and I have known all our lives. He was widowed and
remarried to a lady whose son is a patient of mine and they were visiting, so
he and his new wife met us at church and we had a good visit.
Well, I’m 70 now, older than
I ever thought I’d be. I’ve had a full life, more blessings than I can tell. To
think of 40 years with Marjorie, one of the truly great beautiful women,
gracious, lovely, everything I wanted in a wife. Now to have the privilege of
loving Elaine again after having loved her back during World War II. I remember
the sense of loss I felt when I received her wedding announcement when I was
overseas. I hadn’t asked her to wait because I was young, inexperienced, didn’t
know if I would come back alive. At that time, we were not winning the war.
Elaine and I feel that had we
married back then, it would have been difficult, we both needed to mature. I
feel the Lord gave me Marjorie, why, I cannot fathom the mercy and charity in
doing so. Now that Elaine and I have had more experience we can and do appreciate
each other and are very much in love, not detracting one iota from the love I
have for Marjorie. Elaine has a wonderful talent for being a good enjoyable
companion, cheerful, appreciative, and fun. We appreciate each other now, we
may not have years ago when we were immature.
April 7, 1991
We have been listening to
Conference. How marvelous it is to watch it on TV in our own home. We just
finished the Sunday morning session and I don’t know when I have been more
touched by the spirit of Love manifested by all speakers. You could tell that
tears were very close to the surface, even in the prayers.
President Hinckley spoke of
performing the marriages of his granddaughters and of the sanctity of family
For some time, I’ve wondered
how it is determined who will be parents and who will be children in the
premortal world, and if it is possible that perhaps our own parents volunteered
to come to earth first in what may be a more unfavorable time, and if our roles
had been reversed, would we have done as well. I suspect that when we know
more, we will be more grateful and appreciative of what we have.
April 14, 1991
Attended a regional welfare
meeting with the Stake Presidents, Stake Bishops Council Chairmen, and the
Stake Relief Society Presidents. I went to take Elaine since she didn’t know
how to get there. It was interesting to watch those young Stake Presidents deal
with the same problems we had, and I thought how the principles remain the
same, the players change and new people need the experience and growth. I’m
glad younger men have that responsibility now.
This evening we are attending
a meeting in our stake center co-sponsored by the Catholic Church on
pornography, other religious leaders in the community have been invited. I
think it is good to unite on issues we can and should agree upon.
April 21, 1991
A nice
Sabbath, I think I observed it better than I sometimes do.
April 24, 1991
Mayo and Felice Smith invited
us over for lunch and had Margaret Miner Towse also, she was the widow of my
counselor Richard Miner, so our family have many shared memories. Margaret now
has cancer, spread to the liver, and is undergoing chemotherapy and
contemplating major surgery removing a major portion of the liver. She asked
Mayo and I to give her a blessing. As I sealed the anointing I was flooded with
a spirit of love and appreciation that the Lord has for her, it made me choke
up and I was very touched.
April 28, 1991
Elaine and I went up to Reese
and Elaine Layton’s for Trevor’s 3rd birthday (Charlie and Barbara’s son), a nice time, good family
Last Thursday I fasted all
day, I was concerned about my life, realized that at 70 I couldn’t have too
many more years. I was concerned that the property sale hadn’t gone through yet
in my attempt to set up a trust with BYU so that Elaine would be taken care of
if I die first. I went to the temple for my regular assignment and I had a
family that I’d known for years, Willie and Marie Blocker, and 3 of their sons.
They asked that I be their sealer, so I got out early and had time to do an
endowment session afterward. I felt much better afterward and realized again
how blessed I’ve been and that I need to be more patient.
May 5, 1991
4 blessings today. Yesterday
I had a nice experience, I had been asked to be the keynote speaker at the
Ontario Stake Family Relations seminar and conduct 2 departments afterward. It
was well attended, and a dinner was served afterward, and then a dance was
held. Elaine and I picked up Marjorie’s Mother, Charlie and Barbara came, and
Judy came all the way from Palmdale with their sweet Chelsea, all my
grandchildren seem to be so beautiful. My brother Bob came also. He is really
taking hold of the church. It was good to have family there.
May 8, 1991
Elaine and I drove out to
Palmdale to see the California Poppy’s in bloom and stopped off to see Judy and
Suzanne and their families, what special children they are.
May 26, 1991
Yesterday I performed
marriage for a Tongan couple at the temple and that afternoon Elaine and I went
to the reception. They hadn’t sent invitations because as part of their custom,
they expect everyone to come and all the family and friends expect to come and
do come from all over. Some even came from the Islands bringing flowers, food,
gifts, etc. They barbecued 72 pigs and I don’t know how many chickens, served well
over 500 people, program, speeches, dances, for about 8 hours. Because I
performed the marriage, Elaine and I sat at the head table, and were presented
with the 2nd tier of the
wedding cake, (the bride and groom got the 1st) and a lovely handmade quilt was given to us. Right in front of
us was an entire roast pig, head, feet, and all. They sure had fun. Who is to
say, which culture is the best?
May 18 was Elaine’s Women’s
Conference, a great success. There sisterhood in the gospel showing many
cultures and customs, but united in love of the gospel. The Relief Society did
well. Elaine should have a real sense of accomplishment.

June 2, 1991
12 years ago tomorrow
Marjorie and I met with President Kimball in the Los Angeles Temple and I was
given the sealing powers to be exercised on behalf of the living and the dead
in the Los Angeles Temple. Since that time, I have had many sacred and choice
experiences there, difficult to adequately describe. When Robert L. Simpson of
the Seventy was our temple president, he told the sealers in a special meeting,
that we were foreordained in the pre-existence to be sealers. I marvel at that
and feel it must be so because I cannot conceive of my earth life making me
worthy or qualified for the blessings I’ve had. It must be that the Lord is
merciful and honored the foreordination and also to have been a Stake President
and a Patriarch which President Lee also said we were foreordained to be. I
think that Marjorie coming into my life was just as much and angel coming into
my life as the angel that appeared to Alma the younger. Our moving to
California seems to me to have been guided. I think that Elaine coming back
into my life is another gift of the Lord. I hope and pray I can fulfil my role
now in whatever the Lord would have me do.
I wish I could write more
fluently and in such a way that would really portray how I feel, and how things
really are. How can I express the ache I have to see and talk to Marjorie and
how can I express how much I appreciate and love Elaine? How can you really
express your love for each of your children, how desperately you hope they will
stay close to the church, love and be faithful to their wives, husbands, and
children. I think the finest thing parents can provide their children is to love
each other, act like it, and be happy in the church. I think that will give
their children more security than anything else they could provide.
I’m grateful my children know
I loved their angel mother. I sincerely appreciate that they and Marjorie’s
mother accept Elaine and recognize what a blessing and comfort she is to me. I
hope and pray our last years will reflect the blessings and mercy the Lord has
given us by our lives and service to him and our families.
James Cyril Brown Sr.
James Cyril Brown Sr
Volume 3
June 9, 1991 – January 23, 2011
June 9, 1991
This is my 3rd volume of journals. I do not
write every day, or every week, so each volume lasts several years.
My children are all married
to, in my opinion, wonderful spouses, best suited for them. I have my 28th grandchild on the way (Jim
and Carol) I hope that Marjorie is preparing her grandchild for earth life.
I am remarried to perhaps the
only woman I could love after being widowed, still practicing medicine although
reluctant at times, serving as a patriarch, and a sealer – great privileges.
We had Stake Conference this
weekend. Our great Stake President Smith invited my brother Bob to come and
speak at the Saturday eve meeting. He did very well, and as
I sat on the stand with him
realizing how remote that would seem to me 6 months ago. He is now the ward
executive secretary fully determined to serve, making up for lost time (45
In our Stake, we now have a
Spanish ward and branch, a Chinese branch, a Tongan branch, and soon a Korean
branch. Only 1 ward in El Monte where we used to have 3. Our stake is smaller
now than it was 24 years ago when I was called as Stake President. We are doing
good missionary work, but our people are moving, and our population is shifting.
But as more so-called minorities join, I look for us to grow again.
Elaine and I are very happy
together and appreciate being together very much and love our children and
their families.
June 16, 1991 Father’s Day
Nice Sunday services, a good
gospel doctrine lesson by Mayo Smith, and priesthood lesson by Keith Hutchins
who is moving back to Utah this week.
It is a good Father’s Day for
me in that as near as I know, our children are all in good standing in the
church and are in harmony with each other. This means more to me than anything
June 30, 1991 Dinkey Creek
2 blessings today, spoke in
the Rowland Heights II Ward Sacrament meeting, I was asked to share memories of
the ward and stake. I used to home teach the great grandfather of the sister who
shared the speaking assignment with me.
Last week we went to Dinkey
Creek, a mountain camp out of Fresno. Most of our family, all except David,
Colleen, and Johanna and Glenn and family, a number of friends also joined. It
was engineered by Charlie and Barbara, mostly Barbara. We had a good time
hiking, exploring, sitting around the fire, playing games, children getting
acquainted with cousins. My brother Bob came and his nephews and nieces had fun
getting acquainted with him. Elaine and I took Marjorie’s mother with us. She
travels very well and is enjoyable to be with and the children all love her.
We have gone there as a
family several times over the years, and there are many memories, particularly
of Bishop Cluff, he was always the life of the camp! We all missed him.
July 7, 1991
Fast Day, a very good
priesthood lesson by Charles Norris who seems to do well with any assignment.
When I was Stake President, he was one of the most effective High Councilmen I
have known.
One patriarchal blessing today,
#993. Two temple marriages this week, one was the 34-year-old son of Kenneth
Towse (he married Margaret Miner), so the groom, James David Towse, is
Margaret’s step-son. He told me about his courtship. He was impressed to go to
a single’s dance some distance away and as he was dancing he saw a girl that he
loved at first sight, something he didn’t believe in. It took him about an hour
to get to her or find her at the crowed place. Then he danced with her the rest
of the night. He wouldn’t give her up. On their 2nd date he asked (her) to marry him. She said, I’ll have to think and
pray about it. Their 3rd date was to
go to the temple, and the officiator asked them to be the witness couple and
said, are you married? and the girl said, we are engaged, and that’s how he
knew she accepted.
They went to get a wedding
dress, and the dress in the window on sale was just what she wanted and it fit,
they went to buy rings, the sample rings were what they wanted and they fit and
did not have to be special ordered. So about 1 month after they met, they were
in the temple being married.
July 21, 1991 Manti Pageant
Last week Elaine and I
attended an Eagle scout award for her grandson Brean Adams in Salt Lake. He is
only 13, so it is quite an achievement. While we were in Utah, we drove to
Heber City and picked up Wayne Phelps, he is Elaine’s children’s uncle (Rex’s
brother) and we drove down to the Manti Temple Pageant, “Mormon Miracle.” It
was very well done and inspiring. It took us 45 minutes to get on the road afterwards,
because of the 2-lane highway out of Manti and the crowds. We didn’t get into
Salt Lake until 3:30 AM, then got up at 6:30 and drove out to Tooele to go to
church with my cousin Louise Smith Koho, daughter of my grandmother’s sister,
Johanna Halls Smith. I became acquainted with Louise in Salt Lake during World
War II while I was stationed at Fort Douglas before going overseas.
August 4, 1991
Today I have 4 blessings, 1
Chinese, and 1 Tongan, and 2 Anglos. Today, I started my 2nd thousand patriarchal
blessings. It doesn’t seem likely I’ll make 2,000, but still 1,000 seems like a
milestone to me.
Yesterday we went to Ryan
Gardiner’s baptism in Saugus. he is such a fine boy, and a lovely service,
planned by Suzanne and Kent. As I watched part of another baptismal service
ahead of ours, then ours, and felt the same spirit, and realized throughout the
world there were similar meetings all influenced by the same spirit. How
marvelous the church is, one of the bishops involved was Japanese and the light
of the gospel was so apparent and shining in his countenance.
August 16, 1991
Catherine Marrie born to Jim
and Carol. 4 marriages this week, 2 blessings, also had Kathy and Randy’s
family and Donald and Donna Millett, a busy week end. Also went to see Phantom
of the Opera and had our 4F(four family) home evening group at our home.
Sept. 1, 1991 Carlsbad
Elaine and I just returned
from a lovely trip. We flew to El Paso Texas, rented a car, drove to Las Cruces
New Mexico, saw Frank and Kathy Gastlin, a friend of 44 years. I worked for him
when I went to medical school, I’ve written earlier about it. Then went to
Carlsbad Caverns, walked 83 stories down (rode elevator back up), magnificent
sight, well worth the trip. Then flew to Phoenix, had a funny experience on the
plane, a nice- looking young man sat next to me, and we each began laying the
ground work to present the other with a Book of Mormon. We really laughed when
we found out we were both LDS, decided we would just exchange our Book of Mormons.
At Phoenix, we rented another
car, visited Elaine’s sons and grandchildren in Mesa and Gilbert, saw other
relatives and friends including my Uncle David, who has been having some heart
trouble. He is the last of my grandfather’s family.
We then drove up to Northern
Arizona, saw Bess Humber, my cousin in Taylor, went to the Painted Desert, and
Petrified Forest, then up to Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. We enjoyed Chama,
New Mexico and Pagosa Springs, Colorado. At Durango, stopped in Mancos,
Colorado where my Grandfather Brown lived and started his family, saw Harry
Halls, my dad’s nephew or cousin. Then went to Utah, Monticello, and Blanding,
where a lot of my people once lived. Down to Glen Canyon, Lake Powell, Bridges
National Monument, stayed in Hanksville, went to Capital Reef Monument, Bryce
Canyon, Cedar City to Shakespeare Festival, then to Zion’s Canyon, Jacob Lake,
Flagstaff where we saw Margorie’s cousin, Howard Wren, he is Bishop of the
singles ward. As I drove down Hwy 89 from southern Utah into Arizona I
remembered that it was exactly 50 years ago that I hitchhiked up that same road
to BYU with $0.00, no job, place to stay, just a desire to change my life,
which it did. I got a job picking peaches in the day time, worked in a tomato
cannery at night and got enough to start school, roomed with 5 other boys. Our
rent and food cost $12.00 apiece per month, $6 for rent, $6 for food. I worked
for a while packing apples then worked at Sear’s warehouse. I was at BYU during
Pearl Harbor and the start of World War II for the United States, so I was
drafted from Utah instead of Arizona. I was sent to Ft Douglas in Salt Lake
instead of Fort Bliss Texas. I got to stay at Fort Douglas 2 years. I became
presiding Elder at the Reception Center, had contact with many fine men and
women, actually went with Elaine when she worked in Salt Lake. Had I not known
Elaine I would not have gone over to Arizona to see her when I became widowed.
I really don’t know what my life would have been like had I stayed in Arizona.
At BYU, I really became exposed to the church, was literally able to sit at the
feet of prophets of the Lord.
September 8, 1991
Yesterday the Stake held a
memorial service for Jared Negrete, was lost on a scout outing in the mountains
and not found after 6 weeks (I delivered him), large attendance of members and
non-members. I’m sure many hearts were touched by the sweet spirit.
Yesterday, also, Elaine and I
met with Ron Seamons and Fred Skousen of BYU and were given some nice mementoes
in connection with the Charitable trust we are setting up for BYU. Later, we
met Pres. Rex E. Lee President of BYU, at a luncheon pre- game BYU vs UCLA at
the Rose Bowl. He was very warm and gracious. We had 2 extra tickets and were
able to invite John and Hazel Allen to go with us.
September 22, 1991
Had a nice week. Wednesday,
my brother Bob came over and we went to a show, spent the day together. Friday
night Elaine and I went to the Hollywood Bowl, a lovely moon lit balmy evening,
including a huge screen showing of the King and I, 1956 version with Yul Bryner
and Deborah Kerr.
October 9, 1991
Last weekend Elaine, my
brother Bob and I flew up to Salt Lake City and attended General Conference.
President Smith gave us seating tickets to get in the Tabernacle, even then, we
had to wait in line an hour and take a chance. Years ago if you had a ticket as
a priesthood leader you could walk right in and always get a seat and our stake
had plenty of tickets. Now they only get a few and I know President Smith gave
us his. I’m glad we went, because Bob had never attended. From now on I think
I’ll just watch it on TV and let people who have never attended go inside.
Having been there and having felt the spirit you can recapture it on
October 11, 1991
I have a young physician, an
ophthalmologist, who is interested in buying my office. If he does, he would
not need my practice which has dwindled. I think about retiring very
frequently. I’m getting where I don’t enjoy complicated cases, would rather not
have patients in the hospital because of all the paper work, and while I
realize I need to see patients to pay the bills, I’m almost glad when I have a
light day.
I’ve been going through old
papers and mementos of people long dead and wonder how much good, if any I’ve done,
and what should I do with the rest of my life. I have people tell me they don’t
know what they would do without me, I’ve always been there - course someday
they will have to do without me.
October 20, 1991
Last Monday, the 14th of October I spoke at the
funeral of Matt and Zelda Merrill, parents of Denzil Merrill in our ward. They
were killed by a car as they were crossing the street. He was 86, she was 80.
How nice to go together and not be widowed. Matt was our Stake Sunday School
President when I was Stake President. They also served as couple missionaries
from our stake.
Last Sunday I spoke at a
regional Single’s fireside. I told them I had been single twice and that it was
more important to be worthy to be married than to be married and if they wanted
to be married and were worthy at some time in their eternal existence, they
would be married. I think of the fine young men I knew who were killed in the
Wars. I know the Lord will not deny them a wife.
Last evening Elaine and I
went to an open house for Mark and Gladys Smith who are moving to St. George,
Utah. I was his counselor in the Stake Presidency over 8 years, then we were
fellow Stake Presidents and later fellow Patriarchs - one of my dearest
I hate to see him move. I
remember Elder Bruce R. McConkie ordaining a friend a patriarch and telling him
he would always be a patriarch, unless he moved to St. George. I don’t know how
many ex-Stake Presidents, Bishops, Sealers, and Patriarchs have retired to St.
George and are now lucky to do home teaching. When we move, I hope we can move
to an area where we could be of service.
Blessing # 1013 today.
November 3, 1991
We are saddened in our Stake
by the death of 2 great men, Guillermo Gonzales, the first Bishop of our
Spanish ward, later a High Counselor and advisor to Elaine’s Relief Society
board, a great missionary. He saw and helped the Spanish Branch grow from 20 to
a ward of over 600 plus another branch. His children were friends of my
children. He was only 67, died suddenly, apparent heart attack.
Keith R. Plehn, husband of
Sybel Plehn who preceded Elaine as Stake Relief Society President; he had
served in a Bishopric, rendered great service to the church. His passing was
not totally unexpected in that he had cancer as well as heart trouble.
November 10, 1991
I performed a wedding
yesterday of a Samoan and Tongan, we then went to the reception. These
Polynesian wedding receptions are really a big event. They don’t send out
invitations, just assume everyone will come, and it seems they do. The cultural
hall of the Stake Center was packed, rows of tables, native dances, and songs,
costumes, etc., joyously performed, huge amounts of food. Elaine and I were
brought 2 huge plates, we told them we would share one, and even then, the two
of us could only eat a fourth of 1 serving, heavy, rich meat, no wonder so many
of them are so large.
