Glendale West Ward History:
1900 Glendale History
1934 Musical Comedy new
1946 Hollywood Ward
1950s Relief Society Photo new
1958 1960, 1961 Glendale Ward Directories
1960s Elysian Park Ward1960s Glendale West Ward Photo Directory
1960s Hoover High School Yearbook
2016 Reunion photos new
Glendale West Ward Members:
Roach, Gean
Stout, Harold Hansen
Stout, Joan Ruth
Thomsen, Dawne
Thorne, Lu Ann
Vail, Mike
Van Slooten, Don
"As I got older I really realized how blessed we all were to grow up in such a place as Glendale, and in such a ward as Glendale West Ward. We truly have had a charmed life with a few bumps along the way." Susan P.
Glendale West Ward: Dedicated 1950 by George A Smith, the program for the dedication is in folder 24 at U of U Special Collections Library. For a view of the program click here.For notes on the talks go here: Farewell to the Glendale West Ward Building!
West Ward building under construction:
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After the demolition Carolyn Howard got the copper balls that sat atop the tower. They now reside in her daughter's home. |
From An Arch Guidebook to Los Angeles By Robert Winter
Primary program from the early 1950s
Glendale West Ward Building, 1952
1956 Glendale West Ward Primary teachers:
Here is our best guess as to who these people are: front row, far left: Joan Stout with Kathy on her lap. Second row one from left Joyce Cannon, Third row, left Marvel Hershey, middle in white: Lottie Jonkey, far right La Priel Wilson, Fourth row, far left: Gloria Fretz, Fourth row, far right: Mildred Johnson, Fifth row, far right: Kathryn Ragsdale, left of her is Zina Dastrup, Sixth row, far right: Dorthea Beers, Sixth row, far left: Zelda Webber, then Alice Reeder, Last row, left: Sister Peters and Gertrude
Williams. Thanks BF and AF and SW.
Here is the 1990 demolition of the West Ward building Here is actual footage of that event thanks to JH Gardiner. He was there just after the building was built and when it was torn down.
1990 West Ward Demolition from Kent on Vimeo.
1990 West Ward Demolition from Kent on Vimeo.
Pre Glendale West Ward:
Glendale Ward organized May 1923 formerly Glendale Branch of Los Angeles District, California Mission.
Bishops of Glendale Ward: William L. Gough 1923-26
Edward Farnsworth 1926-27
William Vorkink 1928-30
LeGrand Richards 1930 - his councilors William LeCheminant; Nephi L. Anderson (later Nephi was patriarch)
When was Glendale West Ward formed?
21 Jul 1940 - Glendale West Ward created 21 July 1940 from Glendale East Ward
5 Jan 1969 - Name changed from Glendale West Ward to Glendale 2nd when Glendale 4th Ward was created.
3 Jun 2007 Transferred from Glendale California Stake to La Crescenta California Stake
3 Feb 2008 - Realigned Glendale 2nd Ward to include the discontinued Glendale 4th Ward.
Bishops of Glendale West Ward:
Bishops Harry V. Brooks - 20 Feb 1944 Counselors Hamlet C. Pulley, Reed O. Christiansen5 Jan 1969 - Name changed from Glendale West Ward to Glendale 2nd when Glendale 4th Ward was created.
3 Jun 2007 Transferred from Glendale California Stake to La Crescenta California Stake
3 Feb 2008 - Realigned Glendale 2nd Ward to include the discontinued Glendale 4th Ward.
Bishops of Glendale West Ward:
Clerk Robert W. Wells -
Stake President David H. Cannon - 1945
James A. Martin - 26 Feb 1950 - Counselors Locke J. Hales, Theron F. Johnson, then Wilford G. Edling -
Reed E. Callister - 4 May 1952 Counselors Locke J. Hales, Harold K. Marshall to 1961Homer Reeder - 4 June, 1961 - 7 May, 1967.
Roy Valantine -
Eldon Zundel -
Lance Wickman - Bishop of 4th Ward from 1976 - 1980.
Stanton Lynn McGuire 15 May 1977 - 24 June 1982 (Stan's talk shows Jan 1982) John Reese - 24 Jun 1982 - 17 Jun 1984
Roger Hawley - 17 June 1984 - 28 May 1989
Dennis L. Shanklin - 28 May 1989 - 25 Sep 1994 (now called 2nd ward.
Paul Manwaring 25 Sep 1994 - 6 Feb 2000
Harold Dale Renfro - 6 Feb 2000 - 22 May 2005
Robert H. Weger - 22 May 2005-23 Aug 2009
1st Counselor - John E. Robers 30 Aug 2009 - 11 Sep 2011
2nd Counselor - Brian J. Corrigan 30 Aug 2009 - 11 Sep 2011
Ward Clerk Ralph M. Cuarino - 29 Oct 2006 - 11 Sep 2011
Glendale West Ward Stake Directory, 1960s:
Glendale West Ward goes to St. George Temple: 1949:
Glendale West Ward, 1950:
Stake Brethern:
Relief Society Sisters:
Brent Frost in front with his mother behind him.
Yes, Brent and his mother front and center
Glendale West Ward Relief Society, 1950
Noreen Callister, probably the president of the Relief Society, front row second from right. Brent Frost is the little boy in front. His mother is upper right looking toward him.
Top row LtoR: Evelyn Hancock, Edna May Crowley, Ellen Reed, LuAnn Thorne, ??, John Marshall
Second row LtoR: ??, Pearlyne Crowley, Jane Dibble, Pat Reed, Andrew Douglas
Bottom row LtoR: Mickey Hancock, Drew Crowley, Fred Halliday, Wally Koford, George?, ??, David Thurman
Second row LtoR: ??, Pearlyne Crowley, Jane Dibble, Pat Reed, Andrew Douglas
Bottom row LtoR: Mickey Hancock, Drew Crowley, Fred Halliday, Wally Koford, George?, ??, David Thurman
Unknown date, probably late 1940's or early 1950's:
Roger Hawley center in back would later be the Bishop of the ward.
Glendale Teenagers
Seminary Class, 1952:
"15th Birthday Party" 1959 Glendale CA
Above: LtoR Judy Parker from Burbank Ward, Harold Henry, organists GWW, Lorie Phillips who later married Doug Ensign, Richard pettit, Mickie Haring Neilson, John Glover, friend from Hoover and Barbara Pettit Parady.
Debutant Ball, 1959:
Note all the girls are wearing something over their shoulders. President Spencer W. Kimball made a statement about modest clothing. It was given the name "Kimbalized Clothing." And not one of us is wearing a strapless formal.
1964: This was the New York World Fair; Washington DC trip organized by John Harmer who was our seminary teacher the preceding school year. It was either the summer of 1964 orsummer of 1965. Pretty confident it was 1964. As Hoover High School students, we were able to meet J. Edgar Hoover of FBI fame at the FBI building in DC because the people at the FBI thought Hoover High was named after him. Actually, as we all know, Hoover High named after President Herbert Hoover. RL
LtoR: Sandy Gardiner, Joann Hamer, Robert Wade Curtis, David Fretz, Ron Leeper, Marvin LeCheminant, Gary Shanklin, Debbie Smith, John Scott, Jeffra Dunlap and Kathy Schirmer.
The lady in the middle of the first row is Laurel Owens LeCheminant (my ex). The lady to her right (left side of the picture) is Marcia Fretz. The back row, left to right are: Sandy Gardiner and Kathy Schimmer M.L.
lady in the middle of the first row is Laurel Owens LeCheminant . The lady to her right (left side of the picture) is Marcia Fretz.
The back row, left to right are: Sandy Gardiner and Kathy Schimmer
The Stouts and Harmers made this trip possible.
Ward Choir:
Glendale West Ward Choir, 1959:
LtoR Front row: Clifford Barnes (director), ? , Jeanie Bennet, Eleanor McChesney, Gae Cutler Werner, LuAnn Thorne Andersen, Sherry Farrin Bechman, ? , Maryan Watrous, Florence Milham, Joyce Cannon, Bill Hale, Second row: D. Vaughn Hansen, Allie Barnes, Barbara?, Lois Crandall, Sisgter Barber, Joyce ensign, Velda Snackenberg, Sonja Nielsen, Ruth Harris, Virginia Heder, Charles Broberg, Third Row: Glen Crandall, Floyd Clover, Pam Winkleman, Michele Haring Neilson, Beverly Haring, Vera Leeper, Lola Backster, ? , Mildred Thomas, ? , Grace Brown, LaPriel Wilson, Arthur Mountford, Forth row: Cordan Thompson, Paul Christainsen, Jay Winkleman, Walter Snackenberg, Ken Le Cheminant, Harold Barber, Cliff Carlston, Guy Ryan, Richard (Dick) Halliday, Gil Torgeson. Thank you KDF
West Ward Scouts
Troop 26, 1955:
Glendale West Ward 1959, the 65 mile Silver Moccasin Hike:
First row LtoR: Walter Henry, Kent Gardiner, Vernon Jolley, then Mike Reeder and Hugh Brown.
Second row: Tad Callister, Brent Frost, Wayne LeCheminant, Don Browne and Lynn Reeder.
Standing: Mike Ragsdale, Jim LeCheminant, Steve Leeper, Gordon Christiansen, John Broberg, Brian Pettit, Charles Brown and Vernon "Rip" Ragsdale
Newspaper clipping of same event:
Scouts, 1959, Vernon Jolley, Brent Frost, Mike Ragsdale, Kent Gardiner:
1962 Explorer Conference
Bryan Pettit and Kent Gardiner go to an explorer conference at BYU. To do this Bryan and I travel with Bryan's father in a Ford Falcon, which is really uncomfortable all the way to Provo. I was stuck in the back with no leg room. At the conference one thing I remember was that is is more manly to cross your legs with one leg straight out and the other ankle sitting perpendicular across the top of your thigh. We had a great time and made friends.
Scouters from the Glendale West Ward, 1963
Don Frost second from left, 1963, far right Cal Nelson, Mark Howard in the white pants is next to Bro Roget Angell who was the scoutmaster. Mark was the assistant soutmaster. Brother Roger (Dick)Angell always wore his Smoky the Bear campaign hat!
Glendale West Ward basketball team, 1963.
Front Row: Dennis Shanklin, Steve Leeper, Brian Pettit, ? , Mike Vail and George Nelson, Gordon Christiansen
Back row: Phil Cameron, John Reese, Roger Hawley, Glenn LeCheminant, Hal Hardy, Paul Lauten and Brent Frost.
1952 Glendale West Ward, Sunday School class: Kent and Sandra Gardiner:
The far right front row is Mike Reeder. And I think back row, second from left is a Le Cheminant (one of Keith's sons but I can't pull the first name) and behind him is is his cousin, Jim Le Cheminant. Next is Mike Ragsdale and two over from him, the shorter blonde boy is Walter Henry. Kent Gardiner front left side and Kathy Noble second from right, second row.
1952 Primary Music Festival Program - Glendale West Ward:
BYU, Gordon, Tad, Steve, Ron, Bill
Farewell to Glendale West Ward Building:
Note: The question mark lady on the upper right above should be: Sister Richardson (Burbank 1st ward. Her husband was Woody Richardson)
Sister Callister speaks at the final West Ward meeting:
Surrounding Wards:
1942 Hollywood Ward (date approx)
JH Gardiner back row fourth from right above.
JH Gardiner left side against wall with glasses above.
Hollywood Ward, 1947.
Some of these people moved to Glendale, particularly Gwen Nobel front row right and back row forth from left is Agnes Beitler who worked with young women in the church into her 70s in Laguna Beach, CA.
Hollywood Ward Round Table:
Hollywood Ward Round Table, Front row LtoR, Glen Kroksh, Gwen Noble, don't know, Wendell Noble, Audrey Scholl Kroksh and Gil Reed. back row second from left is Harry Beitler
Johnny Hales, Nellie Crowley, Sandy Larson:
Note: Nellissa was the first girl cheerleader at Glendale High School.
First time for all 3 cheerleaders to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
1961 Hollywoood Palladium:

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row: Norma Hall, Charles Brown, ?, Don Clarke,Bob Weddington, Irving
Fisher, Duane Thomas, ? Vincent D'Arc, Bess D'Arc, John Hayden, Cynthia
Clark, ?, Madeline Botello, ?, Brown, Gene Hockenbury, Middle Row: ?, Gary Davis?, LaJoy West, Evelyn and Al Barlow, Eleanor Hayden, Nancy Baker, Susan?, Jeannine Roach Mitchell, Susan Jane Callister, Roger Barlow. Front Row: Terry Burgener, Rebecca Beers, Sandy Wilson, ? ?, Anna Held, Wallace Gwynn.
The things you find among your parents' possessions! This was a picture
of all the participants in a Third Ward Talent Show "way back when"! It
looks like it might be cutting off some people but on the left there is
Norma Hall and Charlie Brown, Duane Thomas and his quartet, Gary
?(really funny guy)Sandy Wilson and Rebecca Bears, The whole Bishopric
and their wives in the middle. On the right ... See More
— with Evelyn Barlow, Alvin Barlow, Wally Gwin, Jeannine Roach Mitchell and Rodger Barlow. |
Members in alphabetical order:
Alvord, Stevens and June
MOORE ALVORD 1933 - 2004 Stevens passed away July 9, 2004 in Burbank,
California. He was born February 4, 1933 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to
Harold Alvord and Blanche Moore. Steve proudly served in the United
States Navy from 1952-1956. He was a professional Real Estate Broker,
serving as the President of the Glendale Board of Realtors in 1973.
Steve was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Sain ts where he served in many callings. He had a strong work ethic and
a generous heart.
Alvord, Stevens and June
Steve was a loving husband, father, grandfather, son,
brother and friend. He is survived by his wife of 33 years, June Hales
Alvord; three daughters, Ruth (Ed) Apffel of Carlsbad, California, Lisa
(Juan) Salomon of Glendale, California, and Joy (Eddie) Ortiz of
Palmdale, California; three sons, Kurt (Cherie) Alvord of Palmdale,
California, Hal (Diane) Alvord of Van Nuys, California, and Bruce
(Amiee) Alvord of Kiev, U kraine; twenty-three grandchildren; sister,
Beverly (Preston) Richards of Salt Lake City, Utah; and former wife, Sue
Burkhalter Alvord of LaCrescenta, California. Preceded in death by his
parents, Harold and Blanche Alvord; son, Justin Leon Peterson; and
grandson, Mark Daniels Alvord. The family expresses gratitude for the
prayers and services rendered to Steve and his family during his
illness. The Alvord family would like to thank Dr. Taw, Dr. Blicker, and
hospice Cheers for the years of care and concern. Services will be
held Thursday, July 15, 2004, at noon, at the Glendale Stake Center, the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1101 N. Central Ave.,
Glendale. Family and friends may visit before the services Thursday,
July 15, 2004, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the Glendale Stake Center.
Interment will be at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.
Published in Los Angeles Daily News on July 14, 2004
Baker Wakumoto, Carolyn
When Carolyn and I were Sophomores we got invited to the Hoover senior prom. We double dated. I went with Vince Hearn and she went with Bob Dobson. After the dance we were driving to the Islander in L.A. Carolyn was wearing a beautiful blue strapless dress. So Vince stopped suddenly and Carolyn launched over the front seat from the middle seat. Which I guess was too much for the dress because the dress ripped and she had to hold on to it through dinner. Their date went downhill from there because he crawled into the back of the station wagon. Which ended in them not speaking the rest of the ride home.
We went to the Rose Parade and goofed off all night and slept through the parade . We had many good times. Lots of Chinese fire drills....trips to Bob's and dragging Hollywood Blvd. We were friend from Toll to being roomies at BYU. G9od times...oh at BYU we got blamed for a riot.....which may or may not be true....!!
My first friend was Carolyn Baker, and Cheryl Finney. Susan Peters. I was taught the gospel by the Blair's...they were an older couple who lived in the ward. I was first brought to primary by Susan Peters...later to MIA by Carolyn in 7th grade. We had cooking and I sat at the same table with Carolyn and Cheryl Finney. In junior high school at Toll Jr. high all my friends were LDS. And we remained friends thru high school and BYU and even now in our granny days. They are wonderful people and I adore them all. Cheryl Cornwell Scott
Note: Parents were life long members . They live in General, Utah. Br. Baker owned a business not sure what in Glendale but in Rancho Cucamonga He owned a couple of yogurt shops. Carolyn managed one with her sister Colleen. Carolyn had two sisters (Colleen and Judy and a brother John.)
As a grandmother to 15 (with another one due in July), Carolyn’s grandchildren meant everything to her. She could relate to each one, no matter their age, and they all knew she loved them. For Christmas, she would give each grandchild a special invitation inviting them to “Grandma Week” where they all came to her house for activities and fun. They slept in a tent, cooked hot dogs over a campfire, played games, went on outings, read stories, and watched movies. This is something I definitely want to do with my grandchildren in her memory.
