Louise Dixon Larkin, 83, passed away
Wednesday evening June 9, 2004, at home following an extended illness.
She was born September 18, 1920 in Provo, Utah to Dr. Henry Aldous and
Lucile Dixon. The family moved to Ogden in 1937 when Dr. Dixon became
President of Weber College.
She married E. Ferrin Larkin on March 30, 1946 in the Salt Lake LDS
Temple where they were sealed by family friend David O. McKay.
After graduating from Ogden High School, Louise attended Weber College
and Utah State Agricultural College before completing her bachelors
degree at Brigham Young University. She later earned a Masters degree
in Library Science and worked as a librarian at both Ogden High School
and Weber College for many years until retiring.
She and Ferrin raised their family in Ogden where she was very active in
both civic and church affairs. She was a member of the Ogden 41st LDS
Ward for 42 years where she served as Ward Relief Society President
twice, as a counselor in the Weber College Stake Relief Society
Presidency, and numerous other church callings. She was a Temple worker
in the Ogden Temple for four years and was blessed with a plethora of
wonderful, caring friends.
She and Ferrin served as co-Presidents of the Wasatch Elementary School
Parent Teacher Association during the year five of their six children
were attending there. For over fifty years, some of her closest friends
were members of her bridge clubs and dinner groups. She very much
appreciated the love, support, visits and thoughtfulness of her many
friends and neighbors, particularly during the last few months.
The "Dixon Sisters" had an indescribably close relationship. Phyllis,
Dot, Ruth, and `Weez` enjoyed many adventures together and entertained
their traveling companions with their enthusiasm, humor, love for each
other and love of life.
Those who knew Louise loved her; those who did not know her really
missed out!!!
Louise will be remembered for her generosity, loyal friendship,
knitting, whole wheat bread, chocolate cake with green icing, love of
her precious family and her beloved husband.
Also surviving are her three sisters and one brother, Phyllis Dixon
Shaw, and Dorothy Dixon Harrison, both of Ogden; Ruth Dixon Cannon, Salt
Lake City; and Dr. David Dixon, Meridian, ID.
She was preceded in death by her parents H. Aldous and Lucile Dixon, her
brother Dr. John A. Dixon, and her husband Ferrin.
WWII and dating:
It appears Louise was pretty popular and ready to get married during WWII. On June 8, 1943 her husband to be, Winslow Gardner, goes missing and by 1945 she is dating her future husband Elijah Larkin. His love letters to her are below.
1943 June 8
Before Army Air Corps 1st Lt. Winslow Gardner of
Hyrum left San Francisco for his overseas assignment in November 1942,
he took the prized engagement ring out of his wallet and put it on
Louise Dixon's finger. The excited young woman didn't realize she would
never see him again.
As an Air Corps co-pilot, Gardner flew 40 missions in a B-17 and was finally ready to come home. Instead, the 22-year-old Weber State College graduate volunteered for an armed reconnaissance mission off the coast of New Guinea on June 1, 1943.Twelve Japanese fighters found Gardner's plane and shot it down. Three of the crew's 10 members parachuted to safety before the plane's gas tank exploded, but Gardner wasn't one of them.
The plane wreckage was not found until 1987, when a forest survey company discovered a B-17 cockpit in the jungles of New Britain - and it had Gardner's remains in it.
Finally, last month they were returned to his relatives for burial in the Hyrum City Cemetery - nearly 48 years after Gardner was shot down. One of the people attending the memorial service on May 4 in Salt Lake City was Louise Dixon Larkin of Ogden, now 70.
It was a wrenching experience for her.
"It opened up again the misery of those years," she said. "We had tried so hard to find out what happened. Those were not easy years. It's like something you read about. You just don't wipe those things out of your life. I always wondered if he were dead, but I knew he had to be. The plane exploded and only three parachuted over enemy territory. I knew there was no chance that Winslow was alive."
Louise Dixon and Winslow Gardner fell in love while attending Weber State College together. He took aviation courses, and she majored in home economics. She remembers that he was student body treasurer and a "big man on campus" who would have probably become a dentist.
He took flying lessons the year they were sophomores, and in December he went into the Army Air Corps.
When the Air Corps sent him to California, "I went to Bakersfield to see him. It was the night the Japanese bombed the Aleutians. He carried my engagement ring in his wallet but didn't give it to me yet. I went back to Utah. Then, the week before Thanksgiving, he called and said he was about to go overseas, and so I went to meet him in San Francisco. I toured San Francisco that week with his B-17 crew."
She spent four days there, each day thinking that she would wake up and hear that they had already gone. On the last day, when he slipped the ring on her finger, all the crew members felt better. They worried he would lose it if he carried it with him overseas.
"Those were desperate years. The young people today don't understand those years. The gulf war was over so quickly, and it seemed that this one would never be over."
When Louise met Ferrin Larkin, who had also served in the war, they hit it off instantly.
"We knew on our first date that we had known each other forever. On our third date we had such a good time that he asked me out the next night, but I said no. I said, `I've been hurt and I'm not going to like you.' But we did go out, and instead of going to a play we just talked. Afterward we decided to get married - and it was a marriage made in heaven."
Together they had six children and 19 grandchildren. Larkin, a mortician, passed away five years ago. Louise Dixon Larkin says that "everyone loved him. He was a great man."
After she married Larkin "the books" on her relationship with Gardner were closed. "I never mentioned it to our kids. I didn't refuse to talk to them about it - I just didn't offer to. There was such apprehension."
With the books unexpectedly opened again, she feels more comfortable talking about this bittersweet period of her life - knowing that the final chapter has been written.
As an Air Corps co-pilot, Gardner flew 40 missions in a B-17 and was finally ready to come home. Instead, the 22-year-old Weber State College graduate volunteered for an armed reconnaissance mission off the coast of New Guinea on June 1, 1943.Twelve Japanese fighters found Gardner's plane and shot it down. Three of the crew's 10 members parachuted to safety before the plane's gas tank exploded, but Gardner wasn't one of them.
The plane wreckage was not found until 1987, when a forest survey company discovered a B-17 cockpit in the jungles of New Britain - and it had Gardner's remains in it.
Finally, last month they were returned to his relatives for burial in the Hyrum City Cemetery - nearly 48 years after Gardner was shot down. One of the people attending the memorial service on May 4 in Salt Lake City was Louise Dixon Larkin of Ogden, now 70.
It was a wrenching experience for her.
"It opened up again the misery of those years," she said. "We had tried so hard to find out what happened. Those were not easy years. It's like something you read about. You just don't wipe those things out of your life. I always wondered if he were dead, but I knew he had to be. The plane exploded and only three parachuted over enemy territory. I knew there was no chance that Winslow was alive."
Louise Dixon and Winslow Gardner fell in love while attending Weber State College together. He took aviation courses, and she majored in home economics. She remembers that he was student body treasurer and a "big man on campus" who would have probably become a dentist.
He took flying lessons the year they were sophomores, and in December he went into the Army Air Corps.