Later we went to an American
Heart Association dinner demonstration of heart healthy food. Very well done,
but the Islanders wouldn’t have felt like they had anything to eat,
particularly with the AHA’s (American Heart Association) stress on very little
meat and low fat at that, certainly following the Lord’s counsel in the 89th section (Doctrine and
On the Tabernacle Choir
broadcast this morning, #3344, the Spoken Word discussed grieving over the loss
of loved ones, and the “sweet sorrow,” and pointed out that the only way we
could avoid missing someone is to not love at all, and we should mourn for
those who have never known a loving wife or husband, or family member, and we
shouldn’t be afraid to love just because we don’t want to go through the pain
of parting in death.
November 17, 1991
Performed marriage of Ben
Badal (November 16) and Lettie Patton, he comes from a family of 9 children, she
of 12. Ben’s mother is Elsa Badal, who is so much help to Elaine in the Stake
Relief Society and his father, Juan, was the Bishop of the Spanish Ward.
I enjoyed our church meetings
today. I’ve been agonizing over what to do about retiring. I’m in a position
where I enjoy all the privileges of being a doctor but am reluctant to shoulder
all the responsibilities. I dislike having to put people in the hospital and
doing all the paper work, when I come home at night I want to stay. I have some
old patients that I know can’t last to much longer and I hate to see them die.
Often, I am not busy at the office and I wonder why I bother going in at all.
At nearly 71, I realize I only have a limited time at best, and I ask myself
what do I want to accomplish before I go, and am I going to have some real
regrets at having not done things I ought to. All at once I am the old
generation. I have one Uncle left on either my dad or mother’s side and many of
my cousins are dead.
The Lord has been good to me
and I am concerned that I be more effective in service. I know I render some
service to missionaries and others as a doctor and in the Temple as a Sealer
and in Patriarchal Blessings, but is it enough or should we really retire,
leave on a mission, etc., and when we come back, would we pick up where we left
off etc.? Should we sell this big house where the children have most of their
childhood memories? I wish I could have an angel come and tell me, but I guess
that would be to easy. There are some things the Lord leaves up to us. I’ve had
some concern about how I
die, can I go with dignity
like Marjorie with all my mental faculties. I’d like to outlive Elaine for a
short time, so she would not have to be widowed again.
I have had some very choice
experiences. Marjorie was just as surely an angel in my life as the angel that
visited Alma the Younger. I still marvel at the effect she had on me and what a
unique special lady Elaine is. I marvel at how much we enjoy each other.
I have a friend, a sealer at
the Temple who was widowed and remarried, and he said the Lord has blessed him
that he could cry out of one eye - the side his wife didn’t see.
Last Friday night I spoke at
the Glendora chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. 2 Blessings today.
November 20, 1991
I performed a marriage today
of a girl I delivered on Christmas Eve 27 years ago. She was up for adoption
and I called a family in our ward and asked if they wanted a baby for
I have handled and observed
quite a few adoptions over the years and I noted that many adopted children
have a hard time. I don’t know if they feel insecure or if it is a carry over
from their biologic parents. I think babies are affected by the inheritance
given them and they may be affected by the drugs and mental state of either
biologic parent, certainly, the sins of the parents can pass on to the
November 24, 1991
I have been asked to speak in
one of the wards in our stake Sacrament meeting, and both the Bishopric and the
Stake President have asked me to address the problem of taking offense. It
seems there is a lack of unity and a lot of hurt feelings.
3 blessings today. I was
touched as a Tongan boy, only member of his family in the church, realized the
Lord knew him, loved him, and had a great work for him to do.
November 27, 1991
Elaine and I drove to Arizona
to attend the funeral of Alvin Lamereoux, the father in law of Elaine’s son
Reid. We had to drive because of the Thanksgiving demand for airline tickets.
He was a farmer, lived in the Mesa/Gilbert area all of his adult life, in his
later years, served as a Patriarch, which he loved. He hoped to live long
enough to give 1000 blessings, but gave nearly 700. The service looked like
stake conference, cultural hall filled back to the stage.
His family provided the
entire service. One son conducted, one gave the eulogy, and one gave the
sermon. His 3 daughters’ each told of their memories of their dad, sons
in law gave the prayers,
grandchildren sang as well as his children and spouses, daughter in laws played
the organ and led the music. After the dedication of the grave, his 3 sons
stood and sang their dad’s favorite song.
His son spoke of his dad’s
integrity and honesty. As an example, he told of being with his dad when he
bought some calves from his neighbor, Lee Huber, to sell at the auction. Lee
asked what they were worth, and Alvin told him what he thought. Lee trusted
Alvin and sold them for that price. At the auction, the calves sold for more
than Alvin thought and the boys thought their dad was a pretty shrewd business
man, but instead of going home Alvin went to Lee Huber and said, “Lee those
calves sold for more than I thought they would, here is $200 you should have.”
Lee choked up and said, “I just pledged $200 to the Bishop for the Building
fund and I didn’t know where I was going to get it.” (This was years ago when
$200 was a lot of money and hard to come by.)
November 28, 1991
Drove home from Arizona last
night, Thanksgiving at home. Suzanne, Judy, Charlie and their families came,
also Marjorie’s mother, and Mayo and Felice Smith. I was so touched to have
Suzanne there when she came so close to dying, Marjorie’s mother at 86 and Mayo
and Felice. Mayo had not been well, and I thought how precious these get
togethers are.
November 30, 1991
Robert Thomas Brown was
baptized and confirmed by his father Charles Thomas. Very well done. I was
proud of them.
December 1991
1 Blessing today to Ben
Barney, the 7th out of 9
children in that family, 2 more to go (I delivered Ben).
Jack Findlay gave his life’s
history in our High Priests group today, once a month one of the group does
this, they have a Downs Syndrome girl, 16 years old, and he told what a
blessing she was to them.
This evening we took Bette
Stewart to the First Presidencies Christmas Devotional satellite broadcast at
our stake center. Afterwards, The Tongan, Korean, Chinese, and Spanish (and
singles) sang a Christmas Carol in their native tongue.
As I hear the Christmas music
my thoughts go back to other Christmases, many sweet, poignant memories.
December 5, 1991
Today, I had the privilege of
performing the sealing of my brother, Robert Lewis Brown, to his deceased wife,
Rose Ann Mistoler. It is almost exactly 1 year since she passed away. Elaine
was able to be proxy for Ann in the initiatory ordinances and the endowment as
well as the Sealing. It was a sweet experience. Bob was very touched and you
could feel a special spirit of acceptance. Judy and Mike were there as well
(as) Felice and Mayo Smith. We were in the same room that we used when Marjorie
was sealed to her parents a month before she left. The endowment session that
Bob and I attended was the room we were in the last time Marjorie came too (in
a wheel chair).
We also sealed Ann’s parents
and her to her parents. Judy acted as proxy for Ann’s mother.
December 7, 1991
Pearl Harbor Day, 50 years, a
day that changed our lives, beginning war for the US. I was going to BYU and
that Sunday I was riding in a car with Bruce Lyman, my father’s cousin. We were
in Salt Lake having dinner with relatives and the news came on the radio, I
remember the fore brooding that war brings, your life is forever altered. You
no longer can plan your life, you are subject to the call to serve in the armed
services, marriage, school, life’s work is set aside. Because I registered for
the draft in Provo instead of Phoenix where I normally would, my whole life was
changed. Being stationed initially at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake gave me contact
with the church that I treasure. I also became acquainted more with Elaine and
went with her some, because she worked in Salt Lake. Had I not loved her once,
I doubt I would have gone to see her after Marjorie died. I also had
considerable contact with leaders of the church, being presiding Elder at the
Fort for a period of time.
December 14, 1991
One wedding today at the
temple then our 4F (four family) group went to Citrus college and attended
their annual Christmas program, beautifully done. Jack and Betty McEwan
arranged for us to go, such a wholesome, delightful program. The staging,
props, etc., were of the best professional quality. I hope we can go every
December 15, 1991
We are going out to Judy and
Mike’s. Mike asked (me) to speak at their youth fireside.
Last Wednesday, 11 December
91, Elaine and I flew to Arizona. In the morning Elaine visited different
friends and I took uncle David and aunt Fern to see my sister. Then in the
afternoon we met at a favorite restaurant and had Elaine’s 3 sons and their
families for dinner. Later that evening we met at Ron and Sharon’s home and I
gave Elaine’s grandson, Chad Aaron Phelps, a patriarchal blessing and then flew
home. Chad’s great grandfather Phelps was in the Bishopric of the ward I
attended as a boy in Mesa, and his great grandfather Spilsbury was in the Stake
Presidency and his grandfather Phelps and I were in primary and scouts
together, and after World War II we attended Arizona State University together,
he getting his teaching credential and I finishing my pre-med. Life takes
strange turns.
We enjoyed going out to Judy
and Mike’s. Had dinner with their sweet family, then spoke at the youth
fireside. The youth were well behaved. Only 1 blessing today.
December 22, 1991
Spoke at our ward Christmas
program. This afternoon, we are going out to Suzanne and Kent’s for a Christmas
get together. Judy and Charlie’s family will be there and Elaine and I will
pick up Marjorie’s mother. We are having the evening together now since Elaine
and I are going to Salt Lake City for Christmas to be with Kathy and her family.
David and Colleen will be there from Chicago visiting her parents.
P.S. We had a marvelous time
at Suzanne’s, a lovely program, meal and lots of love.
December 29, 1991
We had a good week. We flew
to Salt Lake, spent Christmas with Kathy and her family, saw David and Colleen,
who were at her parent’s home. The Burgoyne’s had us for dinner the day after
Christmas and we had a nice visit.
On Christmas Day afternoon,
we drove out to Heber and saw Elaine’s brother in law, Wayne Phelps, who
purchased an old chapel and lives in it.
January 10, 1992
Elaine and I took Mayo and
Felice Smith out to dinner, celebrating Felice’s birthday the 11th.
January 12, 1992
Stake Conference, Elaine
spoke at the Saturday night meeting. I spoke at the Sunday morning.
January 19, 1991
A nice week. Monday had our
4F (four family) meeting with the McEwan’s, Olsen’s, and Ellsworth’s at our
home. We have grown to love each other so much, I dread having more of us
leave. Wednesday, Bob stopped by on his way home from the temple and Felice and
Mayo and he went to a movie, “Beauty and the Beast” (Walt Disney). I didn’t
think it was as good as “Snow White”, “Bambi”, etc., maybe I’m just getting
Yesterday I performed 2
weddings at the temple. Today Ward Conference and 4 patriarchal blessings.
January 25, 1992
Just received word that June
Olsen of our 4-F (four family) group was rushed by paramedics to the hospital,
probable stroke. I was just remarking how I dread more of our group leaving. I
don’t know yet the extent of what happened.
Had Michael Allen’s
missionary farewell today (President John Allen’s son). The family presented a
wonderful program. Everything said was uplifting, appropriate, and within the
time limits, which takes real skill and planning. I recently attended a funeral
service which started 30 minutes late and then lasted another 2 hours, some
people had to leave because of other commitments. Everything said was lovely
but was said several times.
February 3, 1992
Had a special training
meeting at the temple for sealers conducted by the church temple department.
June Olsen is now in
rehabilitation, is recovering the use of her right arm and leg which were
paralyzed and is struggling to regain her speech. She is alert, understands,
but has trouble getting the words out.
February 16, 1992
Elaine and I flew to Arizona
on the 14th, met her
son’s and their family at a pizza parlor that evening, had a good time. The
grandchildren had their fill of pizza (I had a
tuna sandwich), we stayed at
Reed and Metzie’s. The next day we went to the newly remodeled Mesa Temple with
Frank and Billie Little and attended a session. At noon, we attended a 96th birthday party for Lillian
Freestone Millit, Elaine’s mother in law. It was very touching to see the
devotion of children, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters. I watched her as
someone sang “Arizona Sweetheart,” a song she and her husband used to sing at
many of the weddings years ago. He has been dead over 20 years. I could see her
remembering, tears came to her eyes, (and mine too). I watched her sister, 10
years younger, be so solicitous and her brothers, some in their 90’s with years
of service to the church and community and I had a feeling I was privileged to
be in a sacred gathering. It was told of her recent operation 2 months [ago]
and coming out of the anesthetic singing “I am a Child of God.”
We then went to see my aunt
Fern, David’s wife who broke her hip, and ironically is in the same
convalescent hospital my mother and father were in.
Elaine took some flowers to
her husband Rex’s and son Richard’s graves and we visited as many friends and
family as we could and flew home last night. It is no small thing to travel
safely and find our affairs in order on returning.
We had an exceptionally good
sacrament meeting. John Dulin of the High Council spoke and in Sunday School
Marie Smith gave a wonderful lesson.
I wish I were more proficient
in writing. My right hand is somewhat spastic and has a tremor. It is very
difficult for me to write, and I don’t enjoy it. I would like to be able to
relax and write long flowing, beautiful penmanship. But as I write, my whole
arm, hand and shoulder tighten and become tense and I know my writing is almost
an illegible scribble. As I read back I am chagrined at what I see.
I wish I could express my
thought in writing, to leave my posterity more of how I feel. I have so much I
would like to express.
February 23, 1992
Last Sunday, I was asked to
come in with the Aaronic Priesthood and answer questions about patriarchal
blessings and I was asked, “what are the qualifications to be a patriarch?” and
it came to me, that the chief qualification was to be willing to say what the
Lord would want and give the blessing under His direction.
Elaine and I are fasting
today and asking the Lord’s help in settling our affairs and getting the trust
in place with BYU. I particularly want to be sure Elaine is secure financially
if I die first. I think the children can make it, but they will still have
property to sell and divide. I’m sure Elaine would move back to Arizona, but
she will need an income and if this portion of land can but[be] successfully
put into trust with BYU and income received as long as either of us live, then
she would be secure. I would like to outlive her, so she would not have to be
widowed again.
I have dreamed of Marjorie
several times lately, she was so incredibly beautiful. Last night I dreamed I
saw Rex, Elaine’s first husband, he was so youthful and vigorous.
March 8, 1992
A busy week! On the 29th of February we flew up for
Johanna’s son Jonathan’s baptism, taking Marjorie’s mother with us, had nice
visits with Johanna and Glenn’s family and Jim and Carol’s family, such sweet
grandchildren we have.
March 4, Elaine and I drove
out to the airport, flew to Arizona for Elaine’s granddaughter, Jenna Phelps
baptism, Reed’s daughter. Her maternal grandfather Alvin Lamoreaux, a patriarch
had passed in November 1991, and her other grandfather, Elaine’s first husband
had been dead some time. I was very touched to be asked to confirm her and in a
sense represent both grandfathers. I was keenly aware of it, and apprehensive
but a very special feeling attended the circle as we confirmed her. The whole
room was filled with relatives seen and unseen.
Then on Saturday the 7th, Elaine, Belva and I drove to San
Bernardino to watch Ben Goodman participate in a state scholastic decathlon, he
was one of 7 representing his county. All these events were in addition to our
temple assignments, Elaine’s Relief Society and my office.
March 29, 1992
This past week Jim and Carol
came down with their family and we had a nice visit. Sweet Jenny received her
patriarchal blessing. Also, Suzanne, Judy and Charlie and their families came
to celebrate my 71st birthday.
Today, Elaine and I are
taking Marjorie’s mother out to Suzanne and Kent’s for Eric’s receiving the
Aaronic Priesthood and being ordained a deacon. I well remember delivering him
on my birthday. I had just done some sealings at the temple and went to the
hospital 12 years ago.
Yesterday, Mayo and Felice
Smith and I went over to Margaret Miner Towse’s, President Miner’s widow, she
is dying of cancer like her husband 20 years ago. It was a poignant experience,
memories of Dick, Marjorie in similar circumstances. I was asked to give her a
blessing and she was told that the Lord loved her, was aware of her situation
and that her passing would be sweet. I think she was relived to bring it out in
the open that she was dying and talk about it. I asked her to tell Marjorie
what a wonderful wife she had been for me. When I gave her the blessing I felt
something special go through me and I knew the Lord would give her comfort.
What a glorious reunion she and Dick will have, and I suspect Maxine Towse will
thank her for taking care of Ken. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings that I
can’t express in words about our associations, ties, memories, etc.
April 5, 1992
Have just finished watching
General Conference on TV[television]. President Benson was able to attend part
of the time. The conference was so inspiring. I have so much confidence in the
leaders’ the Lord has called.
I looked around at our home
with its comfortable furnishings and I realized that I can’t take any of it
with me and have been wondering if there is something more I could do with my
life to repay my blessings.
April 12, 1992
Margaret Miner Towse passed
away peacefully on the 8th, her
services were on the 11th. I was
asked to speak and was grateful for the opportunity, such a lovely, faithful
On the 18th March, I spoke at Bishop
Louis [Louie] Rios Sr’s funeral. He was only 56. I’ve had 15 more years then he
did. I have had so many choice blessings.
Have 2 blessings today, did 2
marriages Friday.
April 19, 1992
Easter Sunday, a lovely
service at church, a musical cantata directed by Ginny Burningham.
Afterwards, Elaine and I met
with Bishop Faubus and President Smith to ask for counsel on my retiring. I
have an opportunity to sell my building and if I do, it will almost necessitate
retiring. I have been agonizing several weeks about it and after talking to the
Bishop and Stake President, I feel much better about it.
The meeting came about in a
way that made me feel I had guidance. I thought about talking to President
Smith first but I realized I should start with the Bishop so I got an
appointment and as I started to go in his office President Smith came up to see
the Bishop which was unusual that time of day and was going to wait, so I asked
him to come in also and we got to talk to both, and receive counsel from both.
April 24, 1992
Bob and I drove over to
Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe area for the Tempe High School reunion, it was Bob’s 50th class reunion as well as my
Sister Louise. She is a year younger than Bob but skipped a grade and was in
the same class of 42. We drove over in Bob’s new pickup truck, less than 1000
miles on it. Louise and her son Howard met us, and we visited with our uncle
David Brown and his wife Fern. She is very infirm with softening of the bones
as well as asthma and she is very uncomfortable and weak.
At the reunion Friday night
all the classes met together, each class sitting together. Then Saturday Bob
and Louise’s class had a special 50th party brunch, and Bob
and I drove home in
air-conditioned comfort, so different than years ago on the narrow 2 lane
highway with no air conditioning and twice the time.
We did not have many from my
class (I only went 2 years at Tempe). We all sat at 1 table. My old high school
sweetheart came, and I did not recognize her at first, she did not have her
name tag on. Many there you didn’t recognize until you saw the name tag, then
you put it together. I lost all my school pictures and yearbooks in a fire, so
I was not able to refresh my memory and some I had not seen for over 50 years
and of course many had changed considerably. Some of the girls we thought were
sort of plain turned out to be very attractive, gracious women and some of
those we thought were so pretty are not nearly as charming of course some were.
The determining factor I believe is character, it will ultimately shine
through. I wish we could tell our young people, but I don’t know how we could.
I think back and realize how
little I really understood about life and how miserable I’d be if the Lord let
me have what I used to think I wanted. What I finally got was so much better.
April 26, 1992
Elaine and I had a very
special experience today. We were invited to attend a special gathering where
Carl Warnick was given the sealing power of[at] the Los Angeles Temple by Elder
Howard W. Hunter, President of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Those of us who held
the sealing power were invited to stand in the circle. Our 4F group was there
along with the Temple President, Wayne Reeves, so there were 5 of us who stood
in with President Hunter as the sealing power was conferred. I felt a special
feeling go through me a shiver or chill and you knew something happened.
