My mother, Mary Elizabeth Dalley, was born in a little settlement called Johnson’s Fort, 8 Sep. 1856. She was the fourth child in a family of fifteen.
Her father and mother, James Dalley and Emma Wright had both joined the LDS Church in England and had emigrated to Utah. They were hard-working, thrifty, God- fearing people, and they taught their children the principles of right living by both example and precept.
When Mother was about three weeks old, my grandfather married a second wife, a young widow with one child. Two and a half years later, my grandparents moved to Summit and started a new settlement. Their first home in Summit was a cellar, but Grandma kept it neat and comfortable. Poverty means little to small children, especially when the neighbors are “in the same boat”.
There were six children in the family at this time, all under seven years of age, and their active young minds invented all sorts of games. They had no toys except homemade ones, but never having known any other kind, they were happy with rag dolls, spool tops, yarn ball and clay dishes.
When Mother was about three years of age, some fashionably dressed little girls came with their mothers to the settlement. They were objects of curiosity to the children, and Mother followed her older sisters when they went to see the little girls with lace on their pantalets. When the older girls returned home, Mother was not with them. She had wandered off, and losing her way, had kept on walking until she reached the foothills. Being tired, she lay down under a bush and went to sleep.
In the meantime, the family had become alarmed and had set out to hunt for her. They were soon joined by all the neighbors and friends. Grandmother was in bed with a baby only three days old, but she was dressing preparatory to joining the search party when the glad news came that Mary had been found.
When Mother was six and her half-sister Eliza was seven, they used to herd Grandfather’s small flock of sheep during the summer months. They often helped in the fields, planting corn and potatoes and hoeing weeds.
The children ran about all summer barefoot and bareheaded, dressed in homespun woven by their mother’s hand from the wool of the sheep dyed with rabbit brush, madder and indigo dyes.
When fall came, Grandfather hired a shoe maker to come to their home and make each member of the family a pair of shoes from beef hides that had been tanned.
When Mother was even years old, she learned to knit her own stockings. When she was eight or nine, she learned to spin. She was so small that Grandfather made her a bench to stand on. When she was ten years old, she could spin four skeins a day, which was considered a days work for a grown woman. She learned to sew when very young, and there were always babies in the family that she had to help care for.
In those days, school never lasted more than three months, and the teachers had only meagerest education. Mother loved school and with her bright eager mind she made rapid progress in spite of the unfavorable conditions.
Mother’s oldest brother, John Edward, was a born tease, but in spite of that fact,
Mother adored him. She has always loved to serve those she loves, and she trotted about
on willing feet to wait on him. She ran the numerous errands thoughtless young brothers
can invent. She even helped him with his lessons although he was much older. To this
day there is a very close tie between them.
Mother resembled her mother in that her curly hair was black and her eyes brown, but like her father, she is below the average in height. To this day, this fact rather hurts her pride, but to her family it only adds to her charm. My daughters always speak of their grandmother as being so “little and sweet”.
For amusements there were children’s dances and plays, spinning bees, and carpet rag bees. Occasionally a little show came to town. Grandmother, Aunt Lette and Aunt Thrine (Grandfather’s third wife), were as anxious to attend the show as the children were so grandfather would round up the family and take them to the show carrying a sack of wheat on his shoulder to pay for the tickets.
Mother was baptized 15 Apr 1866 by her Uncle William Dalley.
When Mother was sixteen, she lived with her Aunt Harriet Shipley and continued her schooling.
She taught school “off and on” for the next four years. She was keeping company with Sylvester Hulet, commonly called Vet, who as we have since learned had loved her all his life and used to ask God to help him win her. They were married 22 Oct. 1879 in the St. George temple. Theirs has not been an easy life. They have met with much hardship and trouble, but thank God the troubles have gone around instead of between them and now in their old age their thoughtfulness and devotion to each other is an inspiration to their family.