When the Air Corps sent him to California, "I went to Bakersfield to see him. It was the night the Japanese bombed the Aleutians. He carried my engagement ring in his wallet but didn't give it to me yet. I went back to Utah. Then, the week before Thanksgiving, he called and said he was about to go overseas, and so I went to meet him in San Francisco. I toured San Francisco that week with his B-17 crew."
She spent four days there, each day thinking that she would wake up and hear that they had already gone. On the last day, when he slipped the ring on her finger, all the crew members felt better. They worried he would lose it if he carried it with him overseas.
"Those were desperate years. The young people today don't understand those years. The gulf war was over so quickly, and it seemed that this one would never be over."
When Louise met Ferrin Larkin, who had also served in the war, they hit it off instantly.
"We knew on our first date that we had known each other forever. On our third date we had such a good time that he asked me out the next night, but I said no. I said, `I've been hurt and I'm not going to like you.' But we did go out, and instead of going to a play we just talked. Afterward we decided to get married - and it was a marriage made in heaven."
Together they had six children and 19 grandchildren. Larkin, a mortician, passed away five years ago. Louise Dixon Larkin says that "everyone loved him. He was a great man."
After she married Larkin "the books" on her relationship with Gardner were closed. "I never mentioned it to our kids. I didn't refuse to talk to them about it - I just didn't offer to. There was such apprehension."
With the books unexpectedly opened again, she feels more comfortable talking about this bittersweet period of her life - knowing that the final chapter has been written.
The 558th FAB in Camp Hood, Texas
from October 1945 to February 1946
from October 1945 to February 1946
Following the return of the 558th Field Artillery
Battalion to New York City on August 24th, 1945 on the USS Breckinridge,
the men were sent to Camp Kilmer in New Jersey for a few days. The unit
was then reassigned a permanent station in Camp Hood, Texas. But first
the men departed for 45 days rest and recuperation, “temporary duty,” to
return home to their family and friends. While away from the unit in
September and October, “the entire original enlisted strength of the
battalion were discharged and separated from the service while on their
temporary duty and none of them returned to the battalion.” (from the 558th FAB History by Lt. Hahn)
But the officers and other enlisted men who had not
been a part of the original battalion had to return to Camp Hood, Texas
in October. The “points” system
was being used to determine when the remaining men should be
discharged. There wasn't much desire to be in Camp Hood with nothing to
do and the war over. Morale was difficult to keep up. Officers were
leaving the service quickly, as soon as their points allowed.
At the end of October, “the battalion was informed that it would remain as a Regular Army unit.” (from 558th History)
Apparently the Army wished to keep the 558th together and began
shipping in replacements throughout November to try to keep the
battalion strength up. “But officers and enlisted men were being
discharged so quickly that the battalion was in a state of constant
flux.” (from 558th History) The batteries were being rearranged so frequently that training and leadership was difficult.
It appears the Army finally gave up on re-staffing the
battalion in January and February and began preparations to inactivate
the unit. The 558th FAB was inactivated on February 10th, 1946 and all
remaining men transferred to other units.
During September 1945 while home on leave, T/4 Elijah
Ferrin Larkin of Battery C started dating Miss Louise Dixon, both of
Ogden, Utah, and fell in love immediately. After a three week whirlwind
romance, they became engaged to be married. Like everyone after the war,
they were anxious to start their lives together and have a family. But
Ferrin was one of those enlisted men who had to return to Camp Hood in
October for further duty.
While stationed in Camp Hood awaiting his discharge,
Ferrin wrote almost every day to his sweetheart back home, pining to be
home with her. The following are excerpts from his letters that help us
understand what the 558th was like while in Texas. Sometimes the message
is a little repetitious because he only had "going home" on his mind.
Ferrin was finally discharged in January from Camp
Hood. Returning home to Utah and his girl, they arranged to be married
on March 30, 1946. Ferrin and Louise raised a family of six children. He
pursued a life-long career in the funeral business. Ferrin passed away
in 1986 at the age of 69 and Louise passed away in 2004.
(I've cut out most of the romantic and family
interest parts and just kept what pertains to the army experience. -
Bill Larkin)
October 22, 1945
My dearest, Louise
I'm now a few hundred miles away and getting more lonesome as each one rolls along. This is the hardest and slowest trip I've ever had to make so that by the time I reach my destination rest will be appreciated.
Last night I was in my sleeper at ten-thirty and didn't get up till after nine this morning so a little of the lost sleep has been caught up on.
After breakfast I cleaned up and have spent the day talking over the past six weeks with the fellows. Every one of us is ready to go AWOL and return to people we love and I do mean you.
Oct 23, 1945
Today has passed slowly with the train stopping at every crossing. These southern lines certainly don't compare with the U. P. or other I've traveled on. Much seemingly useless stops and poor cars. Looks like the northern railroads use the cars until their worn out then send leftovers for these poor southern people to finish.
In the morning we'll be at the camp and find out just what is in store for our outfit. Talked with a couple of fellows at lunch that think Camp Hood is closing up after the first of November. Their units have been broken up and men sent to stations near home leaving just a few to help finish up the paperwork.
It is only about one hundred fifty miles from here to camp and nine hours on train schedule so you can judge how jerky this last lap of the trip will be. A couple of the boys have gone out to buy a quart so they'll come back in high spirits to keep the rest of us awake all night. Maybe some life will help the night pass quicker.
October 24, 1945
Made me sick when I hit here this morning to see the poor camp with a training schedule posted to start Monday. I don't know why but it sure is rough to think that the army administration would expect men who have been in combat to return to the states and after furlough come down to this "hell hole" for basic training. Of course they tell the old story of the unit going to be regular army and a permanent setup but for some of us that means absolutely nothing as all we care about is getting out and home to stay -- The idea of being cadre or on the administration staff just doesn't appeal and all the old men who have come back are trying anything to get released so as to return to reception station for discharge.
Of the old outfit of over five hundred fellows only about two hundred are back with all the others out on points so the officers are trying their hardest to keep us together so they won't have such a tough time with recruits.
October 25, 1945
Thursday evening finds me a bit tired after a busy day in all the overseas equipment and unpack it all before Capt. Edmonds comes in tomorrow -- all the officers are putting in a few extra hours work to get all possible done because everybody wants to help him get clear and out of here just as quick as possible.
I'm the top non-com back so it will take me some extra hours to get the unit organized but don't want to become involved as being non-essential will be a lift in getting discharged soon and that is all I care about. This being an army man just doesn't appeal in the least and getting any enthusiasm or interest now seems might anti-climatic. Nobody has much to talk about except to get out and the poor boys with only a year or so in service are mighty unhappy fellows when the training program is mentioned.
Last night when I dropped into the P.X. for a coke on the way from the club I ran into a couple of the old cooks and we ended up going to the mess hall and cooking T-bones with all the trimmings to celebrate the occasion -- Seemed mighty good to be with the boys but it made me wish for home and you as last week about this time we enjoyed a steak dinner together and believe you me it is a lot better that way -- Darling, the more I think about you the greater becomes my love and longing to return.
