Frederick Scholl was born in New York City February 16, 1849. He was employed by a piano house as a boy whose job was carving legs. He left New York at the age of 17 and later viewed the remains of President Lincoln in New York as the train stopped on its way to Springfield, Ill. Frederick's father was a successful shoemaker in New York City. They lived near the river in Lower Manhattan. Frederick attended Sunday school for nine years without missing a Sunday and received a Bible as a reward. The family moved to Nebraska sometime around 1866.
Upon arriving in Nebraska Frederick fell in love and married Fannie Weinert. She was the also the daughter of a German immigrant. Frederick became a successful farmer in Arago. He owned land in section 22 of Arago Township where he raised his family. Sometime before George's birth in 1886 Frederick bought his father in law's property and moved into a beautiful 2 story home. In 1896 his property included two homes and seven barns. He had two orchards, one with 15 trees and one with 12 trees. In 1904 a severe electrical storm struck a barn owned by Frederick and the barn and 28 loads of new hay burned to the ground. About 1900 Frederick rented out the second home on his property. In 1905 when the occupants moved Frederick had his 3 teenage daughters clean the home. Unfortunately the family had TB and all three girls became infected and died over the next few years. It was the biggest trial of Frederick's life. In 1905 he sold his land in section 22 totaling 160 acres to John Gleason of Missouri for $10.400. He then purchased land closer to Falls City and the railroad. In 1906 his mother in law Fredericka Weinert died in his home. The funeral was held in the front room the next day. In 1912 according to the Portland City directory, Frederick, a farmer, is living at 446 E Lincoln with his son August P, daughter Edna, George carpenter and daughter Laura who works at Meier and Frank, Portland's prominent department store. In Portland Fred built many homes with the help of his sons. It is believed that many in the family became members of the Mt. Tabor Evangelical Church in the southeast part of Portland and were faithful in their attendance. (Best Weinert)
There must have been a special relationship between Frederick and Fannie. She died on her wedding anniversary 1 June 1922 and he died 7 years later, two days before their wedding anniversary. Frederick died 80 years old in Portland Oregon, 30 May 1929. He is buried next to Fannie and their daughter Edna in the Rose City Cemetery. Fred lived so long, out of 11 children only Emma, George, Gus and Fred Jr were alive to attend the funeral. Fred left a large estate, unfortunately a member of the family contested the will until there was nothing left.. Today we wonder what effect this had on the rest of the family. Probably not a good one.
What personality characteristics did Fred Scholl possess? I see five. First he was religious. 9 years of Sunday Scholl with out a miss is a record in any family. His family were "faithful church attenders in Portland." Religion played an important role in his life. Secondly he was industrious. He began work as a boy in New York and worked his whole life as a farmer and carpenter. He built an extra home on his Arago property and rented it out. He experimented with better ways of raising oats with better yield and rust resistant. The 1910 census say Fred is retired and is only 61. Yet after retiring young and moving to Oregon he "built many houses with the help of sons". He didn't need to do that but he liked working. In his later years we see him as a white haired grandfather digging in front of the home he built on Locust Street. Fred was a hard worker. Thirdly he overcame adversity rather than giving in to it. By the end of his life only 4 of his 11 children were still alive. Every father dotes on his daughters and to lose three of them because they cleaned your rental would have brought him heartache and anguish. The girls were sick for years and during that time Fred and Fannie supported the affected families by caring for them and taking grandchildren into their home. Fred was well dressed. Every photo of Fred has him in smart suits with a vest and watch chain. In the photo of him in New York, with his father Phillip, he is wearing a stylish jacket with gold buttons. His wedding photo has him with a crossed tie, the fashion of the day. Lastly I think he was kind. It was kind of him to work with his sons building houses in Portland. That alone made it possible for George to build houses in Los Angeles including his own home. Fred looks kind. As you look into his eyes he appears to be the grandfather everyone wishes they had. Fred lived in an extraordinary time history when the world went from horses to automobiles or from the Civil War to WWI. During his time on earth Fred loved his wife, raised 11 children and lived a life worth emulating.
Falls City Journal, September 9,1904
Fred Scholl
When nineteen years of age Fred Scholl became a resident of Richardson county. That was thirty eight years ago and during all that long stretch of time he has occupied the same homestead where as a young man he first commenced life in Nebraska. In the meantime he has had many an interesting experiences, enough to fill a good sized volume but through all the vicissitudes of life he has continually prospered. Recently he met with a costly fire, the barn on the old farm being struck by lightning and with much of its contents, burned to the ground. In his mature age Mr. Scholl desired to be nearer a live city and he therefore purchased of Jacob Baumann the excellent quarter section located one mile north of Falls City where with those of his family who are at home he will spend the remainder of his life in peace peace and comfort.
Mr. and Mrs Scholl have living a family of nine children most of whom are well and favorably known in the county. Mrs. Anna Bingaman is the happy wife of a farmer living in this county as is also Mrs. Lizzie Abel no lady is better or more favorably known thatn Miss Emma who is a fine musician and the popular young lady who won the piano in the Journal contest proving that her friends are numbered by the legion.
Miss Laura is one of the most estimable young ladies in Falls City and occupies a position in Cleveland's store which partly accounts for the popularity of the great emporium where bargains are as plenty as flies in July. George the oldest son is an active intelligent, young man as is also his brother August, who was named for his grandfather. Clara and Edna are the two youngest girls at home but they too will soon be young ladies. Freddie seven years old is the youngest, called by the others the baby of the family although he is a long ways from being a baby in fact. Mr. Scholl is one of the most popular men in Richardson county and numbers his friends by the hundreds.