After their marriage they went directly to Snowflake, Arizona, where my father’s older brother John had a home. Father had a team and wagon and a few head of cattle. Mother’s father and brother John gave her a cow. With her savings, she had bought a stove and some buckets and dishes. She had a nice roll of bedding and a rag carpet.
Uncle John and Joseph W. Smith and wife traveled with them. Mother drove one wagon and Uncle John another and Father drove the livestock. The weather was good, and they made good time on the trip. Mother and Father lived with uncle John and Aunt Josephine for eight months, and then they bought a small farm and also a lot with one room log house on it. There was no floor in the house and the roof was covered with “shakes” or hand hewn shingles. When it rained, the roof leaked.
They had to go to Holbrook, about fory miles away, to get their wheat ground into flour. When they ran out of flour, they ground wheat in a little hand coffee mill and made bread of the course meal. Their first child, a son, was born 28 July 1880, they named him Sylvester Silas, after his father, but called him Vettie. Their second child, Mary, was born 9 Feb 1882.
Their life was the usual pioneer life, one of hard work and very little to get along with. The people of the community had the true pioneer spirit. They were neighborly and kind and they had many happy times together. There were some exciting times, such as when a band of Apache Indians escaped from the neighboring town and out on a rampage. They killed a man from a neighboring town and frightened the women and children of Snowflake with their cries and howls throughout the night. Father, with other
Mother resembled her mother in that her curly hair was black and her eyes brown, but like her father, she is below the average in height. To this day, this fact rather hurts her pride, but to her family it only adds to her charm. My daughters always speak of their grandmother as being so “little and sweet”.
For amusements there were children’s dances and plays, spinning bees, and carpet rag bees. Occasionally a little show came to town. Grandmother, Aunt Lette and Aunt Thrine (Grandfather’s third wife), were as anxious to attend the show as the children were so grandfather would round up the family and take them to the show carrying a sack of wheat on his shoulder to pay for the tickets.
Mother was baptized 15 Apr 1866 by her Uncle William Dalley.
When Mother was sixteen, she lived with her Aunt Harriet Shipley and continued her schooling.
She taught school “off and on” for the next four years. She was keeping company with Sylvester Hulet, commonly called Vet, who as we have since learned had loved her all his life and used to ask God to help him win her. They were married 22 Oct. 1879 in the St. George temple. Theirs has not been an easy life. They have met with much hardship and trouble, but thank God the troubles have gone around instead of between them and now in their old age their thoughtfulness and devotion to each other is an inspiration to their family.
After their marriage they went directly to Snowflake, Arizona, where my father’s older brother John had a home. Father had a team and wagon and a few head of cattle. Mother’s father and brother John gave her a cow. With her savings, she had bought a stove and some buckets and dishes. She had a nice roll of bedding and a rag carpet.
Uncle John and Joseph W. Smith and wife traveled with them. Mother drove one wagon and Uncle John another and Father drove the livestock. The weather was good, and they made good time on the trip. Mother and Father lived with uncle John and Aunt Josephine for eight months, and then they bought a small farm and also a lot with one room log house on it. There was no floor in the house and the roof was covered with “shakes” or hand hewn shingles. When it rained, the roof leaked.
They had to go to Holbrook, about fory miles away, to get their wheat ground into flour. When they ran out of flour, they ground wheat in a little hand coffee mill and made bread of the course meal. Their first child, a son, was born 28 July 1880, they named him Sylvester Silas, after his father, but called him Vettie. Their second child, Mary, was born 9 Feb 1882.
Their life was the usual pioneer life, one of hard work and very little to get along with. The people of the community had the true pioneer spirit. They were neighborly and kind and they had many happy times together. There were some exciting times, such as when a band of Apache Indians escaped from the neighboring town and out on a rampage. They killed a man from a neighboring town and frightened the women and children of Snowflake with their cries and howls throughout the night. Father, with other
men, stood guard all night. A messenger had been sent for the soldiers, and in the
morning they came and took the Indians back to the reservation.