Carolyn Wakumoto is a modern day miracle. Two years ago, Carolyn was
diagnosed with Stage IV Gall Bladder Cancer, a rare form of cancer that
has no proven treatment and only a six month survival rate after
diagnosis. But this wife, mother of four, and grandmother of 15 refused
to let the cancer win. She became her own best advocate by seeking out
information on-line, obtaining treatment at the City of Hope
in Duarte, California, and never giving up. While she went ahead with
the standard, routine treatment utilizing chemotherapy (“poison”
according to Carolyn), she also actively sought out less conventional
methods to supplement the chemo. On the Internet, Carolyn came across
two valuable resources. The first was the Budwig Diet,
an “approach that teaches how to destroy as many cancer cells as
possible in the shortest time possible.” The second, and perhaps most
valuable, was the book, Cancer Free- Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing by Bill Henderson.
Baker Wakumoto, Carolyn
When Carolyn and I were Sophomores we got invited to the Hoover senior prom. We double dated. I went with Vince Hearn and she went with Bob Dobson. After the dance we were driving to the Islander in L.A. Carolyn was wearing a beautiful blue strapless dress. So Vince stopped suddenly and Carolyn launched over the front seat from the middle seat. Which I guess was too much for the dress because the dress ripped and she had to hold on to it through dinner. Their date went downhill from there because he crawled into the back of the station wagon. Which ended in them not speaking the rest of the ride home.
We went to the Rose Parade and goofed off all night and slept through the parade . We had many good times. Lots of Chinese fire drills....trips to Bob's and dragging Hollywood Blvd. We were friend from Toll to being roomies at BYU. G9od times...oh at BYU we got blamed for a riot.....which may or may not be true....!!
My first friend was Carolyn Baker, and Cheryl Finney. Susan Peters. I was taught the gospel by the Blair's...they were an older couple who lived in the ward. I was first brought to primary by Susan Peters...later to MIA by Carolyn in 7th grade. We had cooking and I sat at the same table with Carolyn and Cheryl Finney. In junior high school at Toll Jr. high all my friends were LDS. And we remained friends thru high school and BYU and even now in our granny days. They are wonderful people and I adore them all. Cheryl Cornwell Scott
Note: Parents were life long members . They live in General, Utah. Br. Baker owned a business not sure what in Glendale but in Rancho Cucamonga He owned a couple of yogurt shops. Carolyn managed one with her sister Colleen. Carolyn had two sisters (Colleen and Judy and a brother John.)
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Engagement photograph |
As a grandmother to 15 (with another one due in July), Carolyn’s grandchildren meant everything to her. She could relate to each one, no matter their age, and they all knew she loved them. For Christmas, she would give each grandchild a special invitation inviting them to “Grandma Week” where they all came to her house for activities and fun. They slept in a tent, cooked hot dogs over a campfire, played games, went on outings, read stories, and watched movies. This is something I definitely want to do with my grandchildren in her memory.
Barlow, Alvin and Evelyn
Barlow Family, 1965:
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Men (Left - Right) Alvin, Dennis, Rodger; Ladies (Left - Right) Michele, Evelyn, Lesley, Andrea. |
Alvin and Evelyn, 1991:
Salt Lake Temple:
My sweet mom, Evelyn Barlow, passed away in her sleep, at the age of 90, in Salt Lake City, UT on January 14, 2015. There is no obituary yet. We are working on that right now, and will send a link ASAP.
She was remarkable! Great cook, amazing writer and poet, terrific with organizing and giving parties at her home and at church. She made friends everywhere she went. She was always trying to make things better for others and often took youth and young single adults into her home when they were away from home, even having some live with us. They are still considered family to us. In an effort to help the residents of her assisted living facility feel more involved in the Sunday services, she strongly suggested to the branch presidency that they have a guest chorister (from among the residents) for Sacrament meetings at least once a month, instead of having everything done for them. The Branch presidency put her suggestion into place and she had the opportunity of being the first guest chorister before she passed away. She always wanted to serve, and, as you see, found ways to do that. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was always very important to her. She instilled that in her children and everyone she came in contact with.
Til we meet again, George & Mom.
Andrea Barlow Rounds
Evelyn Jankins Barlow, 90
1924 ~ 2015
Salt Lake City, Utah-Evelyn Jenkins Barlow, age 90, passed away peacefully in her sleep January 14, 2015.
She was born November 7, 1924 in Salt Lake City, UT to Nathan Ralph Jenkins and Olga Jeanette Constance Dahlquist. Evelyn married Alvin W Barlow on June 1, 1945 in the Salt Lake Temple. Evelyn was raised in Salt Lake City and graduated from Granite High School where she made life-long friends.
Evelyn held many leadership positions within the LDS Church. She was a legal secretary for the law firms of Marion Gubler and Callister & Callister in the LA area for many years. Evelyn was a fabulous cook, a very talented writer and poet, and the chosen party giver. She was welcoming to all and became a second mom to many. She was always ready and willing to serve.
She is survived by sisters, Elna Berlin, UT; Dorothy Lee Glad; her five children, Dennis (Annell) Barlow, CA; Rodger (Janeen) Barlow,TX; Andrea (Randy) Rounds,UT; Lesley (Mike) Walker, UT; Michele (John) Blake,UT, 28 grandchildren, 49 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband; parents; brother, Frank; sisters, Vera Jones, Dorothy Christensen, Lorna Oviatt, Darline Coonradt.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 2 pm at the Crescent View LDS Ward Chapel, 10945 S. 1700 E., Sandy, Utah. Friends may call Monday, January 19, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Rd. (10600 S), Sandy, UT, and Tuesday from 12:30-1:30 prior to the services at the Chapel. Interment will be at Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery in Sandy, Utah under the direction of Spilsbury Mortuary of St. George, Utah. Friends and family are invited to sign Evelyn's guest book at
She was remarkable! Great cook, amazing writer and poet, terrific with organizing and giving parties at her home and at church. She made friends everywhere she went. She was always trying to make things better for others and often took youth and young single adults into her home when they were away from home, even having some live with us. They are still considered family to us. In an effort to help the residents of her assisted living facility feel more involved in the Sunday services, she strongly suggested to the branch presidency that they have a guest chorister (from among the residents) for Sacrament meetings at least once a month, instead of having everything done for them. The Branch presidency put her suggestion into place and she had the opportunity of being the first guest chorister before she passed away. She always wanted to serve, and, as you see, found ways to do that. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was always very important to her. She instilled that in her children and everyone she came in contact with.
Til we meet again, George & Mom.
Andrea Barlow Rounds
Evelyn Jankins Barlow, 90

Evelyn held many leadership positions within the LDS Church. She was a legal secretary for the law firms of Marion Gubler and Callister & Callister in the LA area for many years. Evelyn was a fabulous cook, a very talented writer and poet, and the chosen party giver. She was welcoming to all and became a second mom to many. She was always ready and willing to serve.
She is survived by sisters, Elna Berlin, UT; Dorothy Lee Glad; her five children, Dennis (Annell) Barlow, CA; Rodger (Janeen) Barlow,TX; Andrea (Randy) Rounds,UT; Lesley (Mike) Walker, UT; Michele (John) Blake,UT, 28 grandchildren, 49 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband; parents; brother, Frank; sisters, Vera Jones, Dorothy Christensen, Lorna Oviatt, Darline Coonradt.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 2 pm at the Crescent View LDS Ward Chapel, 10945 S. 1700 E., Sandy, Utah. Friends may call Monday, January 19, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Rd. (10600 S), Sandy, UT, and Tuesday from 12:30-1:30 prior to the services at the Chapel. Interment will be at Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery in Sandy, Utah under the direction of Spilsbury Mortuary of St. George, Utah. Friends and family are invited to sign Evelyn's guest book at
Hong Kong Riots with Dennis running:
Yell leaders including Dennis Barlow:
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Yell Leaders, including Dennis Barlow - This was his senior year at Glendale High 1965. |
Barlow, Alvin W.
Alvin W. Barlow, 84, passed away March 4, 2002 of natural causes at his home in Sandy, Utah.
He was born February 27, 1918, in Ogden, Utah, and raised in Salt Lake City. Alvin graduated from Granite High School where he was student body president. He was a graduate of the University of Utah and Cal State LA. He served an LDS mission to the Northern States and also served his country as a pilot in the Army Air Corps during World War II.
Alvin married Evelyn Jenkins June 1, 1945 in the Salt Lake Temple. He taught high school in the LA area for many years. Alvin served in many leadership positions within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His smile and warmth touched many and he was loved by all who knew him.
He is survived by his wife, Evelyn; children, Dennis (Annell) Barlow of Burbank, CA; Rodger (Janeen) Barlow of Idaho Falls, ID; Andrea (Randy) Rounds of Sandy; Lesley (Mike) Walker, of Sandy; Michele (John) Blake of South Jordan; brothers, Richard I. and Leo Barlow; sisters, Hazel Bailey and Barbara Staker. He was preceded in death by his parents,
Israel Barlow III and Alice Belva Welling; sisters, Joan Hess, Annie Florence, Belva Ashton; brothers, JW Barlow and Dan Barlow.
Funeral services will be held Friday, March 8, 2002 at 12 noon, at the Willow Canyon 8th Ward Chapel, 1600 E. Buttercup Drive, Sandy, Utah. Friends may call Thursday, March 7, 2002 from 6-8 p.m. at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 10600 S. 1700 E., Sandy, Utah, and Friday one hour prior to services at the Chapel. Interment will be at Larkin Sunset Gardens under the direction of Spilsbury & Beard Mortuary, (435) 673-2454.
Barlow, Dennis:
From the Burbank blog: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Burbank City Attorney Dennis Barlow Retires
end of an era at Burbank City Hall, as City Attorney (and Mormon
Bishop) Dennis Barlow retired officially last week. A large crowd,
we're told, bade him farewell at Castaway Restaurant. Barlow was
accompanied by his ten kids and twenty grandkids.
We're well aware of the sometime controversial attitude toward Barlow expressed on other blogs in town. What do you think? Is his retirement a net positive for our City, or will our City soon regret the loss.
We're well aware of the sometime controversial attitude toward Barlow expressed on other blogs in town. What do you think? Is his retirement a net positive for our City, or will our City soon regret the loss.
Six years after the reunion the first Bishop of the Glendale West Ward passed,1996:
Charles Manley Brown Jr., age 45, died January 2, 1991 in a Salt Lake hospital.
He was born January 22, 1945 in New York, New York to Charles Manley and Vivienne Grace Bowns Brown. Married Diann Morris in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on May 27, 1969. Later divorced.Charles was a graduate of BYU and the Duke University Law School and practiced law in Helena, Montana and Midvale, Utah. He played for and served as business manager for the Helena Symphony; he also played for the Utah Valley Symphony where he served as president. He also enjoyed playing in small string groups. Charles was active in the LDS Church, especially in Scouting and served an LDS mission to Great Britian. He has been active in state and national political activities.
Survivors: children, James Andrew Brown, serving LDS mission in Argentina; Samuel Morris Brown, student at Harvard University; Hugh Michael Brown, Anamarie Brown, Spencer Manley Brown, Peter Matthew Brown and Jo Ellen Grace Brown, all Kaysville; parents, St. George; brothers, Hugh Bowns Brown, and his wife, Marilyn, Chester, Montana; William James Brown, Des Plaines, Illinois; sister, Mrs. Bruce (Vivienne) Sullivan, Sandy; brother-in-law, Forrest D. King, Vienna, Virginia; also aunts, uncles and cousins. Preceded in death by a sister, Zina Brown King.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, January 5, 1991, at 1 p.m. in the Midvale East 5th Ward Chapel 240 East 7570 South, Midvale. Friends may call at Goff Mortuary, 8090 South State St., Friday 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Saturday at the chapel from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests a donation to the Deseret Foundation in care of LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Brown, Charles Manley and Grace:
From the Deseret News:
Brown, Charles Manley Brown 1921 ~ 2009 SANDY, UT - Charles Manley Brown died in Sandy, Utah September 1, 2009.Charles was born in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada on November 19, 1921, the son of Hugh B. and Zina Card Brown. He grew up in Salt Lake City and attended high school in London, earned his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Utah and his Ed.D. from the University of Southern California. Charles married Vivienne Grace Bowns February 7, 1944 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. For 30 years he was a Professor of Education at the University of Southern California, retiring in 1985 as Associate Dean of the School of Education.
His service in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints included Bishop, Counselor in the Stake Presidency and Stake Patriarch. He also served as a worker in the St. George LDS Temple. He is survived by his son Hugh Bowns Brown (Marilyn) of Chester, MT; his daughter Vivienne Brown Sullivan (Bruce) of Sandy, UT; 28 grandchildren, 59 great-grand-children; daughters-in-law Diann M. Brown of Moore, OK; Colleen H. Rich (Rob) of Scottsdale, AZ; Sharon H. Brown of Zellwood, FL; and son-in-law Forrest King (Marsha) of Gilbert, AZ. He is also survived by his sisters Mary Woodward and Carol Sonntag of Provo, UT. He was preceded in death by his wife Grace; sons Charles and Bill; his daughter Zina; two great-granddaughters, Lily and Claire; his brother Hugh and sisters Zina Lou, LaJune, Margaret and Zola. Funeral services will be held Friday, September 11, 2009, at 12:00 p.m., at the Willow Canyon LDS 1st Ward Chapel, 9636 S. 1700 E., Sandy, Utah. A visitation will be held Friday, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the chapel, prior to services. Graveside services will be held Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., at the St. George City Cemetery, under the care and direction of Metcalf Mortuary 435-673-4221.
Brown, Grace B. 1921 ~ 2005 St. George, Ut - Vivienne Grace Bowns Brown died in St. George on August 2, 2005, from natural causes, at the age of 84. Grace was born Castle Gate, Utah, March 6, 1921, the daughter of William James Bowns and Mette Marie Peterson Bowns. She spent her early years in Castle Gate where she learned to play the piano and started her life-long church music career by accompanying the Primary at age ten. Her family moved to Santa Barbara, California, in 1936 and to Glendale, California in 1937 where she graduated from Glendale High School. After attending Glendale Community College for two years, Grace enrolled at the LDS Hospital School of Nursing, from which she graduated in 1943 as a Registered Nurse. She used her nursing training as an office nurse to a pediatrician and as member of the nursing staff at several hospitals in California and Utah. Her friends and relatives often called on her knowledge and research skills for information about symptoms and medications.
Grace married Charles Manley Brown, the son of Hugh B. Brown and Zina Young Card Brown, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on February 7, 1944 and moved with him to Jackson Heights, New York, where he was copilot with American Airlines. They moved to Glendale at the end of WWII so he could continue his college education. They subsequently lived in Salt Lake City, Glendale, California, Wiesbaden, Germany for two years in the 60's, and finally retired in St. George in 1985. Grace studied piano under several teachers, including a concert pianist in Germany, and continued when she returned to the United States. She studied organ at the University of Southern California and Brigham Young University. She passed the tenth level of hymn certification and the highest level of organ proficiency offered at Brigham Young University. She graduated from Brigham Young University at the age of 57 and played the organ at her graduation. She was a member of the American Guild of Organist (AGO) from which she earned recognition as a Colleague. In 1995-96 she was the Dean of the Southern Utah Chapter of the AGO, which organization she served in other capacities for several years. Grace was a church musician for more that seventy years, serving as organist, chorister, and music chairman at both the ward and stake levels. She also gave many free organ and piano lessons to aspiring church pianists and organists. Her additional church service included" Ward Relief Society President; Relief Society teacher; Branch YWMIA president in Germany; and as a worker in the St. George LDS Temple. Since moving to St. George in 1985 Grace has presented many well-received programs in the St. George Tabernacle, as well as similar programs at Church, elsewhere in the community, and in her home. She served the community as a Board Member of the Southwest Symphony, in which capacity she chaired the Governor's Ball in 1989, and as a volunteer at the Dixie Care and Share. Grace very ably assisted her grateful husband in his
One son and one daughter survive her: Hugh Bowns Brown (Marilyn), Chester, Montana, Vivienne Mary Brown Sullivan (Bruce), Sandy, Utah, 28 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren. She also is survived by on brother, George Marion Bowns, daughters-in-law Diann M. Brown of Moore, Oklahoma, and Sharon H. Brown, of Zellwood, Florida, and son-in-law Forrest King (Marsha) of Vienna, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Zina Lucile Brown King, her son, Charles M. Brown, Jr., her son William James Brown, and her four brothers, James, William, Harold, and John Bowns. The family wishes to express their appreciation to the IHC Hospice professionals, especially Carolyn Duggins, RN, Helen Cardova, and Jan McKay, as well as to Ronda Bartholomew and Shea Peterson, CNA's, for their devoted care during her final months, and to the wonderful caregivers at Kolob Care Center. Thanks also due to Marilyn Brown, daughter-in-law, for caring for Grace during the month of June while Charles was recovering from surgery. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 11 a.m., at the Bloomington Hills LDS 4th Ward Chapel, 750 E. Ft. Pierce Dr. Visitations will be held Monday, August 8, from 6-8 p.m., at Metcalf Mortuary, 288 W. St. George Blvd., and Tuesday, August 9, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., prior to services at the chapel. Interment will be in the St. George City Cemetery under the direction of Metcalf Mortuary 435-673-4221. Condolences may be sent to the family through our website at
Note: Their son Hugh B Brown b 1947 is a lawyer for the Brown Law office in Chester, Montana.
professional, church, and community callings.