After the conferring, which
was done in the Relief Society room of the Pasadena Stake Center, President
Hunter came with his special driver and body guard down to Jack and Betty McEwan’s
home and spent the evening with our 4F group, such a sweet experience. After
refreshments, we sat around and recorded our memories of President Hunter. He
was our Stake President during our formative years in the church, Marjorie and
I were newlyweds. President Hunter later called me to be in the bishopric
twice, and the month after I was called in the West Covina Stake Presidency
President Hunter was called to be a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. I feel
that my observation of him helped me as a Stake President, and I have sat in
many meetings with him.
He helped me place quite a
few babies for adoption and during my senior year in medicine, the director of
the county hospital asked me to get someone from the church to speak to the
medical students about how they could better understand and care for their LDS
patients. I asked President Hunter and he did.
We were privileged to spend
about 4 hours with him this evening, and knew we were in the presence of a
truly great man.
May 10, 1992
Mother’s Day Elaine’s
children and my children have all remembered her.
May 2, Elaine had her women’s
conference for the stake Relief Society and had Deana Edwards come and sing and
speak to the sisters. Judy’s daughter Lechelle was called up to sing with her,
she did very well, and we were proud of her. Judy had brought her and picked up
her grandmother, Marjorie’s mother, on the way. The conference was very
successful, and Elaine had a lot of compliments.
This weekend a tri-regional
women’s Relief Society conference was held. Elaine and I picked up Sister
Arlene Clyde of the General Presidency of the Relief Society and Sister Carol
Thomas of the General Board at the airport and brought them home for dinner
before the meetings and sister Thomas stayed the night, very charming women.
May 12, 1992
I made a difficult decision
today to retire. My building is sold apparently, and rather than relocate a
rapidly diminishing practice, I feel it is best to stop while I still have my
faculties and move on to something else.
May 13, 1992
Suzanne was part of Chanel 7
evening news on television in their series on breast cancer, showed her family
and how near she came to dying, they all looked beautiful. It was such a
miracle we were all able to be at David and Colleen’s wedding. That one
blessing alone is worth more than I can describe.
May 17, 1992
Have 3 blessing appointments
today plus a home teaching appointment. Elaine had a Ward Conference
assignment, so I attended our meetings by myself. I have very mixed feelings about
retiring. When I think about the worry, anxiety, paper work, increasing
regulation, I’m relieved, but when I think about helping people and my longtime
relationships, I’m sad. For some reason, I feel that I am directed into
retirement, I hope the Lord has a hand in it. If He does, then I won’t worry!
The thought of disposing of all my charts, records, equipment, etc., staggers
me. I hear myself telling patients that I am retiring, and I tell myself is
that really me or some stranger.
May 24, 1992
Gave Adam Michael Wooten, his
patriarchal blessing. Judy and Mike and family spent Memorial Day weekend with
us along with Marjorie’s mother so we could go out to the cemetery, also to
give Adam his patriarchal blessing. It was a very sweet experience. Monday,
Charlie and Barbara came over with their children and we had a barbeque on the
patio where we have had so many family gatherings over the years.
June 7, 1992
Stake Conference, [I] was
asked to speak in the Sunday session. As I looked out at the congregation
knowing most of them for years I had such a feeling of love for them and knew
the Lord loved them. Pres. Smith does a good job. I enjoy Stake Conference, I’m
glad we were able to have 4 per year when I served in the Stake Presidency. To
me it was special and exciting.
June 12, 1992
On the spur of the moment
Elaine bought tickets to “Hansel and Gretel” opera at the LA [Los Angeles]
Music Center. It was a lovely evening, beautiful surroundings. We both enjoy
people watching and speculate about their circumstances. There were
grandparents with grandchildren, and single parents with a child, lonely people
alone out for an evening. We both commented how we used to hate being alone at
such an event and would not have gone. Elaine said when she was widowed she
would not go to a restaurant by herself. I would during the day but not at
June 21, 1992
Father’s Day. My children all
seem to be doing well in the church and in their families, what more could I
Had dinner with Charlie,
Barbara, Reese and Elaine.
June 28, 1992
Elaine and I went to Arizona
for her grandson Chad Aaron Phelps missionary farewell. He is going to
Washington Seattle. The family put on a very nice program. All of Elaine’s
children were there and the cousins all had a nice time getting acquainted,
they had not been all together for 5 years. Elaine was able to stay over Monday
night and they all had a nice family night all together at Reed’s home,
swimming, eating, games, etc.
June 30, 1992
My last day in the office. I
took 2 pickup loads of patient’s old records to be recycled, keeping only
recent charts. My brother Bob came and helped. I donated most of my equipment
to the Los Angeles County Medical Association to help Physicians who were
burned out in the recent Los Angeles riots.
A lot of patients have shed
tears and written nice notes but almost all has expressed pleasure that I could
now have time for “myself.”
July 12, 1992
Elaine and I were invited to
the mountains by Wm [William] and June Davies (newly called as a counselor in
the Los Angeles Temple Presidency). They have 3 cabins or homes adjoining each
other at Camp Nelson up in the Sequoias out of Porterville. Also included were
Jack and Betty McEwan, Jim and Nell Ellsworth, George and June Ellsworth, Ray
and Helen Lowe, all sealers in the Los Angeles Temple. We had a marvelous 3
days. We took Mayo and Felice Smith with us.
July 19, 1992
Yesterday, I performed the
marriage of Cory Cuvelier, his brides’ family are from Suzanne’s area and are
good friends. Suzanne came to the temple and afterwards we went out to lunch
and had a good visit. There is something special about seeing one of your
children in the temple.
Today, I spoke to our elder’s
quorum and had 4 patriarchal blessings.
July 26, 1992
Yesterday Valerie Grace was
born to Judy and Michal, 7lbs 4oz, Marjorie and my 29th grandchild. I announced it in
our High Priest group and told them I showed remarkable restraint in waiting
until the end of the meeting. They reminded me of our first, that I announced
at Stake Conference.
August. 9, 1992
Last week Elaine, Marjorie’s
mother, and sister Norma and her husband Wayne Dawson, and I drove out to
Palmdale to see our newest grandchild and have a favorable report. We then
stopped in on Suzanne.
Thursday night Marjorie’s
mother, Norma and Wayne joined me for a sealing session later that evening.
Mayo Smith and I each sealed a Korean Family using the cards and an
interpreter, it was quite an experience. They are very handsome people.
I have 3 blessing
appointments today, which would make # 1072.
Taught part of the Gospel Doctrine
lesson today.
Yesterday Elaine and I went out to Westwood Ward to a party given
for the
outgoing Temple Presidency.
The program was given by members or past members of our stake except for about
2 numbers.
August. 17-30, 1992
Elaine and I went to BYU
Education Week and stayed at Desert Towers and had a good time attending
classes. I went 5 years ago after Marjorie’s death and just as well not have
gone, I just wandered around amid 30,000 people and felt absolutely alone. This
time was much better, my brother Bob went with us.
We flew home one day then
flew to Seattle Washington, took Elaine’s grandson Chad to lunch with his
missionary companion, attended the Seattle Temple, went to Victoria on
Vancouver Island, Butchart Gardens, Cascade Mountains, Olympia Peninsula, and
Rain Forest, Columbia River Gorge, Portland Temple, had a marvelous time.
September. 8, 1992
Yesterday, Elaine, Marjorie’s
mother and I drove to Palmdale for the blessing of Valerie Grace Wooten. Suzanne
and Kent, Charlie and Barbara, Michael’s parents and his brother Wayne also
came. We had a nice dinner and visit afterwards.
October 4, 1992
Have been watching General
Conference on television. I remember when I could recognize every General
Authority by the sound of his voice on the radio. Now I can’t even recognize
them by sight except the older ones in service. Course now the Seventy are
released after a certain age or period of service. I think that is good, giving
more an opportunity as well as giving the one’s released tine to be with
Conference was very good, I
hope I can put the counsel into practice.
Fall is in the air, for some
reason, I am nostalgic in the fall, remembering other times and places, family,
friend, occasions, etc. I think I’ve written earlier about being
seated in the tabernacle in
October Conference, seeing the leaves drop from the trees outside fluttering to
the ground, then looking up on the stand, President McKay and J. Reuben Clark,
aged giants soon to fall to mother earth. It seemed symbolic to me. And now as
I look back I realize that we are all relentlessly approaching the time when we
figuratively will detach from mortality and drop to the ground. Some leaves are
pulled from the tree prematurely by forces other than time.
October 17, 1992
Had a special meeting held at
the Los Angeles Temple for the sealers and the Temple Presidency. The
Presidency is new, Van Packard President, Nile Sorenson 1st c[counselor], and Wm
[William] Davies 2nd c[counselor].
I am very impressed with the Temple Presidency. I wish I could retain the
spirit I feel associating with that wonderful group of men.
I hurt my back last week and
I sat in church with a book behind my back and remembered Marjorie doing the
same when she hurt so badly.
November 1, 1992
Attended meetings at El Monte
1st ward where
the Bishopric was changed. Bishop Barney released, and Bishop David Miller
sustained. I was invited to speak and as I looked over the congregation I
realized I had special experiences with most of them.
Marjorie and I came to El
Monte 45 years ago, all our children were born while we lived there, I helped
build the chapel we were meeting in.
Made our home teaching visits
today. We try to go on the 1st
(apologized for being so late in the month).
Elaine and I read from the
teachings of Spencer W. Kimball. I took a nap and then we went to the stake
center for a fireside. I visited with President Donald Y. Milne, he reminded me
that I had called on him to speak at a Stake Conference and he had expressed
his love for his mother and had the distinct impression she heard him.
Afterwards he went to see her in the hospital and learned she had died that
At our special home evening
group Jack Mc Ewan told us last Monday that on the day of Carlos Beckstead’s
funeral 2 separate sisters without knowing he was dead said they saw him in the
temple and each had not known the other saw him. Brother Beckstead was a sealer
and worked for years every day in the temple. He had been widowed a long time.
A nice Sabbath today.
November 7-10, 1992
Elaine and I flew to Arizona
Saturday 7th, came back
10th, saw family
and friends, stayed with Earl and Maxine Lines. Maxine was Elaine’s sister in
law (Rex’s sister), saw my uncle David and aunt Fern. Aunt Fern is very bad,
severe constant pain, can hardly move or get out.
We attended the Mesa
Historical Society’s 1st annual
Sports Hall of Fame dinner and awards ceremony. We knew many of the recipients
or at least knew who they were. We attended largely on account of Donald Millet
who is a good friend, and Elaine’s brother in law was in charge of it. Fame
seems to be so fleeting regardless of how hard we strive to perpetuate it,
fading like pictures. I keep coming back to the conclusion that the only important
thing in life is what kind of person we become.
November 10, 1992
Had 2 weddings at the temple
then went to Anaheim to the CVW luncheon, heard Michael Ballam sing, play
piano, and talk. Certainly, a wonderful sweet spirit. I hope that adulation
doesn’t spoil him. It seems not to have.
December 1, 1992
Elaine and I flew to Salt
Lake City, spent Thanksgiving with her daughter Kathy and family, also went to
Provo and saw Ben our first grandchild at BYU. He did not go home for
Thanksgiving, his first away from home. We spent a week at Kathy’s, had a good
January 3, 1993
A busy month, had all my
children, spouses and 29 1⁄2 grandchildren (David and Colleen expecting).
Christmas Eve, we were all together, something that will not happen to often
now, distance and other responsibilities make it harder. Marjorie’s mother was
here. I don’t know how much longer we will have her, although she is still very
active. On Christmas Day, I gave Jessica her patriarchal blessing # 1092.
Our fine Stake President has
told me that he received his letter from the First Presidency indicating his
release after 9 1⁄2 years as president, 16 years in all in the Stake
Presidency. I well remember my letter 16 years ago. I’m sure he will go through
withdrawal pains as I did.
January 17, 1993
16 years ago, this weekend I
was released as Stake President and sustained as patriarch, and President James
F. Smith was released today along with his counselors. Donald Y. Milne is
moving to Utah, so he would be released anyway. John W. Allen was sustained as
President. James T. Davis our former Bishop, I called him as Bishop, is 1st counselor, and Dennis K.
Carroll 2nd counselor,
he is an Institute director. Bishop Charles Gibbons was called to replace
President Davis as executive Secretary. Elder Carlos E. Asay was our General
Authority, and we had wonderful inspirational meetings. Pres. Smith is well
loved and did a wonderful job, and it was very sweet and touching. We also have
a lot of confidence in the new presidency. The experience will be good for
President Allen. It is different being President than a counselor. Elder Asay was
kind enough to call me in and ask for my opinions and what my choice would be,
and it turned out just like I hoped the Lord would choose because I know the
Lord influences these callings and the Brethren listen to the promptings of the
We have been praying for an
end to our drought and this month we have had a lot of rain, 2 x normal.
January 24, 1993
Had 2 blessings today.
Yesterday I got up early, went for my walk, then to the temple to perform the
marriage of a Tongan couple. Afterwards, I spent about an hour up in the
sealers dressing room visiting with Jack B. McEwan and Brent Richards. One of
the real blessings of my call, is the opportunity to rub shoulders with such
great men. Elaine and I then went to the Tongan reception, an all afternoon
affair. They go all out with their traditions. I was presented with a beautiful
quilt, because I performed the wedding. Also, more food than you can imagine,
mostly native plus native dances, songs, etc.
Then we attended a fireside
in Covina Stake to listen to Sandra Ernest, Miss America 1993. Elaine wanted to
hear her because she has arranged for her to speak at our stake women’s
Today, I gave 3 blessings,
two were Tongan. I’m impressed with their reverence in the temple. Yesterday, I
was impressed with how very reverent they were.
Tonight, I’ve been asked to
speak at a fireside in Covina Stake.
January 31, 1993
A lovely Sabbath day,
attended Rowland Heights I Ward, Bishop Charles Gibbon’s was released due to
his call to be the Stake Executive Secretary. Marty Dewshane was sustained as
Bishop. By Co-incidence his 1st
Dean Sterling and his wife had appointments for patriarchal blessings today.
When they made the appointment, he did not know he would be called to the
bishopric, so it has been a full day for them. Tonight, I am to speak to a La
Mirada Ward youth fireside, their bishop is my friend Dr. John Wible.
February 7, 1993
Attended meetings, did some
home teaching, visited an old man in a convalescent hospital, gave my 1100th patriarchal blessing. Elaine
and I read some more of the prophet Joseph Smith and the Doctrine and Covenants
and wrote a letter to my children as a family letter. Elaine and I now have a
copier, so I hope to send the children copies of each other’s letters.
March 28, 1993
Passed my 72nd birthday 2 days ago, no ill
effects yet that I can discern. Mayo and Felice took us out to dinner. Elaine
gave me a Balloon ride that we had to postpone because of the weather.
Earlier this month we were
invited to Palmdale Rotary luncheon to hear Adam read his first prize essay out
of 1300 entries sponsored by the Rotarians in an essay contest, subject who do
you most admire. I feel honored that he chose me. Our grandchildren honor us.
On the 21st Elaine and I were in Salt
Lake City to hear her grandson Rand report on his American Sign Language
Mission. He really gave a marvelous talk by the spirit as well as his parents.
A very fine meeting. Rand handles himself in a very mature way and seems to be
very well grounded in the gospel.
This coming week, Elaine and
I are going back to Utah. I have been asked by President Rex Lee, BYU president
to serve on the President’s Round Table for 3 or more years, and our 1st meeting is April 1st.
April 4, 1993
Attended the meetings with
President Lee and enjoyed being there with all those great people. I felt like
a lion in a den of Daniels.
We flew home Friday the 2nd so we could watch conference
at home on TV. A marvelous spiritual conference. Every talk was so good.
President Benson could not be there except in spirit, he watched in his room.
As I drove down to Provo to
meet with the president of BYU and with the others I couldn’t help remembering
over 50 years earlier hitch hiking to Provo with $10.00, picking peaches in the
day time, working in a tomato cannery at night to earn enough money to start
Our Ben received his mission
call to Washington Tacoma Spanish this weekend.
April 18, 1993
On April 12, Steven Burgoyne
Brown was born to Colleen and David, 9lbs 8oz and even though the baby and
Colleen had a fever and the baby has to complete a course of antibiotic
therapy, all reports are favorable, particularly from Carolyn Burgoyne, his
grandmother. David says he is going to like being a father. Carolyn says Steven
looks just like David.
April 19, 1993
For my birthday Elaine bought
us tickets for a balloon ride. On the 26th of March, it was to stormy, so we changed to the 19th of April. It was a lovely
experience floating so silently and smooth over lovely hills and homes. We
sailed out of Del Mar near the San Diego Temple and could see it from a
May 16, 1993
Last week Judy and Mike came
over with their family for Mother’s Day. I picked up Marjorie’s mother and
Elaine and I took her to dinner and she spent the night and Judy came later and
stayed all night with her family and we all went to church. I was invited to
give the Mother’s Day talk. Mike and Judy left afterwards so they could attend
their own meetings. Mike is in the bishopric and 2 of their girls were to
Today after church, Elaine
and I had lunch with Mayo and Felice. Michele Stone Smith was there. She was
Joice and Gene Stones daughter, served a mission in Hong Kong, came back for
her parent’s funeral, then finished her mission. She is married now and has a
sweet little girl named Jane. She told us her Dad never kept a journal, so she
really doesn’t know much about his early life. That surprised and saddened me
because he led a rich full life his children should know about.
May 30, 1993
Attended Ben Goodman’s
missionary farewell and James Brown’s baptism. A nice weekend.
June 5, 1993
Flew to Salt
Lake for Elaine’s granddaughter Tonya’s baptism.
June 13, 1993
We have had a very busy
month. May 21st, we flew back to Chicago to be with David and Colleen for the
blessing of Steven. We have a very favorable report to make on Steven, what a
nice baby. I think one of the greatest joys of being a parent is to see your
own children enjoy their children.
We drove down to Nauvoo and
had a nice visit there, also taking in Carthage jail and attended the Chicago
June 27th, 1993
This weekend was the James
Absalom Young family reunion in Pine Top Arizona. Bob went with Elaine and I. I
spoke in the Sunday meeting, also Elaine’s granddaughter Lindsey was baptized
which we attended. Elaine spoke on the ordinance of baptism, I spoke about the Holy
Aug. 2, 1993
Last week, Elaine and I went
to Arizona, saw family and friends in Mesa area, then went up to Lake Powell
with Elaine’s children and had a nice time. Spent 3 days there, had all her
children and all but 2 grandchildren. They had a great time boating, skiing,
fishing, swimming, etc. We took a boat trip to Rainbow National Bridge, a
wonder of the world.
Saturday, we drove down to
the Grand Canyon and spent the night in Flagstaff and then spent Sunday in
Flagstaff resting and attending church. In Sedona, we saw Glenn Halls a
relative who has been a mainstay in our Halls family organization. He is not
well, trying to recover from cancer surgery. Monday, we drove down to Prescott
through Cottonwood, Jerome, Mingus mountain that Marjorie knew so well, saw
Merle Allen in Prescott an old family friend of Marjorie’s who was a role model
of an LDS home. He has served as a patriarch many years, has given over 1600
blessings, is now 95 and very feeble. He was master of ceremonies at our wedding
reception nearly 46 years ago. We then saw Marjorie’s Aunt Ester at the old
family ranch in Dewey. She was so good to Marjorie. She is now old and doesn’t
feel she can manage the ranch much longer. It will be the end of an era.