October 26, 1945
This is that lonely man from way down south in Texas calling to say hello once again to the sweetest girl on earth. My spirits are very high tonight as my Capt. told me late this afternoon that the letters had passed to the next higher headquarters with a favorable endorsement from him for my discharge. He thinks the Major will approve and then it will depend on the Red Cross report to confirm details and to the colonel for final actions. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for this "civilian" man real soon.
Have been on the run most all day but feel the organization is shaping up and all the details seem to be clearing away so that by Monday all should be on the smooth running program. I'm acting 1st Sgt. but have explained to the Capt. my position of only taking the job to help him out so not to get me involved in any permanent set-up. He is mighty anxious to get out himself so things are happening fast to that end.
Oct 27, 1945
We are on the peace time schedule with no duty from noon Saturday till Monday morning so most of the fellows took week-end passes to the towns near by leaving not over a dozen of us in the battery and of those left about three or four are in the barracks so all has be quiet and peaceful.
The army changing has made a great deal of difference to the moral of men and it is very surprising the number of men who are enlisting for a year or more because they enjoy the security of military income with such little work. Plenty of fellows haven't anything to go home to and no ambition to start for themselves.
Sure makes me happy to know I've a lot to live for and they can't let me out soon enough as I want to return home to you and settle down with a good business and sometime a home of our own.
October 28, 1945
Not much to say in a letter tonight after the phone call (to Louise) today. Made me plenty homesick this afternoon and I spent the couple hours following my talking with you just wandering around camp and thinking about the future. I certainly hope there is some action taken soon so I can return to you.
October 29, 1945
Much better for the army to let me free soon as I'm only wasting time now and costing them money every day they hold me here.
This half-alive business just doesn't work and I can hardly wait until you and I are together again. You're the spark that keeps me alive and going while they army almost kills my spirit.
October 30, 1945
"No news is good news" --an old saying I've heard for years sure must be true as I haven't heard a thing on my discharge application. The company clerk told me the Capt. was working on it but as far as he knew the final answer had not yet been determined.
October 31, 1945
One week at Camp Hood and I'm more anxious to get out than ever. Besides being mighty lonesome there is absolutely nothing to do here except attend to duty and take in the local show which most of the time in of the second-class line. Don't know of why but most camps I've been at before had 1st run stuff and now the letdown.
Am trying to push the release of mine and only the Red Cross report is holding it up which should be coming through at any time. Maybe I'm over anxious but this lazy life will kill me if it lasts much longer and you'll certainly have to put me on a diet to take off many excess pounds of undesirable flesh it is putting on me. Sleep, eat and see a show.
November 1st 1945
Not in a very gay mood tonight as have had a bad day and to make matters worse no mail.
Started out this morning with the Capt. being relieved of his command and a Lt. taking over which places me to a disadvantage on being released.
After that taking place I was just settling down when lunchtime came along with poor chow so went to the P.X. and had coke with sandwich.
Came to my room and relaxed for thirty minutes then to the orderly room and a meeting with the Major. He leaves tonight and a new man takes over so more setback. Oh, to be out of this da.... mess. If the Red Cross doesn't get me a favorable recommendation soon they might just as well lock me up.
I need you bad and if I hold out here till spring maybe plans can be changed so I can get a furlough home by Christmas and bring you back. Of course I'll not give up being out of this uniform before then until the last straw has been turned. You always said you "wouldn't marry a soldier" and I wouldn't have you go against your good judgment to do otherwise.
Last night I saw another westerner with Roy Rodgers and Trigger. "Don't Fence Me In" was the name and can't say that I'd recommend it to anybody. All these type shows run down the same hill. You'd almost think the producers would have some new ideas for them someday.
November 2, 1945
Darling, these past ten days have been some of the loneliest I've ever spent in my life. Time just drags on when your away and now the war is over and being in that class of men who are just in the middle of the point system with which army administration doesn't know what to do. I haven't much to keep me out of trouble. The colonel had us all in a meeting and told the battalion commanders to segregate out of the training units all men with over forty-five points and give them some physical exercise and games so they wouldn't become stagnant. Seems the separation center here is way ahead of schedule on discharges and by Sunday they'll have all men out with sixty or more points leaving nobody to work on. He has communicated with War Department at Washington, D. C. but so far no further instruction but in anticipation of at least a fifty point score he is giving himself a slight margin in case it goes lower. We can just continue to keep fingers crossed and maybe my good luck will continue.
It seems the Red Cross are a bit slow on the other business and up to five P. M. today nothing has come to the headquarters battery on my application. Maybe somebody is stalling me around but if they are it isn't doing much good as on the morrow I start to teach a man this 1st Sgt. job and within a few days he'll be taking over and I'll be a free lancer again. Capt. Edmonds came into the office about four this afternoon and I had a chance to talk with him for a couple minutes. He said the Major has told officers not to give any more man with forty-five points or more a rating so that kills over half the fellows who are at present in key positions in the unit.
Just enjoyed a fine supper over at the Service club. Tomato and egg salad, sausage fried, carrots, peas, and milk with a couple slices of bread. The food at the mess hall has gotten beyond my ability to eat it any longer so for a couple of days about thirty of us are going to eat away from the battery kitchen then maybe the mess Sgt. will get to work and prepare meals worth going to get.
Your sewing reminds me that I should have you around to put on my patches, etc on the clothes we've just been issued. Seems the new Lt. is strictly G. I. and has issued orders that all men will have uniforms complete for inspection Monday at eleven.
Capt. Edmonds and his wife are living in a small town just south of camp but his duties have been cut to the minimum so that by next week he should be out. They seem to have become adjusted to normal living rather swell as I saw her at Battalion headquarters the other day all dressed up ready for the officers dinner and dance.
Today the new commander took over all duties and Monday the training program starts full swing ahead. All men with over forty-five points have understudies for their jobs so it looks like we'll be leaving soon. How everybody is loping that the separation center will be the next stop and from all indications of the colonel we have a big chance in that direction.
November 4, 1945
This is really a lazy day and there is nothing to do. The fellows are starting to come in from their week-end passes ...as to rest before the training starts. It is going to be rough to get up at 0545 and put in a day of drill, lecture, etc. Certainly is anti-climax to do basic after all I've done and been through these last 40 months. All I've got to say is they'd better let me out soon.
November 5, 1945
Today the new score came out – 50 points, two years service – Well here I sit – 49 points, 3 years four months -- Not bad for a new man but it sure as he... made me made to think I've got to stay here at least another month and do absolutely nothing. I guess I just don't live right or this wouldn't happen to me.
The training program is off to a wonderful start with seven men out of fifty in ranks today. The Lt. almost lost his temper but lucky for me I was able to account for every man and all had a legitimate excuse for not being at formation so he just called the matter off except for a retreat, inspection at 1730. We were able to get twenty-four men together and he was happy so tomorrow we'll try again. Funny what a big change has taken place since the war ended with absolutely nobody interested in trying to be a soldier. All men talk about is wearing the new and coveted decoration – “ruptured duck.”
