Claudia Rae “Dee”
Pace Edling, September, 2014
Duane went to the University of Southern California before
his mission. He went to Australia on his
mission and wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world. After
returning home from his mission he went to BYU on and off for about 10 years,
not completing his degree at this time. During these fun bachelor days he
worked many odd jobs, the railroad, river rafting and many more. He made and
kept a lot of good friends from his high school and college days.
Before we were married Duane had many
adventures that only he could tell. We would laugh until we cried he was so
funny. It didn't matter how many times
you heard his stories they were always great.
Once while in college he lit an M80 in a friend's car to throw out the
window. It missed and fell back into his
lap. He flipped it onto the floor, opened the car door and jumped out. The "bomb" went off and the car
came to a stop. The car was full of smoke and the other guys in the car crawled
out and had smoke coming out of their noses like "Ferdinand the
Bull." (A book we read in school as young children.) There was a hole in
the floorboard about 6 inches around. The kids loved to hear his stories, but
he would only tell them when he was in the right mood.
Sometimes that was at a campfire, or with the young men from church.
They all knew his stories.
Once he took his mother's Cadillac with
a bunch of guys down to Ensenada, Mexico.
They drove down on the beach and got out and did whatever it is young
men do. When they got ready to leave the
tide had come in and the car was in water up to the doors. They worked and worked trying to get out of
the wet sand but could not. Some locals
tried to help them but couldn't. They
wound up spending the night and getting the car towed out of the sand the next
Duane worked as a research tech at St.
Joseph's Hospital in the dialysis unit when I met him. He worked as a chemist
in several positions over the next several years. He worked at a Chili factory in Santa Ana, CA and tested chili's
to see how hot they were. Most of the
time it was lab work, but every day he had to taste test them twice a day. There were a lot of funny stories that went
with that place.
Duane loved to camp and hunt. That was how I met Wilford and Relia. He was going hunting with his friend Carvel,
who was a pilot and rented a small plane.
They were going up to Utah on Friday and coming home on Tuesday. The other two guys backed out at the last
minute so Duane invited me to go with them on Thursday night. He called his mom
and asked if he could bring some friends up with him. She said "of course." Aunt Nell and
Uncle Marlen picked us up at the airport and drove us to the Edling's
house. Aunt Nell jumped out of the car
and ran in the house because she wanted to see the look on their faces when
they found out the friend was a woman with a little girl. I didn't know they didn't know about me. Duane was very private and a little shy about
girls, they didn't have any idea we had been dating for months.
We lived in Tustin, CA from 1975 to
1986. We moved to Norco, CA were we lived until he died.
None of our family ever hunted with
him, but we went to Utah and stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while he hunted or
we stayed home. He quit hunting before
the children were old enough to go with him.
He has quite a nice gun collection and has taught all the children
safety and how to shoot. He was always
very careful, especially after he shot a hole in Des' curtains and window while
he was cleaning an "unloaded gun." Our girls even like to target
shoot. We
had many trips out to the desert and
shot up things.
We tent camped every year as a family, something we all
loved to do. He would take us on hikes
and watch the birds and sometimes fish.
His favorite places where the remote spots like Moses Gulch in
California. We girls weren't that crazy
about the outhouses but the places he found
were beautiful. We found a place
near Santa Barbara, California where there is a small stream that runs through
the camp ground. He would drive through
the stream in our big 15 passenger van and see how high he could get the water
to go. In the mornings and afternoons
the deer would walk through our campsite.
Duane would get up early so he could enjoy them. He loved the outdoors.
After we had been married for 9 years,
and had four children, Duane went back to BYU to get his degree. He got his
Bachelor’s degree in zoology, specifically in ornithology, but he always worked
as a chemist. He worked for McGaw Labs,
working with pharmaceuticals. While working there alone one night there was an
explosion in a refrigerator and if he hadn't been around a corner he might have
been killed. The door flew off the
refrigerator and landed a couple hundred feet away. All the windows were blown
out of the building and test tubes and glass went flying everywhere. The people in the surrounding buildings
thought a plane had crashed into the plant.
