931 267 2700
– 5:00
W Jones and Maxine
Oak Park Dr
TN 38506-5041
(931) 854-0355
the 40 east 1 hr and 12 minutes
In Express exit 287 on rt.
Bunker Hill Road
Main St
a night
319 524-2565
Marjorie Reddington
W 286 S 4785
Woods Road
Waukeshu WI
Ron and Sandy Blunck
3921 Ben Franklin Dr.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494-3488
Middle of State
Nashville, Tn airport
On US 40
Kroksh Family
in Nauvoo
1. Benjamin Gardner 1801- 1875 lived 20
miles south of Nauvoo,
he was burned out of his home he was rescued by
and Electa Gardiner came to Nauvoo and settled 20 miles south at Bear Creek, on Green Plains, north of
the Morley settlement. Benjamin owned
160 acres. They lived there until a mob
came in and destroyed their home and crops.
Many of the family were sick. The
mob rode up in the morning and ordered the family out. Benjamin told the mob the family was sick and
he had no place to take them. It make no
difference to them The mob helped carry
the bedding out to the dew covered grass and then carried out the sick
children. They set fire to the house and
in the morning Electa cooked breakfast over the coals of the burning
house. When news of this reached Nauvoo,
Jonathan S. Wells went after Benjamin with his team and wagon. He took them to his home in Nauvoo where they
stayed for some time. Benjamin later
went back for some corn and things in the cellar but it was all taken by the
Johathan S. Wells:
Nauvoo : Block 94, Lot 3, Tenant
T6R8, Sec 12, SE
Nauvoo : Block 94, Lot 3, Tenant
T6R8, Sec 12, SE
and White)
north it is the NE corner
2. Shadrack Holdaway,
his father was Timothy Holdaway, gf of Marth Vilate Holdaway
T7 R8, Sec 9 10 acres NW/4
T7 R8, Sec 9 10 acres NW/4
Shedrick joined the Church of Jesus
Christ of Ladder Day Saints 30 April 1843 and that fall went to Nauvoo,
remaining there until the Saints were driven out by the mob in 1846. While in
Council Bluffs the call came for 500 men to volunteer for the War with Mexico
and Shedrick Holdaway was one of them. He filled the position of teamster for
Company C. of the Mormon Batalion under Captain James Brown and Lieutenant
Rosencrans. He was with the company during the entire campaign until they were
discharged from service 16 July 1847 at Los Angeles, after which time he spent
six months working for Dan Williams. He bought a team and wagon and had maid
preparations to join the saints in UT when the news of the gold discovery was brought
to Los Angeles. On his way home he stopped for a little while at the Forks of
the American River where he did a little mining and took out about three
thousand dollars worth of gold dust. From books and the reproduction on the
screen of life in CA during the gold rush, we gain a rather perfect idea of the
lawlessness that prevailed. in the camp where he stayed he said that a night
seldom passed without a man being killed either in a drunken brawl or by one of
the few Spanish women who resented his indifference. He had boated that she
would get him yet. He said that one night he awake from a sound sleep as he
heard his mother call "Shedrick, Shedrick, Shedrick". He interrupted
that to be a warning as his mother was still in IL, and he immediately arose and
left the camp and started for Salt Lake. He arrived in the valley 24 October
1848 with three thousand dollars in gold dust and was the first man to pay his
tithing in CA gold dust.
Gardiner’s in
Charles Hulet was born in 1790. While living in Portage,
Ohio, he built a blacksmith shop and made a living as a wheelwright, wagon
maker and blacksmith. He also had a cottage industry of making chairs. Charles
discovered sugar maple trees and set up a cheese-making factory. The enterprise
had much to do with the prosperity of Portage County for the next seventy-five
Parley P. Pratt was asked to hold a meeting in their home. All the Hulets who were old enough in October 1830 were later baptized. In 1832 they became social outcasts because of their membership in the church. In fear of their lives, they moved to Jackson County, Missouri where they settled an area and formed the Hulet Branch.
They were driven from the area. Charles said, “In 1838 a large body of men came upon us with orders to exterminate or drive us from the State, they also burned my fence and killed one of my cows and took one gun from me which has never been returned.” Charles was forced to leave behind his property worth $4,000.