About three years after their marriage in the fall of 1882, Father and Mother and their two children went back to Summit for a visit. They found Grandmother Hulet very ill with cancer of the breast. She died in November, and the family persuaded Father and Mother not to go back to Snowflake. Father and Uncle Vene, his twin brother, went back to Snowflake to dispose of their property and bring back the household goods. They bought a lot in Summit and built one large log room. Father farmed and gook care of Grandfather Hulet’s sheep on shares.
Emma named for Grandmother Dalley was born 1 Feb 1884, and fifteen months later 5 May 1885, Katie named for Grandmother Hulet was born.
Just nine days before Katie’s birth, a terrible tragedy happened that lmost crushed my parents. My brother, Vettie, who had gone out to the bin for some wheat for his rabbits, was killed accidentally, and Mother was the first one to find his body. In her condition, the shock and the terrible anguish she suffered almost prostrated her, but time and the Great Healer and the healing spirit of the Lord gradually took away the first sharpness of the pain. With her three little girls and her home to take care of, Mother had not time to brood.
In the fall of the year, Father married my mother’s half-sister Sarah Ann Dalley. The fight against polygamy was becoming very bitter, and so partly for this reason, Father was sent to England on a mission.
Five months after his departure, my youngest sister, Lenora May, was born 7 Feb 1887. She was named for a lady in England who was a very good friend to Father during his mission.
Mother now had four little girls to care for, the oldest of whom was only five years old. She also had the cows to milk, the pigs and chickens to feed. She taught school two winters to help out with expenses. She made overdresses that had been given to her for us and sewed for other people to help make ends meet.
I started school about five months before I was six years old, I learned to read so well before I started school that I read with children five and six years older than myself.
We spent part of one winter at Circleville visiting Aunt Emma, Mother’s oldest sister, and her husband, Laban Morrell. They were both so very kind and hospitable, and we had a pleasant time. After spending about two and one half years in the mission field, Father returned home in the spring of 1889. My parents had been very much disappointed because no more sons had come to them. In answer to her fervent prayers, Mother was promised that a son would be born to them. On 13 Mar 1890, this promise was fulfilled to their great joy. They named him Marion Cyrus. Francis Edgar was born 5 Jan 1892.
Shortly after Francis was born, Father bought a small farm with a two-room frame house and a nice orchard on it. I remember how we children enjoyed climbing the apple trees and eating the apples. Our special delight was a big spreading tree loaded with sweet apples that stood just west of the house. We girls liked to get a book and climb up in this tree and read and eat apples. Mother was always too good to us, she liked us to have a good time even if it meant doing more than her share of the work.
About three years after their marriage in the fall of 1882, Father and Mother and their two children went back to Summit for a visit. They found Grandmother Hulet very ill with cancer of the breast. She died in November, and the family persuaded Father and Mother not to go back to Snowflake. Father and Uncle Vene, his twin brother, went back to Snowflake to dispose of their property and bring back the household goods. They bought a lot in Summit and built one large log room. Father farmed and gook care of Grandfather Hulet’s sheep on shares.
Emma named for Grandmother Dalley was born 1 Feb 1884, and fifteen months later 5 May 1885, Katie named for Grandmother Hulet was born.
Just nine days before Katie’s birth, a terrible tragedy happened that lmost crushed my parents. My brother, Vettie, who had gone out to the bin for some wheat for his rabbits, was killed accidentally, and Mother was the first one to find his body. In her condition, the shock and the terrible anguish she suffered almost prostrated her, but time and the Great Healer and the healing spirit of the Lord gradually took away the first sharpness of the pain. With her three little girls and her home to take care of, Mother had not time to brood.
In the fall of the year, Father married my mother’s half-sister Sarah Ann Dalley. The fight against polygamy was becoming very bitter, and so partly for this reason, Father was sent to England on a mission.
Five months after his departure, my youngest sister, Lenora May, was born 7 Feb 1887. She was named for a lady in England who was a very good friend to Father during his mission.
