Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1969 Upper (5th and 6th grades) Year Plan, UES

Minutes of Summer Planning Session

Upper Elementary Unit

Prepared by

Larry Lawrence
Bob Machatka

June, 1969


Many decisions need to be made when forming new teams. Often team members new to UES do not have sufficient information to help arrive at some decisions. In order to avoid wasting time at our planning sessions in September, we have attempted to think through decision which need to be made, anticipate problems, and offer suggestions. Since we had limited knowledge about the organization of the two upper elementary teams at this time, obviously there will need to be many changes. Hopefully you will have time to peruse this paper and jot down comments and questions you have.

Table of Contents


I    Priorities for School Year 1969-70                                                               1

            School Priorities
            Team Priorities

II   Teachers                                                                                                       2

            Schedule for the first week, Sept. 8-12
            Reporting Systems/Record keeping
            Team documents        

III  Schedules                                                                                                     5

            UES Calendar  1969-1970
            Proposed Student Schedules

IV   Students                                                                                                      9

            Objectives for the Upper Elementary Phase
            Sub-Objectives for Students
            Student Behavior Expectations
            Record of Pilot Group

V    Curriculum                                                                                                 12

            A.  Student Choice
            B.  Interest Centers
            C.  Humanistic Curriculum
            D.  Math
            E.  Vivid Experiences
            F.  Miscellaneous Ideas

I    Priorities for School Year 1969-70

            A.  School Priorities

                        1. Training of new team members
                        2.  Teaming with specialists – Art, P.E., Spanish, Science, Library
                        3.  Humanistic Curriculum
                        4.  Training of teachers for “inner city”
                        5.  Training of community aides for “inner city”
                        6.  Organization of noon playground
                        7.  Rigor in content

            B.  Team Priorities
1.  Science Unit (vivid experience)
2.  Complete teacher training for team member
3.  Critique all aspects of team activity
      a.  teaching act
      b.  roles of team members
4.  Special Interest groups
5.  Interest Centers
6.  Documenting “pilot” project
7.  Early diagnosis for remediation and program planning in:
      a.  math
      b.  reading
      c.  handwriting
      d.  P.E.
8.  Planning time during the day
      a.  team
      b.  individual
9.  Solidify student behavior patterns at the beginning of the year
      (identify and teach for them)
10. Clarify school objectives for upper elementary phase so we can teach to them
11. Flexibility of scheduling so that our objectives control schedule, not visa versa
12. Coordinating parallel teams

II   Teachers
     A. Schedule for the first week of school, Sept. 8-12
Monday, Sept. 8th
Total staff meeting
Upper Elementary Meeting (Teams V and W)
       1. informal introduction of members
       2. rationale for upper elementary phase
Lunch (out)
Upper Elementary meeting
       1. Discuss priorities for the year
       2. Discuss schedule for the quarter
       3. Discuss and assign roles, responsibilities, and teaching duties
Individual Team meetings
       Discuss room arrangements, supplies, roles within the team
Tuesday, Sept. 9th
Sub-team meetings: Social Studies/Science
Placement of students with teams V and W
Discussion of tasks to be done on individual basis
Bring Lunch
Sub-team meeting: Math
Gather math and science materials
P.E. meeting with Craig
UES staff social (evening)
Wednesday, Sept. 10th
Upper Elementary meeting
       1. discuss interest centers
       2. discuss special interest groups
Meet in teams to set up centers
Upper Elementary meeting
       1. Student expectations
       2. Special problems
       3. Pilot students
Sub-team meeting: Humanistic Curriculum
Grouping—team level (math science, P.E., Humanistic)
Tour of UES and Work on classroom environment
Thursday, Sept. 11th
Set up schedule for first day and first week
Discuss record keeping/reporting system
Review documents of team and school
Calendar for first six weeks (tentative-total year)
Lunch (out)
Sub-team meeting: Language Arts
Work on Room Environment – Interest Centers
Sub-team meeting: reading
Upper Elementary Team Social (evening, Bob’s place)
   A.  Schedule (continued)
Friday, Sept. 12th
Meet in sub-teams to “pick up the pieces”
Finish first day schedule
Work on room environments
Anything else we missed
B.  Meeting during the year
1.  UES staff meeting: twice a month
2.  Steering committee: once a month
3.  Team leaders meeting; once a month
       (Above meeting scheduled for Wednesday after school)
4.  Sub-team meetings
       a. meet during school or after
       b. probably meet every other week
5.  Upper Elementary Meetings (Teams V and W)
       a. need to meet in common areas
       b. sub-teams take care of content
       c. share techniques and problems
       d. tentatively meet every other week
       e. probably not include student teachers
6.  Team Meetings   
       a. meet every week
       b. try to coincide with parallel team
       c. suggest Thursday as a good day
       d. map out schedule for the following week
       e. react to Wednesday staff meetings
7.  Meetings for visitors workshops
8.  Meetings for tutorial group from Broadway Elem. Sch. In Venice
C.  Calendar for the year
1.  Put in dates for parents’ night
2.  Plan conference periods
3.  Teams decide on usefulness of yearly calendar
4.  Obtain large monthly calendars to record important dates
D.  Reporting System/ Record Keeping
1.  Set up a system for keeping records of students to avoid last minute rush at conference time.
2.  Possibility of setting aside time for group to fill out  4 X 6 cards on students.
3.  At conference time, current instructor of each content area write up summation of work so that aides can type up reports
4.  Spread out conferences over a month period of time so we have enough time to type reports.
5.  Keep cards on physical education
6.  These are some suggestions, will give other ideas of what has been done in the past

