Lock Hales was an oral surgeon. When someone would talk too long in Sacrament Meeting Lock would tug on their coat or tap them on the back. Sacrament meeting was from 6 pm to 7:30 pm but Lock was famous for saying, "The Holy Ghost goes to bed at 7:15." He served as counselor to Bishop James Martin, Wilford G. Edling and Reed Callister.
He was originally from Spanish Fork, UT and lived next door to Reed and Norrinne Callister. Two of his children, John and Pat, still live in our stake and many of his grandchildren and great grandchildren are still here. Both John and Pat still play the piano and organ for meetings because Lock's wife was very musical and made sure all the kids took lessons. John donated the pipe organ we currently have in our stake center.
On our most recent trip we were at Martin's Cove and some children were being baptized in the Sweetwater River. One of the great-grandparents was from Cheyenne, Wyoming so I asked him if he knew Sloan Hales (Lock's son) and he said he and Sloan were very good friends so he wrote down our names and said he would be sure to tell Sloan he met us. Sloan is an Anesthesiologist
in Cheyenne. He has six children and is married to Anna Marie. He went on a mission to Germany.
I've told the story many times about one Sunday in Priesthood opening exercises when Bishop Callister got up and announced the ward junior softball team had won the regionals again and were going to the All-Church Tournament in Salt Lake City. He said they needed $1,000 to cover the expenses and we would not go to our quorums until we had the thousand dollars. Then he announced that Lock Hales had pledged $500 (which Lock didn't know about). He then asked Doctor Slight if he would pledge $500 and Dr. Slight agreed and we were dismissed to our quorums.
Reed Callister was chairman of the Building Committee when they built the old West Ward building and Lock Hales was the largest contributor to the building fund.
Also, when I was a zone leader in Kent County, England they received approval to build the first LDS chapel in that county and President Reed Callister announced it at a Kent District conference in February of 1967. He told the members how much money they would need to raise to pay for their share. I was standing in the back of the room and he asked me to come to the stand. He put his arm around my shoulder and asked, If we were home and needed to raise some money, how would we do it? I answered, You would have Lock Hales donate it. He said, And that's how we are going to do it here. He then told the members that for every pound they raised, Lock Hales would give two pounds. Again Lock was unaware of the commitment but that's how they raised the money for the first chapel in Kent County. Brent Frost
1960, August 30, For some of us, the summer of 1960 was difficult and sad. As I recall the Callisters (Bishop) lost their daughter on a young people’s tour in early summer. Our family was struggling with the terminal illness of my wife. Despite their great loss, Bishop Callister was ever mindful and helpful to us. He rallied help from the sisters in the ward. They helped with baby tending, giving shots, household chores and wonderful support in a difficult situation. Bishop Calliser and Lock Hales were ever available and attentive to our needs. I will ever cherish the wonderful service rendered by them and the wonderful sisters who made that summer bearable. James Gardiner
One story, that he (JH Gardiner) repeated several times, made him laugh just thinking about it. When the LA temple had just opened, he attended what was probably a ward temple night. Lock Hales, who was in the bishopric at the time, was in the dressing room in a handicap stall near dad and Bishop Hales was changing. Apparently, another brother whose locker was in the same stall where Bishop Hales was could not wait and just came in and started changing. Dad says he saw Bishop Hales standing there with a look that was a combination of “Why me?” and unbelief. JT Gardiner

Forest Lawn Memorial, Glendale, CA.