Saturday, August 6, 2016

William "Bill" Slight 1918 - 1983

Post war Glendale and Norma was working as a dental assistant to Vincent D'Arc, DDS.  Veteran Bill was completing his education and establishing his m3edical practice in Bur;bank...and he needed some dental work.

Bill and Norma married in the Mesa Temple in the 1950's and made Glendale their home.  Two baby girls (Elisa & Mary Beth) and son Allan (from Norwegian orphanage) were adopted by them thru contacts in the medical society.  Due to the 134 construction, the eminent domain clause required they move from their Fairmount Ave home.  They were able to purchase the awesome Maginn Dr. home and their 4th child (Robyn) joined the family as was younger brother Reed (named for one of my father's dearest and respected friends,Reed Callister)

Bill was a hard worker, to say the least.  He couldn't stand idleness or suffering.  I treasure the times I came home from the theater hew as coming home from work.  I would cook something simple and we could chat quietly.  Having him at Sunday dinner was a gift.  Even when he closed his practice, we still had patients visiting the house.

Norma was a community leader, taking positions that had not been filled by LDS women before (PTA, Pres., Dr's Wives auxillary).  She also delighted in acting, her best friend Ruth Hale.  Our home was always open. I don't even think we locked the door.

They both treasured the Gospel; and in the midst of afternoon primary, Tuesday night MIA, sports music lessons, ward musical rehearsal, picking-up kids and of course Dad's medial practice, the church was foremost.

Robyn Camille Slight (Penniall) 8/4/16

LtR Ben Larkin, William Sight, Bishop Reeder, Roger Hawley