Marjorie’s grandmother was the 1st white child born in that part of Arizona and was known as Aunt
Jane to many. When we would visit the ranch over the years it seemed like there
was always some homeless person there. People always knew if things got tough,
they could go stay at Aunt Jane's. She lived to be 95 and is buried on the
August 9, 1993
Had a nice day, attended
church, gave 1 blessing, did our home teaching, had recommend interviews with
both Bishop and Stake President, wrote and prepared our family newsletter. Elaine
and I read from President Benson’s writings, played the organ and am now ready
to go to bed.
August 29, 1993
The week of August 16-20 our
family gathered at Dinky Creek, all there except David’s and Jim’s families.
David’s schooling in Chicago and Carol’s imminent delivery kept them away. We
had Marjorie’s mother, Marjorie’s sister Norma and her husband, Norma’s
daughter Jill and her family the Heywood’s. Jill’s husband David Heywood’s
grandfather sold my parent’s their farm in Kyrene Arizona south of Tempe in
1936. He was also an old Stake President when I was a young Stake President and
we would see each other at General Conference and I arranged for his daughter
to adopt a baby who has now served a mission.
The church Missionary
Department called me and said the Area Presidency in Mexico City had asked for
me to come there to be the missionary doctor and our Mission President doesn’t
want to lose me. So, I told them to get together and decide where I should
serve. If I stay here, I should take in another mission or two and keep busier.
August 30, 1993
Janae Elizan was born into
Jim and Carol’s family. How blessed we are, to have the posterity we have, 31
grandchildren on my side, 19 for Elaine’s side.
September 19, 1993
Attended our church meetings,
then went into the Los Angeles Temple for a special devotional with President
Thomas S. Monson of the First Presidency and Elder Neal a Maxwell of the Quorum
of the Twelve. Mayo and Felice Smith and my brother Bob rode in with Elaine and
I. A lovely meeting. President Monson gave us an Apostolic Blessing as he
closed his talk.
October 10, 1993
Yesterday, we celebrated
Marjorie’s mother’s 89th birthday
here on our patio. Suzanne, Judy and Charles came with their families. Belva
does remarkably well, lives alone but is going to give up driving!
Suzanne’s cancer has returned
and the thought of losing another beautiful woman in my life is difficult to
bear. I have often thought if the Lord said, you can only have Marjorie about
40 years, do you still want her? Or you can only have Suzanne about 40 years,
you will learn to care deeply and it will hurt so bad when they go, do you
still want them, are you willing to pay the price?
Part of the price for loving
someone, is the pain that comes when you are separated by death, but you won’t
turn down the opportunity to love and cherish someone just because it will be
so painful when they go. I’ve learned to care deeply for Elaine and yet we both
know it is inevitable that sooner or later, we will be separated. But neither
of us are willing to give up the sweetness of being together to avoid the pain
of parting. But I have come to realize if you didn’t love so much, it would not
hurt so much. I guess everything has a price.
Oct. 18, 1993
Just returned from another
meeting of BYU round table with President Rex Lee and the other members of the
group. I still feel out of place.
We attended the BYU Notre
Dame football game, sat in the President’s lodge with Presidents Hinckley and
Monson, also many other general authorities. We were guests of the university,
attended the pre-game luncheon and were treated royally. President Hinckley
remembered me. I started to introduce myself and he said I remember you and
your Rolls Royce, that’s the only Rolls Royce I’ve driven - it was 26 years
We also had a nice visit with
November. 28, 1993
The 5th and 6th of November Elaine,
Marjorie’s mother and I went to Gridley for the blessing of Janae Elizan, Jim
and Carol’s baby, had a wonderful time visiting with them and Johanna and
Glenn’s family. In the gospel doctrine class, the teacher thanked me for having
“Doctor Brown” as a son.
We had Thanksgiving at our
home. Suzanne, Jim, Judy and Charlie with their families came. Their children
are so special. In reviewing family pictures, I see so many family features in
our children and grandchildren.
We had 37, counting Reese and
Elaine Layton, their son Jeff, and Elaine’s mother, also 2 young Elders living
in the trailer on our property.
Today (28th) Suzanne, Kent and family came over
after church for dinner, and I gave Rachel Ann her Patriarchal Blessing. (#
1140 for me)
I watch Suzanne battle her
caner and I’m filled with dread at the thought of losing her. Yet am grateful
to have had her at all.
I watch Kent and know what he
is going through.
January 5, 1994
An eventful month. Many
Christmas activities with friends and family.
Christmas program at Citrus
College with our 4F[four family] home evening group plus dinner and games
afterwards, Stake Christmas program directed by Felice Smith, drove to Arizona
to see Elaine’s Arizona children, the week before Christmas came back 2 days
and flew to Salt Lake for Christmas with Kathy’s family, came back and attended
the Holiday Bowl football game in San Diego, sat in the Press box with
President Rex Lee, Elder L. Tom Perry, and Elder Dallin Oaks, also attended the
pre- game luncheon, went to see “Camelot” stage musical with President And
Sister John Allen, went to [and] watched the Rose Parade in Pasadena, had as
house guests Donald and Donna Millet from Mesa, went out to Suzanne’s for a
Christmas get together, Charlie and Judy’s family also came.
Saw Mayo and Felice Smith off
on their Mission to the Dominican Republic. I’m going to miss them so much.
After 35 years of close association, so many of my friends are gone.
February 27, 1994
Jeremy Charles Brown was
ordained a Deacon by his father Charles. Afterwards we went to Charlie and
Barbara’s home for dinner, had a very nice time. We took Marjorie’s mother with
us. Charlie’s children are growing and handsome.
March 5, 1994
Went out to Newhall where
Ashley Gardiner and Noelle Wooten were baptized at the same service, then we
all gathered at Gardiner’s for dinner. A lovely service, 2 of my beautiful
daughters spoke as well as their grandmother. My heart was full as I watched my
children and grandchildren.
Last Tuesday, March 1st, I sealed Douglas and Delores
Silcock in the Los Angeles Temple, he has terminal brain cancer, also sealed
their son Larry to them. Larry had birth defects, a little stub for a left arm
and his right arm is sort of like a claw, but he went on a mission, is married
and drives a car, supports his family, 3 children so far.
February 23, 1994, I spoke at
a funeral for a 26-year-old man who committed suicide. His mother and
stepfather had just been to the house the week before, and his
stepfather a new member of
the church received his patriarchal blessing. I quoted something Elder Marion
D. Hanks had hanging in his office.
“Since We Believe in God
Know the Rules are Fair,
And there will be Wonderful Surprises.”
I am on jury duty, 1st time in 73 years. I’ve always
been able to excuse myself before.
May 29, 1994
For some reason, I have not
written in this journal for some time.
I have since spoken at a
funeral of a member of the church who died in prison convicted of murder. His
parents were patients of mine, and before his mother died, and after he was
convicted she came in my office and told me “Larry didn’t do it, his father did
it” and “Larry took the rap.” Again, I’m grateful the Lord reserves to himself
certain judgements.
Last Sunday Elaine and I
drove up to Lake Arrowhead where I spoke to the combined youth of the Arrowhead
Wards. I knew the one bishop’s father nearly 60 years ago in Arizona.
Elaine and I were reading an
account of how at times the Prophet Joseph’s face would be white and shine. I
remembered when Marjorie, David and I presented our first edition Book of
Mormon to President Benson. I noticed what must have been a similar expression
on President Benson’s face. I couldn’t help noticing it. But I was hurting so
much for Marjorie in her wheel chair terminally ill, I was numb and could not
fully appreciate it.
I had an experience at the
temple last week, that I felt was significant. I was doing some sealings of
couples from the Temple file for deceased persons, and one of the proxies said,
“I lifted my finger” in the grip, maybe we should do it over. I said the
important thing is that we had the authority to do what we did, some people
don’t have a right hand, does that make the ordinance less valid? But if it
will allay your mind we will do it over. When I repeated it, there was a flat
empty feeling as though the people for whom we were officiating had left, that
the ordinance had been done for them and they were gone, it was very noticeable
to me.
August 7, 1994
It has been some time since I
have made an entry. My mind has been pre- occupied with Suzanne’s illness. She
is making a valiant effort to overcome her cancer with diet and alternative
methods of cure, having tried the conventional chemo therapy etc. She has
already lived longer than some others who had the bone marrow transplant.
June 3 and 4, 1994 we had our
James Absolom Young family reunion in Mesa Arizona. Bob and I were in charge.
We were able to have President Benson’s funeral service as part of our program
Saturday morning and Friday evening some of us attended the temple.
July 10, we went back to
Arizona for Chad Phelps home coming from his mission, he did extremely well.
July 29, David and Colleen
had Allison Marjorie Brown born to them, all reports are favorable. I couldn’t
help remembering the special circumstances of each of our children’s birth.
Next week Elaine’s family are
gathering at Lake Powell on a house boat.
I have just read one of my
Grandfather Brown’s journal’s, probably the last one he wrote. He was 87,
driving his Volkswagen car all over Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Idaho. I admire
his drive and interest in life. I hope I can do as well. As I read his journal
I realize I never really knew him. I wish I had known him better. – I was his
oldest grandchild and spent some time with him, but I can see, that I really
didn’t know him as well as I would have liked.
Had a good day today,
attended all our meeting, visited my 4 home teaching families, gave 3
patriarchal blessings, and had our temple recommend interview.
August 28, 1994
Elaine, Marjorie’s mother and
I flew up to Mathew Goodman’s farewell prior to his entering the Missionary
Training Center. He is going to Brazil and will speak Portuguese. He and the
family did very well. We were proud of them.
September 4, 1994
Elaine and I flew to Chicago
for Allison Marjorie Brown’s blessing. David is in his last year of medical
school, he and Colleen are doing well.
September 14, 1994
Marjorie’s Mother moved back
to Arizona after 39 years. We were privileged to have her close by. She was a
wonderful grandmother to our children, and a good mother and mother in law,
also she and Elaine got along so well, genuinely loving each other. It was with
some nostalgia that I realized that another page of my life has turned. Now at
age 90, she feels she should not live in her mobile home alone. So, Norma and
her children will get to enjoy her.
September 17, 1994
Performed a temple marriage
for Seneti Kongaika and Steven Hernandez. I don’t report all my weddings but
you haven’t lived until you attend a Tongan wedding reception.
September 18, 1994
My precious Suzanne is
struggling with her cancer and it now appears that it is in the Lord’s hands. I
am numb but grateful to have had her at all.
September 25, 1994
Just returned from a quick
trip to Arizona for a wedding of Elaine’s nephew. President John Allen and his
wife went with us. We were only gone a day and a half. When we returned, there
was a message that Suzanne had a bad spell, nearly died. I’m afraid it won’t be
long before she has a change of address.
I feel my life has been
justified by having her as a daughter and I can say that about any one of our 6
children. If the Lord had told me when she was born you can only have her 39
years, and asked do you still want her, I would have said “with all my heart
and will be grateful for whatever I can have.”
September 26, 1994
Suzanne has moved to that
realm where the very choice spirits go when they leave mortality.
September 29, 1994
Suzanne’s Funeral today.
Suzanne told Kent she wanted me to sign her death certificate and speak at her
funeral. I did sign her certificate after conferring with her cancer specialist.
I didn’t want to do anything unethical, but Suzie felt since I delivered her, I
should sign her out. I was the last Doctor to see her alive and the first.
All her brothers and sisters
and spouses came, her 3 brothers gave the prayers, the Relief Society President
spoke then I spoke. I was very apprehensive about speaking because my tears
have been so close to the surface and as I saw her pictures and children I kept
wanting to cry. Just before I spoke “O Divine Redeemer” was beautifully sung as
was at Marjorie’s service and
I silently pleaded with the Lord to give me strength, and he did, a calm came
over me and I was able to speak, and I felt with the Spirit.
Kent did so well in the
family gathering, telling of the sweet experiences prior to her passing. I had
told him that I felt Marjorie was no longer present when she died, before her
body stopped breathing and when her body was taken away, it was not her, just
her shell. Kent said he felt the same, during the last her body was just
mechanical or reflexly breathing, but Suzanne had left. Just as it was with
Marjorie, when I saw Suzanne’s body in the casket I had no feeling of it being
her at all and didn’t even thing it looked like her. I had Marjorie’s casket
closed and didn’t have a viewing, just had a picture on the casket.
Suzanne’s ward has been so
supportive and helped so much. The luncheon after the service was beautifully
done. Several of my sweet little grandchildren clung to me, and I to them, my
heart melted and as I write this my children and families are visiting each
other in their homes of those in this area and I like that.
It is hard to think of life
without Suzanne.
I have had a lot of phone
calls including President Rex Lee of BYU. I was scheduled to attend the BUY
President’s Round Table and other events, also some lovely letters very
touching. Suzanne affected a lot of people. There is so much that could be
said, O Suzanne I love you so.
October 1, 1994
A solemn assembly was held in
the tabernacle and Howard W. Hunter was sustained as the 14th President of the Church.
Elaine and I watched on
television. I’m so impressed and convinced of the Lord’s hand in President
Hunter’s calling and I pray I will be found sustaining him. His talk was so
re-assuring of his prophetic calling, and I pray my posterity will always
sustain the Lord’s Prophet.
October 15, 1994
Elaine and I attended a
Pasadena Stake reunion in connection with their Stake Conference. All of the
living former Stake Presidents were there, including President Howard W.
Hunter. We were seated in a very advantageous spot. President Hunter passed by
on his way to the pulpit and stopped, reached for my hand and asked if things
were well with me. I would like to always remember the feeling I had,
indescribable warmth and yet tears springing forth, a witness this was the
Lord’s prophet. When the meeting was over, he came by again, took my hand and
turned to his wife and said, do you know the Brown’s? I knew his first wife but
had never met his second.
I had a lot of people come up
to me that I had dealings with over the years, medically, or a[s] Stake
President, or in the temple. I wonder if the hereafter will be like that.
October 16, 1994
Sunday meeting at Pasadena
Stake Conference, President Hunter again attended and as he passed Elaine and
I, he reached over and took my hand and said how are you President? I again had
a witness that here is the Prophet the Lord has raised up for us.
I’ve been in a lot of Stake
Conferences where we have sustained the Prophet, but this was the first time,
when he was actually present.
All the former Presidents of
the Stake spoke including President Cree L. Kofford of the Seventy and
President Hunter, both of whom were Presidents of the Stake.
October 30, 1994
Went to Charlie and Barbara’s
ward for the primary program. Barbara conducted the children’s music and
Hailey, Trevor and Robbie had speaking parts. I came home to give a patriarchal
blessing, then went back to Charlie and Barbara’s for a birthday party for
Hailey and Robbie.
October 31, 1994
I have been trying to sort
out my papers, I feel like I am drowning in paper. I have a hard time throwing
away cards that Marjorie and the children gave me, also my old Stake Presidency
letters and minutes. I did keep a couple of minutes randomly selected.
November 6, 1994
Attended a historic meeting
in which the Covina Stake became a Spanish Stake taking in units that were
Spanish speaking from neighboring stakes and the English- speaking units going
to other stakes. The English Stake Presidency were released, and a Spanish
speaking presidency called.
Juan Badal is the new Stake
President. He had served as Bishop of our Spanish Ward and was our ward
executive secretary until today. His wife Elsa was Elaine’s secretary in Stake
Relief Society.
I remember when the Covina
Stake was first organized over 38 years ago. Little did we realize then the
changes coming.
There was a good spirit as
Jim Smith our Regional Representative conducted.
Thanksgiving 1994
Flew to
Salt Lake to be with Elaine’s Kathy for Thanksgiving.
Christmas 1994
Had Christmas at our home.
All the children and grandchildren were here Christmas Eve except Ben and
Mathew who were on missions. Even Marjorie’s mother flew over from Mesa and
David and Colleen from Chicago. It was good to be together, couldn’t help
missing Suzanne.
February 17, 1995
Performed the marriage of
Chad Aaron Phelps (Elaine’s grandson) and Tiffany Zaremba in the new Bountiful
March 19, 1995
We have since been back to
Salt Lake for Shawn’s baptism, Kathy’s son. President Hunter passed away, a new
First Presidency organized. Yesterday we met a lovely young woman Kent was
directed to and now plans to marry. Keith Mietsen, Patriarch of Pasadena Stake
called me and said I have this wonderful friend like my own daughter, can I
have Kent call her? 6 weeks later they are engaged. They and I feel Suzanne
May 21, 1995
I have since performed the
sealing of Kent and Deborah in the Los Angeles Temple. We all felt a sweet
spirit and think Deborah will make a wonderful “acting Mother” for Suzanne’s
children, and in talking to Kent, it seems they are very happy and adjusting
In two weeks, David will
graduate from medical school, and the following month begin his Internship.
Jim and Carol are expecting
their 8th child next
June 4, 1995
I had the honor as a fellow
physician of placing the doctoral hood on David as he received his diploma and
became a doctor. It was held at the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on the
University of Chicago campus. There was pomp and ceremony, very impressive.
I thought it was even a
greater honor to have ordained him to his priesthood offices.
June 11, 1995
Stake Conference, President
Allen asked me to speak on tithing. I expressed the feeling that since Elder
James E. Talmadge defines faith as an abiding trust and confidence in the
being, purposes, and words of the Lord, we show our trust or faith in the Lord
by paying our tithing, and we never know when it will be our last chance to
prove ourselves or make an offering to the Lord. So many die prematurely.
I also quoted from Malachi
where it says, will a man rob God? And said I thought we rob God by not paying
tithing, by robbing Him of the opportunity to bless us when we do not trust Him
enough to pay our tithing.
Also, had 3 patriarchal
blessings and made 2 home teaching visits.
November 5, 1995
Many important events have
transpired. I guess I’ve neglected this journal because I’ve been sending a
family newsletter about once a month including copies of letters the children
send me. I include a few cartoons and jokes, but here are some of the events
not necessarily in order of importance:
Jesse Lawrence Brown born to
Jim and Carol. Jacob was baptized. Kathy and Randy’s (Elaine) Christy left on
[a] mission, Adam received his Eagle award, Julia was baptized, Robbie was
ordained a deacon, Janna’s 2nd
published, and a movie is going to be made of one of her books.
Kent and Deborah seem to be
doing well with their combined family.
Elaine and I took a trip to
Scotland and England with Jack and Betty McEwan. Northern Scotland was lovely,
and we rented a car and stayed in Bed and Breakfasts. Jack and I took turns
driving. I’m sure he prayed for me when it was my turn, just as I prayed for
I was driving in Inverness at
night groping our way and the police lights came on behind us and I expected
the worst, but the policeman came up and said are you lost? You are wreaking
havoc with the traffic, he then kindly showed us the way.
In Edinburgh at the art
museum, I saw a large painting depicting Heavenly Father holding the body of
the Savior after he was crucified. I was very touched. I had never thought of
how the Father must have been involved in the resurrection of His Son. I think
some of the old artists were
inspired and not handicapped by the misconceptions of the godhead.
We stopped at Abbotsford,
where Sir Walter Scott lived, and saw the room where he died, a placard said
just before he died he took his son in law’s hand and said, “do good, be religious,
be virtuous, nothing else will bring you any joy when you come to lie here.”