One son and one daughter survive her: Hugh Bowns Brown (Marilyn), Chester, Montana, Vivienne Mary Brown Sullivan (Bruce), Sandy, Utah, 28 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren. She also is survived by on brother, George Marion Bowns, daughters-in-law Diann M. Brown of Moore, Oklahoma, and Sharon H. Brown, of Zellwood, Florida, and son-in-law Forrest King (Marsha) of Vienna, Virginia. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Zina Lucile Brown King, her son, Charles M. Brown, Jr., her son William James Brown, and her four brothers, James, William, Harold, and John Bowns. The family wishes to express their appreciation to the IHC Hospice professionals, especially Carolyn Duggins, RN, Helen Cardova, and Jan McKay, as well as to Ronda Bartholomew and Shea Peterson, CNA's, for their devoted care during her final months, and to the wonderful caregivers at Kolob Care Center. Thanks also due to Marilyn Brown, daughter-in-law, for caring for Grace during the month of June while Charles was recovering from surgery. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 11 a.m., at the Bloomington Hills LDS 4th Ward Chapel, 750 E. Ft. Pierce Dr. Visitations will be held Monday, August 8, from 6-8 p.m., at Metcalf Mortuary, 288 W. St. George Blvd., and Tuesday, August 9, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., prior to services at the chapel. Interment will be in the St. George City Cemetery under the direction of Metcalf Mortuary 435-673-4221. Condolences may be sent to the family through our website at
Note: Their son Hugh B Brown b 1947 is a lawyer for the Brown Law office in Chester, Montana.
Callister, Reed and Norinne (daughter of LeGrand Richards)
Paula Callister is referred to in Conference talk by her grandfather, LeGrand Richards, “What After Death?,” Ensign, Nov 1974, page 52
Then I think of our little granddaughter who died at the same age; her father and mother are here today and her brothers and sisters. After just a few days of sickness, she passed away at the age of 16, a beautiful little woman. To think that God’s plan would not ultimately bring to her everything our other children received who tarried here in mortality would lessen my appreciation of my Father in heaven and the perfectness of his plan.
Tad Callister, August 10, 1963 Deseret News:
Reed E. Callister: British South Mission President 1967 - 1969:
Reed Eddington Callister, prominent attorney and former president of the British Mission in London for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died Friday, Sept. 29, 1989, in a Salt Lake hospital. He was 87.Mr. Callister had a successful law practice in the Los Angeles area for more than 50 years and founded KIEV Radio in Glendale, where he lived with his family. He was on the disciplinary committee of the California State Bar Association and served on the Family Law Commission for that state.Mr. Callister was a member of the LDS Church and served it in various capacities throughout his life. As a young man he served a mission in the British Isles. Later, he was a bishop in the Glendale West Ward for nine years. After serving as mission president in London, he was a sealer in the Los Angeles Temple. He actively raised funds for Brigham Young University and in 1958 the university presented him a Special Service Award. In 1974, he was made an honorary member of the BYU Alumni Association.
Born in Salt Lake City,
Mr. Callister graduated from LDS High School and the University of Utah before obtaining his law degree from George Washington University.
Funeral will be held Monday, Oct. 2, at noon in the Eagle Gate Stake Center, Third Avenue and A Street. Friends may call an hour before services. Burial will be in the Larkin Sunset Lawn Cemetery
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Published in Deseret News on Nov. 5, 2015 - See more at:
1937 ~ 2015
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Note: David compiled and self published a book on his father called Reed E. Callister, He Blessed the Lives of Others It is filled with inspiring stories of his father.
1937 ~ 2015
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
1937 ~ 2015
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
1937 ~ 2015
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
1937 ~ 2015
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Sandy, UT-David R Callister passed away October 31, 2015, the result of heart complications. He was surrounded by his wife Susan, and many of his children.
David was born January 29, 1937, in Hollywood, California, the son of Reed Eddington Callister and Effie Norinne Richards Callister. From 1957-1959 he served a mission in the British Isles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and from USC Medical School in Los Angeles, California.
He was an Ophthalmologist for 35 years with his own medical practice in Glendale, CA. He was a wonderful father to his eight children; David (Tiffany), Kathleen Pearson (Ron), Daneise Nelson (Brad), Kevin (Amy), Karalynne Call (Jeff), Daniel, Derrick (Karen), and Kaylynn (Brook Burley). He loved being a father and the grandfather of 21. He was always happy to visit with grandchildren and they looked forward to grandpa asking them "dollar questions."
Dave's life was one of service and kindness to all he met. He enjoyed his many callings in the church, which included serving as a beloved Bishop twice, as a member of the Stake Presidency, and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for many years.
One of his great joys was sharing the gospel. He and Susan served two full-time missions together: From 2006-2007 in Toronto, Canada, where his brother, Tad, was the Mission President and from 2011- 2013, in Birmingham, Alabama, where his long time friend, Richard Holzapfel, presided. In both missions they were assigned to help missionaries become master teachers. They loved this opportunity and the missionaries they taught. From 2014 until his illness, Dave and Susan were privileged to serve in the Draper, Utah Temple.
Dave was active in Boy Scouts of America for many years. As a youth, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, as did his four sons. For his years of dedicated service on the Boy Scout Council, he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award, the Silver Beaver. Dave has always loved baseball. He coached for 25 years and coached all four of his sons' baseball teams. He served as Commissioner of the Crescenta Sports Association. He also was a life-long fan of BYU and USC football.
David is survived by his wife, Susan; his eight children and their mother, Evelyn; his three brothers; Dick, Douglas, and Tad; and his sister, Susan. He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister Paula.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM at the Canyon View Stake Center, 9119 S 1300 E in Sandy, Utah. A gathering will be on Friday, November 6th from 6PM to 8PM at the same location. Following the funeral, interment will be at Larkin Cemetery, 1950 E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 S) just south of the Stake Center. Please join family and friends for a celebration of David's noble and wonderful life.
Condolences may be made at
Christiansen, Letha
Paul Rudolph Christiansen, 88, of Glendale, CA, passed away
Tuesday, April 7th, of Congestive Heart Failure. He died just 3 months short of his 89th
was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on July 23, 1926 to Rudolph Ingwald and Louise
Julia Jones Christiansen. He was the
oldest of 3 children and the only son born to Rudy and Louise.
graduating from West High School, he enrolled at the University of Utah where
he studied for a year before enlisting in the Navy. He spent time in the Pacific arena, until World
War II ended in 1945. After an honorable
discharge from the Navy, Paul served a 3 year mission for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints in Norway. He
lost his dear mother while he was serving there. Upon returning home, he went back to school
at the University of Utah where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in
Electrical Engineering.
September 24, 1951, Paul married Letha Moyes in the Salt Lake Temple. They moved to Glendale, California a year or
so later and never left. He worked for the
Southern California Gas Company and then Lockheed for a couple of years before
joining the General Electric Company where he worked as a Field Service
Engineer for well over 30 years. He enjoyed
traveling all over the Southern California area working on large electrical
equipment for many different companies and organizations. He and Letha had four children of their own, Nancy,
Jolyn, Russell, and Greta, and took in many foster children. They were also asked to host and house
foreign exchange students in 1975, and continued to do so for about 15 years. These high school students came from all over
the world and would stay for a year.
Paul and Letha were always very generous in taking in others who needed
a place to stay.
1988, Paul retired from General Electric, and in 1991, he and Letha were called
on an 18 month mission to Norway for their church. He enjoyed serving in the same area he had
served in 40 years earlier as a young missionary and in the country of his
paternal ancestors.
was called to be President of the Armenian Branch in the Glendale Stake for the
LDS church and served in this capacity for 5 years. He and Letha were also Los Angeles temple
workers for many years.
of Paul’s greatest loves was music. He
had a beautiful tenor voice and sang whenever he had the opportunity. He also played the piano and organ. He spent 40 years singing with the Southern
California Mormon Choir and toured all over the world with them. He continued to play the organ at church
until he could no longer see well enough to play. He was still singing in the church choir a
week before he passed away.
was a generous person and was always willing to help others. He had a good sense of humor and had many
was preceded in death by his wife, Letha Christiansen, mother, Louise
Christiansen, father, Rudolph Christiansen, sister, Jean Biesinger, stepmother,
Mildred Christiansen, brother, Gary Christiansen, two brother-in laws, Tom
Biesinger and Ray Richmond ,and a son-in-law, Richard Meyer. He is survived by his daughters, Nancy Christiansen,
Jolyn Meyer, Greta Kelly (Philip), and son, Russell Christiansen (Mariko),
sisters, LaRue Richmond, Karen Gray (Farrell), grandsons, James and Eric Meyer,
Spencer, Sean, Scott, and Skyler Christiansen, Christian Kelly, and a
granddaughter, Torrey Kelly. He is also survived by three great grandchildren,
Ryan and Trent Meyer (James and Meagan), and Juniper Meyer (Eric and Crystal). Another great granddaughter will be born to
James and Meagan in June. He is also
survived by numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
viewing will be held from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Glendale 4th Ward
LDS Church building, 1151 N. Central Avenue in Glendale, on Saturday April 18th,
followed by the funeral services at 11:00 a.m.
At the conclusion of the services, the interment will be at the Forest
Lawn Hollywood Hills Cemetery.
Gordon Christiansen at 4:
Gordon Christiansen at 4:
Crowley, Dr. Edmund and Edna Crowley

1951 Daddy-Daughter Date - Glendale high School, California
May & father Dr. Edmund Crowley -Dorothy & father Dr Roe
Nelissa & geometry teacher Mr. Aido Buonaguidi
Dr Crowley dies,
Crowley, Edna dies 1999
Edna Virginia Lyon Crowley Drake Homer, 91, died January 14, 1999, in her daughter's home in Provo, Utah of natural causes.
She was born April 11, 1907, in Idaho Falls, Idaho,
to Harry Clay Lyon and Pearl Slater. She was the oldest of three, having
identical twin brothers. She married Dr. Clarence Edmund Crowley, Jr.,
June 24, 1931 in Santa Maria, CA. They were sealed in the Salt Lake LDS
Temple May 26, 1933. They lived in Idaho Falls, ID; Santa Maria and
Glendale, CA; and Kona, Hawaii. They are the parents of six children,
two girls, two sets of boy/girl twins. Edmund died June 6, 1970, in
Honolulu, Hawaii.On August 11, 1972, Edna married Edgar Leroy Drake.
They lived in Nampa, ID and St. George, UT. They spent 18 months in the
Great Australia West Mission 1974-75. Edgar died June 21, 1980. Her
oldest daughter, Pearlyne, died October 12, 1980.
On October 12, 1984, Edna married Russell King Homer IV. They lived in St. George and Orem, UT. Russell died April 20, 1993.
As a young woman, Edna was noted for her musical
talents. She played the piano and violin and sang on radio KFI, KNX, KDB
in the 1920s. She graduated form Sacred Heart Academy in Ogden, UT, in
1924, and attended Berkley and Mills Colleges and the Boston
Conservatory of Music.
As a convert to the LDS Church in 1933, she has held
many Church positions in all the auxiliaries including Relief Society
President of Santa Maria's first Branch in 1935 and Ward Dinner Chairman
for 13 years in Glendale West Ward, CA. She was the President of
Glendale High School PTA. She was honored for her 37 years as a Cancer
Drive Volunteer.
Edna is survived by her brother, Harry Thomas Lyon,
W. Melbourne, FL; and five of her children: E. Drew Crowley, Salt Lake
City, UT; May McConkie, Bountiful, UT; Nellissa Hyde, Everett, WA; C.
Clay Crowley, Bountiful, UT; Claire Field, Provo, UT; 31 grandchildren,
66 great-grandchildren and one great great-grandchild.
Special appreciation is expressed to the staff and
friends at Seville Retirement Center, Stonewood Manor, East Lake Care
Center and VistaCare for their kindnesses to Edna in the final chapter
of her life.
Services celebrating her life will be held Monday,
January 18, 1999 at 11 a.m. in the Sundberg-Olpin Mortuary, 495 South
State St. in Orem. Friends may call Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the
mortuary and also Monday one hour prior to the services. Burial will be
Tuesday at 12 noon at the Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, CA.
D'Arc, Vincent and Bess,
Dr. Vincent D'Arc - noted dentist.
Upper photo: Vincent D'Arc family, 1961
James, Christine, Stephen, Martha
Rosemary, Vincent, Bess
Lower photo: D'Arc siblings, 1991
James, Stephen
Christine, Martha, Rosemary
James, Christine, Stephen, Martha
Rosemary, Vincent, Bess
Lower photo: D'Arc siblings, 1991
James, Stephen
Christine, Martha, Rosemary
PUBLISHED MARCH 30, 2011 12:48 PM:
Now, Brigham Young University, which holds the Cecil B. DeMille papers in its special collections, has helped produce a new Blu-ray disc version of the movie for home video, which was released this week.
"That's his signature film and one which he will always be associated with," said James D'Arc, curator for BYU's L. Tom Perry Special Collections, about DeMille's Hollywood legacy. DeMille also directed the classics "Samson and Delilah" and "The Greatest Show on Earth."
Jerry and Shirley Dastrup

He went on a mission to the Navajo and Apache nations in Arizona and New Mexico. He was in the Navy for 6 years. He considered making the service a profession but after WWII he found it too "mickey mouse," and left His brother lined him up with Shirley.
She was born February 23, 1930 in LA. Her father was a motorcycle policeman for the LAPD during the depression and afterwards. He was a non member, her mother was a member. They lived in the Elysian Park Ward. Shirley served a mission to Texas. Shirley has always played the piano and organ. In fact at 86 she still plays for her ward in Grant's Pass, Oregon.
Jerry worked for Frank Slight's plumbing business.
Jerry served in many callings in the church and has been a faithful member of the church his whole life. He remembers serving with Jim Gardiner under bishop Carpenter. He says Jim was disciplined from his years in the Navy. He remembers Jim's ability to teach Gospel Doctrine. "He had a way of holding an audience in suspense."
When Jim's wife Elaine died the Dastrup family took in Gayle and Jeffrey.
After he retired he talked to Wray Hamrick who found 5 acres in Grants Pass for 25 K. Jerry and Shirley made their way up to Oregon, saw the acrage and decided to retire to Oregon. Jerry has had his health problems with open heart surgery, hip replacement, gout and cancer of the bladder but he is still going strong at 93. He likes his computer. Shirley still drives.
Steve the oldest, plumber
Mark mission to England,
Timothy, Iowa mission supervisor LA Fire Dept
Tom works for Adventist Hospital as a draftsman for 20 years.
Marilyn Dorman
Our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, Marilyn
Dorman, passed away peacefully at home on January 15, 2016. She was
born April 26, 1933 as the only child of James Landrum and Maureen
Robinson in Abilene, Texas. Marilyn was raised in Los Angeles,
California and worked as an inspector for U.S. Customs. She met her
husband, Alvy Dorman, when she was playing the piano in a Los Angeles
club. They were married in the Little White Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada
on July 25, 1959 and later solemnized their marriage in the Los Angeles
She loved teaching music to her many students and had music
teaching memberships in the American College of Musicians and Music
Teachers Association of California, and she was certified to teach
through the Sherwood Music School. For many years, Marilyn beautifully
accompanied other musicians and vocalists on the piano. She played the
piano for seniors at the Riverton Senior Citizens’ Center and patrons of
the Oakland Temple. She had a lovely voice and an incredible passion
for all music. Marilyn passed that love on to her family and many
She spent countless hours working on genealogy and left a great
legacy of family history and genealogy work. Marilyn was a devoted
member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, where she
served in many callings as organist, accompanist, pianist, choir
director, primary chorister, music chairman, etc. She raised three
daughters in Glendale, California. When the girls were grown, Marilyn
and Alvy moved to Bethel Island, California where they enjoyed boating
regularly on the California Delta. They moved to Herriman, Utah after
more than a decade of fun in the sun to be closer to their
grandchildren. The greatest joys in her life were her children and
grand-children. As a cancer survivor, she lived for 28 more years
breathing through a stoma and communicating without vocal chords. She
was very brave and strong throughout her beautiful life.