E.  Team Documents
1.  Copy of a conference report
2.  Rationale for Upper Elementary Phase
3.  Attendance materials
4.  Cards for reporting pupil progress
5.  Revision of Barbara Fischer’s calendar
F.  Questions and Issues to be raised
1.  When do students work on weaknesses?
2.  Need to investigate ways in which students learn.
3.  How can we teach for this?
4.  What is meant by “Zest” for learning?
5.  What is creativity?

III  School Calendar and Suggested Schedules for Teams V and W

(See attachment)

IV.  Students

A.  Objectives for the Upper Elementary Phase
    1.  Students can evaluate themselves
             a. categorize strengths and weaknesses in specific areas – content and
             b. are aware of need for setting goals
             c. realize when they have accomplished a goal
             d. possibility of student contracts
    2.  Students set own goals on the basis of evaluation
             a. identifies “next steps”
             b. keeps record of progress toward goal
             c. uses free time to work on weaknesses
    3.  Student chooses method by which s/he learns best
             a. knows alternate ways of learning
             b. has experience with different ways of learning
             c. can invent various ways of learning
             d. tries new ways to learn
    4.  Student has a zest for learning
             -- Teams need to define what is meant by “zest”

B.  Sub-Objectives for Students
    1. Focus on a task
             a. given an assignment, students work on it until complete
             b. can maintain attention to activity at hand (teacher presentation)
    2. Independence
             a. given a task, student work on it using resources appropriately (uses
                   parents, teachers, peers as guides)
             b. can follow adequately written and verbal directions
    3. Task Oriented
             a. works on tasks with distracting
             b. works without being distracted by others
    4. Participation
             a. volunteers information in class
             b. contributes in small group discussions
             c. makes relevant comments
             d. cognizant of contributions of others
             e. refines or extends contributions of others
    5. Responsibility
             a. comes to class prepared
             b. hands work in on time
             c. completes work
             d. comes to class on time
             e. takes care of materials
    6. Pride in a Product – need to clarify this item
    7. Creativity – need to clarify this item
C.  Student Behavior Expectations
    1. Lockers
             a. students must share
             b. names taped on lockers
             c. doors closed
             d. cleaned out every Friday
             e. no textbooks in lockers
    2. Personal Supplies
             a. have own equipment
             b. ready to work in class
             c. have own notebooks (keep work in order)
             d. supply with pencil at the beginning of the year
             e. make list of supplies students should have by the end of the 1st week
                 (check with Tutorial Project for pilot students)
    3. Movement
             a. Practice movement to the yard
             b. Teacher accompany students to each area until behavior is learned
                    (yard, carpool, library, etc.)
             c. Movement within classes and rooms needs to be established
             d. disruption of classes
             e. closet supplies – need permission
             f. room supply cabinet – use at will
    4. Within Classroom
             a. taking down chairs in A.M.
             b. putting chairs up in P.M.
             c. writing on desks
             d. reading the bulletin board
             e. pushing chairs in
    5. Morning Arrival
             a. rooms locked before 8:00 A.M.
             b. need to decide-shall students be allowed in classrooms before 8:25?
    6. Use of School Supplies
             a. obtain texts at end of day if needed for homework
             b. return supplies at the end of the period
             c. no supplies kept in lockers or desks
             d. supplies remain at school unless permission given
             e. devise method for returning library book on time
             f. students set up procedure for ball monitors
             g. student committee in charge of supply cabinet