Eventually the family escaped to Nauvoo where they helped with the construction of the Nauvoo Temple. Charles and Margaret were sealed in the Nauvoo Temple on December 18, 1845.
Parley P. Pratt was asked to hold a meeting in their home. All the Hulets who were old enough in October 1830 were later baptized. In 1832 they became social outcasts because of their membership in the church. In fear of their lives, they moved to Jackson County, Missouri where they settled an area and formed the Hulet Branch.
They were driven from the area. Charles said, “In 1838 a large body of men came upon us with orders to exterminate or drive us from the State, they also burned my fence and killed one of my cows and took one gun from me which has never been returned.” Charles was forced to leave behind his property worth $4,000.
Eventually the family escaped to Nauvoo where they helped with the construction of the Nauvoo Temple. Charles and Margaret were sealed in the Nauvoo Temple on December 18, 1845.
Charles Hulet b 1793
Nauvoo : Block 26, Lot 4
Wells: Block 4
Nauvoo : Block 26, Lot 4
Wells: Block 4
and Partridge
north it would be the northwest corner
Stoker (Four children including David, died in Council bluffs Iowa)
lived in an outlying area
brother Michael owned land in Nauvoo:
Stoker was here as well:
Eller Stoker
T4 R8 (Wythe)
T4 R8 (Wythe)
W. Stoker T4R7 Bear Creek

Brown’s in
Kimball 1st: Block 5, Lot 45
Kimball 1st: Block 5, Lot 45
and Parley, walk north a bit)
also be Nauvoo 123?
Anthony Woolf
Sec 4 SE 160 Acres
T6 R7, Sec 8, NW/4, 160 Acres (Rocky Creek)
T6 R7, Sec 8, NW/4, 160 Acres (Rocky Creek)

Nauvoo : Block 148, Lot 1, part
Nauvoo : Block 148, Lot 1, part
and Sidney, southwest corner)
They bought two city lots, one near the river and the other
near the Temple, and here they made their home. Sometime in 1842 they moved to
Nauvoo, living across the street from the home of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Ruth Bennett Oviatt told her grandchildren many times of sitting on her
doorstep or in her rocking chair and listening to the Prophet preach to the
people in his front yard. When the wooded country was cleared to build houses,
a large stump was left in the Prophets front yard and when people came to him
to talk with him or for advice he would mount this stump as a group would
always gather when he began to talk and sometimes he would speak for hours at a
time. His voice was clear and distinct and he could be heard across the street
with ease. No matter what their task, they would be ready to stop and listen
and would feel his influence as soon as they heard his voice. When Joseph and
Hyrum were tarred and feathered by the mob they came to the Oviatt home and
obtained clothing to put on before going home. The staunch testimony Ruth and
Ira had of the Prophet Joseph Smith from living near him greatly influenced
their grandchildren to remain steadfast in their testimony of the Gospel.
Nauvoo : Block 138, Lot 1, Part
Nauvoo : Block 138, Lot 1, Part
and Granger, southwest corner)
Nauvoo : Block 127, Lot 4, Tenant
Nauvoo : Block 127, Lot 4, Tenant
and Parley northwest corner)
Kimball 1st:: Block 6, Lot 25, Tenant
Kimball 1st:: Block 6, Lot 25, Tenant
and Parley south of Parley)
David Wilcox
Kimball 1st: Block 1, Lot 76, 1/3 Acre
Kimball 1st: Block 1, Lot 76, 1/3 Acre
of Warsaw and Young) actually Warsaw and Hubbard
James was brought to Utah when he was twenty four by two of his
uncles Henry and Daniel Miller who were very active members of
the church. His own mother stayed behind. He also left his father in
law behind in Nauvoo. James Miller died there in 1845
James was a farmer but in his youth he learned to be a glazier. He
also learned to tan hides and could make an excellent buck-skin. He
was a good woodsman and great with an ax.
James was baptized in 1853 after his arrival in the Valley [Utah
Valley]. He was a glazier, farmer, woodsman, plasterer, and molasses
maker--whatever it took to earn a living for his family. He served a
mission to Salmon River Indian Mission in Idaho in 1857-1858. He was
ordained a patriarch in 1901. He was left-handed but he could do
nearly everything with either hand. He made bob- and hand sleds and a
revolving one-horse hayrack.
