William Jr. was my mother's, Elaine Scholl, first friend.
Died in El Paso, Texas and buried there.
Birth:April 9, 1886 death: April 4, 1960. William was a letter carrier and later a worker in the post office.
During the early 1920s they lived on 1633 Mitcheltorena in Los Angeles where they befriended the Scholl family including my mother, aunt and grandparents.
Around 1928 they were in Berkeley for reasons unknown.
In the early 1930s they stayed with George and Emma Scholl for a time. They moved to El Paso, Texas in 1942 where they lived for eighteen years. William died in 1960. His death certificate says he was a manic depressive. Elizabeth died December 10, 1972.
Emma Scholl journal:
1922 Audrey and I stayed at William and Bess Morkins while he was
building the house. Their house was at 1633 Michelorena. They
were the best neighbors I ever had in California. Audrey went to
Kindergarten and got whooping cough and was sick, vomiting and
coughing all winter. George went to Portland on account of the
sickness of his sister. Morkins were very kind to me and helped
with Audrey. We lived in the two back rooms, had a gas range in
one bedroom. We just had the rough lumber wide board floors,
which we covered with building paper and had to recover it when
it got dirty.
Special Vacation to Oregon
1928 We packed our clothes, after storing what little furniture we had
in the attic of the garage, and on June 22nd, 1928, we started
for Oregon. We had an army cot and some blankets. The first
night we camped in a kind of a camping grounds in Santa Barbara.
We stayed with our old neighbor's, Morkins, in Berkeley for a
night or so.
In the summer of 1934 we went to Utah and they let George have the house
without any rent for helping him paint it, etc. They redecorated
it, then sold it. George had the first chance to buy it cheap,
but he wait to write to me instead of sending a telegram. I was
sorry, as I liked it there very much and it was near the Chapel
Morkins stayed with him that summer.
George moved to 605 Lincoln while we were gone. Morkins went
there with him. We got a ride to L.A. with Peter Clayton's son
Paul in September 1934.