Marilyn is survived by her husband, Alvy Dorman; three daughters,
Deanna Sabey (Scott), Debbie Keel (Paul) and Desiree Durtschi (Mike),
and five grand-children, Alex Dorman, Nicholas Sabey, Cecelia Keel,
Nathan Durtschi and Natalie Durtschi.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, January 23rd,
12:00 p.m. at the Herriman Stake Center, 5562 West 13680 South,
Herriman, Utah. Friends and family may visit the same day from 10:00
a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the Herriman Stake Center. Interment at Larkin
Sunset Gardens in Sandy.
Edling, Wilford and Relia
Wilford Gustaf Edling, 88, chairman for 22 of his 33 years on the LDS Church Audit Committee, died July 14, 1991, of heart failure in an Ogden hospital.
At the time of his death Mr. Edling was also patriarch of the Huntsville Stake. He was a former president of the Los Angeles Stake.In his church service position, Mr. Edling reported directly to the First Presidency. One of his duties was to give the committee's report in general conferences. Before 1980 the committee was known as the Church Finance Committee.
Funeral will be at noon Thursday, July 18, in the Huntsville Stake Center, 6450 E. 1900 North, Eden. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Myers Mortuary, 845 Washington Blvd., Ogden, and from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday at the stake center. Burial will be in the Huntsville Cemetery.
Fretz, John Clarence
Clarence Fretz Eulogy – January 10, 2009
[This was the
eulogy spoken at his funeral in Grants Pass, OR. He died January 1, 2009.]
John Clarence
Fretz was born on Sunday April 26, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
When his
father and sister had returned from an automobile ride they had gone on, they
were surprised to find he had been born. The doctor and nurse had delivered a
bright red-haired, eight pound boy.
At about six
years of age, the family moved to Abington, PA, about 30 miles outside of Philadelphia
in what would today be called “out in the country”.
John’s father
was a very successful piano and organ salesman and was musically talented as
John (or Jack
as he is most often known) attended high school in Abington, PA and was called
to war two months before he finished graduating from high school. He later
finished his schooling after returning from his Naval service during World War
II. He graduated from the Naval Training Station in Sampson, NY in June of
1943, serving from then until 1946.
John married
Gloria Blakey (my mother) on March 5, 1945. In 1950 he was recalled to the
Korean War for about 18 months.
Most of his
World War II Navy service was as a quartermaster on the USS Cowie, performing
convoy duty, making some 14 trips across the Atlantic Ocean. He also served in
the Pacific on the USS Juneau, a ship converted for minesweeping in the China
In 1951, John
and Gloria and their two children, Marcia and David, moved to San Pedro,
California into Naval housing.
He was
honorably released from Naval service in 1952, after which they moved to
Glendale, California where two more children, Albert and Claudia, were
eventually born and raised. After leaving the Navy, he worked in Research and
Development for several years for a number of companies. At one company he
helped design and develop the contoured dental chair, a radical new design for
its day. At another company, he helped develop the Playtex nursing baby bottle.
And at another company he worked on manned space rocket design.
Jack and
Gloria raised their four children mainly in La Crescenta and Glendale,
California where they were members of the Glendale West Ward for over three
In 1961 he
was persuaded to work for the Prudential Insurance Company, at which he worked
until he retired in about 1989, a total of nearly 30 years in the insurance
As a result
of his success in the insurance field, he qualified for and was able to attend
out-of-town conferences and conventions each year. Because of his devotion to his
family, rather than going alone, we got to go along with him each time.
Although the convention portion of the trip would only last a few days, he
would extend the time into a family vacation, usually a couple of weeks. The
natural result of these business trips/vacations was that we got to see the
greater portion of the United States and Canada: some 35 of the 50 states,
including Alaska and Hawaii, and at least five provinces of Canada. We traveled
in what my mom termed our BMW (Big Mormon Wagon) at a time when station wagons
were to then what SUVs are to our day, the preferred method of travel on road
retiring from Prudential, the “ham” came out in John Fretz here in Grants Pass.
His first stage production was The Music Man, and then came My Fair Lady, South
Pacific, Noel Coward’s “Cowardy Custard”, and finally Oklahoma. He also
belonged to the Opera Guild, performing in the Merry Widow.
After his
show business career, he turned to gardening, producing, what he called, the
world’s finest cantelopes and tomatoes.
During these
times he also loved to work on his family genealogy. He never had what you’d
call hobbies, just a lot of things he liked to do. You might say his family,
and people in general, were his hobbies.
He had a
strong and abiding love of his Father in heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ, of
which he often spoke, and never hesitated to share and speak kindly of, often
with tears of deep emotion.
He loved
people and he loved his cats. And they all loved him; at least all the cats
anyway. He was known to write a sarcastic or scathing letter to the editor a
time or two and often received scathing letters in return from some who didn’t
appreciate his brand of conservative opinion. One such person wrote an 8-page
letter condemning him to Hades when he dies. (I can assure you he isn’t there.)
At one point
he had a disagreement with the editor and canceled his newspaper subscription.
After a while, someone at the paper must have missed his letters because he was
offered three months free subscription if he would start subscribing to the
newspaper again. Numerous people would sometime stop him on the street to ask
him when he was going to write another letter to the editor.
Dad always
added spice to life. Sometimes he was like a bull in a china ship but it never
bothered him and most people didn’t seem to mind either.
Jack was
always ready with a funny joke or political story or email, unafraid to share
his political leanings.
He was never
one to sit still either. Even in his last days he didn’t want to lie still.
One more of
“The Greatest Generation” and World War II veterans has stepped through this
mortal veil to the other side. For one reason or another, for those who knew
him, life in Grants Pass won’t be the same without Jack Fretz.
![]() |
Class of 1963, Hoover High School, Glendale |
Frost, Kay and Lois:
June 7, 1961, Deseret News:
Frosts, 1970's:
Robert Reid is the oldest and he was about 8 in that picture. Kenneth Reid was most 5 and Elizabeth Anne was 2.
Gardiner, James and Elaine 1959
Gardiner, Kent
Gifford, Leon Whitford
Santa ClaraLeon Whitford Gifford, age 86, of Santa Clara passed away peacefully Monday, September 3, 2012 surrounded by his family. He was born March 12, 1926 in Springdale, Utah to Whitford and Luella Pearl (Russell) Gifford. He worked many jobs starting at the young age of 14, which included working on the trails in Zion National Park. He proudly served his country in the US Navy, and later had a life long career in management at Lockheed Aircraft. He married Dorothy Elrod September 1, 1951 in North Hollywood, California. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Los Angeles Temple. After Dorothy's death in 1979 he moved back to Southern Utah where he met and married JoAnn Allphin on November 29, 1986. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints he had a strong and abiding testimony and served faithfully in many callings, including LDS Missions with his wife, JoAnn, in the Laie Hawaii Temple, Fukoku Japan Mission Office and the St. George Temple.
He loved his wife, his children and grandchildren dearly, they were his world and he never missed anything that was important to them. He will be greatly missed.
He is survived by his wife JoAnn, children: Michael Gifford, Cindy Gifford, Michael (Jolene) Allphin, Mark (Shauna) Allphin, Janet (Don) Judkins, Shanna (Jim) Dunyon, Sandy (Rick)Nelson, and Lisa (Tom) Gubler, 37 grandchildren, 93 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild. He is preceded in death by his first wife Dorothy and son Steven, his parents and seven brothers and one sister. Funeral services will be held Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at the Santa Clara Heights LDS 2nd Ward Chapel, 1706 Desert Dawn Drive, Santa Clara, Utah. Visitations will be held Friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Metcalf Mortuary, 288 West St. George Blvd. and on Saturday, prior to services, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Chapel. Interment will be held in the Springdale Cemetery, Springdale, Utah. Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
Goddard, John and Pearlyne
1940, when he was 15 years old, he wrote down a list of 127 goals he
wanted to accomplish, from learning to type and becoming an Eagle
Scout to climbing Mt. Everest and exploring the Nile. "When I was 15,"
he told LIFE magazine, "all the adults I knew seemed to complain,
'Oh, if only I'd done this or that when I was younger.' They had let
life slip by them. I was sure that if I planned for it, I could have a
life of excitement and fun and knowledge". After
serving in World War II with the Army Air Forces, he began pursuing the
goals on his list in earnest, and in 1951 became the first man to
navigate the entire length of the Nile in
a kayak; this and subsequent adventures, such as exploring the Congo
River in 1956 and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in 1968, fueled a successful
career on the lecture circuit. Goddard has written two books: The Survivor (ISBN 1558746951) and Kayaks Down the Nile (ISBN 0842513655), and been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul. He has lived to see the 21st century.
"One rainy afternoon an inspired 15-year old boy named John Goddard sat down at his kitchen table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a yellow pad, "My Life List." Under that heading he wrote down 127 goals. Since then he has completed 109 of those goals. These were not simple or easy goals. They included climbing the world's major mountains, exploring from source to mouth the longest rivers of the world, piloting the world's fastest aircraft, running a mile in five minutes and reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica."
"One rainy afternoon an inspired 15-year old boy named John Goddard sat down at his kitchen table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a yellow pad, "My Life List." Under that heading he wrote down 127 goals. Since then he has completed 109 of those goals. These were not simple or easy goals. They included climbing the world's major mountains, exploring from source to mouth the longest rivers of the world, piloting the world's fastest aircraft, running a mile in five minutes and reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica."
Indiana Jones, the swashbuckling fictional adventurer, would seem to have nothing on John Goddard.
As a boy growing up in Los Angeles, Goddard dreamed of adventures in faraway lands and spent his life pursuing an elaborate set of goals. He wanted to climb the world's most perilous peaks, navigate its major rivers and explore its most remote regions, among many other ambitions.
Goddard, an adventurer, explorer and lecturer who evidently fell only a few goals short of a boyhood list that numbered more than 100, died Friday at a Glendale hospital of complications from cancer, said his son Jeffery. He was 88.
"When he was growing up, he heard older people say with regret that they hadn't done the things they wanted to do," his son said Monday. "He decided he was going to
live a life of adventure so he wouldn't have any regrets."
As a boy growing up in Los Angeles, Goddard dreamed of adventures in faraway lands and spent his life pursuing an elaborate set of goals. He wanted to climb the world's most perilous peaks, navigate its major rivers and explore its most remote regions, among many other ambitions.
Goddard, an adventurer, explorer and lecturer who evidently fell only a few goals short of a boyhood list that numbered more than 100, died Friday at a Glendale hospital of complications from cancer, said his son Jeffery. He was 88.
"When he was growing up, he heard older people say with regret that they hadn't done the things they wanted to do," his son said Monday. "He decided he was going to
live a life of adventure so he wouldn't have any regrets."

with that determination, Goddard sat in his bedroom one day when he was
15 and jotted down his 127 goals, inspired by his avid reading of the
Encyclopedia Britannica and numerous adventure stories.
He wanted to explore the waters of the Amazon, the Congo, the Colorado and the Nile rivers. He hoped to climb an impressive list of mountains, including Mt. Ararat in Turkey, Mt. Cook in New Zealand, Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico and Tanzania's Mt. Kilimanjaro, a towering 19,341 feet. He wanted to visit the Great Wall of China, the Panama and Suez canals, Easter Island, the Galapagos Islands and the Taj Mahal.
Goddard, who documented many of his adventures on film and in two books, "The Survivor: 24 Spine-Chilling Adventures on the Edge of Death" and "Kayaks Down the Nile," said he did all that — and more. Each goal was meticulously ticked off as he reached it, from "watch a cremation ceremony in Bali" (No. 91) to "milk a poisonous snake" (No. 117).
Those not attained included climbing Mt. Everest (No. 21) and landing on the moon (No. 125). Jeffery Goddard said his father had reached all but a few, but could not be exact.
A popular speaker for many years at schools, colleges and motivational events throughout Southern California, Goddard supported himself and his travels through his lectures, his family said. He was a member of the Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles and several similar organizations.
John Melvin Goddard was born July 29, 1924, in Salt Lake City and moved to Los Angeles with his family as a child. He studied anthropology and psychology at USC before embarking on his adventures.
His survivors include his wife of 33 years, Carol; six children; and 12 grandchildren.
His list, he said, was just a way of keeping organized about his goals, along with the rest of his life.
Besides, he told The Times in 2004, "It's ridiculous to tippy-toe through life."
He wanted to explore the waters of the Amazon, the Congo, the Colorado and the Nile rivers. He hoped to climb an impressive list of mountains, including Mt. Ararat in Turkey, Mt. Cook in New Zealand, Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico and Tanzania's Mt. Kilimanjaro, a towering 19,341 feet. He wanted to visit the Great Wall of China, the Panama and Suez canals, Easter Island, the Galapagos Islands and the Taj Mahal.
Goddard, who documented many of his adventures on film and in two books, "The Survivor: 24 Spine-Chilling Adventures on the Edge of Death" and "Kayaks Down the Nile," said he did all that — and more. Each goal was meticulously ticked off as he reached it, from "watch a cremation ceremony in Bali" (No. 91) to "milk a poisonous snake" (No. 117).
Those not attained included climbing Mt. Everest (No. 21) and landing on the moon (No. 125). Jeffery Goddard said his father had reached all but a few, but could not be exact.
A popular speaker for many years at schools, colleges and motivational events throughout Southern California, Goddard supported himself and his travels through his lectures, his family said. He was a member of the Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles and several similar organizations.
John Melvin Goddard was born July 29, 1924, in Salt Lake City and moved to Los Angeles with his family as a child. He studied anthropology and psychology at USC before embarking on his adventures.
His survivors include his wife of 33 years, Carol; six children; and 12 grandchildren.
His list, he said, was just a way of keeping organized about his goals, along with the rest of his life.
Besides, he told The Times in 2004, "It's ridiculous to tippy-toe through life."
The Honorable Marion Emil Gubler
passed peacefully of respiratory failure in Glendale on Thursday,
December 10 at the age of 85. He is survived by his wife of nearly 62
years, Doris Gubler, his six children Ruth May, Russell Gubler, Renelle McEwan, Donald Gubler,
Jeanine Adams, and Linda Junge, as well as 19 grandchildren and 13
great grandchildren. He was proceeded in death by his son Thomas Gubler, both of his parents, his sister Marilyn, and other beloved extended family members.
Born the eldest of 12 children on June 29, 1930 to Emil and Nellie Gubler, Marion grew up on a farm in Santa Clara, Utah. He left at age 21 to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the East Central United States (Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia), after obtaining an Associate's Degree from Dixie College. He was drafted during the Korean War and sent to Seattle, Washington to train in the United States Armed Services Police Department. This is where he met is beloved wife Doris. He made quite an impression on Doris, as they were married only three months later before he was shipped overseas to Korea for a year.
Marion similarly made a powerful impression in professional and political pursuits, clerking for Utah Supreme Court Justice J Allen Crockett, working for the IRS, promoting to partner at the Burbank-based Rogan & Radding Law firm after completing law school at the University of Utah. He was appointed judge by Governor Ronald Reagan, and presided in Burbank Courts for 22 years (1973-1995), acting as both a municipal and superior court judge. During this time, he also served as president of the Los Angeles County Judges Association. Marion was a proud Rotarian, serving as member and president of the Burbank Noon Rotary Club. His leadership roles continued in church service, serving as both a Mormon Bishop and Stake Presidency member in Glendale, where he resided for the last 54 years.
Services will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1101 N. Central Avenue in Glendale, California on Saturday, December 19, 2015 including a viewing starting at 9:30 a.m. and funeral services at 11:00 a.m. Burial will occur in Orem, Utah on Monday, December 21, 2015
April 19, 2016 "My mom Doris Gubler-- a strong, kind, intelligent, faithful, beautiful woman, a fortress of love for her family, succumbed to pancreatic cancer and was reunited with my father this morning --4 months to the day of his funeral. Theirs was truly a great love story. I am blessed beyond words to have the privilege of calling her my mother."

Born the eldest of 12 children on June 29, 1930 to Emil and Nellie Gubler, Marion grew up on a farm in Santa Clara, Utah. He left at age 21 to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the East Central United States (Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia), after obtaining an Associate's Degree from Dixie College. He was drafted during the Korean War and sent to Seattle, Washington to train in the United States Armed Services Police Department. This is where he met is beloved wife Doris. He made quite an impression on Doris, as they were married only three months later before he was shipped overseas to Korea for a year.
Marion similarly made a powerful impression in professional and political pursuits, clerking for Utah Supreme Court Justice J Allen Crockett, working for the IRS, promoting to partner at the Burbank-based Rogan & Radding Law firm after completing law school at the University of Utah. He was appointed judge by Governor Ronald Reagan, and presided in Burbank Courts for 22 years (1973-1995), acting as both a municipal and superior court judge. During this time, he also served as president of the Los Angeles County Judges Association. Marion was a proud Rotarian, serving as member and president of the Burbank Noon Rotary Club. His leadership roles continued in church service, serving as both a Mormon Bishop and Stake Presidency member in Glendale, where he resided for the last 54 years.