He married Anna Maria and they raised a big family. He took a scond
wife, a widow with a son. He was much in demand for his ability to do
things. He was a hard worker and served the church and the community
whenever he could, when he wasn't working to support his large family
of 23 children
in outlying areas of Nauvoo
Jones Family
Grandson of John Jones
Delbert just died this year, (wife Goldie) died
but younger Bro. Bacal and wife Betty still alive.
Delbert has three children:
1. Oldest
Dennis (Holliday in Express) phone: 931 267 2700
Cookville. Married
to Maxine, no children but she has some from previous marriage Bascal
is alsograndson of John Jones.interview
2. Debbie, DJ, married to Phil no children
3. Daughter
named Diane youngest girl
Married to Herb police officer, one child, Melissa
17 sr this year. Diane lives next door to Delbert’s house.
All mischevious, loved jokes, loved all Delbert.
Has Delbert’s history and how he met his wife.
Also found pic of John Jones and handwritten history of John Jones.
1. Dennis
2. 1800’s
cemetery Marjorie made a tracing of Abby Livesey marker, John Jones, and John
Jones mother came to
Tennissee when John Jones was five years old by selves.(philips)
Debbie: Abby Livesey (picture?)
headstone, two flat pieces forming a triangle.
Black kitten jumping on headstone, Debbie (DJ) said “ I can’t bring a
cat home.” Cat now named Abbie.
Delbert is buried in _______
William Alfred Jones (info scrapbooks.)
Picture of John Jones in a group of men and history
Unknown father of John Jones, Delbert’s ggfather Lucinda Upton first
wife, second Abby Livsay,
8. “Then
and now” a booklet, her father wilson jones, (went to Texas) he was 7 when his
parents died, but nobody would take him, so the neighbors took him to cookville
and tiedhis clothes up in a bundle and they left him on the steps of the
courthouse, and bullies chased him, and he fell in a hole, and they said if he
came out they would sell him to inidians in Cumberland . He loved music, he started singing , people
gathered from all around, and a mr gray reached down and lpulled him down, and
the grey’s treated him kindly and raised him and they also loved gospel
musicmusic as well.
9 John Jones birth would be important.

Calvin William BARNES (Lewis Thomas BARNES4, William Hopkins
BARNES3, Thomas BARNES SR.2, Dempsey BARNES1)
was born 1859 in Putnam County,TN.. He married Mary C. JONES, daughter of John JONES and Abby LIVESAY. She was born 13
May 1859 in Putnam County,TN., and died 28 Feb.1894 in White County,TN.. He
married Margaret UNKNOWN. She was born Jan.1872 in Texas.
of Calvin William BARNES and Mary C. JONES are:
Jesse O. ? BARNES was born 1893, and died 1894.
Alexander BARNES was born 1888.
Lettie O. BARNES was born 1891.
of Calvin William BARNES and Margaret UNKNOWN are:
Olivia Mabel BARNES was born 1899.
George BARNES was born 1901.
David BARNES was born 1903.
Evalene BARNES was born 1907.
Calvin BARNES was born 1910.
on 4 Jan 1814 in ASHE CO., NC. THOMAS was born in 1798 in ASHE CO., NC. He died
after 1881 in SMITH, TN.
had the following children:
LIVESAY was born in 1816.
“The Alexander Jones Family”
by Joe Cain
Jones was born January 22, 1850.
father was Johnny Jones and his mother was Cindy Upton before she married Johnny. Lucinda (or Cindy as she was called) was born
in Overton County, Tennessee on January 17, 1816 and died November 21,
1855. Her father was Stephen Upton born
November 18, 1788, and died June 9, 1866.
Her mother Catherine (Taylor) Upton was born January 28, 1788 and died
January 28, 1846. Johnny and Cindy had
seven children they were:
Jane – married Wilson West.
– married Becky Mahan
Jones -
Decatur - married Margaret Bohannon
K. Polk – married Martha Bohannon
– killed in Civil War.
Alexander tried to enlist in the
Confederate forces as a drummer boy when he was 12 years old. They would not allow him to do so.
– died of typhoid fever during the Civil War.
After Cindy died in 1855, Johnny
Jones married Abby Livesay.
had 10 children, they were:
– married Adaline Whiteaker – then Mary Jane Neal.