Mother now had four little girls to care for, the oldest of whom was only five years old. She also had the cows to milk, the pigs and chickens to feed. She taught school two winters to help out with expenses. She made overdresses that had been given to her for us and sewed for other people to help make ends meet.
I started school about five months before I was six years old, I learned to read so well before I started school that I read with children five and six years older than myself.
We spent part of one winter at Circleville visiting Aunt Emma, Mother’s oldest sister, and her husband, Laban Morrell. They were both so very kind and hospitable, and we had a pleasant time. After spending about two and one half years in the mission field, Father returned home in the spring of 1889. My parents had been very much disappointed because no more sons had come to them. In answer to her fervent prayers, Mother was promised that a son would be born to them. On 13 Mar 1890, this promise was fulfilled to their great joy. They named him Marion Cyrus. Francis Edgar was born 5 Jan 1892.
Shortly after Francis was born, Father bought a small farm with a two-room frame house and a nice orchard on it. I remember how we children enjoyed climbing the apple trees and eating the apples. Our special delight was a big spreading tree loaded with sweet apples that stood just west of the house. We girls liked to get a book and climb up in this tree and read and eat apples. Mother was always too good to us, she liked us to have a good time even if it meant doing more than her share of the work.
Oscar Phillip was born 10 Sep 1993, and died when not quite a year old, 5 Sep
1894. Mother always worked too hard. She stacked hay and grain and much of the time
was left with chores to do while Father was away from home taking care of the sheep.
Just a year to the day after Oscar’s death, Albert Franklin was born. He was a fat, good-natured baby and was a great comfort to Mother.
The fight against polygamy was still bitter, so my parents decided to move to Teton Valley. It was a new country being opened up for settlement and polygamists were not bothered.
In the spring of 1896, Father, Mother and their seven children started out in two covered wagons. Aunt Sarah and her two children had gone before by train. We reached Alta, Wyoming on the fourth of July. Two of Mother’s brothers and two of her sisters lived there so we didn’t feel so lonely.
On 26 July 1897, Leonard Merrill was born.
The boys were not large enough to help Father with the farm work for the first few years, so Mother and we girls helped as much as we could with the work and chores.
These first few years were not very successful in a financial way. Almost all our horses died from lung fever due to the decided change in climate. The nearest railroad was about fifty miles away, so raising grain for market was not profitable. We had a few milk cows, but there was no sale for milk or cream and sometimes we could not sell butter. I remember that Mother had to make soap from butter that she could not sell or use. So we had very little money to buy food or clothing or anything else. One Christmas we had no money to buy Christmas presents with. Emma, Kate and I went to a school party and they gave each of us a small bag of candy. Emma and I saved every piece of our candy to take home and scolded Kate because she couldn’t resist eating hers. These few pieces of candy were all the little boys got in their stockings. Lenora and I had done some house work for Uncle Rob, and with the money he paid us, we bought everyone in the family a little present and bought decorations for our Christmas tree. They all appreciated the presents so much and we had a very happy day together.
We children always referred to these lean years as the “Dark Ages.”
In 1901, Grandfather Hulet died and Father got a small band of sheep from the estate. My brothers, two of them at a time, took the sheep up in the mountains during the summer months and took care of them.
In Aug. 1909, Marion and Albert were with the sheep together. While Albert had gone down to the ranch after supplies, Marion took a swim and drowned. He must have taken a cramp because the lake was not very deep. My Uncle’s boy visited the camp, and when he couldn’t find Marion, came down to the ranch to give the alarm. Father and Mother rode horseback up to the lake and found his body. The dog was lying on his clothes and the marks on Marion’s arm showed that the dog had tried to save him.
Marion was always deeply religious. He seemed to live closer to his Maker than the rest of us, and so was better prepared to meet Him. That is why our Father needed him and wanted him. Once again, Father and Mother had lost their oldest son, and once again they bore the loss bravely, although it almost broke their hearts. We older children attended High School at Rexburg. Emma and I managed to get enough education so that we could teach school. Father had built a nice frame house on the ranch and Emma and I helped furnish it. For the first time in our lives we had plenty of room.