They had the bomb squad come out, with men in white jump suits and
everything along with the fire dept. and police. He was taken to the hospital and the only
thing affected was his hearing. There
was an article about the incident in the paper the next day with his
picture. Many ward members and friends
called to see if he was alright. It was
pretty scary. He worked for an oil company in Long Beach, CA for many
years. It changed hands and names about
five times while he worked there. The
last was Ultramar, Inc. That was his
last place of employment.
He was called to be the Bishop of the
Norco First Ward, Corona California Stake, November 18, 1990 to March 9, 1997. He loved people and was loved by people. As bishop he was greatly loved and respected.
While serving as bishop he married our daughter Christine and her husband
Michael. It was a beautiful service held
in our living room.
He shared a great love of the gospel
with his father, Wilford. They spent
many hours late into the night discussing and researching gospel subjects. In our ward Duane was considered a scholar. People often came to him with questions and to
get his view of things. His favorite
pastime in later years was studying the scriptures.
In 2001 Duane was diagnosed with
esophageal cancer. He was strong and
always thought he would beat it. The
first thing they did was remove his esophagus, pulling his stomach up to his
throat. His biggest problem was that he
was only allowed to eat a tablespoon of anything at a time or he would get sick and throw it back
up. That was especially hard for Duane since he was always a big eater. He could, and did, out eat almost anyone. I think this was the most difficult of all
challenges he faced as a cancer patient.
During the next two and a half years he had seven different types of
chemo therapy, along with several radiation treatments. He was an excellent patient, never
complaining. He usually could handle one
outing or project a day, either morning, afternoon or evening. He continued to work at a local prison one
day a week, and of course went to church each week.
When Duane was first diagnosed we had
our two youngest daughters still at home.
He wasn't feeling sick and the surgery was a few weeks off. He asked each girl if there was anything they
would like to do with their dad. Karinne
picked target shooting in the desert.
They went in our Bronco and slept in the car and had a great couple of
days. Tiffany picked deep sea fishing. They
went out on charter boat and had a great time.
The kids all loved what he loved, because they loved being with
him. They have great memories with their
His callings in church almost always
involved the youth. For the first 15
years of our marriage he worked with the young men and taught, counseled and
played with them constantly. They were
always in our home. They loved him. He
was called to be a seventy just before we moved to Norco and worked with the
missionaries, (more young men) who were also always in our home. Duane was
called into the young men again in Norco, then into the bishopric, still over
the young men and women. On one of his
birthdays the priests in our ward asked if they could come over after midnight
and be the first to wish him happy birthday. He didn't know they were coming and fell
asleep in his recliner, reading. The
boys came in and toilet papered him in his chair, without him waking up. He was completely covered, head to toe,
except his nose. They tickled his nose
and he came up swatting at flies or whatever was on his nose. The boys thought
it was hilarious, and told the story for years.
Photographs and primary sources:
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Duane and Larry, Parowan, Utah, about 1953.
Hoover High photos from 1956 - 1958
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California, 1960 |
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USC 1960 |
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Glendale City Directory, 1962 |
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Glendale Directory, 1964 |
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Glendale City Directory, 1970 |
Marriage May 24, 1975
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California Marriage Index, May 24, 1975 |
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The Duane Edling Family, Christmas 1997: First Row: Brian, Karinne, and Tiffany. Middle Row:
Jennifer, Brent, Christine. Back
Row: Duane and Dee.
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The Duane Edling Family, Christmas 1999: Children, Nathan
and Nicholas Jacobson. Back Row:
Jennifer, Brent, Brian, Tiffany, and Karinne.
Front: Duane, Dee, Michael
Jacobson and Christine Pfaff Jacobson.
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The Duane Edling Family Home in Norco,
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Claudia Rae “Dee” Pace Edling
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Larry and Duane, about 1980
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Duane at the home of Larry and Ann King
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Deslyn and Duane, November 10, 2003, South
Jordan, Utah
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Jennifer Edling and her husband Gene Russell.