– married Emma Hunter
– married Janie Herman
– married Polly Stamps
– married Will Barnes
– married Calvin Barnes
– married Richard Copeland
– married Jim Stamps
– Josiah Bowman
died July 12, 1876.
first married Lucy Ann Glasgow in Tennessee on January 7, 1875. She was born July 20, 1856. Their first child was Mary Lucinda (our Aunt
Cindy) born December 25, 1875. Their
second child was Johnny born July 23, 1877 and died when he was four years old
in 1881. Alex’s wife Lucy Ann, died
December 9, 1877. On July 13, 1879 Alex
married Lucy Ann’s younger sister Margaret Emily Glasgow who was born August 7,
1861. Alex and Margaret had 10 children:
– born July 19, 1880
– born November 28, 1881, when Beulah was a baby Alex and Margaret moved from
Obion County, to Wise County, Texas near Chico.
Alex’s younger brother Wilson also moved to Chico. They made the trip by covered wagon crossing
the Mississippi on a ferry boat.
of their other children were born near Chico, Texas.
– born January 25, 1883 and died October 7, 1885
Cleveland Jones – born April 18, 1886
Jones – born October 15, 1887
Jones – born March 22, 1889
Jones – born November 10, 1890, died March 19, 1894.
Wilson (Buddy) Jones – born August 16, 1892
Jones – born February 28, 1895
Jones – born February 2, 1897
were not able to buy and land in the Chico, Texas area. They were having to rent, and land was poor,
so they were having a hard time getting by.
story of free land in Western Oklahoma reached them and early in 1898 Alex, his
son-in-law Lafayette Street, and some other men came to the Beckham County area
scouting for land. They were successful
in locating homesteads near what later became the town of Carter. They went back to Texas, the trip taking
about 6 weeks by wagon. In November
1898, Alex, Lafayette and some of the their neighbors loaded their families in
covered wagons and started for Oklahoma.
The weather was very cold and the children sleeping on pallets under the
wagons would wake up with frost all over their beds. They reached their destinations about
December 28, 1898.
built a half dugout (just one large room dug into the ground with dirt
floor). Here they lived for several
years until he could build a house.
father A.O. Cain married Beulah Jones (Alex’s daughter) in 1901. My other grandfather Wesley Can helped Alex
build his house. While they were
building the house, Bertha (only 4 or 5 years old) swallowed a nail. After that grandpa Cain always called her his
nail eater.
back to 1895 in Texas all executions were by public hanging. In that year a black man was hung at Decatur,
Texas for killing a deputy sheriff. Alex
took his entire family to see this event.
The condemned man asked that a few “church songs” be sang before he was
hung. Volunteers were called for and
Alex being a good singer got some other men he knew and they sang several songs
for the man. Then the trap was
sprung. This sight man an awful
impression on my mother, Beulah who was 14 years old at this time.
in the dugout was rough but they did stay warm.
The worst problem they had was fleas.
Fleas were particularly in the dirt floor of the half dugout. Margaret would keep kerosene soaked rags tied
around the table legs to keep fleas off of the table. At night there would be a race among all the
small children to make their pallets on the table so they could sleep
undisturbed by the fleas. Elizabeth
(Aunt Lizzie) rolled off the table one night.
Decatur Jones came to Oklahoma shortly after Alex and Margaret did. John had been busy making moonshine whiskey
in Tennessee and the revenuers caught up with him. He had to leave Tennessee pretty fast to get
away from them. Alfred Barnes, Samantha
and Mary’s brother-in-law also left Tennessee with a posse shooting at
him. Someone asked him in later years
how he managed to escape. He replied, “I
ran on the Bias” meaning zig-zagging.
Alex’s first daughter Lucinda (who died June 5, 1974) married Lafayette
Street in Chico Texas on October 25, 1895.
Their first daughter Lucy was born in Texas January 21, 1897. The other children were all married in Oklahoma. Lucinda and Lafayette had another daughter
Clara (Porter) and three sons Claud (deceased), Averill and Earl after they
moved to the Carter, Oklahoma area. All
of the children lived in the Carter area except Alford. He and his wife Mittie moved back to Electra,
Texas where he worked in the oil fields after farming a few years.
(died in 1948) married Sam Simpson. They farmed south east of Carter. Sam’s brother Oscar Simpson started the first
school in the area. Bertha and Sam had
three daughters and three sons. Two of
the girls Lucille and Ruby are deceased.
