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Floyd and Lucy |
Journal entries of JHG:
April 10, 1992 Friday cleaned up dining room table for arrival of Brett and Ashley in the afternoon. Kent and Suzanne to San Diego for a respite. Took Brett and Ashley to Kennedys for Home teaching. Ashley and Brett interested in stories read.
July 3, 1992 Home teaches Kennedys. Floyd hurts in leg where they went into it and Lucy still has very high blood pressure – and is complaining about lack of space to put things.
June 17, 1994 Kennedys came for some help on their Genealogy March 25m 1997 Tuesday, Took Kennedys to bank and to Ralphs
October 6, 1997, then went to Kennedys and drove their car to Kaiser in Glenoaks – after a couple of hours wait she has failed to get a walker which has to come from Hollywood Kaiser – but not today. Then took Floyd shopping at Ralphs – then home.
January 12 1998, Tuesday, took Kennedy’s to book, drug store and Hughes Market. Lucy expressed concern for the taxes she was going to have to pay on the prize that Floyd had “won” They have authorized a $600 payment to enable the prize money to be delivered. I wanna tell them that they were being taken but both believed the prize would be delivered – I called them from Mark Kennedy’s phone number and they were suspicious that I was going to call Mark about the prize money (They were right). They said it was none of Mark’s business – But, I did not call but they did and from what Lucy says, Mark tried to cancel their credit card and authorization – Floyd and Lucy both thought they were going to get a prize.
February 18, 1998 Wednesday, took Lucy and Floyd to Chino or Ontario to see Susan who is in hospital with urinary infection. Some trouble finding the hospital, which we finally found at G Street and campus. Short visit Lucy straightened the people out about Susan needing music Floyd mild – Lucy not as mild. Got home about 1 pm nice day, no rain cut lawn and swept.
November 29, 1998, Sunday, Friday Floyd Kennedy left message on answering machine that he needed a ride to Kaiser in Glendale. We were not home most of the day. He ended up in hospital in Hollywood. Went to see him after church today. He had heart pains – now looks good and says he will be home tomorrow.
December 2, 1998 Call from Lucy at 8 am Cold – Furnace not working. Spent a full day and half day at Kennedys, Lucy having a fit. Their furnace blower motor had great difficulty turning – sometimes just sat and hummed. After a couple of hours I called a furnace place and they came to fix the problem very expensive $675 to replace motor but it was worth every cent to get Lucy quiet.
July 29, 1999 Kennedy called as I was getting on net. Garage refrigerator is out. “Told to get a new one – Then Carol and I went to unload some of the “frozen (no longer) stuff – Lucy having a fit, said she was “mad as Hell,” we didn’t respond instantly. We took most of their melted stuff and put it in our freezer.
November 5 1999 Home Teaching visit to Kennedys – Got Floyd talking about some of his life – what got him started in music? His mother got a piano for Althera and the other kids. They did not take to it but Floyd did and his mother thought he should have lessons. Local lady gave first lessons and then his mother took him to SL where he boarded and took some lessons at McCune School of music – some lessons from TAB organists Frank Asper. Floyd went to University of Utah and graduated with teaching degree and specialized in “music” he graduated in 1930 and got a job teaching in Moab – lots of trouble with his kids who had more interest in being radio stores than in being musicians. Floyd quit after 3 months. Shortly he took job in Eager, Arizona where he assembled an orchestra and had some success teaching. However the locals were not satisfied with the pomp and ceremony of the little band so did not renew Floyd’s contract. Then Floyd decided he needed more education so he took the bus to Chicago for more studies. He waited tables for meals and ran an elevator at the school to defray expenses. After a graduation, certified and returning to Utah, Floyd was anxious to put his training to good use. A lady from a school in Monroe Louisiana recommended Floyd to some of the school authorities. Floyd was invaded to go to Wyoming when the man responsible for hiring was vacationing. The audition went well and Floyd stayed 2 years in Monroe. He says that was some of his happiest days.