Just a year to the day after Oscar’s death, Albert Franklin was born. He was a fat, good-natured baby and was a great comfort to Mother.
The fight against polygamy was still bitter, so my parents decided to move to Teton Valley. It was a new country being opened up for settlement and polygamists were not bothered.
In the spring of 1896, Father, Mother and their seven children started out in two covered wagons. Aunt Sarah and her two children had gone before by train. We reached Alta, Wyoming on the fourth of July. Two of Mother’s brothers and two of her sisters lived there so we didn’t feel so lonely.
On 26 July 1897, Leonard Merrill was born.
The boys were not large enough to help Father with the farm work for the first few years, so Mother and we girls helped as much as we could with the work and chores.
These first few years were not very successful in a financial way. Almost all our horses died from lung fever due to the decided change in climate. The nearest railroad was about fifty miles away, so raising grain for market was not profitable. We had a few milk cows, but there was no sale for milk or cream and sometimes we could not sell butter. I remember that Mother had to make soap from butter that she could not sell or use. So we had very little money to buy food or clothing or anything else. One Christmas we had no money to buy Christmas presents with. Emma, Kate and I went to a school party and they gave each of us a small bag of candy. Emma and I saved every piece of our candy to take home and scolded Kate because she couldn’t resist eating hers. These few pieces of candy were all the little boys got in their stockings. Lenora and I had done some house work for Uncle Rob, and with the money he paid us, we bought everyone in the family a little present and bought decorations for our Christmas tree. They all appreciated the presents so much and we had a very happy day together.
We children always referred to these lean years as the “Dark Ages.”
In 1901, Grandfather Hulet died and Father got a small band of sheep from the estate. My brothers, two of them at a time, took the sheep up in the mountains during the summer months and took care of them.
In Aug. 1909, Marion and Albert were with the sheep together. While Albert had gone down to the ranch after supplies, Marion took a swim and drowned. He must have taken a cramp because the lake was not very deep. My Uncle’s boy visited the camp, and when he couldn’t find Marion, came down to the ranch to give the alarm. Father and Mother rode horseback up to the lake and found his body. The dog was lying on his clothes and the marks on Marion’s arm showed that the dog had tried to save him.
Marion was always deeply religious. He seemed to live closer to his Maker than the rest of us, and so was better prepared to meet Him. That is why our Father needed him and wanted him. Once again, Father and Mother had lost their oldest son, and once again they bore the loss bravely, although it almost broke their hearts. We older children attended High School at Rexburg. Emma and I managed to get enough education so that we could teach school. Father had built a nice frame house on the ranch and Emma and I helped furnish it. For the first time in our lives we had plenty of room.
In 1905, after Emma had taught school two years, she married James Callan and
moved to Dayton. Lenora also married a Dayton boy, George Dees, and made her home
in Dayton.
I taught school for five years before I married and helped the younger children out all I could with their clothes and schooling.
Not long after Marion’s death, Father sold the ranch and moved to Driggs where there was a larger settlement and better opportunity for schooling. Francis, Albert and Leonard all attended high school in Driggs.
Father bought a place with a large building on it which had once been a store.
They remodeled this building and Mother lived in one part and Aunt Sarah in the other part.
They lived here quite comfortably for a few years when it was destroyed by fire. By this time, Father had acquired a lot of property, so he was able to build two nice five- room cottages and furnish them well.
Mother was very active in Relief Society work. She served for many years as Stake Secretary of their organization, visiting through the wards and making friends wherever she went.
In 1913, Frank went on a mission to South Africa and was gone almost three years. Not long after his return, he married Ella McEwen, and about a year later, 28 Jun 1918, became the proud father of twin girls, the only twins in the family.