Sammy Lee, the other daughter and Cecil, Melvin and Billy are all
(died in 1968) married A.O. Cain in 1901.
Their first children were twins Clarence and Clinton both deceased. They had a daughter Leona Fowler of Irving,
Texas and two sons Joe and Alton who both live in the Carter area.
Cleveland (Cleve) (died 1950) married Effie Gaswick (died 1979). They had one son G.C. Jr. who died in
1985. Lizzie Jones married J.D. Carter
who died in 1972. Aunt Lizzie celebrates
her 99th birthday October 15, 1986.
She is still keeping house and enjoying life to the fullest. She had three children, Elmer (deceased),
Betty Joe and Milton.
married Mittie Cornelius, their children were Keetah, Buve, Donchin and Joy all
deceased and living are Oleta, Jack, Bill and another daughter Bobby.
Wilson (Buddy) (died 1979) married to Cordelia Rogers (deceased) had a son C.W.
Jr. who died when he was three years old.
They have two daughters Cuba Lee and Charlene. Delia Jones (died 1984) married to Bill
Carter (died 1955) had a son Oren that died while a baby and a son in Wichita
Falls, Texas, Alvie known as Tutor.
Berta Jones the youngest married Ralph Van Buren, a marine in World War
I. Their oldest son is Jodie Lee of
Harrah, Oklahoma. One son Harley died
when about 6 or 7 years old. Their
daughter Joyce (Wayne) lives in Elk City, Oklahoma. Berta makes her home in Carter.
Alex and Margaret moved into the half dugout on their homestead, they had to
live there several years before they were able to build a house. During this time the whole family had
smallpox. A neighbor, Homer Bunton found
out they were all sick. He would come by
the cellar getting close enough to make himself heard. He would ask what they needed (groceries,
etc) and then go to the store over at Poarch (which was five miles east and one
mile south of the present town of Carter) and get what they needed and take it
to them. Luckily they all recovered with
no bad after effects.
1912 Alex and Margaret, their daughter Berta and son Alford and Alford’s wife
Mittie moved to near Camp Verde, Arizona where Alex bought the “Bullpen”. The Bullpen was an 18 acre fruit
orchard. They raised apricots, peaches,
pears, plums and apples which they sold commercially. Alex had bought the orchard from his brother
Issac’s two sons Elmer and Arthur. After
operating the orchard for three years he sold it back to the same two men and
moved back to Oklahoma. After Margaret
died on February 21, 1921, Alex made his home with Elizabeth (Aunt Lizzie) and
J.D. Carter. He made frequent trips back
down into Texas to visit relatives and to buy honey. He bought honey down in South Texas and
shipped it back to Oklahoma. He would
then peddle it all over the country. I
can still remember him coming to our house when I was a small boy with the back
of his buggy filled with gallons of honey.
He died March 9, 1936
Margaret died, Buddy and Cleve both had houses where they lived on Alex’s land
which they farmed for several years until the farm was sold to Lee White.
descendants of Alex’s father Johnny still have a Johnny Jones family reunion
the second Sunday of August in the Community Center in Allgood, Tennessee.
and Margaret, his brother John, their daughter Lucinda, Bertha, Beulah and
Delia together with their husbands and Cleve and his wife and Lizzie’s husband
J.D. Carter are all buried in Poarch Cemetery 14 miles south of Elk City,
Oklahoma. Buddy and his wife are buried
in Carter Cemetery.
April's mom side of the family (Nivens and
Garretts) are from Overton County, Tennessee. The Garrett
family have their own cemetary located in Allons, TN dating back
two centuries. The 1850 Census Records shows John "Johnny"
Jones residing there with his family and another Jones named Polly along with
her family and another family living with them with the last names of
Woody. Also, Lucinda, Johnny's wife was born in Overton County and
together many of their kids lived and married in Overton County.

- Sarilda Jones
- Birth
- 18 Jun 1864
- in Cookeville, Putnam, Tennessee, United States
- Death
- 15 Sep 1938
Marjorie Reddington
W 286 S 4785
Woods Road
Waukeshu WI 53188
Ron and Sandy Blunck
3921 Ben Franklin Dr.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494-3488
Middle of state