Services will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1101 N. Central Avenue in Glendale, California on Saturday, December 19, 2015 including a viewing starting at 9:30 a.m. and funeral services at 11:00 a.m. Burial will occur in Orem, Utah on Monday, December 21, 2015
April 19, 2016 "My mom Doris Gubler-- a strong, kind, intelligent, faithful, beautiful woman, a fortress of love for her family, succumbed to pancreatic cancer and was reunited with my father this morning --4 months to the day of his funeral. Theirs was truly a great love story. I am blessed beyond words to have the privilege of calling her my mother."

Hale, Nathan and Ruth
Ground breaking for the Glendale Center Theater, 1957:
When Ruth and Nathan Hale moved to Glendale, California from Salt Lake City in 1943 with the aspirations of beginning a career as actors, they quickly realized that the only way to pursue their dream was to open their own theatre. In 1947 they rented a small building in Glendale, and the Hale Centre Theatre was born!
Them Also I Must Bring, a play. Norma Slight is mentioned in this article: May 23, 1951 Deseret News
Ruth and Nathan Hale:
Ruth Hale thought of herself as predominantly a writer, and she wrote over 70 plays, but she was better known as an actress and theatre owner. Starting with her husband Nathan, she and her family founded community theatres in California, Utah, and Arizona. Her children and grandchildren continue in the family legacy to this day.
Nathan Hale
Birth: 21 November 1910, Afton, Wyoming, USA
Date of Death: 30 January 1994, Taylorsville, Utah, USA (cancer)
A ruggedly handsome actor, Nathan was also a producer, and a theater owner. Teamed with his wife, Ruth Hale, he founded community theaters in California and Utah. His children and grandchildren continue in this family legacy of the stage to this day, and some grandsons have become successful film directors.
Soon after Nathan met and married Ruth, they were asked to serve as drama leaders in their ward (Mormon church congregation). They began writing their own plays to avoid paying royalties, with Ruth doing most of the writing, and for 8 years they staged their productions around the Salt Lake Valley. Already having four children, Nathan was not eligible for the draft, but he also was not happy with his job at Utah Copper, with the dust and grime of the mining operation. After reading in the paper about a lack of leading men in Hollywood due to WW II military service, Ruth mentioned that he might make a go at professional acting. Nathan replied that she had a better chance with her acting and plays. Despite the negative reaction from family and friends, they decided to move to southern California in 1943. Nathan took a job as a milkman leaving days and evenings available for acting work. He had some roles with the Altadena Players at the Pasadena Playhouse, but film work remained elusive. However, the Hales did participate in the production of two films in 1946 about the Mormon welfare program, made in spare time by a team of Mormons in the film industry assembled by Disney animator Judge Whitaker. This was the start of film production within the Mormon Church.
With film careers not materializing, they opened the Glendale Centre Theatre in Glendale, Ca. in 1947 (125 seats) to provide a venue for their acting. Their success soon led to a move and expansion. They staged plays that were free of profanity and illicit love affairs, leading to bookings of entire performances by church groups of various denominations. Ruth drew from her personal experiences in writing, and Nathan's favorite role was playing his own feisty English father-in-law in "Thank You Papa" penned by Ruth. Several actors would get their start at the Hale's theater including Gordon Jump, Mike Farrell, Connie Stevens, Richard Hatch, and Melissa Gilbert.
The Hales did initiate some film work of their own, independently producing three Mormon-themed films from 1955 to 1957 assisted by their nephew William Hale, and many members of the Glendale West Ward. "Choice Land" was a 20 minute film about America, including Book of Mormon scenes such as Lehi leaving Jerusalem (shot in the desert) and one with Jaredites. The earthquake leveling Zarahemla at the time of Christ's crucifixion was shot using a model of the city on a ping pong table. The Pilgrims were shot wading knee deep in snow at Mr. Wilson. "Oliver Cowdery" was filmed for $2,500 with a ten minute court scene rehearsed and shot in one evening. A third film was entitled "Is Fast Day a Headache ?"
Nathan and his children would all later appear in one or more films produced for use by The Mormon Church. Nathan was well-cast as a leader of a Mormon colony in Mexico facing a threat from Pancho Villa in the film And Should We Die (1966), and as the grandfather in the 1986 re-make of Man's Search for Happiness (1964).
In 1983 the Hales retired to Utah, leaving their daughter Sandra and her husband running the Glendale theater. Soon bored, they decided to open the Salt Lake Hale Center Theatre with other family members. Hale Center theaters have continued to be opened elsewhere after Nathan's death. Grandsons Kurt Hale and Will Swenson have entered the ranks of directors in LDS Cinema with The Singles Ward (2002) and Sons of Provo (2004). By Brian Greenhalgh
Birth Name
Ruth Emma Hudson
Ruth Emma Hudson
Grandma Hale
Grandma Hale
Mini Biography
Ruth Hale thought of herself as predominantly a writer, and she wrote over 70 plays, but she was better known as an actress and theatre owner. Starting with her husband Nathan, she and her family founded community theatres in California, Utah, and Arizona. Her children and grandchildren continue in the family legacy to this day.
After studying at the University of Utah for two years, Ruth taught
school until she was 19 years old and then left for a religious mission
in the eastern United States for the LDS (Mormon) Church. Upon her
return to Utah, she met and married Nathan Hale , and they were asked to
be drama leaders in their ward (Mormon congregation). They began
writing their own plays to avoid paying royalties and for 8 years they
toured around the Salt Lake Valley appearing in their plays. But Nathan
was not happy with his job at Utah Copper, so Ruth suggested that he
might be able to break into movies due to a shortage of leading men in
Hollywood due to WW II. Moving to southern California in 1943, Nathan
took a job as a milkman so his days and evenings would be available for
acting work. He appeared with the Altadena Players at the Pasadena
Playhouse and Ruth continued writing plays, selling some at $100 a
piece. The Hales did participate in the production of two films in 1946
about the Mormon welfare program, with a team assembled by Judge
Whitaker. This was the real start of film production within the Mormon
With other film work not materializing, they opened the Glendale
Centre Theatre in Glendale, Ca. in 1947 with 125 seats. They soon moved
and expanded due to success due in part to staging plays free of
profanity and illicit love affairs. This led to bookings of entire
performances by church groups of various denominations. The Hale's
children found themselves cast in productions and also finding that
furniture in their house changed rather routinely as it was required on
stage. Ruth drew from her personal experiences in writing, and "Lilacs
in the Rain" was based on a young man that had wanted to marry Ruth
before she left on her mission. "Thank You Papa" was about life with
Ruth's feisty English father. Several actors would get their start at
the Hale's theater including Gordon Jump, Mike Farrell, Connie Stevens,
Richard Hatch, and Melissa Gilbert.
As they had done with plays, the Hales initiated their own film work
and produced three Mormon-themed films from 1955 to 1957 assisted by
their nephew William Hale, and many members of the Glendale West Ward.
The first, "Choice Land" was a 20 minute film about America, with many
Book of Mormon scenes including Lehi leaving Jerusalem (shot in the
desert) and Jaredites. The earthquake levelling Zarahemla at the time of
Christ's crucifixion was shot using a model of the city on a ping pong
table. The Pilgrims were shot wading knee deep in snow at Mr. Wilson.
"Oliver Cowdery" was filmed for $2,500 with a ten minute court scene
rehearsed and shot in one evening. A third film was entitled "Is Fast
Day a Headache ?"
They and their six children would all later appear in
one or more films produced for use by The Mormon Church. Ruth wrote the
story for the controversial 'Til Death Do Us Part (1960) in which
daughter Sherry played a young woman contemplating an inter-faith
marriage. In 1983 the Hales retired to Utah, leaving their daughter
Sandra and her husband running the theater. Soon bored, they decided to
open the Salt Lake Hale Center Theater with other family members.
Center theaters were subsequently opened elsewhere. Starting the year
Nathan died, Ruth added some appearances in TV movies and theatrical
films to her stage performances. She continued to act in her 90s, even
appearing in a wheelchair after a major stroke in February, 2001. She
appears in a cameo in The Singles Ward (2002), the directorial debut of
grandson Kurt Hale. Another grandson Will Swenson has also entered the
ranks of directors in LDS Cinema with Sons of Provo (2004).
Sally Hale:
--Sally Hale (2006) Obituary
(Created by Sally before she passed away): Sally Hale Rice 10/1/42 ~
7/25/06 "An interesting journey, this knowing you will die soon. I was
born October 1, 1942 in Murray, Utah to James Nathan Hale and Ruth
Hudson Hale and raised in the golden era days of the Glendale West Ward,
Glendale, CA. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of acting with
my mother and father on their Glendale Centre Theatre stage. After
graduating High School, I went to BYU where I received a degree in
education and was then privileged to teach school. My former husband,
Robert Lee Swenson, and I had four children. I leave behind with such
poignancy my fine children: Cody Swenson (Anne), Will Swenson (Amy),
Leea Sorensen (Shawn) and Bobby Swenson. I also leave my eight dear
grandchildren: Christian, Brenner, Fiona, Rose, Bridger, Sawyer, Sage
and Taj. And I so reluctantly part for a time with my beautiful husband
of six years, Clint Rice.
of my life has been filled with the joy of theater - from actress, to
janitor, to prop master, to director, to producer. In 1985 I helped
found the Hale Centre Theatre in West Valley City, UT with my incredible
parents and my so very capable partners, Mark and Sally Dietlein. One
of my greatest delights has been to hear the laughter of our thousands
of wonderful patrons. I thank them. I will greatly miss my accomplished
siblings: Sandra Dietlein (Allan), Phillip Nathan Hale (Barbara), Sherry
Brian (Pat), Tanya Radebaugh (Lee), and James Cody Hale (Linda) and my
stepchildren: DeeAnn Hilkhuijsen (Dennis), Terri K. Hughes (Ian) and
Tyler Rice. Goodbye to my 'salt of the earth' Taylorsville friends whom I
lived among for 20 years and fond goodbyes to my theatre fold. The
funeral will be held Saturday, 11:30 a.m. at my new ward, full of caring
people, the Mount Olympus 4th Ward, 4176 South Adonis Dr. (3930 East). A
viewing will be held Friday, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at McDougal Funeral Home,
4330 South Redwood Road and Saturday at the church, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Interment will follow in the Taylorsville Cemetery. If my theatre folks
sing, it should be worth coming. In lieu of flowers go see a play at any
Hale Centre Theatre. Laugh
and cry and understand how valuable theatre
is. I love you all . . . till we meet again."
Glendale West Ward members at Sally Hale Funeral:
Wray and Eva Hamrick
Wray was a carpenter. He and his wife Eva served in many capacities in the church. They had no children of their own but adopted a girl. Eva was married to a man who died in WWII.
They were avid stake missionaries. Jerry Dastrup says he thinks they may have baptized 15 people.
Wray fell from a ladder, had a concussion and broke a vein which lead to his death. Eva then moved to St. George where she died some time later.
Doug Hansen:

They were avid stake missionaries. Jerry Dastrup says he thinks they may have baptized 15 people.
Wray fell from a ladder, had a concussion and broke a vein which lead to his death. Eva then moved to St. George where she died some time later.
Doug Hansen:
David Hansen peacefully passed away on January 21, 2012 from
complications of Alzheimer's. Born on April 14, 1939 to Douglas and
Florence Hansen and raised in Glendale, California. Douglas served a LDS
mission in Hawaii and also served in the National Guard. Doug was a BYU
graduate and a lifelong fan. He worked his entire career as a CPA for
various companies, retiring from the Utah State Tax Commission in
December 2009.
John L. Harmer (born April 28, 1934) is a former California politician who served in the California State Senate as a Republican from 1966 to 1974. He went on to serve briefly as the 40th Lieutenant Governor of California from 1974 to 1975, after the resignation of Edwin Reinecke on October 4, 1974. Departing Governor Ronald Reagan appointed him to the post. He is now the vice president of Geely-USA, the American Division of the Chinese car maker Geely that along with Chery is one of the first Chinese automobile manufacturers to export to North American shores.
Harmer wrote the book Reagan: Man of Principle.]
Harmer served as chairman of the Lighted Candle Society an organization opposed to pornography, and has filed briefs with the United States Supreme Court against pornography.
Harmer currently resides in Bountiful, Utah, with his wife Carolyn. Harmer is a Latter-day Saint.
Hawley, Roger and Zola
Roger Cannon Hawley, 75, a longtime Glendale resident, died July 28,
Mr. Hawley was born in Salt Lake City.
He served with the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II.
Prior to retiring, he was an auditor with Farmer's Insurance Co.
He is survived by his wife, Zola; daughters, Masry Lou Jolley, and
Roger Cannon Hawley, 75, a longtime Glendale resident, died July 28,
Mr. Hawley was born in Salt Lake City.
He served with the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II.
Prior to retiring, he was an auditor with Farmer's Insurance Co.
He is survived by his wife, Zola; daughters, Masry Lou Jolley, and
Carol Bush; sons, Mike and David Hawley; and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
Burial followed at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
Burial followed at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.
Hiatt, Joyce & Joe Goodsell
22 June 1961 - Glendale West Ward - Goodsell Wedding Reception
Joyce Hiatt & Joe Goodsell - Edna & Edmund Crowley
Picture below: Father Clayton Goodsell - Groom Joe Goodsell - Don Henry
Dr. Edmund Crowley examining Joe's ears relative to passing them on to his posterity.
Dr. Edmund Crowley was not only the Ward Teacher when my parents,
Elwood and Fonda Hiatt, and I lived on Moreno Drive near the Crowley
home, but later, after I graduated from BYU and
was living with a roommate in Glendale, and engaged to Joe, he was then my Home Teacher.
One night he came to visit my non-member roommate and me, and I mentioned that I had been a
bit dizzy. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital and my father was subsequently surrounded
by phone books calling wedding guests because I had encephalitis. Wedding #1 was to have been
May 25th. A month later June 22 we were married in the Los Angeles Temple and had our
reception that night at the Glendale West Ward.
Don Henry:
Walter lives in Utah
David army, married Ann Walker, had six children, divorced, lives in Roseburg Oregon and has remarried
Parents moved to Bountiful across street from David when they retired.
Harold went to Peru
David army, married Ann Walker, had six children, divorced, lives in Roseburg Oregon and has remarried
Parents moved to Bountiful across street from David when they retired.
Harold went to Peru
Hillquist, Don:
is with sadness that I tell you of the passing of Don Hillquist, after a
battle with prostate cancer. Don passed away on December 31, 2011. The
funeral was held Saturday, January 7, 2012. His wife indicated that many
Glendale friends were in attendance and that Gill Torgeson spoke. What a
nice tribute to a friend. There seems to have been no obituary. Our
love and condolences go out to Don's family.
Jolley Clifton:
instructor at the LDS Institute of Religion at Cypress Institute, he
resides in Buena Park, California. He has published poetry in Dialogue
and the Ensign. Jolley has taught at BYU and BYU-Hawaii and in the LDS
church seminary system, and owns a media production company.
Dr. Clifton, Jolley president
of Advent Communications, has a Ph.D. in English, and taught
communications at the university level before leaving his assistant
professorship to write a daily newspaper columns and produce
documentaries for PBS. In 1982 he began consulting to MLM companies, and
for more than 25 years he has worked with industry leaders and start-up
companies alike, providing everything from video production to
distributor kits to website development and pioneering Internet
technologies for the development of distributor organizations. Dr.
Jolley has been quoted as an authority on network marketing in Success
Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, Fortune Magazine, Forbes, Longevity
Magazine, the New York Times, and other national publications and
broadcast media., , 214.378.6280.
May 27, 1985 Deseret News:
August 18, 1987 Deseret News:
Utah Family Law Attorney, Vernon Jolley, Named “Trial Attorney of the Year”
PRLog - Apr. 25, 2013 - SALT LAKE CITY -- At
it’s Annual Conference held on April 18-19, 2013, in Midway, Utah, The
Parental Defense Alliance of Utah named Vernon Jolley, of Jolley and
Jolley law firm, “Trial Attorney of the Year.”
This distinguished
recognition was awarded to Jolley for his “Diligent Defense of Parental
Rights before Utah Juvenile Courts.” His attorney peers throughout the
state of Utah selected Jolley for the award.
As a veteran attorney with an impressive resume of trial work in civil and family law cases, Vernon Jolley
is licensed to practice in the states of Utah and California, He is
also admitted to appear before various federal district courts, the
Ninth and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the United States Supreme
Court in Washington, D.C.
“It’s an honor to be recognized in this
way by the Parental Defense Alliance of Utah and my peers throughout
the state,” Jolley says. “Just as every good parent has a right to be a
part of their children’s lives, every child has a right to a
relationship with both parents. To this end, our firm will continue to
focus on ensuring these rights are properly protected by our legal
in 2007, the Utah family law firm of Jolley and Jolley was created out
of the need for the advancement of a father’s rights
in Utah. “In the beginning, even we did not grasp the importance of the
need for a law firm to fight for the rights of Utah Fathers as equal
with valuable parenting skills that children need,” Jolley explains.