When the World War I broke out, three of my brothers were drafted, two of Aunt Sarah’s boys and Albert. Aunt Sarah’s boys went to France, shortly after they were drafted, but Albert only got as far as New York when, to his and our great relief, the war ended. (Moses, Aunt Sarah’s boy was killed in the war).
Father had mortgaged his property in order to help different members of the family to get a start, and when the panic came at the close of the World War, he lost almost everything. Albert married Vida Hill, and on account of being a veteran, got a job driving mail. Father, Frank and Leonard being quite discouraged decided to emigrate to Montana. They sold what property they had, and in the spring of 1932, moved to Milk River, Montana.
Mother had a hard, lonely life while there. Sometimes she even had to herd the sheep while the men folks were busy. There were not many Latter-day Saints in the community where they lived, but they made some very good friends. While in Montana, Leonard went back to Dayton for his bride, Gladys May Waite. Her coming made it less lonely for Mother as they lived either in the same house or near them.
After a few years, they decided to move back to Idaho. Father and Leonard bought a place in Firth, and Frank went out to the Twin Falls country. They enjoyed associating with Mormon people again, but they soon found they couldn’t make the place pay, so they left it.
Kate had married another Dayton boy, Parley Perkins, a nephew of Emma’s husband. Emma had lost her husband, and she offered them a home with her. She had a small house on her place that had been built for her renters, and they moved into this house. Later, Leonard followed them. Father and Leonard rented Emma’s farm and worked it together.
I taught school for five years before I married and helped the younger children out all I could with their clothes and schooling.
Not long after Marion’s death, Father sold the ranch and moved to Driggs where there was a larger settlement and better opportunity for schooling. Francis, Albert and Leonard all attended high school in Driggs.
Father bought a place with a large building on it which had once been a store.
They remodeled this building and Mother lived in one part and Aunt Sarah in the other part.
They lived here quite comfortably for a few years when it was destroyed by fire. By this time, Father had acquired a lot of property, so he was able to build two nice five- room cottages and furnish them well.
Mother was very active in Relief Society work. She served for many years as Stake Secretary of their organization, visiting through the wards and making friends wherever she went.
In 1913, Frank went on a mission to South Africa and was gone almost three years. Not long after his return, he married Ella McEwen, and about a year later, 28 Jun 1918, became the proud father of twin girls, the only twins in the family.
When the World War I broke out, three of my brothers were drafted, two of Aunt Sarah’s boys and Albert. Aunt Sarah’s boys went to France, shortly after they were drafted, but Albert only got as far as New York when, to his and our great relief, the war ended. (Moses, Aunt Sarah’s boy was killed in the war).
Father had mortgaged his property in order to help different members of the family to get a start, and when the panic came at the close of the World War, he lost almost everything. Albert married Vida Hill, and on account of being a veteran, got a job driving mail. Father, Frank and Leonard being quite discouraged decided to emigrate to Montana. They sold what property they had, and in the spring of 1932, moved to Milk River, Montana.
Mother had a hard, lonely life while there. Sometimes she even had to herd the sheep while the men folks were busy. There were not many Latter-day Saints in the community where they lived, but they made some very good friends. While in Montana, Leonard went back to Dayton for his bride, Gladys May Waite. Her coming made it less lonely for Mother as they lived either in the same house or near them.
After a few years, they decided to move back to Idaho. Father and Leonard bought a place in Firth, and Frank went out to the Twin Falls country. They enjoyed associating with Mormon people again, but they soon found they couldn’t make the place pay, so they left it.
Kate had married another Dayton boy, Parley Perkins, a nephew of Emma’s husband. Emma had lost her husband, and she offered them a home with her. She had a small house on her place that had been built for her renters, and they moved into this house. Later, Leonard followed them. Father and Leonard rented Emma’s farm and worked it together.
Father is eighty-one years old, but he milks cows, irrigates, plows and helps with the hay, in fact, does almost as much work as a young man. Mother, at eighty-one, does all her own work, tends her chickens and helps in the garden. She loves to do things for her family. When a granddaughter gets married, Mother makes her a quilt, a braided rug, a pair of pillows, and several pieces of beautiful fancy work.