December 3, 1999 Called Kennedys – no answer – walked down no one home – then later Floyd answered my answering machine message – Lucy in convalescent hospital – has widespread cancer – First showed up as pain in her legs now in bones etc.
December 19, 1999 when we got home from church Mark Kennedy had message on machine saying Lucy had passed away this morn – did not expect it that soon since she seemed fine on wed. She even asked how the family was on Wednesday. Called and talked to Anne and Mark Kennedy’s wife who seemed to have a lot of aggression!
February 9, 2003 Floyd and Carol to Sacrament meeting Ward Conf. visited Floyd – Got some insight into Kennedy family church activity. Another Kennedy died with childbirth, Grandfather married a replacement – not much interest in Gospel even though the Grandfather Kennedy was Bishop for a long time. Boys not much church interest. Reminded of Althera’s cow financing the Kennedy’s 1st piano. Both from neighbor whose not interested in music.
March 9, Sunday Home Teach Floyd – Got some more details of his life after Navy – Floyd wanted to write novels and came to Hollywood to take a course at a school located near Santa Monica and Highland conducted by a woman and Maren Elwood. His sister Lota May wanted to write children’s stories and also took a course and she and Floyd shared an apartment. Lota May had some stories published but Floyd’s novel was turned down. Lota May became ill and returned home to Randolph and died shortly. By this time Floyd needs money so he took a civil service test – passed and went to work for Los Angeles Department of Administration regulation. He did office work and other things and made out dog licenses. Looking for something better he took another civil service test, and went to work at a desk in the City of Los Angeles Clerks Office. There he wrote Summary of the “Procedures of City Meetings” and they were published. Floyd had job until retired.
September 26, 2006 went with Cal Nelson to Floyd Kennedy funeral at Old North Church in North Hollywood Hills.
Many years ago Dad decided he would do his home teaching on Fast Sunday. It was the earliest time he could get it done, so that is what he did. But it wasn’t just getting it done for Dad. Home Teaching was a passion. He worked tirelessly with families and couples for years on end. Dad home taught the Kennedy’s for thirty-three years and she wasn’t even a member. Once they changed home teachers on them and she refused the new brother and said, “I want Jim Gardiner back!” He went with them through surgeries, personal trials, depression, and finally death. It was like he was their caretaker. Toward the end of his life he was Zola Holley’s home teacher but after he got sick he could no longer visit her. So she come to his home and from his sick bed

Birth: | Aug. 27, 1909 Randolph Rich County Utah, USA |
Death: | Sep. 20, 2006 Altadena Los Angeles County California, USA |
![]() Son of Joseph Sanderson and Lota Hatch Kennedy. Husband of Vella Smith and Lucy Sales. Family links: Parents: Joseph Sanderson Kennedy (1884 - 1933) Lota Hatch Kennedy (1888 - 1967) Spouse: Vella Gurney (1913 - 2004) Children: Susan Margaret Kennedy (1957 - 2012)* Siblings: Elthera Kennedy Johnson (1907 - 1995)* Floyd Hatch Kennedy (1909 - 2006) Wayne Joseph Kennedy (1913 - 1984)* Helen Kennedy Cornia (1915 - 2010)* Sheldon LeMoyne Kennedy (1917 - 1993)* Lotamae Kennedy (1919 - 1975)* |
Floyd Hatch Kennedy was born at birth place, Utah, to Joseph Sanderson Kennedy and Lota Kennedy (born Hatch).
Joseph was born on March 6 1884, in Randolph, Rich, Utah, United States.
Lota was born on January 19 1888, in Bountiful, Davis, Utah, United States.
Floyd married Vella S. Horlacher Kennedy Gurney (born Smith) on month day 1935, at marriage place, Wyoming.
Vella was born on January 16 1913, in Randolph, Rich, Utah.
Lucy was born on February 13 1925.
They had one daughter: Susan Margaret Kennedy.