That quickly changed, as the firm grew from a father and son to seven
Fathers Rights attorneys in a few short years.
Jolley and Jolley
is a family run firm that believes in family ideals – ideals that
include a father in the upbringing of children. The atmosphere of the
office is unlike any law firm you may be familiar with, including a
client waiting area that feels like home and a playroom for children!
Click here for website
Parental Defense Alliance is a 501(c)3 tax exempt charitable
organization that exists to provide education and assistance to
attorneys who represent parents in Juvenile Court child welfare
Jonkey, Roy and Lottie
![]() |
Top left: Deanna to her right is Marcia Bottom left is Paul right of Lottie is Charles |
Roy and Lottie, 1953,
Jump, Gordon
January 25, 1992, Deseret News:
Actor Gordon Jump, who portrays radio station owner Arthur "Big Guy" Carlson on the TV series "WKRP in Cincinnati," has filed court papers to end his 29-year marriage.
Jump's Superior Court divorce petition was filed Thursday by attorney Stanley Rogers.Jump cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the breakup with his wife, Anna. The divorce petition said the couple has been separated since Aug. 31 and they have a 15-year-old daughter, Maggi-Jo.
LOS ANGELES -- Gordon Jump, who played a befuddled radio station manager on the sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati" and made his mark in commercials as the lonely Maytag repairman, died Monday. He was 71.
Jump suffered from pulmonary fibrosis, said his cousin, Katherine Jump Wagner. The illness causes scarring of the air sacs of the lungs, leading to heart or respiratory failure. Wagner, of Arcanum, Ohio, said she learned of her cousin's death from her father, also named Gordon Jump. Her cousin was under hospice care at his home southeast of Los Angeles, she said. Jump played Arthur Carlson in "WKRP in Cincinnati," which aired on CBS from 1978-82 and featured Gary Sandy, Loni Anderson, Tim Reid, Howard Hesseman and Richard Sanders as the ragtag station's crew.
A native of Dayton, Ohio, Jump began his career working at radio and TV stations in the Midwest. He worked behind the microphone and the camera, including jobs as a producer for Kansas and Ohio stations.
Jump portrayed the Maytag repairman "Ol' Lonely," a well-recognized advertising symbol, from 1989 until he retired from the role in July and another actor took over.
"Gordon was an incredibly talented actor and a remarkable human being," said Ralph Hake, chairman and chief executive officer of Maytag Corp. Jump came to appreciate the attention he got for the ad campaign and the steady work it provided, Wagner said. But his heart was elsewhere professionally.
"What he loved more than anything was doing theater. He was a marvelous actor," she said, recalling a visit to Florida to watch him perform in "Norman, Is That You?"
Jump is survived by his wife, four daughters and a son, Maytag said in a statement. He also had a brother, Wagner said. Jump died in 2003 from pulmonary fibrosis, leading to respiratory failure at his home near Los Angeles, California.
Lauten, George and Ila:
From Find a Grave:
William Wallace LeCheminant* William Wallace LeCheminant, son of Peter J. and Martha Hayes LeCheminant, was born February 8, 1887, in Pleasant Green (now Magna), Utah. He was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints June 4, 1895. He held various ward and stake positions, was a High Priest, president of the elder’s quorum, superintendent of three different Sunday Schools, teacher and superintendent of M.I.A., member of stake genealogical committee, first counselor in a bishopric, stake superintendent of Sunday School, member of stake high council, stake missionary. He was a graduate of the University of Utah, school teacher, postmaster, realtor, memorial advisor at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, chairman of Salt Lake County Council of Defense, Industrial Survey and Registrar of Aliens in World War I. He married Alice Woodhouse November 3, 1908, in Salt Lake City, Utah, later solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple April 20, 1910. They were the parents of four children: Wallace Wayne, William Glendon, Kenneth John, and Keith George. He died August 22, 1968.
LeCheminant, Ken and Trudy
Ken died February 6, 2012
beloved husband, father, and friend, Kenneth John LeCheminant, Sr., has
passed from our sight. He died peacefully in Lindon, Utah on Saturday,
February 4, 2012 at age 89 after battling Alzheimer’s disease for some
time. One of four brothers, he was born in Ocean Park, California, on
August 26th,
1922. He was married to Ida Mary Boreham in 1942, and they had four
children. After a divorce, he married Gertrude Overson in 1966, and they
had one daughter. Long-time residents of Glendale, California, they
lived there until retirement in 1991, when they moved to Orem, Utah.
After Gertrude’s passing in 2001, he married Carma Golding, from Orem.
served in the U.S. Navyduring World War II from September 1942 to
October 1945. During that time he was an aviation machinist aboard the
aircraft carrier U.S. Enterprise. After his honorable discharge from
military service, he worked as an automotive mechanic until his
retirement. During his lifetime he was a faithful member of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in many callings. He had
an abiding testimony in Jesus Christ and gave much of his time in
service to others..Vera Leeper and son Ron with grandchildren:
Nelson, George
Noble, Wendell and Gwen
From USC Digital Library:
Good Friday at Forest Lawn, 11 April 1952. Reverend Donald A. Minton; Reverend William Merwin; Wendell Nobel; Doctor Hugh Tiner (President of Pepperdine).
April 16, 1954 Deseret News
Larry Noble 2015 |
From Bio on Steve Allen: Allen became an announcer for KFAC in Los Angeles and then moved to the Mutual Broadcasting System in 1946, talking the station into airing a five-nights-a-week comedy show, Smile Time, co-starring Wendell Noble.
From Amazon: Wendell Noble, a distinguished narrator, lecturer, actor, musician and teacher, was born in Mesa, Arizona. He began his radio career at station KOY in Phoenix. For many years, he and his family lived in Southern California where Wendell enjoyed a successful career as a radio and television personality. His own program, The Wendell Noble Show, aired over KABC in Los Angeles.
Perhaps Wendell is best remembered by the people of Southern California for his masterful narration of the Crucifixion and Resurrection at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California. He was in great demand as a speaker and narrator. In 1942 Wendell married Gwenavere Gibson and they have 6 children. He remained a devoted father and husband until his passing in February, 1988. His wife now resides in Lindon, Utah.
Peters, William Howard Peters was the mayor of Glendale 1961-63

Hazel met William Howard Peters in Phoenix,
Arizona, in 1941. Howard graduated in Business Administration from
Stanford University and had volunteered for military service. He
attended officer training school and then served on the Pacific Front
for thirty months. When he returned in 1945, he and Hazel married in
Pasadena, California. The Peters had two children who grew up in
Glendale, California. Hazel was active in community and LDS Church
activities. Howard served as a city council member and mayor of Glendale
in the 1960s. Howard passed away in 1981.
After her husband's death,
Hazel traveled and won ballroom dancing competitions. Both Howard and
Hazel requested that half their gift of property be given to the Redd
Center and her parents' endowment. Hazel passed away in 1995.
Note: My dad did not join the church until Dennis left on his mission. Interesting story but the summary is Dennis was getting ready to go on his mission. I think he already had his call, but not sure. Wendell Noble talked to Dennis after church and said you know I feel you should ask your dad to be baptized. Go home and pray about it, so Dennis did and asked my dad and he said yes. Quite a story. You probably need to check with Dennis to be sure my details are right. I was at BYU at the time. Of course, I came home for the baptism. Susan Peters
Note: My dad did not join the church until Dennis left on his mission. Interesting story but the summary is Dennis was getting ready to go on his mission. I think he already had his call, but not sure. Wendell Noble talked to Dennis after church and said you know I feel you should ask your dad to be baptized. Go home and pray about it, so Dennis did and asked my dad and he said yes. Quite a story. You probably need to check with Dennis to be sure my details are right. I was at BYU at the time. Of course, I came home for the baptism. Susan Peters
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LtoR Dennis, Susan, Christine, Carver |

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Glendale High School graduation, 1927 |
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, CA
Pettit, Bryan Lee
Church News Nov 16, 1996: RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Oct. 20, 1996) President - G. Michael Grant, 50, attorney and partner with Best, Best & Krieger; succeeding Larry Bedhaine; wife, Christine Rae Berkey Grant. Counselors - Don R. Inskeep, 55, assistant district attorney; wife, Claudia Ruth Brown Inskeep. Bryan L. Pettit, 50, professor at California State University at San Bernardino; wife, Kelly Cloward Pettit.
A choice and stalwart man, Bryan Lee Pettit, was called home to his Heavenly Father on August 19, 1998, while returning home from a family reunion in Southern Utah. He was 52 years old.
Bryan was born April 10, 1946 in Glendale, California, a son of Richard J. and June A. Pettit. He married Kelly Cloward on August 16, 1971 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Bryan excelled in his studies, and worked hard to obtain the highest degree available to him, a Doctorate in Education, which he received at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. Bryan taught as a professor at both California State University at San Bernardino and the University of Phoenix. Through the years, he touched the lives of many of his students. He had a passion for teaching, and he loved the interaction he had with his students and with his work associates.A faithful and devoted member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Bryan had an unshakable testimony of his Savior Jesus Christ. He served diligently in many callings in the church, but most recently as 2nd Counselor in the Riverside, California Stake Presidency. He was dearly loved and respected by people everywhere, and touched the lives of all that were privileged to have known him. He will be greatly missed.
Although Bryan lived and served well, and accomplished many great things in his life, his family was nearest and dearest to his heart and was his crowning joy. His example as a husband and a father was unmatched. He brought a sense of unity, joy, and faith into his home which is rare among families, and he created a tremendous and inspiring legacy to be followed by all. Generations forevermore will rise up and call him blessed.
Bryan is survived by his wife, Kelly Cloward Pettit, Riverside, CA. They are the parents of six children: a son, Bryan Lee Pettit Jr. and wife Dawn Whetten Pettit, Sandy, UT; a son, Douglas Cloward Pettit, Sandy, UT; a daughter, Lynsey Pettit Butler, wife of Bret Paul Butler, Provo, UT; a son, Thomas Cloward Pettit; a daughter Julie Pettit; and a son, Matthew Cloward Pettit, Riverside, CA. They are the grandparents of one grandson, Tyler Bryan Pettit, age one, Sandy, UT. He is also survived by his parents, Richard J. and June A. Pettit, St. George, UT; his father-in-law, Wells P. Cloward, Spanish Fork, UT; two brothers, Richard J. Pettit Jr. and Robert C. Pettit; two sisters, Barbara Pettit Parady and Cheryl Pettit Apgar; a brother-in-law, Sherman L. Cloward; and a sister-in-law, Connie Cloward Parsons.
Note: They were boating at Lake Powell. As they drove home the vehicle he was driving pulling the boat started to have mechanical problems. He sent Kelly and the kids home in the other car and he nursed the vehicle along. He stopped in Stateline (Primm) because it was late and got a room. There he had a heart attack and it took too long for the paramedics to get there from Las Vegas.
Pettit, Richard and June
June 23, 1918 ~ April 5, 2011
June 23, 1918 ~ April 5, 2011
Richard Junius Pettit, born June 23, 1918, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Jesse Raymond and Phyllis Clayton Pettit, passed peacefully away in his St. George home Tuesday morning, April 5, at the age of 92. He married his eternal sweetheart, June Aileen Cannon, January 31, 1942, and was sealed to her in the Mesa, Arizona temple.
Dick, as he was known by friends and family, lived an exemplary life. He lived in Salt Lake City until 1931, when he moved to Los Angeles, California. He served a successful mission to the New England states and then enlisted in the Army Air Force in 1942 to become a part of World War II. During that time, he flew B-24 bombers and survived harrowing experiences as a prisoner of war. These events shaped his life in making him the great man he became.
In his many church callings, one of his greatest blessings was being a youth advisor and bishop to the singles in his ward and stake callings in Glendale, California for over 20 years. He had a positive influence on many lives.
He is survived by his sweet wife, June Aileen; his sister, Phyllis Whitchurch, of Salt Lake City; his children Richard Junius Pettit (wife Hilda, deceased); Barbara Parady (husband, John); Cheryl Apgar; Robert Pettit (wife, Lori); and daughter-in-law Kelly Pettit (wife of Bryan Pettit, deceased). His numerous grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were the joy of his life. Grandpa's tall tales will be fondly remembered by all.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 11:00 am, with a viewing from 9:30 - 10:30 am, at the Bloomington 6th Ward Chapel located at 3519 Manzanita, in St. George. Interment will take place immediately following the service at the Tonaquint Cemetery.
Dick, as he was known by friends and family, lived an exemplary life. He lived in Salt Lake City until 1931, when he moved to Los Angeles, California. He served a successful mission to the New England states and then enlisted in the Army Air Force in 1942 to become a part of World War II. During that time, he flew B-24 bombers and survived harrowing experiences as a prisoner of war. These events shaped his life in making him the great man he became.
In his many church callings, one of his greatest blessings was being a youth advisor and bishop to the singles in his ward and stake callings in Glendale, California for over 20 years. He had a positive influence on many lives.
He is survived by his sweet wife, June Aileen; his sister, Phyllis Whitchurch, of Salt Lake City; his children Richard Junius Pettit (wife Hilda, deceased); Barbara Parady (husband, John); Cheryl Apgar; Robert Pettit (wife, Lori); and daughter-in-law Kelly Pettit (wife of Bryan Pettit, deceased). His numerous grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were the joy of his life. Grandpa's tall tales will be fondly remembered by all.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 11:00 am, with a viewing from 9:30 - 10:30 am, at the Bloomington 6th Ward Chapel located at 3519 Manzanita, in St. George. Interment will take place immediately following the service at the Tonaquint Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the LDS Missionary Fund
Pettit, June
March 12, 1920 ~ August 16, 2011
June Aileen Cannon Pettit died peacefully in her home on Tuesday, August 16. She was 91 years old. Born to David Hoagland and Marguerite Callister Cannon, March 12, 1920, in Salt Lake City, June spent most of her younger years in southern California where she met and married her beloved husband Dick, who passed away in April. Together again, the heavens will be filled with sunshine, laughter, and song.
Known for her joyful spirit and desire to serve others, June has been an example of faith and virtue and love. She always thought of others before herself and was tireless in her efforts to make others feel loved and appreciated. Making happy memories was always her goal. Through her many years of teaching, and precious time with family and friends, June's influence for good was felt by all. The many memories she has made, and her impact for good, will be felt for years to come.
June is survived by her children, Richard Junius Pettit (wife, Hilda, deceased); Barbara Parady (husband, John); Cheryl Apgar; Robert Pettit (wife, Lori); Kelly Pettit (daughter-in-law and wife of Bryan Pettit, deceased), and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren who were the joy of her life. She also leaves behind her brother, David Alan Cannon, and sister-in-law, Joyce Cannon (wife of deceased brother, Edward Callister Cannon).
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m., with a viewing from 9:30-10:30 a.m., at the Bloomington 6th Ward Chapel located at 3519 Manzanita, in St. George. Interment will take place immediately following the service at the Tonaquint Cemetery. Friends and family are invited to make donations to the LDS Missionary Fund in her name.
Known for her joyful spirit and desire to serve others, June has been an example of faith and virtue and love. She always thought of others before herself and was tireless in her efforts to make others feel loved and appreciated. Making happy memories was always her goal. Through her many years of teaching, and precious time with family and friends, June's influence for good was felt by all. The many memories she has made, and her impact for good, will be felt for years to come.
June is survived by her children, Richard Junius Pettit (wife, Hilda, deceased); Barbara Parady (husband, John); Cheryl Apgar; Robert Pettit (wife, Lori); Kelly Pettit (daughter-in-law and wife of Bryan Pettit, deceased), and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren who were the joy of her life. She also leaves behind her brother, David Alan Cannon, and sister-in-law, Joyce Cannon (wife of deceased brother, Edward Callister Cannon).
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m., with a viewing from 9:30-10:30 a.m., at the Bloomington 6th Ward Chapel located at 3519 Manzanita, in St. George. Interment will take place immediately following the service at the Tonaquint Cemetery. Friends and family are invited to make donations to the LDS Missionary Fund in her name.