November 6, 1945
I'm glad to hear your mother's optimistic outlook on my return but rest assured it won't be this week because from past experience the army just doesn't work fast and the other agency influencing this decision is plenty non-plus on this matter. Men with fifty-five point leave for separation center Saturday morning so that gives some encouragement to the rest of us on the surplus list as given by battalion to general headquarters.
November 7th 1945
Tonight I've been on a house cleaning campaign and you should see how the windows shine, walls without cobwebs and floor almost shines. The Lt. came in the barracks for inspection this morning and upon his return to the orderly room he was in a big lather about the entire affair. Sat down an issued an order that everything would be given the G. I. treatment before 7:30 tomorrow or company punishment would follow. Seems that Saturday will come twice this week for our battery as far as cleaning is concerned. Most of the boys don't like the idea but still being soldiers there is nothing to be done except to follow orders.
Your riding around last Sunday and enjoying the beautiful country made me homesick just a little as this Texas landscape is definitely not very inviting. One can stand on the barracks roof and if the view isn't at least a hundred miles around I'll eat my hat. Nothing to see but open field. The camp covers a twenty-mile radius with over a hundred miles square in training area so we could become lost without much trouble.
November 8, 1945
I spent a couple of hours tonight on my sewing so that all the uniforms are complete for Saturday morning inspection. Won't be in camp as all the unit are leaving for Dallas to parade Saturday morning, see a football game in the afternoon and anyone who wants a pass till Tuesday can have it as Monday is a holiday for the army.
All the old officers are gone now and the new ones are giving us plenty of bad time. I lost my temper for a short period this afternoon and really told them what I thought about the poor situation of the organization starting with officers down the line. In fact I heard tonight that the Lt. in command of our battery has already ask for a transfer. Not that my say so had anything to do with it but maybe it helped. He is a very strict G. I. and A. R. (army regulations) stinker and you know how that can ruin men back from overseas. These men need officers over them who appreciate what they've done overseas.
Looks like I'll be here till after the first of December at least. By then I might be able to get out on points and that seems the only way. The fifty points will all be gone by the end of next week so that is encouragement to us near them.
November 9, 1945
I've been mighty busy today getting everything in shape for the parade at Dallas tomorrow. Plenty of details to work out and now if we can all get there safe and sound with equipment shining the colonel will be pleased. We'll travel tonight in convoy so as to be at the destination by the A.M. with parade at 10:30.
November 13, 1945
I'm a tired boy tonight and hope to get sleep soon but before then must drop in and say hello.
We broke up ‘C' Battery as of today and since morning I've been in two batteries. Ended up by being sent to “A” as 1st Sgt., a job which I thought I was getting out of. They have a Cpl. acting at present and I'm just here to help him catch on to the ropes. Seems the duty rosters and records are in bad shape a situation which must be corrected before a smooth running unit can be had. Then of course one always has the inspector who might show up at anytime and thins better be up to date or else trouble will sure follow his departure.
The Lt. of this battery came up to the old orderly room this afternoon and talked to me about the deplorable condition existing and said if I'd do a supervising job he'd see that the men help out.
When I moved into the barracks tonight I found plenty of dirt and I'll sear the windows haven't been cleaned in six months. I can't understand how men live under such filth. Maybe I'm spoiled but mother always taught me to be clean above all else and she was a good example.
November 14th 1945
This is Wednesday evening and after a day in my new battery I'm more convinced than ever that by another week somebody had better decide to let me free. I don't like to complain all the time but army life will be the death of me if it lasts much longer. Tonight for chow they served burned meat loaf, half cooked carrots and tea with a couple pieces of bread. I ask you, is this supposed to keep men physically fit? I don't think I'll come out with even a half normal digestive system. You'll have to feed me back to regular
November 15, 1945
As you can tell by the stationary I'm at the club for a little while tonight. Went to the mess hall for supper and they had beans so I walked on out the other door and down here to eat where I found roast beef with gravy so made a meal that should hold till morning. Maybe I'm getting spoiled by this club being handy but as long as I've a nickel to spend, poor food just doesn't tempt me and the way I figure its is cheaper to pay out a little now and have a half decent stomach left.
Today has been a busy one with getting this battery organized. Absolutely nothing has been done to get things in shape since the men returned from leave. Don't see how anything or body was accounted for. I at least got something started but of course it may all be changed within a few days, as officers always like to make adjustments.
November 17, 1945
All went well at inspection this morning so all the boys are happy as well as the officers. The major conducted the ceremony personally this first good look over we've had and he was plenty tough. Found things wrong just as was expected but I know he was surprised to find things in as good a condition as they were.
November 20, 1945
At present my standing for discharge seems to be might uncertain. There was a circular came through to the Lt. today stating the points would stay at fifty but men with forty two (42) months service could be considered surplus on records. Again my luck seems just bad as I've only forty one (41) months service the twenty-fifth of this month and that means I can't be released till after Christmas.
November 21, 1945
The mail clerk sort of held out on me this morning and I felt blue that no letter today. Then at noon he came up to me after chow and said he had some thing for me in his footlocker. Yes, a letter came but he thought a good joke to have me “sweat it out” just a bit. I sure told him off and so well that he promised never to let it happen again. Funny how much a few words from you everyday help to cheer me up. I can't express in words the feeling of great anticipation ever morning and what a thrill comes with the delivery of an envelope with L. D. in the upper left hand corner. Really starts the day off with a lift and I know your busy and well at home.
I like to keep myself believing I'll soon be home is about the only reason I can give for always saying “about two weeks.” Yes, they do release up here at Camp Hood Separation Center and I think I'll be discharged from there. This center is far ahead of the general point system as announced by Washington so that today I hear the last men known are on the list with fifty or more points so unless they close down, the next group to go up will be men with over forty-five and that will include my name.
November 22, 1945
Have just come back from the mess hall where the cooks really put out a feed for Thanksgiving dinner. We had turkey and cranberries, dressing, potatoes and gravy, pickles, hot buns, cake, candy and gum, etc. Just the place for a man who cannot be under his mother's table to be. It was a surprise that such a tasty meal could be served but then occasionally the army outdoes itself and this certainly was that time.
This Christmas I'll be home or else. If my discharge doesn't come a furlough should be had as I'm the top pick and all information will go past my desk so that first notice about leaves will be answered by me but of course I'm still hoping to be a civilian.
November 23, 1945
This past month has been a long one and as another 1 st of the month rolls around I'm anxiously waiting for a new program for discharges, which should come up. From past experience it is generally around the end of the month when new directives come out of Washington and by the 1 st of the next month action is taking place out in the field. It will have been thirty days next Monday since they went to fifty points here and we have no men even considered for separation now which leads me to hope that the score will be lowered to at last forty five.
Our commander, Lt. General Patch, passed away at Ft. Sam Houston so this morning the camp held parade and memorial service with all troops assembling at Inspection ground where the chaplain offered prayer and the adjutant read the general order giving respect to a man who did a wonderful job in this war with 7ty Army in E.T.O.