What happened to their children?
Emma Scholl b March 8, 1877, She married Emil Gus Hornschuch in 1908 in Salem. He was a Pastor, she died of TB in 1944.
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Scholl b Nov 22, 1879, married Benjamin Christopher Apel, March 6, 1901 when 21. She died March 9, 1914 from TB.
Anna Scholl was born Oct 8, 1880, married Maurice Bingaman on May 10, 1901, died September 20, 1905 from TB
Laura Scholl b Dec 26, 1883, married John William Zinser, a soap cutter, May 1918, first child died in childbirth. Laura died August 27, 1928 at 44 years old giving birth of her second child Laurence.
Philip Frederick Scholl was born Mar 4, 1885 and died in Jul 1885.
George Scholl was born in 1886 in Arago, Nebraska. George was s studio carpenter. He died in Glendale at age 80 years 5 months and 18 days in 1967
Augustus “Gus” Phillip Scholl was born Dec 6, 1889 in Arago, NB, He died Apr 6, 1973 at 83 and is buried in the Willamette National Cemetery with next to his second wife Lillian.
Clara Lydia was born Aug 16, 1891, Arago, baptized January 5, 1892, died Mar 9, 1907 at age 15 from TB after contracting it from cleaning her parents rental after boarders moved out.
Edna and Edgar born Jul 9, 1895, twins: Edgar Fred died 30 Jul 1895. Edna broke her leg in a fall, resulting in being confined to a wheel chair. She died at 23 from the effects - Apr 18, 1919. Edna is buried next to her parents.
Frederick Clarence Scholl Jr. was born Oct 9, 1897, Arago, NE Frederick, died April 23, 1989, Portland, Oregon at 91 from stomach cancer.
Selling Land
Frederick bought his father in law's home and property on March 3, 1902. He already owned 160 acres in section 22, which is just south of his new property. He bought the land on March 3, 1902 for $4,500 from Fredericka, widow, Jennie Hofer, widow, John and Anna Weinert, Charles Weinert, Anna Ernst and her husband Ernest, August Jr, Minnie Voegelein, widow and Lousia Wiltse and her husband Clarence. The land totaled 97 acres.
Buying Land
On June 10 1904 the Falls City Tribune reported that the previous week Fred Scholl bought 160 acres one mile north of Falls City for $17,600 from Jacob Bauman. This was the most paid for a farm in the county up to that date. It appears Frederick's land was in section 48 and there was a school on
the northeast corner of the property. The house and orchard are in the
southeast corner of the property. The land had good access to the
Missouri Pacific Railway which added to its value. Being a mile from
Falls City was another advantage. Frederick had excellent access to transportation and
markets for his farm goods.
During their lives:
1860 - Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln elected president.
1863 - Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, declaring slaves in Confederate states to be free.
1865 - Confederates defeated; slavery abolished under Thirteenth Amendment. Lincoln is assassinated.
1917-18 - US intervenes in World War I, but rejects membership of League of Nations in its aftermath.
1920 - Women given the right to vote under the Nineteenth Amendment.
1920 - Sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquor outlawed. The Prohibition era sees a mushrooming of illegal drinking joints, home-produced alcohol and gangsterism
Photos of their Portland Home.
Current home built by Frederick Scholl, Portland, 2021
Researching Scholl births in Manhattan, NYC
Documents related to Frederick Scholl:
1856 Frederick with his shoemaker father Philipp Scholl.
This was 9 years before Frederick saw the Lincoln funeral. |
The Funeral of President Lincoln, New-York, April 25th, 1865, From Library of Congress.
President Lincoln's Funeral Procession in NYC - Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper Drawing
Frederick as a Young Man. |
Fannie and Frederick, New York, NY |
1906 This is a family photo of the Frederick Scholl family. The girls with the red X cleaned a rental for their father and caught TB, each died from it's effects over a period of years.
About 1920, LtoR John Zinser, Laura (Scholl Zinser), Leona (Bingaman) Cutting , Fannie (Weinert) Scholl, Laura (Bingaman) Roby, John Weinert, Frederick Scholl, Anna
(Kaiser) Weinert, 679 Locust Street in Ladd's section of Portland, OR
Scholl home, 679 Locust Street in Ladd's section of Portland, OR |
Frederick relaxing, 679 Locust Street in Ladd's section of Portland, OR
Frederick in the back seat. In the car are Frederick, Edna and Laura. Gus is driving. |
1920 Fannie and Frederick Scholl, 679 Locust Street in Ladd's
section of Portland, OR
Scholl family, taken between 1909 and 1814. Portland, Oregon. |
Frederick & Fannie (Weinert) Scholl, Edna Scholl, ??, Laura (Scholl) & John Zinser |
1923, Frederick, 679 Locust Street in Ladd's section of Portland, OR |
Frederick Scholl later years
New York State Census, 1855 New York New York City, Ward 7, E.D. |
1860 Federal census |
United States Census, 1870 Nebraska Richardson Township 2 Range 17 |
United States Census, 1880 Nebraska Richardson Arago ED 313 |
United States Census, 1900 Nebraska Richardson ED 136 Arago Precinct |
United States Census, 1910 Nebraska Richardson Falls City Ward 1 ED 166 |
United States Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Portland ED 59 |
The death of Frederick Scholl:
Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Oregon |
Frederick Scholl death certificate |
Frederick Scholl death certificate, certified copy. |