Pratley, Brent
From the Banyan Yearbook, 1956:
JUDGING BATTER, pitcher John Blair contemplates what type of ball to throw. Steinke, 9 junior from West Jordan, engineered the in- field from the shortstop slot. Behind the plate Dale Lewis, a sophomore from Provo, and
Returning letterman from Giendale, California, more than ade- quately filled the catching position. Pitching problems plagued Coach Tucker in his first year as only two hurlers returned from the 1955 squad. Ben Madsen and Lynn Jones, the two returning lettermen, were backed by Owen Skousen, a big righthander re- HIGH FLY is awaited for by left fielder Phil Oyler. turning from the service, John Blair, and Sterling Hanks — all juniors — and sophomores Brent Haymond, lone southpaw on the team. Glen Hatch, Bob Smith, and Line Sorensen. Dave Crowton, 20-year coaching veteran at BYU, stepped down in favor of Coach Tucker due to ill health. Tucker, a member of the New York Yankee chain for more than 12 years, was named Crowton ' s successor early in the year. LIMBERING UP, third baseman Gary LaComb swings three bats. ”
Ragsdale, Kathryn Mitchell
September 14, 2002
Mitchell Ragsdale, 79, a longtime Glendale resident, died Sept. 12,
2002, in a Glendale hospital. Mrs. Ragsdale was born March 8, 1923, in
Utah. She was an artist and homemaker. She is survived by her husband,
Vernon L.; son, Michael; grandchildren, Gina, Devin, Chris and Jim; and
great-grandchildren, Gabriel, Isabella, Ashley, Joey, Stephen and
Parker. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4th ward, 1101 N. Central Ave. Burial
will be at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.
Reeder, Lynn
Reeder Alice November 28, 2012 | 4:49 p.m. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, November 24 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Alice Williams Reeder, 92, who died November 18 in Glendale. Mrs. Reeder was born in Malad, Idaho, and graduated from Box Elder High School in Brigham City, Utah. Upon her marriage to Homer B. Reeder in 1940, the couple settled in Glendale, where they raised their four children. Mrs. Reeder was an EKG technician at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank and served in a variety of capacities in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of which she was a life-long member. She enjoyed quilting, painting,knitting,and traveling. In her later years, she became an avid watcher of Dodger baseball games on TV. Her favorite activity was spending time with her family. She is survived by two daughters, Jeanne Broberg and Joyce Brown, both of La Cañada Flintridge; sons Lynn Reeder of Alta Loma and Michael Reeder of Broomfield, Colorado; 19 grandchildren; 64 great-grandchildren; and many beloved in-laws. Burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, Hollywood Hills.
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The Reeder Clan |
Reese, Bill
March 18, 1997, Deseret News:
William Dahlquist Reese passed away March 15, 1997 in Salt Lake City. Born July 1, 1908 in Salt Lake to Enoch William and Ruth Adeliade Dahlquist Reese. Married Ruth Blosch April 18, 1933 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She passed away June 5, 1974.
Married Dell Humphries in January 1976. Mr. Reese resided in Glendale, California for 60 years.Survived by wife, Dell; two sons, William Dennis and Janice of Las Vegas, NV, John R. and Gayle of Sandy, Utah; four stepdaughters, Carol and Roger Wilkins, Kathy and Jay Wooten, Barbara Stroud, Sheryl and Dale Butterfield; sister, Helen Flandro of Pocatello, ID; brother, Tom Reese of Ridgecrest, CA. Preceded in death by two brothers, Roy and Jack Reese.
Married Dell Humphries in January 1976. Mr. Reese resided in Glendale, California for 60 years.Survived by wife, Dell; two sons, William Dennis and Janice of Las Vegas, NV, John R. and Gayle of Sandy, Utah; four stepdaughters, Carol and Roger Wilkins, Kathy and Jay Wooten, Barbara Stroud, Sheryl and Dale Butterfield; sister, Helen Flandro of Pocatello, ID; brother, Tom Reese of Ridgecrest, CA. Preceded in death by two brothers, Roy and Jack Reese.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, March 20, 1997 at 12 noon in the Crosspointe Ward, 1325 West 5550 South, where friends may call from 10:30-11:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. T 3/18 N 3/19
Reeder, Alice
March 7, 1988: Deseret News:Aircraft Incident/Accident Report
Garden City Muni Airport
Garden City, Kansas 67846
Wednesday, August 4, 1982 7:15 PM CDT
CESSNA T337C was owned by KIRK SCHADE, and operated by LYNN A. BYSON.
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Kenneth Schade and Relia Edling were brother and sister. |

1931 ~ 2007 Joan Ruth Smith Stout peacefully and suddenly returned home on the evening of September 5, 2007 surrounded by her family, both in body and spirit at Jordan Valley Hospital. Born March 16, 1931 in Brigham City, Utah to Heber Parley Smith and Verna Louisa Wood Smith. Joan married her eternal companion, Harold Hansen Stout on June 20, 1952 in the Salt Lake Temple. They were blessed with four wonderful children: Kathryn Lee, Gary Harold, Michael David and Todd Lewis.
of Mom's married life was spent in Glendale, California, proving to be
an unforgettable moment in time while in the Glendale West Ward. They
later moved to Everett, Washington for about five years and eventually
settled down in the Bountiful and Salt Lake area. Harold and Joan were
called to serve a mission in the Spokane, Washington Mission for The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They fell in love with
people they served in Spokane. During her life, Joan served as Relief
Society president, Young Women's president and many years of teaching
She worked as a legal secretary for a number of years and never let go of her typewriter.
loved horses, crossword puzzles, getting her hair done, reading good
books, doing genealogy work, and visiting with old friends. Most of all
she loved her parents, husband and children. She rejoiced for her
children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren's happiness and ached
for their sorrows. A birthday or anniversary never went by without a
card from Grandma Joan.
is survived, loved and truly missed by her husband, Harold Stout; her
daughter and son-in-law, Dennis and Kathryn Peters; her son and
daughter-in-law, Gary and Lena Stout; her son, Michael Stout, her son
and daughter-in-law, Todd and Sheryl Stout; her brother Heber Parley
Smith Jr. and sister-in-law, Charlene Smith; her 15 grandchildren;
Travis Aaron married to Kimberlee, Tiffany Anne married to Chad, Tara
Janae married to Stephen, Tristen Marie married to Adam, Treavor Howard
married to Sara, Telisa Joan married to Clay, Stephanie Danielle married
to Jason, Christopher Thomas, Christopher Todd married to Chelane,
Justin Adams, Andrew Nicholas, Jennifer Nicole, Ashling Wu, Mikel Helen
married to David and Gregory David; and 22 great-grandchildren: Gunnar,
Jessica, Kourtney, Zachary, Rylee, Sabrina, Whitley, Bailey, Morgan,
Mylee, Trinity, Grace, Jovie, Cade, Luke, Pyper, Jack, Michael, Jace,
Luke and baby Van Leeuwen due in March 2008.
viewing will be held the evening of Sunday, September 9, 2007 from
6:30-8:30, at the Goff Mortuary, located at 8090 S. State St., Midvale,
Utah. Funeral Services will be held on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007 at 12 Noon
at the Welby 4th Ward Building, located at 9376 S. 4000 W., West
Jordan, Utah, with a viewing from 10:45-11:45 a.m.
would greatly appreciate, in lieu of flowers, that donations be made to
your favorite charity in her name. We will miss and forever cherish our
always loving Mother, Sister, Grandma, Great-Grandma, Aunt and friend.
We will save all the crossword puzzles for you Grandma!
Stout, Harold
Husband, Father, Father-In-Law, Uncle, Grandfather, and Great
Grandfather, Harold Hansen Stout passed away peacefully on Friday, March
30, 2012, at 11:15 A.M. while at the Alta Ridge Assisted Living
Facility in Sandy, Utah. He is survived by his eldest daughter, Kathryn
Stout Peters and two sons, Michael David Stout and Todd Lewis Stout,
son-in-law, Dennis Peters, daughters-in-law, Lena Stout and Sheryl
Stout, as well as 15 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. He joins
his wife and eternal companion, Joan Ruth Smith Stout, eldest son Gary
Harold Stout, as well as his parents, most brothers and sisters, and
other family members on the other side of the veil. Harold was born on May 11, 1925 in Lynndyl, Millard County, Utah.
was the fifth of ten children including Woodruff, Inez, Alta,
Naomi, Charlotte, Lorraine, Arza--who died at a very young age--Richard,
and Grant--the youngest and only surviving sibling. As a boy, Harold's
family lived in three different homes in Millard County in Lynndyl,
Leamington, and Oak City before his family was forced to move away and
to return to Salt Lake City in 1933 because of
the great depression. Harold served a full-time mission in the New
England States from 1948 to 1950 where faithfully labored with neither
purse nor scrip. Harold met his eternal companion, Joan Smith, in 1951
and the two were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on June 20, 1952.
worked as a mortician for Utter McKinley in Glendale, California,
before becoming a salesman with Kelly Clarke and later Calgon Vestal
before retiring in May, 1988. As a traveling salesman, Harold became
well known for his generous distribution of Calgon pens and golf balls
to family and friends. After retirement, Harold and Joan served a
proselyting mission from 1991-1992 in the Spokane, Washington Mission.
a typical Stout, Harold definitely was a character as he enjoyed the
company of family and friends. He coined or used some unique phrases
such as "fructifying," "finer than frog hairs," or "I am full," and then
spelled it "phule, phull," or other innovative, generally
unutilized, derivations. Harold was heartbroken as he abruptly lost his
eternal companion, Joan, in September, 2007. His health slowly started
to decline following Mom's death until his peaceful passing
today. Harold's viewing will be held at Goff Mortuary on Monday, April
2, 2012, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. located at 8090 South State
Street, Midvale, Utah. His funeral service will be held on Tuesday,
April 3, 2012, at 11:00 A.M. at the Willow Creek 7th Ward Meeting
House located at 2115 East Creek Road, Sandy, Utah. Family and friends
are invited to a viewing an hour before the funeral. In lieu of
flowers, please donate to your favorite charity. Dad, we love you and
will miss you! We know you will make heaven a better place!
Published in Salt Lake Tribune from Sept. 8 to Sept. 9, 2007
- See more at:
Ruth Smith Stout 1931 ~ 2007 Joan Ruth Smith Stout peacefully and
suddenly returned home on the evening of September 5, 2007 surrounded by
her family, both in body and spirit at Jordan Valley Hospital. Born
March 16, 1931 in Brigham City, Utah to Heber Parley Smith and Verna
Louisa Wood Smith. Joan married her eternal companion, Harold Hansen
Stout on June 20, 1952 in the Salt Lake Temple. They were blessed with
four wonderful children: Kathryn Lee, Gary Harold, Michael David and
Todd Lewis. Most of Mom's married life was spent in Glendale,
California, proving to be an unforgettable moment in time while in the
Glendale West Ward. They later moved to Everett, Washington for about
five years and eventually settled down in the Bountiful and Salt Lake
area. Harold and Joan were called to serve a mission in the Spokane,
Washington Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They fell in love with people they served in Spokane. During her life,
Joan served as Relief Society president, Young Women's president and
many years of teaching Primary. She worked as a legal secretary for a
number of years and never let go of her typewriter. Joan loved horses,
crossword puzzles, getting her hair done, reading good books, doing
genealogy work, and visiting with old friends. Most of all she loved her
parents, husband and children. She rejoiced for her children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren's happiness and ached for their
sorrows. A birthday or anniversary never went by without a card from
Grandma Joan. Joan is survived, loved and truly missed by her husband,
Harold Stout; her daughter and son-in-law, Dennis and Kathryn Peters;
her son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Lena Stout; her son, Michael
Stout, her son and daughter-in-law, Todd and Sheryl Stout; her brother
Heber Parley Smith Jr. and sister-in-law, Charlene Smith; her 15
grandchildren; Travis Aaron married to Kimberlee, Tiffany Anne married
to Chad, Tara Janae married to Stephen, Tristen Marie married to Adam,
Treavor Howard married to Sara, Telisa Joan married to Clay, Stephanie
Danielle married to Jason, Christopher Thomas, Christopher Todd married
to Chelane, Justin Adams, Andrew Nicholas, Jennifer Nicole, Ashling Wu,
Mikel Helen married to David and Gregory David; and 22
great-grandchildren: Gunnar, Jessica, Kourtney, Zachary, Rylee, Sabrina,
Whitley, Bailey, Morgan, Mylee, Trinity, Grace, Jovie, Cade, Luke,
Pyper, Jack, Michael, Jace, Luke and baby Van Leeuwen due in March 2008.
Joan's viewing will be held the evening of Sunday, September 9, 2007
from 6:30-8:30, at the Goff Mortuary, located at 8090 S. State St.,
Midvale, Utah. Funeral Services will be held on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007
at 12 Noon at the Welby 4th Ward Building, located at 9376 S. 4000 W.,
West Jordan, Utah, with a viewing from 10:45-11:45 a.m. Mom would
greatly appreciate, in lieu of flowers, that donations be made to your
favorite charity in her name. We will miss and forever cherish our
always loving Mother, Sister, Grandma, Great-Grandma, Aunt and friend.
We will save all the crossword puzzles for you Grandma!!
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2015 Huntsville, UT, the Blaine Clan |
Joy Watkins 6/23/1927~12/19/2007 Mahlon Joy Watkins passed
away peacefully in his sleep on December 19, 2007 from the effects of
Parkinson's disease.He was born the second son of Lyle and Alfreda
Myers Watkins, June 23, 1927 in Orem, Utah. As a child, during the
Great Depression, the family moved to Southern California where he lived
the majority of his life in Huntington Park, Glendale and Santa Ana.
He graduated from Huntington Park High School and attended the
University of Southern California after his service in the U.S. Navy
at the conclusion of World War II. He married Julia Janet Cloward in
the Salt Lake Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in 1948, and they started a family in Glendale, where they lived
and raised their four children for nearly four decades. He was a
general contractor and swimming pool contractor and specialized in
building homes and swimming pools on many hillsides in the area. Next
to his family, he loved serving in the Church. He served in two
bishoprics, a high council, and in nearly every possible calling working
with the youth of the Church. He worked with the Sea Scouts, Boy
Scouts, Explorer Scouts and recently at the age of 78 was released as a
Den Leader with the Cub Scouts! As a stake young men's president he
inaugurated an annual youth conference that became known as
SuperChallenge that was held on Catalina Island for the youth of the
Glendale, CA Stake for decades. After moving to Sandy, Utah in 1994,
his wife was stricken with Alzheimer's disease and has been
hospitalized for the past five years. He served a mission in the
Bishop's Storehouse, in Sandy, Utah, served as a greeter in his ward
and has snowplowed miles of driveways and sidewalks for neighbors near
and far in his Willow Creek neighborhood! His personal creed for his
life was love of family and service to his fellow man, especially the
youth of the Church. In humility, wonder and awe he affirmed that
throughout his life he always had a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. He is survived by his wife, Janet, his two sons Scott and Doug
and his two daughters Jamie and Angie. He is also survived by a brother
Alfred Watkins, and two sisters Deanna Klinell and Julie Whipple. He
has eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mahlon's family
would like to thank all the caregivers at the Woodland Park Care Center
and Bristol Hospice for their kindness and compassion shown to him.
Mahlon's funeral will be held at the Willow Creek Fifth Ward, 2400 Alta
Canyon, Sandy, Utah, Thursday, December 27, 2007, at noon. There will
be a viewing the night before, Wednesday, December 26 between 7-9 p.m.
at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 East 10600 South, Sandy. A viewing will
also be held prior to the funeral between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. at the
Willow Creek Fifth Ward meetinghouse. The internment will be at Larkin
Sunset Gardens. Online condolences at
Weckbaugh, Ernie and Patty
One is Ernie Weckbaugh, who was one of the "Little Rascals" in the "Our Gang" movies and later became an author and publisher. After he married his wife, Patty, he joined the Church. He lived in Burbank at the time of his death. My brother, Dennis Barlow, spoke at the funeral and mentioned that after the funeral was over and the family and friends were leaving the Chapel, the organist began playing the theme song of the Our Gang movies. That put a smile on everyone's faces.

He was a
general contractor and swimming pool contractor and specialized in
building homes and swimming pools on many hillsides in the area. Next
to his family, he loved serving in the Church. He served in two
bishoprics, a high council, and in nearly every possible calling working
with the youth of the Church. He worked with the Sea Scouts, Boy
Scouts, Explorer Scouts and recently at the age of 78 was released as a
Den Leader with the Cub Scouts! As a stake young men's president he
inaugurated an annual youth conference that became known as
SuperChallenge that was held on Catalina Island for the youth of the
Glendale, CA Stake for decades.
After moving to Sandy, Utah in 1994,
his wife was stricken with Alzheimer's disease and has been
hospitalized for the past five years. He served a mission in the
Bishop's Storehouse, in Sandy, Utah, served as a greeter in his ward
and has snowplowed miles of driveways and sidewalks for neighbors near
and far in his Willow Creek neighborhood! His personal creed for his
life was love of family and service to his fellow man, especially the
youth of the Church. In humility, wonder and awe he affirmed that
throughout his life he always had a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus
He is survived by his wife, Janet, his two sons Scott and Doug
and his two daughters Jamie and Angie. He is also survived by a brother
Alfred Watkins, and two sisters Deanna Klinell and Julie Whipple. He
has eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mahlon's family
would like to thank all the caregivers at the Woodland Park Care Center
and Bristol Hospice for their kindness and compassion shown to him.
