The minute you set foot upon the deck of the City of Chicago you will like Captain Frederick Watkins.
If you, as some people do, make the very first duty aboard ship
to see what sort of a man you have for captain, and try the experiment
of exchanging a word with him, you may rest assured you won't go away
grumbling at his lack of courtesy when you have spoken to the Commodore
of the Inman fleet.
Pleasanter men are not to be found either on sea or shore. " He's
made of the right sort of stuff for a mariner," one of his seamen once
said to me.
All his sailors like him, and it is much the same quality of
polite consideration which has made him one of the most popular of all
the transatlantic captains. In his uniform he looks every inch the
When he has doffed the "gilded blue" for street apparel he would
never be taken for one whose days and nights, year in and year out, are
passed upon the bounding billow. Some one has called the commander of
the Chicago the "gentleman captain." There is no man who sails the
Atlantic who has received more testimonials from his passengers than
Captain Watkins has elicited by his unchanging good temper and constant

Built by Charles Connell & Co., Scotstoun, Glasgow, Scotland.
Tonnage: 5,202. Dimensions: 430' x 45'. Single-screw, 14 knots. Compound
engines. Four masts and two funnels. Iron hull.
Note: Laid down as the Vancouver, as she originally was intended for the
Dominion Line. Maiden voyage: Liverpool-New York, September 18, 1883.
Wrecked by stranding near Old Head of Kinsale, on south coast of
Ireland, July 1892. Ex-Vancouver (1883).
Arrival dates:
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Feb. 02 | Queenstown 1888-01-25, arrived New York at 11:00 morning |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Mar. 08 | Also reported arrive 1888-03-09 |
1888 | Liverpool | Apr. 05 | New York | Apr. 14 | Also reported arrive 1888-04-13 |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | May 18 | Also reported arrive 1888-05-16 and 1888-05-19 - 1122 Passengers |
1888 | Liverpool | June 14 | New York | June 22 |  |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | July 27 | Also reported arrive 1888-07-26 |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Aug. 31 | Also reported arrive 1880-09-01 |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Oct. 04 | Also reported arrive 1888-10-05. Arrived in the morning |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Nov. 09 | Also reported arrive 1888-11-10 |
1888 | Liverpool | | New York | Dec. 14 |  |