Thanksgiving 1995
This was my turn to have
family. Jim and Carol came down with all 8 children, Kent and Deborah with 6,
Judy and Mike with 6, Charlie and Barbara with 4 plus Reese and Elaine Layton
and 1 son, and Elaine’s mother.
Christmas 1995
Went to Arizona to be with
Elaine’s family, had a good family get together. I flew up to Salt Lake on the
20th to see David
and Colleen at her parent’s place.
Kathy and Randy came down for
the Rose Parade.
January 7, 1996
Had 5
patriarchal blessings.
January 28, 1996
Just learned that William
Wooley died who was bishop when Marjorie and I came to California. He helped
Marjorie find a place to live before we were married, and she had come over to
teach school in El Monte in fall of 1947. Housing was scarce right after World
War II. He was good to us. I was Elder’s Quorum President while he was Bishop.
So many of our old friends
have passed away.
May 5, 1996
My uncle David Owen Brown
passed away. He was a very respected attorney and Judge in Mesa Arizona, was
always good to me. I am now the oldest surviving of my Grandfather Brown’s
October 27, 1996
How time passes quickly, have
since last entry performed marriage of Elaine’s grandson Rand Adams to Tara
Rogers in the Bountiful Temple.
This spring Elaine and I flew
to Florida, saw Epcot Center, Kennedy Space Center, Orlando Temple (attended a
In August Jack and Betty
McEwan went to Italy with us, took a 2-week tour all over Italy, Rome, Venice,
Pisa, Florence, Sorrento, Naples, Isle of Capri, Pompeii, Genoa, Stresa, clear
up to Switzerland. I never realized Italy was so culturally rich, and because
of her role in World War II, was not particularly anxious to go. I’m glad I
Have attended Nate and Chad
missionary farewells, and Mathew’s homecoming. On October 20, I gave Daniel and
Jonathan Goodman patriarchal blessings.
December 1, 1996
Just came back from Salt Lake
City. Thanksgiving at Elaine’s daughter Kathy Adams, gave her granddaughter
Cheryl Adams a patriarchal blessing, attended Jordan River Temple with Brian
Adams who has been called to the Ohio Mission.
November 14, I performed the
marriage of Elaine’s grandson Jeremy in the Arizona Temple. His bride Tiffany
Russell is a granddaughter of Winton Langford and Beulah Johnson who went to
high school with me.
Christmas 1996
Jim and Carol’s family,
Charlies and Barbara’s family, Judy and Mike’s family, Suzanne’s family (Kent
and Deborah and children), gathered at our home along with Reese and Elaine
Layton and his mother Norma Smout. A sweet time, I enjoy watching our family
New Year’s 1997
Curtis Brown and Barry Brown,
sons of my uncle David and their wives came over and stayed with us and went to
the Rose Parade with us. We enjoyed getting better acquainted.
March 6, 1997
Attended a World Affairs
dinner at the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles where President Hinckley was the
guest speaker. He handles himself so well, fielded questions so skillfully and
correct you know he is guided by the Lord.
March 22, 1997
Performed the marriage of
Paris Cluff, grandson of Murray and Alice Fae Cluff, my dear departed friends,
a very touching experience for me.
March 23, 1997
Kent and Deborah hosted a
birthday party for March birthdays, Elaine, Kent, Myself and Eric. Charlie and
Judy’s families came also. I thoroughly enjoyed basking in the association of
my children and grandchildren.
April 6, 1997
Listened and watched General
Conference on telivision. How wonderful to be able to be in our own home and in
a sense, be seated at the feet of the Prophets.
For nearly 5 years I have
been the missionary doctor for the Arcadia Mission and now recently for the Los
Angeles mission, also.
I have given 1275 Patriarchal
Blessings and am still serving as a Sealer in the Los Angeles Temple. I’ve been
reflecting that I have served in a Stake calling for 41 consecutive years, High
council 3 years, Stake Presidency 18 years, patriarch 20 years (Sealer 18 years
in June). I am in charge of Sealing’s Tuesday afternoon and evening, and in a
recent prayer meeting a new sealer commented that he couldn’t understand why he
was called to be a sealer and have that sacred privilege. I told him the rest
of us wondered the same thing about ourselves, but Robert L. Simpson told us
when he was Temple President that we were each foreordained to be Sealers, and
I have taken comfort in that.
April 12, 1997
I have been watching my
children and their children with love and pride. I see them overcome trials,
financial hardships, and grow and develop into fine responsible faithful
members of the church.
For a long time, I’ve wished
I could sell my property and make it easier for them. Now I’m beginning to
wonder if it is better not to make it to easy, and that the Lord in his
kindness does not make it to easy and lets us prove ourselves.
June 15, 1997
A month ago, at age 92 plus
years Marjorie’s mother broke her hip and her left wrist. She has a good
attitude, is still alert and determined to walk again.
Adam Wooten graduated as a
valedictorian and won a 4-year scholarship to BYU. He gave a good talk at
Had Father’s Day dinner with
Charlie and Barbara and the Layton’s. Others called me. Johanna is now the
Stake Primary President, Jessica is graduating from high
Colleen, Judy and
Carol are expecting 4th, 7th, and 9th.
Jim is serving in the Bishopric
again. David will be starting his 2nd year residency
in 2 weeks.
July 21, 1997
Judy Wooten, Carol Brown and
Colleen Brown are expecting. Adam Wooten was # 1 out of 496 high school
graduates, has a 4-year scholarship to BYU.
Sometime ago I was telling
some friends about where I was when World War II ended. I was in a combat
engineer Battalion having been in England, France, and Germany, when the
European campaign ended, and we were shipped to the Philippines Islands to
await the invasion of Japan. One evening we were in a large barn with a tin
roof watching a movie, “The Big Sleep” when the movie was stopped, and it was
announced that the Japanese had accepted the Potsdam agreement. Pandemonium
broke loose, we all had our rifles and men were shooting them off and going
crazy. Finally, an old Colonel got things quieted down and told us he was in
World War I when it ended, and many men were hurt or killed accidently when the
armistice was announced. He said be careful don’t shoot your guns, we want you
all to go home now that we have come this far.
Many young people who were
not there decry or wring their hands at our dropping the atomic bomb, but they
don’t realize how many lives were saved on both sides. If we had to invade
Japan, the loss would have been astronomical. We would have pulverized them
with conventional bombing. Then the invasion would have been so bloody, they
were conditioned to fight fanatically.
They started the war, were
unmerciful in their attacks on China, Manchuria and the South Pacific Islands,
killed many innocent civilians, were extremely cruel and barbaric.
I lost friends in the sneak
attack on Pearl Harbor.
July 27, 1997
Julie Brown was born to Jim
and Carol during the night weighing in at 9lbs 8 oz. I got a call at 12:30 AM.
I don’t know if her birthday is the 26th or 27th.
Marjorie’s mother had a
stroke last night, sounds like if she lives her quality of life will be poor.
She has been a wonderful admirable lady.
September 11, 1997
On the 6th, Elaine and I flew up to Yuba City
and Gridley for the blessing of sweet little Julie, had a nice visit with
Johanna, Glenn and family, Jim and Carol and family. I am very proud of both
Jim drove us to Oroville and
saw the salmon run at the fish hatchery, while there someone called out “hello
Dr. Brown”, I turned to see who knew me and realized they were talking to Jim.
I guess up there, I’m Dr. Brown’s father.
September 14, 1997
Had a special meeting at the
Los Angeles Temple for sealers, supervisors, and temple staff. We had
department instruction then a combined sacrament meeting, then a testimony
meeting. I was to assist in passing the sacrament. It was a very spiritual
experience. President Walker told how sealers were called. I marvel that I was
called and have served for over 18 years now.
September 19, 1997
Elaine was called to be the
evening shift supervisor for the sisters at the temple for Tuesday’s. She has
served in the temple 17 years, 8 in Mesa and 9 here in Los Angeles.
October 26, 1997
Elaine and I just returned
from a tour of Spain, Portugal and Morocco, also Rock of Gibraltar. Jack and
Betty McEwan were with us, had a good trip. We caught a cold and jet lag on the
way home, are wiped out. We don’t know how President Hinckley does it. He is 10
years older than we are and seems to be traveling all the time.
November 9, 1997
Marjorie’s mother died on the
2nd of Nov. She
was 93 and ready to go. She told Norma, “I’ve tried to die 3 times and you
won’t let me, please stop it.”
The service was more of a
celebration for a life well lived. I never enjoyed Mother in law jokes because
they don’t apply to my wonderful mother in law.
Jim conducted the service,
Jenny, Christie and Chandra played a violin trio “I need thee every hour.” Jill
gave the obituary, I spoke then each of the grandchildren gave a very
appropriate tender tribute and testimony. All my children came even David from
November 27, 1997
Thanksgiving with Suzanne’s
family, Kent, Deborah and children except Chad who is on a mission. Rachel is a
beautiful woman now. Eric is really handsome, and Ryan, Ashley, and Brett are
really developing well. We had a nice sweet visit and I enjoyed having them
very much. Elaine fixed a delicious dinner and we had a good relaxing visit.
Christmas 1997
Was in Salt Lake with Kathy
and Randy’s family, a good visit. Rand and Tara, new daughter Ashlie were
there, cute baby.
December 28, 1997
Richard Chapman Wooten was
blessed by his father in Palmdale, a fine-looking boy. Both sets of
grandparents attended. Kent and Deborah Gardiner came to the lunch afterwards.
Adam being an Elder was able to stand in on the blessing.
Rachel brought her fiancée,
plan to be married in Aug. 98. He seems like a fine young man, but I guess no
one is good enough for your own granddaughter.
We are awaiting word on David’s
new baby girls birth, due any day.
January 6, 1998
Rebecca arrived to David and
Colleen’s care, wt. 9lbs 13oz, number 38 for Marjorie and I. With Elaine’s 20,
that’s quite a posterity. I don’t even announce it in High Priest group meeting
anymore. We are so far ahead of anyone else in the group.
January 18, 1998
Rebecca Lee Ann Brown was
blessed by her father at home. The Burgoyne’s and I were back in Michigan with
them, so the bishop gave permission to do it at home since it was a little soon
to take her out in the Michigan cold. David had interviews in Utah that week, so
I was able to meet him in Salt Lake and we flew together back to Michigan.
January 23, 1998
My Aunt Fern Brown’s funeral
was today. Elaine and I flew over for it, also gave Jeremy Phelps his
patriarchal blessing.
February 22, 1998
Jeremy Charles Brown was
ordained a priest today by his father and given a nice blessing.
Received a call today that
Irene Crow, wife of Alden B. Crow passed away. They were among our first
friends over 50 years ago when we were first married.
I am convinced that the most
important thing in life is the kind of person we become.
March 15, 1998
1 blessing today, #1319, a
fine convert in his early 80’s. I have observed that some who were not raised
in the church can catch up and even pass some of us who have been members much
2 weeks ago, I did some
family file sealings in the temple and the patron told us these relatives lived
in Missouri at the time the saints were persecuted so much, and she had worried
that maybe some of her family had been in the mobs, and she found a diary of
her great grandfathers that said “there is a lot of agitation in our area about
the Mormons, but we are too busy clearing our land and planting our crops to
become involved.” This gave her a great feeling of peace.
I am speaking at a fireside
March 22, 1998
Attended a regional
conference with Elder Robert D. Hales of the 12 presiding. Jim Smith, Mayo
Smith and I with our wives drove down to the Los Angeles Convention Center
together, (the 3 ex Stake Presidents). It was an inspiring conference. This was
a multi-stake gathering taking the place of the Stake Conference we would
normally have. I feel so fortunate to have served when we had 4 Stake
Conferences a year with a general authority at each one. Yesterday we had a
4-hour leadership training meeting.
Great emphasis was given on
retaining converts once they are baptized. I vividly remember Marjorie once
saying, “I don’t know of anyone I brought into the church” (she had forgotten
some she was very responsible for bringing in the church). I looked at that
beautiful gracious woman and thought I wonder how many she kept in the church.
Every place she was greatly improved, and was better because she was there, and
you enjoyed being where she was.
May 10, 1998
Mother’s Day, a wonderful
Sacrament Meeting with fitting tributes. I appreciate the mothers in my life,
my own mother, Marjorie, Elaine, and my daughters.
July 26, 1998
Attended Adam Wooten’s
missionary farewell in Palmdale. Lechelle, Noelle, Judy, Michael and Adam did
extremely well. Adam sounded more like a returned missionary. I am very proud
of them.
July 31, 1998
Attended a welcome social for
our new Mission President Leslie Steward. All the Stake Presidents and wives
attended. Elaine and I came as the mission doctor. It was good to be in their
August 15, 1998
Rachel Ann Gardiner was
married to Robert Lawrence Radoff today. She looked so lovely. Her older
brother Chad came home from his mission, looks good and so much like his mother
Suzanne, I wanted to cry.
August 18-26, 1998
Elaine and I drove up the
coast. The old highway 1, then across to the gold country, Columbia, Twain
Harte, etc., also went through the Hershey Chocolate factory in Oakdale. We
attended the California State fair in Sacramento, it is not as big as the LA
county fair. We then arrived in Yuba City to hear Nate Goodman’s home coming
report on his mission to Chile. Janna, Glenn, and Nate did very well. Chad
Gardiner’s report was the same day in Newhall. We couldn’t be in both places.
It is reported that he did very well.
I attended a Daddy Daughter
date with Jim and 3 of his daughters (beautiful and sweet).
We drove down to Roseville
with the Goodmans and Browns to a huge swap meet and had a good time looking
for bargains.
On the way home, we went into
Yosemite Park, then drove across Tioga Pass, still snow in places. At one point
the road was 9,900 feet above sea level. Came down highway 395 to 14 then down
to Palmdale to see Judy, Michael and family, then home. Drove 1800 miles, I
used to love to drive, now I get tired.
September 13, 1998
Last week a Dr. Richard Hardy
came to see me to see if I would be willing to join the church medical staff
for the missions in the Los Angeles area and a Dr. Harris who is head of the
Medical Department for the church phoned and made it official. It’s sort of
like being on a mission.
September 20, 1998
Yesterday, I performed 3 live
sealings including a licensed marriage and 2 sealings after a civil marriage. 1
couple had each received their patriarchal blessing from me, and Br. Lloyd
Davis who schedules the marriages noted they were from our stake, asked me if I
would like to officiate. When I saw the couple, he choked up and said I was
praying that you would officiate. I was afraid to ask you, that you were too
busy and wouldn’t be here, but last night I dreamed you would be here, and it
was revealed to me a confidential part of the endowment that you only receive
in the temple. He is a new member of the church, 1 year 1 month, and has given
out over 100 Book of Mormons.
After the live sealings, I
did some family file sealings, then saw Judy and Michael who had come in on a
stake assignment.
November 15, 1998
Mid October Elaine and I with
Jack and Betty McEwan sailed on a river boat, the American Queen from St. Paul
Minnesota to St. louis Missouri on the Mississippi river, very luxurious and
interesting, took a week. Then rented a van, drove to Branson Missouri and had
a week of shows, saw 16. The shows were all clean, and had a religious and
patriotic overtone, no gambling, drinking, etc.
On October 25, Sunday, Elaine
and I attended a special temple session with the outgoing Temple Presidency. We
had a chapel meeting and then an endowment session with the Temple Presidency
I am at the age where so many
of my friends and associates are becoming infirm and or dying, the most recent
being a medical friend who just last week learned he has in- operable renal
carcinoma with a very dismal prognosis. He is Jewish, but not a devout one
where he could receive comfort. He says he is not religious, has no belief that
could sustain him, he says that he envies those who do. Unfortunately, he knows
too much to be bolstered by false hopes etc., and he knows the futility of
chemotherapy and radical surgery for this particular cancer.
November 29, 1998
Lucy Shumway Goodman,
Johanna’s mother in law passed away. A fine wonderful woman. I knew her husband
Bill Goodman in grammar school in Mesa Arizona.
We had a good Thanksgiving
with Elaine’s daughter Kathy and her family and her son Gregg and his daughter
Deena spending the holiday with us.
Last week, when I was at one
of the mission offices to see sick missionaries, a fine older man who was a
volunteer office worker for the for the 2nd time, also had served a full-time mission, been stake missionary,
ward mission leader, and said he had never been a Bishop or had an important
leadership calling. I told him that maybe the Lord felt he didn’t need it like
some of the rest of us. He began to cry and said, “I thought the Lord didn’t
love me.” I looked at that good faithful humble man and thought he will get a
better reception when he leaves this life than I will.
December 12, 1998
Elaine and I spent 2 days in
Utah. Colleen and David hosted Charles and Barbara’s family, Matt and Ben
Goodman, and Rachel and Rob, and we had a very good time. Rachel and Rob looked
happy and Matt and Ben looked handsome and mature.
The next day Charlie and
Barbara, David and I had lunch, and enjoyed sitting and visiting something we
seldom get to do. We stayed with Kathy and Randy and enjoyed their family.
December 13, 1998
We attended a temple
Christmas devotional in the large assembly room at the temple. Our Temple
Presidency and matron spoke, as well as Elder Madsen of our Area Presidency. It
was a very uplifting experience. I really marvel at the privilege we have to
serve in that sacred place.
December 25, 1998
My families turn for
Christmas. Jim and his family came down. Judy and Mike’s family except Adam,
who is on a mission. Kent and Deborah and all the children except Chad who was
working, and Rachel who hadn’t got in from Utah.
We had a good Christmas Eve,
then all went home except Jim’s family. His daughters are so talented. I gave
Jacob his patriarchal blessing.
January 17, 1999
Stake Conference 22 years
ago, I was released as Stake President and ordained a Patriarch.
Elaine and I had the
privilege of being interviewed by Elder Norman Bolm of the Seventy in reference
to our patriarchal duties, he was very gracious to us.
It was a very touching
conference. President James T. Davis has metastatic cancer, is very likely
terminal. He came in a wheel chair, gave a very fine talk and testimony.
President Allen is going through what I went through in losing a counselor to
cancer midway through my term as Stake President.
My heart ached as I watched
President Davis wife Moliece take such watchful care and look at him
constantly. Her eyes filled with love and concern.
April 11, 1999
I have since last entry
spoken at President Davis funeral, performed the marriage of Elaine’s
granddaughter in the Arizona Temple Heather Phelps who by co-incidence married
the grandson of a woman who was my office nurse.
We went up to Utah to attend
Brian Adams home coming, saw Charlie and David and families.
May 19, 1999
Charles was sworn in at the
Utah bar. It was a very nice affair. We flew up for it and that evening had a
nice family dinner. Kathy, Randy, David and Colleen and of course Charlie and
children. Barbara was unavailable, away for a business convention scheduled
before she knew about the swearing in date and the airline tickets were
nonrefundable or transferable. Ben and Matt Goodman came also.
June 6, 1999
Went to Arizona for Chad and
Tiffany Phelps 1st child’s
blessing, McKenzie Phelps by her father. Well done.
June 20, 1999
Eric Gardiner has received
his mission call to Denver Colorado. Glenn Goodman has been called as Bishop of
a newly created ward in Yuba City.
Jim Jr has been called to his
Stake High Council.
All of above in the last 2
weeks, including Lechelle Wooten graduating from high school.