Children of Jennifer and Gene Russell:
Landon, Ashton, Aleyna, and Gavin Russell (below)
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Michael and Christine Jacobson |
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Jessica and Brent Edling |
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The Brian Edling Family:
Children Front Row: Violet,
Daylon. Back: Sadie, Brian, Caleb, Jennifer, Keira
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Jordan and
Karinne Edling Talbot, June 2008.
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Brett and Tiffany Edling Orton, January 2008 |
Karinne Michelle Edling Talbot, September 2014
Duane Wilford Edling was my father. My
name is Karinne Michelle Talbot, I am married to Jordan Elden Talbot, son of
Kim Mills and Michael Talbot, and we have two beautiful daughters: Brynn
Annaston Talbot born March 3, 2011and Brooke Nicole Talbot born December 17,
When I
think of my father, Duane, I immediately think of him as a "good
man." This may not sound eloquent or poetic, but my dad was definitely
"good." He was a good father
and bishop. His goodness radiated from him and could be seen in all he did.
From his choices of entertainment to his endless service, and to how he spoke
with kindness to his children and others. The only music he listened to was
classical music and hymns; and he was always going out of his way to help
anyone in need.
In fact,
whenever I think of him I picture him with his happy smile on his face. The
image of my father that comes to mind whenever I think of him was from when I
was a teenager. He and I drove together
to church and I picture him walking toward our seats with scriptures and
several other church books in one hand, and waving to friends with his other
hand and a smile on his face.
I have never questioned whether my father had a good
relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. His testimony was evident
in the way he chose to live his life. His favorite song was "I Believe in
Christ" and when I asked him why it was his favorite, he said that the
lyrics to this song were the words of his testimony. At Christmas, I went with my mother to pick
out Christmas cards and I thought we should get the cards with snowmen on it,
but she told me that Dad wanted Christmas to be about Christ and he would
rather get cards that had a picture of Christ.
Within a
few weeks of Dad's death I had a talk with him.
He told me two things that I will always remember and cherish. First, he asked me if I knew what he wanted
more than anything, what his biggest goal in life was. I don't remember my answer but I said
something jokingly like, "I don't know, run track in the Olympics?"
Then, Dad was very serious when he said, "No, I want more than anything
for our family to be reunited in Heaven in the celestial kingdom. You make sure
that you live worthily to make it back to our Heavenly Father." The second
thing my dad told me during our discussion is very personal to me. I debated whether or not to include it in
this family journal, but it is something I want my kids to know. Dad told me, "When you get married, get
married in the temple. And, when you do,
save a seat for me because I will be there." At our wedding Jordan and I
did save a seat for him, and I know that he was there.
Dad never met my husband, Jordan, I know that they would have gotten along
well. They both have easy smiles and a
similar sense of humor. They both find joy and wit in everyday life. I know it will be a good day when Jordan
meets my father. I can see the two
instantly becoming buddies.
There are
many ways that Dad and I are alike as well. He and I both enjoy running. He ran
distance track for USC. When I chose to run track in high school he came to
most all my home meets, and he helped to train me on Saturday mornings. He
would take me to a local ballpark and run me through hillsides and drills.
fond memory I have of him was when I was 15 years old and he was teaching me to
drive a car. Mom was nervous to take me to practice driving so Dad took me. As
I was driving and he was
sitting in the passenger seat . He had a smile on his face and was cracking
jokes, while periodically casually instructing me. His voice sounded at ease,
and his temperament calm, but I knew that he was terrified because he had an
arm out the window holding onto the roof of the car with a grip so tight his
knuckles were white. At the time I was nervous
but he tried so hard to remain calm that I was able to focus and feel
comfortable behind the wheel. Now I look
back and laugh at the situation, but at the time I was very grateful for his
calm demeanor.

