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Mike, 1960 Hoover High School |
I quit going to Bell-Jeff and started attending Jefferson Elementary in Glendale. Due to Miss Hill's influence with my Mom I started going to Primary on Wednesday after school. As it turned out many of my new friends at Jefferson, were those I met @ Primary. I soon became a Trekker then a Guide. I'd go to Mass on Sunday Morning and then Sacrament Service @ 6 pm with Miss Hill just so I could hear the West Ward's choir under the direction of Wendell Noble. It was AWESOME and I loved it!
As I was about to turn 12, Wayne Hancock had a heart to heart with my Mom. He said, "This boy really needs the Church!" and my Mom knew it. She gave in . The Ward Missionaries came over and taught me the discussions and I joined the Church. Remembering back, I believe I was baptized in the Marshall's pool.
Not sounding political, but in my case, the Glendale West Ward family became my "Village" and raised me. I had so many great examples and I'm sure caused much hair pulling and challenged many a testimony! But, because of love and the Gospel and the many many many good folks and their teachings and patience, a "wild child" went on to serve a mission(to the Great Northwestern States), went to BYU (and even graduated!) and got married in the LA Temple to my most beautimous wife, Nadine
Do these goals sound familiar? Those were the messages I remember Bishop Reed Callister encouraged us to do. BYU, Mission & a Temple Marriage.
And so, now I'm old and reflecting back, think of how lucky (or was it divine providence?) I have been married for 49 years (poor Nadine!), 3 children, all sealed in the Temple, my 2 sons served missions and my darling daughter taught her future husband the lessons and he served a mission. 11 grandchildren, all born in the covenant! Thank You Glendale West Ward. Mike Doyle
Blessed by Jes Challis. Death date from headstone in Franklin, Idaho.
Obituary of Parley A. Hill lists her as being in Hawaii in 1956. Blessed by Jes Challis. Death date from headstone in
Franklin, Idaho. Obituary of Parley A. Hill lists her as being in Hawaii
in 1956
Dear Kent,
How wonderful to hear from you. YES, we are properly connected to Maggie Hill who was "nanny" to Mike Doyle in Glendale, CA. Some time after Mike joined the Church through Maggie's influence, she moved to Honolulu to be closer to family. "Aunt Maggie" was my father's aunt. Maggie's sister, Agnes Jane Hill Arscott, was my father's mother who died in Franklin, ID from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, which killed millions globally. Dad was the youngest of 3 children under the age of 6. My dad's widower father, William Arscott, had immigrated from England looking for work in the mines of Utah and married my grandmother, Jane. I'm sure it created a small stir in our deep pioneer family for Jane to marry a "non-Mormon" immigrant (Jane's father, Joseph John Hill, had 2 wives in Franklin during the late 1800's during the Manifesto period. Maggie and Jane were 2 of 5 children born to John's 2nd wife, Jane Morton Hill.) Worth mention: Joseph John Hill was son of George Washington Hill and wife Cynthia who were in the 2nd company with Parley P. Pratt directly behind Brigham Young's first company of 24 July 1847. Joseph John was one of the first babies born in Utah Territory after their arrival in 1847.
For some mysterious reason my father, Willard Hill Arscott, never joined the Church. His ordinances have since been performed in the temple following his death from Alzheimers in June 1985. If Aunt Maggie had a favorite nephew, it was my father. She lived 30 minutes from our home and was a constant influence of love and faith, especially for my with non-member parents. It was her influence on me, similar to her influence on Mike Doyle, that eventually enable me to have my parents' permission to be baptized in 1959 at the age of 11. The full time missionaries tracted out our home. My father answered the door and I stood next to him at the door. "I'm not interested. But why don't you come back and teach this boy"...pointing to me. Like Mike, the rest is history. I was favored to meet Mike at a time when we were both students at BYU. It was the only encounter I remember. But I do remember how we both were blessed to be "raised" by Maggie Hill. My story and Mike's story,could not be more tightly connected. Both of us have been blessed with similar legacies. Families filled with faith and love for the Restored Gospel.
I was at Maggie's funeral when she passed away at age 93 in 1989. I dedicated her grave in Franklin where she is buried next to her parents. I believe now, as I believed then, that Maggie Hill lived a Celestial life in mortality. She is the most perfect person I have known in life. Her influence continues with me to this day.
Maggie was also a poet laureate. I have in my possession a padded binder containing the complete collection of all her poetry. I need to have this work digitized so that others, like you, can have a copy. This project has been on my burner for too many years now. As soon as I recover from my cancer I'll see if I can give it the attention it deserves.