June 27, 1999
Rachel (Gardiner) Radoff
called me to ask if I would perform their sealing in the Los Angeles Temple
August 14. I am very grateful for that.
Glenn Goodman was called to
be Bishop of a new ward in Yuba City Ca, a few days later he lost his job, and
then they received a cashiers check for $5,000 from an anonymous donor.
July 14-21, 1999
Elaine and I flew to
Cleveland Ohio, met Elaine’s granddaughter Christy Adams, rented a car and went
to Kirtland Ohio, saw the Temple, Newell K. Whitney store, John Johnson home,
where many revelations were received, then went to Palmyra, saw the Cumorah
Pageant. Randy and Kathy and their children Brian, Tonya, and Shawn were in it.
We also went to Niagara Falls, Sharon Vermont, where the prophet Joseph was
born. We had a very good trip, saw the site for the new Palmyra Temple.
August 17, 1999
Elaine and I drove up to
Dinkey Creek, in the Sierras east of Fresno and joined Charlie and Barbara,
Judy and Michael, Kent and Deborah, and their children in the bi- annual
mountain outing that for years has been a tradition, going back to when the
children were small. It was started by Bishop Cluff and his family. It’s
satisfying to watch the grandchildren enjoy their cousins. I couldn’t help
remembering loved ones and friends long gone.
August 24, 1999
Elaine and I flew to Salt
Lake and drove down through southern Utah, Zions Canyon, northern Arizona, Oak
Creek Canyon to Mesa with Elaine’s brother in law Wayne Phelps and his new wife
Shirley Anderson, Verlan Anderson’s widow. He was one of the Seventy. We went
down to Celebrate his sister (Elaine’s sister in law) Maxine Phelps Lines 90th birthday. I remember her
before she was married. She used to go with my uncle David.
The desert trails, wide open
expanses, houses 1⁄2 mile apart, large open fields are all covered with homes
and commercial buildings etc. I was sad, because I can no longer go home. Most
of my friends are dead as well as the relatives I grew up with. I feel like a
prehistoric being.
August 29, 1999
Today was the last day Mayo
and Felice Smith will live in our stake. He was my counselor 10 years, then
became Stake President when I was released. I’ve known Felice 65 years, since
high school. She led the music today in sacrament meeting for the last time and
I remembered all the musical programs she put on for our ward and stake and the
great contributions they both have made to our lives. Such loyal and good
My brother Bob is moving to
Texas to be close to his daughter since his health is poor. I will miss him.
August 14, 1999 [late entry]
Had the privilege of
performing the sealing of Marjorie and my Granddaughter Rachel Ann Gardiner to
Robert Lawrence Radoff in the Los Angeles Temple.
September 17, 1999
Elaine and I flew up to
Sacramento and rented a car and drove to Yuba City and Gridley, attended
Catherine Brown’s baptism and Daniel Goodman’s ordination to office of an
September 24, 1999
Elaine and I flew to Salt
Lake to attend BYU celebration of their Lighting the Way fund raising drive,
attended a banquet where president Hinckley was present and we got to have our
picture taken with him. He asked me what year was that Rolls Royce and how many
do you have? I said, “Only one, times are tough.”
October 2-3, 1999
Kathy and Randy Adams and
their daughter Christy stayed with us this weekend, watched General Conference
over television. This is probably the last church General Conference to be held
in the old tabernacle. The new conference building with about 31⁄2 x capacity
should be ready by next April.
I have many memories of the
tabernacle, having attended in person about 45 General Conferences there. I
have a lot of memories of being there, driving up to conference when it used to
last 3 days, driving nearly all night to get there, and then to get home we
would listen to the last session on the radio as we drove down from Salt Lake.
Later as air travel became more available, we flew, sometimes we would go as a
presidency, and sometimes with our families. When we first started, we could be
seated in the tabernacle without tickets. Then later Stake Presidency tickets,
and later even with tickets we had to stand in line, and may not get in. The
last number of years it has been so much easier just to watch over television,
although there is a special spirit to being there.
November 4, 1999
I received a nice email
letter from my grandson Chad Gardiner, a very mature letter. I have been
thinking about how I would like to be better acquainted with all my grandchildren,
of course they are all busy growing up and establishing themselves.
I learned today of another
medical colleague passing away, he was 19 years younger than I am.
I am so grateful for the gift
of Marjorie, there is not a day that I do not marvel at the mercy of the Lord
in allowing me to be with her for 40 years and now to allow me to be comforted
by and enjoy Elaine. Love is such a precious gift.
November 13, 1999
In the Los Angeles temple
today, I performed the marriage of the last of six children in a family that I
delivered all six and married all six.
December 19, 1999
52 years ago, Marjorie and I
were married in the Mesa Temple.
Yesterday I performed the
marriage of Chad Aaron Gardiner, Suzanne’s oldest son to Maryssa Hill
Montgomery in the Los Angeles Temple. The day before on the 14th I was able to go to an
endowment session with Chad, as he was there with his fiancée to receive her
endowment, he was by himself and I’m grateful I was there to be with him.
January 4, 2000
The new millennium started
fairly smoothly despite dire predictions of computer failures.
We spent a quiet New Year’s
Eve at home, watched a 3-hour program listing the top 100 people who left their
mark on the previous 1000 years. I would have put Joseph Smith at the top. He
was not even mentioned, this will change.
We went to Arizona for
Christmas, stayed with Elaine’s son Reed, had a very nice time. I continue to
be staggered by the changes in that area.
January 16, 2000
23 years ago today I was
released as Stake President and ordained a Patriarch.
We had Stake Conference
today. We had Elder William R. Bradford of the First Quorum of the Seventy as
our visitor. He was very instructive and inspirational. All those who spoke did
very well. I remember well the excitement and thrill of Stake Conference,
I enjoyed them very much. As
I watch our Stake Presidency do so well, I look back and think that I should
have done better. I think the stake members have been charitable with me and
are very kind to me.
When I write a few lines in
this poor journal, I often re-read previous entries and get flooded with
memories, become pensive, then do not write very much.
January 25-29, 2000
Elaine and I flew to Las
Vegas, rented a car and attended the Las Vegas Temple for a session, then drove
to the St. George Utah area, saw Mark and Gladys Smith. Mark’s calling is a
greeter in the ward and I guess he is lucky to have that with all the ex-
everything, including General Authorities who live there now.
We saw Frank and Billie
Little, Elaine’s friends from Mesa, who just moved up there. With them we drove
up to Zion Canyon, saw the beautiful I-max movie on Zion Canyon. We enjoy that
beautiful area, and Elaine’s family lived there. Her father’s family had
considerable holdings, ranch, etc. in the Toquerville and Kolob mountain.
Elaine and her children used to spend summers there to escape the Mesa heat. We
saw her cousin LeGrand Spilsbury who started the Spilsbury Mortuaries in that
area. We drove down the back way to Boulder City through Littlefield and
Overton. Elaine’s family owned the Boulder Hotel in Boulder City when I went
with her during the war (WWII) and I stayed there when I visited her. We also
visited her parent’s graves in the Toquerville Cemetery.
February 5, 2000
Served in the afternoon
sealings at the temple and as I participated in a family file sealing and
watched a sister act as proxy for a beloved grandmother, her eyes filled with
tears, and her face radiant with love, I caught just a glimpse of the depth
possible of God’s love.
In the evening, we went to
Carl Warnicks 90th birthday
party, saw many old friends and they reminded me of the experiences we had
together, grey haired people telling me I gave them their patriarchal
blessings, performed their marriage, or other things I had forgotten. One of
Carl’s daughter in laws came up to me and looked at me and exclaimed “President
Brown you are still alive.” I had been her Stake President years ago.
March 26. 2000
I am 79 today. Judy and her
family came out and I received nice cards, etc. The Arcadia Mission took Elaine
and I out to dinner and to a stage play put on by Glendora
Stake, My Fair Lady, also
gave me a tie and beautiful desk clock engraved for my 80th birthday. They think I’m
older then I am.
I gave blessing #1400 and
1401 today to a lovely Chinese couple.
April 1-2, 2000
Watched General Conference on
television, first one held in the new Conference Center.
April 6, 2000
Participated in the
dedication of the Palmyra Temple via satellite, many Stake Centers were
connected via television and with a recommend required for admission, it was
like being there. I hope we can also participate in the Nauvoo Temple
April 15, 2000
Performed the temple marriage
of Christy Adams (Elaine’s granddaughter) to Michael Lee Gibson in the San
Diego Temple.
The morning we left for the
temple in San Diego, I asked Kathy Adams, Christy’s mother to say our family
prayer. As she thanked the Lord for the blessing of having a daughter worthy to
be married in the temple, and tears filled her eyes, I wondered if Christy ever
loved her mother more than at that moment as she felt her mother’s love.
April 22, 2000
Judy, Michael and 5 youngest
children, Kent, Ashley and Brett came out to have an Easter egg hunt, had a
good time even if I did take a nap. We sure have good looking grandchildren.
May 21, 2000
Have had speaking assignments
at 2 funerals, Mother’s Day, and Stake Relief Society Conference, several
temple weddings, including a Tongan couple. You haven’t lived until you attend
a Polynesian wedding reception. They don’t send invitations, just
expect everyone to come. We
were given the customary quilt. Elaine says, “What are we going to do with all
these quilts?”
Today Joyce Osborn gave me
some pictures of the early days of our stake. Those were exciting days,
groundbreakings, dedications, etc. As I looked at Marjorie I realized that I
felt my life was justified and being married to her was my crowning achievement
in life.
I realize my hand writing is
atrocious. My right-hand spasms so much and I’m not sure how much of my journal
will be deciphered. I don’t know if a Urim and Thummim will be available, but I
enjoy reading it, and being reminded of special events and feelings. Judy bless
her heart has tried to type up some of it.
June 23, 2000
Randy and Kathy Adams stood
in line and got tickets to President Hinckley’s 90th birthday party at the
Conference Center. What a magnificent event it was, our first time in the new
center and President Hinckley was a MARVEL.
June 27, 2000
A woman in my sealing session
reminded me she grew up in our ward, and that when the young women in the ward
were asked who they would like to be like and everyone wrote the name Marjorie
July 14, 2000
Had the privilege of
performing the marriage of Mathew James Goodman and Stacy Hendricks in the Mt.
Timpanogos Temple. It was a very special experience. Chad and Maryssa, Rachel
and Rob, David and Colleen, Daniel Goodman, Ben Goodman, and of course Johanna
and Glenn, Barbara Brown and her parents were there, and why not Marjorie and
We all like Stacy, and are
happy for Matt. We had a nice luncheon at the Wilkerson Center. Elaine and I
stopped in on Amy Valentine, one of my last cousins on my mother’s side still
alive, she is 84. We then went to David and Colleens for supper, Charlie and
Barbara with their family came along with the Burgoynes, Colleens parents.
July 15, 2000
Stopped in to see Mayo and
Felice Smith in Salt Lake before flying home, broke my heart to see Mayo so ill
and Felice so tired and worn. They now have live in help, I don’t expect Mayo
to live much longer.
August 11-13, 2000
Elaine and I flew up to Yuba
City and Gridley, saw Nate and Heather get married on the 11th and heard Daniel give his
farewell talk. He is going to Wisconsin on his mission.
Johanna, Glenn and Daniel all
gave excellent talks. Jim and Carol’s 3 oldest daughters played a violin trio
accompanied by Carol, they very accomplished musicians. I was also asked to
We also learned that David
has been appointed to be a physician for BYU and the MTC (Missionary Training
Center). Sounds like a wonderful position to me.
Sometime ago, I told Chandra
about hearing Meditation from Massenet’s opera Thais in a bombed-out Cathedral
in Germany in 1945 and how it brought back memories to me as well as being a
lovely melody. She learned it on the violin and played it to me. What a nice
gift (brought tears).
All of our grandchildren seem
to be gifted, Marjorie must be proud of them.
September 3, 2000
Just returned from a 2-week
tour of Ireland August 19-September 1. Went with Jack and Betty McEwan. We
never realized Ireland was so beautiful and the people so friendly and proud of
their contributions to America. 40 million of Irish descent over here. We
attended church in Dublin, very good people. One of the members, a taxi driver
took us a great distance back to our hotel, wouldn’t charge us, said he didn’t
“work on Sunday.” I was able to give 2 Books of Mormon to 2 of our fellow tour
October 1, 2000
Attended the blessing of
Elaine’s great grandson, Caden Ray Germaine in Gilbert Arizona. We had some
good family visits with Elaine’s children and grandchildren who live in
Arizona. We also had lunch with my sister, Louise Barret who lives in Sun City
October 8, 2000
General Conference, and the
dedication of the new Conference Center. I marvel at how well President
Hinckley conducts and presides. He mentioned that at the ground- breaking
service, President Boyd K. Packer in the closing prayer, asked the Lord to
preserve his (President Hinckley) life to see it completed. He is now in his 91st year.
We now are over 11 million
members, 100 operating temples, 53 of which were dedicated in the last 5 years.
There are now over 600 stakes in South America, when I was Stake President,
there were only 467 stakes in the entire church.
I was very touched by
President James E. Faust, telling of his grandmother comforting him as a
frightened little boy and assuring him of the Lord’s love of him. Then when he
spoke of his wife he choked up and could hardly speak. I could fully relate to
how he felt.
President Hinckley’s talk and
his dedicatory prayer were masterpieces, truly inspired and his words given to
him by inspiration. We also were invited wherever we were to join in the
Hosanna Shout. We had Christy and Mike with us watching in the study, and we
stood and joined with our white handkerchiefs.
October 16, 2000
While I was at the Arcadia
Mission office, I had a call from David. He was calling me in the capacity of
the MTC physician regarding one of the missionaries being sent to one of the
missions I take care, it was so good to talk as colleagues.
November 19, 2000
A special sealers meeting at
the temple, a very sweet spirit prevailed.
I looked around the room at
all those wonderful men and realized when I was given the sealing power, no one
else in the room sere sealers and I still feel like the new kid on the block.
December 2, 2000
Elaine and I went to Arizona
for the blessing of Elaine’s great grandson Wyatt Phelps, Jeremy and Tiffany’s
1st born.
December 8, 2000
Kathy and Randy Adams
arranged for us to have tickets to the Christmas play presented in the new
Conference Center theatre and also took us on a guided tour of the
center. We had 30 of our
families there, Adams, Browns, Goodman’s, Wooten’s, Gardiners, nice to have
cousins be with cousins.
December 9, 2000
Performed the marriage of
Elaine’s grandson Brian Adams to Jennifer Riquino in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
December 10, 2000
Gave Elaine’s granddaughter
Tonya Adams her patriarchal blessing, #1423, also attended Shawn Adams Eagle
scout award. We drove out to the airport in a snow storm.
Over the weekend we had a
good visit with the David Brown and Charles Brown families.
December 17, 2000
Attended a special Christmas
devotional at the temple for all temple workers. I was also the physician on
duty. David E. Sorenson of the Presidency of the Seventy was our General
Authority. He is also David and Colleen’s uncle.
This evening we met with our
Stake President and he asked Elaine and I to attend the El Monte Ward for 6
months and help the ward fellowship its new members. They have a limited number
of Melchizedek holders.
Other than home teaching this
will be 1st ward calling
in 45 years. I have had a stake calling 45 consecutive years, High Council (3
years), Stake Presidency (18 years), and Patriarch (24 years)
January 17, 2001
My dear friend and associate
Mayo W. Smith died after a long illness. He and I knelt in prayer together in
Stake Presidency meetings about 500 times as well as other meetings, not
included in the 500 High Council meetings, leadership meetings, etc.
Elaine asked me, “how would
you describe Mayo?” and I said “I don’t know.” There was only one. I guess the
best way is to say I’d like to be as well prepared to meet my Maker as he.
March 13, 2001
Elder M. Russell Ballard
spoke at BYU Devotional on the value of women in the church and in our lives
and mentioned that there are some who wrongly feel that women are not as
important. I looked up at a picture of Marjorie and as tears came, I did not
have any doubt about how important women are.
April 19, 2001
Another milestone, Marjorie
and my first great grandchild, Mathew and Stacy Goodman had a baby boy 6lbs
8oz. Johanna thinks the name will be Talmadge James.
June 12, 2001
Melody Wooten came to earth
to live with Judy and Michael, also Adam Wooten called to ask me to perform his
marriage to Adrienne Rytting August 17th in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
June 17, 2001
Father’s Day. In our
meetings, much was said about Father’s. I look back and realize that I could
have been a much better father. I look back on the years the children were
growing up. I was in the Stake Presidency 18 of those years, chief of staff 4
times at the hospital, had a very busy office and hospital practice, spent many
nights at the hospital delivering babies, etc. I don’t regret my church
service, but I wish I had managed to have more time with them. Marjorie was
largely responsible for their turning out well.
Once again, I look at my hand
writing and am ashamed. My right hand and arm spasms and becomes jerky when I
write. Sometimes it will lock up and I have to consciously make it relax. I
don’t know why it has done that for years. It did not do it while I did surgery
or other delicate procedures, just when I try to write and I have had a tremor
in my right hand for years.
July 1, 2001
Melody Celeste Wooten was
blessed by her father. Both grandfathers stood in the circle. I peeked at her
during the blessing, she looked like an angel.
July 2, 2001
David called me
to tell me he had been called to serve in a BYU ward bishopric.
July 15, 2001
Jeremy Brown’s
farewell (mission to Brazil).
August 2, 2001
Elaine’s granddaughter Cheryl
Adams married to Jeff Rounds in Salt Lake Temple.
August 11, 2001
Nate and
Heather Goodman sealed in Oakland temple.
August 13, 2001 Dinky Creek.
August 17, 2001
Adam Wooten
and Adrienne Rytter sealed in Mt. Timpanogos Temple
August 18, 2001
Went to
Parowan, Utah for Joyce Osborn marriage to Dan Evans.
August 19, 2001
Ordained my son David a High
August 30, 2001
Janae Brown
will be baptized
After ordaining David a High
Priest, I have:
Delivered our children
Circumcised sons, father and bishop
Blessed and named children
Baptized and confirmed our children
Ordained sons Deacon, Teacher, and Priest
Interviewed children for temple recomend
Ordained sons Elders
Interviewed son to go on mission
Set apart son as missionary
Gave a son patriarchal blessing
Performed temple marriages for 3 of my children
Delivered own grandchildren
Gave grandchildren patriarchal blessings
Performed temple marriages for grandchildren
Signed daughter’s death certificate (at her request and in
co-operation with her
Spoke at funeral of grandfather, father, brothers and sister,
wife, and daughter
Ordained a son a High Priest
September 11, 2001
Terrorist bombed World Trade
Center in New York and Pentagon in New York Flying Hi-jacked airliners full of
fuel as bombs.
Our lives will be changed.
October 21, 2001
Spoke at
Stake Priesthood meeting.

October 24, 2001
Elaine and I drove to St.
George Utah, saw my dear friend Mark Smith, stayed with Elaine’s brother in law
Wayne Phelps, also drove up to Cedar City and saw Jenny and Chandra Brown
attending George Wythe College.
November 4, 2001
Elaine and I
had a very memorable special day in the Los Angeles Temple.
December 6, 2001
Flew to
Dallas Texas for my brother Robert’s 78th birthday. He has not been well.
December 9, 2001
Temple Christmas
devotional, Elder L. Tom Perry.