My father
was diagnosed with cancer when I was a junior in high school. I drove him to
several of his doctor appointments and treatments. He was continually
optimistic and cheerful. No matter how much pain he was feeling he kept a smile
on his face and cracked jokes to help us kids from hurting. I hardly knew how
much pain, until one particular treatment that I drove him to. After the
treatment, he struggled to get into the car and it took him several minutes to
begin to breathe properly. His face was
sickly green and his hands were slightly shaking. However, by the time we were close to home he
had on his happy smile once again. No
matter the pain, he fought the cancer, and he fought it with a smile.
being diagnosed and going through several treatments he took Mom, Tiff and I to
SeaWorld. He was able to walk
around and go to a few shows with us for a few hours in the morning, but by the
afternoon he was spent. He laid down on
a grassy hill because he could not continue to walk. Mom, Tiffy, and I went to shows and exhibits
and checked on Dad periodically. By late
afternoon he had moved to the nurses' station where he laid on a bed and sipped
on water. Not one time throughout the
entire day did he complain. We came to
visit him several times and with each visit he was happy to see us and excited
to hear about the animals and shows we saw. He never asked us to go home or
allowed his discomfort to seem like it was bothering him.
If I
could sum up Dad with a couple of words they would be: Christ like, happy, and
Karinne Michelle Edling Talbot
Larry Edling King,
March 2008
My time
with Duane was when I was young, from childhood up through High School in
Parowan , and then again when I was older, just before Duane died. In the interim, we saw each other on occasions,
especially at various family affairs, but not much else.
Our time
together in youth was a total delight.
Duane came to Parowan often. We
were intensely active and always into some mischief, usually involving teasing
one of my girlfriends. He too, like
Gaylene, loved the country life, being around the animals, riding horses, and
going up into the mountains.
At one
time, because of severe allergies Aunt Relia, Duane's mother, brought the
family to Salt Lake leaving Uncle Wilford in California. She and the family stayed with her mother up
on the Avenues, just a half block from the entrance to the road that circles
Memory Grove. I have two vivid memories
from their stay at that home. Duane was
an excellent artist. Once we drew
horses. His was beautiful, while mine
was like some building blocks tossed together. At that time, I wouldn't accept
that his horse was far better done than mine.
He didn't quarrel or boast about the matter. Duane was not like that. He was fair and even-tempered.
Duane was daring. Above his
grandmother's home and the road going around Memory Grove was a steep hill of
gravel. Duane used to climb up to the top, which was about a half a block and
then slide down on his feet. Once, I went with him, but only once. The slide filled
me with fear.
Parowan was a delight for Duane while
California was the same for me. Wilford and Relia treated me well; but it was
Duane and I that were best buddies. They lived for a time on Sierra Bonita in a
home with a tower-like balcony on the second floor of the front of the home.
Duane and I had bean shooters and would hide up there waiting for people to
come by on the walk below. When they did, we shot our beans at them,
occasionally with a "hit," and quickly ducked down behind the waist
high balcony wall. I don't know that anyone knew where the beans came from. We
went for long walks to little stores about a mile of two away, purchased little
model cars and airplanes, stepped on all the snails on the front sidewalk every
morning, and used the swing attached to the garage to leap high in the air. It
was a great time.
Later they moved to Glendale, to a
wonderful community of lovely homes. The
next door neighbor had a swimming pool, as did a doctor friend up the
street. We swam a lot. Aunt Relia often
took us on outings: sometimes to Knox Berry Farm and other times to the Hale
Theatre to watch their corny plays.
There was always something to do.
They had a big avocado tree in the backyard. No one ate them. Duane and I would wait until the fruit was
soggy rotten and then throw them at one another. We also had squirt gun fights using black ink
in the guns. I can still remember
spending an afternoon cleaning up cement walks around the home with a scrub
brush after an ink fight.
Duane was game to do almost
anything. He was truly daring in every
degree. He was just plain fun to be
with. There was nothing mean about him.
He suffered from a stuttering disorder
that caused him much embarrassment in life.
Sometimes when excited, it was hard to know what he meant when speaking.
Once I left Parowan, Duane and I rarely
saw one another.