Sorry about being long winded. I'm pleased that you would reach out, Kent. Like you, I live in Utah. We're outside St. George in Hurricane, 30 minutes from Zion Park. Our home phone (435) 256-6539. Feel free to pass this email on to Mike. We've lost contact since BYU days over 45 years ago. But I've never stopped thinking about him.
Love to you and your family,
Willard Josef "Gus" Arscott
PS: My father met my Swedish mother during WW II in Goteborg. Dad was a radio officer with the Merchant Marines and they often had a port call for Swedish steel, and other war supplies. They were married in Goteborg after the war ended and mom retained her Swedish citizenship until she died in Honolulu in 1990 from congestive heart failure. My parents gave me the Swedish nickname "Gus" shortly after I was born in 1948. I did an AFROTC 4 year scholarship at BYU and went on to become an AF pilot in Germany. I was subsequently hired by United Airlines in 1978 and retired in 2013 as a 747 captain. I'm the father of 6 children and 15 grandchildren. I currently have a son, Matthew, doing an LDS mission in Brazil. His younger brother, Adam, is a senior in HS.
Dear Kent,
How wonderful to hear from you. YES, we are properly connected to Maggie Hill who was "nanny" to Mike Doyle in Glendale, CA. Some time after Mike joined the Church through Maggie's influence, she moved to Honolulu to be closer to family. "Aunt Maggie" was my father's aunt. Maggie's sister, Agnes Jane Hill Arscott, was my father's mother who died in Franklin, ID from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, which killed millions globally. Dad was the youngest of 3 children under the age of 6. My dad's widower father, William Arscott, had immigrated from England looking for work in the mines of Utah and married my grandmother, Jane. I'm sure it created a small stir in our deep pioneer family for Jane to marry a "non-Mormon" immigrant (Jane's father, Joseph John Hill, had 2 wives in Franklin during the late 1800's during the Manifesto period. Maggie and Jane were 2 of 5 children born to John's 2nd wife, Jane Morton Hill.) Worth mention: Joseph John Hill was son of George Washington Hill and wife Cynthia who were in the 2nd company with Parley P. Pratt directly behind Brigham Young's first company of 24 July 1847. Joseph John was one of the first babies born in Utah Territory after their arrival in 1847.
For some mysterious reason my father, Willard Hill Arscott, never joined the Church. His ordinances have since been performed in the temple following his death from Alzheimers in June 1985. If Aunt Maggie had a favorite nephew, it was my father. She lived 30 minutes from our home and was a constant influence of love and faith, especially for my with non-member parents. It was her influence on me, similar to her influence on Mike Doyle, that eventually enable me to have my parents' permission to be baptized in 1959 at the age of 11. The full time missionaries tracted out our home. My father answered the door and I stood next to him at the door. "I'm not interested. But why don't you come back and teach this boy"...pointing to me. Like Mike, the rest is history. I was favored to meet Mike at a time when we were both students at BYU. It was the only encounter I remember. But I do remember how we both were blessed to be "raised" by Maggie Hill. My story and Mike's story,could not be more tightly connected. Both of us have been blessed with similar legacies. Families filled with faith and love for the Restored Gospel.
I was at Maggie's funeral when she passed away at age 93 in 1989. I dedicated her grave in Franklin where she is buried next to her parents. I believe now, as I believed then, that Maggie Hill lived a Celestial life in mortality. She is the most perfect person I have known in life. Her influence continues with me to this day.
Maggie was also a poet laureate. I have in my possession a padded binder containing the complete collection of all her poetry. I need to have this work digitized so that others, like you, can have a copy. This project has been on my burner for too many years now. As soon as I recover from my cancer I'll see if I can give it the attention it deserves.
Sorry about being long winded. I'm pleased that you would reach out, Kent. Like you, I live in Utah. We're outside St. George in Hurricane, 30 minutes from Zion Park. Our home phone (435) 256-6539. Feel free to pass this email on to Mike. We've lost contact since BYU days over 45 years ago. But I've never stopped thinking about him.
Love to you and your family,
Willard Josef "Gus" Arscott
PS: My father met my Swedish mother during WW II in Goteborg. Dad was a radio officer with the Merchant Marines and they often had a port call for Swedish steel, and other war supplies. They were married in Goteborg after the war ended and mom retained her Swedish citizenship until she died in Honolulu in 1990 from congestive heart failure. My parents gave me the Swedish nickname "Gus" shortly after I was born in 1948. I did an AFROTC 4 year scholarship at BYU and went on to become an AF pilot in Germany. I was subsequently hired by United Airlines in 1978 and retired in 2013 as a 747 captain. I'm the father of 6 children and 15 grandchildren. I currently have a son, Matthew, doing an LDS mission in Brazil. His younger brother, Adam, is a senior in HS.
Maggie Jenette Hill is buried in the Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Idaho.