His passing from pneumonia after all the narrow escapes of war just proves the great uncertainty of life.
November 24, 1945
Saturday night. Why oh why can't I get out of here? This big question seems to be without answer as far as I'm concerned. I'm doing absolutely no good and there is nothing to be done. If they want to cut down the budget I'm one man who will be glad to move out and save the treasury better than a hundred dollars every month. Just a minor item to big business but a might large account as for my thinking.
November 25, 1945
Sunday evening finds me here in the rec-room relaxed in a pair old fatigues and slippers. It has been a mighty lazy afternoon and I'll be glad when morning comes so there will be a little to do. A couple fellows from the battery are in the hospital so I'll take a jeep and run up to see them in the morning and then worry about something to occupy the afternoon time. I'm going to be plenty hard against getting to work when they discharge me. This life of having a place to sleep, three meals a day and a pay check once a month and doing nothing in return should appeal to normal men but I'm different.
Following chapel I went for a long walk around camp and back to the battalion area for dinner. I'd have eaten dinner at the club but as you noticed on the phone this morning my money is down to small change and payday doesn't come till Friday so let Uncle Sam feed me today. Since early days in the army I learned to keep at least ten dollars in reserve for emergency anytime and only had a few to last till payday. We had pork for meat serving so the mess Sgt. told me to come late as he knew there wasn't enough to go around and he had a few steaks to finish up with. Yes, you guessed it I was the last man in line and six ahead of me had steak so I enjoyed one with them.
November 26, 1945
This army, or maybe I'd better say the 558 F. A., is all mixed up and nobody is able to have the least idea of their standing for discharge. Our Major is trying to get a commission in the regular army and so is making a rough time for all under his command so the records will look good for his board of officer which is coming up this week.
Don't see why men can't be satisfied to let the higher ups see things as they run and look daily instead of putting on the dog and “spit & polish” job to snow them under. Of course it just doesn't do him justice as the men do all the work while he gets the credit.
Today has been rather exciting with the morning starting off by the O. D. turning in a couple of the boys for being off post last night. The Lt. called them in and such stories for a laugh we haven't heard in a long time. They got off easy with a weeks extra duty and no bad time as a court martial was in order for such offense.
November 29, 1945
I just was starting to write you a letter at camp when the call for me to bring a convoy with me to Gaitsville came so here I am at the U. S. O. to drop a note while the boys go in for a beer.
There is a football game tonight and about sixty men wanted to come so I was selected to take charge. Not a very exciting job but then it beats a movie for relaxing. Of course my letter to you will be postponed till tomorrow as the hour will be late when I return.
The news of the Separation center closing Dec. 15 th came today so it looks like my hopes of being out by Christmas are all shot to he... No new point plans or service limit so I'll have to try for furlough.
Nov 30, 1945
Payday is here at last and now I'm in the chips again. Can I send you a little something, darling? Thank you for the candy, which came today and has gone already. All the boys around the orderly room with officers included send best regards.
The news that all men to be separated at this station must be submitted to higher headquarters before the 3 of December came in the late afternoon bulletin and as far as I can find out nothing is being done by our Major so that more or less makes my stay till after the first of the year a sure thing.
Right now I'm of the frame of mind to stick it out till the end but then I want so much to see you for a while that even if I only had a couple days home the effort would be worthwhile.
1 December 1945
The Army-Navy game is just over and sure did enjoy listening to it this afternoon. Army won the game but certainly didn't have it as easy as most everyone figured. Now that football season is over I'll have to find some other entertainment for time off on Saturday.
We had a good inspection this morning so right now the barracks are all buzzing with men preparing to go on pass till Monday. I'll just stay here and wish I were home. This wasting time is going to be the death of me yet. If and when I get out of here there is one thing certain and that is my association with army life will have ceased for life. I've never been so disgusted with anything before.
As far as I know there was no list sent up for discharge today and that means I'll definitely be here till after the first of the year. Another thirty days of life lost to Uncle Sam just because of a Major who is bucking for a commission in the regular army.
I must not get started on him because my thoughts aren't good when he's around.
2 December 1945
I'm in a bad mood today. Feel like telling them all off and leaving but then one just can't do as he feels in the army.
After talking with you today I took a long walk around camp. The rain has been coming down by the inches the last twenty-four hours and so everyone is relaxing in the barracks or day room but me. I don't know why but restless seems to be in my bones. Just over anxious to get out and if I'd been under a fair officer all would have been OK as the camp are discharging men down to forty-five points now. It all depends on the battalion C. O. because the critical score is only fifty-five but all men to fifty have been out a week and the camp C. O. issued orders to separate to 15 Dec. men to forty-five if made available.
I've planned too much on being out and home for Christmas but I'll have to forget it and hope to be with you in January. Just as you say though, don't plan on anything till afterwards, as the army is mighty disappointing. I'll try not to worry you about it and just forget even the idea from now on until the definite orders are out on me to Separation point.
Dec 3, 1945
Started off this morning with a call by the Sgt. Major and that always means trouble for someone. Lucky I've been good lately and it wasn't me in particular. He gave us a lot of dope from the commander and then the big news that the Major was being relieved of command and a colonel is due to take over within the week. I'll be glad for a change, as nobody can be as bad an administrator as our present boss. He isn't even capable of conducting a squad of men let alone the work of a battalion of Field Artillery.
Our battery won the honors at inspection last Saturday so we were presented with the sign to put on barracks wall for the boys to see at formation tonight. The Lt. was the only one who really was proud as the fellows just don't care and I certainly felt funny marching up beside the Lt. to receive the distinction from the Major. Retreats and all just don't mean a darn thing to EM anymore. I can remember way back in basic how proud we used to be at gaining the high spot but that has all passed.
My promotion has nothing to do with how soon I'll be released as EM are on an entirely different set-up than Officers. We are not drawing the pay or holding positions which can hold us back.
4 December 1945
We had a hike today and I certainly found out what poor physical condition this body of mine is in. The first hour wasn't bad but after the second they almost had to bring me back in a truck.
From here on out this is one man who will be out on the road for at least an hour everyday. Many days in the past I've been able to hike for six or seven hours with only ten minute brakes for relaxing and breath periods.
6 December 1945
After three and a half years I can at last begin to see the end of this life. Seems like I've never been anything but a slave to army Regulations and brass. To be a free man will be a most wonderful experience and I'm one man who intends to make the best of it. Of course you're to be included in this new life and from then on ours will be a most happy and co-operative program of complete unity with nothing to spoil it.
I have been trying to find a loophole in the present discharge policy so that I could be out before Christmas but there seems to be no way out. My enlistment day is the 25th and the order states that only men will be separated who have completed the period so I'll have to wait these next twenty days and then hope for the best. The Lt. came back this afternoon with word that his application for leave had been approved so for me to plan on being around from the 20th to the 28th of December. I told him O. K. but only on the condition that he go to bat for me as soon as he returns in order that my release from duty can be accomplish just as fast as possible after my eligibility day.