Their chief interest in life now is their temple work for the dead, and a good percent of their small income goes for this purpose. They pay a strictly honest tithing and area always willing to contribute to a worthy cause or lend a helping hand where it is needed. We have reason to be proud of our parents and thankful for the example and training they have given us.
Mother’s seven living children are all married, have been sealed to their families in the Holy temples, and they are, for the most part, actively engaged in Church work.
Mother had thirty-five grandchildren who respect and love her. She also has eleven great-grandchildren.
I think, when our Lord sees fit to call Mother home, he will say to her, “Well done thou good and faithful servant, you have been a good neighbor, a dutiful daughter, a kind, unselfish mother and a devoted wife.” We, the children entrusted to her care, can never hope to repay what she has done for us. We can only love her and try to live so that she will never have cause to be ashamed of us. In her modest way, she taught us the right principles, and she has lived them herself. In her modest, quiet, unassuming way, she has gone about doing good to her family and those with whom she came in contact. I am sure the world is a better place for her having lived in it. May she be spared to live for many years to come.
12 May 1944—our dear mother passed away 4 May 1944, at the age of 87 years and 8 months. She has left a vacancy that can never be filled, but we know she is happy with her three sons who have gone before her to the spirit world.
The last few years of Mother’s life were uneventful. She and Father lived quietly together, finding the greatest joy and satisfaction in each other’s society. They attended church whenever it was possible and did temple work as often as they could. They always gave money to a departing missionary, and I know of at least three boys whom they helped regularly each month during their entire missions. Mother was always happiest when she was helping someone. About three years ago, Mother had a very serious illness. All feel that in answer to Father’s faith and prayers the Lord permitted her to stay with him a while longer. She has never been quite the same since that time. She gradually failed in health until the end came. The last few months of Mother’s life, Father devoted his entire time to her. It was wonderful to see his thoughtfulness, his kindness, and his gentle patience. Their lives were so closely united that with her passing, Father seems to have lost part of himself. His only desire is to join her as quickly as possible.
Mother had been promised that she should live as long as she desired life. She always said, “Don’t want to live helpless.” Her desire was granted. She had a stroke, but she was completely helpless for only a little over two weeks. “Just long enough,” as Father said, “for us to get adjusted to losing her."
From FindAGrave:
Dayton Cemetery
Franklin County
Idaho, USA
Birth: | Sep. 8, 1856 Fort Johnson Iron County Utah, USA |
Death: | May 4, 1943 Dayton Franklin County Idaho, USA |
Daughter of James Dalley and Emma Wright Married Sylvester Silas Hulet, 22 Oct 1879, St. George, Washington, Utah Children - Francis Edgar Hulet, Emma Hulet, Lenora May Hulet, Mary Hulet, Marion Cyrus Hulet, Katie Hulet, Leonard Merrill Hulet, Sylvester Silas Hulet, Albert Franklin Hulet, Oscar Phillip Hulet Family links: Parents: James Dalley (1822 - 1905) Emma Wright Dalley (1833 - 1875) Spouse: Sylvester Silas Hulet (1857 - 1950) Children: Sylvester Silas Hulet (1880 - 1885)* Oscar Phillip Hulet (1883 - 1894)* Emma Hulet Callan (1884 - 1969)* Katie Hulet Perkins (1885 - 1970)* Lenora May Hulett Dees (1887 - 1977)* Marion Cyrus Hulet (1890 - 1909)* Marion Cyrus Hulet (1890 - 1909)* Francis Edgar Hulet (1892 - 1982)* Albert Franklin Hulet (1895 - 1977)* Leonard Merrill Hulet (1897 - 1975)* Research, Mary Elizabeth and her sister from another mother Mary Ida Dalley married twins; Sylvanus and Sylvester Hulet. The two women had the same father. |