Mahlon's funeral will be held at the Willow Creek Fifth Ward, 2400 Alta
Canyon, Sandy, Utah, Thursday, December 27, 2007, at noon. There will
be a viewing the night before, Wednesday, December 26 between 7-9 p.m.
at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 East 10600 South, Sandy. A viewing will
also be held prior to the funeral between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. at the
Willow Creek Fifth Ward meetinghouse. The internment will be at Larkin
Sunset Gardens. Online condolences at
Published in Salt Lake Tribune from Dec. 22 to Dec. 24, 2007
During the last 15 years of my Dad's life he chose to work with his son's without pay. He was generous in that way. Dad always wanted to see his children succeed.
One particular morning, in about 1995, as Dad and I were traveling south from Sandy to Draper to visit and supervise a development of homes he told me that he always knew that the Church and the Gospel were true. He proclaimed to me that there was never a time in his life when he didn't know that both the Church and the Gospel were true. I believed him as he spoke it as a fact not a boast.
I suspect that although his testimony may have come to him gradually as a sunrise in the dawn, he truly never doubted the truthfulness of the Church or the Gospel
Joy Watkins 6/23/1927~12/19/2007 Mahlon Joy Watkins passed
away peacefully in his sleep on December 19, 2007 from the effects of
Parkinson's disease.He was born the second son of Lyle and Alfreda
Myers Watkins, June 23, 1927 in Orem, Utah. As a child, during the
Great Depression, the family moved to Southern California where he lived
the majority of his life in Huntington Park, Glendale and Santa Ana.
He graduated from Huntington Park High School and attended the
University of Southern California after his service in the U.S. Navy
at the conclusion of World War II. He married Julia Janet Cloward in
the Salt Lake Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in 1948, and they started a family in Glendale, where they lived
and raised their four children for nearly four decades. He was a
general contractor and swimming pool contractor and specialized in
building homes and swimming pools on many hillsides in the area. Next
to his family, he loved serving in the Church. He served in two
bishoprics, a high council, and in nearly every possible calling working
with the youth of the Church. He worked with the Sea Scouts, Boy
Scouts, Explorer Scouts and recently at the age of 78 was released as a
Den Leader with the Cub Scouts! As a stake young men's president he
inaugurated an annual youth conference that became known as
SuperChallenge that was held on Catalina Island for the youth of the
Glendale, CA Stake for decades. After moving to Sandy, Utah in 1994,
his wife was stricken with Alzheimer's disease and has been
hospitalized for the past five years. He served a mission in the
Bishop's Storehouse, in Sandy, Utah, served as a greeter in his ward
and has snowplowed miles of driveways and sidewalks for neighbors near
and far in his Willow Creek neighborhood! His personal creed for his
life was love of family and service to his fellow man, especially the
youth of the Church. In humility, wonder and awe he affirmed that
throughout his life he always had a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. He is survived by his wife, Janet, his two sons Scott and Doug
and his two daughters Jamie and Angie. He is also survived by a brother
Alfred Watkins, and two sisters Deanna Klinell and Julie Whipple. He
has eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mahlon's family
would like to thank all the caregivers at the Woodland Park Care Center
and Bristol Hospice for their kindness and compassion shown to him.
Mahlon's funeral will be held at the Willow Creek Fifth Ward, 2400 Alta
Canyon, Sandy, Utah, Thursday, December 27, 2007, at noon. There will
be a viewing the night before, Wednesday, December 26 between 7-9 p.m.
at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 East 10600 South, Sandy. A viewing will
also be held prior to the funeral between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. at the
Willow Creek Fifth Ward meetinghouse. The internment will be at Larkin
Sunset Gardens. Online condolences at
Joy Watkins 6/23/1927~12/19/2007 Mahlon Joy Watkins passed
away peacefully in his sleep on December 19, 2007 from the effects of
Parkinson's disease.He was born the second son of Lyle and Alfreda
Myers Watkins, June 23, 1927 in Orem, Utah. As a child, during the
Great Depression, the family moved to Southern California where he lived
the majority of his life in Huntington Park, Glendale and Santa Ana.
He graduated from Huntington Park High School and attended the
University of Southern California after his service in the U.S. Navy
at the conclusion of World War II. He married Julia Janet Cloward in
the Salt Lake Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in 1948, and they started a family in Glendale, where they lived
and raised their four children for nearly four decades. He was a
general contractor and swimming pool contractor and specialized in
building homes and swimming pools on many hillsides in the area. Next
to his family, he loved serving in the Church. He served in two
bishoprics, a high council, and in nearly every possible calling working
with the youth of the Church. He worked with the Sea Scouts, Boy
Scouts, Explorer Scouts and recently at the age of 78 was released as a
Den Leader with the Cub Scouts! As a stake young men's president he
inaugurated an annual youth conference that became known as
SuperChallenge that was held on Catalina Island for the youth of the
Glendale, CA Stake for decades. After moving to Sandy, Utah in 1994,
his wife was stricken with Alzheimer's disease and has been
hospitalized for the past five years. He served a mission in the
Bishop's Storehouse, in Sandy, Utah, served as a greeter in his ward
and has snowplowed miles of driveways and sidewalks for neighbors near
and far in his Willow Creek neighborhood! His personal creed for his
life was love of family and service to his fellow man, especially the
youth of the Church. In humility, wonder and awe he affirmed that
throughout his life he always had a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. He is survived by his wife, Janet, his two sons Scott and Doug
and his two daughters Jamie and Angie. He is also survived by a brother
Alfred Watkins, and two sisters Deanna Klinell and Julie Whipple. He
has eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mahlon's family
would like to thank all the caregivers at the Woodland Park Care Center
and Bristol Hospice for their kindness and compassion shown to him.
Mahlon's funeral will be held at the Willow Creek Fifth Ward, 2400 Alta
Canyon, Sandy, Utah, Thursday, December 27, 2007, at noon. There will
be a viewing the night before, Wednesday, December 26 between 7-9 p.m.
at Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 East 10600 South, Sandy. A viewing will
also be held prior to the funeral between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. at the
Willow Creek Fifth Ward meetinghouse. The internment will be at Larkin
Sunset Gardens. Online condolences at
Tina Wickman's husband:
1945 ~ 2015 St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area. Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf. Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it. Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator.
He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years. Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings. Published in Deseret News on Mar. 21, 2015 - See more at:
Sue Williams
![]() |
Barbara Joan Williams, Ozzie Williams, Osmyn Merritt Williams, Gertrude Williams, Judy Allen Williams, and the one in the front would be me!! Sue Williams |
My Dad was the Western Regional Director of Customs for the US Treasury Department. He got his law degree in Washington DC and passed the National Bar, but couldn't open a law practice because the depression had started and he said they would have starved to death. He was working for the Treasury Department while he was in law school, and when he graduated and the depression had started, they offered him a position in the Los Angeles office. That's how they wound up in California. He met my mother in Alexandria, Virginia while he was attending law school. He taught her the gospel and she was baptized.
1945 ~ 2015
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
1945 ~ 2015
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
1945 ~ 2015
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
1945 ~ 2015
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
St. George, UT-Gary Park Eldredge, age 69, passed away peacefully on March 17, 2015, at his home in St. George, due to the effects of cancer. Gary and his wife Tina had recently moved to St. George after 42 years in the Chicago area.
Gary was born on August 11, 1945, in Salt Lake City, to David Arthur Eldredge and Margaret Ruth Midgley.
He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Christine Ann "Tina" Wickman; their four children Crystal (David) Barlow, Todd (Janell Wilson), Amy (Steve) Foxhall, and Jason (Katie Quillen); and 13 grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother David Arthur Eldredge, Jr. (Mary Collier), and sister Paula (Jan) Woellhaf.
Gary attended Brigham Young University, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degree. While attending BYU he met his sweetheart, Tina, and they married in the Los Angeles Temple on September 10, 1968. Following his graduation from college, Gary served as a lieutenant in the US Army Reserves. He began his 35-year career in research and development with Bell laboratories/AT&T/Alcatel-Lucent in 1972, which took the couple to Naperville, IL, where they lived and raised their children. Gary worked in software development and as a director of cell phone technology development in his last years with the company. He often marveled that when his group developed the feature for telephone texting they didn't think any of the phone companies would see any use for it.
Gary was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. He served a 2-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was able to use the Spanish fluency he gained there in Church service throughout his life. He served in two bishoprics, as a member of the high council, stake financial secretary and stake Family History coordinator. He served as a counselor in the Chicago Temple Presidency and Tina served as Assistant to the Matron from 2007 to 2010. They have been long-time temple ordinance workers. Gary also served for a short time as a sealer in the St. George Temple.
From an early age Gary developed a love of family history. He often joked that he lost track of how many relatives he had submitted for temple ordinances after the first 10,000. He used his passion and knowledge of genealogy to help countless friends and ward members. He also filled a two-year Church service mission answering the LDS Family History Center's help line. He had a love of home teaching and served many families faithfully throughout the years.
Gary was a man of great integrity. He loved his family and took great joy in his grandchildren, always willing to read a story or get down on the floor and construct an amazing train layout. As a wonderful father, grandfather and companion he will be greatly missed. He left a legacy that will be treasured and honored by his family as the years go by.
Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Sunset 1st Ward LDS Chapel, 82 North Dixie Drive, St. George, Utah. A visitation will be held prior to services from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Tonaquint Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of Metcalf Mortuary, (435) 673-4221. Please visit our website at for condolences, complete obituary and funeral listings.
Williams, Ozzie
He served a full time
mission in the Central States Mission and loved missionary work. After returning from his mission, he met and
married Karen Loretta Bobchalk from La Crescenta. Ozzie and Karen got permission to be married
in the Glendale West Ward Chapel on April 11, 1964 (so her mother could be
there), and immediately went to the Los Angeles Temple that same day and were
sealed for time and eternity. There was
a reception later that evening at the West Ward.
My good buddy and best friend Ozzie Williams passed away this morning at 11:10 am at his home in Ogden. I was able to see Ozzie yesterday. He was in a semi-conscious state from all the meds and pain relievers, but did roll his eyes when I told him who I was. His is survived only by his younger sister Sue, who lost her husband recently. The Williams family were long time members of the Glendale West Ward. Ozzie left from the Glendale West Ward to serve in the Central States Mission in the fall of 1961. Of course, he was a graduate of the great High School, HOOVER class of 60. Ozzie ran track and cross-country for the Tornandoes. I'm gonna miss him. Mike Doyle
General authorities:
Ozzie was born on May 7,
1942 to Osmyn and Gertrude Williams. He
was their 3rd child and their only boy, so he was very special to
them. He grew up in Glendale,
California. As a young boy he enjoyed
Scouting, fishing, swimming, and teasing his sisters unmercifully! He received his Duty to God Award in
Scouting. Ozzie’s best friend was Mike Doyle, and they spent so much time
together that Mike became my second brother.

Ozzie and Karen had 7
children--3 girls and 4 boys. While they
were in Southern California, they ran 2 of the Ettie Lee Homes for Boys who
were classified as “incorrigibles”. They
had 8 boys living in a home with them when they had their first 2 children, and
later were asked to run a ranch home with 22 boys . After many experiences, they “retired” from
doing this, and moved to Las Vegas. In
Las Vegas, Ozzie worked for Clark County.
He ran a facility called Child Haven which was for Neglected and
Abandoned children.
They later moved to
Moreno Valley, California where he worked for Deseret Industries. He was a store manager there. Ozzie was also the Bishop of his ward.
After the death of our
Dad in 1988, they all moved to Farmington, Utah to help our mother. He continued to work for Deseret Industries
on Welfare Square and in Layton and was the Rehabilitation Coordinator for
In 1989, Ozzie’s
beautiful wife, Karen, died very suddenly of heart failure at the age of 45
years, and left him with 7 children. It
was devastating for Ozzie, but he continued to move forward. Several months after Karen’s passing, Ozzie
married Cathy Carroll from Las Vegas who he had worked with at Child Haven in
Las Vegas. Karen had always told him
that if anything ever happened to her, she want him to marry Cathy. Karen loved Cathy very much and they were
very dear friends. Oz and Cathy were
married on November 11, 1989 in the Jordan River Temple. Cathy had a son who Ozzie adopted and was
later sealed to both of them. Oz and Cathy moved from
Farmington to Layton and later Ogden, Utah.
Ozzie and Cathy were
famous for bringing “strays” into their home . . . Dog or human all the
time. Their one daughter, Heather said
they were never quite sure if they were staying for dinner or staying the
Oz had a heart of gold
and helped a tremendous amount of people along the way and to help them find
their way. His life was a life of
selfless service. He was truly a disciple
of Christ.
Oz was an avid
fisherman! He loved to fish! He fished with all his boys often. His son, Jared remembers ice fishing with his
Dad on Brigham Pond, and Jared only had on shorts, scandals and a short sleeve
shirt. Ozzie started throwing snowballs
at him!! No matter how cold it was, they
always ended their fishing trips by going to the Peach Tree Drive-in after for
a milkshake!
He was a wonderful
father and so dearly loved by all of his children. His daughter, Jenny said that “Growing up, I
have always remembered my Dad with a little bit of a belly (no offense
Dad). I always loved that belly!!! Whenever we would watch movies as a family,
my Dad’s belly became my “pillow” till I turned 9 or 10 years old!”
Ozzie was diagnosed with
metastasized melanoma in February 2010 (just one month after my husband, Paul passed away). There was a lump behind his ear and that’s
what it was. There was nothing they
could do but keep him comfortable. He
was in terrible pain for months and did go through some radiation to try to
slow it down. After the first day of
radiation, his wife Cathy shared a story . . . “Oz did feel well enough to go
fishing again with Jared, even though it was pouring rain and freezing cold
outside. I guess you can’t stop a man
from doing what he loved to do! After Oz
came home, I bundled him up under 3 blankets and he had a good sleep!”
Oz passed away November
28, 2010 surrounded by his loving family.
He has left a legacy of a life of service and a devotion to our Savior.
My good buddy and best friend Ozzie Williams passed away this morning at 11:10 am at his home in Ogden. I was able to see Ozzie yesterday. He was in a semi-conscious state from all the meds and pain relievers, but did roll his eyes when I told him who I was. His is survived only by his younger sister Sue, who lost her husband recently. The Williams family were long time members of the Glendale West Ward. Ozzie left from the Glendale West Ward to serve in the Central States Mission in the fall of 1961. Of course, he was a graduate of the great High School, HOOVER class of 60. Ozzie ran track and cross-country for the Tornandoes. I'm gonna miss him. Mike Doyle
Michael Hancock
Lance Wickman
Douglas L. Callister
Tad R. Callister
I just grew up thinking most wards had children and/or grand children of general authorities living within their boundaries. Charle's father was Hugh B. Brown and Norine Callister was the daughter of LeGrand Richards. So it was not unusual to see one or the other once or twice a year. KDF
The following is public information found in the White Pages:
Brent Frost, LaCanada, CA
Cheryl Cornwell (Scott), Washington,
Clifton Jolley, Phd
Deanne Jonkey (Williams), Orem, UT
Dennis Barlow, Burbank, CA
Dennis Peters, Sandy, UT
Dennis Shanklin, Glendale, CA
Don Browne, USMC
Don Christiansen, So UT
Don Christiansen, So UT
George Nelson back east, married w child
Gordon Christensen, Orem, UT
Gwen Nobel, Lindon, UT deceased
Ila Lauten, Lone Pine, CA, San Diego
Paul, and wife in Sherman Oaks, CA
Ila Lauten, Lone Pine, CA, San Diego
Paul, and wife in Sherman Oaks, CA
Jeanne Reeder (Broberg), LaCanada, CA
Jim LeCheminant, Mesa, AZ
John Harmer, Bountiful, UT
John Reese, Sandy, UT
Kay Don Frost, Glendale deceased.
Kent Gardiner, Eagle Mountain
Larry Noble, Las Vegas
Lisa Slight, Valencia, CA
Lori Lauten, El Centro, CA
Larry Noble, Las Vegas
Lisa Slight, Valencia, CA
Lori Lauten, El Centro, CA
Lynn W Reeder, Alta Loma, CA
Mark Gardiner, Diamond Bar, CA
Mike Doyle, Alpine, UT
Paul Lauten, Sherman Oaks, CA
Paul Lauten, Sherman Oaks, CA
Paula Nobel (Fellingham), Saratoga
Springs, UT
Richard Pettit, Castle Rock, CO
Ron Beach, Orem, UT
Ron Leeper
Sandy Gardiner, WI
Steve Leeper, Carlsbad, CA
Sue Lauten, Palmdale, CA
Sue Lauten, Palmdale, CA
Tad Callister, SLC
Current Pictures:
Current Pictures:
Douglas L. and Jeannette M. Callister
Sister Kathryn Callister and Elder Tad R. Callister
Gregory A. Schwitzer Jo Ann Elizabeth Rawsthorne
Kent Gardiner and Lynn Reeder
Kay Don Frost
Chuck Jonkey and Kent Gardiner
Lance B. Wickman