I don't know for sure but probably will be here at Camp Hood but there is a small possibility they will send this lad to Ft. Douglas. With the center here closed till the 4th of January one never knows what the higher ups will send down. Our new Col. has been given leave till after the holidays so we have to suffer with the Major who is very unwilling to give anybody a break.
7 December 1945
Today the official news that the Separation Center would close 15 December and not open again came down. This means I'll probably be separated from service at Ft. Douglas and a question as to whether that is good or bad comes up. At the point here the discharges were ahead of the announced schedule all the time because of only drawing from one camp while at Ft. Douglas there are men coming from all over and they are usually behind. I'll not worry about it and hope they ship me there just as soon as I'm eligible and then we can be together even if I have to wait a few days at that station. Only tough job ahead is that trip from here to there and due to the papers having to pass from one command to another there might be a slight delay but I hope not. Just isn't any hope of getting out before Christmas now the official work is out.
The list for Christmas leaves was posted today so lots of the boys are happy while the rest of us are down in the dumps. Certainly doesn't seem right not to allow more than thirty percent home this year with war and training over and only wasting time until that great day of release to civvie clothes.
8 December 1945
This morning the Major made his usual Saturday inspection of barracks and men while the Capt. looked at orderly rooms and supply then a Lt. from battalion came around to see that day rooms were in good order. For some reason everything just had to be looked at today and thankful for good luck we got by on all counts. I believe this colonel coming in has them all worried. He has taken leave so maybe it will be my good fortune to be gone when he arrives.
Following inspection most of the boys took off so I had lunch and then came to my room to sleep. Not that I needed any but just nothing else to do and sleeping seems like a good way to waste these long hours of loneliness. It is terrible for men to have to loose days like I have lately. No work, no play and positively no idea of what is ahead. Only desire to be discharged and get home to you.
9 December 1945
I don't know what is happening to our Major but everyone is sure glad that his command is almost over. The latest dope is that he will stay with the Battalion as executive officer so I'm glad my stay is almost over. He and I just don't agree on to many subjects the biggest of which was my being discharged before Christmas and he held the power so I'll still be around.
10 December 1945
Oh, how I can remember those days and nights last January and February in the Georgia woods on bivouac. The last seven days were all spent in wind, sleet, rain, mud, etc. a condition that shouldn't happen to a dog. Yes, believe me not even dogs were out just a bunch of soldiers on problems and combat firing ranges. I never thought I'd live it out but here I am and glad for the experience past. Not worth going through again and they tell me a Texas winter is much the same so I feel sorry for these poor men who are taking training in these next three months.
Today has been a rough one and we have two more ahead. An inspecting team from Ft. Sam Houston, Forth Army Headquarters, arrived about ten A. M. and the ball started to roll at full speed. The morning found everyone busy at classes, preparing clothes in-between and just before noon a battery meeting. The Lt. had to get in all the last minute notices so that men will answer questions according to the record and not confuse inspectors.
Following lunch we had instructions on arms qualification, which should have taken place six weeks ago, and at 1500 everyone assembled at the parade grounds for calisthenics and drill. Just a lot of “eye wash” for anyone who might be looking around. At retreat the Major got excited and gave present arms before he had the band sound retreat call so I know his stock dropped a point or two. He had the battalion pass in review before being satisfied but don't think that helped out a lot as they have called a parade for tomorrow at 1600 and I imagine plenty of sweating by officers will be done between now and then.
11 December 1945
Another one of those days is over and I'm now relaxed. Certainly gets on my nerves to have a bunch of inspectors around. The officers put on all the “eye wash” possible instead of letting administration in higher headquarters know the exact condition of troops and equipment. Just for example = Since coming down here we haven't had a field artillery piece around the lot but all of a sudden yesterday a couple of tanks and today a couple 155 howitzers appear on the scene. Not that it makes any difference that men don't know what to do with such items but the inspecting team probably believe we've been training on such guns.
Our unit is supposed to be a self-propelled 155 outfit and about fifty percent of the men have never seen the gun. But along line of “snow talk” from the Major and everyone is trained. So the army goes on and on. Many times I would like to blow my top but at this point of the game just can't afford to loose so hope to keep quiet and by this time next month I should be a civilian and away from all this trash.
After three hours in the office this morning I was so upset I went out with the battery for drill and exercise so as to get away from all the sweet talk. After lunch the Lt. had to go parade with some of the boys so the General and his staff could see they knew how to march. I was one of the lucky few who were able to stay here and play football and softball.
13 December 1945
I've been giving a bad time to my understudy today. He started out the morning on the wrong foot with five fellows not turning in their passes from last night. After reveille formation I went to the orderly room and made up the class rosters for the day so that at the seven forty five gathering all the men had something to do for the day. About eight fifteen a couple fellows came back saying the classes for their group was canceled for the day while the officer went to a special court. They were sent to supply for detail. About five minutes later another group returned with some story or another so that by ten all but seven of the battery were back. By noon the duty roster was really a mess and everybody was just killing time.
It was after one thirty when a Capt. came around with a report of the poor condition of the barracks and so the afternoon was off to a good start. Well just one big happy family I always say.
As the end of the day came around the Lt. was called to battalion for the final furlough policy and that meant after retreat we had to go back and get the list made up so the fellows can know in the morning when they leave and return. I'll be glad when the drudgery of this poor administration is off my mind and I can say the day of departure for Ft. Douglas.
14 December 1945
Friday night and all is well except for my head which rings like the devil. I spent this afternoon on the pistol range and the noise has given me a terrible headache. My bones are almost as cold as your description of being after no heat at work.
Men almost hate for daylight to come because of the lack of schedule and what little is on that goes without benefit to anyone. Just a great big joke to pull the wool over the eyes of higher headquarters. Nothing like a swell front and false background to deceive those who won't take time to find out the actual existence of constructive work.
15 December 1945
This has been the regular Saturday routine of a G. I. with the morning being spent in preparation and inspection. The fellows really went to work and put on the old “eye wash” in a big way as the group commander made inspection and after it was all over he only had one thing to say that was “excellent.”
He is just new to the outfit and is a real guy. His present rank is colonel but understand he graduated from West Point a few years back and soon he'll go back to his permanent rank. Everybody now has a good first impression so the mental attitude of the men in the unit should be on the upturn. After the poor deal we have had this new business looks alright. Not going to do me any good because most of the fellows leave for furlough this week and I hope to be gone before they return. While the Christmas leaves are on, training will stop and we who are left will just kill time.
Thanks for offering to do some shopping for me but I'm not doing anything for this Christmas. Haven't even sent a card so you can tell where my spirit is. Just don't feel in the mood and so better to forget the whole thing and hope for better time ahead. I'm very disappointed at not getting out before the holidays but will live for a couple more weeks and make up for last time and fun when I get home because this just isn't the place or people to make life interesting for me.