December 12-14, 2001
Elaine and I drove to
Arizona, saw Elaine’s family, also had a nice visit with my uncle David Brown’s
children, Curtis, Brookie, and Barry. Since I am the oldest living descendent
of our grandfather Brown, they were anxious to hear family stories.
December 15, 2001
Performed Marriage of Brian
Kerr and Lisa Gardiner. I delivered her and gave him his patriarchal blessing.
December 23, 2001
Spoke at
ward Christmas program.
January 13, 2002
Our Stake Presidency was
released. Scott Crawford was sustained as Stake President and Robert Peart as 1st counselor and Gregory Davison
as 2nd.
Elder Dieter Uchtdorf of the
Seventy and Randolf Hough Area Authority officiated.
Elder Uchtdorf is a neighbor
to Kathy and Randy Adams.
I issued a call to President
Allen 30 years ago to serve on our stake High Council and he has been attending
High Council meetings ever since.
25 years ago, this same
weekend, I was released as Stake President and ordained a patriarch.
Many memories.
January 20, 2002
For the past year Elaine and
I have attended the El Monte ward by assignment from our Stake President to
help strengthen the ward. We used to have 3 wards in El Monte, now we have 1
and it is struggling. I don’t know how much good we did, but they are good
Today we started back
attending our regular ward. We sat near a young mother with 6 children about
the age my children were when we first moved in our ward. I remembered how it
was with Marjorie and I then. I wish it could have lasted longer, and I wish I
could have done better.
February 20, 2002
Just got word that my only
sister Louise Barrett was found dead in her condo apartment by her daughter, apparently
of natural causes, had been dead several days. I have been very reflective and
aching, many memories of our childhood and the years intervening.
September 24, 2002
Much has happened since I
last recorded family events, church, and the world. A high light to me was the
dedication of the Nauvoo Temple.
I have an oriental neighbor
that several years ago I gave a rotor tiller machine because he was growing
vegetables to sell and needed a machine like I had. I didn’t think anything of
Today I went down to see them
because I heard the wife had been sick. During our visit, they told me that her
father just died and he previously did not believe in God. This man and his
wife had been praying for a tiller and could not afford one. When I gave them the
tiller “out of the blue” not even knowing I had one, or me knowing he needed
one, they live down the hill from us. The man was convinced that it was an
answer to prayer and died a believer in a God.
May 18, 2003
Last week on Mother’s Day I
was asked to speak at 2 Sacrament meetings. At the first meeting, I asked the
bishop what time should I finish my talk? He said 9:50 AM, so we will have time
to pass out flowers to the mothers. It was 9:50 AM when I stood up to speak.
Also, this month I performed
the temple marriage of Eric James Gardiner to Hayley Lewis, I delivered him on
my birthday. I also gave Chelsea Wooten and Shawn Adams patriarchal blessings.
June 18, 2003
Brynn Goodman was born to
Mathew and Stacy Goodman. She weighed 6lbs 6oz. Marjorie and my 3rd great grandchild.
June 19, 2003
My last brother Robert Lewis
Brown was found dead in his assisted living apartment. He is nearly 3 years
younger than me. He never re married after his wife died. I suspect I may have
died had not I remarried.
Bob and I were quite close.
Being the 2 oldest we worked together on the farm, slept together in a tent
summer and winter outside the house, because we only had a 3- room house. We
were in our teens before we had indoor plumbing.
After Bob’s wife died, Bob
worked in the Los Angeles Temple. We used to ride in together and we had some
great times exchanging jokes etc. Even when he moved to Texas to be close to
his daughter we would email each other jokes.
I called him yesterday, each
told a joke and told each other we loved them. I will miss him. I am the oldest
living descendant of my Grandfather Brown.
24 years ago, on June 2 I was
given the sealing power for the Los Angeles Temple by President Kimball. I am
now the longest serving sealer in the Los Angeles Temple at the present time
and I have served in a Stake calling for 47 consecutive years.
July 20, 2003
Gave 3
patriarchal blessings, spoke at a youth fireside.
July 27, 2003
We flew to Salt Lake on
Thursday, stayed with Kathy and Randy Adams. Kathy finished her mother’s
history. Friday, I went to the church office building and went to the mission
medical offices where I was told how much David’s work is appreciated at the
MTC [Provo Missionary Training Center].
Spent Saturday with Charles
helping Barbara get ready for Jeremy’s home coming.
Sunday, we attended Brynn
Goodman’s Blessing done by her father Mathew, then attended Sacrament meeting
where Jeremy Brown gave his home coming report on his mission to Brazil, also
Reese and Elaine Layton gave their talks before leaving for their Nauvoo
We ate at both the Goodman’s
and the Brown Layton’s. Flew home Monday 28th.
August 3, 2003
Elaine hasn’t felt well
several days. Her son Reed and his son Rex stopped by on their way back to
Arizona. It was a sweet opportunity for her to be administered to by her son
and grandson. It was very touching and sacred.
September 13, 2003
Attended a 9-stake regional
conference originating in the Glendale stake center and televised to each of
the other eight stake centers. Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Twelve presided and
Elders Merrill J. Bateman, Carlos Garcia, and Tad Callister of the Seventy
Elder Maxwell testified of
the Atonement and the “small” miracle’s in each of our lives. I constantly
reflect on the miracle of Marjorie and now Elaine.
[Entries October 4-10, 2003
are from a small journal that he kept on a European trip.] October 4, 2003 8:45
We are in Zurich, Switzerland
sitting in front of Budget rent a car waiting for Randy and Kathy Adams.
Yesterday morning we met Kathy in Dallas and flew overnight to Zurich, where we
are meeting Randy who is flying in from Greece. For the last 3 weeks, he has
been helping them get their television electronics set up for the Olympics.
We drove around the country
side near Zurich then north to St. Galens and into the smallest country in the
world, Liechtenstein, 4 miles by 12 miles and in the town strolled through a
farmer’s market.
We also drove through
Appenzell the area depicted in the book Heidi, a beautiful area of villages,
valleys, cows, and sheep grazing on green slopes leading up to the mountains,
just like the scenes shone in the movies.
October 5, 2003
We left the Liechtenstein
area and drove over klausen pass up into a snow storm then down to Lucerne, a
beautiful city and lake, walked around saw the white swans in the lake.
Tonight, we are in a hotel
hoping the weather will warrant a ride up the tram to see the Jung Frau.
Switzerland is incredibly green with lots of flowers, trees, and picturesque
October 7, 2003
Yesterday a beautiful clear
day, we stayed at Lauterbrunnen at the foot of the Jung Frau, then got on a
train that took us up to a station where we got on a cable or cog train that
took us up through a tunnel carved through the mountain up to the highest point
in Europe an engineering marvel. At the top was a huge multistoried building in
the ice and rock with breathtaking vistas.
In the afternoon, we drove
through beautiful valleys, mountains with their villages, chalets, etc.
Today the 7th we drove into Austria and saw
mad king Ludwig’s parents castle and today we hope to see the castle he built
which is the one Disney copied for his resort.
October 8, 2008
Got up early, took the tour
through mad king Ludwig’s castle, magnificent, but he only lived in it 10 days
before he drowned in the lake with his psychiatrist. There is mystery
surrounding the circumstances as to whether it was an accident, murder, or
suicide. He had just become declared insane by the government and removed from
the monarchy.
Tonight, we are in Salzburg,
Germany and went inside the church where the Von Trapp wedding took place in
the film “Sound of Music”. The hills, mountains, valleys, field, homes, and
ever-present window boxes and flowers are just lovely.
October 9, 2003
We drove through lovely
Austrian and German valleys at the foot of the Alps, took a tour through a huge
salt mine in Salzburg via tram, slides, boats, stairs, and escalator, seemed
like miles and miles. At one point, we went into Germany underground.
A picture was taken of me
sliding down one of the shutes, very unflattering, and Elaine insisted we buy
it. The mines date back to Mid-Evil times.
We then drove to
Berchtesgaden to the foot of Hitler’s Eagles Nest but it was to stormy with
snow at the top, so we could not go up.
We did visit a museum at the
base depicting Hitler’s rise to power and the Holocaust. Very depressing,
reminds me of the scripture “the wicked shall have glory in their works for a
Tonight, we are in Innsbruck,
had a lovely dinner with a musical group in the dining room across from us that
provided us with a small concert, harp, trombone, accordion, and guitars.
October 10, 2003
Our last night in Europe.
Today we went in the shopping district of Innsbruck a beautiful city surrounded
by high snow-covered Alps, then had a nice drive down to a town near the
airport at Zurich. A lovely drive through Alpine valleys, many tunnels, one
about 5 miles long.
We have really seen some
beautiful country, but I feel the real beauty of anyplace is if the people you
love are there and if you can have the spirit of the Lord with you.
We had a good time with Randy
and Kathy. Randy did a marvelous job of driving with the road signs being
largely un-intelligible.
[Resumption of journal,
volume 3]
November 16, 2003 Since last
We have been to Switzerland, Austria, and a bit of Germany with
Kathy and Randy. We met Randy in Zurich, he had been in Greece helping set up
for the Olympics, television, etc. Rented a car, Randy drove and Kathy directed
us, toured Alps, villages, castles, county side, had a wonderful trip.
We drove to Cedar City, Utah to attend Jenny Brown’s graduation
from George Wythe College.
I sold my Rolls Royce and with the money took my children and
spouses back to Nauvoo.
Each of my children wanted a
father’s blessing, and I in turn had a blessing from them, David being mouth.
We all stayed at the same hotel, had dinner, went to a show at the Cultural
Hall put on by the senior missionaries, then attended the 9AM temple session
Elaine and I stayed with Judy
and Mike 3 nights and I fell in love with their children.
November 16, 2003
Last Sunday as Sacrament
meeting was about to start, the bishop sent a messenger down to where I was
sitting and asked why I was not on the stand, as I was speaking. They got me a
program and sure enough I was listed. I had not been notified so I went to the
Also, last Friday night, we
went to a Know Your Religion lecture at our stake center. For some reason the
speaker did not come, and I was asked to fill in.
Today was our Christmas
devotional at the Los Angeles Temple. Elder John H. Groberg of the Seventy
presided and spoke. I was the doctor on call again. Thankfully no one needed
November 20, 2003
Married Elaine’s grandson Rex
Phelps and Annie Randall in the Mesa Temple. I met Annie’s grandmother and
found she was a younger sister of George Ellsworth who was a grade school class
mate of Elaine and I, So I asked, “How is George?” and she replied “Oh, he is
dead, he was old you know.”
Thanksgiving at our home. Jim
and Carol and Kent and Deborah and available children came.
Spent Christmas at Kathy and
Randy’s. Got to see Charles and David and families. Generally, were snowed in,
in fact we returned our car early rather than let it sit in the snow and I
didn’t want to be another storm accident statistic.
January 18, 2004
Stake Conference, Elder
Richard G. Scott of the Twelve, our visitor. Wonderful! 27 years ago, I was
released as Stake President and ordained patriarch. I have held a stake
position for 48-year consecutive years.
Elder Scott conferred the
sealing power on some new sealers. One man, David Payne after receiving the
sealing power (a complete surprise) had a granddaughter getting married 30
minutes later by the Temple President. Elder Scott said, “I just changed that,
you are going to perform the sealing.” When President Hatch went up to the
celestial room to tell his granddaughter she said, “Oh I knew, 3 days ago, the
Spirit told me.”
February 7, 2004
I lay awake many nights
unable to sleep. I used to have older patients who had the same problem. I
think of many things, childhood, the war (WWII), Marjorie, each of our
children, old friends (most are dead now) I review a lot of my mistakes and
regrets, aching for Marjorie, grateful for Elaine, worrying about our children
and their families.
It was so clear to me this
morning that the most desirable condition ever is to be “right” with the Lord
and be guided by his Spirit in our relationships as child, spouse or sibling or
to His other children.
March 3, 2004
Last weekend I flew up to
Yuba City and Gridley for the blessing of Alyssa Nicole Goodman, Nate and
Heather’s daughter.
Also, Bill Goodman, Glenn’s
father’s funeral. He and I used to eat lunch together in the 4th grade at the old Franklin
school in Mesa Arizona never dreaming that I would move to Southern California.
He to northern California and our kids would meet at the Y and marry.
I stayed with Jim and Carol
and as I watched one of our beautiful granddaughters play the violin so pure
and sweet I caught a glimpse of how our Father in Heaven feels about one who
would violate one of His daughters.
Bill was less than 3 months
older than I, so naturally I reflected on that.
Elaine’s daughter Kathy had
come down to see us with some of her family so Elaine stayed home. Kathy is
helping Elaine get her family records in order.
April 4, 2004
Just saw General Conference
on television. We are truly led by prophets. Elaine and I turned 83 in March.

June 6, 2004
Jim, Carol, and family came
down. James has received his mission call to Knoxville Tennessee (Spanish
speaking). James, Jenny, and Christy took out their endowments Saturday
evening. Elaine and I attended with them.
Catherine today shared with
me a very sweet sacred vision she had of Marjorie. We both wept, and it was
something I needed very much.
June 13, 2004
At Stake Conference today, I
was released as the Stake Patriarch after 27 years and 5 months, 1522 blessings
and another man will have that marvelous sacred experience. I have enjoyed it
very much and would not try to keep someone else from having it, and it was
time. I still have the office of Patriarch and can give blessings to my
descendants. People have been very gracious and kind to me in expressions of
June 17, 2004
Performed the marriage of our
oldest grandson (Marjorie’s) Ben Goodman to Holly Furr in the Mt. Timpanogos
Temple. The bride’s father grew up in Mesa Arizona and is a nephew of Edgar
Furr a grade school classmate of mine and he has an old Rolls Royce.
June 23, 2004
Met with our Stake President
and our new Stake Patriarch Duane Nichols. It was a very sweet sacred
experience, and I knew the Lord called him, and that he was fore ordained to be
a patriarch and I’m grateful I did not have to die before he could be called. I
know him well. I called him to the bishopric the first time, delivered 3 of his
children and gave all 5 their patriarchal blessings.
I asked President Crawford for
a blessing, not because of being released as Stake Patriarch, but because of
some other concerns that were troubling me, and it was an inspired and
comforting blessing that I needed and wanted. It is difficult for me to
comprehend the Lord’s mercy.
July 22, 2004
Marjorie died 17 years ago
today. Last Sunday in our Gospel Doctrine class I realized I delivered the
September 19, 2004
Elaine is lying upstairs in
bed dying, same room as Marjorie died in.
My heart is being torn and
stretched with a sense of loss yet with gratitude for the great gift of 16
She is dying just like
Marjorie, metastatic cancer spread to the bones from an unknown primary.
The last two weeks of August
we went on a 2-week Scandinavian Cruse while the Temple was closed. Just before
we left she complained of some back and hip pain. It was relieved by over the
counter arthritis medication and we assumed that it was a flare up of arthritis
pain which she has had over the years. During the trip, it became very severe.
Fortunately, I had taken with us some strong pain pills and we got through the
trip, England, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark. We
traveled with Jack and Betty McEwen. Had we waited a week to go we could not
have gone. The day after we got home I arranged bone scans, MRI, CAT scans
etc., and confirmed the diagnoses of what clinically I knew she had.
Her children have all been
here and support the decision not to treat her heroically. There have been some
very tender sweet family visits. As I observe it, I cry inside.
So many want to help, and I
tell them, “just pray she does not suffer.”
October 2, 2004
Elaine passed away 4 AM
upstairs in our bedroom where Marjorie passed away. I had hospice help us and I
took care of her at home as with Marjorie. As with Marjorie I don’t think I
loved her more than when I was taking care of her.
October 24, 2004
I had told Elaine that I
wanted to outlive her 2 weeks, so she would not have to be widowed again. It is
now a day past 3 weeks.
Being widowed the 2nd time is a very stretching
experience. I now miss Marjorie more, while I miss Elaine very much I realize
she is no longer my wife. She is sealed to Rex. I am grateful to have
experienced the sweetness of a tender relationship with another wonderful woman
and as I was privileged to be there caring for both Marjorie and Elaine as
mortality faded I got just a glimpse of the sacred preciousness of daughter’s
of God and as I felt the
sacred impact of that once in a lifetime experience my heart ached and nearly
broke at the significance.
I have periods of a sick
empty feeling, then when I get tired of my pity party I am filled with
gratitude. Elaine’s children have been very supportive and good to me. I hope
we can remain close. Marjorie and my children have been very helpful and
Today in Sacrament meeting,
the program was by the primary children and as I watched those sweet children I
remembered our own children at that age and wondered why I didn’t try to
lengthen out that time with of them and their mother. I spend a lot of time
remembering, aching, and grateful for the miracle of Marjorie and each of our
children. There are tender special moments seared into my heart.
November 14, 2004
A lot has happened, including
selling our home of about 43 years and buying another. The first without
Marjorie unless she helped me from the other side. I’d like to think so.
December 19, 2004
Marjorie and my 57th wedding anniversary. Here I
am in my lovely new home with such a magnificent view of the entire valley. I
have a completely landscaped acre with a swimming pool, home filled with too
much furniture, rugs and accessories, mementos, paintings, etc., yet wishing I
could go back to that little house trailer with no bathroom and Marjorie there.
Moving was a miracle. I had
all my children and about 45 people from the ward move me in 2 days. My
children arranged the home like they thought Marjorie would have and I feel
they came close.
Christmas is near. All the
music and programs remind me of many Christmases and people long gone,
Christmases during the depression when we would have had no presents if it were
not for a childless aunt, who had a husband who had a job, and she saw to it
that we had presents. I remember one Christmas my mother walked to town and
paid 15 cents for a second-hand book for me for Christmas. Then of course the
wonderful Christmases with Marjorie. She loved Christmas, nativity sets,
decorations, and making sure others had Christmas, particularly the
missionaries. One Christmas Eve we had 36 missionaries for dinner and program,
some very sweet memories. I had some nice Christmases with Elaine and her
family also.
January 23, 2005
Had a nice Christmas. Jim and
Carol and 8 of their children (James on a mission), Kent and 5 of his children
(Ryan on his mission).
Lechelle miraculously escaped
the tidal wave in Thailand by coming home a week early. The people she was
going to stay with in her original plans were killed.
February 9, 2005
Spent the evening rereading
my journal trying to think of a way to describe how I feel. I am unable to do
Our granddaughter Jessica
Goodman is marrying Daniel Woodward in the Oakland Temple Feb. 18. I have my
letter from [the] First Presidency giving me approval.
May 29, 2005
Jessica’s wedding Feb. 18 to
a very fine young man, trips to Arizona for Elaine and Rex’s great grandson
Carter Reed Germaine’s blessing.
To Arizona for my high
schools 67th reunion,
graduated in 1938, not many left.
Yesterday Lechelle Wooten
took out her endowment at Los Angeles Temple, entire family here.
My new house withstood the
heavy rains we had this year (40 inches) very well as near as I can tell.
June 2, 2005
26 years ago,
given sealing power [by] Pres. Kimball.
June 11, 2005
Stake Conference weekend, no
responsibility except to attend and listen, and heed counsel. When I was
serving in Stake Presidency we had 4 conferences a year with a General
Authority every time. I estimate I have spoken in about 80 Stake Conferences.
I have my first ward calling
in over 48 years, assistant Priest Quorum advisor. I think I will enjoy it,
although I wish Marjorie were here to help. She was a superb teacher.