While at BYU, he was a track star but
had a hard time finishing school…However, he did so, married, and raised a nice
family. In his later years, he became a
bishop in California and was much loved of the congregation. Duane was thoughtful and kind. He was a good bishop, husband, and father.
At the end of his life, when he was
dying of cancer, I drove down to California to visit him some three times. I
also spoke with his wife Dee on many occasions. These were pleasant times. We
became reacquainted again, but this time in a mature way. He was ready to leave mortality having lived a
good life and leaving a fine posterity behind. I have the fondest memories of him.
Deslyn Renee Edling
Triplett Grant, July 2009
Duane was born to Wilford and Relia
Edling on February 22, 1940, in Los Angeles, California. He was the youngest of
their three living children. As a small child he was greatly enamored with
horses. He could draw them, cut them out free hand with scissors and imitate
their neighs. He made hurdles out of broom handles and chairs that he could
jump over while running on all fours. He devised a way to imitate the clip clop
sound of horses’ hooves by holding individual aluminum jello cups in his hands.
On weekends, his mother would take him to the stockyards to look at the horses
in the flesh.
He attended school when the family
moved to Glendale, CA, at Mark Keppel Elementary, Toll Jr. High and Hoover High
schools. In high school he ran cross
country track. It was a grueling sport
for him but he persevered. After
graduation he attended one year at the University of Southern California before
going to Australia as a missionary for two years. When he came home the
fraternity environment was not appealing to him, so he transferred to the BYU.
As a young person, Duane struggled with
stuttering. Relia took him to UCLA to a
speech therapist weekly. The young woman
he saw helped him to bypass the situations that caused severe blocks for him. As a missionary he practiced the
presentations to the cows by his apartment.
He was a successful missionary and came home with his speech less
affected than it had been before.
He was a young man who loved a good
time and was popular with his friends. His friends affectionately called him
Wilfy Brows because of his heavy eyebrows that came together in the middle of
his forehead. They were a very creative
group of young men. One night
they staged a mafia style kidnapping in
front of the local movie theater. Duane
borrowed his mother's big, black Chrysler for the caper. They caused quite a stir on the main street.
Another time they scaled the back fence of Disneyland and got caught by security. The police took the kids home to their
parents to be chastised.
Duane loved guns. He and his friends
loved to ride through the desert and shoot rabbits. He and his dad, Wilford,
had a yearly date to go out in the desert and target practice. He shot out more than one window in an
automobile and bedroom. It's a good
thing the bedroom overlooked an orange grove.
Duane also loved animals. He
always had a dog and when he married Dee, they had a collection of animals at
their house. They had dogs, cats, a
tortoise, fish, hermit crabs and even a pig amongst their menagerie.
He spent several years at BYU without
finding a satisfactory major so he went to Orange County to live with his
sister Deslyn and her family. Duane got
a job as a technician in the kidney dialysis clinic at St Joseph Hospital in
Orange. He met Claudia Rae Pace while living with the Tripletts. They were married in the Los Angeles Temple
on May 14, 1975.
Claudia (Dee) had a little girl,
Christi. In the years that followed they
added Brent, Jennifer, Brian, Corrine and Tiffany. Duane was the only male
offspring bearing the Edling surname from the children of Carl and Anna Edling
. The family now has the Edling name
perpetuated through Duane's sons.
Duane went back to BYU with the
blessing of his family and received a degree in Biology after which he was
employed by an oil company in the research lab in Long Beach, CA. Duane and Dee sold their home in Tustin and
moved to a home in Norco.
All of his adult life Duane was
involved with the Young Men's groups.
The boys loved him as he was so full of fun. He could out hike any of them wearing old
beat up tennis shoes and carrying a full pack that might even include an
inflatable boat. He was always up for an
Duane was ordained a bishop and took
his responsibilities seriously. It was
an opportunity for him to use his love for people in a new and different
context. He served faithfully and after
his release he was afflicted with esophageal cancer. He had suffered for many years with acid
reflux disorder and it finally conquered him.
Edling Collection, KSHF; Dee Edling, Family Christmas gifts; Margaret Ann King;