16 December 1945
Nothing doing but relaxing and watching the ball game this afternoon. Our battalion has a leagues game on Tuesday so the fellows really had a tough practice. They aren't professionals by a long way but have five tall and husky players so should make a good account of themselves.
The officer's leaves won't come down from 4 th Army until Monday or Tuesday and then the possibilities are that the Lt. will not get his. There is an S. O. P. in headquarters for married men to be given first choice on Christmas time and he is single so that others who are married with children at home might get the time off while he has to stay. Men with three years or more service we're not even considered for furlough as the colonel says they'll be home before thirty days are up.
17 December 1945
All but a few of us had to go on a parade today at Ft. Worth so that isn't much taking place by watching out for inspectors who might be around. We have been “on the spot” so to speak lately with more than our share of brass coming around to catch us off duty. Now the war is over the officers have nothing to do but give the enlisted men a bad time and they're almost going over backwards to accomplish the job. Even yesterday (Sunday) we had a captain come around to see that nothing unusual was taking place.
The notice that the new C. O. would take over 8 th January came today and I certainly hope to be home by then as there are plenty of questions going to be asked. He will take the reports of these inspectors and probably make some big changes on administration policy then turn around and reassign most of the officers who in order will shift the non-coms to effect an almost new outfit. Everybody is over anxious to see some of the officer's faces when somebody who knows their business takes control.
The latest news just off the press before closing time at battalion is that I can't leave so that puts me here for Christmas. The Lt. was turned down due to the Inspector General's department coming to the unit on 21 st December and you know what that means. Plenty of things to be done and records must be up to date in all thinkable ways.
Seems that 11 th Headquarters sent word to hold all men up for release until a decision comes on their disposition. This can only mean one thing to me and that is word has been received by them from higher authority that we'll be out before many days go by. The Sgt. said he felt sure I'd be home within a couple weeks so I'll sit tight and pray he is right. Can't be to soon for me and I know for you either.
19 December 1945
This cold weather has sure been going through me today. About five last night it clouded up and the wind started in so that by midnight the barracks were cold because these frame buildings just don't resist a good strong wind very long.
When I woke this morning and started to roll out of bed I sure thought twice. My shoes were cold as ice and plenty hard to put feet into. After a few minutes I had the heat going full blast but that only took the chill off and so into good old G. I. wools most of the fellows got and they feel mighty fine. I've turned all mine in but borrowed a shirt from a buddy so made out fairly well. If this spell keeps up I'll have to draw a lot of stuff I've turned in and that isn't good.
21 December 1945
Just finished a good hot shower and now to say hello to you before relaxing in a nice warm bed and listening to the Christmas music that is on the radio. Everybody on the outside sure has the spirit but the barracks and wearing the brown suit just kills my imagination for the seasons at hand. The army certainly would be much better off if they'd let me go home and I'd feel much better inside. Just isn't the same now that war is over and I'm so near and yet so far from being out.
Had a notice at battalion this morning from group that administration would be cut to a minimum after tomorrow until the 2 nd of January. Of course that can only mean one thing to me and that is I'll still be here till full swing is on again. There just isn't any chance for me to get out of the darn place in a normal way. My luck is plenty but all bad and I don't mean maybe. It was easy to get in way back in June 42 but plenty hard to get out in December 45.
22 December 1945
I have just opened your Christmas box and it sure looks good. Thanks to you for the wish and I'll try soon to fill it. Some of the fellows are starting to dig in so before long hungry wolves will have devoured the entire contents. Anybody who ahs received a box from home these past few days has been the best man in the battery and absolutely no enemies around. Just one big happy family is all I can figure out.
Last night took in the local theater and for a change a rather good movie was showing – “They Were Expendable” by name in case you'd care to see it or probably it has been in Ogden a long time ago. They have been having some old and poor samples the past week or two so I've cut down going. This week I went to the field house a couple times and relaxed watching a ball game once while there was a dance the other so I sat along side the stand and listened to the music. It was a swell band with plenty of swing to keep the spirit high.
23 December 1945
Sunday afternoon and all is very unexciting at Camp Hood.
27 December 1945
As the day has passed very slowly with nothing to do I'm sitting here at the desk thinking of you. Just as long as none of the battalion staff come in everything will stay peaceful but the lid will blow if they catch me writing a letter on G. I. time.
No news has come down today and so tomorrow will be anticipated. Nothing holding me as far as this headquarters is concerned because I saw a copy of the letter mailed on Monday 24 December, signed by the major. He requested that my discharge application be followed and immediate reply be made this battalion action to be taken. The Sgt. at personnel assured me that some reply will be down within a week so we'll know by next Monday for certain when and where I'll be separated from the army.
28 December 1945
It is now 8 P. M. and time for a note to the sweetest girl I know. These hours are beginning to lag mighty slowly and still no orders so I can say for sure I'll never make it home for New Years Eve. You'll have to have your date with someone-else this time. Maybe the minutes will pass by faster if I'd stop watching the clock so from now on that will be your job. Happy New Year and watch the time go by.
29 December 1945
I ‘m not in a very good mood tonight due to factors beyond my control. First no orders came down today and then second a new Lt. is taking over the battery. My present C.O. is being transferred to San Francisco on Monday so the Major sent the S-3 officer down this afternoon to take over and of course that made us work this afternoon and this happens to be Saturday. Nobody likes to work on their time off and especially with a poor outlook.
This new officer and I have had plenty of unpleasant words in days past so no love exists between us. He is one of those men one never wants to work with let alone under. I'm at the lowest ebb tonight and sure am hoping for Monday to bring that long waited for news. I've got to get out of this mess now and not a month hence. My patience are long ago beyond retention which means before many more days pass I'll be blowing off steam and someone somewhere will surely hear my true thoughts about army routine and delay.
30 December 1945
I have just come back to my room and so will take these next few minutes to write you a few lines as the new Lt. wants to work again this afternoon and Sunday isn't my best day for that sort of thing.
Last night I had a short talk with the personnel Sgt. and held him against the wall so to speak. He wouldn't commit himself definitely but I have that funny feeling that this headquarters is holding up on me. From what he said 11 th headquarters have given some sort of telephonic O. K. for me to be out by Thursday but no body wants to le me in on it. I believe there are six of us these in the battalion who are really seating these days out and so tomorrow had better bring some word.
The movie was terrible last night. Roy Rodgers and his horse tried to entertain but gave a miserable performance for my fifteen cents. I've almost lost interest in shows because of the rotten programs lately but there just isn't anything else to do around here. Of course my nervousness and all doesn't help to relax. It takes a mighty fast moving cinema to keep me at the theater for a couple hours so I've been seeing about half of the shows.
31 December 1945
I'm going to start a letter to you and hope to finish it before something comes up but can't be sure. All the boys wanted the night off to celebrate so I took the Sgt. of Guard's job in order that he might enjoy a few drinks. We are not planning on any trouble but nights like this always bring on a few fights and drunks on all corners. Somebody might get out of line but I hope at least not till I have finished my letter to you and then one to the folks.