I have had some very special
visits with my children and grandchildren as well as Elaine’s children and
grandchildren. The more I know them the more I love them.
I have been sorting
Marjorie’s and Elaine’s papers, pictures, and writings, and I am forcibly
struck with how precious a woman is. I appreciate the things they wrote.
Marjorie was so perfect for me, and I long for her every day and thank the Lord
for her a number of times each day.
I learned to care deeply for
Elaine and hope and pray she and Rex are happy together again and approve of
what I am trying to do now as I have learned to love their family very much.
July 24, 2005
On July 21, Norma and I flew
up to Salt Lake City, she from Phoenix and I from Ontario. Stayed with David
and Colleen, had a family gathering, then Friday the 22nd went to President Hinckley’s
95th birthday
party in the Conference Center and stayed with Kathy and Randy who were
ushering at the center that night. The program was outstanding. President
Hinckley said, “Let’s have another party in 5 years and have 100 candles.” What
a remarkable prophet. He now has another world trip scheduled. He has already
traveled over 1 million miles.
In my recent prayers, I have
pled with the Lord to help me to not do anything with my last days that would
be displeasing to Him or Marjorie. As I sat with Norma in the conference Center
and thinking of how it was exactly 18 years to the day that Marjorie died, I
turned to Norma and proposed. She accepted, and we plan to marry soon. She will
keep her condo in Mesa and we will have 2 homes. Hers incidentally she bought
from Elaine. I will still be Uncle Jim to her family and she will be Aunt Norma
to ours.
August 18, 2005
Norma and I were married by
her bishop in Mesa at Three Fountains Club House where Norma has her condo.
We had good representation
from all four families. Norma has been married 2 times before also.
We then left for Canada to
take the Rocky Mountain rail trip dome liner through the Canadian Rockies to
Banff and Lake Louise.
September 2005
Norma and I few to Tennessee
to see her and Marjorie’s cousin Delbert Jones who has kept track of all the
Jones relatives.
October 22, 2005
We flew to Kansas for Richard
Wooten’s baptism. Judy and Mike had all 8 of their children there. Mike’s
parents who I enjoy and respect very much, were there also.
Last week Jill and 3 children
and Jim and Carol with 6 of their children came to see us. Since they were
already cousins, it was a very pleasant and good visit, nothing awkward.
October 30, 2005
Norma and I have made several
trips to Mesa. Julie is living downstairs in Norma’s condo and we are adjusting
I think quite well. It seems very natural to be with her, even though I am
amazed at how different each of my 3 wives are. I am acutely aware of how
temporary mortal ties are and can’t help but wonder what the future holds for
us. I dread the thought of being alone again, yet I don’t want her to have a
3rd experience either.
As I think of the Savior
taking on all our sorrows and grief, I tremble to think of Him experiencing our
loneliness and grief multiplied many times.
November 20, 2005
A lovely Sabbath, our home is
in such a beautiful spot in the hills with abundant foliage, privacy, and
spectacular view.
I prepared my Priest quorum
lesson, didn’t have time for the lesson with the necessary quorum business, but
I got a lot out of preparing it, so I was not disappointed. Actually, I was
relieved, I’m not a gifted teacher like Marjorie. Not having a ward calling for
nearly 50 years, I have a great deal to learn.
I enjoy having Norma with me.
She is a very sweet lady.
Thanksgiving 2005
Spent in Arizona with Jill
and David Heywood and Julie and Jill and David’s 6 children, Norma’s
Christmas 2005
Spent in Utah, stayed with
David and Colleen. Norma fits in well with my family and it’s her family also.
She also fits in well in our ward.
February 24 – March 14, 2006
Norma and I sailed around
Cape Horn through the Magellan Straits with Jack and Betty McEwan, flew to
Buenos Aires, got on a ship, went up to Uruguay, Falkland Islands, several Argentine
cities, Chilean cities near Antarctica, and ended up in Santiago Chile before
flying home. A great trip, Norma travels well.
April 9, 2006
Norma and I drove up to Utah
for the blessing of Kathy’s granddaughter Charlene Gibson and Johanna’s granddaughter
Tabitha Goodman, stayed with Kathy Saturday night. Their blessing was 9AM
Sunday and Ben and Holly had their baby blessed at 5PM so it worked out well,
got to see a lot of grandchildren all around, stayed in Cedar City one night,
got to see Jenny and Jacob Brown going to school there.
I really enjoyed being with
our grandchildren and Kathy and Randy’s family.
At Ben and Holly’s baby
blessing, Holly’s grandfather took me for a ride in his Rolls Royce Silver
Ghost. He has a marvelous collection of cars, the time, “know how”, money,
equipment, and space, and can-do things I wanted to but couldn’t with my cars.
I had a brief twinge of envy, but it quickly passed, as I thought of the Rolls
I sold, and it took Marjorie and I to New Zealand, later China, and the last I
sold and took our children to Nauvoo with their spouses.
April 25, 2006
Rereading my journal is a
healing experience. I’m glad I wrote what I have, even though I’m the only one
able to decipher it.
June 22, 2006
Yesterday was my mother’s
birthday. We used to joke about it being the longest day of the year. Also,
yesterday was the final payment received for our old home where the children
grew up. Had I been a better business man, I probably could have made more
money, but I felt that the home and property was a gift in the first place, so
I have no complaints, just want to maintain myself with dignity until the end
of my mortality.
In May I had the privilege of
performing Johnny and Amber Goodman’s marriage in the Oakland Temple (8th), also Lechelle and Kelly
Hendrick’s marriage in the Salt Lake Temple (27th).
June 28, 2006
Attended Shawn Adam s
farewell talk in Sacrament meeting. Elder Uchtdorf of the 12 was on the stand
(it’s his home ward).
I do a lot of sitting,
listening to music that reminds me of old dreams and yearnings, people I love
and miss. Music reminds me of events and people. When I think back on my youth
dreams I think I was always longing for Marjorie, just didn’t know what it was
until the Lord gave her to me. There are some pieces that fill me with
inexpressible longing for her, and each of our children. As I agonize over
decisions I need to make, I wish she were here and I ask myself what would she
like me to do.
November 9, 2006
I was thinking I should write
in my journal again and I reread what I wrote on the 28th of June (above) and what I
was thinking of writing is about what I already wrote.
I miss Marjorie, she was
truly a miracle in my life, a gift from the Lord. I learned to love Elaine, but
I always knew she was on loan for what reason I’m not sure, but it was sweet,
and I hope I have been of some use to she and Rex’s children.
November 11, 2006
Attended a sealers meeting
with Elder Keith Hilbig of the Seventy in the Los Angeles Temple.
January 27, 2007
Still “alive” even though I
have not written for a while and if I did I’d probably repeat myself. I have
been very blessed. Norma is at the temple, it is her Tuesday evening shifts
turn to serve Saturday evening at the temple. She went in with Beverly Hekking.
I serve next Saturday 12-8PM in sealings. Norma’s turn to give Relief Society
lesson tomorrow, she prepares well like Marjorie did.
February 2, 2007
I watched a BYU program where
3 of President Hinckley’s children were talking about growing up and they all
said mother was perfect, dad was not. I think my children would say the same.
February 24, 2007
I was feeling particularly
aware of how meaningless my beautiful new house full of lovely art pieces and
antiques was without the one I love. Norma was in Arizona taking care of some
things and I was missing Marjorie.
Ginny Burningham called and
said could I come over and sing to you (she sang at Marjorie’s funeral). She
came over and sang some lovely old love songs I treasure and afterwards she
said she felt like she was singing to me for Marjorie. I can’t express the
comfort I felt. I once told Ginny that she must have been part of the angelic
choir singing at the Saviors birth.
March 10, 2007
Jeremy and Tiffany Phelps and
their 2 children spent the night with us. We enjoy them. They had been to
Disneyland with some of Tiffany’s family.
For some time, I have been
reading obituaries in the papers. I usually see how long they were married to
the same spouse and how many children and what they have done with their lives.
Now that I am old, I realize that being a good son, spouse, father should have
been my chief goal in life and you can do that best by living the gospel.
September 16, 2007
Still alive, was asked to
come into the Elders Quorum to talk about marriage. I guess at my age with 3
marriages I’m considered an authority.
October 7, 2007
I have really enjoyed
conference on television. It was a beautiful clear morning, and I looked out
over the valley at the hills and mountains, I thought of how much more
beautiful things looked when Marjorie came in my life.
October 28, 2007
Norma and I returned last
night from a tour with the Sons of the Utah Pioneers on a bus trip to the
Mexican Colonies where my mother was born. We attended 2 temples, Colonia
Juarez and Hermosillo and saw part of Copper Canyon.
We spent 2 nights in Dublan
where mother was born. By coincidence one of my Hurst cousins was on the bus.
We have the same great grandfather Philip Hurst, and Norma met a woman on the
tour who shares a great Grandfather with Marjorie and her.
The Colonia Juarez Temple is
the smallest temple in the church. I have attended about 26 Temples and I have
never felt the spirit stronger than there and had a great feeling of love and
appreciation for my family and others in the Colonies who because of their
faithfulness, being bi lingual, and love of the Spanish speaking people,
provided most of the early missionaries, mission presidents etc., that
established the church in Central and South America and could really see how
the Lord was in charge. I’m sure the early pioneers could not see how their
trials, persecutions etc. were blessing and preparing them to build up his
Kingdom. As I contemplated this a number of times in the Temples tears came to
my eyes.
November 25, 2007
Norma and I drove over to
Arizona for Thanksgiving, had Thanksgiving dinner at Jill and David Heywood,
most of the Heywood clan came and we enjoyed them. David’s grandfather David
Heywood was a Stake President for years in Phoenix, even over lapped my
presidency in California and I used to see him at General Conference and he was
the Real Estate agent that sold my parent’s their farm in Kyrene and I got a
baby for adoption for his daughter who couldn’t have children. Jill’s
mother-in-law Sylvia was raised in the colonies when my mother was and knew our
Christmas Week 2007
Norma and I flew up to spend
Christmas with Janna, Glen, Jim and Carol and families, then flew up to Salt
Lake to be with Charles, David and families. Barbara had a dinner for all of
us, got to most of the grandchildren up there.
The week before Christmas we
had dinner with Kent, Debra and family.
Jan. 27, 2008
President Gordon B. Hinckley
passed away this evening. What a blessing he has been in our lives as have been
all of our presidents. I have liked everything I ever saw him do or say. He was
our first conference visitor after I was called go be Stake
President. I look forward to
being instructed by President Monson. I’m so grateful to know these men have been
prepared by the Lord.
February 17, 2008
Elaine and I had been reading
at least 2 chapters of the Book of Mormon and I continue with Norma. I am so
grateful for the Book of Mormon, it solidifies my testimony of this work and
the Prophet Joseph and I feel if one always reads it their testimony will be
March 12, 2008
I renewed my driver’s license
today. I had been dreading it hoping I could pass the vision test. Only having
one good eye since birth (congenital amblyopia) and at 87 it has aged. I got
new glasses and managed to pass. I suspect it will be my last. Most of the
males in my family haven’t lived past 90 so at 92 when 5 years is up, if I’m
still alive, I will probably be a menace. When I was 82 and renewed, I felt it
could be my last. I think my hillside home with its steep driveway and working
the weeds and walking up in the hills is keeping me alive. I feel better if I
have exerted myself each day.
April 6, 2008
General Conference. It was so
assuring to see the mantle of Prophet rest upon President Monson.
I was particularly touched by
his closing remarks as he told of his wife’s hospitalization and coma for a
head injury and his love for her right from the time he first saw her. He
counseled us to express love for each member of our family while we could.
From my first date with
Marjorie, I wanted to be with her and each child I loved the first time I saw
them. I wonder if I ever told them enough.
August 24, 2008
Of course, many things have
taken place. I have not written about because I write many things in my family
letter and I think that some of the children keep the family letter as a
record, so I hesitate to repeat. My handwriting is so bad.
Norma’s is in Arizona for a
few days and I’ve been going through a lot of my papers personal and
Marjorie’s, also some of Elaine’s that I kept. It has been good for me,
reminding me of how blessed I’ve been. I did not weed out very much and my
will have to look at letters,
pictures of people they don’t know and who are dead. I am sorry but throw it
out if you like, its good for me to review, periodically while I’m alive. But I
realize my era is almost gone. Most of the newspaper articles my mother sent me
are about people in Arizona that our children will not know but I like to look
at them. If I knew when I was going to die, I’d throw them all away the week
September 21, 2008
David attended a medical
series in San Diego this week and drove up this morning to meet us at church
and spend 2 days with us. When he came, and sat beside me, I was choked up with
gratitude as I am with each child when they arrive safe. We have had a good day
visiting, me doing most of the talking.
Tomorrow he wants to help
tame my jungle (he doesn’t know it’s is a losing battle), but it will feel good
to me to work together.
November 16, 2008
Have been reading the
conference edition of the Ensign and I realize that as great a leader President
Hinckley was, it is now President Monson’s time to guide us. All the talks are
so right for us now.
April 3, 2009
Successfully passed my 88th birthday on the 26th of March. It has been 71
years since I graduated from High School.
I just finished reading a
book of people’s remembrances of World War II, when it started, during, and
when it ended, in Europe and then the Pacific. I was riding up to Salt Lake
from Provo with my father’s cousin Bruce Lyman and we heard of the bombing of
Pearl Harbor on the car radio. I still remember the foreboding realization of
how our lives would be changed.
I was in Germany in a combat
engineer battalion when the war needed there. We were then shipped to the
Philippines and were part of the preparations to invade Japan when the bomb was
dropped. We were watching an outdoor movie “The big Sleep” with Humphrey
Bogart. We all had our rifles etc. The movie was stopped, and it was announced
that Japan had surrendered. Pandemonium broke out, men were shooting off their
rifles in the air etc. Finally, an old Colonel quieted us down and said he was
in Europe when World War I ended and quite a few men lost their lives or were
injured through carless celebrating and he wanted all to get home safe. I feel
that had the bomb not been dropped and we had to invade Japan by conventional
bombing etc., I may not have come home as well as thousands of others on both

I think of many I knew who
were killed and didn’t get to know someone like Marjorie and our children.
May 13, 2009
I have been reading of the
lives of many of the Twelve and while I could envy some of their accomplishments,
and I certainly do admire and respect them, none of them had a wife like I had
in Marjorie.
November 4, 2009
In the afternoon of Halloween
my right inguinal hernia incarcerated and part of my intestine was
strangulated. I called my good and dear friend Dr. Jeff Tsae that Marjorie and
I went to China with and who took care of Marjorie when she died. He said, go
to the emergency room, I’ll meet you there, we will have a direct admit and do
emergency surgery. Jim Smith took me, and Jeff was waiting. He operated before
gangrene set in and I’m doing fine. I went home the next day. People have been
so kind.
April 24, 2010
I have had many family
experiences since my last entry, sweet and tender and personal, children,
grandchildren, a surprise 89th
party that I mistakenly received an e-mail invitation to attend. I was
surprised anyone came! All my children, many grandchildren and many letters,
kind words, etc. (to kind really).
For the past 2 months Norma
has been very ill, I.C.U. [intensive care unit], three times in hospital, and
care facility etc. She is very discouraged.
I was driving to the temple
today alone feeling unsure of my self at 89 wondering what to do and if I
should not try to keep going and I began to think about Marjorie and it felt
like she was with me and I regained my confidence. It was such a good feeling,
even during the marriage I performed I felt her presence. What a sweet gift
from the LORD.
July 22, 2010
Norma is still in the
Hospital alternating with ICU and care center. I try to see her at least twice
a day except on July 11 Jenny and I flew up to be at Christies farewell and
setting apart for her mission to Brazil, flew up AM, came back in the evening
same day.
It’s been over 5 months that
Norma has been ill, not knowing if she will recover.
I realize that I should write
more often and more, do a lot of meditating and remembering and marveling at my
life’s experiences. I am grateful to the Lord and my forebears and for my wife
and children. I could never repay.
August 1, 2010
Had a recommend interview
with a member of our bishopric. He was a young boy in the ward when Marjorie
was alive. He confided to me that he and his friends used to think Marjorie
looked and acted like our Heavenly Mother must look.
August 17, 2010
Went to a Temple devotional
where Elder Russel M. Nelson of the 12 was our speaker. I was the physician for
the meeting and I told Elder Nelson I was grateful I didn’t need to call on him
for help as a physician. I took Jenny with me since Norma couldn’t go and she
got to shake hands with him.
December 5, 2010
I have had a nice week. I had
Thanksgiving dinner with Norma at the care center. I then flew up to Salt Lake
on Saturday Nov. 27, drove to see Kathy and Randy Adams and family. All 6 of
their children were there. I had given all the children patriarchal blessings,
including Randy their father.
I felt impressed to give
Kathy a father’s blessing, acting for her real father, a blessing of love from
her father, mother, and grandparents who I knew. It was sweet. I then got to
have a personal visit with each of the children, tell them about their real
grandfather, and let them ask me questions, a very sweet experience.
I then drove down to
Springville to David’s home. We then went to Barbara’s home, had many
(Actually, I drove to Alpine
to see Charlie before seeing David, had a good visit and gave him a father’s
blessing, then drove to David’s.)
At Barbara’s I got to visit
with many grandchildren and tell them about their heritage.
Sunday David drove me to the
Wooten’s where Judy and Mike were visiting from Kansas, gave Richard and Melody
patriarchal blessings, gave Judy a father’s blessing and had a personal visit
with each of her children who were there.
We then went to Adam’s ward
where Adam blessed Elianna, a beautiful baby daughter.
At David’s home, I gave him a
father’s blessing.
I have been in the presence
of prophets etc. through the years and as I sat in the presence of my choice
grandchildren I realized I had never been in the presence of anyone more loved
of the Lord!
The next morning Colleen,
Barbara and I went to the BYU Art Museum where the Carl Bloch paintings of the
live of Christ were on loan from Denmark, VERY MOVING EXPERIENCE.
Then flew home.
It is very laborious and
painful to write because my right hand is so spastic and jerky. I should learn
to write with my left hand, it does not spasm and jerk. I would write more
often in my journal if it were not such an ordeal.
December 12, 2010
Yesterday I flew to Sacramento,
rented a car and drove to Yuba City to see Janna and Glen, who is dying of
A.L.S. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I wanted to act
as his father and give him a blessing and tell him how much I appreciate the
good son-in-law he has been.
I also gave Janna, Jim, and
Carol blessings of love and appreciation and Carol comfort in the recent death
of her mother, flew home same night.
December 31, 2010
I sealed
Boston Kelly Hendricks to his parents in the St. Louis Temple.
January 3, 2011
Glen Goodman,
Johanna’s husband passed away.
January 10, 2011
Glen’s services were held in
Yuba City. All my children came, and Janna did so well in how she responded. I
have always admired how well she handles herself. She told how the Lord helped
her, a 59-year old woman with a bad back and arthritis care for and lift her
sweetheart to the very end.
I quoted President Boyd K.
Packer in saying that the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve know what
happens on the other side of the veil and are not alarmed by the seemingly
pre-mature death of a loved one.
I used to eat lunch on the
lawn of the Franklin school in Mesa Arizona 4th grade with Glen’s father.
January 23, 2011
Our Stake presidency
was changed today. 34 years ago this month I was released as Stake President
and ordained a Patriarch by Elder L. Tom Perry.