C.  Student Behavior Expectations (continued)

    7. Noon Behavior
             a. lunch area – we would like  some tables
             b. eat in patio
             c. all students remain on yard during lunch recess
                  (possibility of library opening later in the year)
             d. 15 minutes to eat – can take 20
             e. check for arrival after lunch … on time
             f. positive reinforcement for those arriving back on time
                   (game, snack?)
             g. “zero in” on tardiness early in the year
8.  Team Responsibilities
             a. check for behavior and reinforce
             b. decide on expectations
             c. teach for behavior desired
             d. work on other behaviors as needs arise

D. Record of Pilot Group (brainstormed ideas – none came to pass)
         1. If we are going to analyze the success or failure of bringing “tutorial”
                  Students to the UES environment, then we must document in some
                  Fashion their progress throughout the year.
         2. Problem of when to do this
         3. Possibility of specific time each day
         4. Take snapshots of students in various situations
         5. Use of a diary (to discipline ourselves)
         6. Use of a tape recorder or Dictaphone for reporting
         7. Check to see if typist available for transcribing
         8. Could use combination of diary and Dictaphone
         9. Could use comment book on each student
         10. Could set aside one day per week to document students in response to
                  particular questions
         11. Things to document
                  a. progress (academic skills; behavior/relationships – peers, adults;
                  b. methods used (different from other students)
                  c. techniques that worked or didn’t work
V.  Curriculum

A.  Student Choice    
      1. Miscellaneous Ideas
               a. Four days a week, fifth day for evaluation and new choice
               b. We can alter time intervals, one week, two weeks, etc.
               c.  Could have varied time intervals for different groups
               d. If specialists join us we could use this as part of a regular
                     program (Ex.  Olga in art)
               e. Teams “V” and “W” will be joined together for special interest
                     or student choice groups
               f. Number of choices will be dependent upon no. of teachers available
               g. One team member will be available for monitoring, administering,
                     critiquing, etc.
               h. Begin first six weeks with standard choices (math, science,art,
                     drama, etc.)
               i. First day …..  explain program
                     1) procedure
                     2) difference from last year’s program
                     3) put schedule up for first few days (students responsible
                                 for checking bulletin board for their group)
               j. Next few days children will spend one day in each choice. Then
                     they choose their own interest for the next 2 or 3 weeks
               k. First sessions could include use of specific interest centers
      2.  Suggested Student Choices
               Math Explorations                        Hobby Center             Drama
               Science                              A-V Training               Art
               Creative Dance                  Logic (wif’nprof)        Folk Dance
               Interpersonal Relations Group                             Cooking
               Typing                              Sewing             Videotaping
               Bulletin Board Dispays    Physical Education     Botany
               Creative Writing                Study Period               Music
               Gardening                          Library Skills              Spanish
               Concentration Game (chess, bridge, etc.)             Construction

B.  Interest Centers
      1.  Set-up
               a. Use middle room as interest center
               b. Individual subject centers dispersed about in classrooms
               c. One center in each classroom
               d. Use patio as part of a center
               e. Students sign in and out of centers and record materials used with
V.  Curriculum

B. Interest Centers:  (continued)
      2. Rules for use of Center
               a. May need to limit number of students
               b. Removal of equipment from the center
               c. When can they be used?
                     1) When finished with class assignment
                     2) Rainy day
                     3) Not at lunch, break, or after school
                     4) Possibility before school in morning
      3. Miscellaneous Ideas
               a. We will have to pull small groups and instruct them in the use of
                     centers . . . perhaps during the first two weeks of school
               b. Need some way of keeping track of use of center:
                     1) Card file with materials to sign off
                     2) Sheet with all the materials listed to sign out
               c. Each teacher be responsible for setting up one center in both units
               d. Materials in the center should not be distracting to rest of class
               e. Establish provisions for maintaining and keeping equipment
                     (losing puzzle pieces, etc.)
               f. Maybe plan more time, possibly a spring-board for choice

      4. Possibilities for Ideas within centers:

               a. Math Center

3D tic tac toe                       Mult-Div. Bingo         Flash Cards
Math Workshop Books       Puzzles, games            Cylco teacher
Various Books                     Wff’n proof                Go – five in a row
Workbooks                          math texts                   Numble (game)
Paperfolding Books             model bldg. books       hexahexaflexagons
Hex                                       Nim                             challenging problems
Probability materials            cuisenaire rods            equations
Triangular dominoes            Kalah (game)               Towers of Hanoi
Configurations                     On sets (games)          crazy ten (blocks)
Visual illusions book            Cross-number puzzles            Tangrams
Individual viewer with math filmstrips

V.  Curriculum

B. Interest Centers:  (continued)

      4. Possibilities for Ideas Within Centers (continued)

               b.  Social Studies Center:  (questionable)

Hand viewer for social studies filmstrips                globes
Books about various cultures                                  maps
National Geographic magazines                               Map Infograph (game)
Current events bulletin board maintained by students

               c.  Language Arts and Reading Center:

Perquacky (game)                                        List of suggested books
Scribbage                                                      Let’s Write Booklets
Paperbacks (kids bring)                               Macmillan Kit
Class Poem book (sts. Contribute)              Books of poetry
Weekly Readers                                           Facts of Five (game)
Hand viewer for filmstrips of stories          Crossword blocks
Copies of Workbooks                                  Scrabble
Anagrams (game)                                         SRA Kit
Reading & Literature Texts                          Handwriting material
Tape recorder (practice oral rdg.)                Probe (game)

               d.  Listening Center:

Records of Greek myths                 
Tape recorder, earphones, record player
Records from AV dept. (some on display .. some students can order)

               e.  Rainy Day Games Center

Chess                                   Monopoly
Jigsaw puzzles                     Twister
Strategy                                Yahtze
Checkers                                          Cards
Crossword puzzles              Bingo
Chinese checkers                  Clue
Plus any other games kids can bring.  We will ask for donations from students or from parents on parents night.

V.  Curriculum

B. Interest Centers:  (continued)

      4. Possibilities for Ideas Within Centers (continued)

               f.  Science Center

Geology (rocks with descriptions)              Aquarium
Lists of experiments kids can perform        Terrarium
Student project planetarium                                    Hand viewer for filmstrips
Insect collection (students could identify)
Get more ideas from science specialist

C.  Humanistic Curriculum

Learning opportunities associated with several of the behavioral objectives identified by the Curriculum Task Force (May 15, 1969) have been part of the upper level curriculum (such as: Self Appraisal and Making Decisions). In order to incorporate more of these objectives as part of our formal program for the coming year, we have revised our basic program.

We have instituted the following activities:

1.  Twenty minute period at the beginning of the week in which students set goals for the week.  This would give the students opportunities to achieve several of the objectives listed under self-reliance, making decisions, and self-appraisal.

2.  Twenty minutes at the beginning of each day in which students set more specific goals, refine weekly goals, discuss team expectations, express feelings, and explore aspects of inrterpersonal relationships. This would give the students opportunities to achieve several of the objectives listed under self-control, self-appraisal, relates to peers, relates to group, and relates to authority.

3.  A fifteen minute period at the conclusion of each day for students to evaluate progress toward attainment of academic and social goals, as well as activities of the day.  Objectives relate to self-appraisal, relating to peers, and relating to group.

V.  Curriculum

C. Humanistic Curriculum:  (continued)

4.  Establish a program of student choice (expanded version of last year’s program) in which students will experience new areas of study and be able to explore areas of their own interest.  This will involve making choices which involve a variety of situations. Objectives involved are … making decisions, and deals with and adapts to change (different instructors and new content areas)

5.  Establishment of Interest Centers in each team. This will give students an opportunity to explore areas of the curriculum on their own, during independent study time.  These activities range from self-remediation opportunities to advanced work in the field.  Objectives: self-appraisal, self-reliance, making decisions, self-control, relates to peers, relates to group, and “Unclassified Items” (acts in a manner which satisfies his own needs but doesn’t interfere with the rights of others)

6.  Revised math program to include student evaluations based on diagnostic tests, setting own goals, and evaluations of accomplishment of these goals. Objectives: self-appraisal, self-reliance, and making decisions.

7.  Several of the objectives have been part of the ongoing program as evidenced by the self-evaluation and goal setting in the reading and language arts program.

8.  We have tentatively planned a combination science and social studies unit which deals with oceanography, use of land resources, and space.  We believe it is possible to communicate some aspects of mankind’s problems to upper elementary students. Through this unit we may be able to investigate area such as pollution of water, land and air, and food resources related to population.

D.  Math

1.  Math Planning

We have mapped out the entire year in terms of math content. The basic program for the first six weeks includes:

               a. pull off students to work in math center
               b. diagnoses of basic skills
               c. diagnoses of skills in one strand
V.  Curriculum

D. Math:  (continued)

2.  Overall Math Objectives:

               a.  Students in U.E. reach a specific minimal level of competence
               b.  Students will enjoy math
               c.  Students will attain application level in addition subtraction, mult.
                     and div. of whole numbers, numeration of whole numbers, and
               d.  Given a diagnostic test, students (with a teacher) can set and attain
                     their own goals
               e.  Students are able to see a problem situation and determine the
                     numbers involved and the processes needed.

3.  Miscellaneous Ideas:

               a.  Students have a goal sheet they fill out when we get to a particular
                     unit .. will show progress and motivate for the next step.
               b.  Make sure to reinforce processes as the year rolls along.
               c.  Include application and problems solving processes, also more
                     “pizzazz” activities such as: modular arithmetic, numeral
                     systems, estimation (not at the expense of other basic aspects,
                     but to enhance them).
               d.  Feel free to move students once groups have been established.

V.  Curriculum

D. Math:  (continued)

4.  Math Plans (Content Outline) for the School Year (tentative)

               3 weeks – Numeration and Place Value Strand
                     Topics/Activities:  Systems of Numerals, Factors and Primes,                                                                     Decimals, Exponents, Expanded Not.

               2 weeks ---- Addition/Subtraction Strand
                     Topics/Activities: Money, Keep a Checking Account, or
                                                         Budget an allowance

Arrowhead Break

               5 weeks ---- Multiplication/Division Strand
                     Topics/Activities: Math Workshop, Estimation, Stock Market

               2 weeks ---- Measurement
                     Topics/Activities: Application (word problems), Numberline
                                                         Idea of fractions

Winter Holiday

               4 weeks ---- Fraction Strand  (include graphing)

               2 weeks ---- Decimals

February Planning Break

               3 weeks ---- Geometry Strand
                     Topics/Activities: Categorizing, Build Models

               2 weeks ---- Bases or Numeration/Place Value (computers?)

               2 weeks ---- Measurement or Adding/Subtracting Integers

               3 weeks ---- Multiplication/Division or Statistics or Graphing

               4 weeks ---- Cushion Time
                                 To allow for time spent in diagnosis, CAT testing, etc.
                                 Intensive remediation or extension of sponge projs.

V.  Curriculum

D. Math:  (continued)

5.  Numeration-Place Value Strand Objectives (stated in rough form)

(1)  Students recognize symbols and values in other number systems.

(2) Students can illustrate, by example, the basic difference between the Hindu-Arabic system and one ancient system.
(3) Students illustrate, by example, the differenced between two ancient systems of numerals.
(4) Students use large numbers (through 10 million) meaningfully.
(5) Know the value of all digits in numerals representing numbers through 10 million.
(6) Can express numbers in expanded notation.
(7) Can define prime numbers and identify them through 100
(8) Can generate the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
(9) Defines composite numbers
        (a) can express composite numbers less than 100 in factored form.
        (b) can express composite numbers in prime factor form.
(10) Extends place value knowledge to tenths and hundredths
(11) Compares numbers such as 0.18 and 0.2.

6. Tentative Schedule for the first six weeks:


1st  Week

No math

Work on Various Systems of Numeration
Basic Skills

2nd   Week

Basic Skills
Diagnostic Test
Group for Skills
Begin Unit

Numeration/Place Value Unit

3rd   Week

Numeration/Place Value Unit Continues all through this week . . . . . . . .

4th   Week

Diagnostic Test on Addition and Subtraction


5th   Week

Add/Subt Test

Addition/Subtraction Unit

6th   Week

Addition/Subtraction Unit
Post-Test Addition and Subtraction

V.  Curriculum

E.  Vivid Experiences:
We felt a lack of vivid experiences last year (for children) and have attempted to brainstorm for ideas next year. Some suggestions are made based on tentative science units.

1. Field Trips – Off Campus
Planetarium                        Stock Exchange                       Ocean (tidepools)
Mt. Wilson Observatory   Space Installations                  Aquarium
Museums                           Bank
2. Field Trips – On Campus
Libraries                             Art Exhibits                            Drama Facilities
Computer Facilities            Concerts
3. Speakers
Stock Broker                      Oceanographer                        Story Teller
Campus People                  Parents
4. Films
Classic films                       Science films                           Math films
5. Unusual Learning Experiences
Another smorgasbord                                 Use of gulley and forest
Measuring Playground                               Visiting other units
Plays for other units                                  Different lunch experiences
Class newspaper

F.  Miscellaneous Ideas:

1.  Possible Science Units:
             a.  Oceanography
             b.  Space (Aviation or Astronomy)
             c.  Pollution of air and water
             d.  Use of land (conservation)
2.  Room Environment:
             a. Use of math sentences on butcher paper for large bulletin boards
             b. Figure out space for assembly area (do we want risers?)
             c. Display case idea . . . use clay animals to show back to school scenes
3.  Stability for the first week:
             a. Students stay in one room all day . . . teachers change
             b. One teacher with one group all day
             c. Some students stay in one room, some move
             d. Longer periods for assessment
4.  Advantages of similar tem schedules:
             a. Use of talents of individuals
             b. More alternatives for grouping
            c. Less complex