Not a very exciting way to spend New Years Eve but then I've nobody to celebrate with. We bought a lot of beer and coke for the day room so I'll go over there about eleven and probably join the boys in a seeing the New Year in. I can hear them already so some fun is getting underway. Just a few minutes ago the Lt. who leaves tonight came in and left a qt. of scotch for the men so that will mix in coke to liven up the situation. Funny things can happen when a group gets a few drinks under the belt so more power to those enjoy that sort of thing.
The news tonight is all bad except that somebody is aware that I'm available for discharge. 11th Headquarters called just before closing time and notified battalion that my date for separation would be a few days later than the 3rd of January. Something has come up in higher channels to retard my leaving. I went down to see the Sgt. at personnel but all he could say was 8th Service command's quota is set back because of transportation. To many people traveling at present so the poor old G. I. has to stay at camp and sweat a few more days.
Your office moving sounds just like all the army stuff. Nothing else to do, so change the arrangement or location of items. This happens in small supply rooms to the largest installation that exists. Down here the favorite thing to have men do when nothing is on the schedule is to take them to supply and wipe of the light coat of oil on weapons then follow up the next day with putting on a new coat.
1 January 1946
Last night I went to join the boys after I wrote you and we all saw the New Year in very quietly. As a matter of fact I overdid myself and had five cokes during the couple hours spent there. When the midnight hour came I was playing a game of pool.
A few of the lads out drank their capacities and had to be put in the sack but other than that all was under control. There are always a couple men in every crowd that can't stop when the proper time arrives. We have a Chinese boy who generally gives the laughs after a few beers are had and he did his job well last night. No doubt that he plays ping-pong and pool about the best in the battery. So to add enjoyment he overdid his game to beat all on comers from eleven till after one thirty.
It was after two when I came to my bunk so this morning found me sleeping till eleven when I had to get up and turn in a guard report otherwise I'd have stayed on my back till the chow call was sounded at noon. We had a turkey dinner again today so that wasn't a bad way to start out the New Year. The army has tried to give the men good food during the holidays so we can't complain totally.
2 January 1946
Tomorrow is Thursday and according to battalion last Saturday that was my due day but up to five tonight no orders had come down which means that I'll be here for a little while yet for sure and that almost makes me sick.
My spirits are so low that I'd almost enlist to be sure of leaving this da... place soon. I've almost given up the idea of being discharged this year after seeing the way they push things around in this 11th headquarters administration but don't worry I'll keep my head and sweat it out till the end.
This concludes Ferrin's letters home to his fiance
Louise. He was discharged shortly after this letter, prior to January
12th, for that long-awaited ride home.
There are two photos of Louise and Elijah in Weber State special collections:
Dorothy Dixon Harrison (sister)
(May 26, 1918 - November 28, 2007)
LAYTON – Provo-born, Dorothy “Dot” Dixon Harrison was born on May 26, 1918 to Dr. Henry Aldous and Lucile Knowlden Dixon. Dorothy grew up with her three sisters: Ruth Dixon Cannon, Phyllis Dixon Shaw, and Louise Dixon Larkin as well as two brothers: Dr. David R. Dixon and Dr. John A. Dixon. Dorothy died in Ogden, Utah on Wednesday, November 28, 2007.
After graduating from BYU University in 1940 with a degree in English and Elementary Education, Dorothy fell in love and awaited marriage until her soon-to-be husband was promoted to $6.00 an hour. She was sealed to Virl L. Harrison in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on April 17, 1942 by President David O. McKay. Both she and her husband served in the LDS Church, as well as taught there for many years. As a family with seven girls, Dorothy taught Elementary school while living in Japan.
After retiring from Grand View Elementary School Media Center, Dorothy soon became known as “The Flower Lady”, for her unrelenting devotion for 25 years to Jimmy’s Floral, who donated their delivered flowers to the Weber County Library. Other community service projects include the Ogden City Foundation Board and the Weber County Library Board. In addition, Dorothy created grants for a program entitled, “Talents Unlimited Program,” in which it was later introduced into the Ogden City District schools. In addition, Dorothy helped create the Seagull Gifted Program. Her various other jobs included waitressing in California, a position in the Office of Education in Washington D.C., and the Santa Fe railroad in California. Dorothy later chose to sell her car in order to finance her long-awaited honeymoon after the return of her husband from the war.
In honor of her mother, Dorothy and her sisters compiled a cookbook entitled, “Lucile’s Legacy.”
Dorothy’s surviving children include, Dr. David R. (Lindy) Welling, Gaithersburg, MD; Steven M. (Judy) George, EauClaire, WI; Andrew J. (Heather) Smith, Littleton, CO; J. Kent (Holly) Angell, Springville, UT; and Angela Harrison, Salt Lake City.
Her deceased daughters include Patricia (Leonard) Patyck and Lisbeth (Steven) Domine.
Dorothy’s family and friends will remember her as a loving and kind individual, that “sheds a radiance wherever she goes.”
The family wishes to thank Applegate Hospice, specifically Julie, Rachel and Dr. Qader, for their love, devotion and phenomenal care.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Lindquist’s Ogden Mortuary, 3408 Washington Blvd. Friends may call at the mortuary on Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Interment, Lindquist’s Washington Heights Memorial Park, 4500 Washington Blvd.
Email condolences to the family at: www.lindquistmortuary.com
Info on Louise's father:
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Henry Aldous Dixon and Lucile Knowlden (Dixon) |
Born in Provo, Utah County, Utah, Dixon attended the public schools until high school, when he attended private Brigham Young High School, from which he graduated in 1909. He graduated from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, in 1914, from the University of Chicago in 1917, and from the University of Southern California in 1937.Career
Dixon was an instructor at Weber College from 1914 to 1918, and served as the college's president twice, in 1919–1920 and 1937–1953. Between these presidential terms, he served as superintendent of Provo city schools from 1920–1924 and again in 1932-1937. Between these two terms as superintendent, from 1924 to 1932, Dixon was managing vice president of Farmers & Merchants Bank. During his second term as president of Weber College, he was a member of the President's Commission on Higher Education (1946–1948), a member of the board of directors of Salt Lake Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (1945–1951), and director of the Association of Junior Colleges (1950–1954).After heading Weber College, he became president of Utah State Agricultural College (which later became Utah State University) at Logan, Utah from August 1953 to December 1954.
Dixon was elected as a Republican to the Eighty-fourth, Eighty-fifth, and Eighty-sixth Congresses (January 3, 1955-January 3, 1961). He did not seek renomination in 1960.
Later activities
Dixon taught at Brigham Young University, his alma mater, until 1965.He died in Ogden, Utah, January 22, 1967 and was interred in Washington Heights Memorial Park.
1917 Sep 1 SL Tribune:
1939 Davis Co clipper August 11
1920 Ogd Stand April 30
1952 SL Tribune March 6:
1953 Iron County Record Sep 29:
1953 Iron Co Clipper Sep 29:
1953 Sep 29, Iron County Record:
1967 Jan 23 Ogden Standard: