I started working on a Henry/Verena Hill family history 40 years ago.
Recently, I had renewed incentive to get back to work on it when I realized
that I had no photo of my great-grandmother, Verena. The only picture
labeled 'Verena Bachman Hill' that's been passed down in our family
surprisingly turned out not to be Verena at all. It's a photo of Verena's
mother-in-law, Sarah Ann Sturgess Hill! Happily I've now discovered 3
authentic photos of Verena in the possession of relatives , and I hope
everyone will make the appropriate correction in their family albums.
Instead of the rigid Sarah Ann photo, these real Verena photos show much
more personality-- one of her as a wistful young woman; a second of her,
middle-aged, sitting outdoors in a wooden chair; and a third photo being a
professional portrait of her as an older woman with kind, expressive eyes.
I suspect that few of the people who knew her knew that great-grandmother
Hill's real name was Verena, a common German name. Even her death
certificate has her as Franey instead of Verena. I've found documents
referring to her variously as Franey, Frainy, Fanny, Franny, and Trany.
According to her granddaughter Marge Bower, Verena was known by a nickname
pronounced "Frainy". However, they spelled it most often as "Franey". (In
German, the pronunciation of Verena is Veh-RAI-nah, not Veh-REE-nah.
However, German V's are typically pronounced as F's. Thus, Frainy seems a
logical nickname for Verena.)
Verena "Frainy" Bachman Hill was born in Wiliberg, Aargau, Switzerland, in
1857. She was the second child of Jakob (Jacob)and Elizabetha (Elizabeth)
Suter Bachmann (Bachman). The Bachmanns joined the Mormon Church in 1855.
In 1862, Verena was 5 years old when her parents and 4 siblings sailed to
America and eventually settled in Eden, Utah (Ogden Valley). Life in Ogden
Valley was difficult. The winters were long and harsh. Her mother,
Elizabetha, died in childbirth in 1866, when Verena was only 9. This
tragedy left Jacob alone with 8 children-- the oldest, Maria, 12, and the
youngest, Alma, a newborn. The third child, Jacob Jr., was deaf and dumb.
Verena's childhood probably ended that year, when she lost her mother and
had to help care for her brothers and sisters.
Sadly, I haven't found much more information about Verena. Swiss records of
her family end with a penciled note that they left Switzerland "Nach
Amjerika in dass Mormonenland" (to America into the land of the Mormons).
Verena was 5 when the Bachman family sailed from La Havre, France, on the
ship Windermere, the 15th of May 1862. This was the 119th company. The ship
set sail on Thursday with 109 Saints from Switzerland and France, under the
Presidency of Serge L. Ballif.
Verena's sister, Emma Scholl, wrote in her history that, after the death of
Verena's mother, Elizabetha, Jacob's "older children went to work in homes
to earn their living."
Emma writes, Elizabetha "died giving birth to Alma her ninth child. This
left my father with a family of eight small children, the oldest girl Maria
only twelve Years old. She with her sister Verena, who was only nine, were
left with the care of the family. It was impossible for these two little
girls to take care of the new baby and five other small children, so my
father got kind neighbors to take the baby and the two smallest girls."
I was able to interview 2 relatives who knew Verena: in 2012, her
granddaughter, Margery (Marge) Bower, and, in 1972, a niece, Ada Hill.
Marge remembered Verena as a loving grandmother who would stay from time to
time with Marge's mother, Hazel. Marge didn't remember Verena having a
Swiss accent. Marge remembered one incident where her "naughty" brother
Clair hammered nails into Verena's crutches.
Ada said Verena "was a very industrious woman who used to make delicious
bread. When she would bake, all the kids would invade the premises. Verena
was a slim dark woman with small dark eyes. Her sister Libby [Elizabeth]
was heavier and somewhat better looking."
Steve Bingham
November 10, 2014
Where did she and Henry live?
Summary:I was disappointed not to find an address of the 1910 Hill home. I'dalready gotten the information of "lower 21st St or 20th St" fromobituaries. I know within a few blocks where it was. It's neat to find outwhere they were living in 1920, and that house might still be standing.In 1910 4 families had their houses together on a unnamed road near therailroad and near where the Weber and Ogden Rivers connect. Franey'soccupation was listed as "own income", probably meaning that she was gettingbenefits from the railroad where her husband had been the yardmaster. Interesting that Jesse reported that he was a Teamster at the Packing Company.In 1920, Franey and Jorgen had moved from the neighborhood. Franey livedwith her 3 youngest sons: Jesse was reported as a meat cutter at theslaughterhouse, Lawrence as a tinner at a tin shop, and 17-year-old Haroldwas driving a truck for the railroad shop. Pretty much what they were doingthe rest of their lives - Harold changed to switchman or brakeman. I thinkHarold would have been a successful student if he had stayed in school.Hopefully, the 3 boys were taken good care of their mother. I know thatFraney spent a lot of time at Hazel's.In 1920, no new address was listed for John and Horace back at the originalhomestead. I think it has John on West 21st and Horace on West 20th, andthere is a place where the 2 streets come together on the west side ofOgden.
Franey had all her children on West 21st St, unknown house number. She moved to 867 E 21st St with her youngest children sometime between the 1910 and 1920 censuses. Her first address is now a landfill now.
1. Horace William Hill 1878 - 1966
2. Henry Albert Hill 1880 - 1943
3. Fred Martindale Hill 1882 - 1948
4. Elizabeth Hill 1884 - 1921 married John Soren Peterson
5. Jesse Roland Hill 1886 1928
6. Edna Mae Hill 1890 - 1916 married Jorgen P. Peterson
7. Clarence Hill 1892 - 1893
8. Hazel Hill 1894 - 1968 married Joseph St Clair Boyle
9. Lawrence Boffman Hill 1898 - 1969 married Ann Margaret Hancock
10 Harold Elmer Hill 1902 - 1949 married Harold Elmer Hill
More in depth info on Verena's children:
Horace-- Reported to be a mild-mannered nice guy, had more kids than the others. He and Jesse were butchers. Family scandal is that one of his sons ran off with the wife of another son.
Henry Jr-- Was a night-watchman for a grain silo and one night fell into the silo and was found dead the next morning.
Fred-- unknown
Elizabeth-- She had 2 children-- one I think was Ogden's fire chief. She and Edna seem to have married brothers.
Jesse-- Bachelor, lived with Lawrence and Anna and may have been "sweet" on Anna.
Edna-- Like Elizabeth, she died young leaving 2 sons.
Clarence-- lived one year.
Hazel-- married "up" and owned a grocery store. Tried to hold the family together and Verena would stay with her.
Hazel lived to be 73, the longest of any of Verena's children. Verena, who lived to be 68, had a short-lived family. Hazel's daughter Margery, on the other hand is 93. Marge is Verena's last living grandchild.
Lawrence-- Had 2 daughters, one with cerebral palsy, and I think his line died out. Marge remembers his wife Anna as always smelling like garlic-- I guess a lot of people took garlic (like today actually) as a health supplement.
Harold-- He was 2 when his father died. A handsome, sensitive, hard-working guy. Like his father, brother Fred he worked for the railroad. He was well-liked by all, but didn't believe that. He married when he was 19 and she was 16 and only had one daughter who they doted on. He was a very-functional alcoholic. I think his cause of death on his death certificate (heart attack) was a cover up and that he died from suicide brought on my depression and undiagnosed physical pain.
Birth: Feb. 23, 1857, Switzerland
Death notice in the Ogden Stand Examiner
(Verena 'Frainy' Bachman Hill, died Feb. 6, 1925.)
Mrs. Framey Hill, aged 66, widow of Henry A. Hill, died this morning at 9:30 o'clock at the family residence, 2146 Lincoln avenue, of rheumatism. She was born in Switzerland on February 23, 1858, the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Sutter Bachman. She came to Utah in 1867 and had made her home here ever since. She was a member of the L.D.S. church and was active in Relief society work. She is survived by the following children: Horace W. Hill; Henry A. Hill; Fred M. Hill; Jesse R. Hill; Mrs. Claire Boyle; Lawrence B. Hill; Harold Hill; 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Also the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Bertha Stallings, Amiel Bachman, John Bachman, Joseph Bachman, Mrs. Anna Engles and Mrs. Emma Scholl. The body was taken in charge of Larkin & Sons undertakers. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Third ward meeting house, conducted by Bishop M. B. Richardson. The body may be viewed Saturday afternoon and evening at the Larkin chapel and on Sunday from 10 o'clock until 2:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mr. Claire Boyle, 540 Twenty-eighth street. Interment will be in the City cemetery. (Ogden Standard Examiner)
Mrs. Framey Hill, aged 66, widow of Henry A. Hill, died this morning at 9:30 o'clock at the family residence, 2146 Lincoln avenue, of rheumatism. She was born in Switzerland on February 23, 1858, the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Sutter Bachman. She came to Utah in 1867 and had made her home here ever since. She was a member of the L.D.S. church and was active in Relief society work. She is survived by the following children: Horace W. Hill; Henry A. Hill; Fred M. Hill; Jesse R. Hill; Mrs. Claire Boyle; Lawrence B. Hill; Harold Hill; 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Also the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Bertha Stallings, Amiel Bachman, John Bachman, Joseph Bachman, Mrs. Anna Engles and Mrs. Emma Scholl. The body was taken in charge of Larkin & Sons undertakers. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Third ward meeting house, conducted by Bishop M. B. Richardson. The body may be viewed Saturday afternoon and evening at the Larkin chapel and on Sunday from 10 o'clock until 2:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mr. Claire Boyle, 540 Twenty-eighth street. Interment will be in the City cemetery. (Ogden Standard Examiner)
Death certificate:
Death: Feb. 6, 1925
Weber County
Utah, USA
Family links:
Jacob Bachman (1830 - 1907)
Elizabeth Sutter Bachman (1831 - 1866)
Henry A Hill (1857 - 1904)*
Henry Albert Hill (1880 - 1943)*
Elizabeth Hill Peterson (1884 - 1921)*
Edna Mae Hill Peterson (1890 - 1916)*
Hazel Hazel Boyle (1894 - 1968)*
Harold E Hill (1902 - 1949)*
Ogden City Cemetery
Weber County
Utah, USA
Plot: F-8-16-2E
Franey and her husband are buried just east of 12th street (Ogden Cemetery 12th St), between 20th St and Center St.
Turn north off Ogden City 20th St. into the Ogden City Cemetery on 12th St. Approximately halfway between 20th St and Center St you will see several “Hill” headstones along the east side of 12th St. Franey is among them. If you see the scene depicted in the first attached picture, you have driven a few feet too far. I included it because the large “Oberg” headstone is easy to spot. Note the bush to the right of this headstone. This same bush is on the left side in the next picture.
Note Franey in the middle of the second attached picture and her husband Henry to her right. All of the headstones showing in this photo are “Hills”. The road in the background is Ogden City Madison Avenue, which is named Gold Star Drive in the Cemetery. It’s the main road into the Cemetery.
My great-grandmother is Verena Bachman Hill, a half sister of your grandmother Emma. Yesterday I found your wonderful website, copied the biographies of Emma and Anna, and haven't had time to read them yet. Great job!
Coincidentally, I'm planning to go to the local genealogy center this afternoon to do some investigation on our Swiss ancestors. I have an old family photo sent to me 35 years by Jakob's ancestors who remained in Switzerland, and I'm trying to figure out who is in the photo. Also I suspect the photo of Verena that our family has on all our genealogy charts is, in fact, a photo of her mother-in-law. I feel someone needs to straighten this out, as I'm not sure Verena would appreciate this.
I'd enjoy hearing from you and comparing notes if you have the time.
Steve B
Hi Kent, you should be very proud of the family blog you created. I think it will eventually be read and enjoyed by thousands of your family. For instance, Mom and Dad only had 4 kids, but now there are 87 of us. I don't particularly like being the oldest J.
I will do anything I can to help you. Today I'm in a bit of a bind for time. I was wanting to go to the LDS genealogy center here-- there's a guy who works only Wed afternoons and supposedly "really knows a lot". Then we have company coming over tonight for bridge.
I use the computer a lot, but don't know how to scan copies to email. I'll ask the folks at Walgreens how to do that. I have no problem sending you hard copies via US post, though.
Another photo I have is of the Jakob Bachman home in Switzerland. About 35 years ago I visited the descendants of Jakob's brother who stayed behind. They later sent me the family photo that I mentioned. They were very friendly at the time, but it's been awhile now, and I haven't been able to make contact with them again. They are quite well-to-do. Hard workers always. I guess after they sold their trees, they went into the trucking business: http://www.bachmann-transporte.ch/
Looking forward to more correspondence with you. Maybe we could talk first via phone.
September 3, 2010
Hi Kent.. Glad to get to know you. I find family history really
interesting, but also procrastinate the projects I have in mind, mainly
because I don't know where to turn. This past week I've found a goldmine of
leads-- meeting you and finding your grandmother's autobiography, which is
an exceptional document. My visit to our local family history center was
very fruitful in finding addresses of relatives who have submitted records
on the Verena Bachman Hill line. I plan to go back there next week and meet
with some Swiss "experts".
Somehow I feel an affinity for Verena, this only non-English ancestor of
mine. Interestingly, even though she had 10 children, I can find less info
about her and her husband, Henry Hill, than the old-timers like Jacob
Bachman. I was hoping your grandmother had mentioned her more than she did.
Seems Emma was closer to her other half-sister, Bertha Stallings.
September 20 2010
I'm always amazed and grateful when you write, and I must admit, a little teary-eyed. Thank you for your interest in Verena. The only photo of her that I'm 100% sure of is the one when she was an older woman (how come no one ever smiles in these old photos?). Marge had 1 other photos labeled as Verena. One, IMO, is highly suspect, but the one she labeled that both you and I like has got to be her-- the chin gives her away. Is there anything that can be done with Photo Shop to improve that photo? Yes, I have the same mouth-- small lower lip, no upper lip J.
How did you find the little truck? I think I want one.
Thanks for trying to contact the Bachmans.
Yes, I have a group sheet for Verena. I'll send you a copy. Thanks for your interest. Besides Marge, I talked to one other person who knew her, her niece, Ada. She said that Verena was known in the neighborhood for her baking, and the kids were hover around on baking day. I have some "Verena" leads from the local Family History Center that I will follow up when I get a chance. I would love to find a history or some other things about her and her husband, Henry Hill.
Don't you think that Anna Maria IS in the photo, standing on the left?
Funny thing is that I seem to recall reading a short history of the Hans Rudolf family. But I have such vivid dreams that lately I'm not trusting my memory on things--- turned out that one of my important memories of something that happened when I was a young man was probably a dream. Weird, huh. Getting back to what I remember about the people in the photo is that the oldest son, Rudolf, left the area. Which would leave the little Jakob in the photo as the progenitor of the present Bachmann family in Kolliken. Very few, if any, of the sisters married.
One source of information about Wiliberg might be through the local libraries. Also, I would bet the parish center is still in Reitnau, so there might be a friendly minister there. I scanned through Billiters microfilm which was labeled Bottenwil, but could never find any pages on Bottenwil.
I want to phone Marge soon and tell her about you and what I've been up to. While she is sharp mentally, her hearing isn't too hot, so phone calls aren't easy, and, being lonely even though she lives in an apartment attached to her daughter's house, I have a hard time getting a word in J. I want to ask her if she remembers Emma.
Isn't that a nice pic of Bertha? Seems like someone anyone would like to spend time with.
Thanks again,
I found out that the family photo obtained in the 1970's is the Bachman
brother's who stayed behind when Jacob left for Zion. I'm trying to
identify the children in the photo before I send it out to the relatives.
I took the photo of the homestead in the 70's, too, and wish it was better
quality-- a telephone pole goes through the middle and the photo is from a
distance. But if you're interested in hanging it, I could find the
original, crop the telephone pole out, and send it to you. Maybe you'd like
to examine the small copy I have of it first and then decide if you want me
to do a larger one. The 3rd thing that you might be interested in is a
letter from a local Swiss official that I received in the '70's explaining
their system of citizenry and his opinion how our family fit into it. I'm
think I'm the only one who has these 3 items.
About me? I turned 67 Saturday. I was born in Ogden and know the Eden area
well. My Bingham grandfather was born in Huntsville. After my mother died
in 2007, I made a trip to Utah and met for the first time and reacquainted
with other relatives and made a lot of headway with genealogy. I've become
really close to Verena's only living grandchild, my mother's cousin, a very
alert and active 93-year-old Marge Bower in Layton, Utah. She stopped
driving this year and is kinda depressed about that. I'm related to her via
both my mother and father's lines.
We moved to Caldwell, Idaho, my senior year of high school. I really like
Idaho a lot better than Utah. In many ways, I'm the black sheep of the
family now, even though I'm probably the most responsible of the bunch. I
have 2 degrees from BYU, mission to New Zealand, was a jr. high guidance
counselor for 28 years (did some practicum in the lab school at BYU
actually), divorced, 3 children, 5 grandchildren, inactive LDS but still
enjoy my home teachers and try to be positive about the Church.
Your plan to live in Scotland sounds wonderful, although I found the couple
of Scot families I met to be even more reserved than the English and Irish.
I love traveling in the UK. I've traveled a lot-- all 50 states and 52
countries. I cheat and count Puerto Rico and Gibraltor which aren't
independent countries.
Thanks for the offer to stay with you. Same goes for Boise. It's a great
place. I just checked where Valencia is-- up the road from Glendale. I had
a favorite aunt who died this year who lived in Glendale. I was hoping to
phone you Saturday afternoon? Is there a time that would be convenient? We
are on Mountain Time here. I'd like to pick your brain a bit. Was that you
who was interviewing the relative in Eden?
My best,
Hi Kent, I'm trying to understand what you're telling me: Julius Billeter has done a lot of family history research including the Bachmann family? I would love to see his notes. I couldn't find them or a list of families via the link you provided below.
Nothing on my calendar today, so I can work on my Swiss project. There is no reason I can't send you what I have now and follow-up later if I find out more about the photo of Hans Rudolf's family. Walgreens has a special this week: 100 4 X 6 copies for $15. Better take advantage of that one, as I'm going to be sending stuff out to about 10 relatives.
Did I tell you that Marge Bower (Verena's grandaughter in Layton, UT) had a photo of Bertha Stallings, who seemed to be a favorite sister of your grandmother and "strong as a horse". I will send that.
September 10, 2020
I went yesterday for my 3rd visit at Boise's Family History Center, and
finally met Joan, a local Swiss expert. Like the other volunteers, she was
as nice as can be, and I thought we were close when she found FHL INTL Film
193467. There about 50 pages of Billeter's research on the Bachmanns. The
film index said that it contained Bottenwil notes, but, after 1/2 hour of
searching the 50 pages, I couldn't find anything about Bottenwil and our
Bachmans. It was like someone had removed that portion of his notes (Maybe
your grandmother found some in accuracies and had the notes removed? Sounds
like something she might do?
SLC Genealogical folks which I will call and see what I can get on Jakob's
brother's family (the photo I have).
I will copy my mother's family group sheet of Jakob and Elizabetha and send
to you. They had 9 children:
1) Maria-- born in Wiliberg, died at age 20 in Eden, never married.
2) Verena-- born in Wiliberg, died at age 68 in Ogden, 10 children.
3) Jacob-- born in Wiliberg, died at age 63 in Eden, deaf mute, lived with
his father and other families and buried next to his father.
4) Elizabetha-- Our records have her born in Bern, but an local official I
corresponded with ( I will send you these notes) says she was born in
Wiliberg. Died at the age of 60. Married a Reeder. I know there are a lot
of Reeders in Ogden and they seem to have done their genealogy.
5) Emuel-- My official says that Emuel "is not a name", but I think that
was probably his name (or maybe a nickname?). We have him born in Bern, I
don't have a death date for him, but he married his 3rd wife at age 61.
6) Sarah-- Died at birth at Winter Quarters, Nebraska
7) Rosilla-- Born in Eden, died at age 25, had 1 daughter. I met 3 of her
descendants and they had not seen Emma's history. They appreciated it.
Rosilla's eccentric grandson (Rowland A. Larkin) took me for a ride to Eden
in his vintage car (very slow ride) and helped me find the gravesite of
Jakob and homestead.
8) Bertha-- Born in Eden, died at age 90. Married a Stallings and I
remember going to high school with some Stallings from Ogden Valley (what
they call Eden, Huntsville & Liberty). You'd think she'd have lots of
descendants, but couldn't find anything online. I have a photo of her to be
9) Alma-- Born in Eden, died at age 24 on Christmas Day. Elizabetha died
giving birth to Alma.
I'm spending Saturday and Sunday in an old mining ghost town near here,
Silver City. In between working on the Bachmann's I've been sorting through
the photos Marge (Verena's granddaughter) gave me and have found 2 more
discrepancies in Verena family photos. I think there was a lot of lack of
labeling in my family. Off to Walgreen's photo scanner today.
Information that I have:
I know the father's name and his ancestors (the same as his brother, who is my ancestor). A Swiss-German descendant of the man wrote the names of the children in long-hand in 1972 with a note, and she sent it to me. I can't read her writing nor can two Swiss volunteers at the Boise Center. This family joined the Mormon Church in the 1850's and then quickly fell away.
What I need:
Someone who I can fax the 1972 note to, to help me read the note and the 8 children's names. Or better than that, a family group sheet of this family. I wouldn't mind hiring someone in Switzerland to help me if you know of someone there.
heard that he was deaf and dumb, but maybe he was retarded, too. I bet he
wasn't mentally ill.
Next trip to Utah, you need to look up Rowland Larkin, old bachelor grandson of Emma's half-sister Rosilla. I found a pic of Rowland posing with his old car and will send it to you, along with some Larkin addresses. I met with 3 of our cousins there in Ogden one evening-- nice people.
I've heard of deaf people being warehoused in mental institutions in the old days. I hope that wasn't the case with Jacob. I don't think he was miserable or Emma would have said so.
I noticed that I had the Bachman shed in one of my photos of the old house. Did you get a picture of it?
The one BYU professor that I remember most who helped me a lot was Dr. Ravsten. I doubt he stayed at BYU long... some of the counseling techniques I'm sure wouldn't have been approved if the authorities had found out-- Like marathon all-night group counseling for us. The other teacher I remember is Norma Rohde.
Tonight I go for my second sleep-in downtown all wired up for sleep apnea tests. I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to watch the DVD you sent, but I'm looking forward to it.
Your cuz,
family search person comes up with. I don't belong to newfamilysearch,
although I could-- I understand that I just need to call the ward clerk and
get my ID number. This info is just close enough that it could only be Hans
Rudolf's family that our Swiss relative identified. According to this, one
of the mystery names is Bertha, and I bet the other one is Annie. I bet the
oldest was named after her mother Anna Maria. The only problem that I can
see right away is the death date of Elisabeth. If she died in 1873, she
couldn't have been in the photo which I'm beginning to think was taken in
the 1880's. These relatives seemed to be small people, which is typical of
the Swiss at that time. The Jakob in the pic I believe is the
great-grandfather of the Swiss relatives I met who own the trucking company.
I need to make another effort to contact them.
Thanks Kent (and Kent's German friend). No I've never thought of the names Herta and Marie as the answers to the puzzle. It's not hard for me to get distracted, but your emails have distracted me today big time J. This is all so interesting.
The name, Herta, is listed as very rare, even though there was an ethnic German, Herta Mueller from Romania (Mueller I believe coincidentally is one of our family names), who won the Nobel prize in literature in 2009. I think the records you forwarded yesterday, have the girl in the photo as Bertha, which made sense because of Bertha showing up later (Bertha Stallings), so I thought maybe Herta was a nickname for Bertha, but not the case. I'm thinking the girl WAS named Herta and someone mistakenly thought she was a Bertha.
Nicknames, as in any language, sometimes replace the real names. I don't think my Verena was ever called Verena. She was known as Franny or Frainy.
I can't see where that other name could be Marie, however, but it is clue, and I'll want to make a copy of your friend translation. I can see the "rie" at the end of the name. I bet this child, she looks like the oldest, was named after her mother and went by some form of Anna Maria. It will be interesting to see what FamilySearch comes up with-- if they write back.
Regarding our ancestral home, I'll comment about that in another email and will cc my ex, Linda, who might remember more about our visit.
I thought I'd cc my ex, Linda, who was there with me. She might remember some things that I don't.
I think we made the trip the summer of 1972. We wanted to see Europe and were thinking of interviewing for teaching jobs there in one of the many International schools. I wanted to visit my Swiss homeland and Linda, a French teacher, wanted to finally see France. I went first to check on the job possibilities, but the culture shock, along with the airline losing my luggage, changed my mind about living there (I ended up with just my carry-on luggage so I went through Europe with a tennis racket and 2 suits. The luggage appeared the day we left Europe to fly back.)
I had written an official before the trip, and he did some great research for me (copy mailed to you yesterday). In Switzerland, we visited Lucerne and the capital of Aargau and 2nd largest city-- Aarau. I remember a great meal we had in Aarau (Wienerschnizel and peach melba for dessert) in a little restaurant dug under a statue in the central square. A librarian in Aarau helped us locate our cousins who now live in Kolliken. They were very friendly. Suzy, Erich's wife, spoke French, so our wives translated for Erich and me. We kept in touch with them for a few years afterwards. I wonder if Linda might still have their address?
When we went into their home, I remember Erich's mother and some kids. Erich asked one his employees to take us to the old Bachmann home, Verena's birthplace, in Wiliberg. Emma said the home had a place for animals beneath it. I can't remember much about it, except the hills and forests around it were so green and beautiful. The photo shows some other buildings in the front. I googled Wiliberg and see a few homes there, one gray one makes me wonder if it's it. Yes, Wiliberg looks small. I think your grandmother, Emma, referred to Wiliberg as a hill.
That night Erich and Suzy took us to a fancy fondue restaurant on the top of a mountain (maybe top of a hill). I remember that Erich was proud of his "new American car". I think it was a Pontiac. The freeways there don't have a speed limit, and I remember that Erich's speed made me nervous.
I was surprised that the Bachmanns there didn't seem to know much about their history, especially that their ancestor Hans Rudolf had joined the Church. Hans Rudolf and Jakob must have been very close-- only 2 years apart, worked together, all other siblings died young. Emma's writings tells us that the Church was the catalyst that caused Jakob and Hans Rudolf to sell their "hill" and go from lumbering to the transport business. You'd think they would have lingering bad feelings about all that.
I've got to make another effort to contact Erich and Suzy. I'm wondering if maybe MANY other Americans followed us to Kolliken over the years and bugged them or maybe they've heard that Mormons have other reasons to locate their dead relatives that the world doesn't understand. If nothing else they need to know that they have plenty of tourists guides in Western USA who would show them a good time. I know we were talking about them coming to Idaho to visit.
You can see a photo of the present director of the transport company, Phlipp Bachman at http://www.bachmann-transporte.ch/index.php?id=47&L=1 . You can click a "history" link to the left of Phlipp and find out how long the business has been in the Bachmann family, etc.
Where to go from here? First, we need to be able to verbalize what we want. I'm thinking that local libraries probably can't help us, but they can direct us to Swiss genealogy societies in Switzerland, but I think we want histories and photos of the descendants of Hans Rudolf, and, for that, we'd probably have to go to the family?
I'm hoping that maybe there's someone in the younger generation there, who, like us, is interested in genealogy, and has access to family records. I'd bet there are younger relatives there who now speak English.
Hopefully, this has been interesting and maybe Linda can remember more,